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eee 496 TEST SCORE CONVERSION TABLE Test Score Conversion Table Count your correct responses. Match the number of correct responses with the corresponding score from the Test Score Conversion Table (below). Add the two score’ together. This is your Total Estimated Test Score. Number of Correct Listening Responses = Listening Score Number of Correct Reading Responses _ Reading Score i Total Estimated Test Score Test Soe Conenion Table Const Ussing Rexlng ¥eonea | Tealng = 5 @ | s_| ie a rig oa | [Gs 160 Ee [20 5 | [36 165 [3s 3 5 (37. 170 [130 4 7 al [Be 5 rm 5 5 [ 180 vas @ 5 | 0 us| 10] 7 v0 ear) a | ra n is son] 2 6 a 20 pesmi Fas 10 v0 25 Ts 15 1 Fa ay 5 190 2 35 | 6 190 : 5 0 sas] a 85 weeps | sol ® [a0 5 30 3 | @ 2 16 35 [0 ] 30 25 w © [as si 25 = 8 | 2 8 Test Score Tracking Sheet {As you practice taking the TOEIC model tests, your scores should improve. Mark your number of r- req responses from each test on this sheet to track your work. Then look at the Test Score Conversion Table, on the previous page, o estimate your scores GOLD BLUE GREEN BROWN 860-990 730-855 470-725 220-465 TOEIC SCORES (Managers, Director, CEO) (Customer Service, Buyer, Accountant) (Bookkeeper, Receptionist, Computer Operators) (Technician, Filing Clerk, Electrician) Pel . TOEIC Model Test Fi a e ih LISTENING COMPREHENSION ie Part 1: Photographs iol 1. B 3D 5A Ww 2a c 6 a fo} Part 2: Question-Response bat ne “8 aa 2B 8A 15. ¢ 2. B 2. B 10 2 8 16. A 23. ¢ 30. ¢ ies 10 A 1 A 2 Mk 31 A bd ne eB 2 € ° 2 B 9 ¢ 26. B i. is A 8 mA Part 3: Conversations we wa > eB ae aD ¢ A ar me > ars a8 € as A a 6D 3D wc c ar 78 ae 5 a 8 sae “aD 8 sa. ¢ 3B aD A ar w 8 so A c no. € ren 5. B > Part 4: Talks n 8 mB we 3. ar 8 ard o6. ¢ no A ar A mA wa oO. A %6. € me aD ae oD 7% D uc 2 8 10. m ¢ 8 oA ar aA on B TOEIC MODEL TEST 395 ANSWER KEY be TOEIC Model Test w FH READING e Part 5: Incomplete Sentences wy 101 A 109. A 7. B 125. A a 102, D no. B 18 A 268. D fe} 103. B ul ¢ 9. A 27. B = 104. € 12D 20, € 123, B 105. D nae 2. B 129, A fe) 106. A 4, A 2. € 130. € ze 107. ¢ us. ¢ 123. Ww 108. B 6. D 124. B fe} se Part 6: Text Completion BL B 135, B 133, B 3. A 12. 136. € 40. A 4. > 13 ¢ 137. A ie) M5, B 134. A “138. DB 42. B 146. ¢ Part 7: Reading Comprehension uz. BD 161. D 175. A 189, D 48, A 162. ¢ 176. B 190. A us, B 163. € 17. i. ¢ 150. € 164. B 178. 192. B 151. B 165. B 179. A 193. A 152. D 166, D 100. DB 194, D 153, € 67. ¢ Il. A 195. A 154. A 168. ¢ 182. D 196. A 155, B 169, D 183, D 197, B 158. D 170. B let, B 198. D 67, D m1. A 185, € 199, € 158, A m2. ¢ 166, ¢ 200. 159, € 73. D 187. 8 160, 8 m4 8 188. ¢ 396 ESSENTIAL WORDS FOR THE TOEIC m Practice Test PART 1 1. (B) They are standing in a tne 2! (B) The man is pouring a beverage 3. (O) There isa fence in front of some trees. 4. (©) She is walking up some steps. 5. (B) Thore isa cup on the table. 6. (A) They are about lo walk between two vehicles. 7. (©) The flowers are displayed on a cart. 8. (C) Ths girl is knocking on the door. 9, (O) The man is walking alongside the bus. 10. (A) The car is being repaired. PART 2 41. (B) A day or two at most 42. (G) Fm not sure whose itis. 43: (A) Yes, they are very clear. 14. (A) Not enough, I'm afraid 45, (C) The old ones were obsolete. 46. (A) It's just across the hell. 47. (C) You should ask that man over there, 18. (A) It paid for most of it 19. (B) No. had to walk quite a ways. 20. (C) Youll be fine. Dont worry. 21. (A) Only in designated areas. (8) We're out of staples and paper. (8) Yes. Its 7.5%, {(A) This isthe third yearin a row. {8) Only i the receptionist is ut (8) No. Itis imported. (©) Not everyone could make i today. (©) The manager takes care ofthat. (A) They were investigating a breakin. (©) The owner had a family omergoncy. (8) Sho doesnt allow it {A) Tipping is not customary here. (8) Actually, 'm the owner. {(B) They seem a lite high to me. (A) Yes, we'e on the frst plane out tomorrow. {6) | spiled some tea at lunch (©) Its on the house. {A) In just a few minutes. (A) The damage was too extensive. (©) I'm about to use it myselt. 3 (©) Ina bank (0) Waitin the lobby {C) More than twenty minutes {B) Less than three weeks a year (©) As much as she could (C) He can receive extra money. (©) Ina restaurant (B) The man has undercharged the woman. {A) She was honest. (©) Forms of identification (0) Her drivers license: {A) She doesn't have the necessary documents. {O) Just after 12:00 {C) She wants to know the weather. SVSSBRLBRESBRNSRLBN 3 ESRSLSSESSSLBS ® Answer Key PH a? 55, (C) Itis later than she expected 56. (A) Use her credit card 57. (A) Try again 58. (B) The computer doesn't work properly. 59. (C) Atleast three weeks 60. (B) Save tme 61. {C) The woman will have to wait. 62. (A) Monday morning 63. (D) Making a decision today 64. (B) The client wants a decision soon. 65. (A) A job offer 66. (C) Disappointed 67, (A) He should accept it * 68. (B) An automobile rental company 69, (C) Two months ago 70, (A) A minivan PART 4 71, () Garbage pick-up 72. (B) Less frequent meetings 73, (O) Ciizons of Altamont 74. (8) Salesperson 75. (D) Too mich time in the office 76. (B) itpays well 77. (C) On Monday 78. (8) A snowstorm 79. () At 2:00 pm 80, (A) Many employees are attending 81. (A) Employee information £82. (A) Tel one ofthe trainers betore leaving 83, (A) A computer 4, (C) Wait foritto start 85, (6) Press the backspace key 86, (B) Confit with workers 87. (B) A spokesperson 88, (B) in South America 89, (C) Help ine selections 90. (A) Press number one 91. (B) Two 92. (0) Soda 98, (D) Tho food wil ako longer. 94. (D) None 95, (B) Former cons 96, (A) Somowhat risky 97. (©) Tomorrow 98, (A) Salaries and bonuses 99. (C) Tuition subsidies 400. (C) Green PART 5 101, (A) s0 ~ Such should be followed by a noun, and Is not appropriate for the sentence. Nor are as and very appropriate, because they are not used with a thatclause. The adverb sos similar in meaning to fo that extent, and when itis used before an adjective or adverb, 2 result clause should follow in the form of a that-clause. Therefore, sos the best answer. 102. 103. 104, 105. 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, m1 112, 113, 114 118, 116, (0) koop - The words, stay and remain, are verbs that do not take objects. The verb lets similar in meaning to allow, soit is not a good choice, either. The remaining verb, keep, isa verb that takes an object and means fo cause fo continue jn a certain state or condition. (©) regardless ~ Regardless is used with of to ‘mean no matier how or without regard to. (8) on - For street, we use the preposition on. (D) is being considered - Since Janet Tate is one of those who may get promoted: the that-clause should be passive. Therefore is being considered is most appropriate. {A) satisfactory ~ Since the word suitable for the blank should modity the preceding noun, accommodations, (C) and (D) cannot be ‘considered for the blank. Also accommodations ive satisfaction, not get satisfied. Hence, Satisfactory is appropriate {A) postpone ~ The presence of such words as recommend, insist, require, demand etc. requires the verb of their object clause to be an infinitive without fo. Thus. postpone is most appropriate forthe sentence. (C) make - Since followed by an infinitive without tothe blank is reserved for one of the two let ‘and make. However, lets not appropriate because It means 10 allow, while make is the right word because ofits meaning, fo cause {0 actin a specified manner. (@) disposable - When we mention things that we can dispose of after using, we use disposable. (A) denied ~ Since the sentence is a kind of offense and defense, denied meaning “deciared untrue" is most appropriate for it. Deciined means “retused politely” exclaimed ‘means “expressed suddenly.” and unciaimed ‘means “not claimed” (8) with - Be provided is followed by with. (C) to maintain ~ inabity, as well as abil, is followed by a toinfintive. (C) Unmoved ~ Considering the presence of by after the blank, we can conclude that an -ed form is needed. Moved means to affect with femotion and because the management did not change its decision we can conclude that they \were Unmoved, not affected with emotion. (A) character ~ As this is about screening tho ‘candidates fora job vacancy, a word meaning personally is what is needed for the blank. ‘The presence of his or her implies that the word should be singular (C) at - When we tell time, we use af, as in at ‘eight o'clock sharp. (©) which ~ Logic says that the blank refers to his research, Moreover, since the sentence consists of two tensed clauses (the parenthetical he hopes being set aside), the right choice for the ‘sentence should be a relative pronoun. Note that the relative pronoun, that, cannot be preceded by a preposition. 417. 18, 119. 120. 121 122, 123. 124, 125. 126, 127. 128, 129, (6) eloquent - Considering the meaning of the second clause led by bu, we can easy Conclude that eloquent (meaning characterized by persuasive and powerful discourse) isthe Tight choice. Eclecte means made up of or ‘combining elements rom a variety of sources (0) reputation ~ Since precedes by the, the blank eds a noun int. (6) but We often use everyone otowed by excopt, asin Evoryane passed except mo. Wie may substtute except for but yielding Everyone passed but me whore the choice of me instead of Jis an informal sy. (8) concentrating = We use hava trouble with an “ng form (A) though - The sentence shows a contrast. In general. along speech is very likely to fail to Saw the audience's attention, but the speaker inthis sentence held their tres om beginning to end. Thus, thoughisa conunation most appropriate forthe sentence. Note that though {quite ong derives from though twas quite jong. (©) wil have finished ~ As the preposition by represents completion, tho presence of by the timo is strong inccaion thatthe fate perlect is needed forthe main clause (A) Grew = The blank needs @ word meaning a ‘Ou of people working together Clan rters to a large group of relatives, fiands. or associates therelore crew isthe best ante. (8) creation — As it is inferred that a solid customer ‘bases the objec ofthe verb, creat, the noun ‘creation best complats the sontonc® Creativity refers to originality, creature to Something created, and creatorto ane that creates (0) on~ The wholes used withthe preposition on to mean considering everything or asa rule. (8) advise ~ Two infntive phrases are provided as complements tothe subjec, and so a verb is needed forthe blank. Advice and advisor are nouns, and avisoryis an adjective Note that a¢¥50 1 Used herein the sense of inform or oti (©) investors — Considering the verb soen and the pronoun their used inthe sentonce, te blank 's therefore reserved fr people who invest Hence, investors, where “or Felers to & person, is most appropriate forthe sentence {®) not having informed ~ The speaker apologizes for what they should have done earier. When wo regret because we drt do something, we Le regret not having -ed. Note that when folowed by @toinfintve, regret means foo! sory about saying (A) to As fo means about or wih gard to. So tos most appropiate forthe santonce Answer Key 9 4190. (D) resort - tis easily inferred that the representatives are asked not to depend (on certain sales tactics. The verb that may support this inference Is resort. Succumb means surrender, resoive means to solve, and submit means surrender/hand in anyone - As hardly is a negative adverb, no ‘one cannot be chosen because of the ban against double negation. Nor can hardly be immediately followed by a pronoun like those ‘or a preposition like of However, hardly can bbe used with anyone, meaning almost no one. 192. (C) docreased ~ It seems clear that the role of COLAS is to keep the value of pensions from ‘dropping due to Inflation; theretore, decreased Js the most appropriate word for the sentence. 198. (C) much loss ~ The most possible meaning of the sentence seems “How can we achieve a profit when itis dificult even to cover expenses?” Thus, much less meaning even less likely is fois most appropriate for the biank. Evermore means always, or for ever, and more or less means somewhat. 194. (C) keeping up ~ As the role of customer service representatives is to meet the customer's calls, ‘keeping up isthe best choice in that it means 10 continue at the same pace. Hold down means 10 limit, put through means fo obtain a Telephone connection for, and take over means {0 assume the control or management of 135, (8) coverage ~ Since itis inferred that the merger ‘was not completed because of the news report, coverage, ane of is definitions being report, is most appropriate. 136. (B) fatigue - The fact that they are going to allow ‘more breaks and increase the length of breaks for the employees is a strong hint that the Injuries are due to workers being tired. Fatigue {physical or mental weariness from exertion) is therefore the most appropriate. 197. (A) mandatory ~ When attendance is required, we say itis mandatory. Laudatory means ‘expressing praise, exemplary means worthy of imitation, and disciplinary means relating to discipline 198. (A) productivity - The across-the-board pay raises In the sentence strongly implies that the output per unit of labor turned out better than before. Productivity ean mean the production of goods has increased while time and money spent to {get the goods has remained the same, 199, (A) say ~ Perceptual verbs like watch, see, listen 10, hear, feel should take a base form of vert) after its object; thus, say is most appropriate for the sentence. 140. (B) regarding - Since both concern and the decision are nouns, they should be connected by a preposition. OF the four choices given, ‘only regarding is a preposition meaning concerning, of with respect 1. ® ‘Answer Key 131. (A) PART 6 141. (C) devoted - Devote oneseif toi often used as a passive form, i, be devoted te, meaning %o give one's time and attention to an activity or person” 142. (A) monthly - When something is published once ‘a month, we say itis published month. 148. (0) of - When a noun that derives trom a ver takes its objec, it should be followed by & preposition. In case of violation, the preposition ofis used. 144, (C) foloning - When fallow comes before a noun to modify it should be in aning form, 145. (A) least ~ Since the sentence is stressing the importance of washing hands, atleast meaning not less than is most appropriate for the sontonce. Note that at most means atthe ‘maximum. 146. (C) might - The speaker warns the possibilty of the employees having to leave work for the day I they fall to meet the given guidelines. To talk about a possibilty, particularly a sight possiblity, we use might 147. (B) delivery - Since preceded by the, the blank should be filed with a noun. The presence ‘of mail at the end of the sentence implies that delivery is most appropriate. Deliverance, ‘another noun form, means rescue, while doliberation, which derives from deliberate, ‘means thoughttuiness in decision or action. 148, (C) better - When followed by a noun, the superlative form needs the betore it. Best and ‘most are therefore not appropriate. To use ‘more the context should be plural and implios increasing the amount. Better implies increasing the quality. 149. (A) above ~ Since no further information is provided below, the information must refer to the information that has already been discussed ‘Thus, above is most appropriate 180. (D) current - The sale is being offered for the stock that they have now. For stock that is available now, we use current stock Note that Wwe cannot use contemporary in this sentence, which is mostly used to rele to persons, books, or accidents that belong to the same period of time, 151. (0) other ~ Of the four choices, what can follow ‘manyis only other. 152, (A) cheaper ~ The price they will match is a cheaper price that occurs in the iFclause, so cheaper is most appropriate. Note thatthe is a hint saying thatthe... price reers to what has already been mentioned. PART 7 183, (D) Four 154, (B) The bookcases 4185. (A) The women's gol cubs 186. (A) Fourteen years old 187. (0) Proof of age 188. (B) Between January 25 and February 12 159, (A) Eldoriy poople 160. (0) Most deaths from falls among the elderly are preventable. 161. (8) Many people trip end fll over electrical and telephone cords. 162. (C) They were not bive. 163. (A) For facility upkeep 168. (0) Email address 165. (©) Thore will bo one more daly fight 1 Butfalo from County Arpor. 166. (6) Two 167. (A) He works for tho Metro Airport Authority 168. (C) It was desired by local business travelers. 169. (A) The cleaniiness of the restaurant 170. (0) He had heard it was good. 171. (B) To praise the restaurant 172. (0) They were unfamiliar with American restaurants 178. (C) Homeowners 174, (D) It can be used while stil inthe garage. 175. (A) Wait a short time 176. (D) On a day with bad weather 177. (O) tis open only to registred businesses. 178. (C) Ethical companies 179. (A) Unethical businesses cen easly join. 180. (0) Product discounts 181. (0) All regional managers 182. (B) Because of ¢ change in data keeping 185. (©) Twenty-one hours 184. (A) Itis more cos efficient than the current system. 185, (B) Seling of records 186, (0) To renew a membership 187. (O) He has boen a member since 1989 188. (©) $41.98 189, (G) Its paid for once a year 190. (8) Two 191. (B) A police officer 182. (C) Whether the citation wil be contested 198. (C) Because the vehicle owner didn't pay for parking 194. (©) $20 195. (C) They are too expensive. 196. (0) To apply fora erect cara 197. (©) tis good, 198. (C) Too many debts 199. (B) Request it from Equity Evaluations, Inc 200. (D) She may request a free cred report © Biles t021c second Eon PART 1 (C) The room has been set up for a conference. (A) The man is painting a door. (B) There are tools on the work bench. (B) The two women look happy. (B) The cars are atthe gas station. (C) The woman is surfing the Internet. (C) The people are arranging papers on a table (A) The women are discussing a document. (B) The man and women are surveying the view. (A) The woman is seated on the right of one of the men PART 2 12, 3 14 15. 16. M7. 18 19, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 30. 31. 32, 33. 34 35. 36. 37. 38 39, 40. (B) No, she took the shuttle. (B) In June, (B) Long, about 12 houts. (©) Go straight dovn the middle aisle to the back (B) OK, but 'm not sure it’s the right job for (4) Yes, here's an application form. (A) Walter, he wants you to call him back. (©) It's because it's on the main road. (4) Sure, tum ton. (4) Lid. But I didn’t understand them. (A) Only five days, and it must be for a family member. (B) Return it to the manufacturer. (B) The last weekend in March. Is that OK? (B) Ie’ the white building on the ight. (B) To Edgar Winters. (A) Of course! Your proposal was excellent. (B) The same as yesterday. (4) Iwas hoping I could look at it over the weekend. (8) They aren't happy with it. (a) Il be right there (a) Why? Is there a problem? (A) Yes, she's areal professional (B) It’s supposed to be delivered within the hour. (B) They'l tellus atthe weekly meeting on ‘Wednesday. (B) Moroceo and Egypt (B) Do you mean the red power mower, sit? (©) He'l arrive at ten, and we'll get started at 10:30. (4) ve never known Alison to miss a deadline ‘or forget to do something, (B) Thave no idea. This is such a mess. (B) Drop by my office this afternoon, PH2d PART3 a 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 52. 53, oo 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. a 62, 63. 64. 65, 66. 67, 68, 69. 70. (C) Itis too dark, (A) Putting in some extra lights (B) Buy some table lamps (©) She doesn't care if Peter is present or not (B) They'l have to say everything twice. (C) His time management skills (©) Edita report (A) Whether she has communicated clearly (B) She is a better writer than she realizes. (B) He thinks he has the flu. (B) He should have stayed home. (B) They are going through a quiet period. (B) He left his keys in the parking Tot (D) Coworkers (A) No one tried to take his car. (A) He hopes she likes her new job. (A) She's going to coordinate conferences. (©) May" (B) Shopping for clothes (©) Disappointed . (A) With sympathy (B) She has been given a raise. (A) That the company makes the woman work too hard (©) To the manager's office (©) He might lose his job. (A) He hasn’t been working at the company for very long. (©) Worried about her job security . (©) To make a complaint (B) The man is leaving, (A) Because she needs to find a suitable replacement PART 4 7. 7. 73. 7 8 76. 7. 2. 79. 80. 8, Be. 83. 84. (D) Ata staff meeting (D) Beneath the back windows (B) Just before noon (©) Two medical doctors (B) She is an excellent lecturer. (©) Lived in West Africa (B) Taos Communications (©) They have new film projectors (0) 86 (B) 7 days (©) Hold on to your hats because it will be windy. (D) Mild temperatures with gusting winds (a) There are not enough seats available (©) Arbitrarily move passengers toa different flight 85, (B) A better class of travel ora free flight 86. (B) When the library is open 87. (B) People with vision problems 88. (B) 2 89, (A) A health supplement 90. (A) For three weeks ‘on. (C) Start with 600 mg, then reduce it to 300 mg 92. (C) To announce job cuts (93, (D) For a year 94. (C) The most junior employees 95. (D) Six times 96. (A) That his company has not been doing its best 97. (C) Call Kevin 98, (B) To promote a new book ‘99. (A) She thought the market was saturated. 100. (A) Anyone interested in fund management PARTS 101. (B) number 102. (A) was held 103. (©) don't 104. (C) within 105. (B) complex 106. (D) most 107. (©) due to 108. (A) competitive 109. (B) would be 10, (©) Situated ant, (B) on 112, (D) list 113. (©) hope 114, (B) rather ung, (A) proved 116. (B) enough 117. (D) seemed 8. (D) have changed 19. (B) excited 120. (C) sum 221. (B) was x22, (A) when 123, (D) Since 124, (C) better 125. (B) informative 126. (A) might 127. (D) from 128, (D) as soon as, 129. (B) As 130. (A) have developed 131. (C) provide 132. (D) come out 193. (B) lower 334. (C) reflect 135. (B) had been 196. (A) essential 197. (C) currently 138. (B) on 139. (B) must 140. (D) Higher PART 6 gt. (C) resort 142. (A) all-inclusive 143. (B) enter 144. (A) spend 145. (B) increases 146. (C) installed 147. (C) proseeuted 148. (A) entitled 149. (D) celebrate 150. (B) save 151. (C) initial 152. (C) comprehensive ‘Answer Keys | PART 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162, 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 70. m7. 172. 173, 174, 175. 176, 17. 178. 179, 180. 181 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. (© Heis a tax accountant. (D) Rhonda Me\ (© $5250 (D) According tothe distance transported (© Apenknife (B) 70 pounds (©) Anyone interested in improving their computer skills (B) Twice a month . (©) Aschedule of classes (B) Report financial transactions of a certain (A) They are unhappy about them. (A) Prevent illegal funds being channeled secretly by organized crime groups (B) To confirm a reservation for a meeting at the BV Center (a) About 80 (D) As soom as she receives this letter (B) The AV department and Food and Beverage Manager (©) Its free of charge and available all the time. (B) Madrid (B) ‘Type the fax onto a website (©) Aheadset (A) Individuals who conduct international financial transactions (D) 5, regardless of your balance (©) Transferring funds to another bank fifteen times in a month, without incurring charges (D) $1,000 (B) Passengers must fly once a month for 12 months. (D) It doesn't matter how far you fy (© Amaximum of 4 (B) By calling a special phone line oF downloading the form (B) He wants a quiet room. (©) By telephone (©) After midnight (©) The hotel is located far from the road (A) Mr. Rodriguez's credit card number (a) March 31" (©) Pay the full amount before July 5* (B) He should have paid the full amount by April 298. ©s (A) Because the order was canceled EBs r081¢ PART 1 (©) The room has been set up for a conference. (A) The man is painting a door. (B) There are tools on the work bench, (B) The two women look happy. (B) The cars are at the gas station. (C) The woman is surfing the Internet. (©) The people are arranging papers on a table (A) The women are discussing a document, (8) The man and women are surveying the view. (A) The woman is seated on the right of one of the men, PART 2 33. 14 16. 1. 38, 19. 20. a. 22, 23. 24 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. 30. 3 32, 33. 34 35. 36. 38. 39. 40, (B) No, she took the shuttle, (B) In June. (B) Long, about 12 hours. (C) Go straight down the middle aisle to the back. (B) OK, but I'm not sure it’s the right job for (A) Yes, here's an applicatjon form. (A) Walter, he wants you to call him back. (©) It’s because it’s on the main road. (A) Sure, turn it on (a) I did, But I didn't understand them, (A) Only five days, and it must be for a family member. (B) Return it to the manufacturer. (B) The last weekend in March. Is that OK? (B) It's the white building on the right. (B) To Edgar Winters. (A) Of course! Your proposal was excellent, (B) The same as yesterday (A) Iwas hoping I could look at it over the weekend. (B) They aren't happy with it (a) Tbe right there. (A) Why? Is there a problem? (A) Yes, she's a real professional. (B) It's supposed to be delivered within the hour. (B) They'l tell us at the weekly meeting on Wednesday. (B) Moroceo and Egypt. (B) Do you mean the red power mower, sir? (©) Hel arrive at ten, and we'll get started at 10:30. (A) Tve never known Alison to miss a deadline ‘or forget to do something. (B) have no idea. This is such a mess. (B) Drop by my office this afternoon, PH2d PART a 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47 48. 49. 50. 5 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58 59. 60. 61 62, 63 (©) Tis too dark. (A) Putting in some extra lights (B) Buy some table lamps (©) She doesn’t care if Peter is present or not (8) They'l have to say everything twice. (C) His time management skills (©) Edit a report (A) Whether she has communicated clearly (B) She is a better writer than she realizes. (B) He thinks he has the fu (B) He should have stayed home. (B) They are going through a quiet period. (B) He left his keys in the parking lot. (D) Coworkers (A) No one tried to take his car. (A) He hopes she likes her new job. (A) She's going to coordinate conferences, (© May" (B) Shopping for clothes (©) Disappointed (A) With sympathy (B) She has been given a raise (A) That the company makes the woman work too hard (©) To the manager's office (©) He might lose his job. (A) He hasn't been working at the company for very long. (©) Worried about her job security (©) Tomake a complaint (B) The man is leaving, (A) Because she needs to find a suitable replacement PART 4 (D) Ata staff meeting (D) Beneath the back windows (B) Just before noon (©) Two medial doctors (B) She is an excellent leturer. (© Lived in West Arica (B) Taos Communications (©) They have new film projectors (0) 86 (B) 7 ays (©) Hold on to your hats because it wll be windy. (D) Mild temperatures with gusting winds (A) There are not enough seats available. - (©) Arbitrarily move passengers to a different flight “ge TOEIC Second Elion 19}. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. (©) Telephone people who are not expecting to hear from him (A) His excellent sales record - (B) To arrange an interview - (B) Call Ms. Prendergast - (A) She hires new employees. - (B) You must spend $50 a month to get cheaper rates, 197. (D) You save 30% on all subsequent calls. 198. (C) To get further information 199. (C) One run by Telephone Connection’s competitors 200, (A) Whom she can call atthe cheapest rate, and at what diseount PALF PART1 PART3 1. (D) The aiport lounge is almost empty. 41. (D) Upset and unimpressed 2 (B) The man is wearing protective headgear. 42. (A) Very surprised 3. (B) There are very few customers in the store. 43. (A) The company is located overseas. 44 (A) The woman is using a notebook computer. 444. (B) It was too low, 5. (C) Four flags are hanging from the office 45. (B) Disappointed building 46. (A) Te will be hard to beat 6, (A) Two businesspeople are walking pasta 47. (B) The new receptionist i not very efficient. patk 48. (C) 4 weeks 7. (A) The man and woman are sitting next to 49. (B) He needs to give the receptionist more each other time. 8, (B) The man is waiting for someone. 450. (B) How he would like her to send the report 9. (C) Theres a file onthe desk 51, (D) Delivered by hand 10. (D) The waiter is carrying a tray of drinks 52. (©) In the afternoon 53. (A) Take her tothe airport 54. (D) 5:00 PART2 55. (A) It will be too early for the man. 11, (A) No, have to leave by 4:00. 56. (C) He starts early. (©) On the table in the break room. 57. (D) He is surprised by the changes. (B) Yes, we need to add more desks. 58. (C) One of their coworkers wanted a different (A) No, Mr. Curds has one more thing. schedule. (©) San Francisco. 59. (B) Making an airline fight reserv (A) Because he lost his walle, * 60. (B) 9:40 am. (eApreenapraorarsts 61. (B) She is collecting frequent fyer points from (A) Not as often as I should. that airline. 19. (B) That’ avery good idea, 62, (B) Reading a report 20. (A) About three quarters of a tank. 63, (A) He thinks his work might not be good 21, (A) Here it is, ready to be copied. ‘enough. 2, (C) Yes, it's supposed to arrive within the 64, (A) It deserves praise. ae 65. (C) The water supply has been cut off. og (alin aac wk gaia: 666. (8) There is not much that they can do. 24, (A) Um, actually, 'm thinking of fying, 67. (D) Put up signs and close the restrooms 25. (C) Yes, it was terrible. 68. (B) Ata bank eit) median vas 69, (B) Switch toa higher interest account 127. (B) She seems very competent and kind. 70. (A) It would be better not to change things. 28. (A) Yes, that's no problem. 29, (A) Yes, expected it to be longer. 30. (B) In five weeks. PART 4 31. (A) That's OK. There's an extension cord under 71. (C) To introduce new staff members the table 72. (C) Business investments in Asia ‘32. (C) Certainly, sir, if could just see some 73. (A) Switzerland identification? ‘74. (B) Thereis a dinner withthe stat 3. (A) By Friday atthe lates. 75. (©) Friday ‘34. (A) Because I can never explain what I want to 76. (D) Friday others. 77. (B) Over the telephone 35. (B) To be honest, I don't really remember. 78. (D) Dallas 36. (A) I'm going to do it on the way to the bank 79. (B) International Airlines 37. (B) He's usually at his desk by 8:30. 80. (A) Two companies will share marketing, 38. (B) There must have been at least 50 people campaigns. there. 81. (C) 5 years 39. (C) I don't know, but I'm glad I'm not in your 82. (C) Both companies are very successful. shoes. 83. (A) Get three sponsors 40. (B) Press the big red one. £84, (B) Activites for children v ug TOEIC Sond Eton (C) Wear comfortable shoes (C) Ata new employee orientation (D) 10 (B) That the manager is part of a team (D) 11 rooms (C) Entry fees 91. (B) They have been providing labor for free. 92. (C) Agarden supply center 193. (D) Over four decades 04, (B) Free compost 95. (C) Easy ways to save money 96. (D) Even slight changes in spending habits can save you a lot of money. 97. (B) Itisa waste of money. 98. (A) To tell him that catering costs are higher than anticipated 9. 3 100. (C) Reduce the variety of dishes and request a new estimate PARTS: x01. (©) would have applied 102, (B) Actually 103. (A) told 104. (A) received 105, (D) change 106. (C) am not 107. (B) other people 108. (D) doesn'thave 109. (C) any 10, (A) for 111. (B) isn't necessary 112, (D) decision 113. (C) makes ang, (D) in 115. (C) most of 116. (A) able 147. (B) until 118. (B) signs 119. (D) required 120. (C) to bring 12x, (A) as much 122. (A) more reasonable 123. (C) considered 124. (D) salary 125. (©) quidly 126. (A) would 327. (C) agreed 128. (B) late 129, (B) lack x30. (D) difficulties 131. (C) Hardly 132. (C) recorded 333. (A) gained 134. (A) effect 135. (D) mast persuasive 196. (B) as soon as x97. (C) never have expected 138. (D) show 139. (D) outstanding, 140. (C) ber PART 6 141. (©) draw 142. (A) revised 243. (©) minute 144. (D) regular 145. (C) remind 146. (B) existing, 147. (C) submit 148. (A) enjoy 149. (A) affordable 150. (C) disereet 151. (B) cutting corners 152. (A) registering P29 PART 158. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 260. 161 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168, 169. 180. 181 182. 183, 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 178. . (C) Before 10 a.m. and after 3 p.m. (B) USA Hong Kong (B) The same prices apply toa celular hone or fax. () $450 (A) To notify readers of a new treatment fora disease (B) Women who suffered broken bones {(©) The Czech Republic would lose jobs to Romania and Lithuania (A) Tewould provide economie growth fr all three nations. (B) twill expand its membership, (D) Ceech labor unions (©) They are business partners (B) The existing engraving companies are tunable to cope with demand. (©) Somewhere outside of the US (B) How to prepare a resumé (©) Toact asa tool forgetting you a job interview (4) Your most reeent job (©) Your nationality and the fact that you are single (A) To provide its recipients with information they can use to recruit new students fora program (8) 3,600 (©) Teachers are retiring and enrollment is increasing (©) Scholarships and a qualifying bonus (B) To inform passengers of seasonal changes () 5:45 2.1m, and 1:25 p.m. (B) Anyone traveling onthe Sea Star Express between June 1" and September 108 (© Byasking for ne at any Western Railways station (D) To teach preventive measures against getting skin cancer (B) To promote a brand of children’s products (A) Getting sunburned once or twice has no lasting effects. (A) The company was recommended by a colleague. (D) Ata private dinie (©) To notify a customer of delayed shipment (B) They offer excellent quality at reasonable prices @) By February 28, 2006 (D) To ask for feedback on a new advertising idea (A) Because their customer base is young (A) They'l use GPS to inform customers of nearby retailers. | | 389. (A) Difficulty obtaining cell phone users’ personal data 190. (C) Special discounts on monthly fees 191. (B) Nonpayment of bills 192. (A) Blue Raven Construction 193. (C) He is on sick leave, 194. (A) 23 195. (C) For mailing and packing charges Azswer Kos 196. (D) A retirement party 197. (C) Because he does a lot of business with George Spencer's company 198. (C) Singapore 199. (A) Monday 200. (C) Lennox Brothers has several branches in foreign countries. BBB tape TOEIC Sond soe PART1 1. (B) The road is being repaired. 2. (A) The aircraft aisle is clear 3. (C) The women are looking at a computer - (A) The wall is being painted. . (B) There's heavy equipment in the parking Tot. 6. (A) The men are resting in a park. (B) A contract is being signed by the office workers. 8. (D) There are a few coins in front of the phone. 9. (©) Awoman is making some photocopies. 10. (D) There is an umbrella beside the man. PART 2 11, (©) We might be able to. 12, (B) For half an hour. 13. (A) She went home. 14. (A) This morning. 15, (A) No, I start at 8 pam. instead of 9 a.m. 36. (B) By air courier. 17. (B) Yes, tice already. 18, (A) I'm not sure. Let me check. 19, (C) Bight dollars. 20. (B) Yes, they came yesterday afternoon. 23. (B) Welll gt our first issue next month. 22. (C) Yes, I've read it. 23. (C) I think he's having car trouble. ‘24. (A) Express, please. It has to arrive as quickly as possible 25. (B) No, 1 can handle them myself 26. (B) 'mforit 27. (B) He's based in the Hong Kong office now. 28. (C) That sounds interesting. 29. (A) I think it’s number four, 30. (A) Td like a phone number, please. ‘31. (B) 1 call back later ifT were you. 32. (A) Itonly takes five minutes by tax. 33. (©) Ithink it’s the 10%. 34. (A) Td send an email I's alot quicker. ‘35. (B) Try shaking the cartridge. There might be alittle le. 36. (A) I did. Is there a problem? 37. (A) They are here for a seminar at three o'clock. 438. (A) I'm not sure which store you mean, 39. (B) At the State Convention Center. 40. (C) She'll be here until the 23" PH 30 PART 3 4 42, 43. 44 45. 46. 47. 4B 49. 50. 5h 52. 53 54. 55: 56. a7. 58. 59. 60. 6. 62, 63. 64. 65. 66. on. 68. 69. 70. (A) A department store (a) He bought the wrong size. (©) Arefund (©) Airport check-in desk clerk (D) Half of them (D) Put al his important items together (B) A proposal (©) Friday (a) Wednesday (a) Rent a car (©) Three (B) Full insurance (A) To be able to see everyone {A) He was out of the ofice last week. (D) Next week (©) Ata railway station (D) Tomorrow morning (©) He missed the last train (B) Make a phone call (A) Coins in exchange for a dollar bill (A) Asking at the newspaper stand (B) Acold drink and a donut (©) Geta discounted drink with every two donuts (B) It sounds good, but she's not interested (©) Acompany report (A) Because only John’s proposal was mentioned (D) Talking tothe direetor about his concerns (A) Cash a traveler’s check (D) Some form of identification (B) His driver’ license PART 4 7. 7. 73. 7, % 7. 7. 2B. 79. Bo. 81 82 83, 84, (B) President of a company (A) Open a factory (D) twill pump a lot of money into the local economy. (©) A meeting (A) In the Central Administration building (D) At oss (B) 32° (a) Partly cloudy. (D) At 10 pm. (A) On the telephone (C) Bank Management (B) Send their resumé (a) Drivers (©) There was an accident. 85. (D) Ina helicopter 86. (C) New and used cars 87. (A) Free repairs 88. (D) Every day 80. (B) To introduce a guest speaker 90. (A) His inventions ‘91. (©) Ithad no dust bag inside 92. (A) Hourly discounts on certain items 93. (B) A yellow light will flash. 94. (D) Items will e marked witha sticker. 95. (C) To let him know the statu of his reservation 96, (A) One week 97. (B) His creditcard number and dietary requirements 98. (B) People aged over 60 PARTS 101. (D) show 102. (C) event 103. (A) drafted 104. (D) asa 105. (A) further 106. (A) has 107, (C) came 108. (B) fabric 109. (B) needs 10. (D) required 1. (B) best 12. (A) had been 113. (A) should 114. (A) Since 115, (D) Although 6. (D) fewer 117. (B) those ni8. (D) until 19. (B) still 120. (B) on 121. (A) wealth 12a. (A) exceeded 123, (D) are hoping 124, (B) immeasurable 125. (C) still 126. (A) objective 127. (C) latest 128. (C) of 129. (D) fill 130. (B) worst 131. (B) want to 132. (©) hundreds 133. (C) upto 134. (A) facilities 135. (B) diversity 136. (C) gives 137. (D) had been appointed 138. (D) chosen 139. (A) could have go. (A) quality PART 6 141. (C) unattended 142. (C) valuables 143. (D) reimburse 144. (B) cooperation 145. (C) regret 146. (C) Unfortunately 147. (B) notice 148, (A) arrangements 149. (D) brought 150. (C) tolerate 151. (©) If 152. (B) aware nw Ks EB PART 7 153. 154 155. 156. 157, 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 17 172. 173. 174. 175, 176. 7 178. 179. 180. 181 182, 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189, 190. 191 (© YoYo Ma @) Saturday (B) At the box office (A) Not permit unauthorized use ofthe vehicle (B) Process a creditcard voucher in Customer's name (© Hemp hammocks (© $55.00 @) 15% (D) Environmentally safe products (A) To inform workers how to throw away diferent types of waste (0) Glass (B) A code number in reference tothe bins (©) Amotor show (D) To counter the Corvette's success (A) Drag racing (B) There are more women than in the past. (B) They are free. (©) Make an appointment (B) Families of substance abusers (B) It depends upon the family’s disposable (B) The development ofa candy to help people sive up smoking (B) It does not contain nicotine (A) Its awaiting federal approval (©) In major drug stores (D) Much ofthe heat disappears through the walls and roof (4) Until now, it was not available to the ordinary consumer, (© Malfan hour (B) A frce gift with every purchase © Because he wants employees to avoid trouble entering Singapore (B) 30 days (B) File a formal application (B) It was helpful but somewhat inadequate. (A) The company should provide additional paperwork to employees traveling to Singapore. (A) A training course for sales people (8) Carol Dinkins (8) Top sales staf (B) Both “The Satisfied Customer” and “Targeting your Audience” (A) As yet unspecified companies (A) Reasons why people shop at one particular supermarket chain BB [tgs TOFIC Seco 192. 193. 1094. 195. 196. (B) Workin the advertising department of Buyways, (A) The answers are ambiguous. (A) Shoppers in their 208 (©) Heis waiting until he meets the others in person (©) To complain about poor service (B) She didn’t think she would have any problems, 198. (C) Free delivery 199. (A) They are a young, inexperienced company. 200. (B) To compensate her for the inconvenience she suffered 7

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