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HTML & CSS: Learned about basic html and css and practice many types of designs
2. JAVA-Script(Basic): Learned about the basic java script and practiced some of the functions
3. Making responsive: Practiced some simple web design and tried to make them responsive
4. CSS Frameworks: Learned about Bootstrap and tailwind and applied them in some practice
5. JAVA-Script(mid-advance): learned about the event listener and functions, loops, api, json and
have done some small projects about bank management for better understanding in
mathematical operations using java script
here I’m attaching the image

also practiced some operation that fetch the data from an online API using java script
here I’m attaching the image
6. React JS: Learned about react js and practiced them many times
7. Reacted router and API: learned about react router dom, and learned about the react hooks
fetched data from api
here I’m attaching some image
8. React Authentication: learned authentication using firebase
a. Authenticate using email and password
b. Authenticate using google
c. Authenticate using github
d. Authenticate using facebook
e. Email Varification
f. Reset Password

9. Firebase Firestore: learned about the create, read and delete operation using firebase firestore
and applied them in our 4th year project. And make the different operations for members,
admin, superAdmin
admin side image

here is the projects live link:

10. React + Vite: larned about React + vite, that’s kinds of lite version of react, that is much faster
than normal react.

11. Express-js and Mongodb: Learned practiced some of the crud operation to learn express js, and
used mongo-db for server side data handling.
here i'm attaching the git repository links that i have learned while practicing.

simple user management using express and mongo-db

server side:
client side: nt-CRUD
a coffee shop using express and mongo-db
server side:
client side:

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