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“sala pt EEO ETT gC) CH “You may select any of the following as your FREE blades (must be all one style) Skip Tooth (#STBI ~ sizes: 2/0, 2, 5, 7, 9 & 12 or Double Tooth (#OTB) — sizes: 13,5.7.9 & 12. *May be 12 ea. of two styles, All designs were crafted from 1/2” Baltic Birch (you may use 1/4 or 3/8* if you prefen and are designed for the ever popular 126" (36MM) miniature fit-ups {available on page 90 & 91 of this magazine). Sizes range from 642" Wx 712" H Dribbling the Ball” - #58-400-P) to 912" W x 1012" H Cat” - #8B-407-P), Add 10% shipping to the pricing, minimum $5.00. Orders over $200.00 shipped FREE!!! We accept Visa, Mastercard & Discover. Send your name and Cee ae cee he STEEBAR CORP. po. Box 980 -we-14, Andover, NJ 07821-0980. ' Fax (973) 383-8918 Phone (973) 383-1026 HUNGRY LIZARD SE-A10-P WIZARD Su-417-P DUELING DRAGONS: SE-414P SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICING" ON... NICE PUTT BALTIC BIRCH PLYWOOD si ee a ae ee ee) Dede el eae eae eee et CeIn Mua ee Rr a eee cae ee a STOCK SIZE 1ioS ito 24 25+ BB-125-12 1/6" x 12" 5 12 Sr eo 95 BB-250012 1/47 x 12" x 127 eT Sr) eG BB-975-12 3/87 x12" x 12" ET oar Ser BB-500012 1/2" x 12" x 12" en eG Seo Cyc a eT ESET $1.50 Poe cea 7 eo er ms ei OO Cee $4.75 eT $3.15 S5-400-P B6-500.24 1/2" x 12" arr mT) $3.30 eee SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICING* ON... OLSON SCROLL SAW BLADES Fine quality blades since: 118 CU se hand a SKIP TOOTH BLADES lorder # STB + size} Sizes: 2/0, 2.5, 7,9 & 12 AREA Doda eye oc et yrs) ana! Cots a ae ea ee eel Eee ea acs ae cee ar 1 DOZEN=$3.00 1 GROSS - $27.85 Dee e Cette eee ear) etiam eet yee) Pole eet ra eel ce toe Meee eee aC) lr ets cele en) Payee ot ee er ee) Orie ee ye ee eee YL) Sees et ee Re ees NG YANG LIZARD CANADA GOOSE ‘St. SB-A06-P: Four Mini Clocks eiecn BC allele Golf Ball Clock eee] ney |] Summer Screen | Sena tar he Summer Home Plaque eee ci tll afl d om cen Steere diet enn Waa ts Robert Borkowski Profile Editorial .. q TETSE ry The Eclectic Toolbox . Full red Pr Chis Beis an Lie el LS No.2 Te Ruled I ST RTE Tat Wood Market ........ * Rob Borkowski « PVR eh ad) Ce beara | Creative Woodworks & Crafts, we're Iways looking for new talent in the realm of pattern artistry Therefore, it was a real pleasure for us to dis- cover Rob Borkowski right in our own “back- yard” of Northwestern New Jersey, We were introduced ta Rob by our graphic artist. Kelly Alberison, Rob and Kelly are lifelong friends who met at age three and grew up in the same neighborhood, Kelly says “Rob has janing since “Ready for Battle,” one of Rob's most recent scroll sav patterns a cag he was a little kid. He's a natural-born a Rob’s original assignment was to illustrate a few select projects in each issue of Creative Woodworks & Crafts. Some samples of his illustrations are shown on the pages of this article (see dragon below). After a while, Rob also began to design his own serall saw pat- terns, and over the past year he has greatly impressed us with his talent and creative imagination. Rob's first series of about ten patterns was purchased {in rough form) by Scroller Ltd. Many of these patterns were of wizards. dragons, and similar molifs. Subsequent! he designed four excellent wildlife patterns for Ray Seymore of Seyco, The Scroll Saw lists, Inc. Rob’s next pattern was of a Trouble") This Speci uwo-headed dragon (called “Double that he worked on with Scroller Ltd unusual project ended up on the cover of our special collector's edition, Scral! World. Judging by the success of Scroll! World at the newsstind, people really took to this pattern! Buoyed up by the success of his Scroll World pattern, Rob stepped up his efforts and began producing a wide array of great patterns. Another one of Rob's patterns, ‘The Wizard Clock, found its way onto the cover of the February, 1998 isste of Creative Woodworks & Crafts. He also began spending mare time using his scroll saw, so that he could bette understand the scroll sawyer’s_ perspective. erse body of high Il quality work for Dick Holley of Steebar Corp. who was so impressed he has decided to market them himself, Rob's philosop! nb He expresses this free- dom by ha areas is hun s currently developing lots of new, “Lookin for terns. These patterns, Luneh” with their cartoon-like ive team “out those patterns, see 3 of this issue, as well as the Full Siz Pattern Section for Reb’ Tower of pattern. g Pee a ie ue eee Peek tate tae) ra et eee cree ees fl i This pattern appears a a BONUS PATTERN in this pS areca) etn er sire ‘Archway Arbor 104" HE Pan = vo" Wx “Quarterback” Blue Bird Houses IT Hs oe Was D Plan #23 - 2 3 797 W, Remus Read Dept.CWC-16 Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 1-800-892-4026 ee) i Add $3.00 $ & H per order {not item) Color catalog $3.00 free with order ‘MI residents add 6% Y Tower of Enchantment Clock Pada Ue eat Bonus ea aad aloments, and can be lelt untinished or painted. Cuttin rom —The pattem in its present size requires a piece of wood approximately 1/2" x 12” x 14° with a base apprexi- mately 4" x 1-1/2" x 14", The clack pictured above is made of cherry: this stack can be obtainad fram Heritage Building Speciallios (00) 524.4184, 205 N, Cascada, Fargus Falls. MIN 56537 —There are 380 interior cuts in the pattern, These required 329 holes bored with a 1/16"-Dia. bit and 61 holes bored with a No. 58 bit. —Mark all dill centers with an avd, This will help the bit to stay on center, —Bore the 1-3/8"-Dia, hole for the clock before: making any interior cuts. That way you can make any necessary adjustments and not have an unplanned cut thru. ree ueloa Here are seme tips to help you along the way, Wes’ Woc 10p —Most scroll saw tables will not support the entire project during this cut. | found it necessary to lape the: Pattern piece to the backgraund waste while cutting around the perimeter. Use your hands along with the lape to support the free portion so that it does not hang: Up on the edge of the table and cause an overcul. —The total time | spent cutting this pattern was hours, This included adhering the pattern to the wood, boring lade entry holes. sawing the pattern, sanding, and applying an oll finish. It required six No. 5R blades, one No. 2A blade, and one No. 2/0 blade, as well as the use: «tthe magnifying lamp. —You can find this pattern in Full Size Pattern Section No, 1 of this issue. Good luck! -Wes Demarest Dimitra Wecdnorks & Crans eS EXCALIBUR Fh @ “User-Friendly Scroll Saw” The Scroll Saw Specialists, INC Box 1900 = Rockwall, TX 75087 SCROLL SAWERS EVERYWHERE ARE PRAISING THE EXCALIBUR ° “In my opinion, it truly is a dream machine that can tackle any project you coul Dirk Boelman, Creative Woodworks & Crafts Magazine COUPON SPECIAL EX-19SVS $1045.00 fi EX - 30 PICTURED WITH OPTIONAL PEDAL ARM LIFT KIT “JESUS of NAZARETH” $5.00 Pattern No. AF-8 INSTRUCTIONS. Select your wood All of the wooden pieces for this project ean be cut out of one scroll saw blank from Heritage Building Supplies. We have found thal these blanks are terrific for scrofl saw projects which require wider widths of materials, Each glued-up panel is planed and sanded to provide a periect work surface. The 12"-wide blanks come in different thicknesses: 1/4", 1/2", and 3/4” Transfer and cut the patterns ‘Transfer the patterns, found in Full Size Pattern Section No. 2, to the wood blank. Drill holes in the interior waste areas, then make the interior cuts. Use 1/16" Dia. and 1/32"-Dia. drill bits for the smaller definition- line cuts on the deer and antlers. Note: when drilling the holes, place a scrap piece of wood behind the project. This will help reduce the splintering which often occurs where the drill bits exit through the bottom side of the workpiace We used the three blade sizes indicated in the Supplies list te cut out the patterns. The No. 2 and No. 10 Pia PUCK SILHOUETTE designed by Dirk and Karen Bosiman SUPPLIES Wood! oak—1/2" x 12" x 16" Tools: scroll saw with Nos. 2 and 5 reverse tooth and No. 7 precision ground blades; drill with bits; needle files or KD-1 Electrofile TTemporary-bond spray adhesive Sandpaper, assoried gris Finish of choice 9-1/2" length of leather lacing’ Eight white feathers** Thirty-six assorted beads" ‘Available as a scroll saw blank from Meritage Building Supplies, (800) 624-4184, 205 North Cascade, Fergus Falls, MN 56537, “The decorating kil, which includes the leather fac~ ing, beads and feathers, is availabla for $8.95 including S&H trom The Art Factory, (800) 566- 6394, PO. Box 701, Platteville, WI 53818, 5 reverse tooth blades were used for the small interior cuts, the No. 7 precision ground blades were used for the larger interior cuts and the curves of the outer frame. After sawing, remove the patterns from the wood. Clean up any imperfections with sandpaper, needle files or the KD-1 Electrafile, Apply finish as desired Decorating the silhouette Begin by tying one end of a 22" length of lacing at the top of tha silhouette, relerring to the Assembly View Drawing for placement, String the bead combination shown Onto the lace and tie the other end of the lace ‘enio the sithoustte with two overhand knots, Next, string a 14” length of lacing thraugh each of the two one-holed ornaments, then string the bead combination shewn canto each. Relerring to the draw- ing, attach the other ends of the laces to the silhouette with ovarhand knols at the paints shown. Cut two 20° lengths of lacing and attach a length to each top hole of the two-heled omaments. At approx mately 5° up from the ormament, tie an overhand knot and string the bead combination shown. Place two while feathers of different lengths under the beads and above the knot to hold the feathers in place. Tie the other end af the leather lace to the silhouette with two ‘averhand knots at the points shown on the drawing Cut two 11° lengths of lacing and tie an overhand knot at one end of each piece. String each lace with the appropriate bead combination. Again, place two white feathers under the beads to hold them in place. Tie the other end of the iaces to the bottam holes in the sdeer irack ornaments so that about 1/2" to 3/4" of lace is showing between the knot and the top bead. Hang your silhouette and enjoy the natural beauty of the elusive white taked deer! Grmatve Woodworks & Grats Assembly View Drawing of | 22" length of leather lacing the Big Buck Silhouette i TERRR COTTH re LoHy STERRR COTA MELON, by length of le ——Teeme corinne! Tek Coma rea SURLY BLRERY eR KETTR PA Te comm a Te HME FERC fe | 1 tng of eater tcing (Ey) “wine Peters BR tree % Rt FA Is | | Shewwre eertver, } Hie temic Pustshor sJeery Gahen CEO Bawen 5 Coben Vice Presiden! el Circulate Come To The Uitimate ‘Manetea mae cin Racdora Edroviy Ovovtoe bart Woodcrafting Festival! The Creative Woodworks and Crafts Ultimate Woodcrafting Festival is only a few months away (August 21, 22 and 23, 1998), and the excitement is starting to build. As we make preparations for our fes- Sussex County Migeg tibieay Maracas TGntle signers. dentine Oschner Fairgrounds In Frankford deni ge iy it's becoming more and more apparent that this anarretcapin Anthony spt is an event not to be [aerate Hie rt missed! Pubic Relations Madeline 8. Cohen I can hardly wait to cae ‘out the newest woodworking equipment and supplies, meet face to face with many of ‘Creative Woodworks and Crafts’ top designers, and enjoy the entertainment (especially Robert Becker's Miner Street Band). There are even going to be free woodcratting . classes (I'll be Fig ion meas teaching one), as [Ee Te eiegae ites ae earsan oer aon wellastool and [Bmpaeas , * Se es technique demon- Bj 4 243 Nowon-Spra Rood strations. If that — ee weren't enough, there's going to be a Creative Woodworks Fer saat intermation. tto and Crafis Project Gallery and an entire section devoted to Po to 549, il io IL 89054 crafters selling their wares. fe es lease Who would have thought that the seed planted at last yu wauld ie ert is. saest year's Creative Woodworks and Crafts Barbecue would Published by AN Ameriean Crafts, ne 1958 grow into this exciting festival! Hope to see you there! EAaIER ets Mi} Until next time, all the best SECRETARY bry Sete) appy wooderafting! For more information on the Creative Woodworks and Crafts Ultimate Woodcrafting Festival tum to the ad on page #0. poy inguin | oramen Go ‘Mighty oaks 1rom tiny acoms grow” Last year's Creative Woodworks and WILDWOOD DESIGNS, INC. Scrollsaw Fretwork Patterns and Supplies. Pattems include Clocks Jewelry Boxer Candle Holders Furniture PhotofMirror Frames Wall Shelves ty Silhauettes MESS ver 300 Panerns to choose from For Your FREE CATALOG Call or write today 1-800-470-9090 Wildwood Designs, Inc. Dept. CW! P.O. Box 676 Richland Center, WI 59561 ‘Your ne stop source for Clock Mavements: Serolisaw Blades Books Plywood Hardwood Tools & se more... er __dasigned by Ban and Raymond Witekens our Mini Clocks SUPPLIES far the phi three pi ‘approxi 12" x 12" for the mini weal station, circular mini clock, and clock aw il wit Di bit; belt or hand nela ‘bond spray ad! WAS, BFU-1716-H, and T (mini weather sta INSTRUCTIONS Attach the pattems, found in Full Size Pattern Saction No 2, to the appropriate wood with temporary-bond spray adhesive, Tip: align the bol tom of each upright pattern wilh a straight edge of the wood—this will give you good joint with the base. Drill holes in each of the interior waste areas, then saw out the pattioms. Onl a 1-3/8"-Dia. hole at each clock location, THE Fastest & Easiest a eee Pc ene ons Cc alti au teen ate en acer P01 Remove the patterns, then sand where needed insert the etvek Cut the bases to size, Refer to imeveerent inte the Full Size Patiern Sectian No, 2 for +-BIB"-Dla hole the dimensions of the base for each upright. Glue the bottam edge of each upright to the appropriate base isee the Expladed View Orawing), | allot to dry, then apply finish of crickoe. 2 } Gwe the Install the inserts (and glue your . Upright to favarite piciure to the back of the: \ / y whe base J frame clock), and your mini clocks J are ready tor display! WHOLIFE INTARSIA DESIGNS BY Actert J. Hiawmoex, 81, Chairman ‘2 Board To onder: List patiern number name & price ‘Add Shipping & Handling, $2.00 U.S. -§2,00 Canada Per Order, (IL resKdenis add 7-3/4% Tax) Make Chock or Money Order (US Funds} Payable to: Chairman of the Board Send ta Roben J. Hlavacok, Sr P.O. Bor 1246, North Riverside, IL 60546-0646 or Call: 708-788-6458 Vis Ce Perales eer) minimum 4 weeks tor delivery. Ou irom is ready for use in 15 minutes or les (973) 383-1026 STEEBAR CORP., P.0. Bo» Andover, NJ 07821-0: Here's sampling of what you discover int comprehensive, nothing-lefl-ta-chanee manual This 18 page mana i pck wih rofl scaom hot a tnd upors a ens bt pouproluce andrnaet your proce cessully = and pooably? Eacy-To-Fallw “How-To? Instrctions lex! you sep-bsp eau opeaning you new basses al bere" ao bang shee! (Over 200 Pattern Ideas areantuded forbes selling projec. You fe thom all yous ata er ask 4 Lista me8h Tap US. Craft Shows, complce with arene tipsen retin ace. IMS POE, pre Weal of Useul, “Whe Suppin ou could ever find al This practical “How-To” Manwal takes ke mystery ou of running a successful wooddcraft busiies. $19.95 miusso ran “eek | had ye rans) shit tase baa or Sia iarhan tata" shana awe TEeiRaT ION DATE ines. Hundred of fects revealed 1 help LT i} SCROLLSAW PATTERNS hit 220 AlNew Designs Unlocks Your Coectiviy! Bron Rew Designs * Proven Sellers - Tested * Easy To Use "One ol a Kind * Low Cost Per Patter * Pointing ond Decorating Ui Plenty of designs to sult al) try, kecitional, seasonol, outdoor, gordon fond porch design! ONLY 58 pivs 52 ra Mothed of Payment Cheek or Money Order 3 MasterCard VISA samiarune oat 2 foe O Yes, Here's My Order mune 1 Send te the took Only. $22.95 Ben Jones 0 Send ie The Patterns only §10.00 Woodcrafts Co. Ic) Ben Jones. At hgh sere FL Senet wie oth for $27.95, Save $5! 84 Antioch Schoo! vandiolig, Oh 45377 Tre SECRET OUT} You can nowtake your scrolisaw projects to the next level \with super high quality, sod hardwood blanks. “Heritage makes the most impressive solid wood blanks for fodays most popular patterns” George Ablers, Edtor of Creative Woodiorks and Crafts Now they are available to you! ‘SOLID HARDWOOD SCROLISAW BLANKS Pertectty cleat, Kiln dried, and sanded tathicknesst aspen | yi red - wis 510 POBLAR YE nay e610 sammie tz 420 s rie S40 Basso TAR ek 09 REDOAK TFA 610 ei wae ais surremMuT 4g zr som MMpE are te ere ae 335 Jourstevener 3 ea ue wT | AIF rs Ba ee wom mamocanr TE +a y a CHERRY TF AAT 300 es are i200 SATINWGOD 42" eR 500 251 435 ‘338 Baltic birch plywood in all sizes also available FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $100.00) ORDER TODAY TOLL FREE

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