Malignent Melanoma

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Case Reports in Oncological Medicine

Volume 2023, Article ID 9647892, 6 pages

Case Report
Malignant Melanoma Presenting as Spinal Cord and
Pleural Lesions

Aysha Albastaki ,1 Sharifa Ahmed,1 Asher Khan,2 Abeer Farhan,1 and Talal Almayman1
King Hamad University Hospital, Al Muharraq, Bahrain
Royal College of Surgeons-Medical University of Bahrain, Al Muharraq, Bahrain

Correspondence should be addressed to Aysha Albastaki;

Received 9 September 2022; Revised 28 January 2023; Accepted 1 February 2023; Published 21 February 2023

Academic Editor: Satish Gandhesiri

Copyright © 2023 Aysha Albastaki et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Primary spinal cord melanoma (PSCM) and primary pleural melanoma (PPM) are extremely rare entities with scarce cases
reported in the literature. We present a case of a 54-year-old male diagnosed with possible primary pleural melanoma and
primary spinal melanoma, managed with partial surgical resection, postoperative radiotherapy, and chemotherapy consisting of
Ipilimumab, nivolumab, and temozolomide. This leads to decreased symptoms and improved quality of life of the patient. In
this case report, we review the literature on PSCM and PPM in detail, addressing the pertinent clinical aspects as well as
current and upcoming therapeutic options.

1. Introduction stant, and progressively worsening. No other associated symp-

toms were present such as upper and lower limb weakness or
Malignant melanoma (MM) is the most aggressive form of numbness, headaches, changes in vision, hearing, or taste, or
skin cancer. In the recent years, major advances in diagnos- changes in urinary or bowel habits. System review was other-
tic and therapeutic research have increased our understand- wise negative. The patient did not have a history of similar
ing of malignant melanoma and led to the identification of symptoms. The patient was a known case of type 2 diabetes
new therapeutic targets and strategies, improving the prog- mellitus and has been well controlled on insulin and metfor-
nosis of affected patients. [1] The most common origin for min (500 mg BD) for the last 10 years. The remainder of the
primary MM is the skin which accounts for 91.2% of all patient’s medical history was unremarkable; the patient works
reported cases of primary MM [2]. Other primary sites for in an office job, has no history of malignancy in the family, and
melanoma are relatively uncommon. Primary spinal cord does not smoke nor drink alcohol.
and primary pleural melanomas are extremely rare malig- On the 26th of January 2019, the patient went to a private
nancies, with only 9 reported cases of primary pleural mela- clinic where an MRI of his dorsal spine revealed a large expan-
nomas in the literature and a relatively small number of sile lesion seen in the posterior element of the T5 vertebrae,
cases of primary spinal cord melanomas [3, 4]. To the best involving both laminae, spinous processes, the facet joints,
of our knowledge, this is the first case of a melanoma pre- both pedicles, and the transverse processes. The lesion mea-
senting as a spinal cord and pleural lesion. sured 2:5 × 4 × 3:2 cm in the anteroposterior (AP), transverse,
and longitudinal axes, respectively. There was resorption of
2. Case Presentation the spinal canal cortical outline, and the lesion was signifi-
cantly encroaching upon the spinal canal, causing significant
A 54-year-old male patient presented to the emergency spinal cord compression. At the site of maximal compression,
department with a two-month history of neck and back pain. the spinal canal measured 3 mm compared to 1.5 cm at the T4
The back pain was localized to the interscapular region, con- level superiorly. On T2-weighted MRI, the signal intensity of
2 Case Reports in Oncological Medicine

this lesion was heterogenous with a bright thick signal on the

outer aspect of the lesion and low central signal intensity
(Figure 1). On T1-weighted MRI, the signal intensity was
inversed, brighter in the central part of the lesion and darker
on the periphery. There is only minimal post-contrast
enhancement which was mainly peripheral. Another well-
defined, round lesion was noted on the right side at the T3-4
level, located retropleural, and paravertebral. The lesion had
similar signal characteristics as the spinal lesion, along with
areas of calcifications on contrast-enhanced CT. The lesion
measured 3:7 × 3:4 × 3:4 cm in the AP, transverse, and longi-
tudinal axes, respectively (Figure 2). Despite abutting on the
right vertebral wall, there were no signal abnormalities on
PET-CT within the vertebral body or adjacent bony structures.
There was also no obvious intrathoracic infiltration. Thus, this
lesion likely originates from the pleura.

3. Examination
On physical examination of the patient, there were no obvi-
ous structural deformities, the patient displayed a full range
of motion in both the thoracic and lumbar spine, and the Figure 1: T2-weighted sagittal MR of the neck showing the spinal
neurological examination of both upper and lower limbs lesion at the level of T5.
was completely normal.
One day after admission, a contrast-enhanced computed cycles of nivolumab. Unfortunately, follow-up imaging on the
tomography (CT) scan of the thoracic spine was conducted 15th of July 2019 showed the development of a new metaboli-
at our institution which confirmed the findings. Due to the cally active metastatic lesion in the right middle pulmonary
compression of the spinal cord, the patient underwent an lobe and left lower paracardiac lung lobe, and progression of
urgent decompressive laminectomy and resection of the the size and metabolic activity of the lesions denoting lung
dura followed by excision of the posterior column tumor at metastasis (Figures 3 and 4). Thus, the patient was started in
the T4-6 region under general anaesthesia on the 29th of ipilimumab in addition to nivolumab. The thoracic team was
January 2019. Intraoperatively, a highly vascular black mass consulted and decided that total resection is not deemed feasi-
was seen which was then debulked. ble due to intraspinal extension of the primary lesion as well as
On the 5th of February 2019, the patient’s histological multiple lung metastases.
report showed a malignant cellular neoplasm composed of Further follow-up imaging showed progression of the
sheets, nests, and clusters of pleomorphic malignant cells with spinal lesion as well as lung nodules. Since then, the patient
hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and eosinophilic has been started on temozolomide. He completed 10 cycles of
to scanty cytoplasm. Moreover, abnormal pigment deposition, temozolomide at a dose of 270 mg once daily for 5 continuous
melanin, was seen in most of the cells. The tumor was positive days. During follow-up, imaging revealed metabolic regression
for Melan-A, HMB-45, and S-100, as well as a positive Ki-67 of the spinal lesion as well as the pulmonary nodules. Clinically,
expression of 96%, thus confirming the diagnosis of mela- he became symptomatically well with significant improvement
noma. The patient was discharged on the same day and of the back pain that he now describes as mild, intermittent,
received follow-up from neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, and adequately managed with paracetamol. As a result of this,
oncology, and endocrinology in the outpatient clinic. The the patient has been able to return to work.
patient had a full physical examination by ophthalmology,
otolaryngology, and dermatology for any evidence of primary 4. Discussion
lesions on the skin, mucosa, or nails. No lesions were found.
The patient was seen in the endocrinology clinic where it Malignant melanoma is considered the most fatal form of
was observed that his fasting blood glucose level was well con- skin cancer. It represents less than 5% of all cutaneous
trolled, and he was discharged on only oral metformin with a malignancies, while accounting for the majority of skin can-
dose of 500 mg twice daily. cer deaths [5, 6]. Most commonly, malignant melanoma is
On the 11th of February 2019, a positron emission present on the skin, and lesions discovered in other organs
tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) scan was con- such as the CNS and the pleura are secondary to metastasis.
ducted and showed that the mass at the T3-4 region was fluo- PSCM are an even rarer occurrence, accounting for approx-
rodeoxyglucose (FDG) avid, with a maximum standardized imately 1% of melanoma cases [7–9] or 0.005 cases per
uptake value (SUVmax) of 5.4. No other hypermetabolic 100,000 [10]. The peak incidence is in the fifth decade of life,
lesions were detected in the rest of the surveyed body. Follow- with no apparent predilection towards the male or female
ing surgery, the patient received palliative radiotherapy to the sex [7]. PSM are located either intradurally or extradurally
dorsal spine. The patient’s management was continued using 9 and may possess intra- or extramural components [11]. A
Case Reports in Oncological Medicine 3

review of 60 cases of PSM by Li et al. [12] showed that 62.4%

were extramedullary while 37.7% were intramedullary.
There are also reports of multifocal primary cervical spinal
cord melanomas. With regard to the distribution along the
spinal cord, the lesions are most located in the thoracic, cer-
vical, and lumbar regions respectively [12–15].

4.1. Clinical Presentation of Spinal and Pleural Melanomas.

Multiple reports of CNS melanoma in the literature have
shown different clinical presentations including symptoms of
myelopathy, dysesthesia, weakness, pain, and fecal and urinary
incontinence [13, 15–17]. Hydrocephalus has also been
reported as spinal cord lesions that can disturb the cerebrospi-
nal fluid circulation [18]. In the case of pleural melanomas, the
main symptoms include dyspnea, chest pain, and cough [3].

4.2. The Origin of Primary Pleural and Spinal Cord Melanomas.

Primary CNS melanomas may arise from either neuroectoder-
mal rest cells or leptomeningeal melanoblasts, which originate
from the neural crest [7–9, 19]. A hypothesis for development
of primary melanoma suggests that a few neural crest cells do
Figure 2: T2-weighted sagittal (view/section) MRI of the neck not migrate during embryogenesis and stay within the neural
showing the pleural lesion. tube [20]. These cells fail to establish the signaling pathways
required to normally differentiate and mature. Moreover, sev-
eral hypotheses have been proposed regarding the development
of a primary melanoma from areas devoid of melanocytes, such
as in the pleura. Hypotheses include growth from pigment blast
cells, growth from multipotent stem cells, squamous metapla-
sia, growth from aberrant skin nevus cells which transfer along
the lymphatic pathway, or, alternatively, disappearance of the
primary tumor after metastasis [21].

4.3. Diagnosis of Spinal and Pleural Melanomas. Early and cor-

rect diagnosis is the key for ensuring the best clinical outcome.
MRI remains the gold standard for diagnosing spinal and
pleural melanomas. Characteristic features on MRI include
hyperintensity on T1-weighted sequencing, hypointensity or
isointensity on T2-weighted sequences, and homogenous
enhancement with gadolinium contrast agents [7, 15, 22].
Figure 3: High-resolution chest CT shows a pulmonary nodule in The paramagnetic properties of melanin or hemorrhagic ele-
the right middle lung lobe denoting pulmonary metastasis. ments in the tumors are reported to be the reason behind these
signal intensity features [7]. Therefore, MRI findings vary
depending on the number of melanin-containing cells and
the presence or absence of hemorrhage [14]. These character-
istics are similar to other tumors of melanocytic origin.
Although MRI imaging aids in the diagnosis, it does not differ-
entiate between primary melanoma and other malignant
lesions. This can be done by exclusion of primary lesions via
evaluation by ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and dermatol-
ogy. CT findings include a hyperdense appearance of the
lesion when enhanced by intravenous contrast [23].
The definitive diagnosis of melanoma can only be made by
histopathological examination of an excisional biopsy [24].
Histopathological features include spindle or epithelioid cells
arranged in sheets, nests, or whorls with well-differentiated
melanocytes and melanin-rich cytoplasm [25]. Markers on
Figure 4: High-resolution chest CT showing another left lower lung immunohistochemistry include HMB-45 and S-100. Moreover,
lobe paracardiac lung mass denoting another metastatic lesion. as molecular mechanisms are better understood, researchers
and clinicians have been able to utilize molecular biomarkers
4 Case Reports in Oncological Medicine

and immunohistochemistry in the interpretation of difficult ment of metastatic melanoma in many clinical scenarios [29].
cases [26]. Immunohistochemistry is now the most commonly Ipilimumab, which was used in our case, has (been shown to
used technique by pathologists to diagnose melanoma and is be beneficial) shown benefit in patients with metastatic mela-
reliable, inexpensive, and relatively available. Some of the mela- noma in multiple clinical trials. Moreover, a phase 3 clinical
nocytic biomarkers with highest specificity include Melan-A, trial is currently ongoing/underway comparing nivolumab,
MART-1, and HMB-45, the expression of which is mostly lim- ipilimumab, and a combination of the two (NCT01844505).
ited to melanocytic tumors. The most commonly used prolifer- Combination therapies involving the use of multiple immune
ation marker is Ki-67 which is elevated in most highly modulating agents show great promise and may be common-
aggressive melanomas, such as in our patient [26]. place in future treatment plans [30].
Upon histopathological diagnosis, the next step is to deter- For spinal cord melanomas, complete surgical resection
mine if the lesion is primary or metastatic. This is done by a is the treatment of choice [7, 15, 31]. However, some reports
thorough and complete examination of the skin, including show long-term survival even with subtotal resection [14].
inspection of the mucosa and genitalia. Moreover, ophthalmo- Additionally, adjuvant radiotherapy is recommended in all
logical (including retinal) and gastrointestinal examination is cases [7, 15, 16, 31]. In literature, the dose of radiation
also necessary [7, 27]. PET-CT following FDG injection is administered ranged between 30 and 60 Gy, with the mean
accurate in detecting additional foci of disease [9, 27]. The total dose found to be 47 Gy [14]. The use of chemotherapy
FDG PET-CT can show the difference between malignant also seems to be promising especially in cases with incom-
and benign tumors, where the pleural malignant tumor may plete resection [14, 31]. Studies have shown that temozolo-
show focal or diffuse increased FDG uptake with standardized mide, as used in our patient, although costlier than other
uptake values (SUV) of 10 or greater. However, the increase of chemotherapeutic agents, is well tolerated and has the bene-
FDG uptake is mild and in pleural benign diseases with SUV fit of the additional advantage of improving the quality of
approximately equal to 1. FDG may be also used to help local- life of patients with metastatic melanoma [32, 33].
ize the site for biopsy and improve accuracy [3]. A meta-analysis showed that chemotherapy and biological
It is difficult to differentiate between various melanin- therapy were capable of reducing the recurrence rate and
containing tumors intraoperatively; however, features such increasing survival (rates) only by 3% after five years [12, 34].
as dural mater attachment and a distinct dark black color Although immunotherapy is the current focus of inter-
may indicate that the tumor originates from leptomeningeal est, there is no literature available regarding the use of
melanocytes [12]. However, surgeons need to keep in mind immunotherapy in PSCM or PPM.
that spinal meningiomas may mimic this appearance when
complicated by hemorrhage [12].
4.6. Follow-Up and Surveillance. Surveillance imaging every 6
4.4. Staging. Aside from the Clark and Breslow’s depth used months is supported by very limited data, and some patients
to stage cutaneous melanoma, the American Joint Commit- with high-risk and aggressive disease require more frequent
tee on Cancer (AJCC) proposed the TNM (tumor, node, and imaging (for instance, every 3 months). Yet, serial imaging is
metastasis) staging system. It provides a guideline for staging recommended at regular intervals even after complete surgical
a patient by combining the histological attributes of the pri- resection [19]. Moreover, follow-up of patients with mela-
mary tumor (T), the presence and extent of regional lymph noma, regardless of radiological surveillance, should include
node disease (N), and the presence and extent of metastases regular routine clinical examinations as well as a full skin
(M). The guideline was most recently revised in 2018 [28]. examination and palpation of nodal basins [35].

4.5. Medical and Surgical Management. The management of 4.7. Prognosis. Primary CNS melanoma has a much better
melanoma is a complex and continually evolving subject. Plas-
prognosis compared to metastatic CNS melanoma (which
tic surgeons, dermatologists, oncologists, surgical oncologists,
has median survival between 3 to 6 months) [11, 14, 31]. A
and neurosurgeons must keep up to date with recent changes
proposed explanation (for this) is due to the lack of lym-
in the field. There have been several new and innovative drugs
phatic vessels in the CNS, limiting potential for metastasis
developed over the last 10 years that have greatly improved the
prognosis for patients with metastatic melanoma secondary to [14]. The clinical course and survival are unpredictable of
the identification of new biomarkers and drug targets. For stage primary CNS melanoma, with some cases reporting several
IV (or metastatic) melanoma, the National Comprehensive years of survival [15], whereas others reporting months
Cancer Network recommends Ipilimumab (IgG1 anti-CTLA- [14]. Larson et al. reported an average life expectancy of
4 antibodies), vemurafenib (BRAF inhibitors specific to mela- approximately 7 years after surgery with radiotherapy [17].
noma harboring the BRAF V600E and V600E/K mutations), In a review done by Kim et al. [14], the mean duration of
dabrafenib, and high-dose interleukin-2 as first-line agents. survival was 28.8 months and with a range of 3 months to
Moreover, other newly emerging therapies include the anti- 13 years. In one case report, the progression of the tumor
programmed cell death 1 receptor agents (nivolumab and pem- was controlled for 21 years. This may have been due to radi-
brolizumab) and oncolytic vaccines. The most well-known of ation therapy as well as the intrathecal injection of interferon
the immunotherapies targeted against cytotoxic T beta [36]. Metastasis was observed in patients after surgery,
lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed and sites of metastases include the brain, lung, bone, and
cell death protein 1 (PD-1) have become the frontline treat- other systemic metastases [11, 37, 38].
Case Reports in Oncological Medicine 5

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Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

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Primary Spinal Melanoma: Case Report and Systematic Review

Erika Haberfellner a, Mohammad Elbaroody b, Abdullah F. Alkhamees a, c, Abdelfatah Alaosta a, d,
Sydney Eaton a, Elise Quint a, Saba Shahab a, Avalon O’Connor a, Jacob Im a, Asham Khan e,
Yasser El-Gohary f, Mohamed Lotfy b, Mohamed Sawan b, Abdalla Shamisa g, Mohamed A.
R. Soliman a, b, 1, *
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, Ontario, Canada
Neurosurgery Department, Cairo University, Egypt
Neurosurgery Department, Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Neurosurgery Department, Sirte University, Libya
Department of Neurosurgery, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at University at Buffalo, United States
Pathology Department, Windsor Regional Hospital, Western University, Canada
Neurosurgery Department, Windsor Regional Hospital, Western University, Canada


Keywords: Introduction: Primary malignant melanoma of the spinal cord (PSM) is a rare condition with limited evidence
Primary spinal melanoma regarding its diagnosis (clinical and radiographic), management, and prognosis. Our aim was to report an
Adjuvant therapy extremely rare two cases of primary malignant melanoma of the spine one of them is sacral melanoma which
represents the second reported case in the literature and to conduct a systematic review of the relevant literature.
Methods: The diagnosis and management of these cases were retrospectively reviewed. Using the PRISMA
guideline, we conducted a systematic review of the literature to analyze different management strategies and the
prognosis of such pathology.
Results: All two patients were operated on, and received gross total removal of their tumors, with extended follow
up for tumor recurrences. One of the cases involved a sacral tumor, which was resected without adjuvant
therapy. The other one was seen by oncology and received post-operative chemo- and radio- therapy. In addition
to the aforementioned cases, we present a comprehensive review of the literature on PSM from 1950 to the
present, demonstrating that PSM is a very rare tumor, with a limited counted number of cases reported
Conclusion: In conclusion, we report an exceedingly rare two cases of primary malignant melanoma of the spine.
Early surgical intervention is key to the management of these rare and aggressive tumors. GTR should be
attempted if possible.

the second published case of sacral PSM in the English literature [3].
1. Introduction Additionally, we completed a comprehensive review of the English
literature on PSM in order to analyze the clinical, radiological and his­
Primary Spinal Melanoma (PSM) is a rare primary malignancy ac­ tological findings seen with these tumors, as well as the treatment
counting for less than 1% of all CNS melanomas [1]. Malignant mela­ methods most commonly and successfully utilized. Based on our find­
noma as a whole, however, is on the rise and thus spinal surgeons must ings, we developed an algorithm to aid clinicians in the diagnosis and
be able to appropriately diagnose and treat these uncommon spinal le­ management of PSM. The two patients in our study were informed that
sions [2]. There are few published cases of PSM, and therefore limited data from their medical records would be published and were consented.
evidence exists regarding the diagnosis, management and prognosis of
these tumors. We report an extremely rare two cases of primary malig­
nant melanoma of the spine. Our case of PSM of the sacral area will be

* Corresponding author at: Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, Ontario, Canada.
E-mail address: (M.A.R. Soliman).
ORCID: 0000–0003-1855–2551
Received 2 February 2021; Received in revised form 15 March 2021; Accepted 10 April 2021
Available online 17 April 2021
0303-8467/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Haberfellner et al. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Nomenclature MITF Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor

MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
C Cervical NOS Not otherwise specified
CARE case reports NS Not stated
Cm Centimeter NTR Near total resection
CNS Central nervous system OR Operating room
CT Computerized Tomography PRISMA preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-
DDx Differential Diagnosis analyses
F Female PSM Primary spinal melanoma
GI gastrointestinal R Radiation adsorbed dose
GTR Gross total resection S Sacral
Gy Gray STR Subtotal resection
IV Intravenous T Thoracic
L Lumbar T1W T1 weighted images
M Male T2W T2 weighted images
MART-1 Melanoma antigen recognized by T cells Tx Treatment
Mets Metastasis

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram illustrating article selection process.

E. Haberfellner et al. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

2. Case report pathological analysis confirmed malignant melanoma (Fig. 3). After
surgery, the patient’s motor power improved to grade 3/5, and they
We reported our cases according to case reports (CARE) and were discharged to rehab. The patient was subsequently referred to the
preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses cancer center, and radiotherapy was started (5 fractions of radiation
(PRISMA) guidelines (Fig. 1) [4,5]. were given; the last treatment was administered 1-month post-
resection). 15 months after surgery, the patient is alive, has regained
his motor power and bowel and bladder function and has not had a
2.1. Case 1 recurrence.

A 62-year-old male experienced 6 months of gradually worsening

low back pain (more severe at night), along with progressive lower limb 2.2. Case 2
heaviness and urgency to micturition. Just prior to presentation he also
experienced one day of urinary and stool incontinence. Past medical A 29-year-old male experienced 2 months of severe low back pain,
history was non-contributory. On examination, both lower limbs were right buttock and leg pain, and urinary urgency. Past medical history
found to be hypotonic with motor power of grade 2/5 bilaterally. There was non-contributory. Examination revealed hypoesthesia along the
was also hyperreflexia of the patellar, ankle jerk, and plantar reflexes right S1-S2 dermatomes but was otherwise unremarkable. Deep tendon
with sustained clonus. Babinski reflex was positive bilaterally. The reflexes were normal bilaterally, and sphincter tone and function
sensory level was determined to be T12. remained intact from the time of admission to the time of discharge.
Imaging with MRI revealed a lesion spanning the T10–11 spinal MRI imaging reported an intradural extramedullary lesion spanning
levels (Fig. 2). The tumor was slightly hyperintense on T1W and iso­ the S1-S2 spinal levels and measuring 3.2 × 2.5 cm. The lesion was
intense on T2W images and showed homogenous enhancement with IV hyperintense on both T1 and T2 weighted images and showed homog­
contrast administration. The absence of a primary tumor outside of the enous contrast enhancement (Fig. 4). The absence of any other primary
spinal cord was confirmed with a full dermatological examination, a full tumor was confirmed with an extensive work-up, including a full
ophthalmological examination, and upper and lower gastrointestinal dermatological examination, a bone-scan, tumor markers, upper and
(GI) endoscopy. CT of the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis was also done lower GI endoscopy, and CT scan of the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis.
to rule out any other primary tumors or metastases. The patient was subsequently taken to the OR for surgery. A posterior
After the lesion was identified with imaging, the patient was taken to approach revealed a firm, dark, intradural mass, measuring
the operating room (OR) for urgent decompression. A T10-T11 lam­ 2.5 × 3.5 cm, with no infiltration of the nerve roots. A GTR was per­
inectomy was performed. On gross inspection, the tumor was black and formed, and clear planes of cleavage were noted between the mass and
well-demarcated. It was determined to be an intradural, extramedullary the nerve roots. Pathological examination and immunohistochemical
lesion with invasion into the spinal cord (intramedullary-extra­ analysis of the extracted tumor (which revealed strong tumor cell
medullary). A Gross Total Resection (GTR) was performed. The immunoreactivity to the antibodies S-100 and HMB45) confirmed

Fig. 2. MRI Thoracic Spine with and

without contrast showing a T10–11
lesion; (A) T2-weighted image sagittal
views showing an isointense oval-shaped
intramedullary-extramedullary lesion
with surrounding spinal cord edema. (B)
T1-weighted image without contrast
sagittal views showing a hyperintense
oval-shaped intramedullary-extra­
medullary lesion. (C, D, and G) T1-
weighted image with contrast sagittal
views showing an enhancement oval-
shaped intramedullary-extramedullary
lesion. (E and H) T1-weighted image
without contrast axial views showing a
slightly hyperintense lesion. (F and I) T1-
weighted image with contrast axial views
showing an enhancing intramedullary-
extramedullary lesion.

E. Haberfellner et al. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Fig. 3. Pathology. (A) Cytology shows atypical cells. (B) H&E staining – note the atypical cells and pigment depositions. (C) Positive cytoplasmic immunostaining
Melan A (MART-1). (D) Positive nuclear stain MITF.

primary malignant melanoma. of 30 (7 of 64 cases) [12–17]. Additionally, our review revealed no

The patient’s recovery from surgery was uncomplicated, and there significant difference between the number of males and females affected
were no postoperative neurological deficits. Immediate improvement of (1:1 ratio), which is aligned with what has been previously reported in
the low-back and right-sided buttock/lower extremity pain was noted, the literature [18].
and postoperative MRI confirmed complete resection of the tumor Regarding the location of these lesions, PSM can occur within any
without residual. The patient was referred to an oncologist post- area of the spine, however, it has been reported that these tumors most
operatively and received adjuvant external beam radiation therapy. commonly occur within the cervical and thoracic cord [19]. This is in
Follow-up MRI 2 years after surgery revealed no recurrence and no line with what we found in our literature review, with 74.2% of cases
metastasis. analyzed occurring within those regions – 34.8% cervical and 39.4%
thoracic. Of note, only 1 case of PSM occurring entirely within the sacral
3. Discussion region has been previously reported [13]. Thus, our case (case 2) rep­
resents the second entirely sacral PSM ever described. Additionally,
Melanocytes are pigment-producing cells derived from the neural these tumors can be either intradural, extradural, or have both intra- and
crest during early embryonic development that migrate to the skin, extradural components. Of the 62 patients reviewed for whom the
mucous membranes, and central nervous system (CNS) [6]. Melanoma is location of the tumor was clearly described, the majority (53.2%) were
a neoplasm that arises when these melanocytes undergo malignant found to have intradural-extramedullary lesions [3,11–13,15–17,
transformation and can occur in any tissue in which they reside, with the 20–38]. In contrast, 35.5% of patients were found to have intra­
skin and mucosa being most common [7,8]. Primary CNS Melanoma, medullary lesions [1,18–33,39]. Only 11.3% of patients had lesions that
including Primary Spinal Melanoma (PSM), likely arises from melano­ were entirely extradural [7,8,12,40–43]. We did not find any report of a
blasts (the precursor cells to melanocytes) located within the lep­ case that mentioned that the lesion was extramedullary with an invasion
tomeninges [9,10]. While primary CNS melanomas represent only 1% of into the spinal cord as our first case.
all melanomas, PSM is even more rare, accounting for only a fraction of
these lesions [1]. The first case of PSM was reported by Hirschburg in 3.2. Diagnosis
1906, and since that time there have been a limited number of reported
case studies, thus the exact incidence of this rare tumor remains un­ Presenting symptoms of PSM are variable and typically non-specific,
known [11]. but commonly include back pain and symptoms of asymmetric
We performed a systematic retrospective analysis of the English myelopathy - a clinical presentation suggestive of progressive spinal
literature on PSM published since 1950 on the PubMed Medline data­ cord compression [6,8,20]. MRI is the primary imaging modality used in
base using the search term “Primary Spinal Melanoma” in all fields. the evaluation of spinal pathology, and the majority of PSMs present
with characteristic findings [34]. Most of these lesions show signal
3.1. Demographics hyperintensity on T1W images [1,7,11,16–19,23,28–38,40,42,44–51],
signal hypointensity [1,7,11,16–18,29,31,33,34,36,38,42,44,46–51],
A total of 66 patients with PSM (including our two case reports) have hyperintensity [3,28,30,37,45,52], or rarely isointensity [19,32,52] on
been summarized in a detailed table (Table 1). Our literature review T2W images, as well as mild to moderate homogenous enhancement
indicates that PSM occurs in patients with a mean age of 51 ± 16.6 years after IV contrast administration [1,3,7,11,16–19,24,28,29,33–38,40,
(range 15–82 years) and that these tumors are uncommon before the age 45–50,52–54]. However, it is important to note that the MRI signal

E. Haberfellner et al. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Fig. 4. MRI Lumbosacral Spine without contrast showing an S1–2 lesion; (A) T2-weighted image sagittal views showing a hyperintense oval-shaped intradural
extramedullary lesion. (B) T1-weighted image with contrast sagittal views showing a homogenously enhanced oval-shaped intradural extramedullary lesion. (C) T1-
weighted image with contrast axial views showing a homogenously enhanced intradural extramedullary lesion.

produced by melanocytic tumors varies considerably depending on the classification of tumor-type based on imaging alone, however, remains
amount of melanin-containing cells within the lesion, with higher tumor impossible, as MRI findings with PSM are variable and may be similar to
melanin concentrations associated with higher signal intensity on T1W those commonly observed in other tumors of the spine. For example,
images and lower signal intensity on T2W images [55,56]. As well, the meningiomas and pigmented schwannomas may contain melanin, and
presence or absence of acute or chronic intradural hemorrhages and fat subsequently produce signal hyper-intensity on T1W images [7,17,37,
deposits has been shown to affect MRI appearance, with intratumoral 38,46,52]. Thus these tumors, along with other pigmented CNS lesions
hemorrhage typically producing a heterogeneous signal on both T1W such as melanocytoma, pigmented medulloblastoma, ependymoma and
and T2W images [34,40]. Therefore, the diagnosis of PSM may be sus­ pineoblastoma, remain on the differential diagnosis after imaging [19,
pected based on imaging findings but cannot be confirmed with MRI 31,45]. A definitive diagnosis of PSM therefore requires histopatholog­
alone. ical confirmation, with melanomas identified based on their abundant
The diagnostic criteria for primary CNS melanoma were originally cytoplasmic pigment, infiltrative pattern, cellular and nuclear pleo­
described by Hayward [57]. According to this classification system, the morphism, and high mitotic rate with areas of necrosis [24,35,58]. In
diagnosis is based on the absence of a primary tumor outside of the CNS addition to the pathological examination, immunohistochemical stain­
or in other CNS locations, and histopathological confirmation of mela­ ing with HMB-45, S-100 or MelanA can help to confirm the diagnosis of
noma [51,57]. While the great majority of melanocytic lesions arise malignant melanoma [34]. Of the 50 cases reported after 1990, 45
within the skin, other primary sites including the retinas and the GI tract (90%) included results of immunohistochemical staining with HMB-45,
have been well-described [19]. Thus, the diagnosis of primary CNS S-100, and/or MelanA [1,3,8,11,14–17,19,23,24,28–37,40,42,44–52,
melanoma requires the absence of cutaneous, mucosal and ocular le­ 59].
sions. This is typically confirmed using a full dermatological examina­ Furthermore, while molecular analysis is often used to aid in the
tion, a retinal examination, upper and lower GI endoscopy, and CT scan management of advanced cutaneous melanomas [60], it has not been
of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis [19,25]. As previously described, MRI commonly utilized for the diagnosis and management of PSM, with only
of the brain and spinal cord are generally used to identify the lesion of 4 of the 66 cases reviewed (6.1%) reported genetic analysis of the tu­
interest and exclude any other CNS lesions [32,36]. Definitive mors [19,25,33,52]. Of note, PSM and metastatic melanoma seem to

Table 1

E. Haberfellner et al.
Primary Spinal Melanoma: a review of the available English literature since 1950.
Authors Age Duration of Spinal T1W/T2W Extradural OR Pre-operative diagnosis Treatment Recurrence/metastases Follow-up
(year) (years) symptoms Level (s) /Enhancement on pre- Intradural
and sex operative MRI Extramedullary OR

Castaner et al. 52/F 12 months Lumbar NS Intradural- NS GTR NS Died a few days after
[20] intramedullary operation
Forbes et al. 57/M NS Thoraco- NS Intradural- NS T9-L1 Laminectomy Leptomeningeal dissemination 2 months, dead
[21] lumbar (2 intramedullary + adjuvant radiation
discrete (10x2500r)
King et al. 53/M 2 months T12-L1 NS Extradural NS STR Metastases to the dura mater 2 months, dead
[36] and brain base
Gibson et al. 51/F 22 months Thoracic NS Intradural- NS Laminectomy Leptomeningeal dissemination 1 month, dead
[22] (NOS) intramedullary
Hirano & 42/M 1 month T8-T10 NS Intradural- NS T7-T11 Laminectomy None 6.5 months, dead
Carton [27] intramedullary + adjuvant
radiotherapy (6000r
over 2 months)
Kiel et al. [59] 33/F 5 months C4-C6 NS Intradural- NS STR Cerebral mets + leptomeningeal 19 months, dead
extramedullary dissemination
Clifford et al. 64/M 4 months C4 NS Intradural- NS C3-C5 laminectomy Multiple cerebral and spinal 24 months, dead
[60] extramedullary metastases
Holaday et al. 20/F 3 months S2 NS Intradural- NS Laminectomy Local recurrence & widespread 12 months, dead
[13] extramedullary metastases
Ozden et al. 30/F NS T7-T10 NS Extradural NS T7-T10 laminectomy None 16 months, alive
[12] + adjuvant

15/F NS C1-C6 NS Intradural- NS Cervical None 18 months, alive

extramedullary laminectomy
Larson et al. 73/M 6 months T6-T8 NS Intradural- NS STR+ adjuvant Leptomeningeal dissemination 84 months, alive
[23] intramedullary radiation (5000r)
63/M 96 months T9 NS Intradural- NS STR + adjuvant Local recurrence 156 months, dead
intramedullary radiation (6000r)
67/F 18 months T9-T11 NS Intradural- NS STR + adjuvant None Lost to follow-up
intramedullary radiation (4500r)
57/F 3 months C1-C3 NS Intradural- NS STR + adjuvant None 30 months, dead
intramedullary radiation (5000r)
69/F 24 months T9-T10 NS Intradural- NS STR None 45 months, dead

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Yamasaki et al. 31/M 6 months T6 NS Intradural – Intramedullary spinal STR + adjuvant None 23 months, alive
[28] intramedullary tumor (NOS) radiation (50 Gy over
5 weeks) + IFN
Salpietro et al. 62/M 1 month C3 T1W hyperintense/T2W Intradural – NS STR + adjuvant Metastases to the Brain 15 months, dead
[29] hyperintense/ intramedullary radiation (44 Gy over
enhancement 1 month)
Francois et al. 62/M 18 months T8 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- NS T7-T9 laminectomy None 28 months, alive
[29] hypointense/ intramedullary (GTR)
Salame et al. 76/F 6 months T9-T10 T1W hyperintense/ Intradural- Intramedullary tumor T9-T11 laminectomy None 21 months, alive
[24] heterogeneous intramedullary with intra-tumoral + adjuvant radiation
enhancement bleeding (30 Gy in 8 fractions)
Brat et al. [14] 71/F NS T10 NS NS NS GTR None 14 months, alive
52/M NS C1 NS NS NS STR + adjuvant None 16 months, alive
radiation (40 Gy)
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued )

E. Haberfellner et al.
Authors Age Duration of Spinal T1W/T2W Extradural OR Pre-operative diagnosis Treatment Recurrence/metastases Follow-up
(year) (years) symptoms Level (s) /Enhancement on pre- Intradural
and sex operative MRI Extramedullary OR

20/F NS C4 NS NS NS STR None 20 months, alive

57/F NS C4 NS NS NS STR + adjuvant None 8 months, dead
radiation (40 Gy)
Bidzinski et al. 36/M 8 months C6, C7 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- NS GTR + adjuvant None 4 years, alive
[31] hyperintense intramedullary radiation
Farrokh et al. 80/F NS T12-L1 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS STR No distant mets, but the tumor 9 months, alive
[1] hypointense/ moderate intramedullary was found to infiltrate the conus
homogeneous medularis and the nerve roots of
enhancement the cauda equina at the time or
Schneider & 65/M 6 months L5 moderate contrast Intradural- NS STR Dissemination to brain 1 month post-op,
Putzier [54] enhancement extramedullary (meningeal melanomatosis 2 dead
weeks post-op)
Sanz-Trelles 26/M 3 months L3 NS Intradural- NS GTR None 24 month, alive and
et al. [15] extramedullary asymptomatic
Freudenstein 54/F 8 years T10-T12 T1W hyperintense/T2W Intradural – Ependymoma STR + adjuvant 3.5 years after initial surgery 6 years, dead
et al. [32] hypointense extramedullary radiation + MRI revealed grow of the initial
chemotherapy tumor and new lesions at T5 and
T8; patient was treated with
intrathecal chemotherapy
65/M 2 years T10, T11 T1W hyperintense Intradural - Ependymoma STR (x2) + adjuvant Recurrence after 4 years 9 years, alive
intramedullary radiation (another STR done). Recurrence
again at 9 years
Kwon et al. 45/F 4 years, C6,C7 T1W hyperintense, T2W Extradural Complicated neurogenic GTR + adjuvant No recurrence or metastasis 8 months, alive

[37] worsening 5 hypointense tumor of the brachial radiation

months prior to plexus
Naing et al. 42/F NS L2 Enhancing lesion Intradural – NS STR + adjuvant No metastases or recurrence 7 years, alive
[25] intramedullary radiation + IFN
Kounin et al. 41/F 9 months C2-C4 T1W hyperintense/T2W Intradural- NS GTR NS 3 month, alive and
[44] hypointense/no extramedullary asymptomatic
Unal & Castillo 37/F 4 months T7 T1W hyperintense/T2W Extradural NS GTR + No metastases, no recurrence 6 months alive
[35] heterogeneous chemotherapy

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Kanatas et al. 76/F 8 months C6, C7 Homogenous Intradural – “mimicked” a STR + adjuvant None 6 months, alive
[53] enhancement extramedullary neurofibroma radiation
Kolasa et al. 57/F 2 months T10 T1W hyperintense/T2W Intradural- Ependymoma or GTR + Recurrence at 9 months 1 year, alive, but
[45] hyperintense/ extramedullary astrocytoma chemotherapy with recurrence 9
enhancement (initially) STR 1 year months after initial
later (due to resection
Lee et al. [39] 39/M 11 months C1-C6 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- Mutiloculated subdural GTR + adjuvant No evidence of metastatic 17 months, alive
hypointense with extramedullary hematoma (thought to be radiation + disease, no recurrence
homogenous contrast associated with a hidden Interferon
enhancement vascular anomaly or rare
Lee et al. [46] 71/F 12 months, C6, C7 T1W hyperintense/T2W Intradural – Neurofibroma or STR No evidence of metastatic NS
worsening over hypointense/mild extramedullary schwannoma disease, no recurrence
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued )

E. Haberfellner et al.
Authors Age Duration of Spinal T1W/T2W Extradural OR Pre-operative diagnosis Treatment Recurrence/metastases Follow-up
(year) (years) symptoms Level (s) /Enhancement on pre- Intradural
and sex operative MRI Extramedullary OR

the prior 2 heterogeneous

months enhancement
Vij et al. [40] 40/M 6 months C1, C2 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS GTR None 1 year, alive
heterointense/ extramedullary
significant enhancement
Kim et al. [18] 34/F NS T4 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS GTR None 3 years, alive
hypointense/ intramedullary
Jo et al. [7] 68/F 5 days T7,T8 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Extradural Likely metastatic tumor, STR + adjuvant no mets, but invaded the left 6 months, dead
hypointense /significant although no primary was radiation + pedicle, encasing and distorting
enhancement identified Interferon the cord
Fuld et al. 62/M NS (“several C2-C3 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- Ependymoma STR + adjuvant No mets, no recurrence at 11 11 months, alive
[19] months”) isointense/ intramedullary radiation months
Katalinic et al. 30/M NS (“sudden T7-T9 NS Extradural NS GTR + 17 years after surgery, mets to 17 years, dead
[8] bilateral spastic chemotherapy given lungs & bone found (sepsis secondary to
paralysis”) 17 years later when febrile neutropenia
mets were identified on chemo)
Jaiswal et al. 16/M NS C1-C5 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- NS GTR NS 4 months, alive
[16] hypointense/ with extramedullary
homogenous contrast
40/M NS C1-C2 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- NS GTR NS 4 months, alive

hypointense/ intense extramedullary

contrast enhancement
Yu et al. [11] 48/M 6 months C2-C6 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – Primary cervical STR Brain mets present at the time of 2 months, dead
hypointense/ extramedullary melanoma diagnosis
Ganiüsmen 49/F 2 years, L3 NS Intradural – NS GTR + adjuvant Lung nodules found 1 & 5 years 5 years, alive
et al. [61] increasing extramedullary radiation + after surgery
severity over the chemotherapy + INF
prior 6 months therapy
Cicuendez 82/F 1 month L2 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural - NS STR None 2 months, dead
et al. [41] hypointense/ intense extramedullary
homogenous contrast

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Jeong et al. 42/M 8 months T2–3 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- NS STR (x2) Lepto-meningeal dissemination 22 months, alive
[47] hypointense/ contrast- extramedullary
Sinha et el. 55/M NS L4 NS Extradural Neurofibroma GTR None 38 months, alive
Cetinalp et al. 47/F NS T9-L1 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS GTR None 19 months alive
[33] isointense intramedullary
Kawanabe 54/F N/A (incidental T12 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS GTR None 60 months, alive
et al. [48] finding) hypointense/ slight extramedullary
Li et al. [42] 57/F 1 month T4–5 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural- Complex spinal GTR + adjuvant None 6 months, alive
hyperintense/ moderate extramedullary meningioma chemotherapy
Trinh et al. 75/F 3 months T11-L1 Intradural – NS STR + radiation No evidence of metastatic NS
[26] intramedullary disease
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued )

E. Haberfellner et al.
Authors Age Duration of Spinal T1W/T2W Extradural OR Pre-operative diagnosis Treatment Recurrence/metastases Follow-up
(year) (years) symptoms Level (s) /Enhancement on pre- Intradural
and sex operative MRI Extramedullary OR

T1W isointense/
Mallick et al. 28/M 4 months T8,T9 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – Meningioma or GTR + radiation + Recurred after 2 years post- 2 years, alive
[17] hypointense/ moderate extramedullary neurogenic tumor chemotherapy surgery at T10; no metastasis (subsequently lost to
contrast enhancement follow-up)
Liu et al. [43] 39/M 2 months C4–5 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural - Schwannoma STR NS 7 months, alive
hypointense/ moderate extramedullary
47/M 11 months L2–3 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – Schwannoma GTR NS 76 months, alive
hypointense/ slight extramedullary
76/M 3 weeks T9–10 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural - Schwannoma GTR NS 67 months, alive
hypointense/ moderate extramedullary
contrast enhancement
Wang et al. 60/M 3 months T1, T3–4 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural - NS GTR No recurrence at 19 months 19 months, alive
[49] hypointense/ extramedullary
homogenous contrast
Hering et al. 57/F 2 months T12 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS GTR + adjuvant none 24 months, alive
[34] hypointense/ moderate intramedullary radiation
contrast enhancement
Iga et al. [50] 39/M 12 months C1–2+ T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS GTR none 24 months, alive
C2–3+ C4–5 hypointense/ strong extramedullary

contrast enhancement
Kinnen et al. 54/F NS C2/3 T1W isointense/ T2W Intradural – Pre-op DDx included GTR + adjuvant IFN Dissemination (metastasis) to 54 months, dead
[52] hyperintense/ extramedullary Schwannoma, therapy the brain at 24 months – treated
homogenous Meningioma, or Intradural with whole brain radiation and
enhancement Metastases chemotherapy
64/M 1 year C1/2 T1W isointense/ T2W Intradural - Pre-op DDX included STR 18-month MRI showed stable 18 months, alive
isointense/ extramedullary Meningioma or Metastases tumor extension with decreased
homogeneous ventricle size
Sharma et al. 67/F NS L1-L2 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – NS STR + radiation after recurrence at 9 months 9 months, alive
[51] hypointense extramedullary recurrence at 9
months post-op

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Hironaka et al. 39/M 13 months L1-S5 T1W isointense/ T2W Intradural - NS No tx of the primary NS Died 14 months
[3] hyperintense/ extramedullary tumor. after initial
enhancement presentation
Current Study, 62/M 6 months T10–11 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural – intra- and Schwannoma GTR + 5 fractions pf None 15 months, alive
(2020) isointense/ extra-medullary radiotherapy
29/M 2 months S1–2 T1W hyperintense/ T2W Intradural - Schwannoma or GTR + Radiotherapy None 24 months, alive
hyperintense/ extramedullary ependymoma

C: Cervical, DDx: Differential Diagnosis, F: Female, GTR: Gross total resection, Gy: Gray, L: Lumbar, M: Male, Mets: Metastasis, MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, NOS: Not otherwise specified, NS: Not stated, R: Radiation
adsorbed dose, S: Sacral, STR: Subtotal resection, T: Thoracic, T1W: T1 weighted images, T2W: T2 weighted images, Tx: Treatment.
E. Haberfellner et al. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

have different pathologic genetic changes [61]. Primary melanocytic 54]. One patient received intrathecal methotrexate [31]. Some patients
lesions of the CNS have been shown to commonly carry mutations in received repeat resection, without radiation or systemic therapy [31,
either GNAII Q209L or GNAQ Q209L, which are not seen in melanocytic 45]. One patient with recurrence was treated with resection and adju­
lesions that have metastasized to the brain or spinal cord from another vant radiation [22], while another was treated with radiation alone
primary site [61]. Conversely, cutaneous melanoma commonly carries [51]. One patient with brain metastases was treated with whole-brain
mutations in BRAF V600 or NRAS Q6IK, which have not been demon­ radiation and CTLA-4 checkpoint-inhibition [52]. One patient was
strated in leptomeningeal primaries, limiting the usefulness of available treated with IFN and Fotemustine [59]. One patient was treated with the
targeted molecular therapies such as BRAF-inhibitors in the treatment of Dartmouth Regimen, including Decarbazine, Cisplatin, Carmustine, and
PSM [61]. Of the four cases of PSM for which molecular tumor analysis Tamoxifen [8]. We cannot comment on the effectiveness of various
was performed, there was one report of a positive GNAQ Q209L muta­ therapies for the treatment of recurrence and metastasis due to the
tion [19], and one report of a positive GNAII Q209L mutation [52]. In all limited number of cases, the variety of treatments utilized, and the
four cases, the tumors had a wildtype BRAF gene [19,25,33,52]. Mo­ variable follow-up time. However, after excluding the patients who lost
lecular analysis was unfortunately not completed on the two cases we follow-up, the patients that were treated for their metastasis or recur­
report due to limited resources; however, we recommend that it be rence had increased survival compared to non-treated patients
completed whenever possible in patients presenting with melanocytic (57.6 ± 37 months versus 0.9 ± 1.2 months) [13,22,28,31,52,54,59].
CNS lesions. This will allow for further characterization of the unique Therefore, further treatment for recurrence and/or metastasis is rec­
molecular changes seen in PSM as compared to metastatic tumors, and ommended. However, further research is needed.
could thus lead to a more efficient diagnosis, and to the development of
increasingly targeted therapy for patients with PSM. 3.4. Prognosis

3.3. Treatment The prognosis of patients with primary CNS melanoma has been
shown to be superior to that of patients with metastatic lesions [40].
Treatment of PSM is not yet standardized, but most experts recom­ While the average survival of patients with cutaneous melanoma that
mend surgical resection with post-operative radiation [19]. Of the 66 has metastasized to the CNS is less than 1 year in most studies, Larson
patients reviewed in our study, the majority (53%) were treated with et al., estimated an average post-treatment (surgery and radiation)
laminectomy and resection alone (Table 1) [1,8,11–16,18,20,22,29,32, life-span of approximately seven years in those with primary CNS lesions
35,36,38,39,41,43,44,46–50,52,54,58,62]. Thirty five percent were [22]. Survival estimates have however been variable overall, with esti­
treated with resection and adjuvant radiation [7,14,19,21–28,30,31,33, mates ranging from a few months to 20 years [64]. Furthermore, these
34,42,51,53], while only 6.1% of patients were treated with resection estimates are limited by the short follow-up periods reported in many
and chemotherapy, without any adjuvant radiation [12,37,40,45]. One studies [16,44,53]. The difference in prognosis and the favorable
patient did not receive any treatment [3], and the remaining three response of PSM to surgical resection makes differentiating primary CNS
(4.5%) patients were treated with resection and both adjuvant radiation lesions from metastases of paramount importance.
and chemotherapy [17,31,59]. There were heterogeneous reported
chemotherapeutic agents used in these cases. In three cases, the specific 3.5. Proposed management algorithm
agent used was not reported [37,40,45]. In one case BCNU, Dacarbazine,
Levamisol and Prednisone were used [12]. In another case, Procarbazin, Based on our extensive literature review and subsequent analysis, we
CCNU, and Vincristin were used [31], and finally, in a third case, have created an algorithm to aid clinicians in the diagnosis and man­
Tenozolomide was used [59]. Additionally, 6 (9.1%) of the patients agement of PSM (Fig. 5). Clear guidelines for the diagnosis and treat­
reviewed were treated with adjuvant IFN-therapy (immunotherapy), ment of this rare tumor, occurring most often in patients presenting with
alongside resection, with or without adjuvant radiation [7,24,27,34,52, myelopathic symptoms and characteristic findings on imaging, are key
59]. Due to the paucity of studies reporting the use of immunotherapy in to ensuring clinicians around the world recognize and manage this
PSM we could not draw any conclusion regarding its benefit in such condition appropriately. However, it is important to note that the
pathology. definitive diagnosis of PSM requires pathological analysis, as described
Regarding the surgical management of PSM, complete tumor resec­ previously.
tion is ideal, as it has been posited to be curative in some cases [14]. Of
the 57 patients that had clearly described surgical resections, 29 (50.9%) 4. Conclusion
had GTRs [8,14–18,20,29,30,32–35,37,38,40,42–45,48–50,52,59],
compared to 28 (49.1%) who underwent STRs [1,7,11,14,19,22,24,25, In conclusion, we report an exceedingly rare two cases of primary
27,28,31,36,38,41,46,47,51–54,62]. Of the 29 patients who had their malignant melanoma of the spine. These tumors present with charac­
tumors resected completely, 26 (89.7%) were alive after a mean teristic imaging findings, but surgical pathology is the only way to
follow-up of 25.5 ± 21.5 months (range, 3–76 months). However, pa­ obtain a definitive diagnosis. Early surgical intervention (both for
tients with PSM who under complete resections have been shown to symptom relief and to obtain a tissue diagnosis) is key to the manage­
experience disease recurrence and/or metastasis, with some eventually ment of these rare and aggressive tumors. GTR should be attempted if
dying of the disease [8,17,20,52,59]. In contrast, of the 28 patients that possible, and post-operative radiation can be implemented as needed.
underwent STR, only 13 (52%) were alive after a mean follow-up of
32 ± 35 months (range, 6–108 months), while 12 were deceased after an Funding
average of 30 ± 45 months (range, 1–136 months). Three patients that
underwent STRs were lost to follow-up [22,25,46]. Of note, even if not N/A.
curative or life-extending, STR can reliably relieve symptoms and
improve quality of life. Therefore, safe GTR is recommended and if not Disclosures
feasible, safe near total resection should be pursued.
Recurrence of the tumor and/or the discovery of new metastases All authors certify that they have no affiliations with or involvement
were managed heterogeneously. There were two cases in which new in any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as hono­
metastases were discovered on autopsy [62,63]. There were also many raria; educational grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; member­
cases in which the patients deteriorated quickly, declined therapy or ship, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity
were lost to follow-up, and no treatment was carried out [13,17,28,47, interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements), or

E. Haberfellner et al. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 205 (2021) 106649

Fig. 5. Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of Primary Spinal Melanoma (PSM).

non-financial interest (such as personal or professional relationships, Acknowledgment

affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter or materials
discussed in this manuscript. N/A.

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World Journal of
WJ C C Clinical Cases
Submit a Manuscript: World J Clin Cases 2021 April 6; 9(10): 2352-2356

DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i10.2352 ISSN 2307-8960 (online)


Primary intramedullary melanoma of lumbar spinal cord: A case


Le-Dong Sun, Xin Chu, Li Xu, Xiu-Zhen Fan, Yi Qian, Da-Ming Zuo

ORCID number: Le-Dong Sun 0000- Le-Dong Sun, Xin Chu, Li Xu, Xiu-Zhen Fan, Department of Dermatology, The Fifth Affiliated
0003-4129-4204; Xin Chu 0000-0002- Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510900, Guangdong Province, China
7853-1296; Li Xu 0000-0003-2071-
6922; Xiu-Zhen Fan 0000-0001-8696- Yi Qian, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510900,
8132; Yi Qian 0000-0003-3779-6973; Guangdong Province, China
Da-Ming Zuo 0000-0003-2003-9474.
Da-Ming Zuo, Department of Medical Laboratory, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou
Author contributions: Sun LD and 510515, Guangdong Province, China
Qian Y designed the study; Chu X
helped prepare the radiology Corresponding author: Yi Qian, MD, Associate Professor, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital,
images; Xu L and Fan XZ analyzed Southern Medical University, No. 566 Congcheng Avenue, Conghua District, Guangzhou
the pathology images; Zuo DM 510900, Guangdong Province, China.
wrote the manuscript; all authors
read and approved the final
manuscript. Abstract
Supported by Foundation of the
Primary intramedullary melanoma is a very rare tumor, most frequently
President of the Fifth Affiliated
occurring in the cervical and thoracic spinal cord.
Hospital, Southern Medical
University, 2020. CASE SUMMARY
We present a rare case in which the primary intramedullary melanoma was
Informed consent statement: located in the lumbar spine. A 56-year-old man complained of progressive
Written informed consent was intermittent pain in the lumbar area. Thoracic magnetic resonance imaging
obtained from the patient for showed a spinal intramedullary tumor between the L3 and S1 levels. The tumor
publication of this case report and was resected entirely, and the diagnosis of malignant melanoma was confirmed
accompanying images. by histopathology.
Conflict-of-interest statement: The CONCLUSION
authors have no conflicts of Primary melanoma of the spinal cord, particularly intramedullary localization,
interest to report. has rarely been reported in the previous literature. We describe a primary
malignant melanoma of the lumbar spinal cord and discuss the challenges
CARE Checklist (2016) statement:
associated with the diagnosis.
We have read the CARE Checklist
(2016), and the manuscript was
prepared and revised according to Key Words: Intramedullary melanoma; Spinal cord; Lumbar; Magnetic resonance imaging;
the CARE Checklist (2016). Histopathological examination; Immunohistochemical staining; Case report

Open-Access: This article is an ©The Author(s) 2021. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
open-access article that was
selected by an in-house editor and

WJCC 2352 April 6, 2021 Volume 9 Issue 10

Sun LD et al. Primary intramedullary melanoma

fully peer-reviewed by external

reviewers. It is distributed in Core Tip: We report a primary malignant melanoma of the lumbar spinal cord and
accordance with the Creative emphasize the diagnostic challenge.
Commons Attribution
NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0)
license, which permits others to Citation: Sun LD, Chu X, Xu L, Fan XZ, Qian Y, Zuo DM. Primary intramedullary melanoma
distribute, remix, adapt, build of lumbar spinal cord: A case report. World J Clin Cases 2021; 9(10): 2352-2356
upon this work non-commercially, URL:
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on different terms, provided the
original work is properly cited and
the use is non-commercial. See: htt
s/by-nc/4.0/ INTRODUCTION
Manuscript source: Unsolicited Primary malignant melanoma of the central nervous system (CNS) accounts for about
1% of all melanoma cases[1]. Primary CNS melanoma localized to the spinal cord is
extremely rare, and most frequently involves the thoracic spine and the cervical spine.
Specialty type: Medicine, research The diagnosis of primary intramedullary melanoma was based on histological
and experimental
examination and the exclusion of other lesions outside of the CNS[2,3]. In this paper, we
present the case of a 56-year-old male patient diagnosed with primary intramedullary
Country/Territory of origin: China melanoma of the lumbar spine that proceeded with surgical resection.

Peer-review report’s scientific

quality classification
Grade A (Excellent): 0
Grade B (Very good): 0 Chief complaints
Grade C (Good): C
A 56-year-old man visited our hospital with radiating pain in the lower limbs for 2 wk.
Grade D (Fair): 0
Grade E (Poor): 0 History of past illness
The patient had been suffering from progressive intermittent pain in the lumbar area
Received: November 25, 2020
for approximately 3 years, and his pain was only partially relieved after bed rest. He
Peer-review started: November 25,
then began to feel severe radiating pain in the left lower limb 2 wk before presentation.
First decision: December 8, 2020 Physical examination
Revised: December 15, 2020 The patient had mild kyphosis of the spine and intervertebral tenderness in the L4-L5
Accepted: December 28, 2020 and L5-S1 disc spaces. Physical examination showed left hip tenderness and
Article in press: December 28, 2020 percussion pain. The muscles of the left lower limb were significantly atrophied
Published online: April 6, 2021 relative to the right lower limb. Resultantly, the left lower limb was observed to be 3
cm shorter than the right one.
P-Reviewer: Saffar H A Faber test of the left lower limb was positive. Straight leg elevation tests of both
S-Editor: Fan JR lower extremities were negative. Pain sensation and temperature sensation were
L-Editor: Wang TQ normal in both lower limbs. Muscle tension in both lower extremities was also normal.
Dorsiflexion force of the left ankle joint was 3+, and plantar flexor muscle strength
P-Editor: Liu JH
was level 3. The nail of the big toe was grade 0. Right ankle dorsiflexor force was 4,
and plantar flexor force was 5. The anal sphincter contracted evenly and forcefully.
Bilateral knee and Achilles tendon reflexes were normal. The physiological reflex was
present, but the pathological reflex was not elicited.

Imaging examinations
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis of the lumbar spine exhibited an
intramedullary mass between the L3 and S1 levels. An impressive Schmorl node was
visible in the L4 vertebral body (Figure 1).

Histopathological examination
Histopathological examination of the specimen showed that the tissue was composed
of most polygonal and some spindle tumor cells. The tumor cells were relatively
uniform in size, with rich and transparent cytoplasm. The nuclei of most of the cells
were either round or oval, and they had large nucleoli. The tumor cells displayed a
high degree of mitotic activity, but no necrosis was seen (Figure 2A). The isolated
tumor was also subjected to immunohistochemical examination, which revealed
positive staining for S-100, homatropine methylbromide (HMB)-45, and p53,
indicating an intramedullary malignant melanoma (Figure 2B-D). The tumor cells
expressed vimentin and did not exhibit positivity for the epithelial marker cytokeratin,

WJCC 2353 April 6, 2021 Volume 9 Issue 10

Sun LD et al. Primary intramedullary melanoma

Figure 1 Magnetic resonance imaging analysis of spinal cord lesion. A: Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); B: Sagittal T2-
weighted MRI; C: Homogeneous contrast enhancement on axial T1-weighted images with gadolinium.

which indicates that the tumor had undergone the epithelial-to-mesenchymal

transition process (Figure 2E and F). Additionally, immunostaining for Ki67 supported
an appreciable proliferative activity, and the Ki67 proliferation index was about 10%-
50% (Figure 2G).

The patient had no history or clinical manifestation of the primary cutaneous or ocular
lesion. Based on the MRI analysis and histological examination, the final diagnosis was
primary malignant intramedullary melanoma of the lumbar spinal cord.

The patient underwent L4-S1 discectomy with total resection of a dark reddish-brown
ventrally exophytic intramedullary tumor. The tumor was exposed after the dura was
widely opened. It was black and firm, and invaded the L5 spinal nerve root. Titanium
mesh implantation and pedicle screw fixation were used for the treatment.


The patient refused the molecular targeted therapy based on the drug sensitivity test.
Unfortunately, the patient passed away 6 mo after the surgery.

WJCC 2354 April 6, 2021 Volume 9 Issue 10

Sun LD et al. Primary intramedullary melanoma

Figure 2 Histological analysis of the tumor tissue. A: Hematoxylin and eosin staining showing the tumor cells (× 200); B-G: Immunohistochemical staining for
S-100, homatropine methylbromide-45, p53, vimentin, cytokeratin, and Ki67, respectively (× 400).

Our case presents a rare occurrence of primary intramedullary malignant melanoma in
the lumbar spine manifested by pathological features and clinical behavior. Primary
malignant melanoma of the spinal cord is common in the thoracic region and the
cervical region.
Melanoma is an aggressive form of cancer that develops in the cells (melanocytes)
that produce melanin and can show up anywhere on the skin[4]. Less common types
may be found in other organs. Primary melanoma in the CNS arises from melanocytes
that develop from their precursors. Hayward's classification of primary spinal cord
melanoma relies on the absence of a melanoma outside of the spinal cord and
histologic confirmation of melanoma[2]. Primary intramedullary melanoma shows
either slow progression or rapid decline, and this lesion is distinct from meningeal
melanocytoma and the frequent type of skin melanoma with metastases extending to
the CNS.
Notably, surgical criteria are useful when distinguishing primary malignant
melanoma from meningeal melanocytoma. At surgery, the adherence to nerve roots by
the tumor is suggestive of primary spinal melanoma[5]. Additional chemotherapy and
adjuvant radiotherapy may improve disease-free survival[3]. Accordingly, it was
believed that our case was associated with a primary spinal cord melanoma.
So far, MRI analysis is the best imaging modality for diagnosing spinal cord tumors.
Spinal cord melanoma often displays slightly greater signal intensity on the T1-
weighted images than the otherwise healthy spinal cord. On the T2-weighted images,
however, it can show the same or less signal intensity than the normal cord. The lesion
usually shows mild and homogeneous enhancement following the intravenous
administration of a gadolinium-based contrast agent. Here, the appearance of the
lesion on MRI in our case was consistent with previously reported findings[6,7]. The
final diagnosis should be based on histological and immunophenotyping

WJCC 2355 April 6, 2021 Volume 9 Issue 10

Sun LD et al. Primary intramedullary melanoma

examinations. Histopathologic features of malignant melanoma include the formation

of tight nests surrounded by well-differentiated melanocytes, which produce
pigmented melanin[8]. Immunohistochemically, S-100 and HMB-45 may contribute to
the diagnosis of malignant melanoma[9].
The various differential diagnoses of primary intramedullary melanoma include
metastatic carcinoma, epithelioid schwannoma, and meningeal melanocytoma. In the
diagnosis of spinal cord melanoma, the distinction between primary intramedullary
melanoma and metastatic melanoma is necessary. As mentioned in the Hayward
criteria[2], histological confirmation and exclusion of melanoma outside the CNS (e.g.,
the skin, squamous mucosa, and the eyes) are required for the diagnosis of primary
intramedullary melanoma. In contrast to melanomas, epithelioid schwannomas exhibit
compactly interwoven fascicles of pigmented spindle cells with oval nuclei and low
nuclear grade[10]. Meningeal melanocytoma is a rare pigmented CNS tumor that might
be intradural or extradural and was frequently found in the posterior cranial fossa and
spinal cord[11]. Histologically, the tumor cells are arranged in sheets, bundles, nests,
and whorls surrounded by a network of reticulin fibers. Mitosis and necrosis are rarely
seen in the meningeal melanocytomas.

We herein report a case of primary intramedullary melanoma of the lumbar spinal
cord, which is a very rare disease, and surgical resection was applied to the patient
after careful evaluation.

1 Liubinas SV, Maartens N, Drummond KJ. Primary melanocytic neoplasms of the central nervous
system. J Clin Neurosci 2010; 17: 1227-1232 [PMID: 20558070 DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2010.01.017]
2 Hayward RD. Malignant melanoma and the central nervous system. A guide for classification based
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3 Sharma A, Sinha VD. Primary Spinal Cord Melanoma of Intradural Extramedullary Origin. J
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5 Liu QY, Liu AM, Li HG, Guan YB. Primary spinal melanoma of extramedullary origin: a report of
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8 Bastian BC. The molecular pathology of melanoma: an integrated taxonomy of melanocytic
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9 Xia J, Wang Y, Li F, Wang J, Mu Y, Mei X, Li X, Zhu W, Jin X, Yu K. Expression of
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WJCC 2356 April 6, 2021 Volume 9 Issue 10

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Open Access Case
Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.16194

Primary Intramedullary Spinal Melanoma: A Rare

Disease of the Spinal Cord
Fatima Tuz Zahra 1 , Zainub Ajmal 1 , Jiang Qian 2 , Stephen Wrzesinski 3

1. Internal Medicine, Albany Medical Center, Albany, USA 2. Pathology, Albany Medical Center, Albany, USA 3.
Hematology and Medical Oncology, Albany Medical Center, Albany, USA

Corresponding author: Fatima Tuz Zahra,

Primary malignant melanoma of the intramedullary region of the spinal cord has rarely been reported in the
literature. These tumors can have variable appearance on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to
different extents of melanin and hemorrhage. Histopathologic confirmation and a comprehensive workup to
rule out extra-spinal melanoma are required to make definitive diagnosis. We present a case of a patient
diagnosed with primary intramedullary spinal melanoma in his lower thoracic spinal cord who was
effectively treated with surgical resection, adjuvant radiation, and adjuvant immunotherapy. Gross total
resection (GTR) is most vital in the management of this spinal tumor. Although several studies have
established the efficacy of immunotherapy agents in advanced malignant melanoma, the use of these agents
has not been studied in primary central nervous system melanomas. This case provides insight into the
diagnostic approach and treatment options for this unique malignancy.

Categories: Neurology, Neurosurgery, Oncology

Keywords: primary spinal melanoma, non cutaneous malignant melanoma, adjuvant radiation therapy, cancer-
immunotherapy, rare brain tumors, neuro oncology

Primary melanoma of the central nervous system (CNS) is a rare neoplasm that accounts for approximately
1% of all cases of melanoma [1]. Primary intramedullary spinal cord melanoma is an extremely unique entity
[2]. Diagnosis requires histopathological confirmation and ruling out metastatic spread from skin, ocular, or
gastrointestinal primary lesions [3]. Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment but due to rarity of the
tumor, there are no well-defined guidelines for using available adjuvant therapies [2]. We present a case of
primary intramedullary spinal melanoma treated with gross total resection and adjuvant radiation therapy
followed by adjuvant immunotherapy with Nivolumab yielding favorable outcome.

Case Presentation
A 61-year-old male with no significant past medical history was seen by Neurology as an outpatient for
Review began 06/17/2021
evaluation of progressive lower extremity weakness, numbness and paresthesia, present for one year. He
Review ended 06/25/2021 also complained of saddle paresthesia associated with urinary retention and stool incontinence. These
Published 07/05/2021 symptoms had progressively worsened over several months with decreased lower extremity strength
© Copyright 2021
resulting in multiple falls.
Tuz Zahra et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the On physical examination, the patient had asymmetric motor weakness in his bilateral lower extremities,
Creative Commons Attribution License
worse on the right side. Complete loss of right hip abduction and right-sided foot drop was also noted. The
CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any patient had hypesthesia to temperature, proprioception, and vibration below the T11 sensory level. Deep
medium, provided the original author and tendon reflexes were normal.
source are credited.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the cervical and lumbosacral spine revealed no abnormalities
that could explain patient’s symptoms. MRI of thoracic spine with contrast demonstrated an expansile,
intramedullary lesion in the thoracic cord at the levels T10 and T11. There was minimal hyperintense T1
signal, suggestive of intrinsic hemorrhage (Figure 1), and moderate enhancement with intravenous contrast
(Figure 2). There was a slight increase in signal on T2 weighted sequences (Figure 3). This raised concern for
a spinal cord malignancy like ependymoma, astrocytoma, hemangioblastoma, melanoma, or metastatic

How to cite this article

Tuz Zahra F, Ajmal Z, Qian J, et al. (July 05, 2021) Primary Intramedullary Spinal Melanoma: A Rare Disease of the Spinal Cord. Cureus 13(7):
e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194
FIGURE 1: MRI of thoracic spine, T1 sagittal view.
Minimal hyperintense T1 signal, suggesting intrinsic hemorrhage.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 2 of 11

FIGURE 2: MRI of thoracic spine, T1 sagittal view with intravenous
contrast and fat suppression.
Moderate enhancement on intra-medullary lesion with intravenous contrast.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 3 of 11

FIGURE 3: MRI of thoracic spine, T2 sagittal view.
A slight hyperintense signal on T2 weighted sequence can be visualized.

Patient underwent a T9-T11 laminectomy and resection of this T10-T11 intramedullary tumor using
ultrasonographic spinal neuro-navigation, neurophysiological monitoring, and intradural operative
microscope. Gross total resection (GTR) was achieved. A dark brown-green colored tumor was visualized and
sent for intra-operative frozen section pathologic analysis which revealed an epithelioid neoplasm with
marked pigment deposition. On histopathology, the tumor was demarcated from spinal cord tissue and was
composed of nests of medium- to large-sized cells with prominent nucleoli, low N-C (nuclear to
cytoplasmic) ratio, appreciable mitotic activity, and fine granular cytoplasmic melanin pigments (Figure 4).
Immunohistochemically, the tumor was positive for S-100 protein, Melan-A or MART-1 (Figure 5) and MITF
(Figure 6), confirming malignant melanoma. There was prominent lymphoplasmacytic reaction to the tumor,
together with hemosiderin deposits indicating prior hemorrhage. Subsequent workup including a careful
skin exam, ophthalmological evaluation, and whole-body PET-CT revealed no evidence of extra-spinal
malignancy. Of note, the patient had a colonoscopy before GTR that had not shown any evidence of
melanoma in colonic mucosa. However, an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was deferred in this case due to
the high risk of complications after spinal surgery. Given the above workup, the patient was diagnosed with
Primary intramedullary malignant melanoma of thoracic spine.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 4 of 11

FIGURE 4: Low and high-power view of H&E stained sections.
Melanoma in cellular nests composed of large cells with prominent nucleoli but low N-C ratio, with pigments
present in some tumor cells. H&E: hematoxylin and eosin.

FIGURE 5: IHC stain for MART-1/Melan-A.

IHC shows cytoplasmic staining in melanoma cells. IHC: immunohistochemistry.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 5 of 11

FIGURE 6: IHC stain for MITF.
IHC shows nuclear staining in melanoma cells. MITF: microphthalmia-associated transcription factor; IHC:

After GTR, the patient received adjuvant radiation therapy to the lower thoracic spine surgical bed and
completed a total dose of 5040cGy in twenty-eight fractions. Adjuvant checkpoint inhibitor therapy with
nivolumab was subsequently administered at 480 mg intravenously every four weeks. The patient tolerated
eleven of thirteen cycles of nivolumab after which it was discontinued when he developed grade III
pneumonitis (immune-related adverse effect) that was effectively treated with high dose steroid therapy that
was tapered over several weeks. Fifteen months after initial spinal surgery patient’s lower extremity
weakness, hypesthesia, and sphincter dysfunction has nearly resolved. Most recent surveillance MRI scan
performed 12 months after spinal surgery showed no evidence of disease recurrence (Figures 7, 8, 9). The
patient continues to follow-up regularly with Oncology.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 6 of 11

FIGURE 7: MRI of thoracic spine, T1 sagittal view.
No evidence of disease recurrence.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 7 of 11

FIGURE 8: MRI of thoracic spine, T1 sagittal view with intravenous
contrast and fat suppression
No evidence of disease recurrence.

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 8 of 11

FIGURE 9: MRI of thoracic spine, T2 sagittal view.
No evidence of disease recurrence.

Primary CNS melanoma is a malignant tumor that was first described by Hirschberg in 1906 [4]. This rare
entity accounts for only 1% of all melanomas and has an estimated incidence of 0.005 cases per
100,000. Oncogenesis is hypothesized to occur from neural crest cells that fail to migrate during
embryogenesis and reside in the neural tube. Later in life, dysregulated signaling between these neural crest
cells and adjacent cells causes disruption in normal differentiation and maturation of these cells. It has also
been hypothesized that primary CNS melanoma in atypical sites may stem from melanocyte precursors that
accompany the pial sheaths of vascular bundles. Oncogenesis from neuroectodermal cells with
abnormalities in cellular migration has also been suggested [5,6]. Primary spinal melanoma(PSM) is even
more unique and most of its cases seem to arise in the thoracic spinal cord [7]. Location of these tumors can
be intra- or extramedullary, leptomeningeal, or extradural. Intramedullary location of the neoplasm, as seen
in our case, is very rare [1]. Few population studies on primary CNS melanomas published to date show a
similar predisposition of males and females to be affected with peak incidence reported in the fifth decade
of life [2,8]. Symptoms of PSM depend on exact location of the tumor and are usually sub-acute or insidious
in presentation, except in case of hemorrhage which may cause acute worsening of neurological symptoms.
Patients may present with neck or back pain, signs of progressive asymmetric sensory and motor
myelopathy, or sphincter dysfunction [9].

Factors to be considered in diagnosis of primary CNS melanoma were first described by Hayward in 1976:
absence of other CNS tumors, lack of extra-CNS lesions, and pathological confirmation [3]. The diagnostic
approach to primary spinal melanoma is based on excluding primary site of origin outside the spinal cord for
which a thorough ophthalmologic, dermatologic, and gastrointestinal examination is required [10]. In our
patient, a comprehensive eye exam, skin inspection, and colonoscopy did not reveal an extra-spinal primary
leading to the diagnosis of primary spinal melanoma. MRI is the imaging modality of choice for diagnosis but
there are no distinct MRI findings that can differentiate primary spinal melanoma from other pigmented
tumors of the spinal cord such as extra-spinal metastatic melanoma, and hemorrhagic neoplasms, like
ependymoma and astrocytoma. The imaging features of primary spinal melanoma can vary depending on
the extent of melanocytic content and based on the absence or presence of hemorrhage. Most lesions show
hyperintense signals on T1-weighted images while the T2-weighted images may demonstrate iso or
hypointense signals compared to normal cord. Homogeneous pattern of enhancement on gadolinium post-
contrast images has often been reported but sometimes the pattern can be peripheral, inhomogeneous, or
nodular [1,6,11]. Malignant melanomas have high metabolic activity and function and a PET/CT is helpful

2021 Tuz Zahra et al. Cureus 13(7): e16194. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16194 9 of 11

for the evaluation of local versus metastatic spread from distant disease [12]. None of these imaging
modalities are highly specific, therefore a definitive diagnosis of PSM is made on pathologic studies.
Hyperplastic sheets of spindled or epithelioid cells can be seen and may show significant pleomorphism.
Most tumors have some degree of cytoplasmic melanin but rare instances of amelanotic melanoma have
been reported. Other features like prominent nucleoli, atypical mitoses, tissue invasion, and necrosis can be
seen as well [6,13]. Key immunohistochemical markers for diagnosis include human melanoma black-
45(HMB-45): a marker of melanocytic differentiation and melanosome formation, S-100 protein, Melan-A:
melanocytic lineage-specific marker, and microphthalmia-associated transcription factor(MITF): a major
transcriptional regulator of the melanocytic cell lineage [13-15].

In our patient, minimal T1 hyperintensity and moderate enhancement after intravenous contrast was
characteristic of malignant melanoma. PET/CT scan demonstrated a primary spinal cord lesion and
pathologic findings consolidated the diagnosis of primary malignant melanoma of the spine.

Because, PSM is a rare tumor, there are no definitive guidelines for its treatment. Overwhelming consensus
based on published literature favors gross total resection (GTR) as cornerstone of treatment. GTR yields
improved survival and mortality outcomes. Adjuvant radiation treatment (RT) with GTR may decrease odds
of local recurrence compared to GTR alone but Zhang et al. did not observe any added survival benefit [2].
Puyana et al. concluded that compared to GTR, sub-total resection (STR) does not offer a survival benefit
without addition of adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) and hence in such cases where a complete surgical
excision or GTR is not possible, adjuvant radiation becomes a more vital element of treatment, akin to the
treatment of resected cutaneous melanomas with positive margins without further surgery being feasible [8].
Surgical excision either GTR or STR improves overall survival compared to biopsy alone. The role of
adjuvant systemic therapy remains less clear. However, adjuvant systemic therapy is generally administered
in combination with surgical excision and adjuvant radiation. Case studies have shown variable survival
outcomes with use of adjuvant dacarbazine or temozolomide [16]. Improved disease control and survival
with the use of high dose systemic interferon (INF)-beta or INF-alpha has also been described in few cases
[17]. Novel biologics and targeted therapies are promising and have a favorable side effect profile than
cytotoxic chemotherapies. Targeted therapy agents like dabrafenib and vemurafenib can be effective
adjuvant agents in patients with BRAF mutant melanomas [18]. Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy with
cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 inhibitor Ipilimumab and programmed death-1 inhibitors Nivolumab and
Pembrolizumab has shown positive outcomes in patients with advanced melanomas [19]. Efficacy in primary
spinal melanoma has not been established. Oncogenic mutations in ROS-1, ALK, NRAS, P13K/AKT/mTOR
pathway, and GNAQ and GNA11 genes are also being investigated for therapeutic potential with targeted
agents [20]. In the case of our patient, complete surgical resection, adjuvant radiation therapy and adjuvant
immunotherapy with Nivolumab has shown a promising outcome in the form of recurrence-free survival
over 15 months since surgery, suggesting a triple modality approach may be an effective option for the
management of patients with this rare disease.

Primary intramedullary spinal melanoma is extremely rare and often arises from thoracic spinal cord.
Characteristic MRI findings can indicate spinal melanoma, but a definitive diagnosis of primary spinal
melanoma needs pathologic confirmation and ruling out extra-spinal melanoma. GTR should always be
attempted to yield most promising survival and mortality outcomes. Adjuvant radiation limits local
recurrence but the role of adjuvant chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy to decrease the
risk of developing distant disease needs to be explored further. Our case provides a unique insight into
benefits of adjuvant immunotherapy with Nivolumab in addition to GTR and RT, and highlights a shifting
paradigm in CNS melanoma treatment options.

Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Conflicts of interest: In
compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services
info: All authors have declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the
submitted work. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial
relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an
interest in the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.

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Citation: Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2015) 1, 15003; doi:10.1038/scsandc.2015.3
© 2015 International Spinal Cord Society All rights reserved 2058-6124/15

Primary spinal melanoma of extramedullary origin: a report
of three cases and systematic review of the literature
Q-Y Liu1,2, A-M Liu3, H-G Li4 and Y-B Guan5

STUDY DESIGN: A review of the literature and three case reports.

OBJECTIVES: Primary spinal melanoma (PSM) of extramedullary origin is a rare malignant condition with limited current literature
in regards to its clinical course, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, treatment strategies and prognosis. We reported here
three cases of PSM of extramedullary origin.
SETTING: China, Guangzhou.
METHODS: We report three cases of PSM of extramedullary origin. The clinical and radiological findings of these cases were
retrospectively analyzed.
RESULTS: The three cases were all of males aged 39, 47 and 76 years, respectively. The duration of their symptoms was 3 weeks,
2 months and 11 months respectively. The extramedullary tumors were all well-defined solitary tumors and were located at C4-5,
L2-3 and T9-10, respectively. In one case, involvement of the intervertebral foramen was found. Preoperative MRI showed
hyperintense T1W signals and hypointense T2W signals in all three cases and all tumors were clinically misdiagnosed as
schwannomas. The patients received total or subtotal resection surgery without radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Patients were alive
at 18 months, 27 months and 36 months postoperative follow-up, respectively.
CONCLUSION: PSM of extramedullary origin is a rare malignant tumor that shows characteristic findings on MRI. Surgical resection
is the preferred treatment strategy.
Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2015) 1, 15003; doi:10.1038/scsandc.2015.3; published online 9 July 2015

INTRODUCTION Diagnosis of melanoma was established histopathologically. No

Primary central nervous system (CNS) melanoma is a rare other melanoma foci were found after comprehensive post-
malignant condition, accounting for 1% of total CNS operative examinations. The patient did not receive chemother-
melanomas.1 Primary spinal melanoma (PSM) of extramedullary apy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy due to economic reasons.
origin is an even rarer tumor; its diagnostic criteria are that there After 7 months of postoperative follow-up, the patient was still
are no melanomas in locations other than the CNS (such as in the alive with improved neurological function.
skin, mucosa or retina), and that melanoma is confirmed by
histopathology.1 There are few published cases of PSM of
extramedullary origin. Case 2
A 47-year-old male presented with an 11-month history of right
finger numbness. Neurological examinations showed upper right
CASE PRESENTATIONS limb hypoesthesia focusing on the dorsum of the right hand.
Case 1 Motor strength of the right upper limb was weakened (4/5 power
A 39-year-old male experienced 2 months of bilateral lower limb response). Cervical MRI showed an extramedullary tumor at the
weakness from the hip with associated numbness and a 10-day C4-5 level, with measurements 1.3 cm × 2.6 cm × 1.5 cm. The
history of ataxic gait. Neurological examination revealed high tumor had spread to the right intervertebral foramen. It was
bilateral lower limb muscle tension with 4/5 power response in hyperintense on T1W images, hypointense on T2W images and
both legs and abnormal superficial sensation below T12. Magnetic slightly enhanced after contrast administration. More hypointense
resonance imaging (MRI) examination showed an extramedullary patchy areas were found inside the tumor on T2W images
tumor at the T9-10 level, with measurements 1.9 cm × 0.9 cm × 1.2 (Figure 2). The patient underwent complete resection of the tumor
cm. The well-defined mass was hyperintense on T1W images, with C5 nerve preservation. After the dura was opened, a solid
hypointense on T2W images and homogeneously moderate black tumor growing along the right C5 nerve root was observed
enhancement after contrast administration (Figure 1). After adherent to the spinal cord. Histopathology confirmed the tumor
exposing the dura, an oval-shaped black tumor was shown to to be melanoma. No melanoma foci were discovered in any other
be tightly adhered to the left T9 nerve root and spinal cord, and parts of the body after comprehensive examination. The patient
subsequently a subtotal resection of the tumor was performed. refused further postoperative radiotherapy, chemotherapy or

Department of Radiology, Zengcheng People’s Hospital, Zengcheng, Guangdong Province, China; 2Department of Radiology, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen
University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China; 3Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province, China; 4Department of Pathology, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China and 5Department of
Radiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China.
Correspondence: Professor Q-Y Liu (
Received 5 December 2014; revised 12 January 2015; accepted 14 January 2015
Primary spinal melanoma
Q-Y Liu et al

Figure 2. A 47-year-old male with PSM of extramedullary origin at

C4-5. MRI shows a hyperintense mass on sagittal T1W image (a),
hypointense on sagittal T2W image at C4-5 (b) and homogeneously
mild enhancement after contrast administration on axial image,
Figure 1. A 39-year-old male with PSM of extramedullary origin at which extends to the right intervertebral foramen (c).
T9-10. MRI shows a hyperintense mass (arrow) on sagittal T1W
image (a), hypointense on sagittal T2W image (b) at T9-10 (arrow)
and homogeneous enhancement after contrast administration on
axial image (c). DISCUSSION
The origin of PSM is still unclear; it may originate from
melanoblasts accompanying the pia mater sheaths of vascular
immunotherapy, and was still alive with improved neurological bundles or from neuroectodermal rest cells during embryo-
function after 76 postoperative months. genesis.2,3
A systematic retrospective analysis of all the English literature
on PSM of extramedullary origin published between 2000 and
Case 3 2013 was performed. Papers were retrieved from PubMed using
‘primary melanoma’ and ‘spinal’ in ‘All fields’, ‘2000/01/01 to
A 76-year-old male presented with a 3-week history of lower
2013/12/31’ in the ‘Date-Publication’ and ‘English’ in ‘Language’.
extremity weakness. Neurological examinations revealed 4/5 A total of 24 patients with PSM of extramedullary origin have
power response in the left lower extremity and 3/5 in the right been summarized in a detailed table (Table 1).
lower extremity. Sensation was also reduced below the knee. This tumor can occur at any spinal segment; however, there
Lumbar MRI revealed an extramedullary tumor located on the were slightly more cases in the cervical segments (39.3%, 11/28).
right anterior side of the spinal cord with a well-defined margin The patients were 16–82 years (mean: 47 years old) without
and measurements 1.3 cm × 1.5 cm × 5.0 cm. The tumor was gender preference. The majority of tumors were solitary and only
slightly hyperintense on T1W images, primarily hypointense on one patient with multiple foci was reported.4 A few tumors
T2W images and heterogeneous moderate enhancement after originated from the nerve roots or had spinal nerve root
contrast administration (Figure 3). The patient underwent total involvement,5–9 which led to the enlargement of the intervertebral
resection of the tumor. After dural incision, a black-colored foramen, and even spread outside the intervertebral foramen2,10
extramedullary tumor was observed with abundant blood supply. or destruction of the vertebral pedicles.8,11
Histopathological examination revealed melanoma. No melanoma Signs and symptoms of this tumor were nonspecific and
foci were observed in other parts of the body after comprehensive dependent on location.12 However, literature concerning the
postoperative examinations. The patient refused further post- symptomatic bilateral papilledema induced by increased intracra-
operative radiotherapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy. The nial pressure 13 or the presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage-like
patient was alive with improved neurological function after 67 symptoms have been reported, and thus clinicians should be
postoperative months. aware of these rare presentations.14

Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2015) 15003 © 2015 International Spinal Cord Society
Primary spinal melanoma
Q-Y Liu et al

Figure 3. A 76-year-old male with PSM of extramedullary origin at L2-3. MRI shows a slightly hyperintense mass on sagittal T1W image (a) and
hypointense on sagittal T2W image (b). Hematoxylin and eosin staining shows a highly cellular malignant tumor with dense deposition of
melanin granules (200 × ) (c) and immunohistochemical studies showed positivity for HMB-45 (200 × ) (d).

PSM of extramedullary origin show typical changes on MRI. It T2W) on MRI examination, even in pigmented schwannoma or
presents with hyperintense T1W signals, hypointense T2W signals meningioma.15 Spinal extramedullary hematoma usually presents
and varying enhancements. The characteristic MRI findings may with intense, ‘knife-like’ pain at the location of the hemorrhage
be associated with melanin concentration and hemorrhages. The (‘coup de poignard’) and subsequently progressive paralysis below
paramagnetic effect of stable, free radicals and blood products the affected spinal level. These clinical features are different from
(methemoglobin) caused shortening of the T1 and T2 relaxation those of primary melanoma.20
times in melanoma, consequently producing hyperintensity on Although the treatment of PSM of extramedullary origin has not
T1W images and hypointensity on T2W images. Higher melanin yet been standardized, most researchers recommend total surgical
concentration was associated with higher signal intensities on resection. Radiotherapy (from 30 to 60 Gy; median dose: 33.5 Gy)
T1W images and lower signal intensities on T2W images.15 In CNS is effective for local control and is reserved for palliation of
melanoma, this typical sign was observed in less than half of the symptoms due to spinal cord compression or as an adjuvant to
patients;16 however, in our review of PSM of extramedullary origin, laminectomy.5,6,10,11,17,18,21 Melanoma is also refractory to most
these typical changes were observed in 95% (20/21) of patients. systemic chemotherapies. Currently, it has not been confirmed
Therefore, when an intraspinal extramedullary tumor shows whether postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy (such as
hyperintense T1W and hypointense T2W signaling, melanoma interferon, methotrexate and temozolomide) has a significant role
should be suspected.2 in overall survival time.5,6,10,11,17,18,21 Although immunotherapy is
Clinically, PSM of extramedullary origin may be misdiagnosed as the current paradigm shift in management of melanoma, the role
a neurogenic tumor (schwannoma), ependymoma, metastatic of immunotherapy in these rare and particular cases have not yet
tumor, hematoma or meningioma.3,5–7,9–11,17–19 Ninety percent of been documented in the literature.
melanomas found in the CNS are metastatic tumors.8 A thorough Metastasis was observed in the patients at diagnosis or after
physical examination is required to rule out melanoma in other surgery and the locations included the brain, lung, bone, systemic
organs outside of the spinal cord, before a diagnosis of PSM can metastasis or the intraspinal metastasis.3,8,17,21,22 Of the total
be established. Spinal schwannoma or meningioma lacks the 27 cases, only 2 cases had recurrence records.14,17 The survival
characteristic signals (hyperintensity on T1W and hypointensity on time of PSM was between 2 weeks and 17 years (median time:

© 2015 International Spinal Cord Society Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2015) 15003

Table 1. Primary extramedullary malignant melanoma: review of the literature from 2000 to 2013

Authors Age (yr)/ Duration Level Preoperative diagnosis Treatment Recurrence/metastases Follow-up T1W/T2W/Enh on MRI

Schneider et al.22 65/M 10 yr L2-4 NS Excision without Rad or Ch NS/vertebral 1 mo, died NS/NS/Enh
Sanz-Trelles et al.23 26/M 3 mo L3 NS Total excision without Ch or No/No 24 mo, alive NS
Naing et al.5 42/F NS L2 Nerve sheath tumors Subtotal excision with Rad No/No NS NS/NS/Enh

Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2015) 15003

and Ch
Freudenstein et al.17 54/F 8 yr T10-12 Ependymoma Subtotal excision with Rad Yes/intraspinal 6 yr, died Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
and Ch
Kwon et al.6 45/F 4 yr C6-7 Neurogenic tumor Total excision with Rad No/NS 8 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Montinaro et al.14 57/F NS L1-2 NS Total excision Yes/NS 3 mo, alive Hyper-/hyper-/Enh
Kouninet al.13 41/F 9 mo C2–4 NS Total excision without Rad NS/NS 3 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/NS
Mekni et al.24 34/M NS T6-8 NS Subtotal excision NS/NS 3 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Unal et al.16 37/F 4 mo T7 NS Total excision with Ch NS/NS 6 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Kanatas et al.10 76/F 8 mo C6-7 Neurofibroma Subtotal excision with Rad NS/NS 6 mo, alive NS/NS/Enh
Vij et al.25 40/M 6 mo C1-2 NS Excision without Rad or Ch No/No 1 yr, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Kim et al.12 34/F 12 mo T4 NS Total excision without Rad No/No 3 yr, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
or Ch
Q-Y Liu et al
Primary spinal melanoma

Jo et al.11 68/F 5 da T7-8 Metastatic tumor Subtotal excision with Rad NS/NS 6 mo, died Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
and Ch
Lee et al. 39/M 11 mo C1-6 Subdural hematoma Total excision with Rad No/NS 17 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
and Ch
Lee et al.7 71/F 12 mo C6-7 Neurofibroma or Subtotal excision NS/NS NS Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Ganiüsmen et al. 49/F 2 yr L3 NS Total excision, with Rad No/ lung and S1 4 yr, alive Hyper-/hyper-/NS
and Ch bone
Jaiswal et al.1 16/M NS C1–5 NS Total excision NS/NS 4 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Jaiswal et al.1 40/M NS C1–2 NS Total excision NS/NS 4 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Katalinic et al.21 30/M NS T7-9 NS Total excision without Rad No/systemetic 17 yr, died NS
Yan et al.2 44/F 3 mo L2 − 4 NS Total excision, without Rad NS/NS NS Hyper-/hypo-/NS
Yu et al.3 48/M 6 mo C2-6 Melanoma Subtotal excision NS/ brain 2 mo, died Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Cicuendez et al.19 82/F 1 mo L2 Schwannoma or meningioma Subtotal excision with Rad NS/NS 2 mo, died Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Huang et al.4 24/M 1 mo Thoracic and cervical NS Total excision of thoracic NS/NS 2 wk, alive Hyper/iso to hypo-/
level lesion Enh
Sinha et al.9 55/M NS L4 Neurofibroma Total excision No/No 38 mo, alive NS
Liu et al. 39/M 2 mo T9-10 Schwannoma Subtotal excision without Rad No /intraspinal 18 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
or Ch
Liu et al. 47/M 11 mo C4-5 Schwannoma Total excision without Rad No/No 36 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
or Ch
Liu et al. 76/M 3 wk L2-3 Schwannoma Subtotal excision without No/No 27 mo, alive Hyper-/hypo-/Enh
Rad or Ch
Abbreviations: Ch, chemotherapy; da, days; Enh, enhancement; F, female; Hyper-, hyperintense; hypo-, hypointense; M, male; mo, months; NS, not stated; Rad, radiotherapy; wk, weeks; yr, years.

© 2015 International Spinal Cord Society

Primary spinal melanoma
Q-Y Liu et al
7 months). Six patients died during postoperative follow-up. 8 Ganiüsmen O, Özer FD, Mete M, Özdemir N, Bayol Ü. Slow progression and
Because of limited follow-up data, the exact survival rate is still benign course of a primary malign melanoma of a lumbar nerve root. Clin Neurol
unclear and a comparison of prognosis cannot be performed Neurosurg 2012; 114: 166–168.
9 Sinha R, Rizvi TH, Chakraborti S, Ballal CK, Kumar A. Primary melanoma of the
between patients with postoperative radiotherapy and those with spinal cord: a case report. J Clin Diagn Res 2013; 7: 1148–1149.
postoperative chemotherapy. 10 Kanatas AN, Bullock MD, Pal D, Chakrabarty A, Chumas P. Intradural extra-
medullary primary malignant melanoma radiographically mimicking a neurofi-
broma. Br J Neurosurg 2007; 21: 39–40.
CONCLUSION 11 Jo KW, Kim SR, Kim SD, Park IS. Primary thoracic epidural melanoma: a case report.
In summary, PSM of extramedullary origin is very rare. The Asian Spine J 2010; 4: 48–51.
12 Kim MS, Yoon do H, Shin DA. Primary spinal cord melanoma. J Korean Neurosurg
preoperative diagnosis is primarily based on typical MRI presenta- Soc 2010; 48: 157–161.
tions. The primary treatment strategy for this tumor is surgery, and 13 Kounin GK, Romansky KV, Traykov LD, Shotekov PM, Stoilova DZ. Primary spinal
additional postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy may be melanoma with bilateral papilledema. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2005; 107: 525–527.
implemented if necessary. 14 Montinaro A, Cantisani P, Punzi F, D'Agostino A. Cauda equina melanoma pre-
senting with subarachnoid hemorrhage. A case report. J Neurosurg Sci 2004; 48:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 15 Smith AB, Rushing EJ, Smirniotopoulos JG. Pigmented lesions of the central
nervous system: radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 2009; 29:
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University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) for English editing. 16 Unal B, Castillo M. MRI features of a primary thoracic epidural melanoma: a
case report. Clin Imaging 2007; 31: 273–275.
17 Freudenstein D, Wagner A, Bornemann A, Ernemann U, Bauer T, Duffner F. Pri-
COMPETING INTERESTS mary melanocytic lesions of the CNS: report of five cases. Zentralbl Neurochi 2004;
The authors declare no conflict of interest. 65: 146–153.
18 Lee CH, Moon KY, Chung CK, Kim HJ, Chang KH, Park SH et al. Primary intradural
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1976) 2010; 35: E303–E307.
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© 2015 International Spinal Cord Society Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2015) 15003

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