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Let's explain derivation table, usage table, facts, and

preliminary workload with easy-to-understand examples in

the context of data warehouse design:

1. Derivation Table:
 Definition: A derivation table in a data warehouse design

is a structured table or metadata repository that outlines

how specific data elements are calculated or derived
from other data elements or sources within the data
 Example: Imagine you're building a data warehouse for

a retail company. You have a "Total Sales" data element

that is derived by multiplying the "Quantity Sold" by the
"Unit Price". The derivation table would look like this:

Derived Data Source Data

Element Elements Transformation Rule

Quantity Sold, Total Sales = Quantity

Total Sales Unit Price Sold * Unit Price

2. Usage Table:
 Definition: A usage table in data warehouse design

documents how specific data elements are utilized or

consumed within the data warehouse. It provides
information about where and how the data elements are
used, such as in reports or analytics.
 Example: Continuing with the retail data warehouse

example, let's say "Total Sales" is used in a "Monthly

Sales Report" and displayed as a key metric in an
"Executive Dashboard". The usage table would look like
Data Consuming
Element Components Usage Details

Monthly Sales Key metric in Monthly Sales

Total Report, Executive Report; Displayed in a chart
Sales Dashboard in Executive Dashboard

3. Facts:
 Definition: In a data warehouse, a fact is a piece of data

that represents a specific business measurement or event.

Facts are typically numerical values that can be
aggregated, and they form the core of data analysis in a
data warehouse.
 Example: In the retail data warehouse, some facts could

include "Total Sales," "Quantity Sold," "Revenue

Generated," and "Number of Customers." For instance,
"Total Sales" represents the total revenue generated from
4. Preliminary Workload:
 Definition: Preliminary workload analysis involves

assessing and analyzing the expected usage, queries, and

transactions that the data warehouse is likely to handle.
This analysis helps in understanding the workload
patterns and requirements for system performance and
 Example: In our retail data warehouse example,

preliminary workload analysis would involve estimating

the number of users accessing the data warehouse, the
types of queries they will run (e.g., sales analysis,
inventory tracking), and the frequency of data updates
(e.g., daily, hourly). This analysis helps in designing a
data warehouse that can handle the expected workload

By understanding these concepts and documenting them in a

glossary, stakeholders in the data warehouse design project
can communicate effectively, ensuring a shared understanding
of crucial terms and concepts throughout the project.

In a glossary-based requirement analysis within the context of

data warehouse design, the derivation table and usage table
concepts are utilized to ensure clarity, consistency, and a shared
understanding of the terms and their usage. Here's how they
are incorporated into the glossary-based requirement analysis

1. Term Identification and Definition Creation:

 Derivation Table:

 Definition: A table or metadata repository that

documents how a particular data element is derived

or calculated from other data elements or sources
within the data warehouse.
 Usage Table:

 Definition: A table or metadata repository that

documents how a particular data element is used or

consumed within the data warehouse.
2. Collaborative Review:
During the collaborative review process of creating and
validating the glossary, stakeholders, including data architects,
business analysts, and subject matter experts, review and
validate the definitions of terms like "Derivation Table" and
"Usage Table" to ensure accuracy and relevance within the data
warehouse design context.
3. Integration with Glossary:
These definitions, along with other data warehousing-related
terms, are integrated into the glossary, ensuring that anyone
referring to the glossary understands these specific terms and
their meanings within the data warehouse domain.
4. Linking to Terms in Requirement Documentation:
When documenting requirements for the data warehouse
design, if a term like "Derivation Table" or "Usage Table" is
used, it should reference the glossary definition to provide
stakeholders with a clear understanding of the term and its
context within the project requirements.

By using a glossary that includes these definitions, stakeholders

can communicate and collaborate effectively, reducing
misunderstandings and ensuring that terms related to data
warehouse design are consistently used and interpreted
throughout the requirement analysis and project
implementation phases. The glossary serves as a valuable
reference for all stakeholders involved in the data warehouse

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