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3 parts:

- Part 1: social interaction (3 minutes)

- Two topics, 3 questions. Candidates select at least 3 questions of either topic.

PART 2: OPTION DISCUSSION (1 minute preparation 3 minutes)

- Given 3 options
- Pick up 1 option and explain why you do not select other two options.
- PART 3; MIND MAP DEVELOPMENT (1 minute preparation, 4 minutes)
- Develop a mind map
- Answer 3 follow-up questions

Cách trả lời Part 1
- Trả lời thẳng vào câu hỏi. Lập lại một phần của câu hỏi để có khởi đầu tốt.
- Luôn giải thích và cho ví dụ về trải nghiệm cá nhân hoặc phát triển ý tưởng.
Let’s talk about a place to live
- Do you want to live in the countryside?
 yes, I want to live in the countryside. This is because the countryside is peaceful and quiet. I can
relax my mind. Besides/also/moreover, it has fresh air and beautiful scenery.
 No, I don’t want to live in the countryside because there isn’t much to do. For example, there are no
supermarkets or movie theaters. So young people often feel bored in the countryside.
- Why do you think so many people like to live in the cities?
 So many people like to live in the cities because it is fun and easy to find a good job. There are
many job opportunities. Life is modern and interesting. There are good services and facilities. For
example, there are modern shopping malls, excellent/high quality hospitals and prestigious schools and

In your opinion, what is the best city in your country to live in? Why?
 DL is the best city in my country to live in because it is very beautiful and peaceful. Besides DL has
fresh air and nice weather and hospitable people. It is also a popular tourist destination.
Let’s talk about animals
- What types of animals do you often see?
 I often see dogs and cats. Dogs and cats are popular pets in my country. Besides, I see some wild
animals such as lions on TV and in the zoo. I’m especially fond of the dog as dogs are always loyal to
their owners. They always protect and never betray or leave their owners in any circumstances.
- What can humans do but animals cannot do? Well In my opinion/from my perspective/ from
my viewpoint/ I suppose/ I assume/ I think I guess
 Humans can write, speak, cook, use tools and work but animals cannot do these things. Besides
humans can produce things and services.
- In your opinion, what should people do to protect wild animals?
 In my opinion, people should stop hunting wild animals, stop cutting down trees. It is also important
to protect/defend animals’ habitats such as forests, oceans, rivers and lakes.
Reading should be encouraged in high school, and schools are considering adding more books to the
libraries. Three kinds of books are suggested: reference books, picture books, and textbooks. Which
do you think is the best choice for them? Explain your choice.
MB: như outline
TB: Firstly, I choose reference books because they are good for students. Students can use them to have
more knowledge. Secondly, libraries at schools often lack of this kind of book.
However, I don’t choose picture books because I think high school students don’t like these books.
Similarly, I don’t choose textbooks because students already have this kind of book.
To sum up, I think reference books is the best choice for high school libraries.


Topic: Cycling has a lot of benefits.

I think cycling has a lot of benefits because of some reasons.

Firstly, healthy is the first reason= Cycling is very good for health. This is because it helps to increase
immune system (hệ miễn dịch).
Secondly, saving cost is the second reason. This is because you don’t have to pay for gasoline.
Finally, environmentally friendly is the final reason. This is because it doesn’t have toxic emission.
To sum up, I believe that cycling has a lot of benefits.
Follow-up questions:
1. Is cycling very popular in your city?
 No, cycling is not very popular in my city because most people ride motorbikes.
2. What are the differences between travelling by car and travelling by bicycle in a city?
 People ride bicycles for a short distance or to do exercise. They drive cars to go to work.
3. How could the government encourage more people to use bicycles in the city?
 the government provides some renting bicycle services in public.

Let’s talk about a place to live
- Do you want to live in the countryside?
- Why do you think so many people like to live in the cities?
- In your opinion, what is the best city in your country to live in? Why?
Let’s talk about animals
- What types of animals do you often see?
- What can humans do but animals cannot do?
- In your opinion, what should people do to protect wild animals?


There are some weak students in your class. The teacher is asking you to find someone to help them.
Three options are suggested: a teacher, an academic advisor, and an excellent classmate. Which do
you think is the best choice? Explain your choice.
MB: If there are some weak students in my class. The teacher is asking me to find someone to help
them, among a teacher, an academic advisor, and an excellent classmate, I think that an excellent
classmate is the best choice because of some reasons.
TB: Firstly, I choose an excellent classmate because they can understand each other easily. The second
reason is because an excellent classmate usually have more free time.
However, I don’t choose an academic advisor because it costs a lot of money.
Similarly, I don’t choose a teacher because a teacher doesn’t have time.
To sum up, I think an excellent classmate is the best choice for weak students.
Topic: Having a part-time job while still studying at university can have a lot of benefits.

I think having a part-time job while still studying at university can have a lot of benefits because of
some reasons.
Firstly, earning extra money is the first reason. This is because students can use this money for living.
For example, …
Secondly, gaining skills is the second reason. This is because when working, students can have some
useful skills, such as communication skills, teamwork skills, and soft skills.
Finally, making friends is the final reason. This is because students can develop their relationship.
To sum up, I believe having a part-time job while still studying at university can have a lot of benefits.
Follow-up questions:
1. What are some disadvantages of having a part-time job while still studying at university?
 Students will not have enough time for learning. Besides, students can get stressful.
2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job these days?
 I think communication skill, teamwork skill, and computer skill are needed to get a good job these
3. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a job?
 I think both job satisfaction and salary are important.

Let’s talk about job
- What is your job?
At the moment currently right now I’m working as a … I’m in charge of … I supervise …. I
run … I take care of …. My responsibilities include …
I’m working in … I’m in charge of…. I supervise …. I graduated from … so I have a job in/…as
 Right now, I’m a junior student/undergraduate student at the university of …, and I major/specialize
in …. I will graduate next year. I hope I can find a good job in…so that / I can apply my
expertise/knowledge in …business…. As I enjoy ….
 I am currently a student at VLU. I have just graduated, so I’m looking for a job. I wish to work in
Public Relations as I enjoy meeting people and organizing events.
 At the moment, I am a saleperson at a ….company in District …. My job duties include + V-ing. By
the time I’m 40, I dream to have my own business/company.
 I am a barista/bartender in a coffee shop in District 1. I love my job. I enjoy meeting people and
making them happy.

- In your opinion, what is important at work?

First of all, Firstly, For one reason For one thing One reason is that
Secondly For another thing/reason the second is that moreover in addition furthermore
Speaking of … Regarding … Concerning …THIS IS BECAUSE FOR EXAMPLE
 In my opinion, what is important to me are communication and soft skills. First of all,
communication helps me get across ideas with colleagues and clients. Speaking of soft skills, they can
help me work effectively.
 In my opinion, the working environment is important. For example, I love my jobs when there are
helpful colleagues/co-workers and nice bosses. Also, the nature of work is essential, especially one that
is suitable to your major/expertise.
 In my opinion, money/salary is important at work because we need money for a living. If I have a
good salary, I can improve my living. For example buying a bigger house and a nice modern car and
have exotic holidays.
 In my opinion, an interesting job/the nature of work is important. If you like your job, you do your
hobby everyday at work.
- How do people in your country find jobs?
 People in my country find jobs by reading newspapers or searching on the Internet/ on social
networking sites such as Facebook. People also go to employment agencies to look for jobs. Some
people get their good jobs by word of mouth.
Let’s talk about being young
- What is good about being young?
 Being young is very good because young people are full of energy, active and they have a good
health. In other words, What is good about being young is good health, enthusiasm, and activeness.
- When you were a kid, what did you want to do? Well, Frankly speaking/ To tell the truth /
Well, it’s hard to say but …
 When I was a kid, I wanted to become a teacher/ a doctor/ a singer/ a model. I wanted to play with
other children in the neighborhood/village. We loved to play in the rain and swim in the river.
- What do you think young people should try for?
 I think young people should try new things. For example, they should have a good education and
find a good job. Besides, young people should always be passionate about their future jobs. If they do a
good job, they can contribute positively to their country.
Your friend wants to have a good preparation for an English test in the next five months. She is
considering 3 following options: self-studying with a home tutor, taking an online course,
and attending an English class. Which do you think is the best choice for her? Explain your choice.
TB: Firstly, I choose taking an online course because it is very convenient. Secondly, an online course
is cheap.
However, I don’t choose self-studying with a home tutor because it is expensive.
Similarly, I don’t choose attending an English class because it costs money and far from home.
To sum up, I think taking an online course is the best choice for her.


Topic: Having a part-time job while still studying at university can have a lot of benefits.

Follow-up questions:
1. What are some disadvantages of having a part-time job while still studying at university?
2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job these days?
3. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a job?

Let’s talk about travelling
- Do you like travelling?
 Of course, I do. I love travelling when I have free time, I usually go to DL city or NT city with my
best friend. They are popular tourist destinations. They have fresh air, nice weather and delicious food.
I feel very happy when travelling. I feel as if I can get away from it all.
- When you travel, what kinds of activities do you like to do?
 When I travel, I like to take pictures, eat/sample local foods, go sightseeing, and explore local
culture and history.
- What places/countries in the world do you most like to visit? Why?
 I like to visit China/ Thailand because my idol is living in this country/. I’m fascinated by the
country’s culture, scenery and cuisine. I want to explore many beautiful places in this country, such as
“Great wall” and “Forbidden city”.
 I’d like to visit America because I want to practice English, visit Disneyland, Beverly hill and find
out about American culture.

Let’s talk about music

- Does your country have any well-known types of music?
 Yes, my country has some well-known types of music. They are traditional music types such as
“Quan Họ”,” cải lương”, and “nhã nhạc cung đình”. They have existed for thousands of years together
with the history and culture of the nation.
- Which do you prefer, songs in English or songs in your own language?
 I prefer songs in my own language because I can understand the content of the songs. Moreover,
Vietnamese songs have meaningful lyrics and melodious tunes. However, I also love English songs
because they have dynamic beats/upbeat melodies.
- How do you feel when you listen to your favorite type of music?
 I feel happy and relaxed when I listen to my favorite type of music. My favorite song is “…..”. I
often listen to my songs in free time. Music refreshes my mind and heals people’s soul/spirit.
You decide to do something during the fifteen-minute break in class. There are three options: doing
exercise, preparing lessons for the next period, and talking with friends. Which is the best choice
for you? Explain your choice.
TB: Firstly, I choose talking with friends because I can have fun and relax. Secondly, talking with
friends helps develop our relationship.
However, I don’t choose doing exercise because I don’t have enough time to do.
Similarly, I don’t choose preparing lessons for the next period because I don’t want to be stressed.
To sum up, I think talking with friends is the best choice for me.
I think travelling by motorbike has a lot of benefits because of some reasons.
Firstly, freedom of schedule is the first reason. This is because you can ride a motorbike to everywhere
when you want. You don’t have to wait for taking bus or taxi.
Secondly, saving money is the second reason. This is because a motorbike is cheaper than a car.
Finally, exploring and discovering is the final reason. This is because you can ride your motorbike to
somewhere that cars cannot go to. For example,
To sum up, …….
1.  You can easily get accident.
2.  Travelling by motorbike in my country is very popular. …….
3.  I will carry a smartphone. This is because I can use it to find ways. I usually use google map to
find my way.

Let’s talk about a place to live
- Do you want to live in the countryside?
- Why do you think so many people like to live in the cities?
- In your opinion, what is the best city in your country to live in? Why?
Let’s talk about animals
- What types of animals do you often see?
- What can humans do but animals cannot do?
- In your opinion, what should people do to protect wild animals?


Your friend wants to have a good preparation for an English test in the next five months. She is
considering 3 following options: self-studying with a home tutor, taking an online course,
and attending an English class. Which do you think is the best choice for her? Explain your choice.
TB: giống đề 3

I think keeping a pet has a lot of benefits because of some reasons.

Firstly, friendship is the first reason. This is because we can play with a pet or we can talk to them.
Secondly, emotional balance is the second reason. This is because a pet can help you reduce stress and
feel happy.
Finally, doing exercise is the final reason. This is because you can do exercise with a pet. For example,
you can walk a dog in a park.
1.  Dogs and cats are very popular in my country.
2.  They can get illnesses easily, and they can be stolen by strangers.
3.  Yes, I think so.

Let’s talk about musical instrument:
1. What is your favorite musical instrument? Do you play it?
 My favorite musical instruments are piano and guitar. This is because they have melodious tunes.
They are also used as accompaniment by musicians. When I play my favorite musical instrument, I feel
relaxed and happy.
 My favorite musical instruments are the Drum and Flute. Drums are upbeat and flute has
melodious tunes. I can’t play them yet, but if I have a chance I will learn how to play them.
2. What are traditional instruments in your country?
 Well, I believe the traditional instruments in your country are Đàn tranh and đàn bầu, which are
similar to modern guitar. They produce beautiful and lovely sound.
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
 Certainly, I think children should learn to play an instrument at school because they can relax
themselves after studying. Besides, it is important for young people to learn to appreciate music and
develop their musical talents.

Let’s talk about study:

1. What is your favorite subject? Is it popular in your country?
 Well, I guess my favorite subject is English. This is because English is used all over the world.
Besides, English is used in music and movies./ I enjoy listening to English music and watching English
 Well, I guess my favorite subject is mathematics. This is because it develops my logical thinking.
Mathematics is also an important subjects in entrance exams to university.
 Well, I guess my favorite subject is history. This is because I can learn much about culture and
history of may country and the world.
 English is my favorite subject. This is because I enjoy listening to English music and watching
English movies. In my country, students learn English at schools and universities.
2. Do you get on well with your classmates?
 Yes, I get on well with my classmates. I often chat with them in class. Besides, we usually hang
out together or eat out together. It’s fun to be around by friends.
3. Do you like to study alone or with your classmates? Why (not)?
 Well, I guess I like to study alone because I’m kind of introverted/extroverted. I think I can
concentrate better when I’m on my own. Besides/ Also, …I feel it is more effective ang time-saving
when learning by myself.
 I would like to study with my classmates because we can exchange ideas, and learn from each other,
so we can solve the problems more quickly and effectively.
 I like to study alone because I want to focus on my learning. Besides I concentrate better when I
am/study alone.
 I like to study with my classmates because we can share ideas and help each other.


You are going to have a 3-month summer, and you plan to do something. Three options are: taking a
language course, doing volunteer work, and taking up a sport. Which is the best choice? Explain.
TB: Firstly, I choose taking up a sport because I want to be healthier. Secondly, taking up a sport helps
me have a lot of friends.
However, I don’t choose taking a language course because it costs a lot of money.
Similarly, I don’t choose doing volunteer work because I don’t have free time. I must do my part-time

I think nowadays people are more confused and stressed when using the internet because of some
Firstly, fake news is the first reason. This is because you cannot know what is true and what is false.
Secondly, violent images are the second reason. This is because it affects the emotion of users.
Finally, loss of privacy is the final reason. This is because you can lose a lot of money.
1. Yes, people are easily……. the internet. For example, a person plays violent games on the internet a
lot. He or she can copy the violent actions.
2. Yes, there have been a lot of changes in the ways I get news. In the past, I often got news by reading
newspapers. In the present, I often get news by reading news on the Internet, such as on Facebook.

Let’s talk about a room in your house:
1. What is your favorite room in your house? Why?
Well, I guess Bedroom is my favorite room in my house. This is because I have my privacy. For
example, I can sleep all day in this room or do whatever I want in my room. I usually decorate my bed-
room with photos of celebrities/idols.
 The living room is my favorite room in the house where there are modern audio and karaoke
equipment. My family get together and watch TV in the living room. We talk about things at work and
at school. We occasionally sing and hold parties together in the living-room.
 Well, I suppose my favorite room in the house is the kitchen. Because I love cooking, I normally
experiment dishes that I learn from online recipes. After that I treat my friends and ask them to give me
2. What do you often do in the bed-room?
 Well, I can say that my bed-room is not just a bed-room. It is also my study, and most importantly,
it is my private space. For example, I can listen to loud music and watch my favorite movies without
bothering other people.
 I usuall do homework and somtimes watch TV in my bedroom. When I feel tired, I often lie in my
bed and listen to my favorite songs.
3. Would you like to change anything in the room? Why/ why not?
 No, I don’t want to change anything in the room because things are familiar with me for a long time,
so I want to keep it the same. Whenever I stay in my room, I can recall much about my childhood
memories and school time. But I would like to add more audio and visual equipment to my room.
 Yes, I would like to have my room well-papered. I also buy a flat screen television so that I can
watch my favorite movies or sing karaoke.
Let’s talk about writing blogs:
1. Have you ever written online blogs?
 No, I have never written online blogs because I’m very busy and I have no idea to write a blog.
2. What topics do you often write about?
 I often write about social problems. Sometimes I also write somethings about my life.
3. What are the benefits of writing online blogs?
 There are some benefits of writing online blogs. Firstly, you can express your ideas and every one
can read them. Besides, you can improve your writing skill.
Your cousin is a freshman in university, and his family wants to find a suitable accommodation for
him. Three options are suggested: living in the university dormitory, renting a flat with friends,
and staying with a relative. Which is the best choice? Explain.
MB: If my counsin is a freshman in university, and his family wants to find a suitbale accommodation
for him, among living in the university dormitory, renting a flat with friends, and staying with a
relative, I think that renting a flat with friends is the best choice bc of some reasons.
Firstly, I choose renting a flat with friends because it is very fun to live with friends.
The second reason is because it is very comfortable. (giải thích thêm vì sao thoải mái)
However, I don’t choose living in the university dorm because it is very noisy. I can’t focus on my
Similarly, I don’t choose staying with a relative becuase I will not have private space. For example, I
cannot come home late.

I think there are some benefits of ecotourism because of some reasons.

Firstly, be beneficial to local people is the first reason. This is because there are a lot of jobs for them to
do. They can earn money easily from ecotourism.
Secondly, solving the problem of pollution is the second reason. This is because there are a lot of trees,
so the air quality will be improved.
Finally, reserving local culture is the final reason. This is because there are many cultural festivals.
1. I offer rowing kayak, some cultural festivals.
2. They must protect environment.
3. I will go to “Cồn Phụng” in Bến Tre Province. This is because it is very beautiful.

Let’s talk about TV shows
1. Do you often watch TV shows/programs?
 No, actually nowadays I don’t often watch much TV. This is because as students, we have a heavy
workload, so we spend much time studying. We do watch TV shows, but we just watch them on the
computer or smart phones. It is more convenient.
 Yes, but I often watch TV shows on my laptop computer. For example, I usually watch talents
programs with my brother/sister in my free time. It is very fun and highly entertaining. My favorite
program is “2 days And 1 night” it includes funny situations and dilemmas.
2. What is your favorite movie genre/styles?
 My favorite genre is action films/ horror films/ romantic films/ cartoon/comedy. This is because it is
relaxing and fun. I usually watch comedies with my family in the evening after dinner.
 My favorite genre is cartoon which I find very funny and relaxing. I normally watch it during
dinner as I have to spend most of my time on my study. My favorite cartoon characters are …. As they
 My favorite genre is science fiction. I love strong feelings and adventure. Besides, they widen my
horizon. I also love the special effects in science fiction movies.
3. Would you prefer to watch that show alone or with someone else? Why?
 I prefer to wacth that show with my family/friends.This is because it is very fun to watch it
together. We can discuss some characters and the plot of the show when watching together. I believe
watching TV/movie together will strengthen family bond.

Let’s talk about search engines (công cụ tìm kiếm)

1. What are some common search engines that you usually use?
 Some common search engines that I usually include Google ( Google is a common search engine
that I usually use) This is because it is very fast and effective. For example, we can search information
for any topic in seconds.
2. What is your favorite search engine?
 My favorite search engine is certainly GOOGLE. This is because Google provides users with many
useful services such as Google Map, Google translate, GMAIL and Google Meet.
3. How does it help you in your work/ study?
 It helps me a lot in my study. I can search for learning materials, or look up information on the
Internet with Google. For example, I can find necessary information for my presentation, reports and
You decide to do something during the fifteen-minute break in class. There are three options: doing
exercise, reviewing the lesson, and talking with friends. Which is the best choice? Explain.
 giống đề trên

Let’s talk about holiday:
1. What are some common holidays in your country?
 Some common holidays in my country are Tet holiday (new year holiday), The
unification/independence day, Chrismast, and mid-autumn holiday. These are important long holidays
for people to give presents. I like Tet holiday most because reunite with my family.
2. How do you usually spend your holiday? Do you prefer to go with your friends or family?
 I usually spend most of my time with family according to our culture and customs. We also hang out
with friends and visits relatives. We visit each other’s home and give presents. People cook special
dishes and decorate their house with flowers.
3. What is your plan for your next holiday?
 I love sight-seeing, so next holiday, I will go to VT city with my family. We plan to stay there for a
few days in a resort on the beach.

Let’s talk about the Internet

1. Is it easy for you to access the Internet from where you work/ study
 yes, of course. The internet nowadays is an indispensable service to everybody especially for large
educational institution like my university. The university provides free and strong wifi connection for
their students.
2. How does the Internet help you work/ study?
 The Internet helps me study a lot. I usually search for information for my essays or presentation.
Besides, we attend online courses. We do e-learning projects. All of these make our study much more
3. What are the risks for the Internet users?
 In my opinion, internet users must face certain risks online such as personal information loss,
hacking, spam, and cheating. Internet users, therefore, should be cautious when making friends and
buying online.


Your brother is going to apply for a university next month. There are three groups of people he can ask
for advice: family, teachers and friends. Who do you think can give the most appropriate advice?
Explain your choice.
 MB: If my brother is going to apply for a univeristy next month, he must ask for advice. Among
family, teachers, and friends, I think he should ask teachers for advice because of some reasons.
TB: Firstly, I choose teachers because teachers can know the strength and weakness of students. The
second reason is because teachers have knowledge on universities in the country.
However, I don’t choose family because they don’t know which university will be suitable for him.
Similarly, I don’t choose friends because they are still young and they don’t have enough knowldge to
choose a suitable university.
Let’s talk about sports
- What is your favorite sport?
 My favorite sport is football. I often play football with my friends at the weekend.
- What sports are common in your country?
 football, badmington, volley ball, golf, tennis are common in my country.
- Why is it important to follow the rules in sports?
 It is very important to follow the rules in sports because everyone can be treated fairly.
Let’s talk about food
- What is your favorite food?
 My favorite food is seafood, especially crabs.
- In your opinion, why is food important for us?
 because we cannot survive without food.
- How can you connect with people around you through food?
 We can create a food blog and introduce it to people to share our interest food.


Your sister and brother-in-law want to take their children to an interesting place for the weekend. There
are three suggestions: the zoo, an amusement park, and the cinema. Which do you think is the best
option? Explain your choice.
Firstly, I choose the zoo because most children love animals, and they want to see some wild animals in
the zoo. The second reason is because the house of my sister is near the zoo, so it is very convenient to
go to the zoo.
However, I don’t choose an amusement park because it is very far from her home.
Similarly, I don’t choose the cinema because there are some films not suitable for children.

Let’s talk about summer
- Is summer your favorite time of the year? Why (not)?
 Yes, summer is my favorite time of the year because I have free time and I can travel to somewhere
I want.
 No, summer is not my favorite time because it is very hot in this time. I love spring most.
- What do you do in summer when the weather is very hot?
 When the weather is very hot in summer, I often go swimming with my best friend. We often go to
Dam Sen water park at the weekend.
- Do you go on holiday every summer? Why (not)?
 No, I don’t go on holiday every summer because I am very busy. You know, I am ready to graduate.
 Yes, I often go on holiday every summer because at that time I have a time off in school.
Let’s talk about advertisement
- Where can you see advertisements?
 I can see advertisements on TV, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitters.
- Do you have any favorite advertisement? Why (not)?
 No, I don’t have any favorite advertisement because they are so boring and I don’t like them.
- Have you ever bought something because of advertisements?
 Yes, I have bought clothing items when I see an advertisement on Facebook.
You have just received a big sum of money from your university scholarship. What will you do with it?
There are three suggestions: buying books for your hobbies, going to travel, or giving money to your
mother for later use. Which do you think is the best option? Explain your choice.
Firstly, I choose going to travel because it helps me relax after a long period of learning. (phát triển ý).
The second reason is because I can have a lot of knowledge about the places where I go.
However, I don’t choose buying books for my hobbies because I have already bought many books for
me, and there are a lot of books in the library.
Similarly, I don’t choose giving money to my mother for later use because I don’t trust my mother.
Let’s talk about mobile phone:
1. Do you often use your mobile phone?
 Certainly, I usually use my mobile phone.
2. What do you do on your mobile phone?
 I use my mobile phone to contact with my family, my friends. Besides, I use it to play games and
read news.
3. What are disadvantages of using mobile phones?
 Using mobile phones can reduce human interaction. Moreover, if students use mobile phone to play
games too much, they will get low scores.
Let’s talk about shopping:
1. Do you like shopping? How often do you go shopping?
 Of course, I love shopping. I often go shopping at the weekend with my best friend at Giga mall.
2. Do you prefer shopping online or at real stores?
 I prefer shopping online because it is convenient.
3. Do you prefer shopping in a large department store or in a small shop?
 I prefer shopping in a large department store because there are a lot of items for me to choose.


Your class wants to make something for everyone to keep as memories of university days. Three
options are suggested: a class uniform, a photo album, and a class video. Which do you think is the
best option? Explain your choice.
Firstly, I choose a photo album because it is cheaper than the others. The second reasons is because it is
easy to edit the photos.
However, I don’t choose a class uniform because it is very expensive.
Similarly, I don’t choose a class video because it is difficult to edit.
Let’s talk about computer:
1. How often do you use your computer?
 I often use my computer for learning.
2. What kinds of activities involves using computers?
 I use my computer to search for information for essays and my presentation. Besides, I play games
on my computer.
3. How important is your computer to you?
 It is very important with me. It helps me a lot on learning.
Let’s talk about music:
1. How often do you listen to music? What is your favorite genre?
 I often listen to music. My favorite kind of music is ballad/ bolero, and my favorite song is “….”.

2. Is music important?
 Yes, it is very important because it helps people relax and feel comfortable.
3. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
 No, I have never learned to play any musical instrument. If I have a chance, I will learn to play
 Yes, I have learned to play Ukulele when I was young.
Your 10-year-old brother is going to have a 3-month summer vacation. Your parents want to find some
interesting activities for him to do. There are three suggestions: letting him stay with his
grandparents in the countryside, sending him to a summer camp, and enrolling him in an English
course. Which do you think is the best option? Explain your choice.
 TB:
Firstly, I choose letting him stay with his grandparents in the countryside because he can experience the
atmosphere of the countryside. The second reason is because his grandparents will be happy when he
lives with them.
However, I don’t choose sending him to a summer camp because he is still very young, so he don’t
know how to take care of himself.
Similarly, I don’t choose enrolling him in an english course because he has studied too much, and it
will make him become more tired.
Let’s talk about music:
1. How often do you listen to music? When and where?
 I often listen to music when I have free time in my bedroom.
2. What kind of music do you often listen to?
 I often listen to bolero. My favorite song is “….”.
3. How do you think music is important to our life?
 it is very important to our life because it helps people relax and feel comfortable.
Let’s talk about exam:
1. How do you feel before an exam?
 I feel anxious before an exam.
 I feel very confident before an exam because I often prepare well for it.
2. What kind of person are you: prepare long before the exam or prepare just before the exam?
 I usually prepare long before the exam because I want to get high scores.
3. What should we do to have good results in exams?
 We should prepare carefully and review all the lessons. Besides, we must go to bed early before the
day of the exam.
Your brother is going to graduate from university. There are three options for him to do after
graduation: studying for a Master, looking for a job, and going traveling. Which is the best choice?
Firstly, I choose going travelling because it can help him relax after a long period of learning. The
second reason is because he can have a lot of knowledge when travelling.
However, I don’t choose studying for a Master because it costs a lot of money and time.
Similarly, I don’t choose looking for a job because I think he need to relax for himself.
Let’s talk about e-mail:
1. How often do you send an e-mail?
2. Who do you often write to?
3. Do you prefer sending an e-mail or writing a letter?
Let’s talk about study:
1. What is your major at university? Is your major popular in your country these days?
2. How do you like your major?
3. Is there anything you dislike about your major?
Your family is planning to move to a new area. There are three suggestions: a farmland, a beach
town, and a big city. Which place do you think will be the best place for your family to live? Explain
your choice.
Firstly, I choose a big city because It is easy to earn money in a big city. There are many jobs to do.
The second reason is because it is convenient to live. For example, …..
However, I don’t choose a farmland because it is very boring to live here.
Similarly, I don’t choose a beach town because the weather is not good.
Let’s talk about maps:
1. Have you ever used maps?
2. Would you prefer paper maps or electronic maps? Why?
3. Have you ever asked for directions instead of using maps? What happened?
Let’s talk about musical instruments
1. Do you play any musical instruments?/ Would you like to try playing any musical instruments?
2. What is the most popular instrument in your country?
3. Do you think it is necessary to learn how to play a musical instrument? Why (not)?


Your mom’s birthday is upcoming, and you want to choose a household appliance as a special gift for
her. You hope it will help her with housework. Three options are suggested: a dishwasher, a dryer
and a robot vacuum cleaner. Which is the best choice? Explain.
Firstly, I choose a dishwasher because we don’t have a dishwasher at the moment. The second reason is
because it can save a lot of time for my mom. She doesn’t have to wash dishes by hand.
However, I don’t choose a dryer because it is not necessary for her. She has a new one.
Similarly, I don’t choose a robot vacuum cleaner it is very expensive.

Let’s talk about house
1. What kind of housing do you live in?
2. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
3. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
Let’s talk about plans
1. Do you make plans every day?
2. Are you good at managing your time?
3. What is the latest plan you made?
Your class wants to make something for everyone to keep as memories of university days. Three
options are suggested: a class uniform, a photo album, and a class video. Which do you think is the
best option? Explain your choice.
 giống

Let’s talk about noise.
- Do you like to live in a noisy place or a quiet place?
- What kind of noise do you dislike the most?
- Does noise affect your health?
Let’s talk about your favorite photograph
- What is your favorite photograph?
- When was it taken?
- What makes the photograph special to you?
Situation: You are thinking about how to spend your Sunday morning. There are three
options: meeting friends at a coffee shop, go shopping, and sleeping until noon. Which do you think
is the best choice?
 TB:
Firstly, I choose meeting friends at a coffee shop because we can spend time together. We can chat and
tell the story with each other. The second reason is because we can relax after a long working week.
However, I don’t choose go shopping because it wastes my money. I usually buy some unnecessary
things when going shopping.
Similarly, I don’t choose sleeping until noon because I want to spend my leisure time for something

Let’s talk about flowers and plants
- Do you have a favorite flower or plant? Why (not)?
- What kind of flower or plant is common in your country?
- Have you ever bought flowers for someone else? Why (not)?
Let’s talk about taking photos
- Do you like taking photos? Why (not)?
- Do you prefer to take photos of people or scenery?
- What do you do with the photos you take?
A four-day holiday is coming, and you are thinking of some places to go. There are three
options: going to the beach, visiting your hometown, and staying at home. Which is the best choice?
Firstly, I choose going to the beach because I love swimming and seeing the sunrise and sunset. The
second reason is because I can eat seafood which is my favorite food.
However, I don’t choose visiting my hometown because it is too far to go there.
Similarly, I don’t choose staying at home because it is very boring.

Let’s talk about mobile phone:
1. Do you often use your mobile phone?
2. What do you do on your mobile phone?
3. What are disadvantages of using mobile phones?
Let’s talk about shopping:
1. Do you like shopping? How often do you go shopping?
2. Do you prefer shopping online or at real stores?
3. Do you prefer shopping in a large department store or in a small shop?


Situation: Your parents decide to buy a new house in Ho Chi Minh City. Three options are
suggested: an apartment in the city center, a large house in the suburbs, and a small house in the
city center. Which do you think is the best choice?
Firstly, I choose a small house in the city center because it is convenient to go around the city. The
second reason is because I can raise a pet.
However, I don’t choose an apartment in the city center because I cannot raise a pet. You know, I am a
pet lover.
Similarly, I don’t choose a large house in the suburbs because It is not convenient to go to work.

Let’s talk about friends:
How do you spend time with friends?
Is there one person you would call your best friend? How did you meet him/her?
What kind of people do you like to have as friends?
Let’s talk about daily life:
Do you prefer to stay at home or go out at the weekend? Why?
Which day of the week do you most look forward to?
Would you prefer to live in a quiet place or a noisy one? Why?
Your 10-year-old brother is going to have a 3-month summer vacation. Your parents want to find some
interesting activities for him to do. There are three suggestions: letting him stay with his
grandparents in the countryside, sending him to a summer camp, and enrolling him in an English
course. Which do you think is the best option? Explain your choice.

Let’s talk about friends
- Do you have many friends? Why (not)?
- What do you and your friends usually do together?
- What kind of people do you like to have as friends?
Let’s talk about name
- Does your name have any special meaning?
- Is your name common or unusual in your country?
- If you could change your name, would you? Why (not)?
You and your best friend have just started studying at a university. You would like to join a club to
meet people and make friends. There are three suggestions: Music Club, Sport Club, and English
Club. Which club would be the best the join? Explain your choice.

Let’s talk about hobbies
- What do you usually do in your spare time?
- Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with others?
- What are your good hobbies and bad hobbies?
Let’s talk about history
- Do you like to learn about history? Why (not)?
- What historical events do you find interesting?
- Do you think history is important? Why (not)
It is summer-time, and you decide to take up a sport to keep fit. There are three options: aerobics,
swimming, and aqua walking.Which is the best choice? Explain.
Your family is planning to move to a new area. There are three suggestions: a farmland, a beach
town, and a big city. Which place do you think will be the best place for your family to live? Explain
your choice.
Topic: There are several ways for people to make friends

Let’s talk about computer:
1. How often do you use your computer?
2. What kinds of activities involves using computers?
3. How important is your computer to you?
Let’s talk about music:
1. How often do you listen to music? What is your favorite genre?
2. Is music important?
3. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
You have a Sunday evening out with your friends. There are three suggestions: seeing a movie, going
shopping, and singing karaoke. Which do you think is the best option? Explain your choice.
Topic: Being famous is not always a good thing.

Let’s talk about music:
1. How often do you listen to music? When and where?
2. What kind of music do you often listen to?
3. How do you think music is important to our life?
Let’s talk about exam:
1. How do you feel before an exam?
2. What kind of person are you: prepare long before the exam or prepare just before the exam?
3. What should we do to have good results in exams?
You are planning a surprise present for 30th wedding anniversary for your parents. You are considering
3 options: organizing a vacation abroad, buying couple watches, and taking family photos at a
studio. Which is the best choice? Explain.
Topic: Modern lifestyle has had negative effects on your people’s health.
Let’s talk about food.
- Do you prefer to eat out or at home?
- Where do you buy food?
- If you had to choose a national food, what would it be?

Let’s talk about talents.

- What are you good at?
- Is there anything that you're really bad at?
- What is your favorite talent show?


Your family are watching TV together, and you are choosing a suitable program for the whole family.
There are three options: the news, a cartoon, and a game show. Which is the best choice? Explain.
Topic: Working from home has a lot of benefits.
Your school is investing money in improving the quality of education. There are 3 areas suggested: in
the teachers, in the students, and in the facilities. Which do you think is the best choice? Explain
your choice.
Topic: E-books have a lot of benefits.


Topic: People should be encouraged to use more public transportation
Topic: Playing sports is good for us.

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