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Name: Gloria Mgaga

Student no:65107497

Module code: AED3701

Unique code: 700104

Date: 08 June 2023

Question 1

1.1.1 True

1.1.2 true

1.1.3 false

1.1.4 true


1.2.1 assessment for learning



1.2.4 peer assessment

1.3. Rubric, memorandum, checklist and a grid

Question 2

2.1 Continuous assessment: This activity for assessment is learner-centered and describes the
learner's ongoing learning process. The teacher uses this ongoing process of collecting information
about the learning of the students to determine their strengths and weaknesses and to give them
marks for their learning accomplishments.

2.2 Test, project, assignment, investigation and case studies

2.3 Observation: Allows the teacher to see firsthand what students know and can do.

- It enables teachers to gather information about student learning behaviors, interests, and

Test: evaluate knowledge and recall, good for identifying areas where learners need more support

Assignment: It provides a more comprehensive evaluation of student learning, including research,

analysis, and critical thinking skills.


2.4 ) 1. Visual Learning Style - Visual students will quite often learn best through pictures, outlines,
and recordings. These kinds of students like to see data introduced in a visual configuration as
opposed to simply hearing or finding out about it. Educators can evaluate visual students by
remembering visual guides for their example plans, for example, PowerPoint introductions or
freebees that incorporate diagrams and charts. These students might battle with addresses that
depend vigorously on expressed words, however they will succeed in subjects like craftsmanship or
science where visuals assume a noticeable part.

2. kinesthetic Learning Style - Sensation students learn best through involved exercises and
development. These kinds of students should be effectively taken part in the growing experience,
and learn best when they can contact, feel, and control materials. Educators can survey sensation
students by including exercises that permit them to move around the homeroom, for example,
bunch work or pretending works out. Sensation students might battle with conventional talk
arrangements that require standing by for significant stretches of time.

3. auditory Learning Style - Hearable students will generally learn best through tuning in and talking.
These sorts of students lean toward talks and conversations where they can effectively take an
interest and draw in with the material. Instructors can evaluate hear-able students by including
exercises that take into account conversation and discussion. These students might battle with quiet
understanding tasks or visual-based learning exercises, however, they will succeed in subjects like
language expressions or public talking.

2.5.1 Social justice: Social justice is a hypothesis that supports evaluation arranging and execution to
guarantee that appraisal is fair, just, and impartial for all understudies. It depends on the possibility
that each understudy ought to have equivalent admittance to learning potential open doors and that
the evaluation ought to mirror this. As such, the appraisal shouldn't burden any understudy because
of their social, social, or monetary foundation.

To carry out social justice in the study hall, one viable model is offer an assortment of evaluation
techniques to take care of different learning styles. This could incorporate customary composed
evaluations, oral introductions, bunch work, and down to earth assignments. Thusly, understudies
with various qualities and shortcomings can exhibit their learning such that suits them best. It is
additionally essential to consider the language utilized in appraisal assignments, guaranteeing that it
is clear and reasonable to all understudies, no matter what their experience.

2.5.2 Social constructivism: is a hypothesis that supports evaluation arranging and execution to
encourage cooperative advancing between understudies. It depends on the possibility that
information is built through friendly cooperations, and that learning happens through dynamic
support in significant undertakings.

To carry out social constructivism in the study hall, one viable model is consolidate bunch work in
appraisal errands. This could include understudies cooperating to tackle an issue, make a show, or
complete a task. Thusly, understudies can gain according to one another's viewpoints and
encounters, which can improve their comprehension and information. It is likewise essential to give
amazing open doors to understudies to ponder their gaining and to get input from their friends and
the instructor. This can assist understudies with distinguishing their assets and shortcomings and to
foster techniques to work on their learning.

Question 3

3.1 c

3.2 d

3.3 f

3.4 a
3.5 b

Question 4

4.1 Diagnostic assessment: conducted to determine the prior knowledge, strengths, and areas of
improvement of students. Example: Pre-tests.

Formative assessment : a continuous method for evaluating student progress during instruction.
Example: Quizzes.

Summative assessment: conducted to assess student learning at the end of a unit or course.
Example: Last tests of the year.

Evaluative assessment: utilized to assess a curriculum's or program's effectiveness. Example: State

sanctioned tests.

Placement assessment: used to figure out what level of instruction a student needs. Example: Tests
for placement

4.2 Assessment for learning: is the way of teaching and learning to gauge and monitor how are the
pupils pushing towards meeting their learning objective. It is a daily assessment like homework or

Assessment of learning: it is an assessment that takes place at the end of the lesson or the term to
determine the total achievement of the learner. For example a test or an exam, oral presentation

Assessment as learning: it is a self assessment done by the pupil itself to take responsibility of their

assessment in learning: it is atpe of assessment that help the educator to determine the career of
the pupil. It can be formal or informal assessment.

4.3 Validity, dependability, fairness, adaptability, and transparency are the five assessment principles
that should be followed when planning an assessment activity.

1. Validity: Validity checks the assessment to see if it measures what it is supposed to measure. The
questions or tasks used in the assessment should be designed to accurately assess the required
knowledge and skills, and they should be aligned with the learning outcomes.

2. Reliability: The assurance that the assessment consistently measures what it is intended to
measure is the goal of reliability. In order to accomplish this, the assessment needs to be
standardized in a way that makes it possible to administer it in a manner that is consistent with all
the students and results with as few variations as possible.

3. Fairness: Fairness ensures that all students, regardless of background or circumstances, have equal
opportunities to perform well on the assessment. Any learner should be treated equally in the
assessment, and it should aim to minimize any negative effects that students cannot control.

4. Flexibility: The reason for adaptability is to oblige to the assorted requirements of students. The
evaluation ought to be planned in a manner that permits students to exhibit how they might
interpret the topic, and any obstructions that keep students from partaking in the evaluation ought
to be tended to.
5. Transparency: Transparency ensures that the learners and all stakeholders are aware of the
assessment criteria, procedure, and outcomes. The assessment should be clear and easy to
understand, and it should give the students useful feedback that helps them figure out their
strengths and weaknesses.

4.4.1 Assessment for learning is formative; it occurs during the learning process and provides
feedback to students and teachers on how to improve.

Assessment of learning is summative; it occurs at the end of a learning unit or period and measures
students' achievement levels against a standard or criteria.

4.4.2 In education, assessment is used to help students comprehend what they have learned and
how to put it into practice. This is known as assessment as learning. Along these lines, learning is
upheld by appraisal.


Assessment in Education Only Study Guide for AED3701

I (full names): ___gloria Nompumelelo Mgaga______________________

Student number: ____65107497_____________________

Declare that:

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this


2. I declare that this assignment is my original work. Where I used someone else’s work,

whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I gave the proper

acknowledgment and included a complete reference list.

3. I did not use another current or previous student's work, submitting it as my own.

4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work to submit it as their work.

Signature _______________gnmgaga______ Date 08 june 2023

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