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Head and Neck Pathol (2018) 12:562–566

DOI 10.1007/s12105-017-0849-3


Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity:

Radiology–Pathology Correlation
Imran Uraizee1 · Nicole A. Cipriani1 · Daniel T. Ginat2

Received: 8 August 2017 / Accepted: 28 August 2017 / Published online: 6 September 2017
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract Adenoid cystic carcinoma in the oral cavity is 3 months later, during which time the patient experienced
an uncommon salivary gland malignancy that has a pro- 30 pounds of weight loss. The patient did not have additional
pensity for perineural spread. A high-grade variant is evi- significant past medical history.
denced by an abundance of pleomorphic cells, loss of the
classic biphasic epithelial-myoepithelial growth pattern, and
comedonecrosis, as well as elevated Ki-67. CT and MRI can Radiological Features
both be useful for demonstrating the extent of invasion in
oral cavity-associated adenoid cystic carcinoma, which can CT with contrast was performed, which showed an infil-
attain the inferior alveolar nerve for perineural spread by trative mass centered in the left sublingual space (arrow)
direct invasion through the mandible. Reflecting the aggres- with invasion into the left mandibular body (Fig. 1). The
sive nature of this high-grade malignancy, 18FDG-PET can degree of mandibular bone marrow invasion was more con-
demonstrate hypermetabolism and can be useful for staging. spicuous on MRI, which was obtained shortly after the CT
These features are exemplified in this sine qua non radiol- (Fig. 2). Furthermore, the mass was markedly hypermeta-
ogy–pathology correlation article. bolic on 18FDG-PET/CT, which otherwise did not demon-
strate metastases. The differential considerations based on
Keywords Adenoid cystic carcinoma · Pathology · the imaging include salivary gland malignancy, squamous
Radiology cell carcinoma, and sarcoma.

History Diagnosis and Treatment

A 59-year-old male with a 25 pack-year smoking history The patient underwent left hemi-mandibulectomy, hemi-
presented with a lump under the left tongue, dysphagia, and glossectomy, and floor of mouth resection with bilateral
left chin numbness. The patient had undergone recent dental neck dissection. The gross resection specimen showed an
extractions, and it was initially believed by his dentist to be unencapsulated, ill-defined, firm, tan-white mass measur-
an abscess. The patient was subsequently referred to otolar- ing 5.7 cm in greatest dimension, centered in the floor of
yngology at our institution when the lesion started bleeding mouth with infiltration into adjacent mandible, lingual skel-
etal muscle, and fibroadipose tissue (Fig. 3). There was also
direct extension of the tumor into an adjacent lymph node.
* Daniel T. Ginat Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections revealed two dis-
tinct areas in the tumor: an area of nested, duct-like growth
Department of Pathology, University of Chicago, Chicago, containing cells with high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratios, oval to
IL, USA angulated nuclei with coarse chromatin, and variably promi-
Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, 5841 S nent nucleoli; and an adjacent area of solid sheet-like growth
Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA with pleomorphic nuclei and increased mitoses (Fig. 4). In

Head and Neck Pathol (2018) 12:562–566 563

Fig. 1  Coronal soft tissue (a) and bone (b) window post-contrast CT head), with obliteration of the inferior alveolar canal, which attests to
images show an infiltrative mass centered in the left sublingual space the aggressive behavior of a malignant neoplasm
(arrow) with direct invasion into the left mandibular body (arrow-

Fig. 3  The gross specimen reveals an ill-defined, firm, tan-white

mass centered on the floor of mouth with invasion of lingual skeletal
Fig. 2  Coronal T1-weighted MRI shows an infiltrative mass (arrow) muscle and the mandible (asterisk), without distinguishable residual
in the left oral cavity with invasion of the surrounding musculature normal sublingual gland
and extension into the left mandibular bone marrow, where it envel-
ops the left inferior alveolar nerve, which is consequently insepara-
ble from the tumor. By comparison, the intact right inferior alveolar
nerve is visible in cross-section (arrowhead)

564 Head and Neck Pathol (2018) 12:562–566

Fig. 4  Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections show two distinct (a, left side); and a more poorly-differentiated carcinoma with solid,
areas: a relatively well-differentiated carcinoma with nested, duct- sheet-like growth with pleomorphic nuclei and increased mitoses (a,
like growth containing cells with high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratios, right side). Occasional tumor necrosis was present in areas of solid-
oval nuclei with coarse chromatin, and variably prominent nucleoli to-nested growth (b)

Fig. 5  Low power hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections show variably-sized cords and nests of cells that infiltrate into skeletal muscle (a) and
bone with perineural invasion of the inferior alveolar nerve (b)

addition, variably-sized cords and nests of cells infiltrated Discussion

into skeletal muscle and bone with perineural invasion
(Fig. 5). Immunostains demonstrated p40, p63, and CK5/6 Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that pre-
positive myoepithelial cells at the periphery of the nests and dominantly originates from the submandibular, sublingual,
c-kit (CD117) positive epithelial cells at the center of the and minor salivary glands and is comprised of epithelial
nests. Overall, these features were consistent with a high- and myoepithelial cells organized in tubular, cribriform,
grade variant of adenoid cystic carcinoma. solid, or combined architectural forms [1]. It is a relatively
The patient received seven cycles of TFHX (paclitaxel, uncommon neoplasm, representing about 1% of all malig-
infusional 5-fluorouracil, hydroxyurea, and twice-daily nant tumors in the head and neck region and is the fourth
radiation therapy administered every other week) with no most common malignant salivary gland tumor accounting
evidence of recurrence at 6 months after resection. for 10% of all such tumors [2, 3]. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
is slightly more prevalent in females than males and occurs

Head and Neck Pathol (2018) 12:562–566 565

most commonly during the fifth and sixth decades of life carcinoma also demonstrates strong positive staining
[4, 5]. for c-kit (CD117) in tumor cells regardless of pattern or
Salivary gland tumors are usually best depicted on MRI. grade [10–12]. Increased cellular proliferation as assessed
In particular, involvement of cranial nerves and tumoral by Ki-67 has also been described in high-grade solid-type
infiltration around the nerves and osseous structures is opti- adenoid cystic carcinoma and been shown to correlate with
mally assessed via non-contrast T1-weighted and contrast- a worse prognosis [13]. The histologic differential diagnosis
enhanced, fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR sequences [6]. includes polymorphous adenocarcinoma, carcinoma ex pleo-
Perineural spread typically appears as enlargement and morphic adenoma, and basal cell adenocarcinoma.
abnormal enhancement of the affected nerve and widening Many adenoid cystic carcinomas are characterized by
or obliteration of the nerve canal. Since adenoid cystic car- recently described recurrent chromosomal rearrangements,
cinoma of the oral cavity can attain, engulf, and infiltrate including t(6;9) [14, 15]. Persson et al. revealed that this
the inferior alveolar nerve by first eroding through the man- translocation resulted in the fusion of two transcription fac-
dibular cortex and infiltrating through the bone marrow, CT tors, MYB-NFIB, which subsequently spurred studies on the
can be complementary to MRI, as demonstrated in this case. role of MYB (myeloblastosis) overexpression in the patho-
In general, 18FDG-PET is considered complementary and genesis of ACC [14, 16]. While a significant proportion of
sometimes superior to anatomical imaging modalities for adenoid cystic carcinomas do not harbor this specific chro-
staging and restaging of salivary gland malignancies and mosomal aberration, the identification of the MYBL1-NFIB
PET often has a positive impact on clinical management for fusion product resulting from t(8;9) translocations suggested
such cases [7]. High-grade salivary gland malignancies tend that overexpression of transcription factors from the family
to be more hypermetabolic than low- and intermediate-grade of MYB genes may play a key role in adenoid cystic carci-
malignancies, as exemplified in this case of adenoid cystic noma tumorigenesis [17, 18]. The exact biological sequence
carcinoma [8]. However, adenoid cystic carcinomas often do of events that drives the growth of adenoid cystic carcinoma
not have significant activity on 18FDG-PET, perhaps due to still remains unclear. However, the emerging model sug-
their slow growth [9]. The aggressive nature of the adenoid gests transformation of a low-grade neoplasm resulting from
cystic carcinoma in this case may account for the hyperme- altered regulation of the MYB locus leads to subsequent
tabolism on 18FDG-PET. growth and acquisition of additional genetic hits [15]. Novel
Grossly, the adenoid cystic carcinoma tends to be poorly therapies targeting the MYB protein may show more prom-
circumscribed, unencapsulated, and firm with a white to ise as our understanding of this sequence improves.
gray-white cut surface and significant variability in size [5]. The likelihood of lymph node metastases increases by
Hemorrhage and necrosis are not common gross features, 5–10 fold in patients with high-grade variants of adenoid
but if observed, should raise concern for a high-grade variant cystic carcinoma, occurring in 43–57% of patients with
[5]. Histologically, the tumor is heterogeneous with varying tumors showing these histologic features [19]. Thus, stand-
combinations of the three distinct architectural patterns [1, ard neck dissection is considered mandatory in patients with
5]. The tumor cells are usually quite uniform in appearance such tumors.
with scant clear to slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm and bland,
oval to sharply angulated basophilic nuclei with coarse chro- Acknowledgements We are grateful for support received from the
University of Chicago Office of Faculty Affairs through the Faculty
matin. The tubular pattern is the least common type and low- Initiatives Fund for our Head and Neck Radiology–Pathology Trainee
est grade with small nests of ductal cells surrounded com- Conference, during which this case was presented.
pletely by a second myoepithelial cell layer in a background
of eosinophilic hyalinized stroma [5]. The cribriform pattern Compliance with Ethical Standards
is most common and is comprised of invasive islands of
basaloid cells with many cystlike spaces, referred to as pseu- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
of interest.
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2, 5]. The solid pattern demonstrates large islands and cords
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