Is Portfolio

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Gloria Nompumelelo Mgaga

65107497 portfolio
Table of contents


B 2.1 7
2.2 8

Gloria Mgaga is a twenty-five-year-old University of South Africa student. I am doing my

third year in Bachelor of Education, majoring in Geography and Languages. As a student in
my third year, I am getting ready to start my teaching practicum, where I will be able to put
my skills and knowledge to use in a real classroom. I am excited to create a positive and
inclusive learning environment by collaborating with my peers, working closely with
experienced teachers, and engaging with students.
I want to be a dedicated and inspiring educator in the future who inspires students to love
learning. I'm committed to ongoing professional development and staying up to date on the
most recent educational practices and research.
Generally, my excursion as a third-year understudy concentrating on showing has been both
testing and fulfilling. I am confident that I will be able to make a significant impact on the
lives of my future students by combining my enthusiasm for education with my academic
knowledge and practical experience.

Teaching statement
My teaching philosophy is based on fostering critical thinking, teamwork, and personal
development in an inclusive and engaging learning environment. I accept that each
understudy can possibly succeed and it is my obligation to give them the vital devices and
backing to arrive at their objectives.
The power of active learning, in which students participate actively in the learning process
through discussions, problem-solving activities, and hands-on experiences, is something I
firmly believe in. I strive to create a classroom environment that encourages students to
challenge ideas, ask questions, and investigate various points of view. I value the diverse
experiences and backgrounds that each student brings to the classroom because I am of the
opinion that learning is a collaborative process.
I use a variety of teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles and abilities in
my classroom. I use mixed media assets, contextual analyses, and true guides to make the
substance significant and lock in. In addition, I use interactive platforms and technology tools
to increase student engagement and make communication easier.
Formative assessment, in my opinion, is essential for evaluating student comprehension and
providing timely feedback. I assess student learning through quizzes, group projects, and
class discussions. This permits me to distinguish regions where understudies might be
battling and offer extra help on a case-by-case basis.
Learning process
My teaching method is student-centred, with an emphasis on each student's individual
requirements and interests. By setting goals, reflecting on their progress, and seeking out
resources and support when needed, I encourage students to take responsibility for their
education. I try to instil a love of learning in my students because I am of the opinion that
learning is a process that lasts a lifetime.
Additionally, I am aware of the significance of fostering an inclusive and encouraging
learning environment. I actively work to create a safe environment where all students feel
valued and heard, as well as open communication, respect, and empathy.
All in all, my showing reasoning revolves around establishing a comprehensive and drawing-
in learning climate that advances dynamic learning, joint effort, and self-awareness. I strive
to provide students with the tools and support they need to succeed because I am
convinced of the power of student-centred instruction. Earning process
1.1 As I look back on my experience with online learning and the ISC3701 module, I can
confidently say that it has been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. The
marked assignments, discussions, and interactions with my instructor throughout the
year have been particularly invaluable in shaping my understanding of the subject
The assignments were thoughtfully designed and required me to apply the theories and
concepts learned in the module to real-world situations, which helped me to better
comprehend the material. Moreover, the constructive feedback I received from my
instructor after submitting each assignment was also incredibly helpful in identifying areas
for improvement and contributed to my growth as both a student and a teacher.
The discussions and interactions with my instructor were engaging and informative, and I
appreciated the dynamic insights and knowledge they shared, which helped me to deepen
my understanding of the module's content. These interactions also provided me with the
opportunity to ask questions and receive answers in real time, which was incredibly helpful
in clarifying any doubts or confusion that I may have had.

Although online learning presented its own set of challenges, such as self-discipline and
effective time management, I found the adaptability and convenience of the virtual
classroom to be incredibly beneficial. Being able to access course materials and participate
in discussions at my own pace was incredibly helpful and collaborating with other students
through the online platform allowed for the exchange of ideas and knowledge from each
other's experiences.

Overall, my experience with the ISC3701 module and online learning has been
overwhelmingly positive. It has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to
grow as a teacher and has provided me with a solid foundation in the subject. The growth
and development I have demonstrated in my portfolio reflect my commitment to continuous
improvement and a holistic approach to advancing as a teacher. I am grateful for the
guidance and support of my instructor and the opportunities that online learning has
provided me with in my academic and professional pursuits.
1.2 Educators can enhance their teaching strategies by reflecting on their lessons after they
have been taught. To aid in this, there are some reflective questions educators can ask

1. Did the students achieve the desired learning outcomes? Ponder whether the main
concepts and skills that were targeted in the lesson were comprehended by the students.
2. What aspects of the lesson were successful? Identify the instructional strategies,
materials, and activities that were effective and engaged students while facilitating their
3. What challenges or obstacles arose during the lesson? Take into account any interruptions
or distractions that may have affected the learning environment, as well as any concepts or
tasks that students found difficult.
4. Was instruction tailored to each student's needs? Evaluate whether all students were
given opportunities to access and engage with the content, including those with different
learning styles or abilities.
5. Were effective instructional strategies employed? Consider the variety of teaching
methods used to cater to different learning preferences, as well as the clarity of
explanations, examples, and opportunities for student practice and application.
6. How was student understanding evaluated? Reflect on the assessment methods used to
measure student learning, including formative assessments and timely feedback.
7. How was classroom behavior managed? Consider how a positive and productive learning
environment was maintained, including clear expectations and routines, and how behavioral
issues were addressed.
8. What modifications or improvements can be made? Based on reflections, identify areas
for improvement in future lessons.
9. What feedback was received from students? Seek feedback from students about their
experience of the lesson, including suggestions for improvement.
10. What support or resources are needed? Reflect on any professional development
opportunities or resources that could enhance teaching practice, such as seeking support
from colleagues or attending workshops or conferences.

By regularly reflecting on lessons, educators can gain valuable insights and make informed
decisions to enhance instructional practices and promote student learning.
2.1 During my practicals for Assignment 02, my task was to create and present a lesson.
Upon reflection, I believe that the lesson was well-designed and effectively delivered.
However, the feedback from the marker/lecturer may differ in terms of satisfaction. To
evaluate the lesson, I would consider the following aspects:

Clarity of learning objectives: Were the learning objectives clearly articulated and consistent
with the content and activities?
Engagement and interaction: Did the lesson incorporate interactive elements to maintain
learners' engagement?
Content relevance: Was the content pertinent and current?
Instructional strategies: Were appropriate instructional strategies employed to facilitate
Assessment methods: Were the assessment methods aligned with the learning objectives
and efficient in evaluating student comprehension?
It is essential to receive feedback from the marker or lecturer to pinpoint areas for
improvement. Thoroughly reviewing the feedback is crucial, and considering it as
constructive criticism can enhance future lessons. Positive feedback indicates that the lesson
successfully achieved its objectives..
2.2 supporting learners in an online environment

As a dedicated and supportive online learning assistant, I prioritize the success and
satisfaction of learners by taking the following steps:
1. Carefully identifying the specific module or subject and understanding the unique
characteristics of each learner to personalize the online learning experience to their
2. Establishing clear communication channels through discussion forums, email, or
video conferencing tools to provide guidance, address concerns, and clarify any
doubts learners may have.
3. Organizing learning materials in a structured and accessible manner through a
learning management system or dedicated online platform.
4. Incorporating interactive activities such as quizzes, discussions, and group projects
to promote active learning and engagement, facilitated through online collaboration
tools or discussion forums.
5. Providing timely feedback on assignments and assessments to help learners gauge
their progress and offering individualized support through virtual office hours or one-
on-one online consultations.
6. Encouraging learners to interact with their peers through online discussion forums
or group activities to foster a sense of community and collaborative learning
7. Regularly tracking learner progress through online assessments, quizzes, or
assignments and identifying those who may be struggling to provide additional
support or resources for success.
8. Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the online learning experience through
learner feedback and assessment results to make necessary adjustments and
improvements to enhance satisfaction and success.
By implementing these proven strategies, learners can enjoy a successful and
fulfilling online learning experience while achieving their desired learning outcomes.

When selecting educational technology for online learning, it's crucial to consider the
learning objectives and subject matter. Constructivism and connectivism are two teaching
theories that can guide technology selection.

Constructivism emphasizes active learning and student-generated knowledge. To support

this theory, educational technology that allows for collaboration, interaction, and hands-on
activities can be used. For instance, online conversations, virtual labs, and simulations
Connectivism, on the other hand, focuses on connecting networks and sources of
information. To support this theory, educational technology that makes it easier to share
information and access a variety of resources can be used. For example, video conferencing
for guest lectures and expert interviews, online platforms for resource sharing, and social
media groups for networking.

As an online instructor, I can use these theories to support students in different ways. With
constructivism, I can encourage peer interaction and hands-on learning through activities
like online discussions, group projects, and simulations. With connectivism, I can help
students connect with a variety of resources and experts in the field, promoting
independent learning and exploration.

Overall, aligning the selection of educational technology with teaching theories like
constructivism and connectivism can create an online learning environment that promotes
active learning, collaboration, information sharing, and networking. This approach can
enhance student satisfaction and progress in the online learning environment.
C student support

Throughout the academic year, I received valuable support from both my lecturer and fellow
students. The lecturer was always available to provide clear explanations during lectures,
and my classmates were supportive and collaborative, often working together on
assignments and sharing resources.

However, I did face some challenges during the 2023 academic year for this module. One
such challenge was the heavy workload, which made it difficult to manage my time
effectively. Additionally, I struggled to understand complex concepts in certain topics, which
required further clarification.

To improve student support for this module, the lecturer could consider implementing a few
measures. For instance, providing more opportunities for one-on-one consultations or office
hours to address individual concerns, offering additional resources such as supplementary
readings or online tutorials to enhance understanding, and encouraging peer-to-peer
collaboration through a platform for students to share experiences and insights.

As a student teacher, I found the lecturer's guidance to be particularly helpful. They provided
practical examples and case studies that helped me apply theoretical concepts to real-life
teaching scenarios. Additionally, their advice on classroom management techniques and
strategies for engaging students effectively greatly contributed to my growth in this area.

Teaching Strategies for Quality Teaching and Learning: Concise version
Study guide for ISC 3701

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