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Name: Gloria Mgaga

Student no: 65107497

Module code: tms 3704

Assignment 2B

a) Describe how you would define ‘Decolonising Education” in a South African perspective by
providing practical examples. Be as holistic as possible. Write a paragraph of about 10 lines.

__ Decolonising schooling in South Africa is a mind boggling and multi-layered process that looks to
challenge and change the verifiable tradition of expansionism and politically-sanctioned racial
segregation in the school system. It includes reconsidering the educational program, teaching
method, and institutional designs to advance a more comprehensive, various, and socially responsive
instruction. Decolonising schooling requires an all encompassing methodology that considers the
social, financial, political, and social settings of South Africa. While decolonising training faces various
difficulties, it can possibly make an all the more, fair, and reasonable schooling system that mirrors
the nation's different and complex history and personality.

Decolonising education in South Africa includes reconsidering the educational plan, teaching
method, and institutional designs to advance a more comprehensive, various, and socially responsive
schooling. One functional instance of decolonising education is integrating African dialects and native
information frameworks into the educational program. This approach perceives the worth of native
information and the significance of protecting and advancing African dialects.


Lesson plan
General Information Lesson Aim: (What do you as a
Duration of teacher want to achieve?) To
lesson:…………45………….mins teach/facilitate:
Grade: …8…………………………………….. To educate learners about
Topic: …The experience of colonialism
colonialism……………………………………… To teach learners how we can
move past colonialism and
accommodate each other as
different races and tribes
The learners will be able to define what is colonialism or apartheid.
The learners will know the negative impact of apartheig
The learners will identify solutions to the problems we are facing due to our
oppressive past

Explain your choice of the teaching strategy you will use.

I will use the learner based teaching strategy because I want the learners to
be able to interact with me. Ill ask them questions and they can be able to
answer and they can ask where they don’t understand
The Introduction phase (How will you get the learners ready for what you
want them to learn?)
I will introduce the lesson by asking them to recall what they know about
colonialism and apartheid and how did it affect the country and the
continent of Africa as a whole
How long will this take? 10 minutes
Questions you will ask:
what is colonialism?
How did it affect the country of South Africa?
How did it affect the quality of education.
The main part of the lesson Learner activity (What will the
Activity How long will this take? 15 learners do and say?)
minutes The learners will listen to the
Teacher activity (What will you do teacher and and take notes
and say?) The learners can ask questions where
After introducing the lesson and they don’t understand and ask the
asking the learners to recall what
they know. I will then explain to
them how colonialism affected
Africa as a whole and how we can
move from it. And create a new
identity for us as African
Questions you will ask:
As Africans how can we move past
from what was done to us
How can we bring change in our
communities and schools

discussion, learners ask each other Learner activity (What will the
questions etc.) How long will it learners do and say?)
take? …20 minutes……. The learnes will answer the wuestins
I will conclude the lesson by giving that are being asked by the teacher.
them homework and ask them to do The learners will start preparing to
more reasearch about how we can do the home work.
move forward and embrace
diversity Learning support material:
Questions you will ask: Chalkboard
I will ask them what they learned Textbook
The conclusion of the lesson (quick Internet
quiz, class
during the lesson
How will they use what they’ve
learned in their live.
23 August 2023


Use your textbook to answer the questions below.

1,1 what is colonialism (2)

1.2 why did the Europeans colonise Africa (3)

1.3 refer to 1.2. how did that afect Africa. Discuss in 5 paragraphs (15)

1.4 what is decolonisation (2)

1.5 how can decolonisation be implemented in Africa as a whole

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