Christopher Zealot, From Hell's Judgement, A Roleplay On RPG

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4/7/24, 8:09 PM Christopher Zealot, from Hell's Judgement, a roleplay on RPG

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4/7/24, 8:09 PM Christopher Zealot, from Hell's Judgement, a roleplay on RPG


Christopher Zealot
"Why should I work when there are so many others to do it for me?"

a character in “Hell's Judgement”, as played by Ceoltior

0 · 496 views · located in Valley of war
Name: Christopher Zealot

Sin: Sloth

Age: 29

Description: Christopher is of a slight build. He is rather short and thin and his features are gaunt, at
least those that are visible. Christopher's entire body, accept for his head above his lower jaw, is
mechanized. He does not need to eat, or sleep or do anything to sustain himself other than recharge
his power source now and then. He manipulates his entire body with his cyberpathy, doing anything
other than thinking is something he detests. Fortunately for him, thinking is all he needs to do to
function properly.


Weapon: Christopher's body is a weapon, containing a number of armaments such as guns,

tranquilizers, and occasionally rockets. His other means of combat consist of drones and in last-resort
situations, his claws.

Powers: Cyberpathy - Christopher can mentally communicate with machines and computers and
manipulate them in virtually any way he desires. This is how he controls his numerous mechanical

Projection - Christopher can project his consciousness onto any demon or well-preserved corpse and
assume control over their body. The host's physical body is burned out and wasted whenever
Christopher does this and when he leaves the body, it disintegrates. It does however transform the
host into a deadly combatant capable of absorbing and dishing out far more punishment than a normal
demonic trooper. Should the host be destroyed for any reason, Christopher's consciousness departs it
intact. He can only directly control one demon at a time. Christopher cannot control another sin.

Full power form:

It is highly unlikely that Sloth will ever assume this form as he is more inclined to lay down and die
than protect his life from a threat that would require his full power form. If he ever does assume this
form though, it is highly advised that one runs. In this state Sloth can manipulate ones nervous system
to make it more receptive, making a scrape feel like a mortal wound. Raw hellfire also super heats his
structure in this state. Once this form has been used, the body is expended, and sloth goes dormant
for a long period of time (weeks) as the effort involved in controlling such a state wears him out

History: Christopher cares not for his history; it is in the past and he has enough trouble facing the 2/3
4/7/24, 8:09 PM Christopher Zealot, from Hell's Judgement, a roleplay on RPG

present. Despite this though, Christopher does have a past. While Christopher was still alive, he lead a
happy life. He was married and made a fantastic living as an inventor, until the day came when his
wife came to her untimely end in the form of cancer. Christopher was overwrought with grief. Seeking
to remedy this, he tried several programs and tried to continue life but it all seemed hollow and he
slowly began to taper off into the throes of apathy. Feeling that nothing else in life could fill the void
left by his wife, he gave up on everything else and committed suicide. His actions, or lack thereof,
earned him the sin of sloth and later he was chosen to embody it when the sins all moved to crusade
against humanity. As the months progressed, Sloth's body atrophied as he neglected to use it and
sustain it and eventually, he had to replace his entire body with machinery. Sloth mews himself in a
shady cloister that is secret to all but God, himself, and the prince of darkness. From there he fulfills
his role as the monitor of the sins and the legions of hell, intervening now and then to bring messages
or deal discipline.

Personality: Sloth is cold and uncaring. Uncaring to the point that he will do nothing unless it is
requested of him, even then he would rather not do the task set upon him. Sloth is devoted to Satan
merely because it is inconvenient to turn to anyone else for orders. Sloth very well might turn to God
or another being if he wanted to make the effort, but alas, he does not want to make the effort and so
remains Satan's tool. Despite his vast intelligence, Sloth lacks initiative and doesn't do much so his
intellect is often wasted, but when he does make an effort, things get done.

Likes: -Things that require no effort.


Dislikes: -Doing anything requiring more effort than thinking.

-People (including sins and virtues).

Other: Saren Arterius is the property of Bioware.

So begins...

Christopher Zealot's Story

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