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Your Experience and Expectations as a Writer/Author

A writer is someone who expresses himself/herself through words and letters. I picture a

writer as someone who is passionate about creating poems, novels, books, and films. My

perception of writing changed a lot because what I was thinking and what came out in the class

were totally different for example, I was only thinking that writing and what came to my mind

was what we see in books and stories, and I never thought it can be communicating, sharing,

organizing, emotions, etc. I would describe myself as someone in the early stage of writing. One

thing I love is watching movies, especially movies that are based on a novel and fantasies.

What I shy away from is academic and journal writing. I graduated from high back in

2013 and ever since then, I have not done any sort of academic writing at all, same goes for

journal writing because being busy with life changes everything. I believe that keeping a daily

journal is beneficial since it will not only aid in your everyday writing but also have an impact on

your academic writing. Being someone, whose English is not his first language, I sometimes

struggle with grammar and spelling and as a writer, these things are important as other people

will not grasp your message or what you’re trying to say.

Those are my goals to work on. Growing up I used to love reading comic books,

especially DC, and Marvel comic books, those played a major role in my childhood because I

thought those characters were real. As I grew up, l learned that are all written by someone and

they brought these characters to life and made money off of them I always wonder if I could do

this and become a writer.

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