Philosophy of Teaching

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Jonna Reamer Teaching Philosophy

September 7th, 2011 EDU 509A

As teachers it is our job to produce citizens capable of evaluating the world around them so that they may be active and informed members of society. This breaks down into teachers needing to have proficient knowledge of their content and pedagogy, as well as the professional skills necessary to remain a positive role model. An educator must be familiar with the learning standards and performance indicators, and be able to use these to effectively organize the content presented to the students. An educator must evolve their knowledge of the content in order to keep up with current information and be able to clarify complex content to students in order to maximize the students understanding of it. Knowledge should be imparted within the context of the educators discipline. Without providing context, the knowledge becomes merely a series of facts the student must learn for a test. Educators must help students to construct their own knowledge. The use of current technologies should be used in order to best convey information and ideas to the student population, and to address the multiple learning styles and enhance communication. Technology can be used to enhance students understanding of diversity and tolerance for others around them. Furthermore, teachers need to observe students and use assessment to reflect on their own teaching practices, and make adjustments as necessary. Curriculum and instructional methods must not be treated statically, but rather, as something that needs to be personalized to the student body and constantly readjusted. Effective teaching requires knowledge of pedagogy. Assessment should be used to guide teaching strategies. Educators must work to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills

within their students. Students should be encouraged to research information, evaluate, construct their thinking, and implement decisions based on this. Teachers may use recursive learning to foster these skills within students by sequencing lessons which are designed carefully so as to be appropriate to the developmental abilities of the students while also challenging them. Fostering thinking in students is what will lead them to become active citizens, and this needs to be done in all classes. It is not the sole responsibility of one teacher, but rather a shared duty of educators. Lastly, the professional skills demonstrated by teachers will show them to be positive role models and help to shape students into responsible adults. It cannot be assumed that students will have positive role models in other aspects of their life. Rather, school should be a place where consistency and integrity enrich students lives. Teachers need to work together to implement collaborative learning strategies. Educators should be attending conferences and joining associations in order to constantly develop their professional skill set, and work with family members, administrators, and other teachers etc. to ensure that students develop to their potential. Professional development will aid teachers in striving for instructional excellence and help turn the students into lifelong learners. A huge par to f this is valuing diversity and adapting planning or instruction to reach the needs of a diverse student population. Acting with compassion and integrity toward all students will earn the respect of students and present a positive role model for them. I firmly believe that following the above guidelines will provide students with a solid education, and help to shape them into individuals to run the country.

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