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My dream job would be an astronaut, exploring space and discovering new borders.
The excitement of exploration and expanding our understanding of the universe
inspires me deeply.
Yes, I would like to have a summer job.Firstly, it would allow me to gain practical
experience. Secondly, having a job would enable me to earn some extra income.
Lastly, a summer job would provide me with an opportunity to develop important
skills such as time management, communication, and teamwork.
Yes i do.teamwork is great because it allows us to collaborate, support each other,
learn from one another, and achieve goals more efficiently.
A good manager should have strong communication, leadership, empathy, problem-
solvingn, conflict resolution, and vision skills.
In the future, I aim to work around 35-40 hours per week. I believe this schedule
will allow me to maintain a healthy work-life balance, which is important to me.
Yes i do.Being a boss is better because nobody has to give you orders. As a boss,
you have freedom in decision-making and shaping the direction of the company
according to your vision.
Getting a job as a teenager in my country is pretty simple. Lots of places, like
shops or restaurants, hire young people. With a little effort, it's easy to find
something suitable.
Yes, I am planning to work abroad because I believe it will provide me with
priceless international experience.
I wouldn't like to work as a police officer because the job often involves facing
dangerous situations and high levels of stress
Yes, salary is the most important thing for me in my future job. While other
aspects matter too, such as job satisfaction and growth opportunities, financial
stability is my primary concern.

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