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Slip No.: -1- Exam Seat no.

: _____
S S of ME II (Thermal Science) Examination
Day: Wednesday Date: 19/04/2017 Time: 3 to 6

Note: 1. Write the answer to the two sections in separate answer books.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Maximum mark is 70.
4. Assume necessary data if required.

Q–1 Attempt the following in brief (5-6 sentences for each) [7 x 2]

a) Why pyrolysis is a relevant technology for India?

b) What are the arguments, for and against, adopting hydro power for Indian power sector?
c) What are the measures need to be adopted for energy efficiency of the industry?
d) What is environmental concern from a thermal power plant, and how to attain the same?
e) What are the hidden threats from nuclear power plants?
f) What is energy security for a country, discuss in brief the same for India.
g) The following loads are supplied by a power station:
Load [MW] 30 150 50 100 62 40
Time [h] 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24
Find the capacity of a pump storage peak load plant that operates in off peak hours to store the water
and recovers the energy during peak hours and meets 100% peak demand. Assume 100% efficiency
of the energy conversion from and during the pumping. Draw load curve and show different
components on it. Show how many times pumping is required to start in a full day of operation.
Q-2 Attempt the following in brief [4 x 3]

b) Describe the social, economic and environmental effect of selecting coal as fuel for power
plant under Indian conditions. (12 sentences)
c) Compare and contrast base load plant and peak load plant. (4 x 2 sentences)
a) Discuss the need of a peak load plant in brief. (5 points)
d) What are the advantages of combined operations? (5 points)
Q-2 Attempt the following in brief [4 x 3]

a) Discuss mixed type pump storage plant. (10 sentences)

b) With help of a neat diagram explain operation of air storage power plant, showing clearly LP
and HP compressors, turbine and air storage unit. (10 sentences)
c) Explain advantage of air storage gas turbine power plant with constant pressure reservoir.
Explain its operation in brief.
d) Draw a combined steam/gas plant with waste heat boiler for peak loads, show different parts
clearly on the schematic. (no write-up)

Q-3 Attempt the following in brief [3 x 3]

a) What is advantage of LNG in power generation scenario? (3 points)

b) How control of maximum demand can be effectively implemented in an industry, give any
four suggestions.
c) Discuss the advantage and limitations of using Diesel as a fuel. (4 x 2 sentences)
Q-3 Attempt the following in brief [3 x 3]

a) What cogeneration is as applied to power plant and state its advantages and disadvantages.
b) Efficient combustion of biomass is a compulsion and not a choice, explain.
c) What is bio-char, and what are its advantages, give advantages and disadvantages for the same.
Slip No.: -2- Exam Seat no.: _____
S S of ME II (Thermal Science) Examination
Day: Wednesday Date: 19/04/2017 Time: 3 to 6

Attempt any two out of Question 4, 5 and 6.
Q–4 Attempt the following [12]
a) Define the following terms for a power plant (any THREE): [04]
i) Load factor ii) Demand factor iii) diversity factor
iv) Plant use factor v) Plant capacity factor
Also explain the significance of each in the operation of a power plant.
b) A residential load of a locality is as given below: [08]
Load in [kW] 4 8 22 2 14 10
Time [h] 0-5 5-6 6-9 9-18 18-21 21-24
Draw the load curve and find the load factor, also find the energy consumed in 24 hours.
c) A yearly load duration curve of a gas turbine power plant is a straight line from 4400 kW to [08]
4000 kW. The load is taken by a power station consist of 2 units of 20,000 kW each and one
unit of 10,000 kW. Determine the load factor and capacity factor of the plant.
Q-5 Attempt the following [12]
a) Enlist and discuss types of methods used for charging electricity to a consumer. [06]
b) A Hopkinson demand rate is given as follows: [06]
Demand rate:
• First 1 kW of maximum demand at Rs. 5/kW/month
• Next 4 kW of maximum demand at Rs. 4/kW/month
• The excess over 5 kW of maximum demand at Rs. 3/kW/month
Energy Rate:
• First 50 kWh at 6 paise/kWh
• Next 50 kWh at 4 paise/kWh
• Next 200 kWh at 3 paise/kWh
• Next 400 kWh at 2.5 paise/kWh
• The excess over 700 kWh at 2.0 paise/kWh
i) Monthly bill of a consumer for a total consumption of 1500 kWh and maximum
demand of 12 kW. Also find the unit energy cost.
Q-6 Attempt the following (any one from a or b) [11]

a) Enlist and discuss the different methods of depreciation to a given component of power plant. [05]
b) Enlist and discuss the different methods of charging electricity to a consumer. [05]
c) Give a comparative study of different power plant on economic basis. [06]

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