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Chapter 1: Introduction

Greetings Chapters of the Document

Hello and welcome to The King's War, an adventure written After this introduction, there will be several chapters.
for Dungeons & Dragons 5e. In this adventure a group of Chapter two will discuss the previous adventure and how to
adventurers will lead an army to win a war against their connect that one to this one, or if you did not use the previous
King's enemy. The only way to fully break apart the reigning adventure how you can set this one up. Chapter three will
structure of the elves, is to kill their Council. This job is for discuss the main adventure, including encounters, traps and
the party. a conclusion. Appendix A contains creature stats used
through out the adventure. Appendix B contains a little bit of
The adventure itself was written to be a challenging information in case you want to run this adventure with the
adventure for an 8th level party of 4 players. Increasing or Strongholds and Followers rules. Appendix C contains an
decreasing these values will change the difficulty as one example map for the elven keep, in case you want some
might suspect. In addition is should be possible to play this inspiration. Finally, Appendix D contains some references
adventure in a 4-6 hour session, depending on your players that were very useful in writing this adventure.
and experience with the game.
This adventure uses the Dungeons and Dragons 5e rules,
which means it assumes you have a copy of The Dungeons
and Dragons 5th Edition Players Handbook. Some of the
creatures mentioned are specifically found in the Dungeons
And Dragons 5th Edition Monster manual. Finally, the
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Dungeon Masters Guide
is a helpful supplement, and also includes some magic items
mentioned in this book.
A book you can also use with this adventure is Strongholds
and Followers from MCDM Productions. There is an
appendix that allows you to use that book alongside this
adventure. No rules from the book are mentioned here
though, so you will have to buy the book if you want to run an
actual war (it's really good, don't worry).
This adventure is set up so it can be run in any setting you
want, however it is also meant as a sequel to "The King's
Feast" and "The King's War". Because of this, this adventure
will contain several ways to tie the adventures together.
However, if you are not interested in the first adventures, and
just want to run this one, that is also completely possible.
Finally, this is a 7thRoll adventure that was also played on
our youtube channel, with some setting specific changes.
However, most of what you see there is the same as what is
written here. If you are a DM that wishes to play through this
adventure and you need a bit of inspiration, it might be a good
place to check it out. Just make sure your players have not
seen the adventure itself yet.
Milestone leveling
This adventure was not written with experience points in
mind, so using an experience point system for this one shot
will very likely not get you the results you want. It is therefore
probably better to run this adventure with Milestone leveling,
allowing the party to level up (to level 9 if you are indeed
playing this with a level 8 party) once the elven Council has
been defeated and the war won.
Chapter 2: What happened before
This chapter will discuss the previous adventures and how
they tie in to this one. Specific assumptions about the What if Faris also died
previous adventures will be made in the rest of the adventure In the original story there was a chance that Faris died. In
(as if the youtube versions of "The King's Feast" and "The this case, either Queen Arianna took the throne if she
King's Spy" happened), so because of that, this chapter will survived, or if she did not, Jason might have taken the throne.
mention possible changes to the adventure in case your party If Arianna (or someone else that is not Jason) takes the
did things differently. throne, replace Faris by the new monarch in the rest of this
story. Arianna would take the ability of her husband and
The story until now become "the Serpent Queen", any other leader you can do
All members of the party belong to the Royal Guard. Several with as you wish. If Jason takes the throne, both "the King's
months ago, they had to defend the king of the human Spy" and this mission will be traitorous missions. The best
kingdom at his own birthday party. An attack was engineered way to solve this here, is to have someone like "The
by a man named Eon, the Traveler and Prince Jason (the Underground Chieftain", or a trusted general of King Saris
king's youngest son). This attack cost the lives of several take control of the main army and give orders to the party.
members of the Royal Guard, but most of all, that of King After this adventure, they can possibly still take lead as the
Saris. Ever since that day, the humans and elves have been at council of the human lands, because of their service.
war. Prince Faris (the king's oldest son), took up the mantle of
"The Goat King", and has had to fight back without the What if the mission failed
experience of his father. If the party did not get Dart's information to their superiors,
Once the war had been going on for several months, Faris King Faris can not make up a plan to attack the elves,
saw no other option but to look for friends in odd places. This because he does not know where to strike. At this point,
way, Faris made a deal with an Underground Organization, either you have to invent another way for Faris to know
led by a man only known as "The Underground Chieftain". where the elves are hiding out (maybe a friend of Dart found
Together, they sent people to the elven island in order to a way off the island, maybe an elven traitor told them,...) or
figure out what their enemies were up to. However, none you have to set up another adventure to solve this problem.
came back alive. Further details can not really be given in this adventure.
That all changed when Dart (a member of the Underground What if no previous
Organization) and his team went to the elven island. They
found the location of the elven council, but were not able to missions
deliver that information back to their superiors. Dart was the This entire story can be played without using the previous
only one who survived and was able to send out a cry for adventures, which does not change anything about the
help, which led to a rescue mission to save him. Together adventure itself. However, you will have to give the party a
with the Royal Guard, Dart was able to escape and deliver the reason for being a part of this. They are probably a part of the
information, leading to the current situation. Royal Guard and should possibly also be the King's most
It has now been several months since the rescue mission and trusted advisors, which is why they get such an important
King Faris has put in motion his plan to attack the elves. role in this attack. But how did you party become so trusted,
Leading his forces to "The Tree Island", setting up the attack have they been working on the war,...? These are all questions
itself. However, a king is nothing without his most trusted you should ask your players when you start up this adventure.
advisors, that's where the party comes in.
What if Saris never died
Similar to "the King's Spy", if Saris never died during the
original attack, you can either replace Faris with Saris in this
adventure and still run it as is. Another option is to have Saris
step down as king and have Faris take over. That way you do
not have to change anything about the adventure. Remember
that Faris and Saris give the party different abilities. Saris
lets every one of his subjects speak Serpentian, Faris gives
every one of his subjects the ability to attack with goat horns
once per long rest.
Chapter 3: The adventure
This chapter will discuss the actual adventure, starting from The party is supposed to stay and should listen to their king's
the night before the assault, through the assault itself and orders. Make sure you describe how their king is ruffling
ending with the possible victory of your party. through pages, seems to be sweating a little bit,... He is very
nervous about this attack, but maybe even more about the
The night before next conversation. A couple of minutes after the room is
emptied, the king will start speaking to his guard:
The party traveled for a couple of days on ships borrowed
from the Dwarven King, trying to stay close to King Faris' The king speaks: "I'm sorry about holding you here a little
ship. The armies of the king and several forces that they longer. I'm quite sure it must have been quite boring". The
currently lead have been mentally preparing for tomorrow,
while sharpening their swords and facing the power of the king smiles for the first time in a while before speaking again:
sea. However, right now, the party finds themselves on Faris' "I made you stay because we need to talk about the upcoming
ship alongside several other captains that were called upon battle. You already know your job, you will attack the keep at
for this grand battle against the elves. Before starting this the back of the island while our main force distracts most of
adventure, read this to your players: them. Your forces will be instrumental in winning this battle. If
you can find the council, take them out as quickly as possible.
After several days of travel, you and your friends find yourself
This should break their communications, morale and possibly
on the king's vessel. You all find yourself in a large square
win us the war. Easy enough." The king then sighs before
room, with several bookcases lining the walls and beautiful
continuing: "However, we need to discuss what happens if
wooden desk with the symbol of "The Goat King" carved into
I...". The king does not finish his sentence, but you all know
it. The king has called you all here to talk about the impending
what he speaks of. If the king was not in the front lines of the
attack. Looking around, you see several human generals from
war, the enemy would surely expect something to be wrong.
the kingdom, but also some Dwarven and Dragonborn allies.
This meant however that the party could be serving under
Every general in the army is accounted for, which gives you an
another dead king.
ominous feeling, as you know that you might not see all of
"Because of this, I want to ask one thing of you! If I were to die
them after tomorrow.
in this battle, I need you to choose the new king. I do not have
The King speaks: "Welcome all of you. I would like to spend
an heir, which means no one can officially inherit the throne.
more time on pleasantries but tension is high and time is low,
This allows you to pick someone and put him before the gods.
so I'll get right to the point. Tomorrow, we attack the elves.
If they accept him, you will have your new king. We have spent
Most of us will use our ships and attack their main force.
enough time together for me to trust, that you will select the
However, we are only a distraction. As most of you know, my
correct person, even if it is not one of you."
personal guard and their forces will oversee a direct attack on
After saying all this, the king picks up his full glass of wine and
the Council's keep, trying to eliminate them. We have it on
chugs it in one go.
good authority that most orders come from there, so if we can
take out the council, it might be just the break we need." The
king takes a sip from his glass of wine before continuing, as if This is not a problem for the party to discuss now, but more
to give himself courage. "I know that you're all scared. We're of a detail to think about. Seeing as the king is afraid of his
running into a war with some of the most ancient and smart death, he wants an heir to be chosen by the party. You don't
beings alive, but we will prevail! We must prevail, or our have to put this in front of your players of course, especially if
families and friends might not have a future. So if not for me,
you did not run the previous two adventures. The players
might not have as much of an emotional connection to the
do it for them and do it for our Kingdom." At which point
King as the players in the youtube version did. However, it
several of the generals nod in agreement, seemingly prepared does state that the party is special to the king at this point,
for battle. Some look uncertain and scared, but hey, what did high enough in rank to make the most difficult but important
you expect? Most are unsure what to do with the King's decision one could have to make. Finally, this is also a
speech. moment to make the party realize that the king can die in this
Faris then finishes: "Well then, you all know your specific adventure if they do their job too slowly.
positions during the attack. Go be with your crew, celebrate
Once this conversation is over, the king has one final drink
with the party, before sending them off on their way, ready for
tonight as if it is your last! Because for most of us, it will be.
the attack the next day.
My guard, stay for a bit!" At which point every person in the
room leaves, except for the king.
The attack The Tower
The day after the meeting, the party has to prepare for the Once the party wins the battle against the forces defending
attack. If you are using Strongholds and Followers, you might the keep, they will have to complete their job alone. The
want to have a look at Appendix B at this point. Regardless, forces of the party will start looking into taking out stragglers
your players will have an army backing them up. The army and protecting the keep from reinforcements. In the
will be dealing with the enemy forces, while your party deals meantime, the party can start exploring the keep. At some
with their leaders, trying to take them out. point however, they should go into the tower. The tower itself
has three floors. The top floor holds a sort of conference
The party has gotten some dwarven air ships in order to get room, where the Council used to meet, the second floor holds
to the island itself, but will be dropped onto the island. This a small library, with books about both nature and arcane
because the island is in the shape of a giant tree. It is very magic. It is here, you can also find information about
difficult to climb. The Council building is relatively close to teleportation circles on a successful DC 15 Intelligence
the edge of one side of the tree. That is where the party will (Investigation) check, or by looking around for about fifteen
make their assault, while (most of) the elven army will be minutes. Finally, on the bottom floor, the party finds a slightly
busy with an attack from the other side. damaged teleportation circle. They notice that the circle itself
was not damaged very long ago, and that a large portion of
Ask your players if they have any last preparations they would the magic is still captured in it, if only they can fix it. The
like to make, because else they start hearing the sounds of circle seems to have a direct connection to some other
battle coming from the island itself. That is the signal for the location on the island.
attack to commence. The dwarven ships shoot up into the air,
the crew doing everything in their power to get as swift and At some point, the party will want to fix this teleportation
speedy an ascent and assault as possible. Soon enough, the circle. In order to do so, they need basic information about
party sees the elven keep and some forces that are still there. how teleportation circles work (this can be gained from the
The ships drop off the party before turning around and information on the second floor of the tower, someone
helping out the main force, while keeping off any proficient in the arcana skill, or a character with an arcane
reinforcements that might come to interfere with the party's spellcaster class like wizard, sorcerer,...). At this point, ask for
plans. If the party asks why they can not be dropped into the a skill challenge with the following rules:
castle, tell them that it might be too dangerous for their
forces to be spread out over the keep. In addition landing in The party tells you how they want to help fix the
the keep would be too risky and might get them into more teleportation circle
trouble than it's worth. If the party has other ways to get in Once they have told you how, make them roll an
though, let them, but they will not be accompanied by their appropriate check, with a DC of 15. However, a character
forces (whatever that means). is not allowed to make the same skill check twice except
The elven keep consists of an outer wall, an inner wall and a with very good reason.
main tower in the middle. When the fight begins, the party Once the party reaches 6 successes, they successfully
will be facing a Wood elven Elder, Wood elven Cleric, High complete the teleportation circle allowing them to go to
elven Artificer and a High elven General (all of which can the next part of the adventure.
be found in Appendix A). Every one except for the Artificer Every time the party fails a check, have them make a
will be at the outer wall, trying to take out any one coming in, Dexterity Saving throw against a DC of 18. Every
the Artificer himself is on the inner wall. He summons his character that fails takes 3d6 points of lightning damage
turret the moment he notices the attack and starts shooting from the circle overcharging and unleashing its energy.
people with it from afar. Other than that, the elves take no Once the party successfully completes the skill challenge
prisoners, they are indeed the last line of defense between and uses the circle, they will be transported to the final battle.
their enemies and the council, so they must win here.
In case you are not using Strongholds and Followers, one
of the issues you might run into is how the party gets through
the walls of the keep itself. They can of course try to get onto
the wall and open the gates, however if you want to give them
a little boost, you can have dwarven artillery help out. Every
round at initiative count 20 (losing ties), roll percentile dice.
On 75 or lower, make a hole in one of the walls, that the party
can fit through. First make a hole in the Outer wall, then the
inner wall. The tower is magically protected and cannot be so
easily destroyed.
The Council chambers In order to determine if the king lives through the war,
As the party steps through the teleportation circle, read this imagine how long it took the party to finish this battle. If they
to your players: took the keep and then immediately went into the tower to
attack the council, King Faris probably survived. If the party
decided to take a short rest of sorts, Faris probably fell in
After you felt the cold rush of magic teleporting you through battle. The target time I was looking at was one hour. That
space, you step off the circle to find yourself in a dark corridor, way, if the party does not find the info on the teleportation
leading into a large round room. A dark, shadowy mist hangs circle immediately or spends a little time giving orders, they
through the entire corridor and room, making it even harder to don't lose the king. Longer actions will make the battle more
see through the darkness. In the room itself, you notice a
unsure, make Faris more tired and will end up being the
king's downfall.
group of five figures, standing in a half circle, arms to their
sides. You don't recognize any of these people, but even those If the king dies during the war, the party will have to decide
without magic sense the vast magical power coming from that for itself who they want to be the next king, maybe even
direction. Even without seeing their faces clearly, you know choosing one of their own. Of course, if you only run this
that this is the Council.
adventure, it might be hard for the party to choose any one
for the job, but then again, that is not in the scope of this
The man in the center of the half circle speaks: "Ah! You have adventure.
come, warriors of King Faris! Sadly enough I'm afraid that the
line ends here. I will give you one chance to return from where If the king survives the war, he will be very grateful to the
you came, so you don't die at our hands. Take it, or fall to the party, thanking them for their service. He will be covered in
true power of the elves!" blood, tending to the wounded and giving prayers to the dead.
He asks the party what happened, being very interested in the
story and very happy about the outcome. However, before this
The party gets two choices here. Either they go back, or start story is over, he has one more thing to do.
fighting the elven council (there is no negotiating out of this).
If the party goes back, have any characters that have some When the time is appropriate and you want to close out the
sort of proficiency with arcane magic roll an Intelligence adventure, tell the players that they stand before their king in
(Arcana) check with a DC of 15. If someone succeeds, they a private meeting. King Faris has cleaned himself up a bit and
realize (just before the party steps on the circle), that the wanted to see them. As the king stands before them, he starts
damage dealt to the circle previously has severely weakened talking about the last year. About how he respected his father
it. Because of this, if the party goes back through the portal, who died, how he always lead his people as a true king
there won't be any strength left for the direct connection to should, how Faris wished that he was even a little bit more
remain. Once the party takes the circle away from here, they like his father. However Faris also starts talking about the
won't be able to come back and fight the elven Council (which problem with his station as King. If he died, the kingdom
will probably lose them the war). The party should already would very likely be in disarray, a new king would have to be
know that the council has been sending their messages from chosen, hopefully that king would be accepted by the gods.
here, so unless they defeat them here, the elves will still have Sure, the party would have done a great job, but Faris has
their highest command structure and probably overpower the started to feel like one position of power is not enough. So he
humans. asks the party if they would like to become part of his own
If the party decides to fight, the council will merge their five council. That way, he would not be the only one making
bodies into The Contracted Hydra (see Appendix A). It decisions for his people and they might be able to make the
seems that the council was lead by a dark elf warlock, that kingdom a safer place! Of course, the party can accept or
made a pact to obtain more strength. He fooled and took over reject this proposal, but they are the first people the king
the council to start the war against the humans. And now, his asked.
patron has allowed him to summon a creature with five
heads, that strengthens his powers even more: a hydra with For their service, the king pays the party 47000 gp and gives
the powers of a warlock. them a hammer of thunderbolts from his personal armory.

If the party is able to defeat the council, they should still be
able to transport back to the battlefield. Once they do, they
will notice that the battle is still going on, but the tide of it
seems to have changed. Because the council is down, the
main communication infrastructure of the elven army is now
gone. Because of this, the armies start losing their footing,
which is the only thing Faris' armies needed to break
through. This however does not remove the large amount of
bodies currently littering the island. One of which might be
that of King Faris.
Appendix A: Stat Blocks
This appendix contains the stat blocks of all the NPC's and
creatures you'll need in this adventure, in addition to the ones
in the Monster Manual. Whenever the adventure references Bonus Actions
stats from Appendix A, it references these stat blocks. Change Shape (2/Day). The Elder magically
polymorphs into a beast with a challenge rating of 2
Elven Generals or less, and can remain in this form for up to 4
hours. The elven Elder can choose whether its
These are the stat blocks for the generals defending the keep. equipment falls to the ground, melds with its new
form, or is worn by the new form. The elder druid
Wood elven Elder reverts to its true form if it dies or falls unconscious.
The elder druid can revert to its true form using a
An elder of the elves, tasked with defending the Keep. He bonus action on its turn.
leads several forces to try to take down any one that invades.
He is one of few with quite decent druidic powers and will Combat Wild Shape. While the Elder is transformed
use them to take out any one. by Wild Shape, he can use a bonus action to expend
one spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level of
the spell slot expended.

Wood elven Elder

Medium humanoid

Armor Class 16 (wooden breastplate) (18 with

wooden shield)
Hit Points 56
Speed 35 ft.


12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +8

Skills Medicine +8, Perception +8, Athletics +4,
Survival +8, Acrobatics +6
Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 4

Spellcasting. The Elder is an 8th-level spellcaster. His

spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8
to hit with spell attacks). The Elder has the following
druid spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): shillelagh, thorn whip, poison
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, thunderwave,
healing word, goodberry, absorb elements
2nd level (3 slots): heat metal, pass without a trace,
hold person, moonbeam
3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, call lightning
4th level (2 slots): blight, ice storm
Fey Ancestry. The elven Elder has advantage on
saving throws against being charmed, and magic
can’t put him to sleep.
Wood elven Cleric High elven Artificer
A cleric for the elves, fighting the enemy with holy powers.
High elven Artificer
Wood elven Cleric Medium humanoid
Medium humanoid
Armor Class 17 (Infused Breastplate) (20 with
infused shield)
Armor Class 18 (plate armor) (20 with shield) Hit Points 56
Hit Points 56 Speed 30 ft.
Speed 35 ft.


8 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 8 (-1)
Saving Throws Con +5, Int +8
Saving Throws Cha +2, Wis +8 Skills Acrobatics +6, Arcana +8, Investigation +8,
Skills Medicine +8, Perception +8, Survival +8, Perception +3
Religion +4, Insight +8 Senses passive Perception 13
Senses passive Perception 18 Languages Common, Elvish
Languages Common, Elvish Challenge 4
Challenge 4
Spellcasting. The Artificer is an 8th-level spellcaster.
Spellcasting. The Cleric is an 8th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The Artificer has
16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The Cleric has the the following Artificer spells prepared:
following Cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): mending, poison spray, firebolt
Cantrips (at will): toll the dead, word of radiance,
guidance, sacred flame, shillellagh 1st level (4 slots): shield, thunderwave, absorb
elements, cure wounds, catapult, faerie fire, shield
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, of faith
command, healing word, inflict wounds, shield of
faith, animal friendship, speak with animals 2nd level (3 slots): scorching ray, shatter, aid, heat
metal, enlarge/reduce, see invisibility
2nd level (3 slots): spiritual weapon, hold person,
branding smite, barkskin, spike growth Arcane Firearm. Whenever the artificer casts an
artificer spell, add 1d8 additional damage to one of
3rd level (3 slots): spirit guardians, dispel magic, the damage rolls of the spell. This only affects one
plant growth, wind wall creature, if the spell hits multiple creature.
4th level (2 slots): death ward, banishment, Fey Ancestry. The elven Artificer has advantage on
dominate beast, grasping vine saving throws against being charmed, and magic
Fey Ancestry. The Cleric has advantage on saving can’t put him to sleep.
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put
her to sleep.
Flash of Genius. When the artificer or an ally within
Divine Strike. Once on each of her turns when she
30 feet of him makes an ability check or saving
hits a creature with a weapon attack, the Cleric can
throw, add +5 to that roll as a reaction. You can use
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold, fire, or
this feature 5 times before having to take a long
lightning damage (your choice) to the target.
Reactions Actions
Dampen Elements. When the Cleric or a creature Mace. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, Hit: 1d8 + 2
within 30 feet of her takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, bludgeoning damage.
or thunder damage, she can use her reaction to
grant resistance to the creature against that instance Create Cannon. Create a small or tiny eldritch
of the damage. cannon. It has 18 AC, 40 hit points, is immune to
poison damage, psychic damage and all conditions,
Actions has 10 in all ability scores and if you use a bonus
Mace. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, Hit: 1d8 + 2 action it can make a ranged spell attack (range 120
bludgeoning damage. ft, +8 to hit, 2d8 force damage). After using this
action you must take a long rest or spend a spell
slot to use it again. Using the mending spell on this
cannon heals it for 2d6 hit points.
High elven General
The actual leader of the unit captains. He has the most battle
experience and is the one that seems to know what he is
doing in this large scale battle.

High elven General

Medium humanoid

Armor Class 18 (studded leather + defense fighting

style) (20 with shield)
Hit Points 64
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Str +4, Con +5

Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 4

Spellcasting. The General is an 8th-level spellcaster.

Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The General has the
following spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): toll the dead, booming blade
1st level (4 slots): mage armor, shield, magic
missile, absorb elements, catapult
2nd level (2 slots): shatter
Action Surge. On his turn, The General can take one
additional action on top of his regular action and a
possible bonus action. After using this ability, the
general can not use this ability again until finishing a
short rest.
Fey Ancestry. The elven General has advantage on
saving throws against being charmed, and magic
can’t put him to sleep.
Rapier. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, Hit: 1d8 + 2
bludgeoning damage.
Bonus Actions
War Magic. When the general uses an action to cast
a cantrip, he can make one weapon attack as a
bonus action.
Second Wind. On their turn, the general can use a
bonus action to regain 1d10 + 8 hit points. After
using this ability, the general can not use this ability
again until finishing a short rest.
The Contracted Hydra
In addition, the contracted hydra can cast the
The merged form of the elven council. A combination of a following spells once per day: conjure elemental,
hydra and a warlock. bane, polymorph

The Contracted Hydra Multiattack. The hydra makes as many bite attacks as
it has heads. It can replace any of its bite attack by
Huge monstrosity Eldritch bolts.

Armor Class 15 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Hit Points 172 one target. Hit: (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Eldritch bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit,
range(120/120), one target. Hit: (1d10 + 5) force
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
Legendary Actions
The Contracted Hydra can take anumber of
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +10 legendary actions equal to its amount of remaining
Skills Deception +10, Persuasion +10, History +5, heads, choosing from the options below. Only one
Religion +5, Athletics +10 legendary action can be used at a time and only at
Senses passive Perception 11, Darkvision (in normal the end of another creature's turn. The Contracted
and magical darkness) 120 ft. Hydra regains spent legendary actions at the start of
Languages Common, Elvish, Undercommon its turn.
Bite. The Hydra uses a bite action against a target
Hold Breath. The hydra can hold its breath for 1 in reach.
hour. Eldritch bolt. The Hydra uses a Eldritch bolt
against a target in range.
Multiple Heads. The hydra has five heads. While it Higher magic (Costs 3 Actions). The Hydra can use
has more than one head, the hydra has advantage on one of the spells it can cast (both the ones using
saving throws against being blinded, charmed, a spell slot, or the ones it can cast daily)
deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked
Whenever the hydra takes 25 or more damage in a Lair Actions
single turn, one of its heads dies. If all its heads die, On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), The Contracted
the hydra dies. At the end of its turn, it grows two
heads for each of its heads that died since its last
Hydra can take a lair action to cause one of the following
turn, unless it has taken fire damage since its last
effects; it can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:
turn. The hydra regains 10 hit points for each head The contracted hydra regains one used spell slot, or the
regrown in this way. use of one of its once per day spells as it absorbs the dark
Reactive Heads. For each head the hydra has beyond magic in its lair.
one, it gets an extra reaction that can be used only A dark pulse of energy goes through the room. Every
for opportunity attacks. enemy of the contracted hydra must make a Constitution
Wakeful. While the hydra sleeps, at least one of its Saving Throw vs DC 18 or take 2d6 points of necrotic
heads is awake. damage.
Fey Ancestry. The Hydra has advantage on saving
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put
him to sleep.
Spellcasting. The Contracted Hydra is a 9th level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (+10
to hit with spell attacks, spell save DC 18). It regains
its expended spell slots when it finishes a short or
long rest. It knows the following warlock spells:
Cantrips: Minor illusion, Mage hand
1st: Hex, Armor of Agathys
2nd: Invisibility, Suggestion
3rd: Counterspell, Thunder step
4th: Wall of Fire, Blight
5th: Flame Strike, Hold Monster
The contracted hydra has 2 5th level spell slots.
Appendix B: Running a war
The battle at elven keep was made using the Strongholds and
Followers supplement. Because of this, you can run that
battle two ways. Either you do not use it at all and just
assume that a large scale battle is going on while the party
fights the leaders of the enemy forces. This only requires you
to destroy the walls of the keep at some point, if the party
would not have a way to get into the keep otherwise.
The other way is to actually use the Strongholds and
Followers rules. In order to do so, treat the elven keep as a
level 4 keep. The enemy forces consist of a d8 unit of elite
infantry, a d6 unit of veteran flying creatures, a d6 unit of
veteran archers and a d6 veteran siege unit. All of them are
elves and carry heavy equipment.
The commanders of these units are the wood elven cleric, the
wood elven elder, the high elven artificer and high elven
general respectively.
If you use this system, do not forget that your players also
have to buy units. The treasure from "The King's Spy" is a
great way to do this. If you did not run "The King's Spy", you
can give your players 3000 gold pieces to spend on their
Appendix C: Example Keep Map
This appendix just shows an example map of the keep, in
case you need it.
Appendix D: References
This chapter mentions some references used to create this
adventure. The wood elven cleric, the wood elven elder, the
high elven artificer and the high elven general are based off of
classes found in the Dungeons And Dragons 5E Player's
handbook. Specifically the cleric, druid, artificer and fighter
class. In addition, the contracted hydra got powers from the
warlock class.
The map for the keep was made in Dungeonographer.
The file itself was made in GMBinder.
The template for the cover image was made by Matthew
Gravelyn and can be found here. The image used in the
template is a photo by Stefan Keller on Pixabay (be it
changed, but still wanted to give credit).

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