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Lecture 7

Data Processing
And Representation
Course Instructor
Engr. Anum Raza
Collection of raw facts & figures, collected for a
specific purpose is called data
An unarranged, unprocessed, & meaningless fact
about an entity
 Does not give useful & proper meanings
 Data is the input for processing
 Does not depend upon information
 Not directly used for decision making
 Occupies large space than information
Types of Data
 Numeric Data:
 Consists of digit 0 to 9, + & - signs & decimal point
 The numeric data is further classified as:
 Integer data: Consists of positive or negative whole
values e.g. 430, +62, -89 etc.
 Real data: integer data consists of values that have
decimal point e.g. 13.9, -0.34 etc.
 Alphabetic Data
 Consists of all alphabetic letters i.e. A to Z, a to z
 E.g. Iqra, Pakistan etc.
Types of Data
 Image Data:
 Consists of graphs, charts, pictures & freehand drawings
 Image data is also represented by bit patterns
 Data is sent as contiguous bits
 Audio Data:
 Represented as sound
 It is continuous not discrete
 The data is in the form of continuous signal
 It must be converted into digital before entering into
 Video Data:
 Consists of full motion images that create actions &
Processed data is called information
An unarranged, processed & meaningful fact about an
 It gives useful & proper meaning
 Information is the output of processing
 Information depends upon data
 Information is used in decision making
 It occupies less space than data
Data Processing steps
 It involves certain steps like calculations, sorting &
formatting etc.

Data Processing Information

• Data processing can be done manually or by using

• A computer is just a data processing machine
Information System
 A system that processes the raw data to convert it into
useful information
 An information system or computer based system
includes hardware, software, data, procedures & users
 The data is provided to the information system &
processed information is obtained
 The procedures/ programs are building blocks of
information system
Information Technology
 The technology used for processing, storing &
communicating information is called information
 It is the combination of hardware & software
 It combines computing with high speed communication
 The website is a type of information technology
 Components of IT:
 Data or information
 Medium or communication network
 Computer hardware & software
Information Technology Cont…

 Before IT, telephone system was the only source of


 Users can share & exchange information all over the


 The world has become the global village due to IT

Data Processing
 Data is processed to get the required result.
 A sequence of operations on data to convert it into
useful information is called data processing

 The important operations performed on data is:

 Arithmetic & Logical operations
 To send & receive data from one location to another
 Classification of data
 Arranging data into a specific order
Levels of Data Processing
 Manual Data Processing:
 Data is processed manually without using any
machine or tool
 Old technique to process data
 All the calculations & logical operations are
manually performed on data
 Data is manually transferred
 This method is very slow & errors may occurred in
 It become costly
 Data is recorded on paper
Levels of Data Processing
 Mechanical Data Processing:

 Data is processed by using different tools

like calculators or other mechanical

 This method is faster & more accurate

than manual data processing
Levels of Data Processing
 Electronic Data Processing:
 It is a modern technique to process data
 Data is processed through computer
 Data & set of instructions are given to the computer as
 Data processing is very fast
 Fewer chances of error in the output
 Not costly
 Data is transferred through computer networks
 Data is recorded on storage media
Advantages of Electronic Data
 Fast method to process data
 The output returned is very accurate
 The output can be represented in different styles or
 Output cost is minimum
 Processed data can be communicated electronically
through network very quickly & easily
Data Processing Cycle
 A collection of steps that are required to convert
data into information is called data processing
 It involves following steps:

Input Processing Output OK

If errors
 Collected data is transformed into a form, a computer
can understand
 Output is depends on correct input.
 It involves following steps
 Verification:
 The collected data is verified to determine whether it is
correct as required
 If error occurs, the data is corrected or collected again
 Coding:
 The verified data is coded or converted into machine
readable form
 Storing:
 The data is stored on the secondary storage
 The stored data will be given to the program as input for
 Following activities are involved in this step
 Classification:
 Data is classified into groups or subgroups
 Each group may be assigned unique codes
 Sorting:
 The data is arranged into an order, so that it can be accessed
 Calculations:
 The arithmetic operations are performed on numeric data
 Summarizing:
 The data is processed to represent in a summarized form
 Summary of data is prepared for top management
 The process data is also know as output
 Following steps include:
 Retrieval:
 Data can be retrieved at any time
 Conversion:
 The generated output can be converted into different forms
i.e. graphical form etc.
 Communication:
 The generated output is sent to different places
 If the output result is accurate, the data processing cycle is
 Feedback about the generated output must be
collected after the completion of data processing cycle

 It is used to improve the performance of the data

processing system
Data Representation
 Data is represented in binary form i.e. 0 or 1
 Each binary digit is represented by an electrical pulse
inside the computer
 Each binary digit is called bit
 A collection of 8 bit is called byte
 Encoding of Data:
 A computer accepts & process data in binary form
 The process of converting data into binary form
 A coding scheme is used to represent data inside the
computer as well as for data communication
 The coding scheme is a binary system in which data is
represented by a group of bits
Coding Schemes
 BCD code:
 Stands for Binary Coded Decimal
 It is a 4 bit code
 It was used in early computers
 Used only to represent and process the numeric data
 Each digit of a decimal digit was coded as 4 bits
Coding Schemes
 EBCDIC code:
 Stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
 It is an 8 bit code
 Used by International Business machine (IBM)
mainframe computers
 Provides an efficient way to communicate data between
 For transmission, the data is represented as 8 bit
EBCDIC character
Coding Schemes
 ASCII Code:
 Stands for American Standard Code for Information
 Developed by American National Standard Institute
 standard code to represent alphanumeric data
 First ASCII code was 7 bit code, which was extended to 8
 The 7 bit code system can represent 128 characters while
8 bit code system can represent 256 characters
Coding Schemes
 Unicode Code:
 Stands for Universal Code

 It is a 16 bit code

 It can represent 65536 (216) characters or symbols

 Developed by following the ASCII code scheme

 The first 256 codes in Unicode are identical to the 256

codes used by ASCII system

Representation of Signed numbers
 In 0’s or 1’s, the left most bit is generally represented as
sign bit
 The binary bit “0” is selected for positive number & ‘1”
for negative number
 In a sign number, the left most bit represents the sign
& remaining bits represent the magnitude
 For e.g.:
 +41 & -41 are represented in binary form as (00101001)2 or
Representation of Floating Point
 Floating point representation is another way to represent
real numbers
 In this format, very small & very large numbers can be
represented efficiently
 For Example:
 A real number 0.000162 can be written as 0.162*10-3. this
representation is known as significant notation
 10 is base
 Power of 10 is called exponent
 The number is called Mantissa
 The general form to write floating point number is:
M * BE
Representation of Floating Point
 We can also write binary numbers as:
 1000.1101 can be written as 0.1001101 * 104
 In computer memory only the mantissa & exponent are
 Mostly, the computer use 16 bits for floating point
 MSB is used for signed bit S
 The binary bit “0” is selected for positive number & ‘1” for
negative number
 6 bits are used for numbers
 9 bits are used to represent mantissa

S 6 bit exponent 9 bit mantissa

Chapter :
Computer Software
Operating System
 An OS is a collection of system programs that controls
& coordinate the overall operations of a computer
 A computer needs an OS to do work
 Operating System must performs following tasks:
 Accepts input from input devices
 Sends output to output devices
 Manages the application program in memory
 Manages the files on storage devices
 Manages & controls the I/O devices
Operating System Cont…
 An application program cannot access I/O
devices or execute program instruction itself
 The OS acts as a platform on which various
application programs are executed

Computer Users

System & Application Programs

Operating System

Operating System divides into two
 Resident Part:
 This part is known as Kernel
 It contains critical functions
 It is loaded into main memory during the booting

 Non-Resident Part:
 This part of OS is loaded into main memory when
Examples of OS
 Disk OS, DOS (developed by Microsoft)
 OS 2 (developed by IBM)
 XENIX or ZENIX (developed by Microsoft)
 WINDOWS (developed by Microsoft)
 Windows XP
 Windows NT
 Windows 7 etc…
Operating System Functions
1. Booting a Computer
 When the computer is switched on, the supervisor
portion (kernel) of OS is loaded in RAM

 Types of booting process:

 Cold Boot:
 When the computer is switched on, the booting process is
started. This process is called Cold Boot

 Warm Boot:
 The process to restart the computer that is already powered on
is called Warm Boot
1. Booting a Computer Cont…
 Most important component of OS is called Kernel
 Kernel performs following function residing in RAM:
 Management of memory, I/O devices, application
programs etc.
 Kernel is memory resident program of OS
 The other part of OS are non-resident
 During the time of booting, some messages are
displayed on screen i.e.
 Information about computer manufacturing company,
 Information about various components of computer
Steps of Booting Process
1. The electric signals activate the processor chip
2. The processor loads the instruction stored in ROM
3. It is the BIOS, which is automatically activated
4. It also test the computer hardware (Power on Self Test
5. After POST process, the BIOS searches system files on the
6. Also load into RAM
2. User Interface
 It means how the user interacts with computer

 For e.g. interacting with application programs, opens

the document, enter the data, prints the report etc.
 The OS plays the main role for interfacing between
users & computer
 Different devices are used for interfacing like mouse,
keyboard, monitor etc.
Types of User Interface
 Command Line User Interface:
 Provides a command line on computer screen
 Case Sensitive
 Provide difficult interfacing
 E.g. DOS

 Graphical User Interface (GUI):

 Provides a graphical images (icons or command button) on
computer screen
 GUI is very easy to interact with user
 E.g. Microsoft Windows OS
3. Running Programs
 The “System Calls”, built into programs are used to
request the services from OS

 Services offered by OS to programs

 Saving the data from memory in files on the disk
 Loading the files from disk into memory
 Sending the document on the printer
 To copy or move data from one location to another
 For the services of hardware
 To prepare the disk to store data etc.

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