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What are SARMs

Over the previous few years, SARMs have become highly popular. Most individuals do not seem to
understand precisely what they are and what they can do. You may possibly have heard about
SARMs but do not know its functionality and where you may get them from. Perhaps also you
learned about it from a friend and would be interested in knowing more of the drug. This article will
be looking to address all these queries with specific interests in medical background, benefits, side
effects, and dosage cycle.

What are SARMs

SARMs are a synthetic performance-enhancing drug (otherwise known as Selective Androgen

Receptor Modulators) chemically comparable to anabolic steroids. They operate by binding to
particular cellular androgen receptors by imitating many of the impacts of testosterone in your body
and bone tissues–while aiming to have minimal effect on your other bodies. What SARMs basically
do is to bind bone tissues with androgen receptors in the muscles selectively. This process is
essential in building muscles in the body and making it a common drug among bodybuilders.

As mentioned, SARMs work selectively hence the chances of getting side effects as a result of using
the drug are minimal. This is the reason the drug is usually referred to as a safer alternative to
prohormones and steroids. This makes SARMs the most sought after drug and maybe the next big
thing since they allow one to boost their performance without any health difficulties.

What are the different types of SARMs

-- GTx-024 (mk-2866 ostarine)

GTx-024 is a popular kind of SARMs and is, mostly used to bridge dosages or in PCT. The drug is
taken in dosages of 25 milligrams or less daily in two weeks. An advantage of the drug is that it does
not cause the suppression of testosterone but instead encourages lean muscle mass, increased
strength, protection of soft tissues in the joint and muscles as well as fat loss. Researchers are
currently testing the drug for muscle wasting and bone health. As mentioned above, the
recommended dosages are 25 milligrams a day but should not go below 20 milligrams or above 50

-- Anabolicum lingandrol

This type of SARM has not been released yet and is still undergoing testing to determine its
prevention of muscle wasting. The drug is thought to be good for bone health, joints, and soft
tissues, but also promotes lean muscle mass gains, fat loss, and increased strength when taking in
dosages of 5-20 milligram dose.

-- Andarine (S-4 or GSX-007)

This type of SARM is common for its strength enhancement capability and cam also enhance loss of
fat and lean muscle mass. Its dosages vary from 25 to 75 milligrams per day.

-- Testolone (RAD140)

Testolone has excellent pharmacokinetics and is regarded as the best type of SARM in the market. It
was originally designed for replacement treatment to replace anabolic hormones. Enhanced bone
health, libido boost, enhanced endurance, and lean muscle mass development can be enhanced by
10 to 20 milligrams per day.
Medical background

SARMs were developed decades ago to get rid of the decline in strength and muscle as a result of
aging. This condition usually begins at middle age and contributes heavily to broken bones and falls.
Most chronic diseases like kidney disease, heart failure, and cancer are also punctuated by physical
mobility and loss of muscle.

Initially, androgen and anabolic steroids like testosterone have been used to help people regain
physical and muscle function. The problem with the steroids is that they act on numerous tissues in
the body and as such, contains several side effects like cardiovascular events and prostate problems.
SERMs, therefore, were designed to target only skeletal muscles selectively and spare other body
tissues and hence reduce the chances of unwanted side effects.

What roles do SARMs play in the body?

Currently, the use of androgen therapy is primarily restricted to skin delivery formulations and
injectable forms of testosterone esters and testosterone. Popular injectable forms of testosterone
esters like cypionate, propionate, and enanthate produce detrimental fluctuations in blood
testosterone levels, which in turn causes undesirable side effects. The development and discovery of
SARMs, therefore, provide an opportunity to design molecules that target androgen therapy in every
cell that benefit from the therapy. The use of SARMs in men, therefore, offers the rationale for the
development of tissue-specific molecules. For instance, if the goal is bone growth in elderly males
with osteoporosis or osteopenia but no overt signs of hypogonadism, it would be more desirable to
have more anabolic SARM with clear impacts on muscle and bone, but fewer activities on prostate
or other sexual accessory tissues.

What the benefit of SARMs?

Increase protein synthesis: SARMs are known to enhance protein synthesis and reduce proteolysis
while also enhancing lipolysis. SARMs can be administered either intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

-- Reduce muscle loss

SARMs decrease muscle loss by preventing the breakdown of proteins into energy. However, the
rate at which SARMs reduces muscle loss depends on the dosage taken. High dosages would lead to
effective muscle loss since higher dosages in SARM regulate endurance by mitigating glucocorticoids

--increases bone strength

SARMs is beneficial in strengthening bones while enhancing muscle mass. Unlike in muscle loss,
SARMs produce excellent results on muscle mass and bone density regardless of the dosage.
Therefore, irrespective of the dosage taken, you will always get the benefits of SARMs on bone

-- Boost sexual motivation in women

During menopause, women usually experience reduced sex and a complete distaste of sexual
activity. This condition is commonly referred to as hypoactive sexual desire disorder. This disorder is
usually treated by testosterone but has side effects like the risks of developing heart diseases and
breast cancer. Regarding this, SARM helps women enhance libido without experiencing side effects
associated with testosterone.

-- Can be used as male birth control

Researchers are on the verge of finding the ultimate male birth control pill that would yield efficient
results without compromising with performance and health. SARM is essential in this since it has
shown to suppress hormones responsible for sperm production like FSH and LH. There are, however,
risks involved when there is an overdose of the SARMs, and instead of suppressing sperm
production, it may trigger sperm production.

Does SARMs have side effects?

SARMs have been shown to have minimal side effects compared to other testosterones. But when
taken in high dosages, SARMs may suppress the production of natural testosterones. Similarly, an
overdose of SARMs is associated to acne, hair loss, and increases the chances of getting cancerous

How should SARMs dosage be administered?

It is recommended that SARMs dosage be taken in 20 to 50 milligrams separated into two to

maximize the half-life of the dosage.


From the article, it is safe to conclude that SARMs are a promising drug that could solve several
problems that body builders and any other person could use. The drug has been shown to enhance
reduced body fat, lean muscle mass and increased bone length. Just like any other drug, SARMs have
side effects but these effects depends on the dosage one takes in a day. In general, the drug is good
and with numerous benefits ad is fit for consumption as long it is not overdosed.

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