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Name: Engagement Ratings:

LABOR LOG (1.1) 1 very low

3 neutral
4 high
5 very high

Minutes Reading (R), Writing (W), Thinking (T)

Duration Date DESCRIPTION OF WORK IN THIS SESSION Type of Session Start Time Location Engagement Mood Sem WK Comments
51 ### Galileo Letter R 1:00 PM Agave Dorm 5 tired 1
84 ### Galileo Letter and DQ RW 12:36 PM Agave Dorm 5 tired 1
89 ### Yaqob R 4:42 PM Agave Dorm 4 tired 1-1
24 ### Yqob R 6:27 PM Agave Dorm 5 awake 2
55 ### Yaqob argument map W 6:20 PM Agave Dorm 2 tired 2
52 ### Yaqob argument map w 7:21 PM Agave Dorm 2 tired 2
89 ### Galawdewos R 2:03 PM Agave Dorm 3 hungry 3
50 ### Galawdewos RW 5:08 PM Agave Dorm 3 tired 3
40 ### Cruz Answer R 9:31 PM Agave Dorm 3 stressed 3
20 ### Cruz Answer R 1:05 PM Physical Science 1 irritated with 3
50 ### Cruz Argument Map W 3:05 PM Verbena Hall 3 hungry 3
78 ### Salem Witch Trial R 2:32 PM Agave Dorm 4 bored 4
41 ### The Narrow Road of the Inerrior R 11:55 AM Agave Dorm 3 tired 4
30 ### The Narrow Road of the Inerrior R 3:30 PM Agave Dorm 3 hungry 4
50 ### The Narrow Road of the Inerrior R 6:23 PM Agave Dorm 2 tired 4
120 1/31.24 Paper 1 Draft W 10:22 AM Agave Dorm 3 not happy 4
77 2/1/2024 Paper 1 Draft W 3:06 PM Agave Dorm 4 hungry 4
26 2/3/2024 Rousseau Excerpt from Emile R 2:45 PM Agave Dorm 4 headache 4
46 2/3/2024 Wollstonecraft A Vindication R 3:11 PM Agave Dorm 4 headache 4
50 2/3/2024 Rousseau Argument Map W 3:57PM Agave Dorm 4 hungry 4
27 2/4/2024 Rousseau Argument Map W 3:53 PM Agave Dorm 4 hungry 5
20 2/4/2024 Paper 1 Feedback W 4:27 PM Agave Dorm 3 hungry 5
15 2/5/2024 Siyes and Lafayette and Burke Readings R 3:28PM Agave Dorm 4 hungry as al 5
50 2/7/2024 Siyes and Lafayette and Burke DQ W 11:33 AM Agave Dorm 4 irritated 5
20 2/9/2024 Rights of Woman R 9:46 AM Agave Dorm 3 nervous 5
10 2/9/2024 Haitian Declaration of Independence R 10:10 AM Agave Dorm 3 nervous 5
48 2/9/2024 Rights of women argument map W 10:34 AM Agave Dorm 3 nervous 5
40 2/9/2024 Rights of women argument map W 3:44 PM Agave Dorm 3 hungry 5
20 ### Rights of women argument map W 9:36 AM Agave Dorm 4 tired 5
121 ### Wage Labour and Capital R 4:39 PM Agave Dorm 3 tired 6
24 ### Wage Labour and Capital DQ W 1:36PM Agave Dorm 4 hungry 6
31 ### The Condition of the Working Class of England R W 3:42 PM Agave Dorm 4 hungry 6
32 ### Goblin Market R 12:45 PM Agave Dorm 4 tired 7
80 ### Goblin Market Argument Map W 12:20 PM Agave Dorm 3 sad 7
10 ### Souls of Black Folk R 11:52 AM Life Sciences bu 3 tired 7
50 ### Souls of Black Folk R 12:38 PM Physical Science 3 tired and thirs 7
10 ### Souls of Black Folk R 2:52 PM Verbena Hall 3 hungry 7
56 ### Souls of Black Folk DQ W 7:21 PM Agave Dorm 2 tired 7
60 ### American Indian Stories R 9:15 AM Agave Dorm 3 bored 7
35 ### American Indian Stories R 1:25 PM Physical Science 4 cold 7
49 ### American Indian Stories R 1:18 PM Agave Dorm 4 tired/stressed 7
44 ### American Indian Stories DQ W 12:51 PM Agave Dorm 1 overwhelmed 8
26 ### Sultana's Dream R 8:08 PM Agave Dorm 2 stressed 8
28 ### Sultana's Dream DQ W 4:01 PM Agave Dorm 3 relieved 8
46 3/8/2024 The Machine Stops R 10:16 AM Hawaii 2 I don’t want t 9
61 ### The Machine Stops R 12:00 PM Hawaiian Airline 5 sad 10
60 ### The Machine Stops DQ W 3:32 PM Agave Dorm 3 tired 10
135 ### Metropois Watched 12:22PM Agave Dorm 2 sad 10
78 ### Writing Assignment 2 W 10:32 AM Agave Dorm 4 tired 10
15 ### A Better Race Through Birth Control R 12:19 PM Agave Dorm 3 bored 10
22 ### Buck V. Bell R 12:36 PM Agave Dorm 3 bored 10
36 ### Development of Eugenic Philiosophy R 12:06 PM Agave Dorm 4 sad 11
61 ### Sanger and Osborn DQ W 1:16 PM Agave Dorm 4 sad 11
54 ### Notes of a Native Son R 11:46 AM Agave Dorm 1 stressed 11
53 ### Notes of a Native Son DQ W 1:00 PM Agave Dorm 3 stressed 11
47 ### Everything that Rises Must Converge R 11:46 AM Agave Dorm 3 tired 12
22 ### The Ones That Walk Away R 11:46 AM Agave Dorm 2 sad 12
46 ### Bloodchild R 10:11 AM Agave Dorm 2 tired 12
63 ### Borderlands R 12:56 PM Agave Dorm 4 bored 13
67 4/1/2024 Bloodchild DQ W 10:10 AM Agave Dorm 2 stressed 13
57 4/3/2024 Borderlands DQ W 10:48 AM Agave Dorm 3 happy! 13
41 4/6/2024 Borderlands Pt. 2 R 1:56 PM Agave Dorm 3 tired 13
50 4/7/2024 The Museum R 2:22 PM Agave Dorm 3 unmotivated 14
47 4/8/2024 Borderlands Pt. 2 DQ W 10:13 AM Agave Dorm 2 tired 14
72 ### The Museum DQ W 2:20 PM Agave Dorm 3 not well 14
34 ### The History of the Idea of Race R 3:29 PM Agave Dorm 3 tired 14
30 ### How Does It Feel to be a Problem (Preface) R 11:08 AM Agave Dorm 3 stressed 15
70 ### The History of the Idea of Race DQ W 11:46 AM Agave Dorm 3 tired 15
55 ### How Does it Feel to be a Problem Rasha R 7:48 AM Agave Dorm 2 sick 15
21 ### Maria Ressa Speech R, Listening 9:21 AM Agave Dorm 4 very sick 15
32 ### Digital Portfolio W 12:43 PM Agave Dorm 2 sad 16
24 ### Cave's Soundsuits DQ W 3:58 PM Barrett Dining Ha 2 sad 16
51 ### Ressa DQ W 11:56 AM Agave Dorm 4 tired 16

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