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Coding Projects

Grade 3 Math
Ontario Curriculum
Lesson 1

TpT Students Learn To Code

Let’s Code! Notes for Teachers
This package of Grade 3 Mathematics Coding lessons have been designed to meet the
Grade 3 Ontario Math Curriculum Coding Expectations:

C3.1 Solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by

writing and executing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, and repeating

C3.2 Read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, and
repeating events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes.

Students will be using Scratch, a free block coding program from educators at MIT. Scratch has
been designed to help students develop a strong foundation in coding.

*Each lesson links to a short video tutorial teaching your students the coding concepts
required to complete each project.

Students are encouraged to apply the coding skills learned in the videos in new and creative
ways to enhance and individualize their math projects.

Terms of Use: The following project is for you to use with your students. If you have questions,
please feel free to send me a message through TpT Students Learn to Code:

Use and make copies for personal classroom use by a single teacher.

Please DO NOT
• Share with colleagues without purchasing additional licenses. If they like the product please
send them to my TpT store.
• Sell or distribute this product or any part of this product or place it on the Internet.
• Claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove or attempt to remove the
• It is a violation for individuals, schools, and districts to redistribute, edit, sell, or post this item
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Students Learn to Code

For many, the idea of teaching students how to code can be a little
frightening. Not to worry. When taught effectively, coding is quite simple
and students enjoy it a lot!

Coding simple games and designs will engage students and unleash their
creativity while meeting and exceeding the Ontario Mathematics curriculum
coding expectations.

The Grade 3 Ontario Math Coding Expectations revolve around three basic
concepts: sequential events, concurrent events, and repeating events.

Sequential Events

As presented in the Ontario Math Coding Curriculum, sequential events

are coding instructions that are followed in the order that they are
presented (one by one).

For example, check out this code

written for the Scratch Cat.

When the Green Flag is Clicked,

the Cat will:
1. Move 10 steps
2. Say “Hello!” for 2 seconds
3. Move 10 steps
4. “Meow”
5. Move 10 steps
6. Say “Bye!” for 2 seconds.

Concurrent Events

As presented in the Ontario Math Coding Curriculum, concurrent events

are when two or more sets of coding instructions run at the same time.

For example, check out the code below.

Scratch Cat will perform two actions at the same time (concurrently):
The cat will say “Hello!” while also moving 10 steps.

Repeating Events

As presented in the Ontario Math Coding Curriculum, repeating events

occur when a set of instructions repeat a fixed number of times, or repeat
forever. Repeat Loops and Forever Loops are a common example.

Check out this code written with Repeat 5.

The Scratch Cat will

1. Say “Hello!”
2. Move 10 steps
3. Move 10 steps
4. Move 10 steps
5. Move 10 steps
6. Move 10 steps
7. Say “Bye!”

Efficient Coding

Compared to the code on the right, the code on the left is much easier to
write and a more efficient way of achieving the exact same results. The
code on the left is an excellent example of efficient coding (much fewer
coding blocks).

Using a combination of sequential, concurrent and repeating events makes

for a lot of fun when coding with Scratch. The activities presented in this
package of coding lessons will be engaging for all students while allowing
for exploration and ultimately, mastery of sequential, concurrent and
repeating events.

Let’s Code! Grade 3 Math
Student Activity Card Lesson #1

Student Coding Task: Animate the letters of your name.

YouTube @ Pekka Reinio Video tutorial:

Go to Scratch: and click Create.

Find the first letter of your name in the sprites library.
When the Green Flag is clicked, your letter should change colour effect forever.
The next letter should turn 15 with the forever loop.
The next letter should turn 15 and change colour using a forever loop.
Next Level Coding:
The next letter should show and hide forever with a wait 1 second code.
The next letter should glide to a random position using a forever loop.
Beast Mode Coding:
Get an animal sprite. Have it change colour and costume with a forever loop.
Get a cool backdrop for your project.

Let’s Code! Grade 3 Math
Teacher Rubric Lesson #1

Coding Lessons #1-4 Grade 3 Ontario Math Curriculum: sequential events, concurrent
events, and repeating events.

Success Criteria:
Level B
Student has the first letter of their name on the screen.
When the Green Flag is clicked, the letter changes colour forever.
The next letter turns 15 degrees forever.
The next letter turns 15 degrees and changes colour forever.

Level A
The next letter shows and hides forever.
The next letter glides to a random position forever.

Level A+
An animal sprite changes colour and costume forever.
A cool backdrop has replaced the plain white backdrop.

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