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Was life

better or
worse 20
years ago?
 20 years ago, mp3 players
were used to listen to music, but
today they are not needed.
 20 years ago, newspapers
were used to get news from daily
life, but today, our smartphones
have replaced the newspaper.
 Thanks to technology, people's
working opportunities have incr
Workplaces have cha
 Over the past 20
years, the development of technology and t
he change of computers
have offered people the opportunity to work
from home.
Climate Changes
 In past few years world have been
suffering with global warming and melting
of icebergs in north pole worlds clean
water resources day by day decereases.
Also the green enviroment has casulties
day by day, overpopulation in earth
causes much more place needed to
living space for humankind. Climates
changes and most of
the countries doesen't even have winter
anymore like old days. Air is more poluted
than ever and there is no any attemts to
stop that.
Educational Oportunities
In educational side of view, colleges
are much more reachable than before
and now most of the proffessions have
their own dividing of between them, last
few years when pandemic outbreak c
omes out online educational systems ar
e increased in significant ratio. Now onli
ne educational courses is more commo
n than ever.

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