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36 – 37

 Grizzled – сивий/сіруватий

 Sheep farmer – вівчар

 point out towards something - to direct someone's attention to (someone or something) by

pointing. – вказати на щось

 desolate - A desolate place is empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant
in it: - спустошений/ безлюдний
o The house stood in a bleak and desolate landscape.

 Windswept - (of places) open to and not protected from strong winds : - обвітрений всіма
вітрами/незахищений від вітру
o We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of Portugal.

 Scrub – чагарник

 Solitude - the situation of being alone without other people: - самотність

o a life of solitude

 chortle - to laugh, showing pleasure and satisfaction: - пирхати зі сміху

 enormous – величезний

 solitary - поодинокі

 bushwalkers - A hiker or backpacker bushwalker (plural bushwalkers) (Australia, New

Zealand) A hiker or backpacker. – пішші мандрівники

 wilderness on the rim of Tasmania's savage central highlands - гірська пустеля на краю
дикого центрального нагір'я Тасманії

 resolve - to make a decision formally or with determination – вирішити/прийняти рішення

(хоча ще може бути в значення як вирішити проблему/складнощі - to solve or end a
problem or difficulty:/resolve the problem Have you resolved the problem of transport yet?)

 Tasmania was at its most benign - Тасманія була в найпрекраснішому/благодатному

вигляді ?

 Occur – траплятись

 main walking trail - головна пішохідна стежка

 only living soul – єдина жива душа

 moorland – болотяна місцевість

 gaze into a startling emptiness – вдивлятись в вражаючу/разючу порожнечу

 startling - surprising and sometimes worrying: - приголомшливий

o startling results
 drift - to move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction:
- переміщатись

 mountain ridges - гірські хребти

 ad infinitum - до нескінченності

 stoop- нахилитись/опуститись

 rivulet – струмок/річечка

 strip off – роздягнутися

 chilly - cold but not freezing: - прохолодний (but unpleasant cold)

 valley – долина

 keep someone company - to stay with someone so that they are not alone: - складати
комусь компанію
o «where you can keep your own company so easily as Tasmania»

 Arrive – прибути

 a chalet-style lodge - будиночок в стилі шале

 Gaggle - a group of noisy or silly people: - компанія/групка

 raucous - loud and unpleasant: - галасливі

o with a gaggle of raucous Aussies on summer holidays - з компанією галасливих

австралійців на літніх канікулах

 to play over and over on a perpetual loop - відтворювати знову і знову, як вічна

 swathe – envelop – оповити

 to be swathed in a chilly, pea-soup mist – бути оповитим в холодний, оранжевий туман

(the countryside was swathed in a chilly, pea-soup mist)

 a dome of cloudless blue - купол безхмарної блакиті

 park ranger - оглядач парку

 identifiable – ідентифікований

 point out – вказати

 chuck ( a left) - make a quick left turn = 'Chuck' is an informal word for 'throw', so 'chuck a
left' means make a quick left turn when you're driving – повернути на ліво \

 took me over- привело = (take sb/sth over)

(to deliver someone or something to someone or something. Would you take this over to Tiffany? W
ould you take Tiffany over to the office? take someone or something with one to take away someon
e or something when one leaves. When you go, take Liz with you. Please take your dog with you.)
 void - a large hole or empty space: - порожнеча

o She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.

 up above - An upward location. (Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see up,
above.) Some strange noises were coming from up above, but I continued to climb. – нагорі

 peak - the pointed top of a mountain, or the mountain itself: /the highest, strongest, or best
point, value, or level of skill:/ the pointed top of a mountain, or the mountain itself: -

 protrude – стирчати

 decaying teeth – гнилі/зіпсовані зуби

 bush – кущ

 Clusters of tiny scarlet flowers- грона крихітних червоних квіточок

 trip over - спіткнутись об щось

 lumber - to move slowly with heavy steps: The bear lumbered off into the forest –

 plateau – плоскогір’я

 tarn – невелике гірське озеро

 moss-fringed - облямований мохом

 deliberately – навмисно

 arrange – to put a group of objects in a particular order: - облаштувати

o a trio of moss-fringed tarns looking as deliberately arranged as a Japanese garden.

(- to plan, prepare for, or organize something: I'm trying to arrange my work so that I
can have a couple of days off next week. )

 Dip - a quick swim: - швидке занурення (As I took my skinny dip, I realised why
Tasmania is considered a hiker's paradise by Australians)

 Landscape – пейзаж/ландшафт

 emerged - to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something: - з’явитись

o emerge from She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.

 continue in a wide loop around- продовжувати по широкому/прогсторому колу навколо

 cockily – зухвало

 path- a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking – шлях

 trek - a long walk over land such as hills, mountains, or forests: - похід
o We did an eight-hour trek yesterday./ The trek was starting to feel like an out-take from

Beau Geste.( Похід починав здаватися мені виходом з Бо Гест.)

- to walk a long distance, usually over land such as hills, mountains, or forests:
o We spent the day trekking through forests and over mountains.

 Head down – прямувати вниз

 Outcrop – оголення порід (a blunt outcrop of stone called Bald Rock… – тупий оголеної
порроди камінь під назвою Лиса скеля…)

 blunt - without a sharp edge or point – тупий

o a blunt knife

 vaguely - in a way that is not detailed or exact – смутно (I vaguely remembered the park
ranger warning me about this. - Я смутно пам'ятав, що наглядач парку попереджав
мене про це.)

 take slow -. It can, but doesn't always have the same meaning. To “take things slow” is an
idiom that means to use caution in pursuing a course of action – не спіши/будь обережним

 tricky – складний/каверзний

 slippery - If something is slippery, it is wet or smooth so that it slides easily or causes

something to slide: (slippery slide ) - слизький

 contemplation of the view – споглядання краєвиду

 rain gear - waterproof or water-resistant clothing – водонепронекний одяг ( від дощу)

 thermal underwear – термобілизна

 merrily - showing happiness or enjoyment: - весело (…the boyfriend confided merrily - …

весело зізнався хлопець)

 a piece of cake - something that is very easy to do: - дріб'язкова справа

 ultimate mountain swim - кінцевого/ вершину гірського запливу

 a temperate rainforest - помірний тропічний ліс

 fern – папороть

 stumble - to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall: - іти

 straggler - a person or animal that is last in a group to do something or the last to get to or
leave a place: - людина, яка постійно відстає

 wilderness - a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops
because it is difficult to live there – дика природа
 cut sb off - stop someone speaking by interrupting them or putting the telephone down –

 banter - friendly remarks and jokes – кепкування

 fireside - the part of a room that surrounds a fireplace:- місце біля каміна/домівка,
домашнє вогнище

 savage - extremely violent, wild, or frightening: - дикий

o a savage dog/beast

 Blistering - extremely hot: - спекотно

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