Workbook 7 Compilation

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MAPEH 7 |1

Activity Title: Sound Check!!!

Type of Activity: Concept Mapping
Learning Target: To identify the elements of music.
Essential Question: Are the elements of music important? Why?



Dynamics - abbreviations or symbols used to signify the degree of loudness or softness

of a piece of music. It also indicates whether there is a change in volume.
Melody- refers to the tune of a song or piece of music. It is created by playing a series of
notes one after another. It is the memorable tune created by playing a succession or series
of pitches.
Harmony - refers to the combination of notes (or chords) played together and the
relationship between a series of chords.
Pitch - The relative lowness or highness that we hear in a sound. The pitch of a sound is
based on the frequency of vibration and the size of the vibrating object.
Rhythm - It may be defined as the pattern or placement of sounds in time and beats in
music. Roger Kamien in his book Music: An Appreciation defines rhythm as "the
particular arrangement of note lengths in a piece of music." Rhythm is shaped by meter;
it has certain elements such as beat and tempo.
Tempo - it indicates how slowly or fast the piece should be played.
Texture - Musical texture refers to the number of layers as well as the type of layers used
in a composition and how these layers are related. Texture may be monophonic (single
melodic line), polyphonic (two or more melodic lines) and homophonic (a main melody
accompanied by chords).

Timbre - Also known as tone color; it refers to the quality of sound that distinguishes
one voice or instrument from another. Timbre may range anywhere from dull to lush,
from dark to bright.

Form and style - it is the overall structure and relationship of different musical elements

MAPEH 7 |2

Direction: Arrange the letters to make the word correct then define it in your own words
(3-7 words only). Write your answer on the space provided below.


8. 3.
CYMI Elements M
of Music

7. 4.










MAPEH 7 |3


Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To classify different musical instruments.
Essential Question: Why do Filipinos love to play musical instruments?

Hornbostel–Sachs (or Sachs–Hornbostel) is a system of musical instrument

classification devised by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs.

• Membranophones – sound is primarily produced by the vibration of a tightly

stretched membrane.

• Chordophones – sound is primarily produced by the vibration of a string or

strings that are stretched between fixed points.

• Aerophones – sound is primarily produced by vibrating air. The instrument itself

does not vibrate, and there are no vibrating strings or membranes.

• Idiophones – sound is primarily produced by the actual body of the instrument

vibrating, rather than a string, membrane, or column of air.

MAPEH 7 |4

A. Classify the following instruments. Write M if the instrument is

Membranophones, C if Chordophones, A if Aerophones, and I if Idiophones.

1. _____ 2._____ 3._____

4._____ 5._____

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the differences between Membranophones and Idiophones?


2. What are the differences between Chordophones and Aerophones?


MAPEH 7 |5

Activity Title: The Nature of Philippine Folk Music

Type of Activity: Concept Making
Learning Target: To demonstrate understanding and appreciation of Philippine folk
Essential Question: How can one help promote Philippine music?

References: Exploring with MAPEH: Jocelyn V. Bautista

Folk song – a song created by the people of a country or region; a traditional or

composed song typically characterized by stanzaic form, refrain, and simplicity of
Philippine music is rich in folk songs, ethnic songs and indigenous musical
instruments. Through the contributions and influences of the Spaniards, American and
the Japanese, the Philippines experienced vast changes in musical development. The
people had the initiative of playing a variety of musical instruments including flutes, nose
flutes and guitars. They performed appropriate songs and dances through the celebration
of courtship, marriage, harvest season and other occasions. Many of these songs and
dances are accompanied by musical instruments or interpreted by difference dance
troupes and singing groups.
The Philippines is very blessed country. We are gifted with lots of natural, human
or cultural resources. Our country is rich in talents. We are the country with the best kind
of music. Filipinos being emotional and loving express their hearts and messages thru
music. We have lots of Filipino composers and they are also good in playing musical

MAPEH 7 |6

A. Write at least five examples of Philippine folk song. Write your answer on
the space provided.






B. Write the lyrics of your favorite folk song and give the message of that song.



MAPEH 7 |7

Activity Title: Music of Cordillera

Type of Activity: Concept Making
Learning Target: To demonstrate understanding and appreciation of Cordillera music
Essential Question: How can one help promote Cordillera music?

Reference: K to 12 learner’s Material

Vocal Music – Hudhud (chanted epic poetry)

The hudhud is recited and chanted among the Ifugao people - known for their rice
terraces - during the sowing and harvesting of rice, funeral wakes and other rituals.
Estimated to have originated before the 7th century, the hudhud - comprised of some 40
episodes - often take three or four days to recite. The language of the chants, almost
impossible to transcribe, is full of repetitions, synonyms, figurative terms and metaphors.
Performed in a leader/chorus style, the reciter - often an elderly woman - occupies a key
position in society. There is only one tune, common to the entire region, for all of the
verses. Very few written examples of hudhud exist.

Instrumental Music
Bamboo Stamping Tubes (Tongatong),
Bamboo Pipes in a Row (Saggeypo),
Bamboo Buzzers (Bungkaka),
Bamboo Jaw Harp (Kubing),
Bamboo Leg Xylophones (Patteteg),
Gongs (Gangsa Topayya )

MAPEH 7 |8

A. Unscramble the following letters to make it correct then match it with column B.

_____1. (GAKBAUKN)_____________________ a. Bamboo Jaw Harp
_____2. (ESPOGAGY)_____________________ b. Gongs
_____3. (NKIUBG)________________________ c. Bamboo Stamping Tubes
_____4. (GTATETPE)______________________ d. Bamboo Buzzers
_____5. (OTNAGOGNT)____________________ e. Bamboo Leg Xylophones
_____6.(NAGGSA PTAYOYA)_______________ f. Bamboo Pipes in a Row

B. What is Hudhud?


MAPEH 7 |9

Activity Title: Culture of Cordillera Administrative Region

Type of Activity: Concept Making
Learning Target: To demonstrate understanding and appreciation of Cordillera culture
Essential Question: How can one help to promote Philippine culture?


Cordillera Culture
The Cordillera region is known for its unique musical instruments including the gangsa
kalinga, nose flute, bamboo flute, buzzer, kubing, tongatong, diwdiw-as, saggeypo, and
bamboo zither.
The region also has various festivals. They include:

• Panagbenga Festival
Baguio Flower Festival celebrated in February. The festival focuses on Baguio as the
Flower Garden City of the North. Highlights include flower exhibits, lectures, garden
tours, floral competition and a parade of floats.

• Adivay Festival
Adivay festival in Benguet which means "coming together of people to celebrate" is
celebrated every month of November. The month-long activities highlight the Agro-
industrial and trade fair which showcase the different products of Benguet.

• Ullalim Festival
Ullalim Festival/ in Kalinga celebrated every February 14. It is in celebration of the
founding anniversary of the province and the Peace acts called Bodong.

• Lang-ay Festival
Lang-ay Festival in Mountain Province celebrated every April 7. This is a week-long
agro-industrial trade, tourism and cultural fair with tribal dances and songs - all with a
toast of home-brewed wine.

• Kulpi ad Asipulo (April 16–19)

Town Fiesta in Ifugao adopting the ritual term "kulpi", a family thanksgiving after
transplanting the rice seedlings.

• Matagoan Festival
Tabuk Matagoan Festival which features G-String marathon (runners wear G-String
only), cultural dances and songs.

M A P E H 7 | 10

A. Identify the following festivities.

______________1. It is in celebration of the founding anniversary of the province and

the Peace acts called Bodong.
______________2. This festival focuses on Baguio as the Flower Garden City of the
______________3. This is a week-long agro-industrial trade, tourism and cultural fair
with tribal dances and songs - all with a toast of home-brewed wine.
______________4. This festival features G-String marathon where runners wear G-
String only.
______________5. This town Fiesta adopting the ritual term "kulpi", a family
thanksgiving after transplanting the rice seedlings.

B. What do you think is the purpose of festival in Cordillera region?


M A P E H 7 | 11

Activity Title: Cordillera Ethnic Groups

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the ethnic groups in Cordillera Administrative Region.
Essential Question: What are the ethnic groups in Cordillera? Are they important in our
society? Why?


The word "Igorot" is derived from the archaic Tagalog term for "mountain
people" (formed from the prefix i-, "dweller of" and golot, "mountain range"). During
theSpanish colonial era, the term was variously recorded as Igolot, Ygolot, and Igorrote.
The endonyms Ifugao or Ipugao (also meaning "mountain people") are used more
frequently within the Igorots themselves, as igorot is viewed by some as slightly

The Isneg, also Isnag or Apayao, live at the north westerly end of northern Luzon,
in the upper half of the Cordillera province of Apayao. The term “Isneg” derives from a
combination of “is” meaning “recede” and “uneg” meaning “interior.”

The Bontoc
The Bontocs (alternatively spelled Bontok) live on the banks of the Chico River
in the Central Mountain Province on the island of Luzon. They speak the Bontoc
language. They formerly practiced head-hunting and had distinctive body tattoos.

The Ibaloi
The Ibaloi (also Ibaloy and Nabaloi) are one of the indigenous peoples of
the Philippines who live mostly in the southern part of Benguet, located in
the Cordillera of northern Luzon. The Ibaloi people were traditionally an agrarian society.
Many of the Ibaloi people continue with their agriculture and rice cultivation.

The Kalinga
Inhabiting the drainage areas of the middle Chico River in the Kalinga Province,
the Kalingas are noted for their strong sense of tribal awareness and the peace pacts they
have made among themselves. They speak the Kalinga and Limos languages. They
practice both wet and dry rice farming. They also developed an institution of peace pacts
called Bodong which has minimized traditional warfare and headhunting and serves as a
mechanism for the initiation, maintenance, renewal and reinforcement of kinship and
social ties.

The Tinguian are an indigenous people from the mountain province of Abra in
north western Luzon, in the Philippines.

M A P E H 7 | 12

A. Identify where the ethnic groups live in the different areas in Cordillera.

1. Isneg -
2. Bontok -
3. Ibaloi -
4. Kalinga -
5. Tinguian -
6. Igorot -

B. Multiple Choices. Identify the name of the group according to the pictures given
below. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

a. Tinguian b. Kalinga c. Igorot

d. Bontok e. Ibaloi f. Isneg

1. _____ 2._____

3._____ 4._____

M A P E H 7 | 13

Activity Title: Music of the Lowlands of Luzon: Music for Liturgy and Devotional
Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the music of the lowlands of Luzon.
Essential Question: What is the difference between religious music and secular music?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Religious music - music used in church.

Secular music - music used for entertainment.
Marcelo Adonay- the greatest composer of original liturgical music during the Spanish

During the Spanish period, young boys used to sing for the mass and they were called

M A P E H 7 | 14

Direction: Fill the table below. Go to the computer laboratory and search the English and
Filipino terms of the following prayers. Write also the lyrics of the songs (Filipino only).

(Prayers that are sung in the Mass)







M A P E H 7 | 15

Activity Title: Music of the Lowlands of Luzon: Music for Liturgy and Devotional
Music (Part 2)
Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the music of the lowlands of Luzon.
Essential Question: What are the relationships between Philippine music and Philippine

Reference: K-12 learner’s material


1. Pastores - is Christmas season folk dance and song practiced in many parts of Samar.
The pastores (shepherds) recounts the story of the shepherds who visited the child Jesus
in the manger through a song.

2. Panunuluyan - is a Christmas dramatic ritual narrating the Holy Family's search for a
place to stay in Bethlehem for Jesus Christ's birth through song.

3. Sinulog - a Cebu festival which honors the Sto. Niño. The word sinulog comes from
a Cebuano word meaning, “like the movement of water currents.” The name is a
reference to the forward-backward steps in the Sinulog dance;

4. Komedya (Moro-moro) - is colorful theatrical tradition in the Philippines that

describes the conflicts between the Muslims and the Christians. It was used by the
Spanish as a method to spread Christianity in the country.
5. Senakulo - is a Lenten play that depicts events from the Old and New Testaments
related to the life, sufferings, and death of Christ.

6. Pasyon - is a verse narrative about the life and suffering of Jesus Christ. The verses are
structured in five-line stanzas, with each line containing eight syllables.

7. Salubong – is an Easter Sunday pre-dawn ritual that re-enacts the Risen Christ's
meeting with His mother.

8. Dalit - is an annual celebration at Tangub city in honor of its patron saint St. Michael
the Archangel.

9. Flores de Mayo - (flowers of May), sometimes called Flores de Maria is a flower

festival celebrated annually in May to honor the Virgin Mary.

10. Santa Cruzan - is a religious-historical beauty pageant which conveys the story the
discovery of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena, Constantine the great's mother.

M A P E H 7 | 16

Direction: Choose the correct answer that described the statements below.





_______________1. It is a celebration to honor St. Michael the Archangel, the patron

saint of Tangub City.

_______________2.It is a theatrical tradition that describes the conflicts between the

Muslims and the Christians.

_______________3. It is an Easter Sunday pre-dawn ritual that re-enacts the Risen

Christ's meeting with His mother.

_______________4. It is Christmas season folk dance and song that narrate the story of
the shepherds who visited the child Jesus in the manger through a song.

_______________5. It is a Lenten play that depicts events from the Old and New
Testaments related to the life, sufferings, and death of Christ.

_______________6. It is a Christmas dramatic ritual narrating the Holy Family's search

for a place to stay in Bethlehem for Jesus Christ's birth through song.

_______________7. It is a religious-historical beauty pageant which conveys the story

the discovery of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena, Constantine the great's mother.

_______________8. It is a festival in Cebu which honors the Sto. Niño.

_______________9. It is a flower festival celebrated annually in May to honor the Virgin


_______________10. It is a verse narrative about the life and suffering of Jesus Christ.

M A P E H 7 | 17

Activity Title: Folk Music of the Lowlands of Luzon

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To analyze the relationship of functions of Philippine music from the
Highlands and Lowlands of Luzon, to the lives of the people.
Essential Question: What are the functions of Philippine music from the Highlands and
Lowlands of Luzon to the lives of the people?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Secular Music- is music that is not religious or spiritual. It is used for entertainment.
Vocal Music
Harana (Spanish ‘jarana’) – serenade; traditionally sung by a young man to a young
woman outside the young woman’s house as a profession of his love to her. It is usually
accompanied by a guitar.

Kumintang- originally a war song, this song in triple time can be of any topic: love,
resentment, or a social commentary. It can also be a dance or a combination of song and
dance in this style.

Kundiman (kung hindi man) – an art song about the love of a man for a woman but can
also be about patriotic sentiments, the woman as an object of love and sacrifice of the
man representing the Philippines whose countrymen are willing to do sacrifices for

Instrumental Music
Polka- is a lively dance in duple time.
- Leron-leron sinta

- Pamulinawen

Pandanggo- originating from the fandango of Spain, it is a fast-paced dance in triple

time. Usually, dancers use accessories such as hats and lighted candle in a glass.

M A P E H 7 | 18

Direction: Identify what is being described in the statements.

_____________1. It is a lively dance in duple time.

_____________2. It is originally a war song; this song can be of any topic: love,
resentment, or a social commentary.

_____________3. It is traditionally sung by a young man to a young woman outside the

young woman’s house as a profession of his love to her.

_____________4. It is usually, dancers use accessories such as hats and lighted candle in
a glass.

_____________5. It is an art song about the love of a man for a woman but can also be
about patriotic sentiments, the woman as an object of love and sacrifice of the man
representing the Philippines whose countrymen are willing to do sacrifices for freedom.

M A P E H 7 | 19

Activity Title: Rondalla

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To analyze the relationship of functions of Philippine music from the
Highlands and Lowlands of Luzon to the lives of the people.
Essential Question: What are the functions of Philippine music from the Highlands and
Lowlands of Luzon to the lives of the people?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Rondalla- is an ensemble of plucked instruments and sometimes with percussion.

Guitar- A musical instrument having a flat-backed rounded body that narrows in the
middle, a long fretted neck, and usually six strings, played by strumming or plucking.

Bandurria- 14 - stringed pear-shaped lute with a round sound hole and played with a
plectrum, it plays the melody in the rondalla ensemble.

Laud- 14 - stringed pear-shaped lute with f-shaped sound holes and played with a
plectrum, it plays the alto part or counter melody in the rondalla ensemble. It is bigger
than the bandurria.

Octavina- 14-stringed lute which is shaped like a small guitar and played with a
plectrum, it plays a counter melody or harmony fill-in in the rondalla ensemble.

Bajo de Uñas - 4-stringed bass guitar which looks like a big guitar and is played by a
plectrum. It plays the bass part and serves as a rhythmic support.

M A P E H 7 | 20

Direction: Identify what is being described in the following statements.

__________1. It is an instrument having a flat-backed rounded body that narrows in the

middle, a long fretted neck, and usually six strings, played by strumming or plucking.

__________2. A 14-stringed pear-shaped lute with f-shaped sound holes and played with
a plectrum, it plays the alto part or counter melody in the rondalla ensemble. It is bigger
than the bandurria.

__________3. It is an ensemble of plucked instruments and sometimes with percussion.

__________4. It is a 4-stringed bass guitar which looks like a big guitar and is played by
a plectrum. It plays the bass part and serves as a rhythmic support.
__________5. It is a 14-stringed pear-shaped lute with a round sound hole and played
with a plectrum, it plays the melody in the rondalla ensemble.

M A P E H 7 | 21

Activity Title: Elements and Principles of Art

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the elements of art.
Essential Question: Are the elements of art important? Why?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Elements of Art
 Color- response of vision to wave lengths of light. It has three properties- hue,
value, and intensity.
 Line- the path of a point moving through space.
 Shape- When a line moves through space until it meets itself and forms an
enclosure, it becomes a shape, form or mass.
 Space- an element which can be thought of as the distance of area between,
above, below, or within shapes.
 Texture- concerned with how things feel or look as if they might feel on the
 Value- portrays the contrast between light and dark. Also a property of color as it
creates lighter or darker shades of different hues.
Principles of Art
 Unity- makes all the separate elements of an artwork look like they belong
 Movement- gives life to an artwork. It catches and simulates motion to create an
illusion in art.
 Proportion- the relationship of one part to the whole or to another part.
 Repetition- art forms rhythm and pattern.
 Emphasis- That which catches your eye when you first look at an artwork. The
focal point or center of attention.
 Variety- Concerned with differences; “the spice of life” even in art. It enlivens

M A P E H 7 | 22

Direction: Find and encircle the elements and principles of arts.


M A P E H 7 | 23

Activity Title: Language of the Art

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To understand that art plays a significant role in the daily activities of
the community.
Essential Question: What are the functions of art in your life?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Motif – in visual arts means a repeated pattern or theme. In textile arts such as weaving,
it is a recurring element or a fragrant of that piece when joined together makes a larger
Textile – refers to a cloth that involves weaving or making of cloth using natural or
artificial threads or fibers.
Folk art – are expressions of the community in their crafts that are usually made because
of their utilitarian and functional purpose instead of mere aesthetic.
Aesthetic – is a science of judging beauty.
Dye – are coloring material that are made of natural or synthetic pigments for coloring
fibers used in cloth weaving.
Loom weaving – is a process of weaving using a loom.
Loom – a device use to weave a cloth.

M A P E H 7 | 24

Direction: Identify what is being described in the following statements.

___________1. It is a science of judging beauty.
___________2. It refers to a cloth that involves weaving or making of cloth using natural
or artificial threads or fibers.
___________3. These are the coloring materials that are made of natural or synthetic
pigments for coloring fibers used in cloth weaving.
___________4. It is a process of weaving using a loom.
___________5. These are the expressions of the community in their crafts that are
usually made because of their utilitarian and functional purpose instead of mere aesthetic.
___________6. It is a device use to weave a cloth.
___________7. In visual arts, it means a repeated pattern or theme.

M A P E H 7 | 25

Activity Title: Ilocos Region

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To understand that art plays a significant role in the daily activities of
the community.
Essential Question: What are the functions of art in the lives of the people in Ilocos

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

The Ilocano are among the largest ethno – linguistic groups in the country.
Majority of them are living in la Union, Abra, Isabela and in other parts of the country.
Iloco Fabric – especial fabric that made from cotton.
Binatbatan – beating of the cotton balls using bamboo sticks to separate the seeds during
the initial stage.
Sagut – traditional threads were dyed from the sap of black plum.
Panagabel – weaving tradition; oldest Ilocano tradition where they have inherited from
their ancestors.
The main ingredients of this loom weaving are tilar, sinulid, and pasensya

M A P E H 7 | 26

Direction: Identify what is being described in the statements.

__________1. It is the especial fabric of Ilocos that made from cotton.
__________2. It is the traditional threads that dyed from the sap of black plum.
__________3. It is the weaving tradition of Ilocos and it is the oldest Ilocano tradition.
__________4. It is the beating of the cotton balls using bamboo sticks to separate the
seeds during the initial stage.
__________5. What are the ingredients of loom weaving?

M A P E H 7 | 27

Activity Title: Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To understand that art plays a significant role in the daily activities of
the community.
Essential Question: What are the functions of art in the lives of the people in CAR?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

The Igorots are hillside dwellers. This condition explains why most of them are
farmers and the artistic expressions are related to farming such as the TINALIK basket
made from rattan. They are also famous because of their farming on the terraces carved
out of the mountain.
The Ifugaos weave a loincloth called IKAT meaning to bind together. Their motif
is characterized by diamond stripes of white and red stripes. The dominant color is blue.
Ifugaos are also known for amulets that are made of beads, gold, bronze and other
materials. These amulets are called dinumug used as fertility symbols and worn around
the neck.
Mountain Province
It is located in the Cordillera central mountain and known for its hanging coffins
and mummified bodies. These mummies are called kabayan mummies. They are also
known for their kadangyan burial cloth for rich people. Tattoo art is another form of folk
arts. For them tattoo is part of clothing and considered decoration.
Siwsiwan - cloth fabrics that used for blanket and clothing.
Bobo – a type of basket used to catch fish in the river.
Saklang – is an everyday hat used by men for their matches, tobacco, and beetle nut for
Ikat – weaving of Bontocs.

M A P E H 7 | 28

Direction: Identify what is being described in the following statements.

_____1. Basket made from rattan in Benguet.
_____2. These are the amulets in Ifugao.
_____3. Burial cloth for rich people in Mountain Province.
_____4. It is a type of basket used to catch fish in the river.
_____5. It is the weaving of Bontocs.

M A P E H 7 | 29

Activity Title: Folk Arts from Cagayan Valley and Central Luzon
Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To understand that art plays a significant role in the daily activities of
the community.
Essential Question: How does art helps in the lives of the people in Cagayan Valley and
Central Luzon?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Cagayan Valley
Cagayan Valley is Region II. It is a wide valley in the north-eastern part of Luzon
and irrigated with waters from Cagayan River- the longest river in the country. It is
composed of the provinces of Batanes, Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Quirino.
The Ivatans are the people living in Batanes group of Islands. Most of them are
farmers and fishermen. The Ivatan women wears a head gear called vacul – clothing to
protect them from the heat of the sun and during the rainy season. It is woven from Abaca
Nueva Vizcaya
Gaddang weavers are known for their Bakwat, a belt used by mothers after giving
birth. It is usually made of white beads as accents and patterns of rivers and mountains.
Singkaban – local term for their bamboo arches.
Puni – decoration during fiestas and special occasions made from young coconut
leaves- those that are popularly used during Palm Sunday.

Pampanga is known for its giant lanterns or parol. Big lanterns with several
lights, shapes, and colors used to adorn houses, streets, and building especially during
Christmas season. They are also incorporate the arts in their food such as weaving the
coconut leaves wrapping for their delicacy called Patupat.

M A P E H 7 | 30

Direction: Identify what is being described in the following statements.

__________1. It is used for decoration during fiestas and special occasions made from

young coconut leaves

__________2. It is a belt used by mothers after giving birth in Nueva Vizcaya.

__________3. It is head gear of Ivatan women

__________4. It is the local term for the bamboo arches in Bulacan.

__________5. It has several lights, shapes, and colors used to adorn houses, streets, and

building especially during Christmas season.

M A P E H 7 | 31

Activity Title: Growing Healthy

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To analyze the interplay among the health dimensions in developing
holistic health.
Essential Question: What is the importance of each dimension in holistic health?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material


Physical health includes the state of the body, its composition, development, functions,
and maintenance. It is also associated with our physical needs for proper nutrition,
activity, shelter, and protection from harm.

Mental health refers to the cognitive ability and skills to improve one’s quality of life. It
is the ability to reason out, analyze, evaluate, create, and make rational decisions.

Emotional health refers to the ability to accept and cope with one’s own and others’
feelings. Emotions affect almost all aspects of one’s life including decision- making.

Social health refers to the ability to build and maintain harmonious/satisfying

relationships. Being socially accepted enhances emotional well-being.

Moral-spiritual health refers to one’s faith, beliefs and values. Being morally and
spiritually healthy is also looking for the meaning and purpose of life.

Changes that Occur During Puberty

It is difficult to know exactly when puberty will occur in boys. Changes occur, but
they occur gradually and over a period of time, rather than as a single event. While male
adolescents differ, the average ages when pubertal changes generally happen are the

• 12 to 13 years old
• Start of puberty
• The first pubertal change: enlargement of the testicles
• Enlargement of the penis starts just about one year after the testicles begin
3.5 years old
• Appearance of pubic hair
14 years old
• Nocturnal emissions (or "wet dreams"):
15 years old
• Growth of hair on the face and the armpit, voice changes, and acne appear

M A P E H 7 | 32
• Girls also experience pubertal changes but these usually begin before boys of the
same age. Each girl is different and may progress through these changes
differently. The average ages when these pubertal changes occur are the
10 to 11 years
• Start of puberty: The first pubertal change: development of the breast
Appearance of pubic hair: shortly after breast development
12 years old
• Underarm hair
10 to 16.5 years old
• Menstrual period

M A P E H 7 | 33

Direction: List down and draw the changes which already happened to you since
you were in grade school.

M A P E H 7 | 34

Activity Title: Dealing with Health Concerns

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To apply coping skills in dealing with some health concerns during
Essential Question: How can one stay healthy?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Puberty – the period of life when a person’s sexual organs mature and he or she becomes
able to have children. The age at which puberty occurs often construed legally as 14 in
boys and 12 in girls.

Health concerns during puberty

• Body odor
• Lack of sleep
• Posture problems
• Poor eating habits
• Lack of physical activity
• Dental problems

M A P E H 7 | 35

Essay writing. Write an essay about the changes you are experiencing during
puberty. (100-150 words)

“The Changes during My Puberty”

M A P E H 7 | 36

Activity Title: Dealing with Health Concerns (Part 2)

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To apply coping skills in dealing with some health concerns during
Essential Question: How can one stay healthy?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Posture problem
Teenagers usually carry heavy backpacks and spend more time in front of the
computer. This may affect their posture. If the backpack is too heavy and carried
improperly, it can cause strain on the spine. Too much time spent on the computer with
shoulders hunched and the head forward also affects posture.
Body odor
Body odor is an unpleasant smell our body gives off when bacteria that live on the
skin break down sweat into acid. Body odor is common among adolescents because of
their overactive sweat glands.
Some ways to prevent/lessen body odor are the following:

• Maintain clean armpits by washing them with anti-bacterial soap. This will lower
the number of bacteria resulting to less body odor.
• Deodorant keeps the skin from giving off a bad smell. Antiperspirant, on the other
hand, blocks the sweating action of the glands to lessen sweating.
• Daily washing or bathing with warm water helps kill bacteria on the skin.
Dental problems
Tooth decay or dental caries or dental cavities are common problems among
adolescents. Bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the enamel of the tooth until
a cavity is formed. Adolescents should form the habit of brushing their teeth using
toothpaste with fluoride after every meal and flossing their teeth at least twice a day. Soft
drinks or carbonated drinks contain sugar that together with the acid in the mouth, attack
the enamel of the teeth.

M A P E H 7 | 37

Compose a song that can promote a good hygiene.

Criteria Standards of Learning Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1


Pitch Virtually no errors; All the One of the Two None of the
indicators indicators indicators indicators
Pitch is very accurate; are met were not met were not met were not met
Pitch is proper

Rhythm The beat is secure others; All the One of the Two None of the
indicators indicators indicators indicators
the rhythms are accurate
are met were not met were not met were not met
for the music being sung;

Tone Tone is consistently All the One of the Two None of the
Quality focused; indicators indicators indicators indicators
are met were not met were not met was met
Tone is consistently clear;

Tone is consistently clear

centered throughout the
range of the voice;

Performs with a creative All the One of the Two None of the
nuance; indicators indicators indicators indicators
Expressi are met were not met were not met was met
on and Performs with style in
Style response to the score;

Follows melodic direction;

Limited coaching

Diction Student articulates clearly; All the One of the Two None of the
indicators indicators indicators indicators
The text of the music is are met were not met were not met was met

No errors

M A P E H 7 | 38

Activity Title: Are you really Healthy?

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: Analyze the interplay among the health dimensions in developing
holistic health.
Essential Question: How can one stay healthy holistically?

Reference: K-12 learner’s material

Physical health means how well your body functions. It means you can carry out
everyday tasks without becoming too tired. It also means you have enough energy to
enjoy activities and to meet emergencies. It means developing healthful habits and
avoiding destructive habits, such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and taking
dangerous drugs and harmful substances. You can attain this by giving your body total
care, which includes the following:
• keeping your body fit by exercising and participating in active games
• eating a well-balanced diet
• getting adequate sleep and rest
• drinking enough water
• practicing cleanliness and good grooming habits
• getting regular medical and dental checkup and treatment
• avoiding harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs of abuse

Mental or intellectual health means being a lifelong learner by continuously wanting to

learn new things and improve one’s kills. A mentally healthy person is open to new ideas
and experiences that can improve personal, family, and community life.
• learning new skills to improve personal and family life

Emotional health involves understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and
learning from your mistakes. It refers to how well you meet the demands of daily life and
how you adjust to new situations. It also means expressing your happiness, love, joy and
hope as well as your sadness, anger, stress and fear in healthful productive ways. You can
best practice these when you:
• face life’s problems squarely
• handle stress and seek help, if needed
• express your emotions in positive ways
• deal with life’s pressures and stresses in positive ways
• build strong communication network among family, friends and peers

M A P E H 7 | 39
Social health refers to how well you get along with other people. This can be observed
when you—
• make and keep friends
• play/work well with a group
• give and get help from others when needed
• communicate well and show respect and care for yourself and others

Moral-spiritual health - means being at peace and in harmony with yourself, others and
a higher power or bigger reality. What you feel, think and say what you believe in or
value are shown in how you act. It refers to your personal beliefs, values, and faith.
There will be times when you will make decisions that deal with issues of right
and wrong. Sometimes it will be difficult to decide because what is right or wrong is not
clearly defined. But as you grow and become more mature, you will gain knowledge and
experiences that will give you new insights and ways of looking at things or situations. In
deciding what action to take, you can base your decisions on a set of values or moral
principles. For example, telling the truth and showing respect are commonly accepted
standards of right behaviour.
Seeking guidance from parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other responsible
adults will help you in making difficult choices. It is a sign of good character if you act
according to a set of high ethical principles. You will gain respect and trust from others if
you demonstrate good character. Moral-spiritual health, together with the other
dimensions, will help you attain holistic health.

M A P E H 7 | 40

What health dimension(s) will be enhanced if you do the activities

below? Write each activity on the appropriate circle.

1. Read books.
2. Tell the truth.
3. Surf the internet.
4. Play different sports.
5. Go dancing with friends.
6. Attend social gatherings.
7. Respect the right of others.
8. Show your feelings in a positive way.
9. Say sorry when you have done wrong.
10. Consulting parents about your problems.


Emotional Social


M A P E H 7 | 41

M A P E H 7 | 42

Activity Title: Music of Mindoro

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To analyze the functions of music to their culture.
Essential Question: How does music reflect the different aspects of their culture?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Music of Mangyan
The music of the Mangyans of Mindoro help us discover the way of life of the
Mangyan with themes about nature, family life, working in the field as well as the
spiritual dimension. While there is a lot of vocal music in the form of songs and chanted
poetry, there are also bamboo instruments such as jew’s harps, lutes and flutes. The
challenges facing the music of the Mangyan of Mindoro is the threat of industrialization
(illegal logging) and marginalization resulting from encroaching neighbouring
ethnoliguistic groups (Tagalog). However, non-governmental organizations have been
put up to protect and preserve the Mangyan way of life including Mangyan music.

• Ambahan - chanted poetry of the Mangyans of Mindoro.

• Igway (song)
• Marayaw (spirit song)
• Pamuybuyen (legend)
• Bangsi (flute)
• Subing (jew’s harp)
• Gitgit (lute)
• Agong (gongs)
• Kalutang (sticks)

M A P E H 7 | 43

Direction: Unscramble the letters to make it correct, and then match it with column B.
____1. _________________ RMAAWYA a. Gongs

____2. _________________ NBASGI b. Song

____3. _________________ OGAG N c. Spirit song

____4. _________________ NAMHBAA d. Sticks

____5. _________________ INGBUS e. Lute

____6. _________________ YPUBENMAUY f. Legend

____7. _________________ TKLUGANA g. Flute

____8. _________________ WIAGY h. Jew’s harp

____9. _________________ IGITG T i. Chanted poetry

M A P E H 7 | 44

Activity Title: Music of Palawan

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To correlate Philippine music to Philippine culture.
Essential Question: How does music reflect the different aspects of their culture?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Vocal Music:
• Kulial (Songs),
• Tultul (Epic chant - Epics are always chanted at night, ending at daybreak; it is
forbidden to sing when the sun shines and during the day. This prohibition links
the epic to the night and a sacred world. Moreover, one would never chant for
amusement in a light joking manner.),
• Ulit (Shamanic chant -The shaman sings the difficult experience of the voyage of
his double, kuruduwa, by a specific chant, the lumbaga, whose melody is in all
points assimilable to any epic melodic line)

Instrumental Music:
• Aruding (Jew’s harp),
• Babarak (ring flute),
• Suling (banded flute),
• Basal (gong),
• Kusyapiq (lute),
• Pagang (bamboo zither)

M A P E H 7 | 45

Direction: Make a comparison between the music of Mindoro and the music of Palawan.


Mindoro: Mindoro:

Song - Igway Jew's harp - Subing

Spirit song - Marayaw Lute - Gitgit

Gong - Agung

Flute - Bangsi

Palawan: Palawan:

Song - Jew's harp -

Spirit song - Lute -

Gong -

Flute –

M A P E H 7 | 46

Activity Title: Music of the Visayas

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To correlate Philippine music to Philippine culture.
Essential Question: Why are such festivals held and how music enhances the festival?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material, pp 45-50

This lesson is about the music from the Visayas (Cebu, Bohol, Negros, Leyte)
including vocal music such as the balitao and composo as well as instrumental ensembles
such as the rondalla. The musical elements of Visayan songs as written by experts on
Visayan music are validated through listening and improvisation on the balitao form. The
culminating performance is a re-enactment of vocal forms such as the balitao, composo
or pastores accompanied by the guitar and/or rondalla instruments.
• Balitao (Sung debate),
• Pastores (Christmas) ,
• Kanta (Ballad, Lullaby, Courtship)
• Composo (Ilonggo narrative song)

Instrumental Music:
• Rondalla –plucked lute ensemble
• Tultogan - Bamboo and Drum Ensemble
• Binanog - Gong, Drum, Wooden Percussion Ensemble

• Sinulog of Cebu,
• Dinagyang of Iloilo,
• Maskara of Bacolod
• Ati-Atihan of Aklan.

M A P E H 7 | 47

A. Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. Balitao a. Ballad, lullaby, courtship

_____2. Pastores b. Bamboo and drum ensemble

c. Cebu
_____3. Kanta
d. Sung debate
_____4. Composo
e. Aklan
_____5. Ati-atihan f. Bacolod
_____6. Tultogan g. Christmas

_____7. Binanog h. Gong, drum, wooden percussion ensemble

i. Ilo-ilo
_____8. Sinulog
j. Narrative song
_____9. Dinagyang
k. Plucked lute ensemble
_____10. Maskara

B. Describe the following festivals. (You may use the internet in the computer

• Sinulog of Cebu

• Dinagyang of Iloilo

• Maskara of Bacolod

• Ati-Atihan of Aklan

M A P E H 7 | 48

Activity Title: Language of Art

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the different styles and techniques in printmaking.
Essential Question: What is the importance of print making?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material, pp 45-50
Language of Art
RELIEF PRINT – is created by printing the surface of an object (leaf, mural,
vegetables, textured objects like coins and blocks) by inking the surface and impressing it
on paper or cloth, or by rubbing the paper over the textured object using crayons or
LENOLEUM OR RUBBER PRINT – is produced by carving out certain areas of a
drawing in a linoleum or rubber sheet, inking the uncarved areas with a roller or a cloth
stamp, and pressing paper or cloth on top of the sheet to get the print of the embossed or
raised areas.
WOODBLOCK PRINTING – is a process of creating an image that uses wooden block
where the lines and textures are carved out of the wood. During the Spanish period, they
used wooden tiles for printing; each block or tile corresponds to a letter in alphabet and
were arranged in a frame to print a page of text.
INTAGLIO – refers to a printmaking process in which ink is transferred from the
grooves of a metal plate to paper by extreme pressure.
LITHOGRAPHY – is a printmaking technique based on the principle that water and oil
do not mix. Ink is applied to a piece of paper from a specially prepared stone.
GROUND – refers to a wax coating that resists acid in metal engraving particularly in
BRAYER OR ROLLER OR STAMP – is used to imbed the ink on the raised surface
of the rubber or a wood or textured object before it is impressed on paper or cloth.
PRINTERS’ INK – is an oil based ink used in printing from the rubber or wooden
master plate onto paper or cloth.
STENCIL – is a method of printing that involves stamping ink through the cut out part
of the master paper to make printed copies.

M A P E H 7 | 49

Direction: Identify what is being described in the following statements.

______________1. It is a process of creating an image that uses wooden block
______________2. Ink is applied to a piece of paper from a specially prepared stone.
______________3. It is created by printing the surface of an object by inking the surface
and impressing it on paper or cloth.
______________4. It refers to a printmaking process in which ink is transferred from the
grooves of a metal plate to paper by extreme pressure.
______________5. It is produced by carving out certain areas of a drawing in a linoleum
or rubber sheet and pressing paper or cloth on top of the sheet to get the print of the
embossed areas.
______________6. It is an oil based ink used in printing from the rubber or wooden
master plate onto paper or cloth.

______________7. It is a method of printing that involves stamping ink through the cut
out part of the master paper to make printed copies.
______________8. It is used to imbed the ink on the raised surface of the rubber or a
wood or textured object before it is impressed on paper or cloth.
______________9. It refers to a wax coating that resists acid in metal engraving
particularly in etching.

M A P E H 7 | 50

Activity Title: Rubbings or Printing from Found Materials

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To appreciate the aesthetic of printmaking.
Essential Question: What is the importance of printmaking?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material, page 124
Leaves, barks, stem, and roots can also be used to make print. In this activity, you
will use leaves of the plant. Any plant leaf or leaves can be used.

• Leaves
• Paper (coupon bond or oslo)
• Water-based paint (acrylic paint) or any available coloring materials
• Paintbrush (optional)
• Old newspaper


• Prepare your materials. Select leaves with unusual patterns or design.

• Arrange leaf or leaves over the old newspaper. The newspaper will catch the paint
spills and avoid stains in your working area.
• Apply paint evenly over one side of the leaf or leaves (the one with veins).
• Place the coated leaf or leaves over the paper facing downward (the coated side
facing the paper).
• Place another sheet of paper over the leaves then rub with pressure using your
palm or a smooth flat object.
• When you are sure that the image has been transferred already, remove the leaves
and let you work dry.

M A P E H 7 | 51
1 2 3 4


Activity Title: Arts and Crafts of Western Visayas

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the arts and crafts of Western Visayas
Essential Question: Where did they use their arts and crafts?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Panay Island- composed of the provinces of Iloilo, Aklan, Antique, Capiz and island of
Guimaras. The name of Panay was given by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi which literally
“there is food” in Spanish.
Aklan- It is the oldest province in the Philippines. Aklan is famous for Boracay, a resort
island one kilometre north from the tip of Panay
Ati-Atihan Festival – it is originally celebrates the treaty between the Ati and the
Malayan tribes who settled in the Island but when the Spaniards settled in the region, it is
converted to honor the Santo Niño (Infant Jesus), concluding on the third Sunday, in the
island and town of Kalibo, Aklan in the Philippines.
Arts and crafts
Aklan- known for weaving cloth made from pinya fibers.
Bastos- the first set of pinya fibers.
Linawan- the finer set of pinya fibers.
Sangget- cutting instrument similar to kawit or harabas used for gathering bariw leaves.
Kulhadan- simple machine with blades used for stripping bariw leaves .
Antique- The province's capital, San Jose, is located in the western portion of Panay
Island Before the coming of the Spaniards it is called as “Hantik”", -a large red ants
found on the island.

M A P E H 7 | 52
Binirayan festival- is an event celebrated in the province of Antique in the Philippines.
"Binirayan" literally means "where they sailed to".It commemorates the legend of the
arrival of the ten Bornean datus on the island of Aninipay now known as Panay.
Capiz - It is known as the Seafood Capital of the Philippines.Its capital is Roxas City and
is located at the northeastern portion of Panay Island. Capiz is known for the Placuna
placenta oyster shell that has the same name locally and is used for decoration, and for
making lampshades, trays, window doors.
Sinadya sa Halaran Festival
-is the joint festival of the City of Roxas and the Province of Capiz. It is a mixed festival
in that it is celebrated for both cultural and religious reasons. It is celebrated every first
weekend of December in commemoration of the Feast of the Virgin of the Immaculate
Concepcion who also happens to be the patroness of the City of Roxas
Arts and Crafts
Capiz is known for the brilliant Capiz shell produced here, it is used in making
windows, lanterns, decorations, vases, etc. The Capiz shell has a luster similar to mother
of pearl shells.

M A P E H 7 | 53

A. Match column A with column B.

_____1. Sinadya sa Halaran Festival a. Capiz

_____2. Binirayan festival b. Antique

_____3. Ati-Atihan Festival c. Aklan

_____4. Sangget

_____5. Weaving cloth made from pinya


_____6. Capiz shell

_____7. Kulhadan

B. Describe the following festivals:

1. Ati-atihan-

2. Binirayan-

3. Sinadya sa Halaran-

M A P E H 7 | 54

Activity Title: Arts and Crafts of Western Visayas (Part 2)

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the arts and crafts of Western Visayas
Essential Question: Where did they use their arts and crafts?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Guimaras is a fourth class island province of the Philippines located in the Western
Visayas region. Among the smallest provinces, its capital is jordan. It is formerly known
as Himal-us, was a sub-province of Iloilo until it was made an independent province on
May 22, 1992.
The Manggahan Festival (the Mango Festival).Guimaras' largest event of the year is
The variety of mangoes produced are also best for making dried mangoes, jam and other
Iloilo is a province of the Philippines located in the Western Visayas region.. Iloilo's
capital is Iloilo City though the city itself is independent and not governed by the
provincial government of Iloilo.
People from Iloilo are called Ilonggos.
Dinagyang - is a religious and cultural festival in Iloilo City, Philippines held on the
fourth Sunday of January, or right after the Sinulog In Cebu and the Ati-Atihan in Aklan.
It is held both to honor the Santo Niño and to celebrate the arrival on Panay of Malay
settlers and the subsequent selling of the island to them by the Atis.
Arts and Crafts
Patadyong- important industry in Iloilo. Wrap-around piece of cloth worn by women
features linear and geometric designs.
Paghahabol- a term used for weaving in Badiangan, Iloilo.

M A P E H 7 | 55
Negros Occidental - Its capital is Bacolod City and it occupies the northwestern half of
Negros Island. Known as the "Sugarbowl of the Philippines", Negros Occidental
produces more than half the nation's sugar output. Negros Island was originally known to
the natives as "Buglas". When the Spaniards arrived in April 1565, they named it
"Negros" because of the dark-skinned natives they found.
Maskara Festival - is a festival held each year in Bacolod, Philippines, every third
weekend of October nearest October 19, the city's Charter anniversary
Arts and Crafts
Negros Island- it is called “buglas” during the pre-Hispanic times.
Buglas- type of grass similar to sugar cane that grows abundantly in the island of Negros
Maskara festival- one of the famous festival in Bacolod.

A. Match column A with column B.

______1. Maskara Festival a. Iloilo

______2. Dinagyang Festival b. Negros Occidental

______3. Patadyong c. Guimaras

______4. Manggahan Festival d. Bacolod

______5. Buglas

______6. Paghahabol

______7. Sugarbowl of the Philippines

B. Describe the following festivals:


2. Dinagyang-

M A P E H 7 | 56
3. Manggahan-


Activity Title: Arts and Crafts of Central Visayas

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To describe the arts and crafts of Central Visayas
Essential Question: Where did they use their arts and crafts?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Cebu - the oldest city in the Philippines, Cebu is one of the most developed provinces in
the Philippines, with Cebu City as the main center of commerce, trade, education and
industry in the Visayas.

M A P E H 7 | 57
Sinulog -the festival commemorates the Filipino people's pagan origin, and their
acceptance of Roman Catholicism.

M A P E H 7 | 58

Direction: Fill the table below.

Arts and Crafts Description





M A P E H 7 | 59

Activity Title: Arts and Crafts of Eastern Visayas

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To describe the arts and crafts of Eastern Visayas
Essential Question: Where did they use their arts and crafts?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

M A P E H 7 | 60
M A P E H 7 | 61

A. Identify what is being described in the following statements.

_________________1. The term refers to an ethnic fishing net.
_________________2. It is the Waray term for bariw which is used in banig making.
_________________3. What is common language in Eastern Samar?
_________________4. A festival of colors, beauty, and artistry.
_________________5. A glutinous rice wrapped in a carefully-woven young coconut

M A P E H 7 | 62

Activity Title: Nutrients

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the nutrients needed by our body
Essential Question: Why are nutrients essentials to the body?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material, pp 127-129

Nutrients are the essential substances that your body needs in order to grow and stay
Nutrition – is the science that studies how food relates to health.
Calories - The energy obtained from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is measured in
Categories of nutrients:
• Carbohydrates
• Proteins
• Minerals
• Vitamins
• Fats
• Water
Structure and function: Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that the body uses for
ENERGY! PLANTS are the major source of carbohydrates in the food we eat.
Simple Carbohydrates
• Sugars that are quickly digested and provide a BOOST of energy for the body
• Foods with LOTS of sugar: oranges, milk, cookies, candy
Complex Carbohydrates
• Starches that are composed of many sugars linked together
• They provide the body with long-term energy since they are digested more slowly
than sugars.

M A P E H 7 | 63
• Foods with LOTS of starch: rice, beans, potatoes

Structure and function: Proteins are made from many amino acids connected together in
different arrangements. Provide the building materials your body needs to grow and
repair it.
Complete proteins:
• Foods containing all the essential amino acids Examples: fish, meat, eggs, milk,
Incomplete proteins:
• Foods that are missing some essential amino acids Examples: Legumes, nuts,
whole grains

M A P E H 7 | 64

Direction: Draw 4 foods which are rich in carbohydrates and 4 foods rich in protein.

M A P E H 7 | 65

Activity Title: Nutrients (Part 2)

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the essential nutrient of the body.
Essential Question: How can a person maintain good health?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

(Continuation of nutrients)
1. Fats – a naturally oily substance found in animal bodies; ENERGY source for the
body (more than carbs and proteins)
• Unsaturated fats: Contain fatty acids that are missing hydrogen
atoms. At room temperature, they are typically in liquid form:
olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil, etc.
• Saturated fats: Contain fatty acids with the MAXIMUM amount
of hydrogen atoms. At room temperature, they are typically in
solid form: lard, egg yolks and dairy products.
2. Vitamins – a group of complex compounds that help your body maintain normal
metabolism, growth, and development. Food sources: fruits, vegetables and dairy
• Water-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve in water and are
NOT stored in your body for future use.
• Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve into and are
transported by fat. They can be stored in fat tissue, the liver, and
the kidneys.
3. Minerals - are INORGANIC substances that are required by your body in order
to develop and grow properly.
• Calcium - helps build strong bones and teeth, regulates blood clotting.
Food sources: dairy products, leafy and green vegetables.
• Iron - helps build hemoglobin which is the oxygen-carrying part of your
red blood cells. Food sources: eggs, meats, whole grains
• Potassium - helps regulate fluid balance in the body, assists with the
normal functioning of muscles and nerves. Food sources: bananas,
carrots, milk.

M A P E H 7 | 66
• Magnesium - involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates,
assists with bone growth and proper muscle functioning. Food sources:
milk, meat, nuts

4. Water – it is the most important nutrient that helps to control our body
temperature, carries nutrients and waste products for our cells, and is needed for
our cells to function. It can also be obtained from juice, milk, fruits and


Direction: Define the following nutrients and give the food sources of each nutrient.

Nutrients Food Sources

Fats 1.



Vitamins 1.



Minerals 1.



M A P E H 7 | 67

Activity Title: Nutrients (Part 2)

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify variety of foods in the food guide pyramid.
Essential Question: How can a person stay healthy?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

The Food Guide Pyramid will guide you on how many servings from each food group
is recommended daily. There are six food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. The serving
requirements of each individual depend on age, sex, size, and activity level. Each day, we
need to eat at least the lowest serving from each of the food groups. This is to meet the
daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates of an
individual. We all need to eat a balanced diet every day. This includes servings of foods
from different food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. This guide suggests that we
consume. For you to grow and develop to the fullest and to improve your nutritional
status, it is important to follow healthy eating guidelines such as:

• Eat a variety of foods daily.

• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
• To lower the risk of heart diseases, avoid too much cholesterol in your diet.
• Consume milk, milk products and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish &
dark green leafy vegetables daily.
• Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, root crops, and grain products.
• Use sugar in moderation. Eating too much sweet foods contributes to tooth decay.
• Eat clean and safe food, cook food in edible/cooking oil.
• Use iodized salt but avoid excessive intake of salty foods. Too much salt in the
diet may increase the risk of having high blood pressure.

M A P E H 7 | 68

Direction: Fill the food pyramid. List 3 examples of foods in each category.

Eat Less

Eat Moderately

Eat More

Eat Most

M A P E H 7 | 69

Activity Title: Healthful Eating Guidelines

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To explain the need to select food based on the nutritional needs of
Essential Question: Why you need to select food based on the nutritional needs of

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Food Selection Based on Adolescents’ Nutritional Needs

Good nutrition is very important in enhancing your quality of life and in
preventing diseases. It provides you with the needed calories and nutrients for your
maximum energy and wellness. Calories or kilocalories are units of heat that measure the
energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body. You need energy
to fuel everything you do-- from playing, making assignments, talking to your friends,
watching television, sleeping, and all your activities. Nutrients, on the other hand, are
substances in food that your body needs to grow, repair itself, and to supply you with
energy. If you choose the right foods to eat, these will provide your body with the
nutrients it needs to help you look and perform at your best.

Nutritional needs vary for each stage of life, so it is important to eat a healthy diet
through all life stages. Adolescence is one of the fastest growth periods in a person’s life.
The physical changes during this stage affect the body’s nutritional needs. Changes in
your lifestyle as an adolescent may also affect your food choices and eating habits. With
your active social life and busy schedules, you might often skip meals and just take
snacks throughout the day.

You might also often skip breakfast, not knowing that this important meal will
give you the energy to make it through the day and to perform well in school. When you
skip meals, you might resort to eating snacks in fast foods or “carinderias,” or not eating
at all. When you eat outside, your choice of foods are often high in fats and sugar that
provide less nutritional value. These practices are unhealthful and are major risk factors

M A P E H 7 | 70
in developing chronic diseases, such as heart diseases, diabetes and even some types of

To achieve your full growth potential, proper food selection and eating are very
essential. You must know your physical need for food and follow the dietary guidelines
appropriate for your age. You sometimes won’t eat a dish --- even if you know it is
healthful because you don’t like its taste. Most often the desire for food or is stronger
than the need to eat. Always remember that you need to eat foods that your body needs to
support your growing body and to prevent future health problems.


Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. Do you eat the right food you need for good health? What are the right foods for

2. Are you getting the nutrients you need from the food you choose for your meals?
What are the nutrients you need?

3. Give at least 5 guidelines which help you to choose a balanced and healthful diet.
(You may use the internet to search the guidelines)

M A P E H 7 | 71

Activity Title: Nutritional Needs of Adolescents

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To explain the need to select food based on the nutritional needs of
Essential Question: Why boys need more energy than girls?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

The growth spurt during adolescence creates increased demand for energy and
nutrients. As an adolescent, your total nutrient needs are higher at this stage than at any
other stage in your lifecycle. It only shows that nutrition and physical growth are
essentially related; optimal nutrition is a requisite for achieving your full growth

Due to your rapid growth and development at his stage, you have a greater need
for certain nutrients, such as calcium, iron, protein, and energy foods. For bone
development, you need extra calcium. It is likewise needed for the regulation of vital
body functions, such as blood clotting, heart muscle contraction and relaxation,
transmission of nerve impulse, and activation of some enzymes. Eating a balanced diet
helps in building bone mass that will lessen your chance of developing osteoporosis in
later life. Remember, more than 90 percent of bone density develops by the time you
reach 18 years old.

Adolescents, ages 10-18 have calcium requirements of 1000 milligrams per day.
You can get calcium from dairy products, leafy vegetables, canned fish with soft edible
bones, and tofu. It is important to include any of these foods in your daily diet.

Teenage boys and girls have high demands of iron due to growth spurt. The onset
of menstruation among girls also increases the need for iron. Boys 13–15 years of age
need 20 milligrams while girls need 21 milligrams daily. Do you know that iron from
meat is better absorbed by the body than iron from plant sources? You can improve the
absorption of iron from plants by eating fruits or drinking fruit juices that contain vitamin
C. Iron is important for proper functioning of cells and for resistance to infection.

M A P E H 7 | 72
Due to your accelerated growth and development, you need body building food.
Boys, ages 13-15, need 71 grams of protein daily while girls need63 grams daily. Body-
building food is protein-rich necessary for the growth and development of your body,
specially your bones and muscles. Throughout your life your body replaces damaged or
worn-out cells by making new ones. Protein rich food helps the body repair itself. Protein
also helps the body make enzymes, antibodies and hormones. Protein also supplies the
body with energy even if it is not your body’s main energy source. Protein provides four
calories per gram and excess protein in the body is converted to body fat. Animal
products, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, soybeans are good sources of
complete protein. Remember, consume only the required amount of protein your body
needs daily.

An increase in the physical activities of adolescents requires more energy food.

Energy-giving food or carbohydrates are the starches and sugars found primarily in
bread, cereals, and in fruits and vegetables. In general, boys need more energy than girls
due to the physical activities most of them engage in.
Boys at the age of 13-14 need 2800 kilocalories for boys weighing 50 kilos while
2250 kilocalories are needed for girls weighing 49 kilos. .

M A P E H 7 | 73

Direction: Prepare an advocacy material like a poster/slogan/poem/song/rap to send a

message about eating the required amount of vegetables, fruits and milk daily.

M A P E H 7 | 74

Activity Title: Current Nutritional Status of Filipino Adolescents

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To analyze the current nutritional status of Filipino adolescents.
Essential Question: What are the reasons why some adolescents are not properly

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

The results of the 6th National Nutrition Survey for Filipino adolescents show the
nutritional status of adolescents from ages 11-19. Let us analyze the results. Survey
shows that:
• among adolescents, 11-12 years old:
o 49 in every 100 have normal weight for their height
o 26 in every 100 are underweight
o 4 in every 100 are overweight
• among adolescents, 13-19 years old:
o 68 in every 100 have normal weight for their height
o 12 in every 100 are underweight
o 3 in every 100 are overweight
• more males 11-12 and 13-19 years are underweight than females
• more 11-12-year old males are overweight than females while more
females age 13-19 years are overweight than males of the same age
• the prevalence of underweight adolescents increased between 1993
and 1998 but declined in 2003

There are more underweight adolescents ages 11-12 than those who are 13-19 years old.
The 7th National Nutrition Survey results show the following:

• The prevalence of underweight among pre-adolescence/adolescents, 11-19 years

old had significantly increased by 1.0 percentage point between 2005 and 2008.
• Overweight adolescents on the other hand had decreased significantly by 0.2
percentage point from 4.8 % in 2005 and 4.6% in 2008.
Based on the same survey, these are the reasons why adolescents are undernourished.

M A P E H 7 | 75
• Poor eating practices/habits
• Poor food choices and intakes often influenced by peers and the media
• Becoming conscious of the kinds and amounts of food they eat (i.e. females tend
to eat less because of fear of becoming fat)
• School canteens and cafeterias serving less nutritious foods (i.e. chips, carbonated
beverages and artificial fruit juices)
• Not fond of drinking milk,which is a good source of nutrients
• Low intake of iron and vitamin C-rich foods resulting in iron deficiency

Direction: How Are My Eating Habits and Practices? Check your habits/practices
related to eating. Check (/) those that only relate to your habits/practices and cross (x)
those that don’t.
1. I prefer fast foods and street foods.

2. I eat anything for my meals/lunch.

3. I am not careful in the selection of foods I eat.

4. I don’t have enough money to buy nutritious meals.

5. I eat my meals hurriedly to catch up with my classes.

6. I skip breakfast and have poor meals due to lack of time to eat.

7. I’m afraid of eating certain foods because these might cause pimples.

8. I just buy food available in school canteens even if I do not like them.

9. I am afraid of eating too much so I often skip breakfast.

10. I am not fond of milk; I prefer softdrinks.

1. What can you say about the results of your answers to this activity?

2. Do they reveal something positive or negative about your eating habits and

M A P E H 7 | 76

Activity Title: Food Guide Pyramid

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To explain the importance of following the nutritional guidelines
appropriate for Filipino adolescents
Essential Question: What do you plan to do about your eating habits?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

The Food Guide Pyramid will guide you on how many servings from each food group is
recommended daily. There are six food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. The serving
requirements of each individual depend on age, sex, size, and activity level. Each day, we
need to eat at least the lowest serving from each of the food groups. This is to meet the
daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates of an
We all need to eat a balanced diet every day. This includes servings of foods from
different food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. This guide suggests that we consume--
• food from the fats, oil and sweet group sparingly.
• at least 1 glass a day of food from the milk and milk products group.
• 2 and ½ servings daily of food from the meat, poultry, dry beans, eggs, and nuts
• 1 egg a day (for teenagers).
• 3 servings of food from the vegetable group daily (for teenagers).
• 3 servings of fruits daily.
• the greatest number of servings, which is 6-8 servings, of bread, cereal, rice, root
crops and noodles.

For you to grow and develop to the fullest and to improve your nutritional status, it is
important to follow healthy eating guidelines such as:
• Eat a variety of foods daily.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
• To lower the risk of heart diseases, avoid too much cholesterol in your diet.
• Consume milk, milk products and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish &
dark green leafy vegetables daily.
• Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, root crops, and grain products.

M A P E H 7 | 77
• Use sugar in moderation.
• Eat clean and safe food, cook food in edible/cooking oil.
• Use iodized salt but avoid excessive intake of salty foods. Too much salt in the
diet may increase the risk of having high blood pressure.

Remember, healthy eating will reduce your risk of suffering from fatal diseases, such
as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Healthy eating is important for proper
growth and development. It can also prevent health problems, such as obesity, dental
caries, iron deficiency, and osteoporosis. Women are prone to osteoporosis, so teenage
girls should eat enough foods rich in calcium. This will help build strong bones to protect
them from osteoporosis later in life.’

M A P E H 7 | 78

Am I Eating the Right Food?

Direction: List all the foods and drinks you usually eat the whole day. List them in the
space below. Check the column of food group where each food belongs.

List of Fats, Milk and Meat, poultry, Vegetable Fruit Bread, cereal,

foods oil,& milk dry beans, eggs, group group rice, and
products and nuts
sweets rice products,
group group
and root crops


Based on your list, answer the following questions:

1. What do you observe about your food intake?

2. Which food group do you have most in your list?

3. Which food group do you have less in your list?

4. Why did you choose those foods?

M A P E H 7 | 79
5. Do you take the needed serving each day?


Activity Title: The Case of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To explain the importance of following the nutritional guidelines
appropriate for Filipino adolescents
Essential Question: How can you avoid malnutrition?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material

Micronutrient deficiencies are diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins or minerals in

the diet. The most common micronutrient deficiencies not only in our country but also in
the whole world are Vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia and iodine deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) primarily affects children but the effects last a lifetime. It
causes night blindness and, and later on, permanent blindness (xerophthalmia). The child
suffering from VAD does not reach optimum physical growth and is prone to infections,
that contributes to the high rates of sickness and death among young children. VAD can
be prevented by regular consumption of vitamin A-rich foods, such as animal products,
and orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables, and palm oil.

Anemia and iron deficiency Anemia is a condition in which the red blood cell count or
hemoglobin is less than normal. It affects mostly adolescent girls women of child-bearing
age and pre-school children. Anemia results in retarded physical growth, low resistance
to infections and slow development of learning abilities. In adults it causes fatigue and
reduced work capacity and may cause reproductive impairment. Foods such as dark green
leafy vegetables, legumes and red meat are rich in iron, as are iron-fortified food

Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) results from lack of iodine in the diet. Iodine is needed
for the production of thyroid hormone. The body does not make iodine, so you should get
iodine in your diet. Iodine rich foods are:
Breads Iodized table salt
Cheese Saltwater fish
Cow’s milk Seaweed
Eggs Shellfish

M A P E H 7 | 80
Frozen yogurt Soy milk
Ice cream Soy sauce

Iodine deficiency can lead to enlargement of the thyroid or goiter, hypothyroidism and to
mental retardation in infants and children whose mothers lacked iodine when they were

Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation leading

to excessive weight loss. It is an extreme fear of becoming stout and a distorted view of
their body size and shape. It is a psychological disorder with physical and emotional
consequences. Those experiencing this eating disorder see themselves as fat even if they
are not. Their fear of being overweight is too strong.

Bulimia is a disorder in which the clearing of digestive tract follows cycles of overeating.
People with this disorder are too concerned with weight. They will eat large quantity of
food in a short period of time. After eating, they will take laxatives to rid the body of the
food to avoid gaining weight. They may induce vomiting, abuse laxatives or diuretics,
and go on dieting, or do excessive exercises. These practices are harmful and will damage
the body.

Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive eating. People who indulge in

compulsive eating consume a large amount of food at one time but they do not eliminate
it. Binge disorder may be an indicator that the person uses food to cope with depression
or strong emotions.

M A P E H 7 | 81

Direction: Define the following based on your own understanding.

1. Micronutrient deficiencies-

2. Vitamin A deficiency-

3. Anemia and Iron deficiency-

4. Iodine Deficiency Syndrome-

5. Anorexia Nervosa-

6. Bulimia-

7. Binge Eating-

M A P E H 7 | 82
M A P E H 7 | 83

Activity Title: Music of Mindanao

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the characteristics of music in Mindanao.
Essential Question: What word can you use to describe the kind of music we hear from
the Mindanao region?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, pp 116-117

Mindanao is found in the southern part of the Philippines. It is home of a number

of cultural communities each having its own cultural traditions. The type of music in the
Mindanao region is based on two musical cultures, namely the Islamic and Non-Islamic

Cultural Communities in the Mindanao Region

The music heard or experienced in the region of Mindanao is based in two
musical and cultural traditions. The Islamic tradition, which observed among the
Maguindanaons, Maranaos, Yakans, Samals and Tausugs, and the Non-Islamic
tradition, which is practiced among the Manobos, Bagobos, Subanons, Bilaans, Tirurays
and T’bolis.
Despite the differences observed in the vocal and instrumental music of the two
communities, there are some aspects in the vocal style or techniques that are commonly
practiced between the two. The vocal music of Mindanao is either performed in solo or in
a call-response manner. The vocal style in the region is characterized by long phrasings,
narrow ranges and fluttering tones know as tremolos. Adding melodic embellishments
and singing with strained vocal quality are common features in the vocal music of the

M A P E H 7 | 84
Vocal Music of the Islamic Communities
The indigenous Islamic Communities of Mindanao have various vocal forms for
different occasions. Their vocal music is focused on topics dealing with life cycles, folk
epic, religious chants and Islamic rites.

Below are examples of songs they sing for specific activities

Activities Songs

Lullaby Tausug – Langan bata-bata

Maranao - Kambonbong

Advice to married couple Tausug - Tarasul

Courtship Maranao – Bayok

Tausug - Sindil

Work Tausug – Sayil (pounding of rice)

Entertainment Samal – Tenis-tenis

Ramadan Tarawe

M A P E H 7 | 85

A. Identify what kind of music are the following songs. Choose the correct answer



1. Sindil -
2. Langan bata-bata -
3. Tenis-tenis –
4. Tarasul –
5. Tarawe –
6. Kambonbong
7. Bayok –
8. Sayil –

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the two musical traditions of Mindanao?


2. Who are the ethnolinguistic groups who are practicing the Islamic traditions?

M A P E H 7 | 86
3. Who are the ethnolinguistic groups who are practicing the Non-Islamic traditions?


4. What are the topics/themes in the vocal music of Islamic communities in




Activity Title: Vocal Music of the Non-Islamic Communities in Mindanao

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the different vocal music of the Non-Islamic communities
in Mindanao.
Essential Question: How can we preserve the musical traditions of the indigenous
communities in Mindanao?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, p 119

The Non-Islamic communities of the Mindanao region also love to sing songs
about nature, life marriage, work or occupation, rituals, epics, and even about death.
Some of the vocal music of the Manobos, Badjao, T’bolis and Subanon are performed
with instrumental music or with dance. The most common instrument used to accompany
their vocal music is the Kudlong.
Below are some of the songs they sing in their daily life activities.


Incantation Kambong

Marriage Rite Sinda-ay

Circumcision Manambay

M A P E H 7 | 87
Laments Ulaging

Thanksgiving Ritual Pangando


A. Answer the following questions below.

1. Who are the ethno-linguistic group in the Non-Islamic communities in Mindanao?


2. What is the common instrument used to accompany their vocal music?


3. Is music significant or important in the lives of the indigenous communities in

Mindanao? In what way?
4. What are the subjects/themes in the vocal music of Non-Islamic communities in
B. Unscramble the following letters to make it right. Match column A to column B.


_____1. NAAYMAMB –

_____2. NDPAOGAN –

M A P E H 7 | 88
_____3. BMNAOKG –

_____4. DNIAYSA –

_____5. IUGLNAG –


Activity Title: Instrumental Music of the Islamic Communities in Mindanao

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the different instruments of the Islamic communities in
Essential Question: What is the musical ensemble of the Islamic communities in

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, pp 118-119

Aside from the vocal music, the Islamic communities are also well-known
because of their very prominent musical ensemble called the Kulintang ensemble.
Instruments in Kulintang Ensemble
1. Kulintang – eight-graduated sized cylinder
2. Gandingan – a set of suspended gongs
3. Agong – biggest gong in the kulintang ensemble
4. Dabakan – a tubular drum
5. Babandil – a gong that is slightly bigger than the smallest kulintang
6. Kubing – a thin bamboo slit with a narrow vibrating tongue at the middle that is
played by putting the instrument on the mouth and striking it with fingers.
7. Gabbang – a wooden xylophone played by striking it with a wooden mallet.
8. Kudyapi – two-stringed instrument that is shaped like a boat. It is played by
plucking its strings.

Each instrument plays a vital role in making the ensemble sound as one. The music of
the ensembles begins with the heavy steady beats from the dabakan. It is followed by the
introduction and body of the music which is played by the kulintang, the other

M A P E H 7 | 89
instruments like the agong and the gandingan provide the embellishments and
punctuations of the music.


A. Identify what instrument in the Kulintang is being described.

__________________1. It is a set of suspended gongs.

__________________2. It is a wooden xylophone.
__________________3. It is a tubular drum.
__________________4. It is a gong that is slightly bigger than the smallest kulintang.
__________________5. It is a two-stringed instrument that is shaped like a boat.
__________________6. It is a thin bamboo slit with a vibrating tongue at the middle.
__________________7. It is an eight-graduated sized cylinder.
__________________8. It is the biggest gong.
B. Draw the musical instruments of Islamic communities in Mindanao. (You may
use the internet in Computer Laboratory)

M A P E H 7 | 90

Activity Title: Instrumental Music of the Non-Islamic Communities in Mindanao

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the different musical instrument of the Non-Islamic
communities in Mindanao.
Essential Question: Where did their musical instrument usually made of?
Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing
House, Inc., Quezon City, p 200

The musical instruments used by the Non-Islamic communities vary in names but
their description and function are more or less similar with one another.
1. Kudlong – is a two-stringed instrument with a resonator and a neck. It is played
by plucking the strings with the fingers or with a plectrum. It is called hagolong
among the T’bolis.
2. Takumo – is made from matured bamboo. It produces one low tone and cannot
play any melody. It is also known as thambobook among the Subanons.

M A P E H 7 | 91
1. Palakpak – made from bamboo and consists of two parts that are struck against
each other. It is referred to as todale among the Bilaan indigenous community and
palakpak among the Bagobo tribe.
2. Agong a tamlang – made from bamboo and it has a closed node on one end and
open node at the other end which is tapered at the tip. It is sometimes called as
“bamboo gong” as it is used to substitute large hanging gongs.
1. Suling – is a wind instrument made of bamboo. At times, a palm leaf is wounded
around the close end of the flute.
2. Tambuli – it is made from a carabao’s horn. It is blown by the Badjaos before
they pray.
1. Amel – is created from a hollow piece of log covered with animal skin. This is
used by the Bagobo community. The same instrument is used among the Bilaan
which they call tlodal.
2. Tugo – is a short white drum used by tiruray tribe.


A. Identify what is being described in the following.

_______________1. It is sometimes called as “bamboo gong.”
_______________2. It is a two-stringed instrument with a resonator and a neck.
_______________3. It is a short white drum.
_______________4. It produces one low tone and cannot play any melody.
_______________5. It is created from a hollow piece of log covered with animal skin.
_______________6. made from bamboo and consists of two parts that are struck against
each other.
_______________7. It is a wind instrument made of carabao’s horn.
_______________8. It is a wind instrument made of bamboo.

B. Draw the musical instruments of Non-Islamic communities in Mindanao.

M A P E H 7 | 92

Activity Title: Folk Arts of Mindanao

Type of Activity: Concept Notes
Learning Target: To identify the different folk arts of Mindanao.
Essential Question: How arts reflect the rich history of Butuan?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, p 119

Butuan and Agusan

Before the Philippines came to being, Butuan already existed as early as early as
4th century and according to Chinese Song Shi (history), its people already had a trading
relationship with the kingdom of Champa in in the present day South Vietnam as early as

M A P E H 7 | 93
10th century. In the 11th century, Butuan was already a thriving center of trade and
commerce in the country. This is supported by archaeological finds showcased in the
museums including the artifacts of nine balangay excavated in the vicinities of Butuan
City. It is in Butuan that the first Catholic mass in the Philippines was celebrated by the
Spaniards in 1521.
Butuan is known for its crafts in gold such as the golden sash found in the area-
an intricate weaving of thin threads of gold that the ancients mastered. It is said that no
technology could equal the ingenuity of the goldsmith of such golden sash probably worn
by a powerful chieftain in the area. This golden sash is a part of the Surigao Treasure.
Aside from the golden sash is golden dagger handle with fantastic asymmetric
forms that suggests raging flames around the bird’s head which similar to Garuda in
Indonesian mythology. In the Hindu belief, Garuda is the vehicle of god Vishnu and
dubbed as the sun bird. Early Filipino refers the sun as hari which may imply power and
divine attributes of power.

M A P E H 7 | 94

Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What is in the record of Chinese Song Shi (history) about Butuan?

2. What is the evidence that the Butuan is the center of trade and commerce?

3. What is generally recognized crafts in Butuan? Described it.


4. Describe the golden dagger handle of Butuan. How it is related to Indonesian


M A P E H 7 | 95
5. Who are the Manobos? Describe their folk art.

6. Who are the lumads?



Activity Title: OKIR

Type of Activity: drawing
Learning Target: To identify the different folk arts of Mindanao.
Essential Question: Where did they use the okir?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, pp. 182
The Maranaos call their ornamental design okir, a general term for both the scroll
and the geometric form. The scroll is dominant feature in the men’s work composed of
various spiral forms. In contrast, the zigzag and angular forms are the dominating motifs
in women’s geometric art. In their language, the scroll is called okir a datu (gentlemen’s
design) as distinguished from okir a bay (Ladies’ design), referring to the geometric

M A P E H 7 | 96
Other variation of okir involves sarimanok, a rooster-like figure that carries a fish
in its beak
Anthropomorphic designs – stylized designs derived from plants, animals, and persons
like the pako rabong (a stylized design based on a vine or fern), naga (abstract form of a
mythical dragon or serpent).
Geometric designs – based on different kinds of lines, shapes and primary colors
Okir a datu – gentlemen’s design/scroll
Okir a bay – ladies’ design/geometric design


What You Will Do

1. Look or search images of okir. Observe and
describe the elements of art in each one –
lines, forms, textures, and colors featured in
the designs.
2. Choose one you would like to draw: okir a datu or okir a bay.
3. If you choose okir a datu, practice drawing scrolls, leaves, or flower motifs.
4. Observe balance, rhythm, and other principles of art.
5. If you choose okir a bay, practice drawing geometric designs.
6. Finalize and color your design.

M A P E H 7 | 97
Activity Title: Lanao
Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the different folk arts of Mindanao.
Essential Question: What is the description about Maranaos?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, pp. 182

M A P E H 7 | 98
Lanao is composed of two provinces – Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur, belongs to
Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). These two provinces are mostly
occupied by the Maranaos, the largest, most dominant Muslim group in the Philippines.
They were the last major group embrace the Islamic faith and the most successful in
resisting the Spaniards. They are the wealthiest, most powerful, most educated, and most
strict their practice of Islam.
The center of Maranao arts and culture is believed to be the municipality of
Tugaya in Lanao del sur. Finest examples of Maranao arts are made in this serene
municipality near the placid Lanao lake. The town was nominated by the National
Commission for Culture and the arts (NCCA) in early 2000s UNESCO World Heritage
Living in the town of Tugaya are mostly skilled artisan and craftsmen specializing
in almost every craft from woodcarving, instrument making, textile weaving, brass and
silver casting, gold and mother-of-pearl inlay works. They are also skilled in adorning
torogan and wooden boxes called baul.


Answer the following questions.

1. Who are the largest and most dominant Muslim group in the Philippines?
2. What municipality is the center of Maranao arts?

M A P E H 7 | 99
3. What is baul?
4. What is malong?
5. Describe the design in malong.
Design your own malong.


Activity Title: Folk Arts Of T’bolis, Yakans Sulu, Bukidnon, And Davao
Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the different folk arts of T’bolis and Yakans.
Essential Question: Where did they use their folk arts?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica E. (2013). Our World of MAPEH 7, Vibal Publishing

House, Inc., Quezon City, pp. 182

M A P E H 7 | 100
T’nalak Weaving of T’bolis
One of the finest arctistic expressions in the south is a hand-woven cloth made
from finest abaca fibers called t’nalak or tinalak from the T’boli of South Cotabato. This
cloth is considered to be the expression of warm
acceptance or welcome and honor to guests aside from
being decorative tapestry. It is said that woven weavers
weave intricate designs that are believed to be “gift from
God.” Among the T’boli people, t’nalak signifies the status
of its owner.
Yakans of Zamboanga and Basilan
The Zamboanga Peninsula has been a long time Spanish stronghold in
Minadanao, the center of which is Fort Pilar. The presence of the Spaniards in the area
gave way to the development of a new language – the Chavacano which is the oldest
Creole of Spanish.
The Yakans are among the best weavers in the peninsula and the neighboring
province of Basilan. The geometric and colourful patterns of the Yakans are among the
widely sought after souvenirs and items by the local and foreign tourists. Their motif is
repeated throughout their artworks namely the pussuk labbung, saw-tooth design used in
making cloth baskets and native sword called kris. The bunga sama, used for table
runners, monuments for the dead and on trunks, is a symmetrical design made a
rectangular-shaped figures. The kabban buddi is a set of triangles, squares and other
geometric shapes use for cusions, pillows, casing, mats, and hats. The baggang kettan
combines incised triangles and rectangles used to decorate kris. The ukil lagbas consists
of combination of various lines – wavy, crossed-wavy and straight – used on shirts,
windows and boats.

Jolo, Sulu
Jolo is a town in the provice of Sulu. It is said that it was Sheriff Muhammad
Kabunsuan from Malaca introduced Islam in Sulu and founded the sultanate.
Kabungsuan’s arrival using a tombstone found in the area bearing a date of 740 AD or or
1380 in the Roman calendar.
Their art expressions are usually in the forms of dance, weapons and
clothing. Their barong sword is styled according to Maranao okir traditions.

M A P E H 7 | 101
Bukidnon are indigenous groups of people in Mindanao that belongs to lumads –
the un-Islamized and un-Christianized Asustronesian people of Mindanao. Malaybalay
City in Bukidnon is famous for its only ethnic festival in the country – the Kaamulan
Festival derived from “amul” that literally means “to gather.”
Traditional Bukidnon costumes are composed of alternate horizontal stripes of
red, white, and black with jewelries accented with yellow and gold. Male costumes are
usually different in patterns and designs from those of the women. Male attire is darker in


A. Identify what is being described in each statement:

______________1. It is a hand-woven cloth made from finest abaca fibers of T’boli.

______________2. It is the new language gave by the Spiniards to Zamboanga.

______________3. It is the motif or designs were repeated throughout their artworks.

______________4. Sword styled according to Maranao okir traditions.

______________5. It is used for table runners, monuments for the dead and on trunks, is
a symmetrical design made rectangular-shaped figures.

M A P E H 7 | 102
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Who introduced Islam in Sulu and founded the sultanate?

2. What did the people of Sulu call their sword?


3. Who are the lumads?


4. What is the festival in Bukidnon?


5. Describe the costumes in Bukidnon.



Activity Title: Davao and Maguindanao

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the different folk arts of Maguindanao.
Essential Question: Where did they use their folk arts?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Material, p. 82

M A P E H 7 | 103
Another important cultural group in Mindanao is Maguindanaon. They are found
in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and among the Muslim
groups with advance culture and rich artistic legacies.
The Maguindanaons are easily distinguished through their color scheme – red,
yellow, green, and black. These colors signify royalty among them and strictly observed
in all their buntings, curtains, and decorations such as pandala, sambulayong, bagiuntay.
Likus and lalansay are displayed indoor and often accented with sequins. All other
buntings are displayed outdoor and differ from each other according to their sizes.

M A P E H 7 | 104

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Who are the important cultural group in Mindanao?

2. What are the color schemes of the Maguindanaons?

3. What do these colors signify?

M A P E H 7 | 105
B. Draw and color the illustrations of the color schemes of Maguindanaons in
their indoor and outdoor buntings.


Activity Title: Mental and Emotional Health

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the factors affecting mental and emotional health
Essential Question: How can you stay mentally and emotionally healthy?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Materials .DepEd.

Mental and emotional health refers to the over-all psychological well-being of an

individual. It includes the way one feels about oneself, the quality of ones relationships,
and ones’s ability to express and control one’s feelings and deal with difficulties.

M A P E H 7 | 106
So many things have been said about mental health. It is the key to wholesome
adjustment; it denotes a sound state of mind; and it means facing and accepting the facts
squarely. The United Sates National Committee for Mental Hygiene defines mental
health as “The adjustment of individuals to themselves and the world at large with
maximum effectiveness, satisfaction, cheerfulness and socially considerate behavior and
the ability to face and accept the realities of life”.
Mental Health is determined by the way a person feels about himself, towards
others and how he is able to face and adjust to day – to – day living conditions. People
who are mentally healthy usually can “roll with the punches”, they can resolve most of
their problems at a reasonable amount of time.

Characteristics of Good Mental Health

1. Having a positive self – concept
2. Taking responsibility for yourself
3. Having satisfying relationships
4. Adapting to changes

Significant Signs of having Good Mental Health

1. A well – adjusted person knows how to deal with others, which makes him a good
companion and co – worker.
2. He is able to accept himself and the conditions of his life with fairly persistent
3. Confronts his problems that come each day with evasive or compensatory reactions.
4. He absorbs or masters the inevitable conflicts, frustrations, disappointments and
temporary defeats without undue emotional turmoil.
5. He contributes a spirit of cooperation and good will to the necessary activities of his
6. He has wide interest, attacks his work with zest and gets satisfaction out of doing it.


A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is mental health?


2. How important is mental health? Explain


3. Explain the characteristics of good mental health.


M A P E H 7 | 107
4. How does mental health affect your attitude in some instances?

B. Think of everything you know about Mental and emotional health. Write down
words or phrases that you associate with these two terms.



Activity Title: “Am I affected or not?”

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To become aware of how one develops good mental health, habits,
and attitudes.
Essential Question: Aside from the given factors, what do you think are the other factor
that affects good mental health?
Reference: K-12 Learner’s Materials .DepEd. pp. 5-7

Mental health aims primarily to the attainment and preservation of one’s

personality and behavior. Its scope goes beyond our homes, and includes the school,

M A P E H 7 | 108
church, hospital and the other institutions that help develop stable emotional reactions
and desirable behavioral patterns in individuals of all ages.

Factors affecting Mental Health

1. Hereditary Factor – it encompasses the physical qualities and talents with which we
are born. It is the sum total of the qualities, characteristics and traits which have been
transmitted from generation to generation.
2. Physical Factor – the tired, chronically fatigued, malnourished student or a student
who is suffering from pernicious anemia, is a poor student for education. His attention
span is short and his infrequent reading may be due to physical disabilities of vision,
hearing or even neurological disorders.
3. Socio – cultural Factor – molding each child’s personality is the kind of home and
community in which he has lived, the family circle, the cultural background, religious
beliefs, economic and social status, his physical conditions and his peer groups.
4. Physical Health – anything that lessen physical strength enfeebles the mind and makes
it less capable of discriminating between right and wrong.
5. Intelligence – higher intelligence means the ability to handle more complex
6. Family as a model – they provides one with his/her social experiences. The family
members must respond positively so that one will learn to do the same values.
7. Habit training in childhood – the family and the home assist one’s mental growth.
They can show good habit of study and provide an environment that is intellectually
8. Ethical and moral upbringing – one learns about faith and values, relationship with
neighbors, friends and other people.
9. Personal efforts to practice mental hygiene – attitudes constitute values that relate to
oneself. A person develops attitudes towards work, other people, authority, parents or
world conditions which exert an influence upon your behavior.


Direction: Answer the following questions correctly.

1. Choose at least 5 factors affecting good mental health. Give example in each factor.




M A P E H 7 | 109


2. Cite any experiences or observations made on the school or in your community about
the good influences of mental health to individual.

3. In what way can you help develop good mental health?

M A P E H 7 | 110

Activity Title: “Whatta feeling!”

Type of Activity: Concept notes /Self – Evaluation
Learning Target: To explain the importance of emotions to mental health.
Essential Question: How feelings affect your decision?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Materials .DepEd.

Emotions are feelings of love, excitement, anger, and frustration. When you
respond to a negative or positive situation, you are experiencing emotions. There are five
basic emotions:
1. love,
2. Happiness,
3. Anger,
4. Fear, and
5. Sorrow.
Sometimes you are confronted with certain situations or problems and you
respond to them in order to prevent, avoid or control emotional distress.
Strategies to Cope Emotional Problem
1. You can try to change the situation that is causing the emotional distress.
2. You can try to change the interpretation of the situation so that it has less
importance and is not so distressing.
3. You can try to change the negative feeling without changing the situation or how
you think about it.
4. Accept and understand fears, anxieties, and worries.
5. Keep your emotions within the context of the situation.
6. Do not allow emotions to affect your general behavior.
7. Mistakes happen; you can learn some lessons from them.
8. Take positive actions to control and direct your emotions.
9. Learn from friends who know how to deal with stress or pressure calmly.

Negative Feelings and Attitude

When social and emotional needs are not met, some negative feelings and attitude
are developed. These are loneliness, alienation and emptiness, mild depression, and mild

M A P E H 7 | 111
Some Negative feelings and emotion that affect good mental health

1. Very strong reaction to simple problems or disappointments.

2. Inability to get along with people at home, school, church, or at work.
3. Mistrust of family and friends.
4. Preoccupation with fears and anxieties.

M A P E H 7 | 112

Direction: Answer the questions correctly.

1. What is emotion? How important is it to mental health?

2. Can you be alone in a crowd? How are you going to deal with?

3. What are the ways in which you can solve emotional problems?

4. How can you avoid the negative feelings?


5. What are the strategies to cope emotional problems?


M A P E H 7 | 113

Activity Title: Mental Disorder/Illness

Type of Activity: Concept notes /Self – Evaluation
Learning Target: To realize the importance of living a happy and useful life by adopting
positive behavior.
Essential Question: Why does the home exert an important influence in the prevention
of delinquency?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Materials .DepEd.

The tension created by frustration drives the individual in search of possible

adjustment. Often, one finds relief and satisfaction in the different adjustment
mechanisms as most of the person’s needs are fulfilled. At times, the various defense
reactions are inadequate, and the person fails to secure the proper satisfaction for his
subjective needs. As a result, one feels dissatisfied in his dealings with society and the
terrific strains under which he is subjected to affect his attitude, reaction and total
conduct. At the end, his constant feelings of failures and inability to make proper
adjustments to his everyday problems change his total personality, as to make his life in a
persistent state of maladjustments, either mild or severe.
Major or serious forms of mental illness, whose behaviors are
Psychotic person is characterized by a wholly unrealistic interpretation of
himself and the life around him. His ego has lost control over the
personality. They are social inept.
Psychoses can classify as: organic or somatogenic, an ailment caused by
changes in the brain or central nervous system like senile dementia, and
functional or psychogenic, a serious mental disorders involving the total
personality with no observable tissue damage.
There are four types of organic psychoses: associated with infectious
diseases, especially general paresis or syphilis, associated with toxin,
especially alcoholic psychoses, associated with head injuries, associated
with old age.
Some abnormal behavior causes by functional psychoses are: personality
aberrations, psychosomatic disorder, and neurosis.
Neurosis can be classified into three: anxiety, neurasthenia, and

M A P E H 7 | 114

Evaluate yourself by answering these questions:

Are you someone who:
a. Is a self – centered individual? Explain.

b. Escapes from problems and responsibilities? Explain.


c. Combats shyness and feelings of inferiority? Explain.


d. Gives greater values in self – discipline, love and respect? Explain.


e. Is an example of a wise and intelligent individual? Explain.


M A P E H 7 | 115

Activity Title: Heal me please!!!!!

Type of Activity: Concept notes /Self – Evaluation
Learning Target: To become aware of desirable traits that will help an individual to
prevent mental illness.
Essential Question: What is the importance of knowing the different services that help to
prevent mental disorder/illness?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Materials .DepEd.

The promotion of mental health is not the sale of the medical profession or its branch of
psychiatry alone but of all organized social activities and institutions, such as family,
employment, church, the educational system, the recreational outlets and the special
corrective and protective services.

Different Services that may help to prevent Mental Disorder/Illness

1. Psychiatry – plays an important role in instituting order to reduce the difficulty and to
bring about effective personality development. They also deals primarily
with the more severe types of personality disorders.

2. Psychoanalysis – strives to expose the ego in the treatment situation and the original
emotional conflicts which it could not solve in the past. The patient is
expected to appear several times a week for interview with the analyst and
engage in a free association which involves the spontaneous verbalizing of all
that comes to mind, without organizing or censoring the material.

3. Group Therapy – is a form of psychotherapy wherein six to ten persons meet once or
twice a week under the directions of a trained leader or therapist. This
method saves time because one therapist can help several people at once and
the group provides experiences of communicating and interacting with other
people which is not possible between the client and the therapist.

4. Psychotherapist – is a method of verbal treatment which has been labeled “the talking
cure”, the aim of which is to free or to alleviate the client’s mental illness.

Health Interpersonal Relationship – are good to personality development and hence to

mental health.

Mental illness or disorder can be prevented if there are agencies and institutions
which will work for the conservation of mental health and help raise the standards of care
for those suffering from any disorder or defect.

M A P E H 7 | 116
In the Philippines, the earliest records that we have of institutional care and
treatment of mental patients were early part of the 19th century, when some mental cases
were admitted to the Hospicio de San Jose de Manila. This institution, which was
founded in 1810, served as the asylum not only for Manila residents but also for other
disturbed cases coming from the provinces.

Public and Private Nonpolitical Agencies and Organization which can give
support to the youth so that they can lead normal lives by joining and actively
participating in worthwhile activities in the community.

1. Abiertas House of Friendship, Quezon City

2. Prevent and Rehabilitate Drug Abusers Foundation, Inc, Olongapo City
3. Student Personnel Services, Brent School, Baguio City
4. Young Men’s Christian Association, Manila
5. Family Center of Asian Social Institute, Manila
6. Family Planning Organization of the Philippines

M A P E H 7 | 117

A. Answer the following question correctly:

1. How important are agencies that are dedicated to the prevention of mental


2. What will you do if you have relative that is mentally ill?

B. Complete the sentences or statement below:

1. I learned that. . .

2. I realized that. . .
3. I recognized that. . .

C. Discuss the importance of home, school, and community in preventing mental

illness or disorder. State your answer into 5 sentences.

M A P E H 7 | 118
M A P E H 7 | 119

Activity Title: Vocal Music of the 20th Century Filipino Composers

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To correlate Philippine music and theater to Philippine culture.
Essential Question: How Philippine music and theater correlates to Philippine culture?

Reference: K-12 Learner’s Materials .DepEd. pp. 93-94

Vocal Music composed by Filipinos may be classified into Nationalistic Songs

and Love Songs and performed as Solo or Choral form. The compositions Marangal na
Dalit ng Katagalugan by Julio Nakpil and Lupang Hinirang by Julian Felipe (
Nationalistic) , the Kundiman Nasaan Ka Irog? by Nicanor Abelardo, the ballad Gaano
Ko Ikaw Kamahal by Ernani Cuenco (Love Songs), Sa Ugoy ng Duyan by Lucio San
Pedro and Payapang Daigdig by Felipe De Leon will complete the musical journey in
this module. These songs express the beliefs of a nation about patriotism, love and how a
nation places a value on artists’ creations.

Music, even without the words, can tell us stories about a particular time, place,
person, and event – much more, music with words. By listening and singing these songs,
we take part in the stories behind each one, making it a story of our own.

1. Himno Nacional Filipino –known presently as Lupang Hinirang, the National

Anthem of the Philippines, with music by Julian Felipe, originally an instrumental march,
known as either Marcha Filipina Nacional or Marcha Filipino Magdalo, and lyrics from
Jose Palma’s Filipinas, Letra Para La Marcha Nacional. This work was commissioned
by Emilio Aguinaldo and was played during the declaration of Philippine Independence
on June 12, 1898.

2. Marangal na Dalit ng Katagalugan – with music and lyrics written by Julio Nakpil
in 1896. Nakpil later changed the title to Salve Patria. It was first played to
commemorate the eighth anniversary of Rizal’s execution on December 30, 1904.

3. Kundiman – known as The Philippines’ signature love song; it is an art song in triple
time. According to Raymundo Bañas, there are three theories on the origin of the

M A P E H 7 | 120
kundiman: a shortened version of the phrase “kung hindi man”, derived from the verse
“Hele hele nang kandungan/ Hele hele ng kundiman”, and kundiman, referring to a red
cloth worn by male dancers or men in the Philippines. Aside from messages of love, it
also expressed sentiments of nationalism.

4. Nasaan Ka Irog? – a kundiman in slow triple time composed by Nicanor Abelardo in

1923, which was inspired by his childhood friend Dr. Francisco Tecson’s personal
experience on love.

5. Nicanor Santa Ana Abelardo (1893-1934) – He is one of our great composers,

pianist, and a teacher of composition at the University of the Philippines then
Conservatory of Music. His 140 compositions include kundimans, sarswelas,
instrumental works, and UP Beloved, a university hymn which won first prize in an open
musical composition contest.

6. Ballad- a narrative song, ranging from indigenous forms to Hispanic-influenced

themes. The romantic themes of the contemporary ballad or urban popular love songs are
closely related to the kundiman.

7. Gaano Ko Ikaw Kamahal? – a ballad composed by Ernani Cuenco in 1979, with

lyrics by Levi Celerio, both National Artists for Music. It was used as a movie theme for
a 1980s movie with the same title, starring Lito Lapid.

8. Ernani Joson Cuenco (1936-1988) – proclaimed National Artist for Music in 1999;
He was an award-winning film scorer in the early 1960s, working in collaboration with
National Artist for Music Levi Celerio.

Philippine popular music is the music of the majority, probably because it has
more themes that people can relate to. Because of the emergence of innovations such as
high-technology instruments and recording equipment plus the internet, more and more
people are able to access and also, create their own music to express their ideas and
address certain issues, such as on nationalism and social relevance. Avenue for music is
not just the classical concert hall, but is now practically anywhere. Song writing contests
support not only existing artists but also give encouragement to the emerging song
1. OPM – Original Pinoy Music or Original Philippine Music; a label used for original
popular songs by Filipino artists
2. Genre – a distinct style of music
3. Pop – refers generally to music that is easily accessible by the public through mass
media, and is also subject to selling
4. Fusion – a style of music infusing World music elements

M A P E H 7 | 121
5. Novelty song – comical popular songs that may be for a current situation, holiday, or
just a can just be a dance fad
6. Hip hop – a style of music incorporating complex, stylized rhythms that is often
accompanied by rapping. It belongs to a subculture that also goes by the same name, hip
7. Folk rock – a style of music combining folk and rock elements. It is a genre term that
was originally coined in the USA and/or UK. During the 1960s.

Pioneers of Philippine Popular Music.

a. POP: Ryan Cayabyab (Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika) and APO (Batang-bata ka pa)
b. FUSION: Joey Ayala (Magkaugnay), Diwa De Leon (Panorama), and Radioactive
Sago Project (Alak, Sugal, Kape, Babae, Kabaong)
c. NOVELTY: Yoyoy Villame (History of the Philippines)
d. HIP HOP and FOLK ROCK: Francis Magalona (Mga Kababayan Ko) and Freddie
Aguilar (Anak)

M A P E H 7 | 122

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is popular music?

2. Have you been listening to Original Philippine Music? What do you think about
our original songs? Do they send a good message to the youth or no?

3. Has technology helped us in promoting OPM or has it promoted more piracy?

What do you think about uploading existing songs and/or original songs into

4. Who are the pioneers in Philippine music? Do you like their songs? Why?

B. Fill the table below.


M A P E H 7 | 123

Activity Title: Prominent Filipino Composer

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To analyze the relationship of functions of the works of representative
Filipino popular musicians, to the lives of the people.
Essential Question: What do you think the key factor why they became prominent
Filipino composers?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica, E. Our World of MAPEH. Vibal Publishing House,Inc.

Quezon City. Pp. 86-89

Levi Celerio

• He wrote 4000 songs and remained poor. But that is something every man of his kind
takes pride of.
• A great number of kundimans and Filipino love songs have lyrics written by him,
most notable of which are Dahil sa Iyo, Buhat, and Ang Pasko ay Sumapit.
• His name was placed in the Guinness Book of World Records for his leaf-playing

Julián Felipe

• A dedicated music teacher and composer, he was appointed by then-President Emilio

Aguinaldo as Director of the National Band of the First Philippine Republic.
• As the composer of the music of the Filipino national anthem, now known as Lupang

Nicanor Abelardo

• “Father of Filipino Sonata”

• Abelardo was a prolific composer of the kundiman in the 1920s. His work ''Nasaan
Ka Irog?'' had stirring, poetic lyrics which later evolved into movie theme songs.

M A P E H 7 | 124
• His composition ''Naku… Kenkoy!" (1930) combines the fox-trot and waltz with
humor. Used as a tribute to thekomiks character, Kenkoy, His works have continued
to draw interest even after his death in 1934.

Antonio J. Molina

• He was a National Artist of the Philippines. His talent was prodigious: he was the first
violoncellist of pre-war times, a composer, conductor, pedagogue, and music
• A true pioneer, he was one of the first composers to incorporate pentatonic scales and
ethnic instruments such as the kulintang, and gabbang in his symphonies.

George Canseco

• Multi-awarded composer Canseco had no formal training in music.

• He has won a total of 6 FAMAS Awards for Best Movie Theme Song.the Artistic
Achievement Award.

• He was paid 1.5 million my Pres. Marcos for composing the song “Ako Ay Pilipino”.

Francisco Santiago

• The Father of Kundiman Art Song

• Most famous piece "Kundiman, (Anak-Dalita)", was sung upon the request
of King Alfonso XIII before the Royal Court of Spain.

• He was named UP Emeritus Professor of Piano, on May 25, 1946. The

nationalistic musician died of heart attack on September 28, 1947.

Freddie Aguilar

• Singer-songwriter (composed 44 songs)

• Known works: “anak”, “Bulag, Pipi at Bingi,” “Magdalena”, “Olongapo,” “bayan
ko”, “Trabaho,” and “Estudyante Blues.”
• Anak, This song about parents’ unconditional love for a wayward son was
released in 56 countries and translated into more than 26 foreign languages.
• “Bayan Ko” (theme song of anti-Marcos protesters )
Joey Ayala

M A P E H 7 | 125
• a contemporary pop music artist
• an Economics graduate of the Ateneo de Davao University
• combines the sounds of Filipino ethnic instruments with modern pop music.
• known works: “tabi po”, "Walang Hanggang Paalam" , "Wala Nang Tao Sa Santa
• Awards:Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Award for Social Artistry, Datu Bago


Direction: Fill the table below.



Nicanor Abelardo

Known works: “anak”, “Bulag,

Pipi at Bingi,” “Magdalena”,
“Olongapo,” “bayan ko”,
“Trabaho,” and “Estudyante

He was placed in the

Guinness Book of
World Records for his
leaf-playing feat.

M A P E H 7 | 126
Composer of the music of the
Filipino national anthem

Joey Ayala

Francisco Santiago

He Composed the song “Ako Ay


M A P E H 7 | 127

Activity Title: Prominent Filipino Composer (Part 2)

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To analyze the relationship of functions of the works of representative
Filipino popular musicians, to the lives of the people.
Essential Question: What do you think is the key factor why they became prominent
Filipino composers?

Reference: Ramirez, Veronica, E. Our World of MAPEH. Vibal Publishing House,Inc.

Quezon City. Pp. 86-89

Apo Hiking Society

• Apolinario Mabini Hiking Society

• famous group was organized in 1969
• Daniel “Danny” Javier, 57, Jaime Ramon “Jim” Paredes, 53; and Jose “Boboy”
Garovillo, 53.
• distinct Filipino culture and style
• known works:“Mahirap Magmahal ng Syota ng Iba,” “Pumapatak ang Ulan,”
“Nakapagtataka”, “doobidoo”
• awards:The Best Group “cited by the Awit Awards”

Gary Granada

• born in 1960 in Maco Davao (Compostela Valley)

finished valedictorian at Maco Heights and Maryknoll schools.
• Metallurgical Engineering, University of the Philippines (kicked out of U.P. and has
no college diploma)
• known works: “Dam”, “Bahay”, “Mabuti pa sila”

M A P E H 7 | 128
• works as voice and on-cam talent for PCIJ, DED,ABS-CBN, PROCESS, GMA
Network and Ad Agencies

Willy Cruz

• Cruz's compositions "Araw-Araw, Gabi-Gabi" and "I'll Never Ever Say Goodbye"
respectively helped make Didith Reyes and Nonoy Zuñiga popular.
• He also did the theme songs for the movies "Kung Mahawi man ang Ulap," "Maging
Akin Ka Lamang," "Pahiram Ng Isang Umaga," and "Himala Ng Pag-Ibig." And his
compositions, "Bituing Walang Ningning," "Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas," "Bukas
Luluhod ang mga Tala" and "Oras-Oras, Araw-Araw" made their mark because the
melodramatic progression of the ballads made Sharon Cuneta more accessible to the

Ryan Cayabyab

• He is the most popular Filipino composer of modern times. Through the years, Ryan
Cayabyab has gone into jazz, theater, and pop to cover all listening bases. He even
incorporated ethnic music in “Misa,” “Kapinangan,” and “Maria Makiling.”
• But like other composers, He endeared himself to the public through his radio-
friendly compositions like “Araw Gabi,” “Iduyan Mo,” “Kay Ganda ng Ating
Musika,” “Kailan,” “Kumukutikutitap,” “Minsan ang Minahal ay Ako,” “Liman-
Dipang Tao,” “Wala Kang Katulad,” and “Tuwing Umuulan at Kapiling Ka.”

Jose Mari Chan

• Among his famous songs were “Tell me your name”, “Christmas in our hearts”,
“Beautiful Girl” and “Constant change”.
• He is known for his “Beautiful Girl” and become one of the most-respected and
most-enduring singer-songwriter of the country. He is the only
singer/composer/producer that has been bestowed lifetime achievement awards

Ely Buendia

• writer and musician who gained fame as guitarist, songwriter, and lead vocalist in
the popular Pinoy rock band Eraserheads, The Mongols, and Pupil
• known works: “Pare ko”, “Ang huling El Bimbo”, “Ligaya”

Ogie Alcasid

• singer, songwriter, comedian, composer, television host, actor, and entrepreneur.

M A P E H 7 | 129
• His well known song were “Nandito Ako , Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang?, Kailangan Ko’y
Ikaw, Pangako Sa yo’ and Ikaw Sana”.

Yoyoy Villame

• Yoyoy was known for his catchy novelty songs such as "Mag-Exercise Tayo," "Si
Filemon," "Hayop Na Kombo," "Tarsan at Barok," "Philippine Geography,"
"Butsekik," among others.
• His long list of hits and his entertaining style of music earned him the title of "King
of Philippine Novelty Songs“

Lito Camo

• Known for his novelty hits, he is dubbed as reigning king of the novelty songs. He
turned artists into an instant sensation because of his songs.
• Among his famous composition were, Pera O Bayong, Bakit Papa, Spaghetti Song,
Ms. Flawless, Igiling-Giling, Bulaklak, lagot ka!, In or Out, Wowowee, Dododo
Dadada, Giling-Giling and Nakaka...

M A P E H 7 | 130

Direction: Fill the table below.



Lito Camo

Yoyoy Villame

Ogie Alcasid

M A P E H 7 | 131
Ely Buendia

Jose Mari Chan

Ryan Cayabyab

Willy Cruz

Gary Granada

M A P E H 7 | 132
Apo Hiking Society


Activity Title: Philippine Drama and Theater

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the different examples of theater in the Philippines.
Essential Question: What is theater?

Reference: K to 12 Module 11

Theater arts in the Philippines have been alive since the early 1600’s.
Komedya/Moro-moro performances played an active role in converting the early
Filipinos to Christianity. Komedya was often performed in town fiestas as part of the
entertainment and to teach Hispano-Christian values. To add flavor to the stage
performances, the stories were incorporated with magical forces and creatures. As the
years went by, the Sarsuela emerged as another theatrical form. It incorporated more
singing and dancing. These types of Theatrical performances are currently being revived
by Filipino theater groups based in different parts of the country as well as with Filipinos

Dramatic forms during the Spanish Period were the:

1. Carillo or shadow play- held before a lamp, are shadows of cardboard figures
projected on screen.

2. Komedya – a Philippine theatrical tradition that was used by the Spaniards to

indoctrinate the early Filipinos on Christianity. Dialogues are spoken in lyrical
poem form. This theatrical form decreased its popularity as modern forms of
theater emerged in the country.

M A P E H 7 | 133
3. Moro-moro – a type of Secular Komedya that was popular in the 1600’s. Stories
revolve around kings, queens, princes, princesses, animals and supernatural
beings. It is believed to be an offshoot of chivalric-poem called awit and
legendary religious poem called corrido. Most of the time, the theme of the play
depicts battles between the Christians and Moros.

4. Loa – a short performance presented before a long drama to introduce the main
drama and praise its performers.

5. Panunuluyan – a street play dramatizing the rooming-in of Mary and Joseph for
shelter in Betlehem during Christmas Eve.

6. Cenaculo or Sinakulo – the Pasyon or passion of Christ dramatized.

7. Tibag – meaning tear down- the reenactment of Emperor Constantine’s or

Empress Helena’s search for the true cross.

8. Salubong – an Easter presentation reenacting the meeting of Mary and the

resurrected Christ.

9. Zarzuela or sarsuwela – a three-in-one act play with songs and dances. It depicts
political conditions of our country, or feelings of love, fear, grief, sorrow or any
sublime emotion.

10. Drama simbolika or symbolic drama – an indigenous revolutionary drama. It has

patriotic contents written by playwright who cherished the ideals of the

M A P E H 7 | 134

Direction: Define the following.

1. Komedya -

2. Loa -

3. Tibag -

4. Zarzuela -

5. Carillo -

6. Moro-moro -

7. Drama simbolika -

8. Salubong -

9. Sinakulo -

10. Panunuluyan -

M A P E H 7 | 135

Activity Title: Visual Arts in Philippine Drama and Festivals

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the visual arts in Philippine drama and festivals
Essential Question: Does theater reflect the culture of the Philippines?Why?

Reference: K to 12 Module 11

Traditional Drama

Before the coming of Spain, the Filipinos were already entertained by the elders –
they were the first storytellers narrating the great epics of their tribes, the legends sur-
rounding their place, the stories from distant lands, the lives of their gods and god-desses,
the conflict between the good and the evil, and almost every aspect of life. Oth-er groups
found it more entertaining to employ music, costume, and accessories to these stories
such as the Sakuting dance in the south that narrates a story of a princess, who in search
for her prince ventured into the dangerous forest passing through differ-ent obstacles
along her way. In the North, the people of Cordillera are often entertained by village
storytellers who are chanting the stories of their gods and ancestors as in the Hudhud.

In the lowland, Christianized communities, dramas find its new setting in re-
enacting the lives of the saints, the life and death of Jesus, the miracles of the Virgin
Mary, and in the battles between the Christians and the Moslems. The Santacruzan for
example dramatizes the search of Empress Elena for the Holy Cross; Lutrina is similar to
Santacruzan but it is celebrated by the farmers asking for rains to water their crops.
Equally similar is the Subli in Alitagtag and Bauan in Batangas which is set into dance

M A P E H 7 | 136
and music narrating the search for the Holy Cross. The actions in each canto narrate the
odds encountered by the person who searched for the wooden cross. Although Chris-tian
in manner, it is still noticeable that the Filipinos adapted the new religion to en-hance
their old beliefs. Drama in the Philippines may have evolved also from early reli-gious
rituals that involve chanting and dancing. In Obando, Bulacan, dancing is asso-ciated
with fertility rites of the early Filipinos as observed in the archaeological dig-gings in
Pila, Laguna. The Santa Clara dance dramatizes the desire for the gods to send or not to
send rains for the crop as well as the Karakol dance. The Putong and Tobong dances of
Marinduque and coastal municipalities of Quezon facing Marinduque are actually forms
of drama set into music. The text of Tobong narrates how the three kings (Gaspar,
Melchor and Balthazar) searched for the birthday celebrant to give their felici-tations and
gifts which is similar to the story of the three kings during the Yuletide sea-son. As we
examine those dances, we will discover the underlying drama narrated through dance and

Cenaculo, a drama about the life, passion, and death of Jesus Christ usually set in the
town plaza is actually a communal affair because it uses the entire community as the
actors and the spectators as equal-ly significant part of the drama. This Lenten tradition-al
drama uses European-inspired clothes particularly the Roman centurions, the attires of
the Jews and the disciples. This, including the Pabasa ng Pasyon, is among the highlights
of Lenten celebration in Chris-tian Philippines.

Moro-moro is a bloody skirmish between the Christians and the Moslems. This
immortalizes the conflict of the Spain with the Moors as narrated in the national epic of
Spain, El Cid. This could have originated with the long-time conflict between the
converts to Christianity and the Moslems in the south or the old tradition of
pangangayaw or raids. That is why this form of drama gained acceptance among the
Christian population.

Dupluan, a form of game can also be classified as drama because it narrates a story often
of a king seeking for something among his loyal servants. This tells us that the
trustworthy are often rewarded while the offenders are always punished.

With the above forms of drama in the Philippines, it can be deduced that the plot and
performance is the essential element of every Philippine dra-ma. Major characters are
often portrayed with extra-special roles, status, or experience, almost revered, edified,
and idolized while enjoining the audiences as participants. There is always a protagonist
and an antagonist. In some traditional drama, such as in cenaculo, the audience
themselves are members of the cast; they set the tone and the mood of the story. They are
part in the development of the story from exposition to conclusion. Setting and theme are
often defined and merged with the community. Spectacles are often simple. The music is
supplied by the audience although there is already an accompaniment. Traditional dramas

M A P E H 7 | 137
are often characterized with poetic dialogues and evocative mood. They aimed at
expressing intense feelings and emotions that will make the audience cry, laugh, or even


Direction: Describe the following traditional drama in the Philippines.

1. Sakuting -

2. Hud-hud -

3. Santa Cruzan -

4. Subli -

5. Tobong -

6. Cenaculo -

7. Moro-moro -

8. Dupluan -

M A P E H 7 | 138

Activity Title: Modern Drama

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the unique features of different festivals and drama in the
Essential Question: How other countries influence the theater of the Philippines?

Reference: K to 12 Module 8, pp. 180-182

Modern Drama

During the American period, zarzuela became popular.

National Artist Atang dela Rama was among the popular
zarzuelistas. It is a form of drama with music and acting that
evolved from Latin influences of Spain and Mexico and the
Broadway performances and vaudevilles of the Americans.
Zarzuelas dominated the Philippine theatres during the
American regime and these theatrical performances made Philippine drama more
interesting and western in character but very Filipino in spirit.

Modern drama in the Philippines evolved from radio drama in the mid-20th century and
found new grounds in Philippine television. From soap operas and Mexican novelas, the
Filipinos created the telenovela, fantaserye, and epic serye.
Dubbing became popular also in the later part of the 20th
century and early 21st century. Filipino dubbers made Mex-

M A P E H 7 | 139
ican and Korean novelas more interesting to Filipino viewers by translating foreign
dialogue into Tagalog.

Parts of a Drama

Exposition is an element of the story that tells about the background of the situation.
Development in a story refers to the succession of events and movements leading the
situation to its turning point.
Turning point in a story tells about the solutions employed for conflicts as a result of
difficult decision-making.
Climax is the highest point of the story.
Denouement is the unravelling of the plot in a story. It gives the idea of how the
character is discovered or how a mystery is resolved or how the unknown is revealed.
Conclusion is the ending of the story.

The different forms of theater in the modern times are the following:

1. Tragedy- it is more than a play with an unhappy ending. A tragedy presents the
suffering and punishment of a hero, who is always someone of importance.

a. Ex. Mcbeth- a tragic play by Shakespeare

b. Death of a salesman- by Arthur Miller

2. Comedy- it is an amusing play that echoes the typical issues and pokes fun at
important persons like politicians.

3. Farce- form of comedy. Based on some kind of mistakes that put the character
into an awkward and embarrassing situation.

4. Melodrama- it is a sensational theater of suspense where the hero is spotlessly

good while the “bad guy” is a real villain and the pure and innocent heroine is
saved only at the last moment.

5. Musical- this refers to a play where music plays an integral part. Ex. “Cats” (one
of the world’s most successful musicals. Musical is an entirely song and dance
play with no dialogue scenes.

6. Brechtias- it is a theater with a presentation style which can employ mimic,

songs, dances, slides, stylized sets and costumes. The typical character and stories
are taken from the folklore, history and other non-realistic sources.

7. Children’s theater- this refers to a play with children as actors or play performed
by adults for children.

M A P E H 7 | 140
8. Dramatic monologue- it is a kind of modern play which feature one actor
speaking and acting out his inner most thoughts and emotions. He is the main
character of the play.

9. Puppet theater- it is a form of drama in which the characters are played by



A. Describe theatre During:

1. American period-

2. Mid-20th century-

B. Define the following:

1. Different parts of drama.







2. Different forms of theater in modern times

M A P E H 7 | 141










Activity Title: Philippine Festivals

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To understand that art is an integral component of Philippine dramas
and festivities.
Essential Question: What is your observation in the festivals and dramas in the
Reference: K to 12 Module 8, pp. 182-183

Festivals are delightful events for the Filipinos – we are all feast-loving people.
We love to celebrate almost every aspect of our existence – from birth to death. We have
birthday celebrations, wakes for the dead , marriage feasts, and others.

Our life is surrounded by festivals. Our festivities are our expression of

thanksgiving and celebration for the blessings from God.

In almost every barangay, sitio or district, there is a fiesta in honor for a particular
patron saint. There are municipalities with many fiesta celebrations all year round. For
example, the Turumba Festival in Pakil is the longest religious festival in the country. In
Lucban, Pahiyas is in honor of their patron saint, San Isidro Labrador. In some mu-
nicipalities of Quezon, the festival features different products and celebrated dif-ferently
from each other although the theme is the same. In Cebu, Sinulog is in honor of Senior
Sto. Nino which is also celebrated in Pista ng Itim na Nazareno in Quiapo.

M A P E H 7 | 142
Other festivals are geared towards cultural preservation and tourism such as the
Panagbenga in Baguio City, Ati-Atihan in Aklan, Binirayan in Antique, Dinagyang in
Iloilo, Kadayawan in Davao, Maskara in Bacolod, Kasadyaan in Tacloban, Moriones in
Marinduque, Sorteo in Carmona, Cavite, Lechon in Batangas, Boling-boling in
Catanauan, Quezon, Kakanindayog and Wagayway in Imus, Lubi-lubi in Negros,
Coramlan in Alaminos, Bangus in Pangasinan, and thousands of others. It is only in the
Philippines that every municipality celebrates its own festival annually in addition to
provincial-wide and regional-wide festivals organized by the Department of Tourism.

Each festival is unique. Flowers and ornamentals dominate the Panagbenga,

kiping in the Pahiyas, colors and paints in Maskara, Ati-atihan and Sinulog, and products
in other festivals. Several festivals are profit-oriented; others are religious in spirit; while
others are festivals for a cause. No matter what type of festival is celebrated, the im-
portant element is that the community is united in these festivals.


Direction: Fill the table below.








M A P E H 7 | 143











M A P E H 7 | 144





Activity Title: Philippine Paintings

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To understand that painting played a crucial role in the life and history
of the Filipinos.
Essential Question: Where did the Filipinos use paintings?
Reference: K to 12 Module 8, pp. 182-183

Damian Domingo Y Gabor (1796-July 26, 1834)

• The first great Filipino painter.
• The first Filipino to paint his face, the first self-portrait in the Philippines.
• Founder of the Academia De Dibujo (1821)- the first school of drawing in the
• Father of Filipino Painting
1815- La Sagrada Familia
1830- La Catedral De San Pedro
1825- La Immaculada Concepcion

Juan Novicio Luna

• Born in Badoc Ilocos Norte on October 24, 1857

M A P E H 7 | 145
• Died in Hongkong on December 7, 1899
• Studied at Academia de Dibujo y Pintura
Works of Juan Luna
• La Bella Feliz y Esclava Ciega (The Happy Beauty and the Blind Slave)
• La Muerte de Cleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra)- won silver at Madrid Art
Exposition (1881).
• Portrait of Pedro Paterno
• Spolarium- won first gold medal at the Madrid Art Exposition.Shows dead
Roman gladiators being dragged into the basement of coliseum.

Felix Resureccion Hidalgo

• Born in Binondo, Manila on October 24, 1857
• Died in Barcelona on March 13,1913
Works of Hidalgo
• Las Virgenes CristianasExpuestas al Populacho - (The Christian Virgins
Exposed to the Populace) -silver medal at the 1884 Madrid Art Expo.
• Laguna Estigia- (1887) received gold medal at 1887 Madrid Art Expo
• La Barca De Aqueronte- (The Boat of Charon) -silver medal Paris Expo,
diploma of honor at the Barcelona 1891 Arts Expo, and gold medal at 1889
Madrid International Arts Expo.

Fernando Amorsolo
• Honored as The First National Artist in Painting on April 28, 1972 by then
President Ferdinand Marcos.
• The first to extensively portray traditional Filipino customs manners, fiestas and
• Called as the "Grand Old Man of Philippine Art".

Works of Amorsolo
• Leyendo El Periodico
• Rice Planting
• A Basket of Mangoes
• Lavanderas

Carlos "Botong“ Francisco

• Muralist painter
• 1973- proclaimed as National Artist in Painting
• 1968- received the Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinangan Award.

Works of Francisco

M A P E H 7 | 146
• Kaingin
• Fiesta
• First Mass of Limasawa
• Bayanihan
• Bonifacio Mural

Victorio Edades
• Father of Modern Painting
• Leader of "The Thirteeen Moderns"
• 1976- proclaimed as National Artist in Painting
Victorio Edades’ Works
• The Sketch - called the "Artist and His Model"
• Kasaysayan- mural for Manila Bank

Vicente S. Manansala
• Cubist painter born in Macabebe, Pampanga
• Developed the transparent cubism
• 1982- proclaimed as National Artist in Painting

Works of Manansala
• Madonna of the Slums - portrayal of a mother and child reflected the poverty in
post-war Manila.
• Balut Vendors
• Jeepneys- painting shows the daily congestion in the metropolis. It is drawn from
a neo-realism style in which Manansala uses.

M A P E H 7 | 147

Direction: Match column A with Column B.


____1. Spolarium A. Damian Domingo

____2. first self-portrait in the Philippines. B. Juan Luna

____3. Laguna Estigia C. Felix Hidalgo

____4. The Death of Cleopatra D. Fernando Amorsolo

____5. The Boat of Charon E. Carlos Francisco

____6. Father of Modern Painting F. Victorio Edades

____7. First National Artist in Painting G. Vicente Manansala

M A P E H 7 | 148
____8. Muralist Painter

____9. Transparent Cubism

____10. Rice Planting

____11. Balut Vendors

____12. The Sketch


____14. Bonifacio Mural


Activity Title: Non-Communicable Diseases

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To define non-communicable disease.
Essential Question: How can a person prevent to have non-communicable diseases?

Reference: K to 12 Learner’s Material, pp. 329-330

Non-Communicable Diseases
- are diseases that cannot be spread from person to person. Some non-communicable
diseases are chronic. Chronic means that it is present either continuously or on and off
over a long period.

Some congenital diseases are caused by heredity, while others are caused by a
mother’s choice of lifestyle while pregnant.
Congenital Disorders -are all disorders that are present when the baby is born
Heredity- is the passing of traits from parents to their children. Examples of traits that
can be passed from parents to their children are: eye color, sickle cell anemia, etc.

Factors that You Cannot Control:

M A P E H 7 | 149
a) Heredity
b) Age
c) Gender

Factors that you Can Control:

i. Eat healthy food
ii. Stay physically active
iii. Maintain a healthy weight
iv. Get enough sleep
v. Manage stress
vi. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs


◼ Unhealthy diet
◼ Malnutrition
◼ Obesity
◼ Physical activity
◼ Smoking
◼ Alcohol
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES It is a disease of the heart and blood vessels.This is
the leading cause of mortality in the Philippines.

1. Arteriosclerosis- condition that refers to the hardening or thickening of the

2. Coronary heart disease- occurs when coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked.

3. Heart attack- an injury to heart muscle caused by reduced blood supply.

4. Angina Pectoris- narrowing of coronary arteries due to heart getting inadequate

quantity of oxygen resulting to chest pains.

5. Rheumatic fever- happens when the immune system attacks the heart. It is an
acute fever marked by the inflammation and pain in the joints, caused by an

6. Arrhythmia -the condition when heart beat is not in rhythm.

7. Congestive heart failure- the heart is not able to pump blood causing liquid to
accumulate in the lungs and other areas of the body.

8. Stroke- also known as “cerebrovascular accident”. Occurs when blood vessels in

the brain are broken or blocked.

M A P E H 7 | 150

A. Match column A with column B.

A B.

_____1. Heart is not able to pump blood a. Coronary Heart Disease

_____2. Severe pain in the chest caused by an b. Stroke

inadequate supply of blood to the heart

_____3. Hardening or thickening of the c. Arrhythmia


_____4. Caused by reduced blood supply. d. Congestive heart failure

_____5. Acute fever and pain in the joints e. Arteriosclerosis

_____6. Blood vessels in the brain are broken f. Rheumatic fever

or blocked.

_____7. Heart beat is not in rhythm. g. Angina Pectoris

_____8. Coronary arteries are narrowed or h. Heart attack


M A P E H 7 | 151
B. Draw the ways of preventing non-communicable diseases.

M A P E H 7 | 152

Activity Title: Cancer, Diabetes, and Asthma

M A P E H 7 | 153
Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify different examples of non-communicable disease.
Essential Question: How can we prevent those examples of non-communicable disease?
Reference: K to 12 Learner’s Material, pp. 329-330

Cancer is a group of disease where in the cells divide in an uncontrolled phase.

◼ Malignant- cancerous; it can infect and destroy nearby tissues and expand to
other parts of the body.
◼ Benign-not cancerous; may grow larger but do not spread to other parts of the
◼ Carcinoma - Most common form of cancer; breast, uterus, prostate, lung,
stomach, colon and rectum
◼ Sarcoma - Connective or supportive cancers which include muscle, bone, fat,
blood vessels and cartilage cancers.
◼ Lymphoma - Cancers arising in cells of lymphatic tissues or the immune system.
◼ Leukemia - a cancer in the blood or bone marrow.


◼ Radiation therapy - uses high energy radiation to kill or damage cancer cells.
◼ Immunotherapy - treatment where the immune system is stimulated to fight
cancer cells.
◼ Chemotherapy- treatment under medication of anti-cancer drugs which can kill
cancer inside the body.

DIABETES/DIABETES MELLITUS – is a disease in which the body produces little or

no insulin at all.

Type 1 Diabetes

◼ “Insulin dependent diabetes”

M A P E H 7 | 154
◼ Increased thirst, frequent urination, continuous hunger, weight loss,
blurred vision tiredness.

Type 2 Diabetes

◼ “Non-Insulin dependent”

Gestational Diabetes

◼ Occurs in females during pregnancies

Asthma is chronic condition in which breathing becomes difficult.


Direction: Identify what is being described in the following statements.

M A P E H 7 | 155
________________1. It is a cancer in the blood.

________________2. It is medical condition causing difficulty in breathing.

________________3. It is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells

in a part of the body.

________________4. It is a cancerous tumour.

________________5. It is the treatment of cancer by the use of chemicals.

________________6. It is a not cancerous tumour.

________________7. It is the treatment of cancer by the use of radiations.

________________8. It is a disorder of the metabolism in which a lack of hormone



Activity Title: Cataract, Alzheimer’s disease, and Osteoporosis

M A P E H 7 | 156
Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify different examples of non-communicable diseases.
Essential Question: How can we prevent those examples of non-communicable

Reference: K to 12 Learner’s Material, pp. 329-330

A cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye which leads to a decrease in vision. It
is the most common cause of blindness and is conventionally treated with surgery. Visual
loss occurs because of pacification of the lens obstructs light from passing and being
focused on the retina at the back of the eye.

It is most commonly due to aging, but has many other causes. Over time, yellow-brown
pigment is deposited in the lens, and this, together with disruption of the lens fibers,
reduces the transmission of light and leads to visual problems.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder in which the death of brain cells causes
memory loss and cognitive decline. A neurodegenerative type of dementia, the disease
starts mild and gets progressively worse.

Unavoidable risk factors

• Age
• Family history (inheritance of genes)
• Being female (more women than men are affected).

Potentially avoidable or modifiable factors

• Factors that increase blood vessel (vascular) risk

• Low educational and occupational attainment.
• Prior head injury
• Sleep disorders
Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone
mass and density which can lead to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis, the
bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture deteriorates, and the
amount and variety of proteins in bone are altered.


M A P E H 7 | 157
A. Identify what is being described in the following.
____________1. It is a disease of the brain that causes people to slowly lose their
memory and mental abilities as they grow old.

____________2. It is a condition in which a part of eye becomes cloudy and you cannot
see well.

____________3. It is a condition in which the bones become weak and break easily.

B. Draw the causes of Osteoporosis, Cataract, and Alzheimer’s disease


M A P E H 7 | 158

Activity Title: Causes and Risk Factors of Non-communicable Diseases

Type of Activity: Concept notes
Learning Target: To identify the causes and risk factors of NCD.
Essential Question: Why we need to identify the causes and risk factors of NCD?


The World Health Organization (WHO) reports NCDs to be by far the leading
cause of death in the world, representing over 60% of all deaths. Risk factors such as a
person's background, lifestyle and environment are known to increase the likelihood of
certain NCDs. Every year, at least 5 million people die because of tobacco use and about
2.8 million die from being overweight. High cholesterol accounts for roughly 2.6 million
deaths and 7.5 million die because of high blood pressure.

Causes and Risk Factors

Risk factors such as a person's background; lifestyle and environment are known
to increase the likelihood of certain non-communicable diseases. They include age,
gender, genetics, exposure to air pollution, and behaviors such as smoking, unhealthy
diet and physical inactivity which can lead to hypertension and obesity, in turn leading to
increased risk of many NCDs. Most NCDs are considered preventable because they are
caused by modifiable risk factors.

The WHO's World Health Report 2002 identified five important risk factors for
non-communicable disease in the top ten leading risks to health. These are raised blood
pressure, raised cholesterol, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and overweight.

It has been estimated that if the primary risk factors were eliminated, 80% of the
cases of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancers could be prevented.
Interventions targeting the main risk factors could have a significant impact on reducing
the burden of disease worldwide. Efforts focused on better diet and increased physical
activity has been shown to control the prevalence of NCDs.


M A P E H 7 | 159
Draw the causes and risk factors of Non-communicable diseases.

M A P E H 7 | 160

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