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CHAPTER EIGHT Analytical Geometry ‘The purpose of Analytical Geometry is to translate geometrical objects into algebraic equations. We can then use algebraic methods to solve geometrical problems. In Grade 11, our focus is on objects consisting of straight lines. SION OF GRADE 10 CO) DISTANCE/LENGTH The distance between any two points A(x4:y) and B(xg;y) is given by BOxpiYp) AB=Vlay— xa) +On— Ya Alyn) Equidistance Point P is said to be equidistant from points A and B if AP =PB: A B P MIDPOINT ‘The coordinates of the idpoint M(xy:y4) oF a line segment AB with A(xa:yq) and BOxp:yp) are given by ay = AS yyy = AB xy) ACA) GRADIENT Given any two points A(r4;y) and B(rg;y,) on a straight line AB, the gradient of the line is given by Bowiyn) AGtaiya) 185 Parallel Lines Perpendicular Lines Collinear Points a “ ‘ < A B a ‘D me 'B A ec D EXAMPLE Given the points A(-1;2) and B(1;5). (a) Calculate the length of AB. (b) Determine the coordinates of M, the midpoint of AB. (©) Calculate the gradient of AB. (d) If Bis the midpoint of AC. (©) Show that A, B and P are collinear, if P is the point (5:11). ‘Solution @)— AB= Cry — 4) #Op—Ya™ (b) = Yasir 46-27 =vi3 © @ 3 ©) gy = (shown above) +. A, Band P are collinear 186 EXAMPLE2 For which value(s) of ¢ are the points A(¢;3r), B(t + 3:21) and C(10;1—1) collinear? olution Mg =Mige are £(t=3)0-1)=0 3ort EXAMPLE 3 ;k). Determine the value of kif ), BUS3), C15; Given the points A(-2; (@)— ABIICD (ob) ABLCD ‘Solution @) My = Mcp (b) may X Mey x-8)+(-1-4y P4804 16+1= 1° ~ 160+ 64425 224x272 3 187 EXERCISE 1 (a) (b) {c) (d) [O} wo (g) (h) @. a If P(8:4) is the midpoint between A and B(13;6), determine (1) the coordinates of A. (2) the length of AB. (3) the gradient of AB Show that the point P(1;1) is equidistant from A(2;4) and B(-2;2). Given A(-3;-5), B(O;—3) and C(6;1), show that A, B and C are collinear. M(p;4) is the midpoint of CD, where C is the point (-3;1) and D is the point (5;4). Caleulate the values of p and g. A(-1;-5), B(4:1), C(-3;-6) and D(t;2) are points on the Cartesian plane. For which value(s) of tis ()— ABICD? @) ABLCD? Mis the point MN = 33 unit Given the points P(-2;2), Q(3:7) and R(-9;y), Determine the value(s) of » if P is equidistant from Q and R. 1), The point N is in the second quadrant and has coordinates (16). If . determine the value of x. In the following sketch, A(—1;2), B(2;3) and C(3;6) are the vertices of AABC: Cc P. B (1) Show that ABC is isosceles. (2) Show that BP L AC. (3) Calculate the area of AABC. Determine the value(s) of p for which the points (p~1;p—4), (p—p) and (2p—1;-3p +2) will be collinear. Prove that the points A(-1;1), B(v;x°) and C(—3;3—2.x) will be collinear for all values of x (x#—Land x#-3), ‘THE EQUATION OF ASTRAIG! iE ‘The equation of a straight line has the form: In this form, m is the gradient and c is the y-intercept. You must also be aware of the special forms for horizontal and ver ical lines: Horizontal Line: y= constant Vertical Line: x = constant GRADIENT-POINT FORM If given the gradient m and a point (x,;y) ona straight line, then the equation of the line is: =m(x-4) EXAMPLES Determine the equation of the straight line (a) parallel to y=2x~3 and passing through the point (1;—4). (b) perpendicular to 2x—3y=7 and passing through the point (—4;3). (a) and y,=—4 =m(x—%) y= 20-) +4=2x-2 Determine the equations of the straight lines passing through the following pairs of points: (a) 3) and (1;9) 189 Solution (a) First, determine the gradient: Now use this gr yoy =m(x— 4): , together with any one of the two points, in the formula 2(x+2) using the point (-2;3) 2x+4 Qet7 (b) Notice that the y-values are the same, but the x-values differ. This means that we are dealing with a horizontal line: ys3 (c) Notice that the x-values are the same, but the y-values differ. This means that we are dealing with a vertical line: x=-2 EXAMPLE7 Determine the equation of the straight line shown in the following sketch in the form ax+by+e=0 ‘Solution ‘The straight line passes through the points (4;0) and (0;2). yeme+e edysaxt4 out 2y—4 190 CALCULATING THE POINT OF INTERSECTION Knowing the eq do this by simply ations of any two straight lines enables us to calculate the point of intersection. We Iving the two equations simultaneously as illustrated by the following example: EXAMPLES The following sketch shows the graphs of 2x~3y=—4 and x +2) y Calculate the coordinates of P. Point of intersection: P(1;2) EXERCISE 2 {a) Determine the equation of a straight line which is (1) parallel to y=—3x-+4_ and passes through the point (—1;5). (2) perpendicular to y + 3 and passes through the point (1;3). (3) parallel to 3y-2x=10 and passes through the point (3:10). (4) perpendicular to the line Sy=—3x and passes through the point (3; (5) horizontal and passes through (3:2). (6) vertical and passes through (~3;7). it (b) Determine the equation of the straight line passing through the given pair of points: a (-3;1) and (—5;5) Q) (3;2) and (-9;-2) GB) (GB: 7)and (5:4) (4) (Sil) and (-5;7) (5) (0:4) and (10;4) (©) Determine the equations of straight lines AB, CD and EF in the following sketch: y, (@)— Acertain straight line Detern perpendicular to the line y+3x=2 and cuts it at the equation of this line, (©) Determine the coordinates of point P in each of the following diagrams: a) Q) 3 G) y @ 1m ‘The inclination @ of a line is the angle between the line and the positive x-axis, measured in an anti~ clockwise direction: Ifthe gradient of a straight line is m, the inclination is the unique angle @, such that tan@ =m and 6 €[0°:180°) If m20: 0=tan'm If m<0: = tan! m+180° Line Gradient Inclination (m) (8) Positive ‘Aculs (Between 0° and 90°) Negative Offre " (Between 90° and 180°) —_— 0 0° Undefined 90° 193 EXAMPLE9 Determine the inclination of line PQ in each case: @ » ® P38) Q(V3:1) P0:0) x Qus4) Solution -0 @) maa ) tan@=m “tan= Je 20= 135° (tan™"(-1)+180°) L soe teact (=) EXAMPLE 10 Determine the inclination of the straight line 2y-+31 5, correct to two decimal places. Determine the equation of a straight line with an inclination of 135° and passing through the point (3:2). Solution m= tan@= tan 135° =—1 K(x-3) x+3 x5 194 THE ANGLE BETWEEN TWO LINES ‘The inclination of a line is the angle between the line and the positive x-axis, We may, however, use any horizontal line instead of the x-axis. In order to calculate an angle between two lines, we draw a horizontal line through the point of inters us determine the angle between the lines: ction and then use the inclinations of the two lines to help =; -6, EXAMPLE 12 Determine the si 1c of ot in each of the following diagrams: © yex42 ® a Ba; o p AGS:-1) C(3:-2) 2y-3x= © yy py-3ee4 ot * ‘Solution (a) tan@, = tan@, =-2 20, =45° 2:0) = 116,57 a=6,-8, 16,57°-45° =71,57° L {b) DQ;2) 5 Mev tan@, = tan@, =—4 53,43" £8, = 104,042 BPD =153,43°— 104,04° = 49,39° C3;-2) a@=DPA =180°-BPD =180°—49,39° (©) EXERCISE 3. (a) Calculate the inclination of each of the following straight lines: () y=x43 Q) yaox42 8)» “ 2x45 (3) 3r-2y=6 (6) Sx+ (b) Calculate the inclination of the straight line passing through the given pair of points: (1) CS;l)and (137) Q)_—(3s3) and (5;-1) () Determine the inclination of the line shown in the following sketch: (d)_ What is the gradient of a straight line with inclination a) 30°? Q) 45°? GB) 60°? @) 90°97 (5) 120°? (6) 135° (7) 150° 196 (©) Determine the equation of a straight line (1) with inclination 45° and passing through the point ( (2) with inclination 135° and passing through the point (2; (3) with inclination 30° and passing through the point (V3:3). (©) Determine the size of angle o in each of the following sketches @ 2 =2x+1 mt yaxt3 o @) @ ap oe aee (4:5) PC-1:4) S(5:0) C-3;-2) Bd;-2) QGBi=) (6) oy © 197 (g) Determine the size of angle B in the following sketch: (b)* The hour hand of a clock, centred at the origin, has equation y (1) What is the time? (2) What is the equation of the minute hand? ‘TRIANGLES SPEC! NES Median: Perpendicular Bisector: the opposite side. e drawn from a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of An altitude is a line drawn from a vertex of a triangle, perpendicular to the opposite A perpendicular bisector of a line segment is a line that passes through the midpoint of the line segment and is perpendicular to the line segment. Vertex Midpoint | Perpendicular Median v v Altitude v v Perpendicular Bisector of v v AB 198 EXAMPLI 13 ‘The following sketch shows AABC, with median AM and altitude AP: y 53-6) Determine (a) the equation of median AM. (b) the equation of altitude AP. (©) the equation of BC. (@) the coordinates of P. (@) the area of ABC. Solution (a) Since AM is a median, M is the midpoint of BC: m( W345 Tx-14 y=7x-11 (b) Since AP is an altitude, AP 1 BC: ~6+2_ 1 © (d) Ps the point of intersection of AP and BC. Solve y=2x—1 and 2y+.=~7 simultaneously: 2Q2x-I)+x=-7 o4ax-2tx=-7 @ — BC=¥-3-5F +246) =4V5 AP=JO41P +43" = 35 Area AABC= ; xbasex 1 height 1 =>xBCx AP 3x BCx ab xayS x = 30 units” EXAMPLE 14 Determine the equation of PQ, the perpendicular bisector of line segment AB, in the following sketch; P AG32) B(10;~3) ‘Solution 10-5 My = Since PQ is the perpendicular bisector of AB, PQ. AB: M9 = Also, since PQ is the perpendicular bisector of AB, it passes through the midpoint of AB: ae 24).(18 ‘) 200 In the following example, we will make use of the Midpoint Theorem from Grade 10 Geometry: EXAMPLE 15 ‘The following sketch shows AABC, with AP = PC and BQ=QC: (a) Determine the gradient of PQ. (b) Determine the length of PQ. (©) IfPhas coordinates (-2;4), determine (1) the coordinates of C. (2) the size of ACB. ‘Solution (a) AP=PCandBQ=QC (Given) + PQIAB (Midpoint Theorem) 2 Myg = Ming 3-1 “743 (b) PQ=>AB (Midpoint Theorem) © 201 Q) BC7;3) -3: ACD) 6-0; = 81,86° +. ACB = 81,86° (Vert opp 2s) EXERCISE 4 {a) The following sketch shows AABC with vertices A(3;6), B(2;1) and C(8;3) y (8:3) (1) Determine the equation of AP, a median of ABC. (2) Determine the equation of AQ, an altitude of AABC. (3) Determine the equation of the perpendicular bisector of BC. (4) Determine the size of ABC. (b) In the sketch, APQR has vertices P(4;4), Q(-1;—4) and R(3;0). QRT is a straight fine, y; R(3:0) ¥ Q-1;4) (1) Determine the equation of the perpendicular bisector of QR. (2) PSisamedian of APQR. Determine the equation of PS. QB) If PT is an altitude of APQR, determine (i) the equation of PT. (4) Determine the magnitude of QPR. the coordinates of T. 202 (©) The following sketch shows AABC, with vertices A(p;8), B(-2;-2) and C. T(1:g) isa point on AC. The equation of AC is 4y-+3x=11 and the equation of BC is 7y— 2, » (1) Show that p=~7 and g=2. Q) Show that BT is an altitude of AABC. B) Determine the coordinates of C. (4) Determine the area of AABC. (d) Inthe following sketch, the equation of MN is 2x + 3y= 18 and MN = V13 units: D (1) What is the gradient of (2) What is the length of E Motivate. ? Motivate. (@) The following sketch shows AABC with vertices A(I;5), B and C(5;-1). P(-1;1) is the midpoint of AB. Q is a point on AC, such that PQ||BC: AL5) CS ;=1) 203 (1) Determine the coordinates of B. (2) Determine the equation of BQ. (3) AMisamedian of ABC. Determine the equation of AM. (4) The centroid of a triangle is defined as the point where the medians of the triangle intersect. Determine the coordinates of the QUADRILATERALS ‘The following table shows the properties of the different quadrilaterals studied in earlier grades: Quadrilateral Properties ‘Trapezium Parallelogram + Both pairs of opposite sides parallel airs of opposite sides equal + Both pairs of opposite angles equal + Diagonals bisect each other Rhombus + All four sides equal Ke + Diagonals are perpendicular to each other oe + Diagonals bisect the angles “ (In addition to this, the rhombus also inherits LX’ all the properties of the parallelogram) Rectangle + All four angles are 90° + Diagonals are equal in length (In addition to this, the rectangle also inherits all the properties of the parallelogram) Square (The square in BOTH the rhombus and rectangle, and therefore also of the parallelogram.) erits ALL the properties of 5 A In a square all four sides are equal and all four 45° angles are 90°. o, LQ iZ NS RS > Kite + Two pairs of adjacent sides equal + Diagonals are perpendicular to each other + The main diagonal bisects the other diagonal + The main diagonal bisects angles + The angles opposite the main diagonal are equal 204 EXAMPLE 16 In the following sketch, PQRS is a rhombus: PQ:4) Determine the equation of SQ RG:0) (Diagonals of a rhombus) Tis the midpoint of PR (Diagonals of a rhombus) (2) -10: 2 To find the fourth vertex of a parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle or square, use the fact that the diagonals bisect each other. EXAMPLE 17 The following sketch shows the coordinates of P, A and R: 5 P(-2:4)@ 4 R(-1;3) @ 3. @ Ad:5) 54 Determine the coordinates of M if PARM is a parallelogram. 205 Solution Itis important to be aware of a convention that is always followed when naming a quadrilateral, We always “go around the shape”. This helps us to know what the sides and diagonals of the quadrilateral are, If we get this wrong our result will be incorrect: “_ PARM a 3 Je Ve ~ diagonal diagonal Note that the quadrilateral is not always named in alphabetical order. We calculate the midpoint of diagonal PR: pf This is also the midpoint of diagonal AM. If you plot point M on the same set of axes as P, A and R above, you will see that it completes the parallelogram and that the naming convention is upheld. 206 PROVING THAT A QUADRILATERAL IS OF A SPECIFIC TYPE To prove that a given quadrilateral is a parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square ete. we have to show that certain minimum conditions are met. The most effective methods are given in the following table: To prove that a quadrilatey show that... trapezium one pair of opposite sides are parallel parallelogram diagonals bisect each other rhombus itis a parallelogram AND diagonals are perpendicular to each other rectangle itis a parallelogram AND one angle is 90° it is a rhombus AND one angle is 90° square OR it is a rectangle AND diagonals are perpendicular to each other kite one diagonal is bisected by the other at 90° Note that other combinations of properties than those listed here may be used. These are generally the quickest to apply, using analytical methods. 207 EXAMPLE 18 The following sketch shows quadrilateral PQRS: Qu:s) P(-2;4) R(2;2) SID Prove that PQRS is a (a) parallelogram. (b) rhombus. (© square. Solution @) Midpoint of PR = (22 a } Midpoint of QS ( + ) *. PR and QS bisect each other. + PQRS is a parallelogram, (Diagonals bisect each other) (b) — PQRS is a parallelogram. (Proven) Mo mes Te Mpg X Mog = 2 PR LQS 2. PRQS isa rhombus (Parm with 1 diagonals) (©) PQRS isa rhombus. (Proven) yg X Mpg = 3X PQ = 90° PQRS is « square (Rhombus with 90°2) 208, EXERCISES: (a) (b) {c) @) © AC-1:4), BC coordinates of D. 6), C(3;~1) and D are the vertices of parallelogram ABCD. Determine the o( §), 05:9), R( : that PORS is a (1) parallelogram, 2) rhombus. ) and S(—1;~1) are the vertices of quadrilateral PQRS. Prove ‘The following sketch shows rhombus DEFG: D(-3:5) FOL) G Determine the equation of GE. N(-2;-3), I--3:2), C and E(3;-2) are the vertices of parallelogram NICE. (1) Determine the coordinates of C. (2) Show that NICE is a rectangle. (3) Show that NICE is a square. The following sketch shows kite ABCD. BC is perpendicular to the x-axis (1) Determine the coordinates of D. (2) Determine the equation of AC. G) Determine the coordinates of T. (4) Determine the coordinates of C. (5) Determine the size of ABC. 209 (f) Inthe following sketch, ABCD is a rhombus. The equation of AB is 4y—.=9 and the D (1) Determine the coordinates of @ P (i) oA (2), Determine the magnitude of ACD. (3) Determine the equation of AC. (4) If AB=V17, determine the coordinates of D. CONSOLIDATION AND EXTENSION EXERCISE (a) Given the points A(-3;2), B(-5;—1) and C(-1;1), (1) Determine the length of AB. (2) Determine the coordinates of the midpoint of AB. (3) Determine the value(s) of rif (i) A, Band C are collinear. (ii) C is equidistant from A and B (b) Consider the straight line /, with equation y=12+¢r, Determine the value(s) of ¢ if (1) line Zis parallel to 2y~3x=6. (2) line Fis perpendicular to y+4x=0. (3) line (has an inclination of 135°, (4) line (has an x-intercept of — (5) the distance between the x-intercept and y-intercept of line 1 is 15 units (c) The following sketch shows AABC with median AM and altitude AP: AG3:6) BA;1) M c=) 10 (dd) © (1) Determine the equation of AM. (2) Determine the length of AM. (3) Determine the equation of AP. (4) Determine the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB. (5) Determine the magnitude of ACB. ‘The following sketch shows AABC and straight line CD: y DO:4) (1) Show that A, B and D are collinear. (2) Show that CD is an altitude of AABC. (3) Determine the area of AABC. In the following sketch A(— B(3;6) and C(—5;~3) are three verti ABPC. P(asb) may be moved to different positions, provided CP remains parallel to AB: of trapezium mi Aria) P(a:b) #Y (1) Show that BAC=90°. 2) Determine the values of a and b such that ABPC will be a rectangle. (3) [fpoint P is placed, such that a= 10, determine () the value of b. (ii) the size of ABP. (iii) the area of trapezium ABPC. 2 (f) The following sketch shows quadrilateral PQRS with vertices as shown: M4 (1) Show that PQRS is a (@_paralletogram. Gi) rhombus. Gi) square. (2) Determine the size of a. B) Calculate the area of PQRS. (g)* In the following sketch, line segment AB is parallel to the line x=3y and has a length Determine the equation of line segment AB. (h)* The following sketch shows rhombus LMNP. The coordinates of L are (1;0) and the s y+ 4x=24. equation of MI y L;0) Determine (1) the equation of LP. (2) the coordinates of P. 3) the area of rhombus LMNP. 212 ()* The centre of the circumscribed circle of a triangle (see sketch) is located at the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle. Use this fact to determine the coordinates of the centre of the following circle: AC-2;3) Bi8;3) NR cel ("In the following sketch A, B, C and D represent the four corners of a snooker table, The coordinates of these vertices are A(0;0), B(0;8), C(5;8) and D(5:0). The ball is located at P(3;3), Yasser wants to hit the ball against the wall AB, at H, so that it reflects off the wall and hits the eomer pocket at C, A law of Physics states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection (both denoted by ct in the sketch) If ¢=tanot and the ball hits the wall at H(;c) (1) write down the equation of line HC in terms of ¢ and ¢. (2) write down the equation of line PH in terms of ¢ and c. 5 (3) Hence show that r= 8 (4) Determine the angle of incidence ot. (8) Determine the value of ¢ (where the ball must hit the wall go into the pocket) {k)* The following sketch shows the lines 2y—r+a=0 and y=br+c. AB=1 unit Determine the values of a, band c: 71,565° m3

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