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My coat of arms can help paint a picture of the things that are important to me and my

values. I chose red as my background because to me, red symbolizes strength, power,

determination as well as passion, desire, and love. In the first quadrant I have an airplane

for travel. Traveling is something so important to my family and I, I love being

surrounded by other cultures and learning as much as I can from other people’s POV’s.

My family and I grew up with the intention to go to all 50 states by the time my younger

sister graduated high school – we have completed this goal! In the next quadrant, I have a

book. Reading is something I am very passionate about. It allows me to mentally escape

from the world and keep my brain learning and developing. My goal is to have a huge

personal library in my future home! The next quadrant I have an anchor to symbolize the

U.S. Navy. All 3 of my siblings are in the Navy, as well as other members of my family.

Military values are deeply rooted into my siblings and I. I have such a respect for them

and their courage for what it takes to be a part of the military. In the last quadrant I have a

cross. This cross is the symbol of the church I attend in Auburn, Auburn Community

Church. My faith is the value that I live my life on and make decision for. Lastly, the

quote I live by is “The best revenge is not to be like your enemy” – I strive to be kind and

one of the biggest lessons I have learned in life, is that being the bigger person and setting

the example is far more beneficial and rewarding than trying to get revenge or one up


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