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#6 Goals & Objectives

Personal Goal #1 (1-2 years): Limit social media/phone usage

Objective #1 : Track my time

 action #1 - How much time I am actually spending on social media? Reduce number
of social media platforms I regularly use
 action #2 - Set time limits on my apps with reminders

Objective #2 : Keep books by my bedside

 action #1 - Buy/read books that are all different genres & will keep me interested
 acton #2 - Join a book club to keep me engaged

Objective #3 : Take breaks from social media usage periodically

 action #1 - Turn off all unimportant notifications

 action #2 - Go a day a week without social media and then keep bumping it up

Objective #4 : Leave my phone out of reach

 action #1 - plug my phone in across my room so I won't use it wind down at

night/first thing in the morning
 action #2 - when I am doing homework/work, give myself a few shorts breaks so I
don't feel the need to sit there and scroll

Person Goal #2 (3-5 years): Get my Master's Degree

Objective #1 : Build a support system

 action #1 - find a business mentor within my company

 action #2 - collaborate with peers

Objective #2 : Find times that work

 action #1 - Make a list of set goals and talk through with manager/employer
 action #2 - organize work so that completing another degree at the same time will be
run smoothly and be organized

Objective #3 : Stay engaged within workforce to grow experience

 action #1 - schedule milestones instead of due dates (form project management

 action #2 - continue to expand knowledge by developing myself professionally

Objective #4 : Keep the end in view

 action #1 - periodically remind myself why I want to get my master's when things get
 action #2 - show up and ask questions day in and day out

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