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Concept on positioning of
AIM:- To undersstand the Concept on positioning of Columns INTRODUCTION:- There are
some of the basic principles in determining the positions of columns. Some of them are:
Columns should be preferred to be positioned at the corners of the building and at the
intersection of beams. They should be placed in…

Vishal Mahalle
updated on 20 Aug 2022 comment

Project Details

AIM:- To undersstand the Concept on

positioning of Columns


There are some of the basic principles in

determining the positions of columns.
Some of them are:

Columns should be preferred to be

positioned at the corners of the building
and at the intersection of beams.
They should be placed in such a way that
the bending moments will be reduced in
the beams.
Avoid larger spans of beams.
Avoid larger centre to centre distance
between columns.
Columns on property line.

In this project we also try to understand

the positioning of the structural elements
to avoid siesmic calamities i.e
earthquake destruction of the structure

Question 1:

Comment on the layout of the framing

plan concerning earthquake resistance
in the two horizontal directions X or Y
(dots are columns, lines depict beams).
Look into aspects of symmetry,
redundancy and bi-directional stiffness
and ductility.


To comment on the layout of the framing

plan concerning earthquake resistance in
the two horizontal directions X or Y
looking into aspects of symmetry,
redundancy and bi-directional stiffness
and ductility.


Layout of the framing plan which is

shown in figure above concerning
earthquake in the two horizontal
directions is going to be explained with
step by step procedure.


(a) Symmetry:-

i. Symmetry in the X-direction:-

If we see carefully into the above given
plan and split it into two equal portion in
the horizontal direction then we can tell
just by seeing the above plan that the
plan looks mirrored,if we split the given
above plan into equal parts.
This will conclude that the given above
plan in the X-direction is symmetric.

ii. Symmetry in the Y-direction:

If we see carefully at the given above

plan and then if we will cut the given plan
from the middle or we can say that if we
split the plan into two equal parts in the
Y-direction horizontally i.e, Section 1 and
Section 2 as we can see in the above plan
then we will be able to understand that
the give above plan looked mirrored in
the give plan plan after we split them into
So here we can conclude that the given
above plan in the Y-direction is also
(b) Redundancy:

i. Checking the redundancy in the X-


In the above given plan there are multiple

dots and the lines.
So these dots represents the columns
and the line represents the beams.
So if we observe the above given plan
then we can see that the columns in the
X-directions are more and evenly spread
in the middle of the plan.
So we can say that the structure is
redundant in the X-direction.
But if we observe the above plan then we
can see that the colums in the top and
the bottom there are less number of
columns as compared to the middle
portion of the plan but these columns are
evenly spread so we can say the the
structure in the X-direction is redundant
in nature.
ii. Checking the redundancy in the Y-

In the above given plan there are multiple

dots and the lines.
So these dots represents the columns
and the line represents the beams.
So if we observe the above given plan
then we can see that the columns in the
Y-directions are evenly spread but they
are lesser in number if we observe the
above plan in the Y-direction.
So we can conclude that the redundancy
in the Y-direction is lesser.

C) Bi-directional stiffness
In the horizontal(x) direction, the width is
more compared to vertical(y) direction
and as such distribution of structural
elements is also more in x direction,
hence the stiffness is more.
That is, the stiffness is more in X direction
as compared to Y direction.

d) Ductility

The ductility is always, inversely

proportional to stiffness. If the structure is
more stiffer, it will be less ductile and vice
So if we compare the ductility in both the
direction i.e, X and Y direction then we
can say that the frame in the X-direction
is more ductile and the frame in the Y-
direction is not ductile due to the lesser
number of beams in the Y-direction.

Question 2:

What are the possible sources of

irregularity in the building shown here?
Explain how, as an engineer, each of
these irregularities should be dealt with.


To analyze the possible sources of

irregularity in the building shown and to
explain how, as an engineer, each of
these irregularities should be dealt with.


Irregular configuration either in plan or in

elevation is recognized as one of the
major causes of failure during
earthquakes. Thus irregular structures,
especially the ones located in seismic
zones are a matter of concern. Structures
generally possess combination of
irregularities and consideration of a
single irregularity may not result in
accurate prediction of seismic response.
The choice of type, degree and location
of irregularities in the design of structures
is important as it helps in improving the
utility as well as aesthetics of structures.
Hence, the present study addresses the
seismic response of reinforced concrete
structures possessing various
combinations of irregularities.


a) Vertical Irregularity:-
If we observe the above given plan
carefully then we will be able to see that
the buiding plan area is bigger in the
bottom section and the building plan
area keeps reducing as it goes up. In
short it means that the building plan area
reduces with the increase in the height as
we can see clearly in the above image.
The area in the green rectangle has
bigger plan area than that of the area
that are in the yellow rectangle.
The building offset has to be checked out
with the reference of IS 1893-2016 table
no.6 .

b) Soft Storey:-

As we can see in the above given image

that this building at the 6th floor has a
soft storey because it has uncovered
As we can see that there is no partition
wall or no occupancy or any other shear
wall or any other type of support
elements etc nothing is there to support
the upper blocks of the building during
the earthquake and this will also cause
plastic hinge at the colums. According to
the reference IS 1983-2016 Figure 4A, this
has to be checked and we have to design
the building accordingly. So that there will
be no mistake in designing the buiding.

c) Sloppy Base:-

In the right side of the building, there is an

embankment. It means the building is
constructed over a sloping ground and
this will lead to a significant variation in
the stiffness (with reference to IS-1893-
2016 Figure 5E). So, few levels may be
subjected to soft Storey mechanism.

Question 3:

A 4-storey hotel building has an open

ground floor for the restaurant. Story 2 to
4 have one row of rooms along each
long side in plan, separated by a
corridor. The two short sides of the
perimeter are fully in-filled in all storeys,
except for certain openings at the ends
of the corridor at storeys 2 to 4 and
along the right-hand side of the ground
floor. There is a staircase near the upper
left-hand corner, with straight flights
between landings at floor levels and in-
between floors. Cross-section
dimensions are written next to the
member no. in meters.
Comment on the features of the
structural design and of the layout of
infills which are important for
earthquake resistance and seismic
performance. How do they relate to the
almost full collapse of this building (the
extreme left-hand bay with the
staircase survived, as well as one long-
side façade in the rear end, and the
frame along the right-hand side in


To comment on the features of the

structural design and of the layout of
infills which are important for earthquake
resistance and seismic performance.
How do they relate to the almost full
collapse of this building (the extreme left-
hand bay with the staircase survived, as
well as one long-side façade in the rear
end, and the frame along the right-hand
side in plan).


A soft story building is a multi-story

building in which one or more floors have
windows, wide doors, large unobstructed
commercial spaces, or other openings in
places where a shear wall would
normally be required for stability as a
matter of earthquake
engineering design. A typical soft story
building is an apartment building of three
or more stories located over a ground
level with large openings, such as
a parking garage or series of retail
businesses with large windows.


Structure failure reasons for the given

figure are;

Improper arrangement and placement of

structural elements
Structure is not symmetric Which must
required for standard structure
Larger strength is provided hence low
No proper placement of masonry infill
Redundancy in the vertical direction of
this building is not provided properly.

1. Open Ground Floor:-

The ground floor of the building is

open,which may be a softstorey (having
long columns) due to this the Ground
floor excitation the columns could have
been unable to resist the Earthquake and
form collapse.
This is called as soft storey mechanism.
This can be avoided by having Strong
column-weak beam mechanism.

2. Rooms along two bay separated by an

open space:-

The bay that are filled with the rooms will

have higher mass than the middle bay
whic is opened for the corridor.
So this will cause mass mass irregularity
along the height uniformity
As we can see at the above image that
the upper portion and the bottom portion
is for the rooms and because of that
rooms these portions have higher mass
because of the various furniture load,live
loads etc.

And the middle portion they left for the

corridor as we can see in the above given

3. Two short sides coveres with the infill


As we can see that the two shorter sides

of the perimeter are not in filled in all the
storeys,except for the certain openings at
the ends of the corridor at the 2nd and
the 4th floor and along the right-hand
side of the ground floor.
This means that the building at the left
and the right of the given building is more
stiffer during the earthquake.
And they have built non structural wall.

4. Staircase portion at the left top

As we can see that the staircase and the
lift portion of the building is not affected
with the seismic force. These are the only
elements that are not affected during the
earthquake force.

This is because the usually the staircase

and the lift portion are more stiff than the
other members of the building. It m eans
it does not bend easily with the external
forces and that is the reason that the
staircase and the lift is intact in the
polsition with much harm.

5. Columns not in the same line

It is observed that the columns in the

Extreme left hand middle line columns
has the deviation in the line of the
Construction at the staircase which again
a reason for the Irregularity in plan
having the Torsional flexibilty.
To avoid this the Eccentricity should be
maintained for the deviation to be with in
the limits of Beam size and the Columns
Also the sizes of the Beams and Columns
in the Plan should be redesigned in such
a way that the line of the columns doesn't
deviate even in the staircase area.

6. Variation in column sizes:

As we can see in the above given image
that the sizes of the columns are different.
We can say that the size of the interior
column is big in size and the size of the
exterior column is smaller as wecan see
in the above image.
And because of the difference in the size
of the columns the structure collapse
because it may suffered heavy out of
plan shear.

7. Beams connected along column

minor axis:-

As we can see in the above image that

the columns have the longer direction in
the Y-direction.
But there is no direct connection or frame
in the Y-direction which may connects
the beam in the Y-direction.
There are columns that are connected in
the X-direction but the large side of the
column is in the Y-direction which means
that they are more stiffer in that direction
whic can attract more lesser lateral force
and this is one of the reason for the
collpase of this building.


we are understnad the concepts of

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column positioning

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