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Workshop G

This drawing technic can help us show the buildings sides that we cannot see in one elevation
and make us see the building from a different way. For example, you wouldn’t be able to see
the open holes that is in the building on the top left on an elevation of that building. And this
way of drawing can help us show what’s inside of the building like you can see it in the building
on the bottom drawings. It can help us see how a specific part of the building is made of like
the roof or the window frame.
These two drawings are the designs that I crated
to show that I can try new designs ideas with
axonometric drawings. For this design, I just
removed the walls and replaced them with two
windows because I felt that the building was
really jammed up.

On this design idea, I wanted to just try and see how

different shapes work with each other and how can I
draw them in a axonometric drawing.

This is a section projection of the building that can

help us see and understand the building much
better and see the aspects of the building that we
have not seen yet.
This drawing shows that how axonometric
drawings can help you see a part of the house in
one of the most detailed way and explain all of
the small parts that creates an important part of
the house. For example, for this drawing, we can
see the roof’s parts and where their spots are. We
can add a couple of small sketches to help the
axonometric drawing as well.

This is a section projection of my

Project 1. I think the hardest part
about it was to choose what part
of the building is visible to the
sectional projection in a multi
storey and overlapping building.
But in the end, I think that if I
knew how to do axonometric
drawings while I was doing my
project, I would have got a much.
better score

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