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-You have to record the time taken for one complete oscillation by taking the time for more

than one
complete oscillation and divide it by their number , and this to reduce error and get more accurate value

- check if the meter rule in an experiment is vertical by a set square .

- If something directly proportional it should have constant gradient , straight line and begins from the
origin .

-To avoid parallax error , your eye should be perpendicular to the reading.

- Centre of mass

Centre of mass is an imaginary point in a body (object) where the total mass of the

body canbe thought to be concentrated to make calculations easier

To find the centre of gravity on a flat object, use the following steps:

1. Get a flat object.

2. Get a stand and a plumb line (a string with a weight on it).

3. Punch 3 holes in your object.

4. Hang your object from the hole, and attach the plumb line to the same hole.

Draw a vertical line where the plumb line is.

5. Repeat step 4 for all the other holes. Where the lines meet is the centre of gravity.

(FIY the string should be able to swing freely, so should not touch the paper)

For stability the centre of mass must be over the centre of pressure.

Measuring cylinder etc:

line of sight below meniscus

look perpendicularly

- As the temperature difference between water and room temperature increases , the drop in
temperature also increases and vice versa .

Temp precaution:

stir before reading

Read thermometer perpendicularly

Give enough time for reading to stop rising

Don’t let thermometer touch beaker (to measure temp of liquid NOT beaker)
Ray tracing:

Make sure pins not bent/straight/vertical

Look at base of pin

Place pins ~5 cm apart

Outline of block might be bigger than actual block

Difficult to draw thin accurate lines

Difficult to see pins clearly Pivot:

loads might obscure the scale

Difficult to find best balance position

Difficult to find center of load.

Load might slip off the ruler


move lens slowly back and forth to get focus image

Dark room

Make sure screen, object and lamp are all vertical

Clamp rule to bench

10-45 cm distance of u

-Distance measured between the object and the lens , and between the screen and the lens , must be
taken from the center of the lens .

-you need to know the relation between the diameter and the resistance and the area and the resistance
of the wire , For example , if diameter increased by 2 times , the resistance will be decreased 4 times ,
and if the area increased by 2 times , the resistance will be decreased two times .

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