Voz Pasiva

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TENSE ACTIVE (subjects + verb + object) PASSIVE ( objects + to be + past participle)

Present simple The doctor treats the patient The patient is treated by the doctor
Past simple The doctor treated the patient The patient was treated by the doctor
Future simple The doctor will treat the patient The patient will be treated by the doctor
Modals The doctor should treat the patient The patient should be treated by the doctor
Presents continuous The doctor is treating the patient The patient is being treated by the doctor
Past continuous The doctor was treating the patient The patient was being treated by the doctor
Present perfecto The doctor has treated the patient The patient has been treated by the doctor
Past perfect simple The doctor had treated the patient The patient had been treated by the doctor
Modal perfect The doctor must have treated the patient The patient must have been treated by the doctor

La voz pasiva se utiliza sobre todo cuando la acción es más relevante que el sujeto que la realiza o cuando es
desconocido, poco importante o no se quiere nombrar. También se suele usar cuando el sujeto de la oración activa es
they, nobody o somebody.

Cuando se quiere nombrar el sujeto de la acción, es decir, el complemento agente de la oración pasiva, se utiliza la
preposición by.

Si el sujeto de la oración activa es un pronombre personal, al pasarla a pasiva debes cambiarlo por su correspondiente
pronombre objeto:

- I →Me
- You → You
- He → Him
- She → Her
- It → It
- We → Us
- You → You
- They → They


- I told her the secret → The secret was told to her by me / she was told the secret (by me).
- Someone will give her a book → The book will be given to her (by someone) / She will be given a book (by

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