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The Elton Times - Edition 119

31 March 2023

Headteacher's Welcome
The end of term has seen the usual variety of events and activities taking place across school, many
of which are reported in this new issue of the newsletter. During the past week alone, we have
hosted the final of 'Elton's Got Talent', had a Geography trip down to Cadbury's World, a Year 11
reward trip to Alton Towers, a GCSE History trip to London and a full range of ice skating
excursions for Years 7 to 11. We always try to ensure that we are offering a wide range of
opportunities outside of the classroom but even by our standards, the past few days have been
particularly hectic!

As we move into the Easter period, the Premier league season is nearing it's climax with a title run in
between Arsenal and Manchester City. Arsenal's star player and current England player of the year is
Bukayo Saka, and he has gained admiration from across the country, including people who have little
interest in sport or football.

The reason for the high regard in which Saka is held is his positive, engaging personality, with Gareth
Sothgate commenting "Anyone who works with him cannot help but smile - because that's what he
brings to everything he does." Saka's parents both come from Nigeria, and he grew up in Greenford,
west London, with 'schoolwork and respect' being the non-negotiables of his family. He was spotted
by Arsenal scouts at the age of seven, but still kept his focus in school and did his GCSEs while
representing England in the World Cup under 17 tournament, getting a full set of top grades. As his
coach said at the time, everyone was impressed with his manner and work ethic - "We could see
that he was a special player but he was also a grade-A pupil as well - and he was just really humble."

After making his Arsenal debut aged 17, he was soon picked for the full England squad and played a
key role in Euro 2020. As we know, Saka missed the last penalty in the final against Italy and there
was some horrendous racial abuse on social media afterwards. But so many people responded to
that abuse in a positive manner, rallying around Saka and standing up to the racist hatred that was
shown towards him - "He's got the warmth of the fans with him and they can see what he is about -
the genuine nature of his personality" says Southgate.

Even though he is one of the most famous and richest young sportsmen in the world, Saka remains
very grounded. He remains close to his family, he doesn't drink alcohol, he reads the Bible nightly,
but is also very tough and determined. As he says himself, "I just want young people to realise that I
was like them one day - with a dream. There were some tough days, there were some good days,
but you have to keep going and keep working, keep dreaming." I would hope that a message like
that can be taken on by our own students, who can look at Saka as an example of all that is good
about hard work, determination and ambition.

This newsletter is being sent on the final day of the term and we have a full two week Easter holiday.
However, it is worth reminding Year 11 students that various revision sessions are taking place
during the first week of the break and they are expected to attend wherever possible (details of the
timetable are later in the newsletter). In the meantime, I hope that all our students and families get
a good break over the coming period and if you have any questions or queries, you can still contact
me directly through the email address
Notice from Governing Body
Roger Burgess, Chair of Governing Body

It was with the sincerest regret that we have received the information that our Chair of Governors,
Roger Burgess, will be leaving the Governing Body at the end of this School Year.

Having worked closely with Roger during the last two years, I can testify to the significant loss to the
Governing Body and the School as a whole, that Roger’s departure will create. We have become
both close friends and close colleagues over the last two years, yet I fully understand his decision to
place his immediate and wider family first, at this time. Roger exemplifies our motto of ‘quality, care
and integrity’. His commitment to the School students, staff and parents, has few comparisons. He
brings to the table:
• the capacity to relate to all students and parents (he and his wife Christine have fostered in
excess of one hundred young people. His insight into Looked After Children is unique.).

• total integrity and commitment to his duties.

• aspiration for the School and a sense of humour.

• rigorous eyes for detail (no doubt developed as a Logistics Manager for Aldi).

We will miss Roger as a friend and colleague and wish him well with his forthcoming time with his

Mr Scruton, Vice Chair of the Governing Body

Comic Relief - March 17th 2023

Thank you to Mr Aldred and Mr Meighan for organising the events in the Sports Hall. Thank you also
to Year 10 students who supported the raffle and also the sports events.

We raised: PE: £63.50; Raffle: £175.50; Non Uniform: £832.70 = Total raised: £1071.70!
London Trip
Last weekend, 45 students from Year 10 and Year 11 enjoyed a two day trip to London. Students
were given a guided tour of the Royal Courts of Justice where they discovered lots of information
regarding our current judicial system and the history of law and order in Britain. Our tour guide
talked us through the different careers involving the High Court, inspiring many of them to become
the next generation of barristers and journalists!

We then quickly headed over to the Imperial War Museum where students were able to engage with
a large variety of Historical artefacts from 20th Century conflicts such as a Spitfire, A Harrier jet and
even a V2 rocket!

After a quick bite to eat at Pizza Express, we were then guided around Whitechapel by our very own
tour guide where we followed in the footsteps of Jack the Ripper from 1888. She told us all about
Whitechapel in 1888, the poverty people endured and the problems with the newly formed
Metropolitan Police. At times, the walk around Whitechapel was quite eerie and students were able
to see for themselves the area we have spent so much time studying in lessons.

After a good night sleep, we then took a tour of the Clink Museum, one of the oldest and most
notorious prisons in England! We were able to (safely!) handle torture devices from the Medieval
period and explore how, during the 16th and 17th Centuries, religious intolerance led to gaols being
full of Priests. The exhibition included tales of spies, invisible ink and terrible tortures! Students were
then able to get a picture of themselves behind bars!

The weather was on our side so we then enjoyed a jaunt along the Thames to the Southbank Centre
where we enjoyed our lunchbreak eating a variety of cuisines from the pop-up food market. Our
final stop of the trip was to the Natural History Museum where we were able to step into the world
of the magnificent Titanosaur Patagotitan Mayorum - one of the largest creatures to have ever
walked the earth!

Throughout the trip the students conducted themselves superbly at all times and really exemplified
the values we share at Elton. They were so mature in the way they interacted with staff at the
venues, the hotel, the coach driver and with us; we were really proud to be in their company. Well
done all and we hope you all enjoyed the trip as much as we did!

Miss Waltham, History Department

Year 11 Alton Towers Trip
74 students went to Alton Towers last Monday as a reward for their efforts this year. This was the
first time since the pandemic we have been able to enjoy a real "day out". The students' behaviour
was impeccable, and I remain extraordinarily proud of the independent, young adults they have
grown into. Many thanks for the support of Mrs Hassall, Mr Armishaw, Ms LeBlanc and Mr Lewis on
the day. The one disappointment was that only two enormous cuddly toys came back with
us! Pictured: Evie Molly, Lucy Lindsay and Izzy Cross.

Ms Uttley, Year 11 Learning Co-ordinator


Science Week
Lots of activities took place in school for our annual celebration of British Science Week. The theme
this year was connections and as usual we continued to encourage our students to think about the
huge number of opportunities that come with studying science. We believe that it’s important to
look at the diverse people working in STEM and to break down stereotypes about who can be a

Year 7 students looked at the forces involved in flight and the connections between flight and space
flight. They made and tested gliders and looked at the work of Dr Katie Heineman, an aerospace
engineer working at NASA.

Year 8 students looked at the life and work of Dr Sally Ride the first female and first gay American
astronaut. They considered how many people have a stereotypical image of a "man with crazy hair
in a lab coat" when they think of a scientist and discussed breaking down barriers in STEM.

Assemblies looked at the new NASA Artemis missions to return to the Moon in the next decade
including the mission aims of putting the first woman and first person of colour on the Moon.

Different classes looked at profiles from the Smashing Stereotypes project including Machine
learning engineer and entrepreneur Pearce Jarrett who has made an AI powered personal training

The profiles can be viewed here

Many students have produced some exceptional work for the poster competition.

Scientific literacy is crucial to success so forms were challenged to come up with an A-Z of words
connected to Science they scored more points if no other form chose the same words.

Our students came up with 259 unique words you can see some of the most popular in the word
cloud. The most unusual words were xerophyte and organasson!

The final highlight of the week was a visit from geologist and engineer Christian Ferro. Christian
spoke to several year groups about his fascinating work in geology, the connections between
geology and the other sciences and where his work has taken him in the world including work on the
Mission Jurassic project search for dinosaur bones in Wyoming, USA. Students were able to handle
different rock samples and fossils.

Mission Jurassic info

Mrs Colyer, Science Department

Year 11 Easter Holiday Interventions
Year 11 Easter Holiday Interventions will be taking place in school - see below - including a visit from
an English Literature examiner on Tuesday 4th April from 10am to 12pm. We look forward to seeing
as many students as possible in school to support their ongoing revision and exam preparation.

Ms Warden, Deputy Headteacher

Duke of Edinburgh Programme
This year's DofE expeditions will be taking place next term. Through a DofE programme young
people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential
skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team-working,
communication and drive, enhancing CVs and uni and job applications. Top employers recognise the
work-ready skills Award holders bring to their business.

Students will work towards completing their award across four areas:

• Volunteering

• Skill

• Physical Activity

• Expedition

The expedition element will consist of two trips. The first is a practice expedition where students will
learn the navigation, camping survival skills needed to qualify. They will complete two days walking
and navigating as well as setting up their own camp and preparing their own meals. The qualifying
expedition also takes place over two days with students having planned their walking routes in
advance. Experienced staff will then meet students at set check-in points.

Further details, including the application form, have been emailed to all Year 9 students. Anyone
seeking further information should see Mr Dolata or email him
Elton's Got Talent!
On Wednesday March 29th we had a wonderful evening of entertainment from our 8 finalists for
Elton’s Got talent 2023. All of the acts were outstanding, from soloists to bands and one freestyle
dancer. Whilst the audience votes are counted there was also time for refreshments, raffle and
some performances from music groups including the choir, jazz band, guitar club and drumming club.
The top votes were as follows :-

• 1st place - Year 8 band performing Nirvana - Charlie Dawson O’Neill, Zac Baker, Oliver
Parker-Bell and Ben Lucas

• 2nd place - Year 8 freestyle dancer Ella Greaves

• 3rd place - Year 11 drummer Charlie Locke

Thank you to all of the performers for making this a really special event. Thank you also to the Music
Department for their organisation and management of the event - especially Mrs Stopford and Mr

Mrs Johnson, Deputy Headteacher

Art Department
Year 7 Update
Outstanding abstract portrait work in Art this week: Y7: Jake Todd, Zayn Sultan-Smethurst, Alfie
Cunliffe, Holly Friedrich, Isobella Taylor, Olivia Beresford, Istahil Yussuf, Taylor Todd, William
Tomlinson, Holly Walmsley, Evie Pilling and Joe Hindle.
Year 11 Update

Important GCSE Art, Photography and Textiles Information: Attendance to GCSE intervention (each
Tuesday 3-4pm) is essential for students in order to complete their coursework and exam projects in
All GCSE work is to be collected in by teachers from 17th April.

Exam dates:

Photography - 24th and 25th April

Art & Textiles - 26th and 27th April

Well done to our Y11 students who are currently working on their exam project (worth 40% of their
GCSE grade). Students are doing well and are producing excellent work - keep up the great effort Y11
- not long to go!

Year 10 Update

Well done to our Y10 Art students who have started to produce their first drawings in their Objects
project. Students arranged objects they were interested in carefully, thinking about their use of
colour and composition. They are now sketching directly from the photographs they took, using the
grid method to make their work as accurate as possible. The standard of their first drawings is
excellent and we're looking forward to seeing them develop!

Mr Thomas, Head of Art

Primary Arts Club
Primary Arts Club students have been designing and making their own papier mache rabbits. We re-
used discarded plastic bottles from around school as the base for the bodies. Students built up dry
newspaper twists to make shapes over the bottles, which were then strengthened by adding small
squares of newspaper brushed on with papier mache paste. Layers of coloured tissue were glued on
to the animals and then details added in acrylic paint. The finished animals are well constructed and
full of character.

Well done Primary Arts Club!

Miss Perry, Art Department

Geography Department
This is a reminder that Year 11 have Geography intervention on Monday 3rd April from 10-12:30pm.

Year 8 have produced excellent projects for the Weather unit. They had to make a project about the
wettest or driest place on Earth.
Year 7 students decorated rocks to show the differences between constructive and destructive
waves as part of the Coasts unit.
We took year 8 to Cadbury’s World on Tuesday as part of the Chocolate Industry unit and had a
fantastic day. The students had lots of fun…and lots of chocolate!
We have also been doing a fundraiser to raise money for Elton’s Garden. We are doing a raffle for a
chance to win a huge chocolate football. If you would like to donate towards Elton’s garden, please
speak to Miss Windsor.
Year 10 geographers had fun doing a geography Easter egg hunt!

In Geography this week we took part in the Nature Hour Biodiversity in Madagascar live talk. We
looked at some of the real animals that inspired the Pixar film Madagascar! We also heard how
animals adapt here and learnt about animals which are only found in Madagascar!
We also took part in the Litter Legends international quiz with author Sarah Roberts. 148 other
schools took part as well. The students in 7E4 and 9E4 really enjoyed getting involved and we had
two shout outs!
Year 11 went to Daisy Nook Country Park to complete rivers fieldwork, some photos are below. The
weather was 'challenging' but everyone responded very well and collected all the necessary
We are also starting to collect batteries to recycle as part of the Big Battery Hunt competition with
Eco-Schools. Over the holidays, we would like students to collect any old batteries that you have at
home and bring them in. Batteries take over 100 years to decompose, so let’s do our bit to help the

The school that wins will get:

· £3,500 towards school garden and outdoor equipment for the school

· 1x Nintendo Switch for the winning pupil, this is a pupil the winning teacher feels deserves it
the most

· 1x Certificate for each participating pupil in the class

· 1 x Trophy

The runner up prize:

· £500 towards school garden and outdoor equipment for the school

· 1x Nintendo Switch for the winning pupil, this is a pupil the winning teacher feels deserves it
the most

· 1x Certificate for each participating pupil in the class

· 1 x Trophy
Below are excellent Geographers who have stood out this term. Well done to you all.

Miss Walkden

Year 7 - Reuben Harris

Year 8 - Noah Thewlis

Year 9 - Thomas Rothwell and Thomas Chadwick

Year 10 - Dylan Southworth

Year 11 - Hannah Hill

Mrs Moss

Year 7- Emily Pyott

Year 8- Evie Thomas and Tristan Le Roux

Year 9- Illia Sklema

Year 10 - Michael Kilpatrick/ Mia-Grace Smith

Miss Windsor

Year 7: Sam Smith

Year 8: Daniel Floyd

Year 9: Millie Parker

Year 10: Dylan Longstaff

Year 11: Tom Hulse

Mrs Dyer

Year 8: Ben Ashworth

Year 9: Leo Saxon

Year 10: Callum Tattersall

If you see your name or work in the Geography Elton Times, come to Mrs Moss or Miss Windsor to
collect a prize.
Maths Department

1 - Key Stage 3 Maths Challenge

2 - Key Stage 4 Maths Challenge

Deadline Friday 21st April

Email with your solutions.

Prizes available!

PE Department
Year 9 Bury Metro Cup

Year 9 enjoyed a successful first round win against Derby High School in the Bury Metro Cup, running
out comfortable winners 6-2. Goals by Sam Hopkinson, Sam Graves and Tom Rothwell. Opponents
in the second round are the winners of The Heys Vs Tottington. Update and report in a future issue!

Mr Meighan, PE Department

Year 7 Basketball

Our Year 7 basketball team took part in the recent Bury Schools Tournament and really enjoyed the
challenge of playing so many different teams. The next tournament was scheduled for earlier this
week and reports will be given in the next issue!
Thierry Gallagher, Year 11, is an FA qualified referee. Thierry recently refereed a junior match as
part of his sports studies coursework. He did a fantastic job and kept the players on a tight rein!
Skiing Trip - Easter 2024
Following the success of our recent 2023 trip, we are pleased to promote the launch of our 2024 ski
trip back to Austria during the first week of the Easter holidays. We are going back to the Hotel
Ennstalerhof which is a fantastic base for the students, but this time we are hoping to fly from
Manchester airport. This will avoid the 24 hour coach journey and give us an extra night at the hotel.
This obviously makes the trip that bit more expensive. The cost of the 2024 trip is £1550. For further
details please follow the link below:

Mr Meighan, PE Department

School Lottery
Since we launched in November we have had 21 winners in our weekly lottery with winners taking
home their share of over £1000 in prize funds. There are always extra prizes up for grabs too, like
the current Merlin Passes offer. Sign up today and share with your family and friends. The more
people who support the lottery the more funds we receive as a school for the students and the
bigger the prize pot is for you too. Could you be our next weekly winner?

Sign up today -->

Mr Dolata, Enrichment Co-ordinator

HAF Holiday Clubs - Easter Holidays

Summer Volunteering Programme

Contact Us
The Elton High School

Walshaw Road

Bury, BL8 1RN

0161 763 1434


Visit us on the web at

The next edition of the Elton Times will be sent on Friday 28 April

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