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The “Crimson Cavalier” Event

Year - 4E 190

Location - Valenwood, approx. 3 miles outside the settlement of Greenheart

Prior to the events of An Explorer’s Guide to Skyrim, (4E 201), the paladin, Lee-Am
Djinn, received word of suspected daedra worship in the forest of his homeland,
involving a family member, Alina Djinn (his daughter).

Lee-Am appealed to the Council (The leaders of the Vigilants), to lead a group of
Vigilants to Valenwood in order to wipe out the cultists and rescue his family.

The council refused to officially sanction the quest- at this time, there were no
freelance agents in the Order, and all assignments were run through the council.

They, specifically Keeper Malvorayn, an Altmer on the council, stated they could
not sanction such a mission so far from Cyrodill and Skyrim, and could not risk the
wrath of the local Wood-Elves through violation of the Pact of the Wild.

Lee-Am chose to carry on with his quest regardless, taking along his apprentice,
Aurora Dalohta, a female Wood-Elf, and a fellow paladin, Vigilant Carcette, a
brunette Imperial.

Reaching Valenwood, Lee-Am headed to his ancestral home of Greenheart, to look for
clues to the identity and/or location of the cultists. Lee-Am would encounter
Ugmugazug Rugmugazug, a Wood-Orc, a charge of the House Djinn, and they volunteered
to help search for the cult.

After several days, the quartet would reach a small cave entrance, believed to lead
to the cult. Entering inside, the group would begin to find evidence of
cannibalistic and brutal ritualistic torture of the natives- clear signs of a
Vampire Coven, worshippers of Molag Bal.

The group cleanse the caves, up unto the final chamber- where a great humming chant
can be heard inside two great doors made of obsidian- carved to make the relief of
Molag Bal.

The Paladins, the Apprentice and Ugmugazug cross the threshold- they are confronted
by a ritual taking place-

Within the centre of a great cavernous antechamber stood a raised dias- around the
outside stands four hooded figures, each chanting Daedric Incantations surrounding
a central figure- a white-robed bosmer, held in the air as if by invisible hands.

The bosmers' screams echo the chamber.

The group approach, and identify the sacrifice- Alina.

Both Lee-Am and Ug looked at eachother, aghast, before attempting to interrupt-

As they come within touching distance, an energy blast erupts from the ritual
circle- paralysing them in place.

The lead cultist, who breaks away from their utterances, turns to the raiding
The figure, of a slender feminine build, crimson robes, and piercing blood-red
eyes, observes them silently.

The group hear the quiet birthing of cackling laughter- before the stark
realisation- it was coming from the hooded figure.

The group engage in a battle with the cultist, trading blows, aedric and daedric
prayers tossed to and fro, light against dark, good versus evil.

The figure stops dead in their tracks.


As coming forth from the figure bursts forth another energy blast, this time, a
deep red.

Lee-Am, Carcette and Ugmugazug are sprawled across the floor, with the figure stood
over them.

I am the Lady Shae… and may you feed our dark overlord

From the side, the apprentice stands, alone, wielding their Oathblade- rushing


The apprentice runs the Lady through with their sword, their blade slick with

The Lady’s head turns, looks toward the holy warrior.

Moments pass, as the pale hand of Shae locks around Aurora’s neck.


As the lifeless form of Aurora falls to the ground.

Lee-Am, shocked from his near-paralysis, struggles to his feet, his once immaculate
composure lost.

Ug watches as Lee-Am tackles the cultist, both of them flailing across the
threshold of the circle…

Ug falls unconscious, and awakens to the Paladin Carcette-

We are not dying here Orc

Get out, now!

They both turn as the room starts to shake, and the room starts to collapse- the
prone form of Lee-Am, blooded and contorted, lays against the entrance.

From the rubble at the centre of the room, Ug glimpses what they believe was a pale
hand, before they rush from the room, Carcette carrying the still form of Lee-Am…

The survivors barely escape as the cave system collapses around them, wheezing and
shellshocked in the now empty glade, where even the wildlife had stopped singing,
squawking, and all was still.
A shaky breath pierced the silence.

Where is she? Where is Alina?

Lee-Am’s pleas are met with silence.

They failed.

But the cult is gone. Their mission is not a total loss.

Ugmugazug returned to Greenheart, and broke the news to the family.

The paladins, Carcette and Lee-Am, return bruised, blooded and battered, to the
Hall of the Vigilant.

Following these events, Lee-Am would be dubbed “The Crimson Cavalier” by fellow
Vigilants, only escaping discommunication through the recommendation of Carcette,
but was assigned the role of Nomad- sent to investigate the other sightings of
daedra and their worshippers.

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