Explanation GP

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Explanation: Team project

We chose this topic because our school is considered a multicultural school and due to
it, we’ve seen from our experience that people from different cultures have a hard time
communicating with others as they have different meanings of the words and gestures.
Example: Muslims may consider an offense when other man touches them, but others
religions such as Christianism or others may not consider it as an offense)
According to Georgia Southern University, 57% of boys and 43% of girls reported
being bullied because of religious or cultural differences. (all over the world)
This will help us promote peace between cultures.
So, to achieve this aim, we intend to go to another school and share the different
cultures and explain the importance of communication and respect between different
cultures. We will also conduct an activity at the end of the presentation (PowerPoint)
that will be a workshop of two different cultures for them to write their names in other
languages, get to know the cultures better and understand the purpose of certain actions.
As our team has explored different cultural perspectives, this also supports the outcome
because, our main problem is about cultural differences affecting communication, so
this helped us to put ourselves in other people shoes and understand their problems due
to culture barrier and also dispersed out interest in other cultures!


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