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To Whom It May Concern:

I have had the pleasure of witnessing Raul Rodriguez’s growth and development over the past
few years as his school counselor at El Capitan High School. Throughout this time, I have been
consistently impressed by his determination, strong work ethic, and dedication to not only his
own success but also that of his peers. Raul's unique background as a first-generation high school
graduate and his family's involvement in farming have only served to strengthen his character
and drive for higher education.

From the very beginning, Raul has displayed an admirable level of respect for everyone in our
school community. He is always conscious of the feelings and needs of others, and he never
hesitates to lend a helping hand. His kindness and empathy are truly unparalleled, making him a
beloved member of our learning environment. Raul's unwavering respect for his peers and
teachers, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to his strong moral compass and integrity.

Growing up in a family that owns and operates a crop farm has provided Raul with a unique set
of skills and experiences that contribute to his exceptional work ethic. His dedication to both his
academics and family responsibilities is truly commendable. The diligence and commitment he
has demonstrated in balancing these two aspects of his life have prepared him well for the
challenges that lie ahead in his career.


Eduardo Ruiz

Counselor &
CSF Advisor
El Capitan High School
(209) 384-5527

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