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Perpendicular lines


Time: 308 min.

Marks: 257 marks


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A circle has equation (x − 2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 13

Find the gradient of the tangent to this circle at the origin.

Circle your answer.

− −
(Total 1 mark)

Point C has coordinates (c, 2) and point D has coordinates (6, d).

The line y + 4x = 11 is the perpendicular bisector of CD.

Find c and d.
(Total 5 marks)

Points A (−7, −7), B (8, −1), C (4, 9) and D (−11, 3) are the vertices of a quadrilateral

(a) Prove that ABCD is a rectangle.


(b) Find the area of ABCD.

(Total 6 marks)

Three points A, B and C have coordinates A (8, 17), B (15, 10) and C (−2, −7)

(a) Show that angle ABC is a right angle.


(b) A, B and C lie on a circle.

(i) Explain why AC is a diameter of the circle.


(ii) Determine whether the point D (−8, −2) lies inside the circle, on the circle or
outside the circle.

Fully justify your answer.

(Total 8 marks)


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The line L has equation 2x + 3y = 7

Which one of the following is perpendicular to L?

Tick one box.

2x − 3y = 7

3x + 2y = −7

3x − 2y = 7

(Total 1 mark)

The point A has coordinates (−3, 2) and the point B has coordinates (7, k).

The line AB has equation 3x + 5y = 1.

(a) (i) Show that k = −4.


(ii) Hence find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB.


(b) Find the gradient of AB.


(c) A line which passes through the point A is perpendicular to the line AB. Find an
equation of this line, giving your answer in the form px + qy + r = 0, where p, q and
r are integers.

(d) The line AB, with equation 3x + 5y = 1, intersects the line 5x + 8y = 4 at the point C.
Find the coordinates of C.
(Total 11 marks)

The line AB has equation 3x – 4y + 5 = 0.

(a) The point with coordinates (p, p + 2) lies on the line AB. Find the value of the
constant p.

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(b) Find the gradient of AB.

(c) The point A has coordinates (1, 2). The point C(–5, k) is such that AC is
perpendicular to AB. Find the value of k.

(d) The line AB intersects the line with equation 2x – 5y = 6 at the point D. Find the
coordinates of D.
(Total 10 marks)

The point A has coordinates (6, −4) and the point B has coordinates (−2, 7).

(a) Given that the point O has coordinates (0, 0), show that the length of OA is less
than the length of OB.

(b) (i) Find the gradient of AB.


(ii) Find an equation of the line AB in the form px + qy = r, where p, q and r are

(c) The point C has coordinates (k, 0). The line AC is perpendicular to the line AB.
Find the value of the constant k.
(Total 11 marks)

The circle with centre C(5, 8) touches the y-axis, as shown in the diagram.

(a) Express the equation of the circle in the form

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = k

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(b) (i) Verify that the point A(2, 12) lies on the circle.

(ii) Find an equation of the tangent to the circle at the point A, giving your answer
in the form sx + ty + u = 0, where s, t and u are integers.

(c) The points P and Q lie on the circle, and the mid-point of PQ is M (7, 12).

(i) Show that the length of CM is , where n is an integer.


(ii) Hence find the area of triangle PCQ.

(Total 13 marks)


The gradient, , of a curve C at the point (x, y) is given by

= 20x − 6x2 − 16

(a) (i) Show that y is increasing when 3x2 − 10x + 8 < 0.


(ii) Solve the inequality 3x2 − 10x + 8 < 0.


(b) The curve C passes through the point P(2, 3).

(i) Verify that the tangent to the curve at P is parallel to the x-axis.

(ii) The point Q(3, −1) also lies on the curve. The normal to the curve at Q and the
tangent to the curve at P intersect at the point R. Find the coordinates of R.
(Total 15 marks)

A circle has centre C (−3, 1) and radius

(a) (i) Express the equation of the circle in the form

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = k

(ii) Hence find the equation of the circle in the form

x2 + y2 + mx + ny + p = 0

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where m, n and p are integers.

(b) The circle cuts the y-axis at the points A and B. Find the distance AB.

(c) (i) Verify that the point D (−5, −2) lies on the circle.

(ii) Find the gradient of CD.


(iii) Hence find an equation of the tangent to the circle at the point D.
(Total 13 marks)

The triangle ABC has vertices A(1, 3), B(3, 7) and C(– 1, 9).

(a) (i) Find the gradient of AB.


(ii) Hence show that angle ABC is a right angle.


(b) (i) Find the coordinates of M, the mid-point of AC.


(ii) Show that the lengths of AB and BC are equal.


(iii) Hence find an equation of the line of symmetry of the triangle ABC.
(Total 12 marks)

The trapezium ABCD is shown below.

The line AB has equation 2x + 3y = 14 and DC is parallel to AB.

(a) Find the gradient of AB.


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(b) The point D has coordinates (3, 7).

(i) Find an equation of the line DC.


(ii) The angle BAD is a right angle. Find an equation of the line AD, giving your
answer in the form mx + ny + p = 0, where m, n and p are integers.

(c) The line BC has equation 5y – x = 6. Find the coordinates of B.

(Total 11 marks)

A circle with centre C(–5, 6) touches the y-axis, as shown in the diagram.

(a) Find the equation of the circle in the form

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2


(b) (i) Verify that the point P(–2, 2) lies on the circle.

(ii) Find an equation of the normal to the circle at the point P.


(iii) The mid-point of PC is M. Determine whether the point P is closer to the point
M or to the origin O.
(Total 11 marks)

The points A and B have coordinates (1, 6) and (5, –2) respectively. The mid-point of AB
is M.

(a) Find the coordinates of M.


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(b) Find the gradient of AB, giving your answer in its simplest form.

(c) A straight line passes through M and is perpendicular to AB.

(i) Show that this line has equation x – 2y + 1 = 0.


(ii) Given that this line passes through the point (k, k + 5), find the value of the
constant k.
(Total 9 marks)

A circle with centre C has equation x2 + y2 – 6x + 10y + 9 = 0.

(a) Express this equation in the form

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r 2


(b) Write down:

(i) the coordinates of C;

(ii) the radius of the circle.


(c) The point D has coordinates (7, –2).

(i) Verify that the point D lies on the circle.


(ii) Find an equation of the normal to the circle at the point D, giving your answer
in the form mx + ny = p, where m, n and p are integers.

(d) (i) A line has equation y = kx. Show that the x-coordinates of any points of
intersection of the line and the circle satisfy the equation

(k2 + 1)x2 + 2(5k – 3)x + 9 = 0


(ii) Find the values of k for which the equation

(k2 + 1)x2 + 2(5k – 3)x + 9 = 0

has equal roots.


(iii) Describe the geometrical relationship between the line and the circle when k

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takes either of the values found in part (d)(ii).
(Total 17 marks)

The line AB has equation 3x + 5y = 11.

(a) (i) Find the gradient of AB.


(ii) The point A has coordinates (2, 1). Find an equation of the line which passes
through the point A and which is perpendicular to AB.

(b) The line AB intersects the line with equation 2x + 3y = 8 at the point C. Find the
coordinates of C.
(Total 8 marks)

A circle with centre C has equation

(x – 5)2 + (y + 12)2 = 169

(a) Write down:

(i) the coordinates of C;


(ii) the radius of the circle.


(b) (i) Verify that the circle passes through the origin O.

(ii) Given that the circle also passes through the points (10, 0) and (0, p), sketch
the circle and find the value of p.

(c) The point A(–7, –7) lies on the circle.

(i) Find the gradient of AC.


(ii) Hence find an equation of the tangent to the circle at the point , giving your
answer in the form ax + by + c = 0, where a, b and c are integers.
(Total 11 marks)


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The triangle ABC has vertices A(–2, 3), B(4, 1) and C(2, –5).

(a) Find the coordinates of the mid-point of BC.


(b) (i) Find the gradient of AB, in its simplest form.


(ii) Hence find an equation of the line AB, giving your answer in the form x + qy =
r, where q and r are integers.

(iii) Find an equation of the line passing through C which is parallel to AB.

(c) Prove that angle ABC is a right angle.

(Total 11 marks)

The circle S has centre C(8, 13) and touches the x-axis, as shown in the diagram.

(a) Write down an equation for S, giving your answer in the form

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2


(b) The point P with coordinates (3, 1) lies on the circle.

(i) Find the gradient of the straight line passing through P and C.

(ii) Hence find an equation of the tangent to the circle S at the point P, giving your
answer in the form ax + by = c, where a, b and c are integers.

(iii) The point Q also lies on the circle S, and the length of PQ is 10. Calculate the
shortest distance from C to the chord PQ.
(Total 10 marks)

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The line AB has equation 3x + 5y = 8 and the point A has coordinates (6, –2).

(a) (i) Find the gradient of AB.


(ii) Hence find an equation of the straight line which is perpendicular to AB and
which passes through A.

(b) The line AB intersects the line with equation 2x + 3y = 3 at the point B. Find the
coordinates of B.

(c) The point C has coordinates (2, k) and the distance from A to C is 5. Find the two
possible values of the constant k.
(Total 11 marks)

The points A and B have coordinates (6, –1) and (2, 5) respectively.

(a) (i) Show that the gradient of AB is


(ii) Hence find an equation of the line AB, giving your answer in the form
ax + by = c, where a, b and c are integers.

(b) (i) Find an equation of the line which passes through B and which is
perpendicular to the line AB.

(ii) The point C has coordinates (k, 7) and angle ABC is a right angle.

Find the value of the constant k.

(Total 8 marks)

A circle with centre C has equation (x + 3)2 + (y – 2)2 = 25.

(a) Write down:

(i) the coordinates of C;


(ii) the radius of the circle.

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(b) (i) Verify that the point N(0, –2) lies on the circle.

(ii) Sketch the circle.


(iii) Find an equation of the normal to the circle at the point N.


(c) The point P has coordinates (2, 6).

(i) Find the distance PC, leaving your answer in surd form.

(ii) Find the length of a tangent drawn from P to the circle.

(Total 14 marks)

The point A has coordinates (1, 1) and the point B has coordinates (5, k).

The line AB has equation 3x + 4y = 7.

(a) (i) Show that k = –2.


(ii) Hence find the coordinates of the mid-point of AB.


(b) Find the gradient of AB.


(c) The line AC is perpendicular to the line AB.

(i) Find the gradient of AC.


(ii) Hence find an equation of the line AC.


(iii) Given that the point C lies on the x-axis, find its x-coordinate.
(Total 10 marks)

The point A has coordinates (1, 7) and the point B has coordinates (5, 1).

(a) (i) Find the gradient of the line AB.


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(ii) Hence, or otherwise, show that the line AB has equation 3x + 2y = 17.

(b) The line AB intersects the line with equation x – 4y = 8 at the point C. Find the
coordinates of C.

(c) Find an equation of the line through A which is perpendicular to AB.

(Total 10 marks)

A circle has centre C (2, –1) and radius 5. The point P has coordinates (6, 2).

(a) Write down an equation of the circle.


(b) Verify that the point P lies on the circle.


(c) Find the gradient of the line CP.


(d) (i) Find the gradient of a line which is perpendicular to CP.


(ii) Hence find an equation for the tangent to the circle at the point P.
(Total 10 marks)

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Mark schemes


Marking Instructions AO Marks Typical Solution

Selects correct answer AO1.1b B1

Total 1 mark


Marking Instructions AO Marks Typical Solution

Forms an equation for AO3.1a M1

gradient of CD = or
4d – 8 = 6 – c
of the form difference in y
over difference in x (or c + 4d = 14
vice versa = 4 or −4)

Obtains a correct equation AO1.1b A1

for c & d
4c + d = −4
Forms an equation for the AO3.1a M1
mid-point of CD lying on y c = −2 d=4
+ 4x = 11

Obtains correct equation AO1.1b A1

for c & d (any correct form)

Solves for c and d AO1.1b A1


Total 5 marks


Marking Instructions AO Marks Typical Solution

(a) Selects a method leading AO3.1a M1 Grad BC = −5/2 = Grad

to any calculation DA
pertaining to one of the
following methods seen Grad AB = 2/5 = Grad DC
(not necessarily correct); Both pairs of opposite
gradients of sides, lengths sides have equal gradient
of sides or intersection or so parallel, so ABCD is a
lengths of diagonals parallelogram
Finds gradients of all 4 AO1.1b A1

Page 14 of 60
sides or lengths of all 4 Grad BC × grad AB = −1
sides or midpoints of both ABC = 90° therefore all
diagonals correctly angles in ABCD are 90° so
ABCD is a rectangle
Proves one angle is 90° by AO1.1a M1
using gradients or

Completes proof that AO2.1 R1

ABCD is a rectangle.
There must be a clear
statement that there are 2
pairs of parallel sides and
all angles are 90°

Note, there are various ways of proving that ABCD is a rectangle

(1 − 5 below score M1 A1 M1 before final required statement for relevant R1
stating how their method used proves a rectangle)
1. As in the typical solution shown: show that both pairs of opposite sides
are parallel, show that one angle is 90°.
2. Show that each pair of opposite sides is equal in length, show that one
angle is 90°.
3. Show that one pair of opposite sides is parallel and equal in length,
show that one angle is 90°.
4. Show that the diagonals bisect (the midpoint of one is also the midpoint
of the other) and are equal in length.
5. Show that each pair of opposite sides are parallel and length of the two
diagonals are the same
NB May be expressed using vectors
NB Diagonals AC and BD =

(b) Finds correct lengths of AO1.1a M1 AB (= DC) = √261 = 3√29

two adjacent sides (accept BC (= DA) = √116 = 2√29
to at least 1dp accuracy)

Obtains correct area AO1.1b A1 Area = 174


Total 6 marks


Marking Instructions AO Marks Typical Solution

(a) Uses a technique which AO3.1a M1 AB2 = (8 − 15)2 + (17 − 10)2

could lead to showing two
lines are perpendicular. = 98
Obtains at least one correct AC2 = (8 − −2)2 + (17 − −7)2
distance (or distance2) or
gradient. = 676
Obtains three correct AO1.1b A1 CB2 = (15 − −2)2 + (10 −
distances (or distance2) or −7)2
two gradients.

Page 15 of 60
= 578
AB2 + BC2 = 98 + 578
= 676
Completes correct rigorous AO2.1 R1
argument to show required = AC2
Uses Pythagoras Angle ABC is a right angle.
Multiplies gradients to show
product is −1
Writes a concluding

(b) Explains why AC is a AO2.4 E1 The angle subtended by a

(i) diameter diameter is 90° ∴ AC must
Must reference angle be a diameter of the circle
subtended by diameter
(condone “angle in a semi-
circle”) or give full

(ii) Deduces correct radius (or AO2.2a B1


Obtains mid-point of AO1.1b B1

Distance from centre to D
Uses D(−8, −2) to find the AO1.1a M1 (3 − −8)2 + (5 − −2)2 = 112 +
distance or (distance2) from 72
their centre OE = 170
> 169
Completes rigorous AO2.1 R1
So D lies outside the circle.
argument by comparing
(or 170 > 169) to
show that D lies outside the

Total 8 marks


Marking Instructions AO Marks Typical Solution

Circles correct answer AO1.1b B1 3x − 2y = 7

Total 1 mark

(a) (i) 21 + 5k = 1
condone 3 × 7 + 5k = 1

Page 16 of 60
AG condone y = − 4


(ii) (x =) 2


(y =) − 1
midpoint coords are (2, −1)


(b) y= x

obtaining y = α ± x
condone one sign error in expression


(Gradient AB =) −

allow −0.6, etc for A1 & condone error in rearranging

if gradient is correct.


(c) Perp grad =

−1 / “their” grad AB


correct equation in any form (must simplify x − −3 to

x + 3 or c to a single term equivalent to 7)

5x −3y + 21 = 0
or any multiple of this with integer coefficients − terms
in any order but all terms on one side of equation


Page 17 of 60
(d) 3 x + 5y = 1 and 5x + 8y = 4 ⇒ P x = Q or R y = S
must use correct pair of equations and attempt to
eliminate y (or x) (generous)


x = 12

y = −7
(12, −7)


(a) 3p − 4(p + 2) + 5 = 0
condone omission of brackets or one sign error


(⇒ p =) −3


(b) y= x+

rearranging into form y = ± x+c


(gradient AB =)
condone slips in rearranging if gradient is correct.


(c) (gradient AC =)

or (condone one sign error)


“their” OE
product of grads = −1 in terms of k

Page 18 of 60

(⇒ k =) 10


(d) 3x − 4y + 5 = 0 and 2x − 5y = 6
⇒ P x = Q or R y = S
must use “correct” pair of equations and
attempt to eliminate y (or x) (generous)



(−7, − 4)

(a) (OA2 =)62 + (−4)2 ; (OB2 =) (−2)2 + 72
either correct PI by 52 or 53 seen


(OA2 =)52 and (OB2 =)53

or (OA =) and (OB =)
both correct values 52 or and 53 or seen


OA = and OB = ⇒ OA < OB
or OA = 52 and OB2 =53

correct working + concluding statement involving
OA and / or OB

(b) (i) grad AB =

condone one sign error


Page 19 of 60



y − −4 = ‘their grad AB’(x − 6)

or y − 7 = ‘their grad AB’(x −

or y = ‘their grad AB’ x + c and attempt to find c using

x = 6 , y = −4 or x = −2, y = 7

y+4=− (x −6) OE

any correct form eg y = − but must

simplify − − to +


⇒ 11x + 8y = 34
condone 8y + 11x = 34 or any multiple of these equations


(c) (grad AC =)
FT −1 / ‘their grad AB’


= ‘their ’ OE

⇒ 2k −12 = 11
equating gradients; LHS must be correct and RHS
is “attempt” at perp grad to AB


k = 11.5 OE


Page 20 of 60
Eqn AC : (y + 4)= ‘their ’ (x −6)
(11y = 8x − 92 ) AND must sub y =0 for M1


or (y − 0)= ‘ their ’( x − k)
AND must sub x = 6 , y = −4 for M1


(a) (x − 5)2 + (y − 8)2

= 25
condone 52

(b) (i) (2 − 5)2 + (12 − 8)2

or AC2 = 32 + 42
= 9 + 16 = 25
hence AC = 5; (also radius = 5)

⇒ A lies on circle
(⇒ radius = AC) ⇒ A lies on circle


(must have concluding statement and circle equation

correct if using equation)
(must have concluding statement & RHS of circle
equation correct or r = 5 stated if Pythagoras is used)

(ii) grad −


Gradient of tangent is
FT their −1/ grad AC


Page 21 of 60
y − 12 = ‘their tangent grad’ (x − 2)
or y = ‘their tangent grad’ x + c
& attempt to find c using x = 2 , y = 12


y − 12 = (x − 2) or y = etc
correct equation in any form


3x − 4y + 42 = 0
CSO must have integer coefficients with all terms on
one side of equation accept 0 = 8y − 6x − 84 etc


(c) (i) (CM 2 =) (7 − 5)2 + (12 − 8)2

or (CM 2 =) 20


⇒ ( CM =)


(ii) PM 2 = PC 2 − CM 2 = 25 − 20
Pythagoras used correctly eg d2 + = 52

⇒ PM =


Area Δ PCQ = = 10


(a) (i)

correct interpretation of y increasing

Page 22 of 60

⇒ 6x2 − 20x + 16 < 0 or (2) (10x − 3x2 − 8) > 0

must see at least one of these steps before final answer
for A1

⇒ 3x2 − 10x + 8 < 0

CSO AG no errors in working


(ii) (3x − 4)(x − 2)

correct factors or correct use of quadratic equation

formula as far as


CVs are and 2

condone here but not in final line


sketch or sign diagram



or 2 > x >

accept x < 2 AND x >

but not x < 2 OR x >

nor x < 2, x >


Mark their final line as their answer


(b) (i) x = 2; 40 − 24 − 16

sub x = 2 into and simplify terms

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= 0 ⇒ tangent at P is parallel to the x-axis

must be all correct working plus statement


(ii) x=3; = 20 × 3 − 6 × 32 − 16

must attempt to sub x = 3 into


(= 60 − 54 − 16) = − 10


Gradient of normal =


Normal: (y − −1) = ‘theirgrad’( x − 3)

normal attempted with correct coordinates

used and gradient obtained from their value


y+1= (x − 3)
any correct form, eg 10 y = x − 13 but
must simplify − − to +


(Equation of tangent at P is ) y = 3


x = 43
CSO; ⇒ R (43, 3)


(a) (i) (x + 3)2 + (y – 1)2

Page 24 of 60
condone (x – –3)2

= 13


(ii) x2 + 6x + 9 + y2 – 2y +1
attempt to multiply out both of ‘their’ brackets;
must have x and y terms


x2 + y2 + 6x – 2y
both m = 6 and n = –2


All correct, p = –3 and ... = 0


putting x = 0 PI
and attempt to solve or factorise


y = 3, y = –1

OR Pythagoras d 2 = 13 – 32 M1
d=2 A1
distance = 2 × 2 = 4 A1


(c) (i) (–5 + 3)2 + (–2 – 1)2 = 4 + 9 = 13

Substitution x = −5, y = −2 into any correct circle equation

convincing verification plus statement


Page 25 of 60
condone one sign slip



ft their grad CD or m1m2 = −1 stated


any form of correct equation eg 2x + 3y + 16 = 0



(a) (i) grad AB =

correct expression, possibly implied


=2 (must simplify 4/2)


(ii) grad BC =
Condone one slip
NOT Pythagoras or cosine rule etc


Page 26 of 60
grad AB × grad BC = –1
ABC = 90° or AB & BC perpendicular
convincingly proved plus statement
SC B1 for –1/(their grad AB)
or statement that m1m2 = –1 for
perpendicular lines if M0 scored


(b) (i) M 0,6

B1 + B1 each coordinate correct


either expression correct, simplified or


AB2 = 22 + 42 or BC2 = 42 + 22

or found as a length
Must see either AB2 = ..., or BC2 = ...,



(iii) grad BM =
ft their M coordinates


or –1/(grad AC) attempted

correct gradient of line of symmetry


BM has equation
CSO, any correct form

Page 27 of 60


Attempt at y = …


Gradient AB =
Condone error in rearranging equation


(b) (i) y – 7 = “their grad AB” (x – 3)

or 2x + 3y = k and sub x = 3, y = 7
or y = mx + c, m = their grad AB and
attempt to find c using x = 3, y = 7


y–7= (x – 3) OE

2x + 3y = 27, y = – x + 9 etc

(ii) m m = –1
1 2

or negative reciprocal (stated or used PI)


grand AD =
FT their grad AB


y–7= (x – 3)
Any correct equation unsimplified


3x – 2y + 5 = 0

Page 28 of 60
Integer coefficients; all terms on one side,
condone different order or multiples.
eg 0 = 4y – 6x –10


(c) 2x + 3y = 14 and 5y – x = 6 used

with x or y eliminated (generous)
2(5y – 6) + 3y = 14 etc


x = 4,

B(4, 2) full marks NMS

(a) (x + 5)2 + (y – 6)2 = 52
One term correct LHS

LHS all correct

RHS correct: condone = 25


(b) (i) sub x = –2, y = 2 into circle equation

Circle equation must be correct

32 + (–4)2 = 25 lies on circle

Must have concluding statement


(ii) Grad PC = –



Page 29 of 60
Normal to circle has equation
y – 6 = ‘their gradient PC’ (x + 5)
or y – 2 = ‘their gradient PC’ (x + 2)
M0 if tangent attempted or incorrect
coordinates used


y – 6 = – (x + 5)

or y – 2 = – (x + 2)
Any correct form eg 4x + 3y + 2 = 0

y = – x + c, c = –

(iii) PM = × radius


= 2.5


PO =

P is closer to the point M

E1 cso
Alternative 1

Attempt at M with at least one

correct coordinate and PM2 attempted


PM2 =
PO2 = 4 + 4 = 8
Statement following correct values


Page 30 of 60
Alternative 2

Attempt at M with at least one

correct coordinate and attempt at vectors
or difference of coordinates


P is closer to the point M

Components of their and

considered – totally independent of M1


(a) M(3, 2)
B1 for each coordinate


(b) Gradient AB =
May use coords of M instead of A or B -
condone one slip


= –2
CSO Answer must be simplified to –2


(c) (i) Gradient of perpendicular =

ft “their” – 1/gradient AB


Page 31 of 60
attempt at perp to AB; ft their M coords


CSO Must write down the printed answer


Sub into given line equation or correct
expression involving gradients
Condone omission of brackets or use of x


Condone x = –9
(Full marks for correct answer without working)


(a) (i) (x – 3)2 + (y + 5)2
One term correct

LHS correct with + and squares


= 25 – 9 + 9 = 25 (= 52)
Condone RHS = 25


(b) (i) C(3, –5)


(ii) Radius = 5
Correct or ft their RHS provided > 0


(c) (i) (7 – 3)2 + (– 2 + 5)2 = 16 + 9 = 25

Or sub’n of (7, – 2) in original equation

Page 32 of 60
D lies on circle
Must see statement
72 + (– 2)2 – 42 – 20 + 9 = 0
Or sub x = 7 into eqn & showing y = –2 etc


(ii) Attempt at gradient of CD as normal grad CD =

withhold if subsequently uses m1m2 = –1

(condone one slip) FT their centre C


Correct equation in any form


CSO Integer coefficients

Condone 4y – 3x + 29 = 0 etc


(d) (i) y = kx sub’d into original circle equation

or using their completed square form and
multiplying out


x2 + (kx)2 – 6x + 10kx + 9 = 0
(k2 + 1)x2 + 2(5k – 3)x + 9 = 0 AG
must see at least previous line for A1
any error such as kx2 = … = k2 x2 gets A0


(ii) 4(5k – 3)2 – 36(k2 + 1)

Discriminant in k (can be seen in quad
Condone one slip


Page 33 of 60
= 64k2 – 120 k
or 8k2 – 15k = 0 OE


Equal roots: 4(5k – 3)2 – 36(k2 + 1) = 0

b2 – 4ac = 0 clearly stated or evident by
an equation in k with at most 2 slips.


8k2 – 15k = 0
Attempt to solve their quadratic or linear
equation if k has been cancelled


OE but must have k = 0

If “= 0” is not seen but correct values of k
are found, candidate will lose B1 mark but
may earn all other marks


(iii) (Line is a) tangent (to the circle)

Line touches circle at one point



(a) (i)
Or correct expression for gradient using
two correct points
Attempt at y = f(x)


Or answer gets M1

But answer of gets M0

(Gradient of AB =)
Correct answer scores 2 marks.

Page 34 of 60
Condone error in rearranging formula if
answer for gradient is correct.


(ii) m1 m2 = –1
Used or stated


Gradient of perpendicular =
ft their answer from (a) (i) or correct





(b) Eliminating x or y but must use

3x + 5y = 11 & 2x + 3y = 8
An equation in x only or y only



y = –2
Answer only of (7, –2) scores 3 marks

(a) (i) C(5, –12)

(ii) Radius = 13 (or )

or ±13 as final answer scores B0

Page 35 of 60

(b) (i) (–5)2 + 122 or 25 + 144

= 169 circle passes through O
Correct arithmetic plus statement
Eg “O lies on circle”, “as required” etc


(ii) Sketch

Freehand circle through origin and cutting

positive x-axis with centre in 4th quadrant
Condone value 10 missing or incorrect


25 + (p + 12)2 = 169
Or doubling their yC-coordinate


(p + 12) = ±12 p = –24

Condone use of y instead of p
SC B2 for correct value of p stated or
marked on diagram


(c) (i) grad AC =

correct expression, but ft their C




Page 36 of 60
(ii) grad tangent =


ft “their ” must be tangent and not AC


12x – 5y + 49 = 0
OE with integer coefficients with all
terms on one side of the equation


(a) Mid-point of BC = (3, –2)
Either coordinate correct

Both cords correct. Accept x = 3, y = –2


(b) (i)

OE implies M1



(ii) y – 3 = “their grad” (x + 2) or

y – 1 = “their grad”(x – 4)
Or y = mx + c and correct attempt to find c


Page 37 of 60
Hence x + 3y = 7


(iii) y + 5 = “their grad AB” (x – 2)

Or “their x + qy = c” and attempt to find c


y+5= (x – 2) or x + 3y + 13 = 0


(c) Grad BC = 3 (from OE)

Or 2 lengths correct:

m1m2 = –1 stated or

grad BC = 3 and grad AB = or

grad BC × grad AB (= 3 × )
Or attempt at Pythagoras or Cosine Rule

Product of gradients = –1
Hence AB and BC are perpendicular

Completing proof and statement


(a) (x – 8)2 + (y – 13)2
Exactly this with + and squares


= 132

Condone 169


Page 38 of 60

(b) (i) grad PC =

Must simplify


(ii) grad of tangent

Condone etc


tangent has equation

ft gradient but M0 if using grad PC

Correct – but not in required final form


5x + 12y = 27 OE
MUST have integer coefficients



half chord = 5
Seen or stated


d2 = (their r)2 – 52
(provided r > 5)
Pythagoras used correctly d2 = 132 – 52

Distance = 12

Page 39 of 60


(a) (i) y = − x + ...; Gradient AB = −

Attempt to find y = or ∆ y / ∆ x or or 3x/5

Gradient correct – condone slip in y = ...


(ii) m1m2 = –1
Stated or used correctly


Gradient of perpendicular =
ft gradient of AB


CSO Any correct form eg

5x – 3y = 36 etc


(b) Eliminating x or y (unsimplified)

Must use 3x + 5y = 8; 2x + 3y = 3


x = −9

B(–9, 7)


Page 40 of 60
(c) 42 + (k + 2)2 ( =25) or 16 + d 2 = 25
Diagram with 3,4, 5 triangle


Condone slip in one term (or k + 2 = 3)

or k = –5
SC1 with no working for spotting one
correct value of k. Full marks if both
values spotted with no contradictory work



(a) (i) Gradient AB= or

implies M1





or y = − and attempt to find c


3x + 2y = 16
OE; must have integer coefficients


(b) (i) Gradient of perpendicular =

use of m1m2 = –1

Page 41 of 60

y − 5 = (x − 2)
3y – 2x = 11 (no misreads permitted)


(ii) Substitute, x = k, y = 7 into their (b)(i)

or grads


or Pythagoras (k – 2)2 = (k – 6)2 + 8


(a) (i) Centre ( –3, 2)
± 3 or ± 2



(ii) Radius = 5

accept but not ±


(b) (i)
N lies on circle
must have 9 + 16 = 25 or a statement



Page 42 of 60
must draw axes;
ft their centre in correct quadrant

correct (reasonable freehand circle enclosing origin)


(iii) Attempt at gradient of CN

withhold if subsequently finds tangent


grad CN =


(or equivalent)
ft their grad CN


(c) (i) P(2, 6) Hence PC2 = 52 + 42

“their” PC2

PC =

(ii) Use of Pythagoras correctly


where t is a point of contact of tangent

ft their PC2 and r2

Page 43 of 60
PT = 4
sketch with vertical tangent M1
showing that tangent touches circle at
point (2, 2) A1
hence PT = 4 A1


(a) (i) 15 + 4k = 7 4k = −8 k = −2
AG (condone verification or y = −2)


(ii) (x1 + x2) or (y1 + y2)


Midpoint coordinates
One coordinate correct implies M1


(b) Attempt at ∆y/∆x y=− x+

(Not x over y)(may use M instead of A/B)


Gradient AB = −
−0.75 etc any correct equivalent


(c) (i) m1m2 = −1 used or stated


Hence gradient AC =
Follow through their gradient of AB from part (b)


Page 44 of 60
(ii) y−1= (x − 1) or 3y = 4x −1 etc
Follow through their gradient of AC from
part (c) (i) must be normal & (1,1) used


(iii) y=0 x−1=−

Putting y = 0 in their AC equation and attempting
to find x



CSO. C has coordinates



(a) (i) Gradient AB =

Must be y on top and subtraction of coordinates


Any correct equivalent



Verifying 2 points or

leading to 3x + 2y = 17
AG (or grad & 1 point verified)


(b) Attempt to eliminate x or y : 7x = 42 etc

Solving x – 4y = 8; 3x + 2y = 17


Page 45 of 60


C is point (6, – )


(c) Grad of perp = – 1 / their gradient AB

Or m1m2 = –1 used or stated


ft their gradient AB


or 3y – 2x = 19
CSO Any correct form of equation


(a) (x – 2)2 + (y + 1)2
(x ± a)2 + (y ± b)2

= 52 or 25
Correct equation for circle


(b) Sub x = 6, y = 2 into their circle equation

Or distance PC 2 = 42 + 32

(6 – 2)2 + (2 + 1)2 = 16 + 9 = 25
Shown to equal radius2

(c) Gradient CP = (2 – –1) / (6 – 2)

Must be y on top and subtraction (6 –2)

Page 46 of 60

= = 0.75
Any correct equivalent


(d) (i) Grad of perp = –1 / their gradient CP

Or m1m2 = –1 used or stated


= –4/3


(ii) y – 2 = their (d)(i) gradient (x – 6)

OE such as 3y + 4x = 30


Page 47 of 60
Examiner reports

Here the similarity of the answers resulted in many students making the wrong choice.
The correct answer was most popular, but was only chosen by 35%. The second favourite
was option 1, suggesting that many calculated the gradient of the radius from the origin to
the centre rather than the tangent at the origin.

Here it was insufficient to state the midpoint or the gradient of the perpendicular bisector.
These facts needed to be applied in a method leading towards finding the values of c and
Many correctly obtained the required gradient equation. Fewer substituted the coordinates
of the midpoint into the equation of the bisector. Many instead stated that C and D lay on
the bisector leading to wrong equations. Even where the two correct equations were
obtained, poor algebra often led to wrong answers. A common error was to say that since

then d = 3 and c = 2.

This question illustrated that many students were unclear of the geometry required to
prove that the given four points formed a rectangle. Many students scored 2/4 for showing
that the points formed a parallelogram, but investigating for right angles was less
commonly seen. Some students incorrectly assumed that the distances between the
points were vertical and horizontal. The final mark required a rigorous statement which
proved beyond most students. There were many different acceptable methods of proving
that the points formed a rectangle.

There were many correct attempts seen for part (b) with 60% of all students obtaining full

In part (a) students had a choice of techniques to use and the first mark was awarded for
using an appropriate technique to solve the problem. This was a “show that” question,
which was an indication that a rigorous argument needed to be given. Those who
compared gradients often failed to complete their argument with a statement such as “m1
× m2 = −1 means that the lines are perpendicular, so ABC is a right angle.”

Part (b)(i) was intended to help students to answer part (b)(ii). While most students
seemed to know the correct theorem, it was usually poorly stated.

Part (b)(ii) was generally done well, with students making good progress. The main errors
seen here were numerical slips or failing to give a justification for their answer. Many
students showed clear working, gave an argument to show the distance from the centre to
D was greater than the radius and concluded that D lay outside the circle.

This was the least well answered of all the multiple choice question on the paper.

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However, a large majority of students still gave the correct answer of 3x − 2y = 7.

(a) (i) Those who began by substituting x = 7 into the equation of AB were usually
successful. Another approach was to rearrange the given equation in order to
find the gradient and then equate this value to the gradient found using the
points (–3, 2) and (7, k). Quite a few attempted to verify the result by more
complicated methods, but such attempts rarely had an appropriate conclusion
and did not always convince the examiner.

(ii) Apart from the occasional arithmetic error, this was answered well. A few
weaker students used an incorrect midpoint formula, usually having minus
signs instead of plus signs.

(b) Once more this was answered well. The most successful students rearranged the
given equation to make y the subject, but others used the two pairs of coordinates. A
few students made sign errors due to the negative coordinates but most students
found the correct value of the gradient.

(c) Most students realised the need to find the negative reciprocal of the gradient of AB
in order to find the gradient of the perpendicular line. Very few failed to do so.
However, not all heeded the question where a specific form of answer was
requested. A common incorrect answer was 5x – 3y + 7 = 0 where students, having

obtained the equation y = x + 7, neglected to multiply the constant term by 3.

Those who used y = mx + c for the equation of the straight line usually made more
mistakes than those using the form
y – y1 = m(x – x1) .
(d) There were several completely correct solutions here. The question was easier than
on previous papers because students did not have to decide which equations to use
to find the coordinates of C. However, amongst the weaker students, sign and
arithmetic errors abounded.

(a) (i) Almost all candidates began by substituting x = p and y = p + 2 into the given
equation. However, many made a sign error when multiplying out – 4( p + 2 )
and consequently p = 13 was a very common incorrect answer.

(b) Most candidates rearranged the equation to the form y = mx + c and gave the
correct gradient. Some used the coordinates of two points on AB, such as (1, 2 )
and (–3, –1). Some of the weaker candidates chose two values for p, found 2 pairs
of incorrect coordinates and then attempted to find the gradient of the line joining
these points.

(c) There were two equally common methods used here. Both required the use of the
negative reciprocal of the answer to part (b) to provide the relevant gradient and it
was pleasing to note that most candidates realised this. One approach was to find
the gradient in terms of k and equate it to the relevant gradient and solve; the
alternative was to set up an equation using the coordinates of A (or C) and then to
substitute the coordinates of the other point to obtain the value of k.

Page 49 of 60
(d) Although most candidates realised the necessity to set up 2 equations in order to
eliminate x or y, arithmetic and sign errors abounded and there were many incorrect
solutions. Even those who correctly found 7y = –28, say, often wrote down an
incorrect value of y such as y = –3 or y = 4. A few candidates misread the question
and used an incorrect equation for one of the lines.

In part (a), almost everyone recognised the need to use the distance formula, though a
few were unable to calculate 49 + 4 successfully. Many candidates scored full marks for
correct working and a correct summary statement. Those who failed to write a correct
conclusion involving the lengths OA and OB lost the final mark. Several candidates
confused OA 2 with OA , writing things like OA 2 = 62 + (–4)2 = , which again was
enough to lose the final mark. A minority of candidates used an incorrect formula for the
distance between two points, such as OA = and scored no marks at all.

In part (b)(i), apart from a few sign errors, most candidates obtained the correct gradient.
Some wrote the gradient as “difference in x values / difference in y values” and so did not
score any marks.

In part (b)(ii), most candidates wrote down a correct form of the equation, such as y – –4 =

( x – 6) . However, careless arithmetic prevented many from obtaining the final

equation in the required form with integer coefficients. Those who used y = mx + c often
only earned a single mark for having the correct gradient, as they never had a correct
form of the equation.

In part (c), most candidates realised that the product of the gradients of perpendicular

lines should be –1 and wrote the perpendicular gradient as . Many made little
progress beyond this point; some used the coordinates of B instead of A ; others used the
correct method but combined 44 and 48 incorrectly to give 82, or even – 4. Full marks
were given for giving an answer as a fraction not reduced to its simplest form.

In part (a), some weaker students did not seem familiar with the standard equation of a
circle, with several writing the left hand side of the equation as (x + 5)2 + ( y + 8)2 or (5 –
a)2 + (8 – b)2. However, most errors were associated with the value of k; typical incorrect
values seen on the right hand side of the equation were 5, 89 and .

In part (b)(i), the verification mark was rarely scored. Many, who had the correct circle
equation, were able to verify that A was a point on the circle but then neglected to make a
concluding statement. Those who had the wrong value of k in part (a) could not earn this
mark unless they argued in terms of Pythagoras, stating the correct value of the radius.

In part (b)(ii), while most students found the gradient of AC correctly, many used the value
of the gradient of AC when finding the equation of the tangent. It was pleasing to see a
large number of students realise the need to find the negative reciprocal, but these
students were sometimes unable to present their tangent equation in the required form.

Page 50 of 60
In part (c)(i), most used the distance formula correctly and found that CM2 was equal to
20 and then deduced that CM = . Occasionally the surd was not handled correctly,
with some writing the final answer as . No marks were awarded to students who
simply wrote down the answer without supporting working.

Part (c)(ii) was not answered quite so well. Pythagoras was not always used correctly as
the angle PCQ at the centre of the circle was often assumed to be a right angle or the
length CM assumed to equal PM . Even those who found the correct value of PM either
found the area of only half the triangle or were unable to deal with the product of the


In part (a)(i), the idea of y being increasing when > 0 seemed unfamiliar to many
students, who seemed content to substitute a few numerical values for x into the

expression for rather than tackling the three-line proof. Consequently, very few scored
full marks on this part.

Many students ignored the inequality signs throughout part (a)(ii). It was pleasing to see
many students attempting to factorise the quadratic, often successfully, rather than relying
on the formula. Perhaps more students would be successful in solving quadratic
inequalities if they were to draw a sign diagram or sketch a graph. There were many

correct solutions, but students must realise that x < 2, x > is not the same as <x<2

In part (b)(i), most students attempted to evaluate when x = 2. Not all were able to
cope with the evaluation of –6 (2) , which they needed to do in order to convince

examiners that was indeed equal to zero. Once more, some failed to write a
concluding statement or referred to a stationary point rather than the fact that the tangent
was parallel to the x-axis.

In part (b)(ii), it was pleasing to see some fully correct solutions. Most recognised that the
equation of the tangent at P was y = 3, but it was disappointing to see a number of
students write y – 3 = 9( x – 2) followed by y = x + 1 as their tangent equation. In finding

the equation of the normal at Q, some, having correctly found that = 10 when x = 3,

used the value 10 instead of – for the gradient of the normal. Arithmetic errors were
very common by those who used y = mx + c when finding the value of c; typically y =

was seen instead of

y= . Curiously, quite a few students who had previously obtained y = 3 as the

equation of the tangent, and consequently the correct y-coordinate of the point R, then
substituted the correct value of x into their incorrect equation for the normal and found a
different, and now incorrect value for the y-coordinate of R.


Page 51 of 60
In part (a)(i) the LHS of this equation was almost always correct but the RHS was less
commonly so with or 132 being common wrong answers.

In (a)(ii) again, the first 4 terms, namely x2 + y2 + 6x – 4y, were generally correct with just
the odd slip occurring, either in a sign or perhaps from not doubling one of the x or y
coefficients. The rest of the equation was only completed correctly by about half of the
candidates, although some managed to recover from an error in their equation in part (a)
(i), usually replacing by 13.

Part (b) defeated many candidates. Using algebra, putting x = 0 and solving the quadratic
to find the y-intercepts, and hence finding the length of AB, was done only by the most
competent. However some candidates were successful using a diagram and the theorem
of Pythagoras. Unfortunately some who drew a picture assumed that the two radii to the
intercepts were at right angles and their Pythagoras calculations were incorrect.

Part (c)(i) proved an insurmountable hurdle for those who tried to use their wrong circle
equation; fortunately those who used the form given in the question were more likely to be
successful. Some compared the distance from the point to the centre of the circle with the
radius, but, in many cases, there was some confusion between 13 and and these
candidates lost the mark. Unfortunately some also lost the mark by failing to complete
their verification with a relevant statement.

Part (c)(ii) was the only place in this question paper where it was essential to know how to
find the gradient of the line joining two points. A few candidates had their expression
upside down; however many who wrote down a correct expression for the gradient were
often unable to cope with the negative signs when simplifying their gradient into a simple

In (c)(iii) the tan gent to the circle required the negative reciprocal of the gradient of CD to
be calculated, since a perpendicular line was involved, but many seemed unaware of this

In part (a)(i), although some made arithmetic errors when finding the gradient of AB, the
majority of answers were correct. It was necessary to reduce fractions such as 4/2 in
order to score full marks. In part (a)(ii), those who chose to use Pythagoras’ Theorem,
calculating lengths of sides to prove that the triangle was right angled, scored no marks
here. The word “hence” indicated that the gradient of AB needed to be used in the proof
that angle ABC was a right angle. A large number of those using gradients failed to score
full marks on this part of the question. It was not sufficient to show that the gradient of BC
was –1/2 and then to simply say “therefore ABC is a right angle”; an explanation that the
product of the gradients was equal to –1 was required.

In part (b)(i), most candidates were able to find the correct coordinates of the mid point,
although a few transposed the coordinates and others subtracted, rather than added, the
coordinates before halving the results.

In part (b)(ii), it was rare to see a solution with all mathematical statements correct. Too
often candidates wrote things like AB = 22 + 42 = 20 = and, although this was not
penalised on this occasion, examiners in the future might not be quite so generous. It was
surprising how many candidates did not know the distance formula. Some wrote down
vectors but, unless their lengths were calculated, no marks were scored.

Page 52 of 60
In part (b)(iii), many candidates found an equation of the wrong line. The line of symmetry
was actually BM, although some chose an equivalent method using the gradient of a line
perpendicular to AC. The most successful candidates often used an equation of the form
y – y1 = m(x – x1); far too often those using y = mx + c were unable to find the correct
value of c, usually because of poor arithmetic.

Part (a) Many candidates were unable to make y the subject of the equation 2x + 3y
= 14 and, as a result, many incorrect answers for the gradient were seen. Those who tried
to use two points on the line to find the gradient were rarely successful.

Part (b)(i) Those candidates who obtained a value for the gradient in part (a) were usually
aware that the line DC had the same gradient. Those using y = mx + c often made errors
when finding the value of c, whereas those writing down an equation of the form y – y = 1

m(x – x ) usually scored full marks.


Part (b)(ii) Most candidates realised that the product of the gradients of perpendicular
lines should be –1 and credit was given for using this result together with their answer
from part (a). Careless arithmetic prevented many from obtaining the final equation in the
given form with integer coefficients.

Part (c) Although many correct answers for the coordinates of B were seen, the
simultaneous equations defeated a large number of candidates. No credit was given for
mistakenly using their equation from part (b)(i) or part (b)(ii) instead of the correct equation
for AB, clearly printed below the diagram. Many did not recognize the need to use the
equation of AB at all. It was common to see x = 0 or y = 0 substituted into the equation for
BC and then solved to obtain the other coordinate.

Part (a) Most candidates obtained the correct left hand side of the circle equation but
many failed to recognize that the radius was 5. Alarmingly many thought that r was equal
to –5 or wrote down the right hand side of the equation as –52, thus displaying a
fundamental misunderstanding of the idea of radius as a length.

Part (b)(i) Most who had the correct circle equation were able to verify that the circle
passed through the point P, although those who neglected to make a statement as a
conclusion to their calculation failed to earn this mark.

Part (b)(ii) The negative signs caused problems for many when finding the gradient of PC
and only the better candidates obtained the correct value. Many candidates then found
the negative reciprocal of this fraction instead of using the gradient of PC to find the
normal to the circle at the point P.

Part (b)(iii) There were basically two approaches to this question, although some
candidates were merely guessing and no credit was given for a correct answer without
supporting working.

The most common method involved distances or squares of distances; many made errors

Page 53 of 60
in finding the coordinates of M and then struggled with the fractions when squaring and
adding to find the length of PM; whereas others noted that the length of PM was simply
half the radius. A simple comparison with the length of PO led to the correct conclusion.

The second approach was essentially one using vectors or the differences of coordinates,
but this method was not always explained correctly and left examiners in some doubt as
to whether candidates really understood what they were doing. The best candidates wrote
down the correct vectors and and reasoned that these vectors had the same y-
component but different x-components and it was then easy to deduce that P was closer
to the point M.

In part (a) most candidates were able to find the correct coordinates of the mid point,
although a few transposed the coordinates and others subtracted rather than adding the
coordinates before halving the results.

Full marks were only awarded in part (b) for a gradient of –2 and quite a few candidates
did not give their answer in this simplest form.

In part (c)(i) most candidates realised that the product of the gradients should be –1.
However, not all were able to calculate the negative reciprocal. Others used an incorrect
point such as A or B and therefore found an equation of the wrong line. The most
successful used an equation of the form y – y1 = m(x – x1) as flagged above. The printed
answer helped most candidates to be successful in finding the correct equation of the line.

In part (c)(ii) most candidates made an attempt at this part of the question, but the failure
to use brackets for the second term caused the majority to find an incorrect value for k.
Others foolishly tried to substitute x = k and y = k + 5 into their own incorrect line equation
rather than using the printed answer from part (c)(i).

In part (a) most candidates found the correct values of a and b, but correct values for r2
were not so common. Some sloppiness was again evident with candidates failing to write
squared outside the brackets or omitting the plus sign between the terms on the left hand
side. It was common to see things such as 25 = = 52 and this could be penalised in
the future.

In part (b) the coordinates of the centre, C and the radius r, although not always correct,
usually gained full credit when following through from part (a).

In part (c)(i) most candidates attempted to verify that the point D was on the circle,
although some, who had obviously worked a previous examination question, were keen to
show that the distance from C to D was less than the radius and that D lay inside the
circle. This verification was marked fairly strictly and the argument had to be correct
including a final concluding statement. Those who simply wrote 42 + 32 = 25, for example,
did not earn the mark.

In part (c)(ii) many candidates found the gradient of CD and then assumed they had to
find the negative reciprocal of this since the question asked for the normal at D.
Reference to a sketch might have prevented this incorrect assumption.

Page 54 of 60
In part (d)(i) most candidates made errors by not using brackets; the expression kx2 was
seen almost as often as the correct form k2x2 after substituting y = kx into their circle

In part (d)(ii), although there were some correct solutions seen, the discriminant often
contained algebraic slips and the condition for equal roots was rarely stated. Often it was
several lines into the working before an “= 0” appeared and many times this was omitted
entirely. The value k = 0 was often ignored in otherwise correct solutions, but it was more
common to see a three term quadratic because of previous algebraic errors.

In part (d)(iii) several candidates realised that the line would be a tangent for each of the
two values of k, but many completely missed the point and talked about transformations,
often giving vectors in their answer.

In part (a)(i) many candidates were unable to make y the subject of the equation 3x + 5y =
11 and, as a result, many incorrect answers for the gradient were seen. Those who tried to
use two points on the line to find the gradient were rarely successful.

In part (a)(ii) most candidates realised that the product of the gradients of perpendicular
lines should be –1 and credit was given for using this result together with their answer
from part(a)(i).

Although many correct answers for the coordinates of C were seen in part (b)(i), the
simultaneous equations defeated a large number of candidates. No credit was given for
mistakenly using their equation from part (a)(ii) instead of the correct equation for AB.

In part (a)(i) most candidates realised what the correct coordinates of the centre were,
although some wrote these as (–5, 12) instead of (5, –12).

Some gave the radius as 169 and others evaluated incorrectly in part (a)(ii). The
majority of candidates obtained the correct value of the radius.

In part (b)(i) most were able to verify that the circle passed through the origin, although
some neglected to make a statement as a conclusion to their calculation and so failed to
earn this mark. A surprisingly large number made no attempt at this part.

Most sketches were correct in part (b)(ii), though some were very untidy with some
making several attempts at the circle so the diagram resembled the chaotic orbit of a
planet. In spite of being asked to verify that the circle passed through the origin many
sketches did not do so. Credit was given for freehand circles with the centre in the correct
quadrant and which passed through the origin, although it was good to see some circles
drawn using compasses. Many used algebraic methods, putting x = 0, but often their poor
algebra prevented them from finding the value of p. Those using the symmetry, doubling
the y-coordinate, were usually more successful, although an answer of –25 (from –12–13)
was common.

In part (c)(i) the majority of candidates tried to find the gradient of AC but careless
arithmetic meant that far fewer actually succeeded in finding its correct simplified value.

In part (c)(ii), in order to find the tangent, it was necessary to use the negative reciprocal

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of the answer from part (c)(i) in order to find the gradient. Although some did, many chose
to use the same gradient obtained in the previous part of the question and scored no
marks at all.

In part (a), apart from a few sign errors, it was pleasing to see that most candidates were
able to find the correct mid-point. However, those who insisted on subtracting the
coordinates before dividing by 2 would do well to learn the formula in the first bullet point
above. Quite a few candidates found the mid-point of AB instead of BC, and this was
generously treated as a misread.

In part (b)(i), many ignored the request to simplify the gradient, but most were successful

in writing the gradient of AB as .

In part (b)(ii), almost all candidates managed to write down a correct equation for the line
AB, but careless arithmetic prevented many from obtaining the required form of x + 3y =
7. Some were content to give a final answer that was not in the required form, thus losing
a mark.

In part (b)(iii), some candidates immediately used m1 × m2 = –1 to find the gradient of the
parallel line and scored no marks. Many who used the formula y = mx + c for the equation
of the straight line through C parallel to AB made arithmetic slips and did not obtain a
correct final equation.

In part (c), the most common approach, and the one expected, was to use gradients in
order to prove that angle ABC was a right angle. Some simply assumed the result, stating

that since the gradient of AB was then BC had gradient 3. It was necessary to show,
by considering the differences of the coordinates that BC had gradient 3. Far too many
simply found the two gradients and wrote “therefore the lines BC and AB are
perpendicular”. Since this was a proof, it was expected that the product of the two
gradients would be shown to equal –1 before a statement was made about angle ABC
being a right angle. Some were successful in proving the result using Pythagoras’
Theorem, but many attempts were incomplete with several candidates writing
or other inaccurate statements. Others used the cosine rule, and one
or two used the scalar product of two vectors in order to prove the result. A surprising
number confused “isosceles” with “right-angled” and, having found two equal sides, stated
that the result was proved.

In part (a), while many found the centre and hence the values of a and b correctly, far
fewer were able to find the radius. A very common incorrect answer was instead of
13. A few candidates substituted the coordinates of the centre into the given equation so
wrote (8 – a)2 + (13 – b)2 = ... and earned no marks. Too many candidates were drawn into
fruitless calculations when all they needed to do was refer to the diagram.

In part (b)(i), the gradient of PC was usually correct.

The most common error in part (b)(ii) was a misunderstanding of what was required. Many

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assumed that the tangent was the straight line passing through P and C and used their
answer to part (b), instead of its negative reciprocal, as the gradient. Not all of those who
found the correct equation converted it to a form with integer coefficients.

In part (b)(iii), a surprising number of candidates did not realise that the distance from C to
P was the radius, and recalculated it. It was a pity that they did not return to part (a) and
correct their circle equation.

Those who drew a sketch usually used Pythagoras’s Theorem correctly, but many failed to
recognise that the distance required was the length of the perpendicular from the centre of
the circle to the midpoint of the chord. A few obtained the correct answer by considering a
horizontal chord and finding the point of intersection with the circle.

Part (a)(i) It was disappointing to see many candidates unable to rearrange 3x + 5y = 8 to
make y the subject in order to find the gradient. Some were successful in finding a second
point on the line such as (1, 1) and then using the coordinates of A to find the gradient of
Part (a)(ii) Most candidates knew how to find the gradient of a perpendicular line, but
those using y = mx + c made more arithmetic slips than those using the more appropriate
y – y1 = m (x − x1).
Part (b) Apart from those who used the wrong pair of equations, this part was usually
answered correctly.

Part (c) Although this part was meant to be challenging, there were many successful
attempts, particularly by those who used a sketch and reasoned on a 3, 4, 5 triangle. It
had been intended that candidates would have formed an equation such as 16 + (k + 2)2 =
25, but more commonly something such as 16 + y2 = 25 was seen, resulting in the
incorrect values of ±3.


Part (a)(i) Most candidates were able to show that the gradient was . However,

examiners had to be vigilant since fractions such as and were sometimes equated

to .

Part (a)(ii) Many candidates did not heed the request for integer coefficients and left their

3 answer as . Many who attempted to express the equation in the required

form were unable to double the 8 and wrote their final equation as 3x +2y = 8.

Part (b)(i) Most candidates realised that the product of the gradients should be –1.
However, not all were able to calculate the negative reciprocal. Others used the incorrect
point and therefore found an equation of the wrong line.

Part (b)(ii) Many candidates made no attempt at this part of the question. The most

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successful method was to substitute y = 7 into the answer to part (b)(i) or to equate the

gradient to .

There were also some good answers using a diagrammatic approach. Those using
Pythagoras usually made algebraic errors and so rarely reached a solution.

Part (a) Most candidates found the correct coordinates of the centre, although some wrote
these as (3, –2) instead of (–3, 2). Those who multiplied out the brackets were often
unsuccessful in writing down the correct radius of the circle.

Part (b)(i) Most candidates were able to verify that the point N was on the circle, although
some, who had perhaps worked a previous examination question, were keen to show that
the distance from C to N was less than the radius and that N lay inside the circle.

Part (b)(ii) Most sketches were correct, though some were very untidy with several
attempts at the circle so that the diagram resembled a chaotic orbit of a planet. Some
candidates omitted the axes and scored no marks.

Part (b)(iii) The majority of candidates found the gradient of CN and then assumed they
had to find the negative reciprocal of this since the question asked for the normal at N.
Reference to their diagram might have avoided this incorrect assumption.

Part (c)(i) Most wrote PC 2 = 52 + 42, provided they had the correct coordinates of C.
However, the length of PC was often calculated incorrectly with answers such as

and seen quite often.

Part (c)(ii) Although there were many correct solutions seen, Pythagoras` Theorem was
often used incorrectly. A large number of candidates wrote the answer as a difference of
two lengths such as . Candidates need to realise that obtaining the correct answer
from incorrect working is not rewarded; quite a few wrote and scored
no marks. Many who drew a good diagram realised that a tangent from (2, 6) touched the
circle at (2, 2) and so the vertical line segment was of length 4 units.

(a) (i) Candidates used various methods to prove that k = –2. Some used the most
direct method of substituting x = 5 into the given line equation and solving for
y; some chose to verify that x = 5 and y = –2 satisfied the equation of the
straight line. Others took a longer route; they found the gradient using (1, 1)
and (5,–2) and then found the equation passing through one of the points and
proved it to be the given one.

(ii) Most candidates knew how to find the midpoint of a line. A few made a

simplification error and wrote instead of . The common error

amongst the weaker candidates was to subtract the coordinates instead of
adding them.

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(b) Many candidates gave fully correct answers here. However, some, having obtained

wrote as a final answer. A few candidates used .

(c) (i) Most knew the gradient rule for perpendicular lines. However, not all could
implement it since it involved the reciprocal of a fraction.

(ii) At least half of the candidates found the equation of the line passing through
the midpoint of AB instead of through C. (iii) Most realised the need to
substitute y = 0 into their AC equation and solve for x, so they at least earned
the method mark. Even those with the correct equation did not always earn
two marks. Some had difficulty in simplifying 1/3 ÷ 4/3.

Part (a)(i) Although most obtained the correct gradient, some omitted the negative sign
(particularly those who relied on a sketch for their evaluation) and some had a fraction
with the change in x as the numerator which immediately scored no marks. Quite a few
found mid-points (possibly since that had appeared on previous examinations) and others
added the coordinates instead of finding the differences in their quotient expression for the

Part (a)(ii) The use of their gradient to obtain the given equation was the most successful
method. Those using y = mx + c had a tendency to introduce a new ‘c’ by doubling both
sides but then substituted their value back into the original equation. The most successful
candidates used the formula y – y = m(x – x ). Some re-arranged the given equation to
x l

check the gradient then checked one set of co-ordinates; others checked two points and
indicated that a straight line has the form ax + by = c .

Part (b) Those using substitution often began by using an incorrect rearrangement of one
of the equations. If they attempted elimination, sometimes only part of an equation was
multiplied by the appropriate constant. Many added the equations instead of subtracting.
Of those who wrote 14y = –7, just as many obtained an incorrect answer of y = –2 as the
correct answer of y = –1/2.

Part (c) The condition for perpendicularity was generally known but some were unable to
evaluate –1 divided by – 1.5. A few omitted the – sign while some referred to the equation
3x + 2y = 17 and gave a gradient of 1/3. Once again, those determined to use y = mx + c
often made errors in the constant due to the fractional coefficient of x. Quite a few did not
use the point s as instructed, choosing to use the point C instead.

Part (a) The equation of a circle seemed widely known, although some candidates wrote
things such as C = 2πr. Sign errors were common and some forgot to square the radius
or wrote on the right side of the equation.

Part (b) Most candidates realised that the easiest way to verify that the point P lies on the
circle was to substitute x = 6 and y = 2 into the left hand side of the equation and to show
this was equal to 25, the same as the right hand side. Other ingenious methods were
used in addition to verifying that PC was equal to 5.

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Part (c) The same errors relating to part (c)(i) of question 1 were repeated here. Most
candidates, however, were successful in finding the correct gradient of CP.

Part (d)(i) The relationship that the product of the gradients is – 1 seems well known but a
number of arithmetic slips occurred when finding the gradient of the perpendicular line.

Part (d)(ii) Several ignored the hint of part (d)(i) and many failed to realise that the tangent
was a line passing through P(6, 2). It was not necessary to simplify a correct form of the
equation in order to score full marks. Those who used y = mx + c usually fared badly
here, because they rarely obtained a correct form of the equation.

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