Anesthetic Considerations HLHSSCVA2013

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Anesthetic Considerations in Infants With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Article in Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia · February 2013

DOI: 10.1177/1089253213476958 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Mark Twite Richard John Ing

University of Colorado Children's Hospital Colorado


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ars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular AnesthesiaTwite and Ing

Congenital Cardiac Forum

Seminars in Cardiothoracic and

Anesthetic Considerations in Infants With Vascular Anesthesia

17(2) 137–145
© The Author(s) 2013
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1089253213476958

Mark D.Twite, MA, MB, BChir, FRCP1,2, and

Richard J. Ing, MB, BCh, FCA (SA)1,2

Hypoplasia of the left ventricle is a congenital cardiac lesion that is almost universally fatal if left untreated. Six decades
of improved diagnostic modalities, greater understanding of single ventricle physiology, and earlier surgical and palliative
options have given many of these patients an opportunity of surviving well into adulthood. This review will summarize
these advances and focus on the anesthetic implications of this challenging disease from diagnosis to beyond the first
palliative surgery.

hypoplastic left heart syndrome, congenital heart disease, anesthesia

Introduction the surgical knowledge that has been acquired from treat-
ing children with tricuspid atresia, a surgical strategy to
The term hypoplasia of the aortic tract complexes, initially palliate children with HLHS has been developed.8-11 Today
introduced by Lev in 1952, describes an almost uniformly most children diagnosed with HLHS in the developed
lethal group of congenital heart malformations with small world undergo a well-established series of 3-staged car-
left-sided cardiac chambers.1 The diagnosis is seen in diac operations before they are 4 years old. Survivors are
1.2% to 1.5% of all congenital heart defects.2 Without equipped with a single right ventricle supplying the entire
surgical intervention, approximately 90% of infants with cardiac output to the body. Deoxygenated venous blood
left ventricular hypoplasia will die when the ductus arte- returns to the lungs via a total cavopulmonary connection
riosus closes spontaneously, usually within the first month or Fontan circulation without a ventricular pump to aug-
of life.2 In these early descriptions, small left-sided heart ment pulmonary blood flow.4,9,10,12 In many patients, right
chambers were associated with a diminutive ascending ventricular dysfunction develops over time, and some of
and transverse aortic arch, large pulmonary artery, and these patients may require orthotopic heart transplantation
normally related great vessels.1,3 Subsequently, authors later in life.13
have used the term hypoplastic left heart syndrome Despite these technical advances, there is often great
(HLHS) interchangeably with Lev’s initial description of variability in the severity of left ventricular hypoplasia at
hypoplasia of the aortic tract complexes.4,5 The early pal- presentation, and there are still differences in the therapeu-
liative surgical attempts were associated with a very high tic approach in centers of pediatric cardiovascular surgical
mortality. However, over the past 20 years, there have excellence throughout the world.6,14 For example, in less
been significant improvements in surgical outcomes, with severe forms of left ventricular hypoplasia with mild aortic
the current expectation that 70% of newborns born today stenosis, it may be possible to surgically correct the left
with HLHS may reach adulthood.6 Nomenclature for con- ventricular outflow tract obstruction, and the systemic cir-
genital heart lesions is important and today the term culation may then be supported with a biventricular
HLHS is used to describe a hypoplastic left ventricle asso- repair.15 Therefore, in this form of left ventricular
ciated with hypoplasia of the aortic arch. The aortic and
mitral valves may either be too small to allow adequate 1
Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA
blood flow or atretic (closed) with no antegrade blood University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, CO, USA.
flow across them.6
Corresponding Author:
The option of orthotopic heart transplantation for every Mark D. Twite, Department of Anesthesiology, Children’s Hospital
child presenting with HLHS has not been possible because Colorado, 13123 East 16th Avenue, B090, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.
of limited donor organ availability.7 Therefore, building on Email:
138 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 17(2)

hypoplasia, the term HLHS inadequately describes the discovered in the newborn nursery prior to discharge
anatomy. The importance of early anatomical diagnosis to home. Occasionally, some infants are diagnosed only
the pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist is that by defining after cardiovascular collapse following closure of the
the aortic outflow tract integrity and the severity of left ductus arteriousus. The advantages of prenatal diagnosis
ventricular hypoplasia, adequate anesthetic planning is are to give the parents information and counseling on
facilitated. This review will focus on the current neonatal HLHS and to refer them to a congenital cardiac program
anesthetic management of patients with HLHS for the first that has expertise to manage their newborn child. It also
staged cardiac palliation and noncardiac surgery. allows for genetic testing and evaluation of extracardiac
anomalies, which, in association with a diagnosis of
HLHS, carries a worse prognosis.23,24 In this situation,
Fetal Considerations of counseling may also provide the option to terminate preg-
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome nancy or provide comfort care only after birth. Although
As with other congenital heart defects, HLHS has been prenatal diagnosis of HLHS allows for parental prepara-
shown to be heritable within families and it has also been tion and the coordination of health care teams, it is not
linked to other genetic abnormalities, such as Turner’s associated with a survival advantage, fewer postoperative
syndrome, Jacobsen syndrome, trisomy 13, trisomy 18, complications, or shorter length of hospital stay following
and Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome.16 The etiology of left stage 1 surgery.25
ventricular hypoplasia has long been considered multi- However, prenatal diagnosis does allow for potential
factorial. Ventricular hypoplasia is known to occur sec- fetal cardiac intervention.26 There are 2 possible in utero
ondary to left ventricular inflow or outflow tract interventions depending on the underlying condition.
obstruction, changes in phasic blood flow patterns, endo- First, in a fetus with an intact or highly restrictive atrial
thelial sheer stress from altered blood flow patterns, and septum, an atrial septal defect may be created and, if nec-
therefore, changes in signal transduction factors in the essary, a stent placed in the septum to keep it open.
developing heart.17-20 Recently, a study of pathological Approximately 10% to 20% of fetuses with HLHS have
heart specimen in HLHS, found a frame shift mutation some degree of atrial restriction. Prenatal detection of this
(A126fs) in early ventricular development helix loop restriction is possible using fetal echocardiography and a
transcription factor, HAND-1, in 77% of hypoplastic left pulmonary venous Doppler forward/reverse time–velocity
ventricular tissue.20,21 HAND-1 and HAND-2 play a role integral ratio. In a fetus with HLHS and a Doppler forward/
in ventricular development and left–right axis determina- reverse time–velocity integral ratio of 3 or less, it is very
tion in the developing heart.20 likely an emergency atrial septostomy will be required
Although the heart is almost fully developed at 8 weeks after delivery unless an in utero fetal atrial septostomy is
of gestation, the continued normal growth of the heart performed.27 The prenatal presence of atrial septal restric-
depends on normal fetal circulation. Any interruption to tion in the setting of HLHS confers a survival disadvan-
this fetal circulation, such as a restrictive atrial septum or tage, with increases in both early and late mortality.28 The
abnormal development of the left sided cardiac valves, mechanism of this is likely due to the chronic in utero left
may result in underdevelopment of the left sided heart atrial hypertension adversely affecting the development of
structures and HLHS. The normal fetal circulation allows the pulmonary vasculature. Whether fetal cardiac inter-
communications between the pulmonary and systemic cir- vention creating an atrial septal communication could
culations via the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriousus, potentially reduce the pathologic pulmonary process and
which allows both ventricles to contribute to the work of thus improve outcomes is not known.
supplying blood to the developing fetus. In HLHS, in utero The second scenario for fetal cardiac intervention is in
shunting of blood across the atrial septum is reversed from the fetus with aortic stenosis and evolving HLHS. On
the normal pattern as the small amount of blood returning echocardiogram, the ventricle often appears bright
to the left atrium from the pulmonary veins predominantly because of endocardial fibroelastosis, and the systolic
crosses the atrial septum into the right atrium. The major- function is usually poor. Prenatal balloon aortic valvulo-
ity of blood leaving the right ventricle passes through the plasty may improve left heart growth and function, pos-
ductus arteriosus to supply the lower body. In extreme sibly preventing evolution to HLHS. Technical success,
cases of HLHS with aortic atresia, the myocardial and defined as the ability to perform the balloon valvuloplasty,
cerebral circulations are supplied by the ductus in a retro- is currently around 80% in experienced centers. Moderate
grade manner. to severe postdilation aortic regurgitation occurs in 40%
About 60% of children with HLHS are diagnosed pre- of technically successful procedures.26 Fetal aortic valvu-
natally because of the widespread availability of ultra- loplasty carries a risk of fetal demise of about 10%.29
sound screening.22 Infants without a prenatal diagnosis of Whether fetal aortic valvuloplasty results in increased
HLHS may be detected because of a murmur or cyanosis chances of biventricular repair remains unclear. In cases
Twite and Ing 139

where biventricular circulation is not achieved, a func- Three strategies for the postnatal management of HLHS
tioning left ventricle will contribute to improved cardiac exist—hybrid palliation, stage 1 Norwood procedure, and
output in the single ventricle patient. orthotopic heart transplantation. This review will only dis-
Most fetal cardiac interventions require an obstetric cuss the first 2 strategies. The common objectives for both
anesthesia team, to provide general anesthesia for the of these strategies are to provide an unobstructed systemic
mother, and a fetal anesthesia team. The main limitations cardiac output, a controlled source of pulmonary blood
to developments in this field are inadequacies in equip- flow, a reliable source of coronary blood flow, and unob-
ment and imaging for the procedure and our lack of under- structed outflow of the pulmonary veins.
standing of fetal–maternal physiology.30
Hybrid Palliation
Preoperative Management An alternative postdelivery intervention strategy advo-
Regardless of presentation, infants with HLHS require cated by some centers almost routinely, and in others for
careful management during the interim period between high-risk HLHS children with coexisting disease, is a
diagnosis and surgery. The management goals at this time hybrid approach with cardiologist and cardiac surgeon
include clinical stabilization, complete definition of car- working side by side in the cardiac catheterization labora-
diac anatomy, and diagnosis of extracardiac problems. tory.39 Following sternotomy, direct access is made to the
Preoperative medical management varies widely among right atrium with a purse string secured sheath. This
different centers.31 One therapy common to all centers car- approach is safer than accessing small femoral vessels that
ing for neonates with HLHS is the use of prostaglandin E1 are prone to thrombosis and occlusion when large intra-
to maintain ductal patency for adequate systemic blood vascular sheaths are placed in newborn children.40 First,
flow. As pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) falls after the cardiologists may perform an interatrial balloon sep-
birth, balancing the systemic and pulmonary circulations tostomy if inadequate mixing of atrial blood is present.
becomes essential. There are many strategies to achieve Second, the cardiologist will place a stent in the ductus
this balanced circulation, including the use of intubation arteriosus to ensure a stable source of systemic blood
and mechanical ventilation. The ventilation techniques flow. Finally, to complete the procedure, a cardiac surgeon
used include ventilation in room air or a hypoxic gas mix- performs bilateral pulmonary artery banding. This hybrid
ture, or using inhaled carbon dioxide, all of which will palliation procedure is performed without the need for
increase PVR.32 Other management strategies aim to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). A study from a large
increase cardiac output with inotropic support and/or hybrid palliation center, reports the average age of patients
reduce afterload.33 However, what may be most important undergoing hybrid palliation as 11.8 days with an average
for all these strategies is how to effectively monitor them. weight of 2.98 kg. Fentanyl was used for analgesia at an
The use of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) on the fore- average dose of 5.7 µg/kg. Twenty-seven percent of
head and flank of patients with HLHS awaiting palliation patients received a blood transfusion during the proce-
provides noninvasive assessment of oxygen delivery and dure, and the majority of patients were extubated within
has been shown to reduce the use of controlled ventilation 24 hours of the procedure. The study authors report that
and inspired gas mixtures.34 the patients had stable intraoperative and early postopera-
In addition to transthoracic echocardiography to tive hemodynamics.41 This hybrid palliation procedure
delineate accurate cardiac anatomy, the use of cardiac defers the risks of anesthesia, CPB, hypothermia, and
magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) is increasing. cMRI prolonged postoperative sedation and may confer devel-
may be used to assist surgical planning, including the opmental advantages to patients born with HLHS who are
decision for a single versus 2-ventricle repair.35 In a study known to have abnormal brain development.39,42 However,
of 20 neonates with borderline left ventricle hypoplasia, current literature does not indicate better outcomes with
it was found that echocardiography consistently underes- this hybrid approach beyond the second stage palliated
timated left ventricular volumes compared with MRI and Glenn surgery for HLHS.43
may unfairly preclude some patients from a biventricular
repair.36 Many of these infants will require general anes-
thesia for a successful cMRI. Patient immobility, and in Stage I Norwood Procedure
some centers, patient breath holds are important factors The classic surgical approach to HLHS and its variants
for high quality studies. These patients with complex car- was developed by Norwood and colleagues in 1980 fol-
diac physiology are at increased risk of adverse events in lowing on from the report in 1970 by Cayler et al.8
the MRI scanner compared with healthy infants and Currently, the first stage surgery consists of an atrial sep-
require the attention of a dedicated cardiac anesthesia tectomy to improve mixing of oxygenated blood and
team.37,38 relieve pulmonary venous hypertension, reconstruction of
140 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 17(2)

the aortic arch, and the creation of a controlled source of administered at 50 µg/kg during the procedure.48 Today, a
pulmonary blood flow either with a modified Blalock– balanced anesthetic approach, using fentanyl and low con-
Tausig shunt (MBT) or a right ventricle to pulmonary centrations of inhaled anesthetic agent, such as isoflurane,
artery (RV-PA) Sano shunt. These 3 procedures are carried is the technique utilized by most anesthesiologists intraop-
out on CPB and are commonly referred to as a stage I eratively. A recent systematic review on brain protective
Norwood procedure.11 The diastolic runoff associated strategies during CPB in children found that avoiding
with the MBT shunt may result in poor coronary perfusion extreme hemodilution on CPB is the only current recommen-
during diastole, so-called “coronary steal.”44 This problem dation.49 There are many investigators who are concerned
had previously been addressed with the RV-PA shunt in with the use of benzodiazepines, ketamine, isoflurane,
1981, however, it was decades later that it was popularized nitrous oxide, and propofol in small children because of
once more and successful results with it were reported.12,45 the compelling findings of accelerated neuro-apoptosis in
The anesthetic approach to the Norwood procedure is neonatal primate studies.50,51 Dexmedetomidine has been
similar to the setup for most cardiac surgeries on CPB. shown to have opiate sparing properties and minimal
Arterial pressure line monitoring is used, and the indwell- hemodynamic effects on postoperative single ventricle
ing catheter should preferably be placed in the right radial patients in the intensive care unit.52
artery to ensure cerebral perfusion pressures are monitored Stage I surgery requires periods of regional low-flow
during selective anterograde cerebral perfusion through- cerebral perfusion or deep hypothermic cardiac arrest at
out the aortic arch reconstruction. Central venous access is 18°C to 20°C to reconstruct the aortic tract. The child’s
required and usually femoral vessels or an existing umbili- head should be cooled slowly and uniformly to prevent
cal venous catheter are preferred to avoid the internal jug- cerebral vasoconstriction and to ensure hypothermic pro-
ular vein. This minimizes venous complications and tection of all cerebral structures.53 This operation creates
preserves the patency of the internal jugular vein and supe- systemic blood flow without ventricular outflow obstruc-
rior vena cava for the next surgical stage, the modified tion and prevents pressure loading of the single ventricle.
Glenn procedure or cavopulmonary anastomosis.46 Surgery is completed with a MBT shunt or RV-PA shunt.45
However, subsequent femoral vessel occlusion may make Either option for surgical shunt ensures stable pulmonary
future cardiac catheterizations difficult. blood flow while the infant grows. The RV-PA shunt has
In patients with a single ventricle, the most important been shown to confer greater postoperative hemodynamic
anesthetic principle is to maintain the balance of pulmo- stability with a higher diastolic blood pressure and greater
nary: systemic blood flow (Qp:Qs) as close to 1:1 as pos- heart transplantation–free survival at 12 months of age
sible. To achieve this, maintaining a good cardiac output is compared with the Norwood procedure with the MBT
essential, and inotropic support is used as required. shunt.54 Recently, it has been found that single ventricle
Peripheral oxygen saturation should be close to 80% with anatomy preterm infants with a patent aortic valve benefit
as low an inspired oxygen concentration as feasible. It is more from a MBT shunt compared with a RV-PA shunt.55
essential to avoid hyperventilation with a high inspired Some investigators consider that the right ventricular
oxygen concentration as this causes hypocarbia and hyper- function and anatomy, but not shunt type, determines the
oxia, both of which lower the PVR and increase the Qp:Qs need for subsequent heart transplantation.55
ratio >1. The consequence of a high pulmonary blood flow It has recently been shown that a greater requirement
is a low systemic cardiac output resulting in decreased for vasoactive inotropes in the first 48 hours post cardiac
oxygen delivery to the vital organs and subsequently a surgery is a good predictor of poor clinical outcomes,
metabolic acidosis quickly ensues. In other words, in this including death, cardiac arrest, mechanical circulatory
parallel circulation, for every red cell that preferentially support, renal replacement therapy, and/or neurologic
passes through the pulmonary vascular bed, there is one injury.56 Although inotropic use varies at different centers,
less red cell passing though the systemic circulation and milrinone, epinephrine, and dopamine are extensively
delivering oxygen, which results in anaerobic metabolism used.57 Milrinone has been shown to safely avoid a low
and lactic acidosis. Early studies found preoperative meta- cardiac output state in children following cardiac sur-
bolic acidosis to be a risk factor for greater mortality fol- gery.57,58 Some investigators have found a deleterious
lowing surgical repair.47 This unique pathophysiological increase in oxygen consumption in neonates following the
state of increased pulmonary blood flow at the expense of Norwood procedure, with the use of dopamine.59
systemic blood flow unwittingly places the infant at risk of Therefore, planning the choice of inotropic agent and the
sudden cardiac arrest in the perioperative period despite dose to be administered is essential to good clinical out-
excellent oxygen saturations.47 comes in patients following the Norwood operation.59
One of the earliest reports on the successful use of an Ideally, if surgical anatomical repair has been achieved,
intraoperative anesthetic agent in children undergoing the and myocardial function has been preserved, the postop-
Norwood procedure highlighted the safety of fentanyl erative recovered, extubated, HLHS patient should achieve
Twite and Ing 141

a Qp:Qs ratio close to 1 in room air. Intensive, early post- the inability to clear blood lactate levels to <6.8 mmol/L
operative monitoring of high-risk patients has been shown within the first 24 hours following stage 1 Norwood pro-
to achieve good outcomes.60,61 cedure with a Sano shunt was a strong predictor of periop-
erative mortality.71 However, it is usually not a single
parameter but a combination of parameters that have the
Postoperative Intensive Care strongest influence on postoperative decisions made by
Management the intensive care unit team. In a prospective study of 52
The pre-, intra-, and postoperative management strategies high-risk children following open-heart surgery, Seear
for infants with HLHS are a continuum of care. However, et al72 found that lactate levels and SvO2 were the only
following open heart surgery with CPB, there is the prob- postoperative measurements with predictive power for
lem of low cardiac output, which is characterized by major adverse events and that a combination of the 2
reduced systemic oxygen delivery, high systemic oxygen parameters increased this predictive power.
extraction, and anaerobic end-organ dysfunction. The
cause of this low cardiac output state is multifactorial but
includes the systemic inflammatory response syndrome to Anesthetic Considerations for
surgery and CPB.62,63 Infants with single ventricle anat- Noncardiac Surgery Following
omy have the added burden that the total ventricular mass Stage I Surgical Palliation
available to generate cardiac output is reduced and the
parallel pulmonary and systemic circulations result in the Some children with HLHS may have pulmonary venous
need for double the normal total cardiac output from a abnormalities or associated parenchymal lung disease.
single ventricle. Achieving normal systemic oxygen deliv- Children often convalesce for a few weeks on the ward
ery at the lowest total cardiac output requires an arteriove- before being discharged from hospital. During this period
nous oxygen saturation difference of 20% to 50% and a of increased inspired oxygen requirements, meticulous
Qp:Qs ratio of close to 1.0.64,65 However, with single monitoring of postoperative oxygen saturations and
ventricle physiology, standard monitoring provides inad- weight gain has become essential to good clinical inter-
equate information resulting in a high rate of cardiac arrest stage surgical outcomes.73,74
and organ dysfunction. In a multicenter randomized con- Following the first stage palliative surgery for HLHS,
trolled trial of HLHS patients who were postoperative 3% to 45% of children have been shown to have laryngo-
from stage 1 Norwood palliation, 10% were placed on pharyngeal dysfunction. Forty-eight percent of these
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and 15% required patients develop dysphagia, and 9% to 26% have gastro-
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.54 There is also a wide vari- esophageal reflux disease.75,76 These medical problems are
ability in hemodynamics and oxygen transport following known to increase patient mortality and morbidity and
the stage 1 Norwood procedure. Li et al66 found that a often result in delayed growth.77 Because of the changes in
decrease in oxygen consumption (VO2) during the first 24 hemodynamics following the Norwood procedure, blood
hours postoperatively was the main contributor to improv- can be shunted away from the splanchnic bed toward the
ing the balance of oxygen delivery. Systemic oxygen brain. This places the bowel at risk for ischemia.78,79 The
delivery (DO2) was most closely correlated to systemic median incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in children
vascular resistance and hemoglobin and weakly correlated undergoing the Norwood procedure is 11% to 20%.80
to PaO2, and it was not correlated with Qp. The study Because of the high incidence of feeding difficulties in
authors concluded that postoperative management strate- these children, pediatric anesthesiologists are often
gies aimed at decreasing VO2, maintaining a high hemo- requested to provide general anesthesia for aerodigestive
globin level and a low systemic vascular resistance may work-up, including flexible and rigid bronchoscopy, and
improve outcomes.66 The routine use of venous oximetry laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and gastrostomy tube
(SvO2) during the first 48 hours after surgery has been insertion.81-83 The anesthetic challenges include the single
associated with improved early and intermediate survival, ventricle physiology and a patient who often has difficult
fewer complications, and improved neurodevelopment at peripheral intravenous access, which may be further exac-
4 to 6 years of age, particularly when SvO2 is >50%.65,67,68 erbated secondary to dehydration due to prolonged fasting
Many centers now routinely use NIRS for a continuous and diuretic use. Acute patient decompensation may be
and noninvasive estimate of SvO2. Monitoring NIRS in due to systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt occlusion, and
both cerebral and flank locations has been shown to pro- this may require emergent intervention in the cardiac cath-
vide closer estimates of SvO2 and to be a good predictor eterization laboratory and/or placement on extracorporeal
of outcomes.60,69,70 Another postoperative early indicator membrane oxygenation support.84 These noncardiac sur-
of low cardiac output and decreased systemic oxygen geries in children with congenital heart disease have a
delivery is blood lactate level. Murtuza et al71 showed that perioperative cardiac arrest incidence of 22% to 27%.85 In
142 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 17(2)

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