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Specifically, the researcher has attempted meet the following objectives:

 To determine the different programs and activities on the Awareness of the youth
regarding Drug abuse and Terrorism
 To determine the level of implementation of different program and activities of
PNP and Barangay officials on Drug Abuse and Terrorism
 To determine the problems encountered by the PNP and Brgy. Officials on the
implementation of different programs and activities regarding Drug Abuse and

The Impact of Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) to the Awareness of

the Youth regarding Drug Abuse and Terrorism

Part I: Demographic Profile
Fill out the information or data from the following question.
1.1 Age:
1.2 Sex:
1.3 Years of Residency:
Part II: To determine the awareness of the youth regarding different programs and
activities about Drug Abuse & Terrorism.

Kindly put a check (I) in the box that states your opinion for each statement. Please use
the guide below.

Highly Aware (HA) – 4

Aware (A) – 3
Less aware (LA) – 2
Unaware (UA) – 1
4 3 2 1
1. Are you aware that there are interactive and hands-on
program and activities to prevent drug abuse and
2. Do you know that Involving law enforcement officials
and first responders in awareness programs can help
youth understand the dangers and consequences of
drug abuse and terrorism?
3. Are you aware that the government provides
counseling and mental health support to youth to help
prevent drug abuse and terrorism by addressing the
underlying emotional and psychological issues?
4. Do you know that they also organize community
service projects and volunteer work to help the youth
develop a sense of responsibility and purpose,
reducing their likelihood of engaging in drug abuse and
5. Are you aware Collaborating with local businesses and
organizations can provide youth with opportunities to
participate in meaningful activities that discourage
drug abuse and terrorism, such as job training,
internships, and community service?

Part III: To determine the level of implementation of different program/ activities of PNP
& Barangay officials on Drug Abuse & Terrorism.

Kindly put a check (I) in the box that states your opinion for each statement. Please use
the guide below.
Strongly Agree (SA) – 4
Agree (A) – 3
Disagree (D) – 2
Strongly Disagree (SD) – 1
4 3 2 1
1. Does the PNP and Barangay officials are actively
implementing programs and activities to prevent
drug abuse and terrorism among youth?
2. Does the PNP and Barangay officials provide
adequate training and resources to their staff to
effectively implement drug abuse and terrorism
prevention programs?
3. Does the PNP and Barangay officials collaborate
with community organizations and stakeholders to
enhance the effectiveness of drug abuse and
terrorism prevention programs?
4. Does the PNP and Barangay officials effectively
communicate the importance of drug abuse and
terrorism prevention to the community, including
parents, youth, and other stakeholders?
5. Does the PNP and Barangay officials regularly
evaluate and assess the impact of their drug abuse
and terrorism prevention programs to ensure that
they are effective and achieving their objectives?
Part IV: To determine the problems encountered by the PNP and Barangay officials on
the implementation of different programs & activities regarding Drug Abuse and

Kindly put a check (I) in the box that states your opinion for each statement. Please use
the guide below.

Strongly Agree (SA) – 4

Agree (A) – 3
Disagree (D) – 2
Strongly Disagree (SD) – 1
4 3 2 1
1. Insufficient funding and resources are major
challenges faced by PNP and Barangay officials in
implementing drug abuse and terrorism prevention
2. Inadequate support and cooperation from the
community, including parents and youth, hinder the
effectiveness of drug abuse and terrorism
prevention programs.
3. The lack of trained personnel and staff is a
significant challenge faced by PNP and Barangay
officials in implementing drug abuse and terrorism
prevention programs.
4. Legal and regulatory barriers, such as limited
powers and authority, pose challenges for PNP and
Barangay officials in preventing drug abuse and
terrorism among youth.
5. Political interference and corruption can hinder the
effectiveness of drug abuse and terrorism
prevention programs implemented by PNP and
Barangay officials.

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