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ENGL 1302 Research Position Outline Assignment

Instructions: Organize your claims and supporting evidence for the argument of your researched position paper.
Complete each chart with information from your “moving from subject to thesis statement” worksheet and
“BEAM worksheet” in order to plot what you need to discuss in each section of your essay.

Section 1: Introduction

A. Provide relevant Information (with citations) on Topic to Set up Research Question:

Topical It is not surprising to people that music is now a reliable treatment to help treat people
Information suffering from fragile mental health, anxiety, children, and even for people undergoing

B. Describe Research Question as a Statement of Uncertainty, Doubt, or a Gap in Knowledge:

Research Is musical treatment effective?

C. Identify your (arguable) Answer to the Research Question, your Thesis Statement:
Thesis Musical therapy, due to its multifaceted applications and healing advantages, embodes a
Statement flexible and potent strategy for tackling a wide range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and
social issues among diverse groups and environments.

Section 2: Body Paragraphs

Sub-Claim A
A. Describe the main point for section #1, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 1 Musical treatment has emerged as a compelling therapeutic modality for addressing various
aspects of mental health, hanessing the profound impact of music on emotions, cognition,
and physiological states.

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted / Scholars Liebowitz, et al. has been focusing on the participation of a choral group that
Paraphrased influenced the sense of belonging to veterans’ mental health; specifically, in recovering from
Evidence 1 psychiatric disabilities, substance dependency, and homelessness (137).

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 1:
Explanation 1 As mentioned with the author Liebowitz the veterans have gone through some really
difficult stages, among them, depression, anxiety, and a certain feeling of not belonging
anywhere, among others, however due to the music therapy, the adversities they were
subjected to were able to change their mental situation.
Sub-Claim B
A. Describe the main point for section #2, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 2 Musical interventions offer a promising non’pharmacological approach for managing
anxiety by leveragng the neurobiological mechanisms of music to modulate emotions,
reduce stress responses, and enhance overall well-being.

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are making in
this section:
Quoted / As Sha explains, “music therapy interventions can significantly reduce
the excessive anxiety of college students (1).” This is similar from what Kühlmann cites as
Evidence 2
Music interventions significantly reduce anxiety and pain in adult surgical patients. (1)

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 2:
Explanation 2 Throgh music therapy the anxiety presented in both surgery patients and univerisity students
was treated in a progressive manner.Each of the patients and students had severe insecurity
that caused unhappiness and mistrust. However, music showed that these traits could be
treated without medication

Sub-Claim C
A. Describe the main point for section #3, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 3 Exploring the efficacy of musical treatment as an intervention for children with social skills
disorder and behavioral problems reveals promising outcomes in enhancing social interaction,
emotional regulation, and overall behavior

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted / As Radhakrishnan explains, “Music add-on therapy is a method for treating mental
Paraphrased disturbances (1).” This study examines the effectiveness of music add-on therapy in
Evidence 3
managing children with behavioral problems. This is similar to what Blanky-Vornov cites as
“A comparison between the “Ensemble” and previous music therapy treatments indicates
treatment’s potential to help children with a wide variety of social skill deficiencies. Further
investigation based on more rigorous research designs
is recommended (1).”
C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 3:
Explanation 3 The similarity demonstrated between the two scholars is that both affirm through dynamics
with children that music therapy is an effective treatment to improve children’s behaviors
and deficiencies, whether in terms of language or physical deficiencies, among others susch
as children’s problematic behavior.

Sub-Claim D
A. Describe the main point for section #4, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 4 Utlizing musical treatment as an adjunct therapy for patints undergoing surgical procedures
shows potential in mitigating preoperative anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving
postoperative recovery

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted / As Liang explains, “the effectiveness of music therapy in improving the
negative emotions of patients, relieving pain, and adjusting the physiological state has also
Evidence 4
been receiving increasing recognition.” (1) This is similar from what Kühlmann cites as This
meta-analysis found a statistically significant decreasein both anxiety and pain in adults
receiving music interventions before, during or after surgery (6).

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 4:
Explanation 4 The surgeries performed on patients can lead to understandable pre-symsoms, among them
is the discontral of emotions, as well as physical pain, also being in a delicate state.
Therefore, both scholars agree that after the implementation of musical treatment, patients
with those symptoms were treaated until their discomfort leveled off

Section 3: Conclusion

A. Reiterate thesis statement:

Thesis As this paper has shown, scholars investigating Music as a method of
treatment for psychological disabilities focus on anxiety, disabilities on chldren, surgical
treatments, mental health (trauma and addiction)

B. Addresses the significance of your argument:

Importance The importances of each one of the areas is because scholars make clear how music
treatment is really effective to people who have disabilities, even though, each one of the
areas is different, what they have in common are people suffereting, and desperate to have a
treatment dfferent of the usual

C. Describe what readers should do with this knowledge:

Implications Readers should know that there is different treatment for dsabilities, and of course, that this
particular treatment has been used and nvestigated for experts.

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