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Big companies should be held accountable for their contribution to climate change.


Hi. I am Eddie Velasco, an AB Psychology student, and an advocate against climate

change. It is a great opportunity to address these matters and to be able to dissect my stance in
this subject.
The Problem

So here is the problem, we all know that climate change, specifically global warming is
one of the big problems we are facing. There are many factors that contribute and neglect the
future impact of climate change. If one of these will be missed and not be addressed — not in
the longer time, consequences will be deemed to happen, so we need to act now and provide
effective solutions to counter climate change.

My Perspective

Right now I would like to share my own perspective on how the industrial revolution
affected the environment and share its contribution to climate change. I say “Big companies
should be held accountable for their contribution to climate change.” I repeat, “Big
companies should be held accountable for their contribution to climate change.”

It has never been more important for companies to take measures and take its part in
fighting against the climate crisis. It is a collective role for every single one across the world, so
it is essential that we all play a significant role. However, many companies are unsure how to go
about implementing changes that will positively impact the environment. And based on the post
written by: Louise Bancroft he mentioned these possible solutions on how to amend and combat
the crisis. A commitment that they must be done, now and ever.

First off, is to:

1. Measure and Analyze the companies’ greenhouse gas emissions:
a. What are these gas emissions?
1. Greenhouse gas emissions are from human activities that strengthen the
greenhouse effect: The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is
trapped close to Earth's surface by “greenhouse gasses.” These heat-
trapping gasses can be thought of as a blanket wrapped around Earth,
keeping the planet toastier than it would be without them; these gas
emissions contributing to climate change. Most is carbon dioxide from
burning fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. The largest emitters include
coal in China and large oil and gas companies, many state-owned by
OPEC and Russia.

b. How does this affect the environment? What makes the big companies
accountable for this problem?

Let’s refer to the latest findings, as according to, in a new report, with a
total of 100 companies are responsible for all of the 71% greenhouse gas emissions. Starting
from 25 companies were responsible for half of all emissions in 1988. And how did this happen
and knowing that it had to be stopped before we come to this conclusion before suffering to the
irreversible effects.

These are the things that must put first in the priority, make them accountable,
everybody must be concerned and intervene in this dilemma. As what makes the earth warmer
and warmer in no longer time, it will be intolerable or inhabitable.

2. Encourage sustainable commuting

Another thing we can do is to encourage them to become wiser in their mode of

transportation. As we all know, one of the factors in the increase of these gas emissions is the
consumption of fuels and other energies needed for transportation. Every highly urbanized
sector is present for this crime. We are also participants in doing so, when we commute, as we
go to school or anywhere else, the vehicle we ride on contributes to the crisis.

If they want to get serious about curbing global warming, they need to be at the forefront
of scaling down transport emissions. One way of doing this is to encourage their employees to
use transport services that do not emit greenhouse gasses. They could also encourage
employees to walk to the workplace, cycle, or shift to electric vehicles.

3. Reduce wastage in the workplace

The third solution that every company should practice is to reduce waste or have it
managed in the workplace. It is essential that they have to be mindful of their wastage and get
to alternatives that support the environmental cause and promote better living. As per UN
Sustainable Development Goals: Responsible Production and Consumption.

4. Invest in greener equipment and infrastructures

Another suggestion in the consensus of Louise’s findings is to make the companies

invest in greener equipment and infrastructures, and yes, why not look into a better scale of
business, in which benefits both, the company and the environment. Also as per UN
Sustainable Development Goals: Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving
sustainable development — it would be better if they will abide by these goals.

5. Reduce your value-chain emissions

Lastly, from one of the United Nations’ SDGs is to implement GOAL 13 which is
CLIMATE ACTION as Climate change whereas global challenge that affects everyone,

Opposition’s perspective

Let’s dive in the reason [but] why and what makes these companies blindly interplays in
these problem, the reason behind they monopolized their business and irresponsibly neglect the
environmental issues. Of course, money is the main drive of their business, it is rooted along
with the factors such as greed in power, corruptive politics, environmental negligence, and
capitalism alone.

Moreover, considering that we are already experiencing some of the effects of global
warming, and I believe that these companies were aware of their actions, yet never did they
consider changing course and business for the betterment of society, specifically for the
environment. They do convey care and concern (Unless they use it as a marketing strategy and
to attract customers as they simply go by being “eco-friendly”, through catchphrases, sometimes
they alter their product to sympathize [in a short time] or to be inclined with the trend, but never
gone for longer term benefits for the environment.


Statistics: greenhouse emission from big companies

So it is evident that all this time, these chain of capitalism does not require them to
engage to the crisis, it is solely for the survival of the elite, to culture for their wealth and not for
the sake of the future of the humanity, as well as the planet. Based on the statistics, a Carbon
Tracker Study in 2015 found that fossil fuel companies risked wasting more than $2tn over the
coming decade by pursuing coal, oil, and gas projects that could be worthless in the face of
international action on climate change and advances in renewables – in turn posing substantial
threats to investor returns.

A fifth of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions are backed by public investment,
according to the report. And these investors should move out of fossil fuels as it’s economically
risky and harmful to the environment, but gladly there are some who moved away from fossil
fuels toward clean energy, and is doing so at an accelerated pace. Those left holding
investments in fossil fuel companies has empower them to still illegally operate their business.

I believe everyone are familiar with Apple, Google, Facebook and Ikea are just some of
the 100 companies that committed to 100% renewable power under the RE100 initiative. And
Volvo recently announced that all its cars would be electric or hybrid from 2019.

See? It is possible to promote global change and fight against climate change, there are
green investments that benefits the company and the welfare of the planet in the same time,
everyone has a choice to choose, and these investors now have a choice, to reinvest in the
genuine industries that really do care for the future.


So again, I will stand to this statement that “Big companies should be held accountable for their
contribution to climate change.” Every single of us is always be responsible of the wellness
of the environment.

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