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Faculty Evaluation Tracking System (FETS) at Iloilo Science and

Technology University (ISAT-U)

The Faculty Evaluation Tracking System (FETS) is a comprehensive software solution designed
to streamline the evaluation process of faculty members in Iloilo Science and Technology
University. By providing standardized criteria, customizable evaluation forms, and robust data
analysis tools, FETS facilitates objective assessment, data-driven decision-making, and
continuous improvement in teaching quality and academic performance. With its user-friendly
interface and communication features, FETS promotes collaboration among faculty members
and administrators, fostering a culture of academic excellence and accountability. Ultimately,
FETS serves as a vital tool for enhancing teaching quality, research productivity, and
institutional advancement.

The Faculty Evaluation Tracking System (FETS) was implemented at ISAT-U in response to
persistent challenges with the previous evaluation method. Before FETS, the university relied on
manual processes or fragmented systems, leading to incomplete evaluations. For instance, the
use of generic survey links or email attachments often resulted in some students not
participating in the evaluation process. This lack of consistency not only delayed assessments
but also created additional work for faculty members, who had to follow up with students
individually. Consequently, faculty encountered difficulties in identifying and reaching out to
students who hadn't completed their evaluations, hindering the ability to gather comprehensive
feedback and make informed decisions regarding faculty performance and development. FETS
addresses these issues by providing a centralized platform with tracking capabilities. It ensures
that all students participate in the evaluation process and enables timely and thorough
assessment of faculty performance.

Proposed Solution:
Comprehensive Platform Development: Develop a user-friendly web-based platform for
FETS that encompasses all necessary functionalities, including automated reminders,
individualized evaluation links, real-time tracking, score calculation, and customizable reporting.

Customization Options: Provide customization options within FETS to allow ISAT to tailor
evaluation criteria, rubrics, and reporting formats to align with institutional goals and priorities.

Integration with Existing Systems: Ensure seamless integration of FETS with ISAT's
existsystems, such as student portals and performance management systems, to streamline
processes and enhance data accuracy.

Mobile Accessibility: Design FETS to be accessible via mobile devices, allowing students to
easily complete evaluations on-the-go and enhancing participation rates.

Anonymous Feedback Mechanism: Implement an anonymous feedback mechanism within

FETS to encourage honest and constructive evaluation from students, while ensuring
confidentiality and anonymity.
Automated Score Calculation: Develop a feature for automated score calculation within
FETS, based on completed evaluations, to provide accurate and timely assessment of faculty

Real-time Updates and Notifications: Enable real-time updates and notifications within FETS
to alert faculty members and administrators when evaluations are completed, ensuring prompt
feedback and intervention as needed.

Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training and ongoing support for faculty
members, administrators, and other end users to effectively utilize FETS and maximize its
potential for improving the faculty evaluation process at ISAT.

Data Security and Privacy: Implement robust data security measures within FETS to protect
sensitive information and ensure compliance with relevant data privacy regulations.

Continuous Improvement: Establish mechanisms for gathering feedback and monitoring

system performance to continuously enhance FETS based on user needs and evolving
institutional requirements.

Features of the System:

● Automated Reminders:
FETS automates reminders to students who haven't completed evaluations, easing the
burden on faculty and ensuring timely participation.

● Individualized Evaluation Links:

Unique links are generated for each student, simplifying participation tracking and
identifying those who haven't submitted evaluations.

● Real-time Tracking:
Evaluation progress is tracked in real-time, allowing faculty and administrators to monitor
participation rates and intervene as needed.

● Notification System:
Faculty receive notifications when evaluations are completed, eliminating manual checks
and enabling prompt feedback.

● Integration with Student Portals:

Integrated with student portals or learning management systems, facilitating convenient
access and completion of evaluations for students.

● Anonymous Feedback:
Students can provide feedback anonymously, encouraging honest and constructive

● Automated Score Calculation:

Scores are automatically calculated based on completed evaluations, providing
comprehensive faculty performance scores.
● Customizable Evaluation Rubrics:
Administrators define customizable rubrics with weighted criteria, ensuring alignment
with institutional priorities and nuanced assessment.

● Real-time Score Updates:

Evaluation scores are updated in real-time, enabling monitoring and intervention to
ensure completeness and accuracy.

● Threshold Alerts:
Administrators receive alerts for evaluation scores falling below predetermined
thresholds, signaling the need for intervention or support.

● Integration with Performance Management Systems:

Integration with performance management systems links evaluation scores to
performance reviews and professional development plans.

● Customizable Reporting:
Customizable reporting enables administrators to generate reports on participation,
outcomes, and improvement areas.


Enhance Participation:
Increase student participation in faculty evaluations by providing automated reminders,
individualized evaluation links, and integration with student portals, ensuring comprehensive

Ensure Timeliness:
Reduce delays in the evaluation process by tracking progress in real-time and notifying faculty
members when evaluations are completed, facilitating prompt feedback and decision-making.

Improve Accuracy:
Automate score calculation based on completed evaluations to ensure accurate assessment of
faculty performance and alignment with institutional standards and priorities.

Facilitate Accountability:
Enable faculty and administrators to monitor participation rates, track evaluation progress, and
receive alerts for low evaluation scores, promoting accountability and intervention as needed.

Encourage Honest Feedback:

Provide a platform for anonymous feedback to encourage students to provide honest and
constructive evaluations without fear of repercussion.

Support Professional Development:

Utilize customizable evaluation rubrics and integration with performance management systems
to provide faculty members with actionable feedback and support their professional growth and
Enhance Decision-Making:
Generate customizable reports on participation rates, evaluation outcomes, and areas for
improvement to enable data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement efforts at

Streamline Processes:
Simplify the faculty evaluation process by centralizing data, automating reminders and
notifications, and integrating with existing systems, reducing administrative burden and
enhancing efficiency.

Promote Transparency:
Increase transparency in the evaluation process by providing stakeholders with access to
comprehensive participation records, evaluation scores, and feedback, fostering trust and
accountability within the institution.

Support Institutional Goals:

Align faculty evaluation practices with the goals and priorities of ISAT, ensuring that the
evaluation process contributes to the institution's mission of academic excellence and
continuous improvement.


Faculty Evaluations: FETS encompasses the entire process of evaluating faculty members at
ISAT, including the creation and distribution of evaluation forms, data collection, score
calculation, and feedback dissemination.

Student Participation: FETS focuses on increasing student participation in faculty evaluations

through automated reminders, individualized evaluation links, and integration with student

Evaluation Criteria: FETS allows for the customization of evaluation criteria and rubrics to align
with ISAT's standards and priorities, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of faculty

Data Analysis and Reporting: FETS provides tools for data analysis and customizable
reporting, enabling administrators to generate reports on participation rates, evaluation
outcomes, and areas for improvement.

Integration: FETS integrates with existing systems at ISAT, such as student portals and
performance management systems, to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

Feedback Mechanisms: FETS facilitates the collection of anonymous feedback from students
to encourage honest and constructive evaluation of faculty members.

Professional Development Support: FETS supports faculty professional development by

providing actionable feedback based on evaluation results and integrating with performance
management systems.

Non-Academic Staff Evaluation: FETS is designed specifically for evaluating faculty members
and does not extend to the evaluation of non-academic staff at ISAT.

External Integration: While FETS integrates with existing systems at ISAT, it does not extend
to integration with external systems or platforms beyond the institution's control.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: FETS adheres to legal and ethical guidelines regarding
data privacy and confidentiality but does not provide legal advice or address broader ethical
considerations beyond the scope of its functionalities.

Hardware and Infrastructure: FETS relies on the existing hardware and infrastructure at ISAT
for its operation and does not involve the provision of additional hardware or infrastructure.

Implementation Support: While FETS may offer guidance and training for implementation, it
does not provide ongoing support for hardware maintenance, software updates, or other
technical issues beyond the initial implementation phase.

Customization Limitations: While FETS allows for customization of evaluation criteria and
rubrics, it may have limitations in terms of the extent of customization possible within the
system's framework.

Evaluation Methodologies: FETS provides tools for collecting and analyzing evaluation data
but does not prescribe specific evaluation methodologies or approaches beyond the
functionalities built into the system.


Faculty Members: Faculty members are primary users of FETS, as they engage with the
system to view evaluation feedback, track their performance scores, and access professional
development resources based on evaluation outcomes.

Administrators: Administrators, including department heads, deans, and academic directors,

utilize FETS to oversee the faculty evaluation process, monitor participation rates, analyze
evaluation data, and generate reports for decision-making purposes.

Students: Students interact with FETS to complete faculty evaluations, providing feedback on
teaching effectiveness, course content, and faculty engagement. They may also access
evaluation results to inform course selection and academic decision-making.

Human Resources Personnel: Human resources personnel may use FETS to support faculty
performance management activities, including performance reviews, goal setting, and
professional development planning.

Institutional Researchers: Institutional researchers may leverage FETS data to conduct

analyses on faculty performance trends, student satisfaction, and academic program
effectiveness, contributing to institutional research and assessment efforts.
Quality Assurance Teams: Quality assurance teams within ISAT may utilize FETS to ensure
compliance with accreditation standards and quality assurance processes related to faculty
evaluation and continuous improvement initiatives.

External Reviewers: In some cases, external reviewers, such as accreditation agencies or

external evaluators, may access FETS data to assess the quality of faculty evaluations and
provide feedback on institutional performance.

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