Find Your Strength

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Find your strength

Though I have gone through centuries

of torcher.
I take those things to heart.
Even though it hurts to remember.
Knowing I have made it through those
tough times,
I can live life with my head held high.
I wouldn’t know everyone I know
If it weren’t for that trauma.
Though it may have scared me,
It gives me the strength to move forward.
The strength to live.
There was a time when I almost
gave up on life.
Because I was trapped.
Trapped in a place not knowing
When I could escape.
Giving up hope.
But I remembered that was something,
Someone out there
That I cared about.
That gave me the strength to
Finally escape that horrible place.
With my newfound freedom,
I went to find that special someone
That I cared for,
Someone I loved.
That determination never died.
To this day I never forget anything
That happened to me.
It will forever be with me,
The good and the bad.
No matter how bad it may be,
I'll always remember that I pushed
Through and held my head high,
Knowing life would get better.

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