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1. Why did Hendon and Edward wrote letter and in which 3 languages?

ANS. They wrote a letter so that Hendon take letter to Lord Hertford in London so that he
could read the letter and come to their help. He wrote letter in English, Greek and Latin.

2. Why did Lady Edith come to Edward and Hendon?

ANS. To warn them about Hugh’s plan to arrest them and that they should run from
Hendon Hall.

3. Who was the person who told everything about Hugh’s plan?

ANS. Andrew came to Edward and Sir Miles in prison.

4. What punishment was given to Miles Hendon?

ANS. Judge ordered officers to put Hendon in stocks.

5. What did Hendon and Edward do after Hendon was released from the stocks?

ANS. They went to London to meet Andrew who was his father’s servant.

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