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Psychotic Prince

If Mazuko was a royal

The day I was born. It was meant to be a blessing. But when I opened my eyes....
They saw me as a curse....

Growing up, people feared me. It is said that if you are born with something
unnatural, you are considered a demon incarnate.
But at an early age I did not catch on.
“Miss Maddie, can we go to the garden?”
“O-of course, young master Mazuko”
I was born with pink eyes. Which was unnatural. So, my parents ordered the
servants to care for me. Because they wanted nothing to do with me. Even though I
was young, I knew my parents hated me.
“Miss Maddie?”
“Yes, young master Mazuko?”
“Why do my parents hate me so much?”
Whenever I asked that question, I was met with silence then they would change the
subject. I never really thought about it. But when I was only six years old, with all
the courage I had. I went up to my parents and asked them....
“Mother....Father... Why do you hate me?’
My mother looked me in my eyes, then gave me a disgusted look. While my father
did not even glance at me. Then my mother spoke.
“Why?! It is because I gave birth to a demon! Why should I spend my time for
something evil?!”
I stood there in shock. I did not know what to say. The six-year-old me did not
expect them to say that. I then realized why everyone acted the way they did. It
was because I was this demon.
“I-I’m evil......”
My mother continued to look at me with disgust.
“Ugh, get this demon out of my sight at once!”
“Yes, my queen.”
I was then taken back to my room. I had a tough time processing the news, since I
was only six. I barely ate or slept. I just quietly sat in my room, asking myself why
I was born this way. Asking myself why I was not born normal. But something
changed within me, knowing that I did not belong. From that day forward, if no
one was going to care about me, then why should I care for them?

A few weeks after that, I heard someone in my family was returning home. I
wondered if they knew about me. But I know I would get the same hate or fear just
like everyone else.
“It's so good to be home!”
A young man said as he walked through the castle doors.
I was walking to the garden so I could read quietly.
“Man, I could use a nap after that ride home-”
The two of us made eye contact. The young man looks at me curiously, while I
stand there awkwardly.
“Do I know you? Wait, you must be Mazuko right!”
I was shocked he knew who I was. But he did not even mention that fact that I am
“Yeah, I am, who are you?”
“You do not know who I am?! Your own brother!?”
The young man claims to be my brother. I did not know what to say, besides stand
there in silence.
“Mom and Dad did not tell you? That hurts.”
I knew why they did not tell me. They did not tell me because they did not want
me, a demon, involved with him.
“Well, I'll talk to them about that when I see them.”
This was getting awkward for me, so I wanted to leave. I did not really talk much
at the time. So, I bowed, excused myself and went to the garden.
“Huh? He is not going with me?”
“I wonder why?”
When I arrive at the garden, I sit in the spot I normally do and begin reading my
book. All the people in the garden avoided me. But I did not really care, I was used
to it.
“Why are we going away from him mama?
“Because he’s dangerous, so don’t wander away from me.”
The woman then goes back to her work. Taking the chance, the boy ignores his
mother's word then comes over to me.
“I’m going to prove everyone wrong.” The boy said while approaching me.
When he said that I just thought it was one of the workers talking. But then I
looked up from my book to see a blue-haired boy coming towards me. I backed
away a bit, I was caught off guard by this.
“It’s okay, I just want to give you this.”
The boy had brought me a light pink flower called a Rhoadom. These flowers only
grew in cold climates, and not just that, they were my favorite.
I slowly approached the boy and took the flower from his hand.
“T-thank you.” I mumbled quietly.
The boy smiles back at me.
“Yuni! What are you doing?!”
A woman comes and grabs the boy by his hand.
“What did I just tell you!”
The woman says as she takes the boy away.
“But mom! He’s not dangerous like you say he is!”
Those words, in that moment, made me forget who I was seen as. I looked at the
flower and smiled softly.

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