CRJ Linguistic Justice Chapter 6

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TE 408: Crafting Teaching Practices, Secondary English

Spring 2024; Section 001

Date: 3/12

A brief summary of the excerpt you read for Chapter 6 of Linguistic Justice utilizes the
the week (aim for 1-2 sentences) with the novel The Hate U Give, as well as “a series of
page numbers teacher-scholar-activist events” and
lessons/activities based on the novel to teach
about anti-black linguistic racism.

What themes and/or essential questions are The chapter consists mostly of activities and
explored? discussion questions that revolve around the
concept of anti-black linguistic racism.

Two “pops,” or moments that stick with you One set of discussion questions related to the
when you stop reading (moments that excite story asks about colorism and how a biracial
you!) and why actress portrayed a character who was
intended to have darker skin. This sticks out
to me because it seems that smaller, simple
details are ones that get overlooked or
disregarded when developing a motion
picture like this. They are important to

Dr. Baker-Bell included an interview with an

ENG302 student with a TESOL minor, lolll.

Connections (to class discussions, to in-class I read The Hate U Give and I watched the
or outside-of-class readings, to personal movie too, I loved both and thought the
experiences) message was conveyed to a mainstream
audience effectively.

Questions (did it make you wonder Dr. Baker-Bell mentioned a few other books
something? do you wish something was that pair well with the ideas mentioned in this
clarified?) and/or challenges (did it challenge chapter, I wonder how she would critique
you to consider an idea from a new or those other novels or why she did not choose
different perspective? how did this impact to focus on another book for the purposes of
you?) learning about/demonstrating anti-black
linguistic racism.

Additional reflections, as you are moved

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