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TE 408: Crafting Teaching Practices, Secondary English

Spring 2024; Section 001

Date: 1/26

A brief summary of the excerpt you read for Funds of Feeling… is about interpreting
the week (aim for 1-2 sentences) with the literature through feelings as opposed to
page numbers simply through “literary devices and culturally
dominant moral meanings.”

What themes and/or essential questions are This article is centered on a specific approach
explored? to feelings-based reading and interpretation
that the author calls up/down/both/why where
students are asked to respond how they feel
about a given character or piece of plot with
their thumb, and explain why.

Two “pops,” or moments that stick with you For some reason nothing from this article
when you stop reading (moments that excite really jumped out at me. I felt I could predict
you!) and why where it was going from the very first
paragraph. Its thesis is fairly straight-forward.

Connections (to class discussions, to in-class I’ve had boring ELA classes throughout my
or outside-of-class readings, to personal schooling and I’ve had engaging ones. Boring
experiences) classes/teachers based discussion of “literary
devices and culturally dominant moral
meanings,” engaging classes asked me to
share what I really thought, not just what I
was “supposed to” interpret from a reading.

Questions (did it make you wonder I wonder how these students in this article felt
something? do you wish something was about being used for research purposes.
clarified?) and/or challenges (did it challenge While of course I understand the necessity of
you to consider an idea from a new or research of all kinds, it does seem
different perspective? how did this impact dehumanizing in a way to be essentially
you?) experimented upon in that the researchers
probably did not care about the actual
students so much as they cared about
proving a point/hypothesis based on how
these students responded before and after
the study.

Additional reflections, as you are moved

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