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Words That Describe Me

Circle the words that describe you. Add additional words.

Adaptive Self-Aware Tolerant

Dependable Intelligent Fearless

Compassionate Hard Worker Capable with Hands

Respectful Calm Humble

Energetic Eccentric Clever

Creative Confidant Thoughtful

Complex Realistic Cautious

Balanced Cooperative Shy

Quiet Attentive Picky

Other Words that describe you: ____________________________



Your Personal Identity

“Who Are You?”

Role :

To take responsibility for your life, is to take responsibility for your powers of thinking,
feeling, speaking and acting, because this is the structure of all human experience. You create
your life with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Personal Role:

I am just a poor person and I grew up without a father I am 23 years old I like dance and
play basketball I am currently studying. As a student we need to be a responsible specially we
need to have a respectful is hard to be a student but we need to realize that this is
for fight for all challenges.


I want to learn about cooking, because I want to expand what I have learned and increase
my cooking skills
Your Personal Identity

“Who are you?”

Family History:

I am from Macagpo Cambalading Albuera,Lleyte I am the son of Marina and Emedio Salonoy and
I have six seedling four girls and two boys my mother is house wife and my father pass away when I am
one month old and even if I don’t have a father I also come from a small and happy family.


The most important thing to me is my family which should still be whole and not divided because
they are the most important thing that happened in my life even though I don't have a father I am happy
with my family now. I hope that my lord will guide my family that nothing bad will happen to each one
of us.


My talent is playing basketball, dancing and also playing online games

Hope for the Future:

5 to 10 years from now I have a job and I will help my mother first to at least make up for the
sacrifice she made for me and I want to enjoy being single first before I get married because being
married is not easy especially if you don't have a job and 10 years from now, I have my own business for
my family and my future child


Now I am interested about cooking skills and to learn more about cooking so I now continue my
studies and take a BSHM course to increase and expand my knowledge and what I have learned for

A Portrait of Yourself
 The best thing(s) I ever did was (were) - study hard and make my parents proud of me and help
them repay their sacrifice when I am young.

 I wish I could lose my fear of - having fear of heights is actually scared to fall to make this fear
out you better don’t look down when going to high place.

 I know I have the talent to – Dancing I learned dancing on my own since I watch a lot of K-pop
idols dancing and wanted to do the same.

 I enjoy people who - playing with my cousins and hanging out with my family and friends

 I admire - The person who I admire the most is my mother. I admire her because she is strong, a
hard worker woman, and is caring. My mother is the person I admire most. He has always been
someone I have looked up to. When I was young, I looked up to my mom because she would
spend time with me and we would have fun together. I admire a lot of people but the person I
admire the most is my mother.

 I feel most productive when - I listen to music while doing activities. It makes me more
productive and calmer.

 I am motivated by - My motivation in my life achieved all my dreams and i will help my family to
rich up, I will my best to successfully.

 I almost never- I almost never sleep because of that nightmare.

 My idea of fun is - We can have fun with our friends or with our family by celebrating birthdays
together, playing, laughing, playing video games, and hanging outside together. Fun is what
makes us happy and enjoyed. You can have fun all by yourself by watching movies, dancing
alone, singing, or read some books, it really depends on you.
 Work is exciting when - when you put love to you work

 The best advice I ever got was - The best advice I have ever had is that no matter what happens
in life never give up, it will get better!

 The thing I value most is - The things I value most are my relationship with my friends and
family. The little things that make my happy like food and cute little things like keychains. Things
that make me smile and remember a good memory.

 If money were no object, I would - If money was no object, I would make sure I had plenty of
time to do nothing. If money was no object, no object at all, my life would be exactly the way it
is now.

 It is easy for me to focus on - My future, that's the thing I must focus more on. My priority was
to be a successful man someday, though it's pandemic. But I'll make sure to make it happen.

 My idea of a perfect life is - My idea of a perfect life is having a complete, unbreakable, and
happy family.

 My best days are - The best day that I ever had when it was New Year with my family and the
brothers and sister in the church.

 My dream is - My dream is to become a successful person in the future. I am dreaming to be an

chief in order to provide my family a good home and a good life. Now, I will study hard to fulfill
my dreams and make it possible.

 I always wanted to - I always wanted to tell my friend that I am handsome but didn’t because
he knows it already.

 I look forward to - I look forward by facing different struggle. That makes me strong confident
in life. Life is like a cycle that you will face different stages in life, like a butter fly it comes from
a different stage but it still fighting to survive in life. You should study and graduate for your
own future.
 I spent too much time - I spend too much time with my friends. I'd like to have more time for
myself and my family.

 The thing my friends like about me is - when I am fun to talk to especially my sense of humor,
that I am energetic all the time, and me being sincere about our friendship.

 When I try to change something - I don't want mistakes. I would be precise and determine on
doing it.

 In a group I like to - works are quite fun and enjoyable, social communication will apply, and its
easy and quick to finish those group activities with the help of everyone.

 If I ever win a prize, it will be for - my family in honor for them to be proud of me.

Setting Priorities About Values

Values are beliefs, feelings, and principles that guide a person’s actions and give those actions


1. Money - is a medium of exchange it allows people and businesses to obtain what they need to
live and thrive.

2. Peace of mind - is a great way to reduce the stresses of day-to-day life and can help you to
become a calmer, more relaxed person overall. This can lead to a happier existence. Everyone achieves
peace of mind differently; it's just about finding what works for you and the techniques you respond to
3. Happiness

4. Success

5. Nature

6. Spiritual Life

7. Friends

8. Taking on Challenges

9. Satisfaction with Work

10. Learning

11. Balancing Your Life (work and play)

12. Physical Health

Think about and write two or three of your success stories.

1. ____________________________________________________________________




2. ____________________________________________________________________



3. ____________________________________________________________________




What does this say about who you are and what’s important to you?

Share with your group “why” these success stories are important to you.
Changes in Our Lives

Think about an important change you made in your life.

1. Describe the change.

2. What were you thinking going through the change?

3. How were you feeling before, during, and after you made the change?

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