Nanopharmaceuticals Expectations And Realities Of Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems Volume 1 Expectations And Realities Of Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems 1St Edition Ranjita Shegokar Ed download pdf chapter

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Nanopharmaceuticals: Expectations

and Realities of Multifunctional Drug

Delivery Systems: Volume 1:
Expectations and Realities of
Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems
1st Edition Ranjita Shegokar (Editor)
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Hend Abd-Allah Department of Pharmaceutics and and Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario,
Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Bogot
a, DC, Colombia
Shams University, Egypt Riham I. El-Gogary Department of Pharmaceutics
Mona Abdel-Mottaleb Department of Pharmaceu- and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
tics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Ain Shams University, Egypt; PEPITE EA4267, N.B. Jadav Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering
Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Besançon, France Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of
Annis Catur Adi Faculty of Health, University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom
Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia AnCelka B. Kovacevic Department of Pharmaceu-
Mukta Agrawal Rungta College of Pharmaceutical tical Technology, Institute of Pharmacy, Faculty of
Sciences and Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India Biological Sciences, Friedrich-Schiller University
Amit Alexander Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Jena, Jena, Germany
Sciences and Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India Atsarina Larasati Research Center for Nanosciences
Mahavir Bhupal Chougule Translational Bio- and Nanotechnology, Bandung Institute of Tech-
pharma Engineering Nanodelivery Research Labo- nology, Bandung, Indonesia
ratory, Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Peter Mattei CAS, a Division of the American
Delivery, School of Pharmacy, University of Missis- Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, United States
sippi, University, MS, United States; Pii Center for Maha Nasr Department of Pharmaceutics and In-
Pharmaceutical Technology, Research Institute of dustrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain
Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Mississippi, Shams University, Egypt
University, MS, United States; National Center
A. Paradkar Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering
for Natural Products Research, Research Institute
Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Missis-
Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom
sippi, University, MS, United States
Heni Rachmawati School of Pharmacy, Bandung
Juan Bueno Research Center of Bioprospecting
Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia;
and Biotechnology for Biodiversity Foundation
Research Center for Nanosciences and Nanotech-
(BIOLABB), Armenia, Quindío, Colombia
nology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung,
J.R. Campos Department of Pharmaceutical Tech- Indonesia
nology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coim-
Kobra Rostamizadeh Zanjan Pharmaceutical Nano-
bra (FFUC), P
olo das Ciências da Sa
ude, Coimbra,
technology Research Center, Zanjan University of
Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran; Center for Pharma-
Anne Marie Clark CAS, a Division of the American ceutical Biotechnology and Nanomedicine, North-
Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, United States eastern University, Boston, MA, United States
Diana Diaz-Arévalo Molecular Biology and Immu- A. Santini Department of Pharmacy, University of
nology Department, Fundaci
on Instituto de Inmu- Napoli “Federico II”, Napoli, Italy
nología de Colombia-FIDIC, School of Medicine

viii Contributors

Shailendra Saraf University Institute of Pharmacy, E.B. Souto Department of Pharmaceutical Technol-
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhat- ogy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra
tisgarh, India (FFUC), Polo das Ciências da Sa ude, Coimbra,
Swarnlata Saraf University Institute of Pharmacy, Portugal; CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering,
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhat- University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
tisgarh, India Asur Srinivasan CAS, a Division of the American
P. Severino Universidade Tiradentes (Unit), Aracaju, Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, United States
Sergipe, Brazil; Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa, Amanda Starling-Windhof CAS, a Division of the
Laborat orio de Nanotecnologia e Nanomedicina American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH,
(LNMed), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil; Tiradentes United States
Institute, Dorchester, United States Tina Tomeo CAS, a Division of the American
Ranjita Shegokar Capnomed GmbH, Zimmern, Chemical Society, Columbus, OH, United States
Germany Vladimir P. Torchilin Center for Pharmaceutical
A.M. Silva School of Biology and Environment, Uni- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine, Northeastern
versity of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila University, Boston, MA, United States
Real, Portugal; Centre for Research and Technology Mingtao Zeng Center of Emphasis in Infectious Dis-
of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences eases, Department of Molecular and Translational
(CITAB), University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro Medicine, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas
(UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, El
S.B. Souto Department of Endocrinology, S. Jo~ ao Paso, TX, United States
Hospital, Alameda Prof. Hern^ani Monteiro, Porto,

The book series titled Expectations and Real- (4) establish collaborations between academic
ities of Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems scientists, and industrial and clinical
covers several important topics on drug-delivery researchers.
systems, regulatory requirements, clinical studies,
Innovative cutting-edge developments in
intellectual properties trends, new advances,
micro-nanotechnology offer new ways of pre-
manufacturing challenges, etc. written by leading
venting and treating diseases like cancer, ma-
industry and academic experts. Overall, the
laria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and many more.
chapters published in this series reflect the broad-
The application of micro-nanoparticles in drug
ness of nanopharmaceuticals, microparticles,
delivery, diagnostics, and imaging is vast.
other drug carriers and the importance of the
Hence, Volume 1: Nanopharmaceuticals, in
respective quality, regulatory, clinical, GMP scale
the book series mainly reviews advances in
up, and regulatory registration aspects.
drug delivery area via targeted therapy with
This series is destined to fill the knowledge
improved drug efficiency at a lower dose, trans-
gap through information sharing and with orga-
portation of the drug across physiological bar-
nized research compilation between diverse
riers as well as reduced drug-related toxicity.
areas of pharma, medicine, clinical, regulatory
One of the contributions by Campos et al.
practices, and academics.
(Chapter 1) discusses the influence of physico-
Expectations and Realities of Multifunctional Drug
chemical factors affecting long-term stability,
Delivery Systems is divided into four volumes:
release and toxicological profiles of solid lipid
Volume 1: Nanopharmaceuticals
nanoparticles. This chapter also reviews the
Volume 2: Delivery of Drugs
importance of composition and administration
Volume 3: Drug Delivery Trends
routes studied for lipid nanocarrier systems.
Volume 4: Drug Delivery Aspects
In another manuscript by Rachmawati et al.
The specific objectives of this book series are (Chapter 2), the authors highlight the current
to: status of drug delivery development for herbal
(1) provide a platform to discuss opportunities bioactives. Along with various mucosal bio-
and challenges in development of carriers, the authors describe biokinetic and
nanomedicine and other drug-delivery clinical translation challenges with herbal deliv-
systems; ery and limitations with regulatory procedures.
(2) discuss current and future market trends; In this chapter herbal nanocarriers like lipid
(3) facilitate insight sharing within various nanoparticles, nanosuspensions etc. are
areas of expertise; and discussed in detail.

x Preface

Chapter 3 by Rostamizadeh et al. describes promising although some limitations like stability
the development of polymeric micelles for multi- and cytotoxicity needs to be overcome.
ple drug delivery in oncology. The co-loading of Chapter 8 by Kovacevic discusses delivery of
two or more drugs is possible using polymeric poorly soluble and low-permeable drugs via
micelles. The authors describe the types of lipid nanocarriers. An overview of available
polymers employed, preparation methods, and mechanistic studies in model and in real cell
characterization techniques for such carrier membranes for better understanding of cell
systems. Furthermore, wider applications like internalization processes is provided.
chemotherapeutic delivery, stimuli-responsive The chapter by Alexander et al. (Chapter 9)
drug delivery, and targeted-drug delivery via reviews approaches for effective brain drug deliv-
such carriers is discussed in detail. On the other ery using nasal mucosa. This route can deliver
hand, hyaluronic acid nanoparticles are being drugs effectively at target sites with improved
widely explored in nanomedicines. The promising therapeutic performance of drugs. In addition,
nanocarriers to deliver drugs in conjugated, self- the authors explain limitations of this drug deliv-
assembled, or in nanocomplex form are discussed ery route and regulatory market approval
in the book chapter by Nasr et al. in Chapter 4. The challenges.
authors confirm that the current research Starling-Windhof et al. (Chapter 10) address
shows impressive research findings in areas like industry and technology trends in the intellec-
osteoarthritis, tissue engineering, cancer target- tual property (IP) landscape of pharmaceutical
ing, theranostic applications, and so on, which drug delivery over 3 decades. It is fascinating
are under further exploration by industry. to see the global picture; it makes scientists
The work by Jadav and Paradkar (Chapter 5) aware of the trends and special interests of
is aimed at discussing widely studied drug specific geographical regions or markets.
delivery systems in academics and in industry, This chapter provides information on IP trends
i.e. solid dispersions. Various aspects like classi- in oral, topical, and parenteral drug delivery
fication of solid dispersions, their formulation area. Guidance on emerging trends and
optimization, processing and physicochemical IP-monitoring strategies are also presented.
characterization are reviewed in this chapter. In summary, I am sure this book volume and
Chapter 6 by Bueno highlights the impor- the complete book series will provide you great
tance of understanding nanotoxicity at early insights in areas of micro-nanomedicines, drug
stages of development. Although nanocarriers delivery sciences, new trends, and regulatory
have shown promising results in delivering aspects.
drugs at target sites or locations, the accumula- O. Farokhzad, R. Langer, and the National
tion of nanoparticles at cellular and tissue Cancer Institute are gratefully acknowledged for
levels in excess causes toxicity. Current literature the book cover image, which represents the po-
contains very limited information on this topic. tential of nanopharmaceuticals in targeting drug
This chapter reviews various aspects of nanotox- molecules. This photograph presented on cover
icity and provides information on key concepts page captures interactions of surface-modified
for evaluation of the toxicity. polymeric nanoparticles with prostate cancer
The topic presented by Diaz-Arévalo et al. cellsdit is an ideal example for drug targeting.
(Chapter 7) describes the systemic review of All the efforts of experts, scientists, and
nanoparticles-based vaccine development. Initial authors are highly acknowledged for sharing their
results of nanocarriers like liposomes, virus like knowledge, ideas, and insights about the topic.
particles, metallic and nonmetallic particles, and Ranjita Shegokar, PhD
polymeric nanoparticles in vaccine therapy are Editor

Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN):
prediction of toxicity, metabolism, fate
and physicochemical properties
J.R. Campos1, P. Severino2,3,4, A. Santini5, A.M. Silva6,7,
Ranjita Shegokar8, S.B. Souto9, E.B. Souto1,10
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra (FFUC), Polo
ude, Coimbra, Portugal; 2Universidade Tiradentes (Unit), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil;
das Ci^encias da Sa
Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa, Laboratorio de Nanotecnologia e Nanomedicina (LNMed), Aracaju,
Sergipe, Brazil; 4Tiradentes Institute, Dorchester, United States; 5Department of Pharmacy, University of
Napoli “Federico II”, Napoli, Italy; 6School of Biology and Environment, University of Tras-os-Montes e
Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal; 7Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental
and Biological Sciences (CITAB), University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real,
Portugal; 8Capnomed GmbH, Zimmern, Germany; 9Department of Endocrinology, S. Jo~ao Hospital,
Alameda Prof. Hern^ani Monteiro, Porto, Portugal; 10CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering,
University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

1. Introduction formulations [2]. Various controlled drug deliv-

ery systems like polymer-based controlled-
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) gained release systems, hydrogels, as well as nano-
greater attention as a drug delivery system and microparticles have been introduced in
when in 1991 M€ uller developed them [1]. This recent years in order to improve solubility, sta-
promising drug carrier system is at the interface bility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble
in the preexisting lipid systems (emulsions and drugs. In this context, lipid nanoparticles offer
liposomes) and polymeric nanoparticle systems. attractive and ideal properties for drug or gene
Lipid nanoparticles, known as SLNs or nano- delivery. These particles (either composed of
structured lipid carriers (NLCs), have specific solid lipids only in SLNs, or of a blend of solid
features of structure and composition, showing and liquid lipids in NLCs) stabilized with surfac-
benefits in comparison to conventional tants have the advantages of other colloidal

Nanopharmaceuticals 1 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 1. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN)

particles (polymeric nanoparticles, fat emul- Recognized as Safe (GRAS) excipients [4,6].
sions, and liposomes) by overcoming their limi- SLNs are biodegradable (fulfilling the require-
tations [3,4]. Taking account their polymeric ments of preclinical safety) and are also stable in
and lipid raw materials, several modifications blood, with prolonged lifetime in the bloodstream
of drug delivery systems have been proposed [13e15]. In addition, compared to liposomes,
to increase the bioavailability of loaded drugs. SLNs exhibit high encapsulation efficiency, stabil-
SLNs are made of a solid lipid matrix and a sur- ity against light and oxygen, do not need organic
factant layer and they can load poorly water- solvents for their preparation, and have high
soluble drugs, delivering them at defined rates drug-loading capacity (mainly for lipophilic com-
and with improved bioavailability [5]. These pounds) [12,15,16]. On the other hand, SLNs have
colloidal drug delivery systems protect the also limitations, mainly attributed to the risk of
drug against chemical degradation and modify polymorphic transitions (from a to b0 , and from
its release profile since the drug is entrapped in b0 to b) which causes stability challenges during
the solid lipid matrix [6,7]. These nanoparticles administration or storage, resulting in drug
of spherical shape have a mean size of expulsion from the particles and eventual particle
40e1000 nm [8,9]. The lipid matrix is composed size increase [6,10,17]. These disadvantages are
of a solid lipid (or a mixture of solid and liquid related to the crystallization behavior and lipid
lipids) in a 0.1%e30% (w/w) concentration matrix’s polymorphic transitions, which depend
dispersed in aqueous medium, and their stability on the type of lipids used for the production of
is ensured by the presence of a surfactant in a SLNs [6]. There are various methods described
0.5%e5% (w/w) concentration [8] and can be in the literature to produce SLNs based on
used for lipophilic or hydrophilic drugs [9]. Tri- solidified emulsion technologies: high shear ho-
glycerides (tristearin), sterols (cholesterol), par- mogenization and ultrasound, high pressure
tial glycids (glyceryl monostearate), fatty acids (hot and cold) homogenization, oil/water (O/
(stearic acid), as well as waxes (cetylpalmitate) W) and water/oil/water (W/O/W) microemul-
are especially used as lipids in the SLNs. In these sions, as well as solvent evaporation [10].
systems emulsifiers and polymers are used as These techniques interfere with various character-
stabilizers in order to avoid aggregation of the istics of the particles, mainly in morphology. Ac-
particles. Examples of stabilizers are bile salts cording to the literature, the most commonly
(e.g., taurodeoxycholate), lecithins, and copoly- applied methods are those that use high pressure
mers of polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene homogenizers (HPH). M€ uller and Luck devel-
(Poloxamer) [10]. oped the HPH technique (European Patent No.
It is clear that lipid nanocarriers are ideal for 0605497) for obtaining nanoemulsions for large-
sensitive bioactive compounds. SLNs exhibit scale parenteral nutrition [10]. There are diverse
biocompatibility, matrix with lipophilic nature kinds of equipment with various sizes, prices as
protecting active compounds of chemical degra- well as different capacities. The different equip-
dation, drug targeting, controlled release profile, ments work by pulling the liquid in high pressure
and high drug payload [9,12]. Moreover, they (100e2000 bar) through a narrow piston (nano-
are suitable for industrial production mainly meter scale), which is accelerated over a small
because they are easy to scale up, are stable under distance at a high speed (over 1000 km/h). This
sterilization conditions, and they have the advan- fluid is subjected to high stress, disrupting the
tage of being non-toxic or of very low toxicity, macroscopic oil droplets by cavitation forces
because of their composition in Generally and thus generating the nanodroplets [10]. In
2. Toxicity profiling 3
the hot process, the hot preemulsion is passed been explored for drug delivery using lipid
through the hot homogenizer to obtain nanoe- nanoparticles. Components of lipid nanopar-
mulsions, which are then cooled down in order ticles (lipids and surfactants) determine the
to solidify and crystallize the hot inner liquid product quality, its physicochemical properties,
phase to obtain SLNs. In the cold process, the as well as the administration route [4] (Table
drug is firstly ground milled in a mortar mill 1.1). In this chapter, the concept behind the
with the solid lipid at room temperature, and SLNs and their physicochemical properties,
then the obtained powder is dispersed in an pharmacokinetics, and biopharmaceutics and
aqueous surfactant solution, which is then sub- their toxicological testing are discussed.
jected to HPH. The influence of the type of
homogenizer, pressure, and number of cycles
employed, and the temperature used to obtain 2. Toxicity profiling
the ideal particle size, have been intensively stud-
ied. Depending on the type of lipid, it is possible SLNs are known to be stable in aqueous
to use lipid concentrations above 40% and obtain dispersion, allows the encapsulation of hydro-
the particle size distribution in a low range philic and lipophilic drugs, are adaptable to
(polydispersity index <0.2) [18]. To obtain SLNs several administration routes, can modify the
from microemulsions, Gasco and collaborators release profile and avoid their adverse effects
developed a technique that has been modified (protecting the drug from undesirable interac-
by numerous researchers. In this technique, tions or directing it to its target) [30]. However,
SLNs are produced by diluting a hot oil-in-water their toxicological profile has to be very well
(O/W) microemulsion in high volume of cold- characterized in vitro before any pre-clinical
water (0e4o C). The internal phase of this microe- and clinical studies [31]. There is a relationship
mulsion is composed of low-melting lipids and, between the size of the particles and their
when in contact with the cold water, they suffer toxicity, as the lower the size, the higher the sur-
crystallization and form SLNs [18e20]. The type face area and the higher the reactivity. A pre-
of lipids used to make the microemulsion, the requisite to be marketable is the GRAS status
preparation parameters (stirring and tempera- of the excipients of SLNs [32], but additional
ture), rate of microemulsion’s addition in the nanotoxicological studies are needed to allow
cold water, volume of water, and the technique the understanding of the effect of nanoparticles
used to remove the excess water, all affect the in the body [14,33,34]. Nanotoxicology helps in
characteristics of obtained nanoparticles [18]. identifying the SLN formulations to be selected
This technique is therefore difficult to scale up. for preclinical studies by evaluating their safety,
Marengo has developed a device that processes tolerance, and cytotoxicity.
100 mL of microemulsion and can produce Preclinical toxicological studies allow to
SLNs of mean size below 100 nm [20]. determine the concentration of substances that
The biomedical applications of lipid nanopar- cause toxic effects, and allow identification of
ticles are manyfold. Indeed, they can be used as target organs predisposed to these effects. Pre-
drug and gene carriers, and as contrast agents clinical safety tests require the appropriate selec-
for imaging analysis [21]. In recent years, tion of the animal species, age, physiological
different administration routes (e.g., oral, paren- status, the administration route, dosage form as
teral, dermal, pulmonary, rectal, ocular) have well as the treatment regime. Preclinical
TABLE 1.1 Commonly used lipids in the composition of SLNs/NLCs.

Name Chemical structure Surfactant System Drug application References

Tristearin Dihexadecyl SLNs e Pulmonary [22]

phosphate delivery
PEGs SLNs e Oral delivery [23]

Glyceryl Mixture of Tween SLNs e e [24]

monostearate 80 and Span 80

Stearic acid Omega-3 PUFA SLNs Resveratrol Oral [25]

Cystamine SLNs e e [26]
Tween 80 NLCs e e [27]
Cholesterol Pluronic F-68 NLCs Simvastatin Oral [28]

Vitamin E O D-a-tocopheryl NLCs Rapamycin Ocular [29]

O n polyethylene glycol delivery
R O succinate (TPGS)
3. Physicochemical properties 5
toxicological evaluation of a new compound can nanoparticle-based drug therapies available is
provide information about acute, subacute, sub- still very limited [8].
chronic, and chronic toxicity. Before any preclin-
ical study, cytotoxicity assessment is carried out
in cell culture, also allowing the study of the 3. Physicochemical properties
interaction between nanoparticles and cells.
The use of primary cells (isolated directly from The characterization of SLNs usually re-
the animals) provides more realistic toxicological quires the determination of the particle size
results. On the other hand, in vivo studies eval- and zeta potential, morphological evaluation,
uate the organism as a whole. Therefore, in vivo determination of the loading capacity and
studies are relevant to determine the location encapsulation efficiency, kinetics of drug
and concentration of the drug in the tissues, and release, as well as the nanoparticles over
systemic toxicity [35]. Systems with large quan- time and storage temperature.
tities of surfactants (e.g., nanoemulsions) have
higher risk of exhibiting cytotoxicity, since these
agents interact with cell membranes composed 3.1 Encapsulation parameters
of phospholipids. Likewise, their production re- Determination of the amount of drug associ-
quires the use of organic solvents, which may ated with the nanoparticles is a crucial parameter
also increase the risk of toxicological events if for the characterization of SLNs. This task is
poorly removed. Although precise determina- however difficult because of the small size of
tion of the toxicity can only be quantified the particles, which compromises the separation
in vivo, there are several in vitro toxicological of the free drug fraction from the associated frac-
tests that provide preliminary information tion. Ultracentrifugation is the most commonly
[10,14,36]. In vitro studies have shown that used separation procedure, after which the
SLNs are acceptable at concentrations <1 mg/ non-loaded drug is quantified in the superna-
mL (total lipids), and with particle diameter tant. From the difference between total drug
>500 nm can be less tolerated, which can be and the drug found in the supernatant, the
explained by their aggregation. It was also drug concentration associated with nanostruc-
shown that the stabilized formulations tures is calculated [37,38]. Ultrafiltration can be
composed of several surfactants are less biocom- coupled to the process of ultracentrifugation. In
patible in comparison to those based on one sur- this approach, a membrane (100 kDa) is used to
factant only. For polysorbate 80 and poloxamer separate the aqueous phase from the nanopar-
188, two surfactants mostly used in SLNs formu- ticles. Although the free drug concentration in
lations, enough evidence has been found to this technique is determined in the ultrafiltrate,
determine their safety [14]. It is clear that the the drug fraction associated with the nanostruc-
knowledge of the toxicological profile of any ma- tures is also found by the difference between the
terial and the biocompatibility of the drug deliv- total and free concentrations [39]. Encapsulation
ery systems are crucial for the implementation of efficiency (EE%) and loading capacity (LC%) are
drug therapies, but the information of determined using the following equations [40]:

Amount ðmgÞ of loaded drug determined experimentaly

EEð%Þ ¼  100
Theoretical amount of drug ðmgÞ in formulation
6 1. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN)

Amount ðmgÞ of loaded drug determined experimentaly

LCð%Þ ¼  100
Theoretical amount of lipid ðmgÞ in formulation

3.2 Particle size 3.3 Zeta potential

Size and polydispersity index are parameters Zeta potential is another parameter used to
that indicate the stability of the nanoparticles. evaluate the long-term stability of the particles
An optimized SLN formulation should exhibit and its assessment is instrumental for the physi-
a mean particle size less than 1 mm, together cochemical characterization of the nanoparticles'
with a small polydispersity index. Several pa- dispersion. When determining the zeta potential,
rameters affect the particle size and polydisper- it is possible to understand the interactions
sity, e.g., composition of the formulation between the particle and the drug. This param-
(mixture of surfactants, lipid structural proper- eter shows the surface electrical charge of the
ties, and also incorporated drug), methods and particles, which is modified by changes in the
conditions of the production (time, temperature, interface with the dispersing medium since there
stirring velocity, pressure, etc) [41]. There is a is a dissociation of functional groups on the par-
relationship between the proportion of surfac- ticle' surface and adsorption of ionic species of
tant/lipid and the particle size, i.e., the greater the aqueous dispersion medium [39]. The mea-
the concentration of surfactant, the smaller the surement of this parameter allows to clarify the
particle size [42]. The temperature used in the stability of the formulation during its storage
HPH technique is another parameter that inter- time. The higher the zeta potential, the higher
feres with the particle size. In the production of the electrostatic repulsion between the particles,
SLNs and NLCs, the lipid phase is heated up resulting in reduction of the risk of particles'
to a temperature higher than the melting point aggregation. According to literature, a zeta
of the solid lipid. The final step is the cooling potential higher than the 30 mV modulus gua-
down of the systems so that the lipid recrystal- rantees the stability of SLNs [45]. However, there
lizes to solidify the lipid droplets [43]. Homoge- are SLN formulations with zeta potential below
nization at low temperatures (i.e., below the |30 mV| that remain stable over time due to
melting point of the solid lipid) favors the in- the stereochemical stability offered by surfac-
crease of particle size, but temperatures near tants [46]. Changing a formulation by varying
the melting point improve the homogenization the concentration of its components, allows
and lower particle sizes can be obtained. Simi- understanding which of those whether
larly, the hot HPH procedure produces particles contribute to the stereochemical stability or to
with lower mean size and polydispersity than the electrostatic stability [47]. Differential scan-
the cold procedure [41]. Generally, the particle ning calorimetry, based on the study of the peaks
size increases when lipids of long fatty acid of SLN formulation recorded on the thermo-
chains are employed. The use of mixtures of gram, allows assessing if the drug is loaded
short- and long-chain fatty acids may therefore within the particles and eventually its contribu-
reduce the mean particle size and polydispersity tion to the surface electrical charge of SLNs [48].
index of SLNs/NLCs [4,44].
3. Physicochemical properties 7

3.4 Particle morphology DSC analysis, a melting point depression is usu-

ally observed when transforming the bulk lipid
To learn about the shape and size of nanopar- into lipid nanoparticles [48,52].
ticles, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) are commonly used [50].
Atomic force microscopy (ATM) is another tech-
nique that gives information with high resolu- 3.6 Stability of formulations and release
tion in three dimensions at the nanometer scale profile
(even surface details at the atomic level), and is The stability of the loaded drug within lipid
also used to understand the surface morphology nanoparticles is dependent on the chemical
of nanoparticles [39]. composition of the lipid matrix (e.g., type of
lipid, surfactant) and production procedure.
Upon storage, triglycerides undergo polymor-
3.5 Differential scanning calorimetry
phic changes that may result in drug expulsion
The physical and chemical changes of a sam- from the lipid nanoparticles [53]. Surfactants
ple can be measured as a function of its temper- also play a relevant role on the crystallization
ature; differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) behavior of the lipid nanoparticles, i.e.,
quantifies the loss or heat gain resulting from whether the recrystallization of the particles
these changes. There are two types of DSC in- occurs onto their surface or within the lipid
struments: (1) the power compensate DSC, core [54]. The long-term stability of lipid nano-
which is made of two separate ovens; and (2) particles over storage is therefore dependent
the heat-flux DSC, which has only an oven that on the lipid and surfactant composition of the
heats up the reference and sample pans. The particles and of the production procedure
sample and reference receive the heat through [55]. The presence of imperfections in the lipid
the sample pan, which is placed in a disc that matrix offers higher capacity to accommodate
is the main source of heat. Both differential drug molecules, improving the loading capac-
heat flow and sample temperature are moni- ity of the particles [19,56]. To achieve a modi-
tored, and the calorimetric sensitivity is main- fied release profile of the loaded drug, the
tained by the software linearization of the cell particles should however retain the drug dur-
calibration [52]. The endothermic processes, i.e., ing storage until their administration. To
those that absorb heat, include fusion (melting), increase the encapsulation efficiency, the use
boiling, sublimation, vaporization, desolvation, of mixed lipids (having fatty acids with
as well as solid-solid transitions. The crucial different liquid and solid chain lengths) is usu-
exothermic process, i.e., the one that releases en- ally recommended. These blends create small
ergy, is crystallization. These analyzes can be liquid reservoirs inside the particles e as hap-
used to identify materials, investigate their pu- pens in the NLCs e delaying the polymorphic
rity, polymorphism or solvation, analyze quanti- changes over storage [18, 53, 57]. The encapsu-
tative and qualitative degradation, aging, glass lation efficiency of lipophilic drugs is also
transition temperature, as well as their affinity higher in SLNs and NLCs than hydrophilic
to other substances. DSC is useful to obtain drugs. To load these latter in lipid matrices,
information about the degree of crystallinity of other strategies are needed such as the devel-
the lipid matrix and polymorphic behaviour. In opment of insoluble conjugates between the
8 1. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN)

lipid and the drug by a covalent bonding [58, 4. Administration routes and drug
59]. Hydrophilic drugs might show higher bioavailability
risk to be partitioned to the aqueous phase dur-
ing the production of SLNs and create a drug- Pharmaceutical nanotechnology comes up as a
enriched shell model. Indeed, upon cooling of strategy to improve the bioavailability of poorly-
the dispersions, the lipid solidifies first, crystal- water soluble drugs, enhancing their therapeutic
lizes and forms the cores in which the hydro- effectiveness and reducing the risk of adverse re-
philic drug will be precipitating onto their actions [64e67]. SLNs have been extensively
surface. This type of SLNs (drug-enriched shell exploited as an interesting approach to improve
model) does not exhibit a modified release pro- the drug’s bioavailability in particular those of
file but rather a fast release attributed to the class II and IV of the biopharmaceutical classifica-
presence of drug onto the surface of the tion system (BCS) [64, 67]. Indeed, due to their
SLNs. For drugs that solidify first (e.g., of lipid composition, they may act as absorption en-
melting point higher than that of the solid hancers [67]. On the other hand, surfactants sur-
lipid) or for lipophilic drugs, a drug enriched rounding the particles besides ensuring their
core model can be produced, which exhibits a steric stability in aqueous dispersion, they induce
modified release profile [17]. Typical methods specific surface-chemical properties and may also
used for assessment of the in vitro release are modulate the biopharmaceutical profile. For the
the dialysis and the static or dynamic Franz selection of the best surfactant, several parameters
diffusion methods. The assays can be designed have to be taken into account e.g., hydrophilic-
so that isotonicity and pH value can be lipophilic balance (HLB) values, their effect on
adjusted to mimic the intended administration the lipid polymorphism and on the particle size.
route, and can also include the effect of protein The HLB values for the stabilization of oil-in-
adsorption, plasma compatibility, whole blood water dispersions vary between 8e18 [68]. The
compatibility and sterilisation. It is known that right choice of the surfactant minimizes the
in a physiological environment, proteins can risk of production of particles’ aggregates which
bind the surfaces of nanoparticles, forming a may compromise the stability of the dispersion
nanoparticleeprotein complex that influences in vitro and its performance in vivo [45].
the biological response. Nanoparticles can be
incubated with bulk serum, plasma and also
with solutions of individual proteins, in order
to evaluate which physical properties are 4.1 Topical and dermal routes
responsible for the protein binding onto their The administration of drugs through the skin
surface [60], such as the type of polymer used may contribute to increase the drug’s bioavail-
to stabilize the particles [61,62]. Freeze-drying ability as it overcomes the first-pass meta-
may also be used to enhance the long-term bolism. This administration route reduces the
stability of SLNs and NLCs. Lipid in inter/intra-patient variation and increases
nanoparticles can be transformed in a dry patient compliance. However, it is also associ-
product to improve their physicochemical ated with interactions of drug and/or excipients
stability [63]. with skin that may cause irritation [69]. The
4. Administration routes and drug bioavailability 9
loading of drugs within lipid nanoparticles can corneum lipid film. Indeed, these nanoparticles
minimize the risk of skin irritation and aller- create a protective lipid film onto the skin upon
genic reactions, by preventing direct contact their topical application, promoting skin hydra-
between the drug and the skin and by control- tion [76].
ling the drug release through the skin
[14,70e72]. Besides, as they are composed of
biocompatible and physiological lipids of 4.2 Ocular delivery
GRAS status, SLNs and NLCs exhibit low risk For the treatment of eye diseases, direct ocular
of acute and/or chronic toxicity [10]. Most of instillation is the most accepted approach by pa-
the surfactants used in the production of SLNs tients. Lipid nanoparticles have also gained inter-
and NLCs are already used in topical pharma- est as drug carriers for this administration route,
ceutical or cosmetic formulations. To further due to their biocompatibility with the ocular tis-
reduce the risk of irritation, the surfactants sues, mucoadhesiveness and modified-release
should be non-ionic, while polyethoxylated sur- profile [79e81]. Conventional ophthalmic solu-
factants should also be avoided tions have low precorneal retention time. Lipid
[14,42,49,73e75]. There is evidence that most nanoparticles increase the retention time of ocular
of the PEG-free surfactants have shown to stabi- drugs, improving their bioavailability [82]. To be
lize lipid nanoparticles without the need of suitable for ocular instillation, lipid nanoparticles
cosurfactants. In addition, when compared to should be of small particle size to avoid blurred
the PEG-containing counterparts, the PEG-free vision and discomfort [83]. To avoid damage of
surfactants have been shown to require less con- the corneal tissues, inflammation and immuno-
centration of surfactant to obtain small and uni- logic reactions, the formulations also need to
form particle size [76]. The methods used to exhibit sterility, isotonicity and pH between
evaluate the skin irritation include typical in 7e9. Toxicity of the formulations that could alter
vitro test methods based on the reconstructed the corneal epithelial integrity or disrupt the tis-
human epidermis (RhE) and also in vivo animal sue, resulting in deficient drug delivery into eye
tests. In vivo experiments are more useful but (which is not their aim) also need to be consid-
their cost, tight regulation, and ethical issues to- ered [84]. The Draize rabbit eye test is routinely
wards the promotion of reduction, reuse, and used to evaluate eye irritation. This test was
recycling imply the need to develop improved developed with the aim to predict human eye irri-
in vitro tests [77]. New strategies to decrease tation of pharmaceutic and cosmetic products. Its
skin irritation are based on the use of controlled drawbacks are the ethical issues associated with
release systems, i.e., creating a gradual drug de- the use of animals, its costs and the number of
livery that prevents the accumulation of high variables of the test [85].
concentrations of drug in the skin, which are
usually responsible for this skin irritation, and
also increase drug deposition in the piloseba- 4.3 Oral administration
ceous unit, which reduces the dose frequency Oral delivery is painless and is easy for self-
and risk of adverse events [78]. Lipid nanopar- administration. This administration route has
ticles have additional advantages as they can high patient compliance and is appropriate for
prevent and even reduce skin irritation by the outpatients. All these advantages make it the
reinforcement and repair of the stratum most accepted drug administration route [86].
10 1. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN)

However, the gastrointestinal tract has chemical inefficient activity in treating the diseases [91].
and enzymatic barriers that limit the effective- Many oral SLN tests in cell-based and animal
ness of oral drug delivery, and also show low studies are described in the literature, however,
permeability for several drugs [87]. By opti- their clinical trials are still limited due to their
mizing the formulations, it is possible to amelio- cost, as well as the unknown side effects (they
rate their efficiency and bioavailability, have to be investigated first). From the commer-
promoting the therapeutic potency and reducing cial point of view, to be viable the nanoparticles
side effects. Lipid nanoparticles may be used as have to show 5-fold-improved oral bioavail-
absorption enhancers through the gastrointes- ability or other convincing benefits [91].
tinal tract to improve the oral bioavailability of
several drugs [88]. SLNs developed for oral
administration have been shown to enhance 4.4 Parenteral administration
and control drug delivery, mainly due to the spe- Until now, typical SLN components have not
cific characteristics of the surface modification, yet been used in parenteral formulations, except
increased permeation of the gastrointestinal medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and poly-
tract, as well as resistance against degradation. sorbate 80 [92]. Usually, the final suspension
The solid state of the matrix can protect chemi- for injection contains solid particles, which
cally unstable drugs and promote the drug resi- means that its safety profile will have to be
dence onto the site of absorption. SLNs have confirmed. It is known that the parenteral
shown low cytotoxicity against mammalian cells dispersion should not show any solid particles
and high tolerance in vivo. They can be further visible to the naked eye. The admissible limits
formulated in classical dosage forms e.g., cap- of solid particles of size below 50, 25, and
sules, tablets or pellets for oral administration 10 mm are not yet defined, and are still open to
[89, 90]. To improve the formulation stability, discussion, and there is no available regulation
SLN conversion into powders for further pro- of particles with size below 1 mm. SLNs have
cessing into solid dosage forms have also been shown intensity with a diameter below 1 mm
proposed. Shegokar et al. investigated the possi- and, in some cases, below 200 nm, but it is neces-
bility of enhancing the long-term stability of sary to take into account that they have a ten-
nanoparticles with freeze-drying studies, con- dency to aggregate over time (especially when
verting SLNs in a dry product and observing exposed to high ionic strength environment or
that have good size distribution, which also proteins) [14,93,94]. The key parameters to be
proves that SLNs are a suitable drug delivery evaluated for parenteral application include un-
system [63]. There is still a demand to design derstanding of plasma drug profile, fate of nano-
and develop new SLNs to obtain a viable release particles, and acute and chronic dose toxicity.
profile, which depends on the drugs selected for Some studies have been published on bare and
these formulations as different drugs have surface-coated nanoparticles for parenteral
different physicochemical characteristics and application, lab to large scale, targeting, toxicity
also different interactions with nanoparticles. studies, solid product conversion, phagocytic
The release profile from solid dosage forms uptake studies, cytotoxicity studies, as well as
needs to be critically controlled; a burst drug organ distribution studies. For example, Shego-
release can be linked to toxicity problems kar et al. evaluated the potential of lipid nano-
whereas a slow drug release that can cause particles for active delivery of an antiretroviral
5. Conclusions 11
drug to lymphatic tissues. SLNs were developed various routes, including dermal, ocular, and
taking account of various physicochemical oral, with the dermal route the safest. Lipid
parameters, e.g., appearance, particle size, poly- nanoparticles are composed of biocompatible
dispersity index, as well as zeta potential. and biodegradable lipids, with a melting point
Authors investigated the targeting potential of above 40 C to ensure solid status at room and
these SLNs through ex vivo cellular uptake also at body temperatures. SLN production is
studies, showing an enhanced uptake in compar- based on the incorporation of the drug in the
ison to pure drug, and the lymphatic drug levels melted lipid and then mixed with the aqueous
and organ distribution studies also showed the surfactant solution, and they can be made by
efficiency of these nanoparticles for prolonged high energy techniques (e.g., ultrasound
residence. The study demonstrated that these methods and supercritical fluid technologies) or
lipid carriers can be used for effective and tar- low-energy techniques (e.g., solvent emulsifica-
geted drug delivery, enhance the therapeutic tion evaporation, coacervation, microemulsion
safety and decrease collateral effects [95,96]. technique, and phase-inversion temperature
method). Lipid nanoparticles protect the drug
against chemical degradation and achieve
4.5 Nasal and pulmonary delivery
controlled drug release, once the drug is entrap-
Lipid nanoparticles are also a new approach ped in a biocompatible lipid core surrounded by
for controlled drug delivery to lungs. There are a surfactant at the outer surface. Melt tempera-
various studies of SLN formulations with the ture and crystallinity index as well as the selec-
aim of administration by inhalation. Many that tion of excipients and SLN dose are their most
have been developed for delivery of antifungal important features. They need to be evaluated
and antimicrobial drugs have proved efficacy for final product stability, their thermal
in vivo. Nasal administration is commonly used behavior during storage, as well as their safety.
to deliver drugs to the central nervous system Nanoparticles have physicochemical properties
(CNS) in a noninvasive way, thereby providing that give them exceptional biological activity,
higher patients' compliance. SLNs for intranasal with their toxicological profile dependent on
administration are gaining more attention lately these properties, mainly particle size and size
but there are still few reports about their safety; distribution, as well as zeta potential. This is
adverse effects have been observed in crucial in toxicological studies because it allows
laboratory animals, probably due to assessing their toxic effects, identifying routes
encapsulated drugs, inappropriate SLN doses of exposure as well as predicting the risks of
used for these studies, or faulty selection of their synthesis or use. The potential toxicity
excipients [14]. and the biocompatibility of drug delivery for-
mulations are crucial for the implementation
of drug therapies. Although the toxicity mecha-
5. Conclusions nisms of nanoparticles have been well studied,
the available information about nanoparticle-
SLNs and NLCs are the most studied lipid- based drug therapies is still very limited. In
based drug delivery systems, having potential summary, the development of SLN and NLC
to deliver drugs and also nutrients for several formulations continues to grow, with many pat-
administration routes due to their biocompati- ents created worldwide. Toxicological testing
bility, low toxicity, high-loading capacity, slow documents that lipid nanoparticles are safe
release rate, and high stability. They are in devel- drug carriers for the various administration
opment as drug carriers for administration by routes.
12 1. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN)

Abbreviations [3] Al-Qushawi A, et al. Preparation and characterization

of three tilmicosin-loaded lipid nanoparticles: physico-
chemical properties and in-vitro antibacterial activities.
3 Rs Replace, reduce, and refine
Iran J Pharm Res 2016;15(4):663e76.
7AAD 7-amino-actinomycin D
[4] Sanchez-L opez E, et al. Lipid nanoparticles (SLN,
ATM Atomic force microscopy
NLC): overcoming the anatomical and physiological
AUC Area under the curve
barriers of the eye e Part II - ocular drug-loaded lipid
BCS Biopharmaceutical classification system
nanoparticles. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 2017;110(Suppl.
BHT Butylhydroxytoluene
CNS Central nervous system
[5] Doktorovova S, Souto EB, Silva AM. Hansen solubility
DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide
parameters (HSP) for prescreening formulation of solid
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
lipid nanoparticles (SLN): in vitro testing of curcumin-
loaded SLN in MCF-7 and BT-474 cell lines. Pharm Dev
DSC Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Technol 2017:1e10.
EE% Encapsulation efficiency
[6] Chantaburanan T, et al. Effect of binary solid lipid ma-
FBS Fetal bovine serum
trix of wax and triglyceride on lipid crystallinity,
GRAS Generally recognized as safe
drug-lipid interaction and drug release of ibuprofen-
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for dermal
HLB Hydrophilic-lipophilic balance
delivery. J Colloid Interface Sci 2017;504(Suppl. C):
HPH High-pressure homogenization
HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography
[7] Battaglia L, Gallarate M. Lipid nanoparticles: state of
MCTs Medium-chain triglycerides
the art, new preparation methods and challenges in
TEM Transmission electron microscopy
drug delivery. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2012;9(5):
SEM Scanning electron microscopy
NLCs Nanostructured lipid carriers
[8] Pardeike J, Hommoss A, M€ uller RH. Lipid nanopar-
O/W Oil/water
ticles (SLN, NLC) in cosmetic and pharmaceutical
ORAC Oxygen radical absorbance capacity
dermal products. Int J Pharm 2009;366(1):170e84.
PBS Phosphate-buffered saline
[9] Tangkhajornchaisak P, et al. The effect of rice bran wax
PEG Polyethylene glycol
on physicochemical properties of curcuminoid-loaded
RhE Reconstructed human epidermis
solid lipid nanoparticles, vol. 40; 2016. p. 49e52.
SLNs Solid lipid nanoparticles
[10] Mehnert W, M€ader K. Solid lipid nanoparticles: pro-
SRE Transcription factor e the GATA factor
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W/O/W Water/oil/water
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Acknowledgments [12] Seyed Yagoubi A, et al. Preparation, characterization
The authors acknowledge the financial support received from and evaluation of physicochemical properties of
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and from European Funds (PRODER/COMPETE) under the nanostructured lipid carriers. J Food Meas Char 2017;
project references M-ERA-NET/0004/2015-PAIRED and 12:378e85.
UID/QUI/50006/2013, cofinanced by FEDER, under the [13] M€ uller RH, et al. Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC):
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Dragicevic N, Maibach HI, editors. Percutaneous
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Role of nanocarriers and their surface
modification in targeting delivery of
bioactive compounds
Heni Rachmawati1,2, Atsarina Larasati2, Annis Catur Adi3,
Ranjita Shegokar4
School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia; 2Research Center for
Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia; 3Faculty of
Health, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia; 4Capnomed GmbH, Zimmern, Germany

1. Bioactive compounds as promising are listed in various databases [1]. The

therapeutic agents continuing interest in exploring health benefits
of plants is evidence of the safety or minimal
Apart from their typical other uses, plants are adverse events of herbal medicines, a part of
a potential source for medicinal purposes. The the nature sync belief. A few of the species that
exploration of therapeutic functions of contain important antioxidants to cure a wide
substances present in plants has been done since range of diseases and have proven safe for
long before prehistoric age. The practical reasons long-term use are described in this chapter,
of traditional ways of medicine using plant including Curcuma sp, Zingiber sp, Silybum maria-
materials for a wide range of human ailments num L, Gnetum gnemon, and Physalis angulate.
are increase in population, insufficient drug
supplies, prohibitive cost of treatments, adverse
effects of several synthetic drugs, and develop- 1.1 Curcuma sp
ment of resistance to currently used agents for Curcuma genus is classified under the family
communicable diseases. Zingiberaceae. The genus consists of more than
According to the World Health Organization, 80 species [2]. They grow abundantly in Asia,
around 80% of people worldwide depend on including Southeast Asia, China, India, New
medicinal plants, in some cases for their primary Guinea, and Northern Australia [3]. All curcuma
health care, and around 21,000 plant species sp have similar flower spikes that arise from the
show potential benefits for human health and top of the pseudo stem or sometimes on a

Nanopharmaceuticals 17 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
18 2. Role of nanocarriers and their surface modification in targeting delivery of bioactive compounds

separate stem directly from the rhizome. They

differ mainly in the inner part of rhizomes,
which vary in color, i.e., white, cream, yellow,
orange, blue, bluish-green, and black [3]. In the
family of curcuma, particularly the rhizomes
show economic potential both for food and med-
icine. For many years, the rhizomes of curcuma
have been used for food additives, spice, and
condiments. More importantly, the potential
therapeutic value of curcuma’s rhizomes are
reported elsewhere to cure various pathological
conditions, including cancer [4e11]. Various
species of Curcuma have been studied and
reported such as Curcuma amada Roxb, Curcuma
aromatica, Curcuma caesia Roxb, Curcuma longa,
Curcuma manga, Curcuma purpurascens, Curcuma
xanthorriza, and Curcuma zedoria. Plants
belonging to the genus Curcuma are gaining
importance worldwide and are an interesting
topic for investigation and exploration. The
plants contain bioactive molecules with various
biological activities such as antiinflammation,
antimicrobe, anti hypercholesterolemia, anti-
rheumatic, antivirus, antifibrosis, antivenomous,
antihepatotoxicity, antidiabetes, anticancer, and
gastroprotector (Fig. 2.1).
The common phytoconstituents found in Cur- FIGURE 2.1 Chemical structure of xanthorrhizol (1), cur-
cuma are phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpe- cumin (2), demethoxycurcumin (3), bisdemethoxycurcumin (4).
noids, tannins, saponins, steroids, glycosides.
Among other phytoconstituents in Curcuma, Ginger originated in Southeast Asia. It has
xanthorrizhol and curcuminoid are two impor- been cultivated for thousands of years as a spice
tant substances showing similar bioactivities as well as for medicinal purposes in countries
and many health-promoting benefits, are being like India, China, Nigeria, Indonesia,
widely explored for therapeutic purposes [12]. Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, and Jamaica.
It is also grown in Australia, Fiji, Brazil, Sierra
Leone, Japan, United Kingdom, United States,
and Saudi Arabia. Ginger is an herbaceous rhizo-
1.2 Zingiber officinale matous perennial, reaching up to 90 cm in height
Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber offici- under cultivation. It is widely used in a variety of
nale Roscoe, belonging to family Zingiberaceae, foods because of its nutritional value and
is one of the most important plants with several flavoring compounds. Ginger rhizomes are a
medicinal, nutritional, and ethnomedical values, rich source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals,
and hence explored extensively all over the and iron. Phytochemical analysis describes the
world as a spice, flavoring agent, and herbal content of ginger rhizome with a variety of phar-
medicine [13]. macological effects. Z. officinale is reported to
1. Bioactive compounds as promising therapeutic agents 19
contain essential oils, phenolic compounds, silydianin, and silychristin. Silibinin is the most
flavonoids, carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids, active of the three, and is largely responsible
glycosides, saponins, steroids, terpenoids, and for the hepatoprotective benefits attributed to
tannins as the major phytochemical groups silymarin (Fig. 2.3).
[13,14]. Ginger possesses its characteristic organ-
oleptic properties due to two classes of constitu-
ents: the odor and the flavor, determined by the 1.4 Gnetum gnemon
constituents of its steam-volatile oil. The volatile Gnetum gnemon L. (Gg) or melinjo is a plant
oil consists mainly of the mono- and sesquiter- growing abundantly in tropical areas such as
penes; camphene, b-phellandrene, curcumene, Southeast Asia. This plant belongs to the genus
cineole, geranyl acetate, terphineol, terpenes, of Gnetum (Gnetaceae family) [21,22]. The plant
borneol, geraniol, limonene, b-elemene, is a small- to medium-sized evergreen tree with
zingiberol, linalool, a-zingiberene, b-sesquiphel- nearly conical crown and a stature of 10e15 m.
landrene, b-bisabolene, zingiberenol, and a- Zin- The stem is well branched and possesses a cylin-
giberol are the principal aroma-contributing drical bole and a diameter up to 40 cm. Leaves
components of ginger rhizome [14] (Fig. 2.2). are petiolate, ovate-oblong, or elliptical,
10e20 cm long and 4e7 cm broad, reticulately
veined, glabrous and shiny, dark green, apex
1.3 Silybum marianum L acute to subacuminate, margins entire, base
Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn, whose com- acute and phylotaxy opposite; young leaves are
mon name is milk thistle, is an edible plant reddish purple. Inflorescences are borne on
belonging to the Asteraceae family [15,16]. Milk young shoots and older branches.
thistle is a native of the Mediterranean region
and has also spread to East Asia, Europe,
Australia, and the Americas. Since the first cen-
tury, milk thistle has been used medicinally
[17e20]. Its flowers, leaves, and roots have
been used in the European diet as vegetable,
and its achene is used as a coffee. It is considered
as a spinach substitute. In 1968, a flavonolignan
complex in milk thistle fruit was identified and
isolated. The major bioactive substituent present
in the plant is the flavonoid complex silymarin,
which is about 80% of the extract. This complex
was found to be responsible for the medicinal
effects of the silymarin complex and is made
up of three parts: silibinin (also called silybin),

FIGURE 2.3 Chemical structure of silibinin (1), silydianin

FIGURE 2.2 Chemical structure of zingiberol. (2), and silychristin (3).
20 2. Role of nanocarriers and their surface modification in targeting delivery of bioactive compounds

G. gnemon is one of the most studied wild referred to as cape gooseberry or cut leaf ground
plants. The plants from the family of Gnetaceae cherry. Various phytochemicals including flavo-
have been used as traditional medicines for noids, alkaloids, and plant steroids known as
many years. Several bioactive phytoconstituents physalins (A and B), with anolides and secoste-
present in G. gnemon, such as saponins, tannins, roids, which have never been reported before,
and Melinjo seeds contain abundant resveratrol are present in this plant [27e30]. P. angulata L.
(stilbenoid), mainly in the form of dimers (gnetin has been explored in recent clinical research,
C). Gnetin C has been explored for more than 10 with preliminary evidence demonstrating it as
years, principally by Japanese scientists. Well- an effective immune stimulant, toxic to
documented clinical data is already available numerous types of cancer like leukemia, and
and even more studies are continuing to emerge shown to have antimicrobial properties (Fig. 2.5).
[21e24]. It has been reported that stilbenoids
from melinjo showed strong antioxidant activity
leading to various biological effects such as anti-
inflammatory, antiaging, antihyperuricemia, 2. Complexity of bioactive compounds
antimicrobe, anticardiovascular, and anticancer
[25] (Fig. 2.4). Most bioactive substances isolated from
plants are either in the form of crude extract,
fraction, and single compound show poor
bioavailability, hence have low-therapeutic
1.5 Physalis angulata outcome, resulting from the challenging physi-
Physalis angulata L. is an annual herb indige- cochemical properties, instability issues, or
nous to tropical areas like Africa, Asia, and extensive in vivo response. Bioavailability and
South America including the Amazon [26]. The solubility are key issues that have emerged
plant grows up to 1 m high, plant parts are as top technical concerns in drug formulation
smooth and glabrescent, it bears small, yellow- and delivery even for bioactive compounds.
colored flowers, and produces small, light
yellowish- orange, edible fruit sometimes

FIGURE 2.4 Chemical structure of resveratrol (1) and FIGURE 2.5 Chemical structure of physalin A (1) and
gnetin C (2). physalin B (2).
3. Biological barriers 21
In addition, stability of the active agents both organism’s survival. Different types of biological
physically and chemically also contribute signif- barriers are described next to present the critical
icantly during formulation development. The parameters on the therapeutic failures as well as
main challenges faced by pharmaceutical com- to find the appropriate strategies or solutions by
panies in drug formulation as described in which a bioactive can be delivered successfully
many reports [31e36] are safety (c.79%), appro- in vivo to exert desired clinical effects.
priate therapeutic and delivery profiles (61%),
and bioavailability (57%). In oral solid dosage
forms, the top three formulation challenges 3.1 Physical barriers
are bioavailability (41%), stability (37%), and
For most therapeutics, reaching the targets of
solubility (35%).
action require penetration across tissues and/or
The fact that bioactive compounds are chal-
entry within cells. The design of strategies to
lenging during formulation and delivery has
control the transport of therapeutic compounds
been described in several reports [31e36].
through these physiological barriers has become
As discussed in the first part of introduction,
an imperative and a challenging need in the
several potential bioactive compounds exhibit a
quest for better therapeutics. The physical bar-
lack of pharmaceutical properties like low solu-
riers for drugs entering systemic circulation are
bility and permeability, sensitivity toward
the membrane, a biological architecture of a
external factors (humidity, light, and tempera-
membrane border, like a single-layer or multi-
ture), as well as presystemic degradation upon
layer cell lining. This also includes lining of
entering the body. All these challenges have
endothelial cells of blood vessels, stratum
led to unsuccessful therapy in the clinic using
corneum of skin, lining of epithelial cells of
bioactive components.
various mucosa, BBB, blood ocular barrier, and
the mucus covering the epithelial mucosa
(Fig. 2.6).
3. Biological barriers
A major challenge in the drug delivery area is
how to transport the active agents across the bio-
3.2 Biochemical barriers
logical system entering the blood circulation and The biochemical barriers that can reduce the
reaching the target of action to demonstrate the therapeutic function of a drug are the metabo-
biological effects. Several biological barriers lizing enzymes, transporters, and efflux pumps.
include the bloodebrain barrier (BBB), the small Drug-metabolizing enzymes are present in
intestine, nasal, skin, and the mucosa. Biological almost all parts of the body where the drug is
barriers are designed naturally with the aim to passing through, such as gastrointestinal tract,
protect the organism from foreign materials respiratory system, ocular mucosa, in the blood
that can damage homeostasis and physiologic circulation, and other entry points of drugs to
function and eventually can threaten the the systemic compartment.

FIGURE 2.6 The physical barrier illustration of drug absorption: (A) lining endothelial cells, (B) stratum corneum,
(C) lining epithelial cells, (D) mucosal membrane.
22 2. Role of nanocarriers and their surface modification in targeting delivery of bioactive compounds

Drug transporters are the proteins that are various other properties like surface coating,
present in many organs (liver, lung, kidney, type of matrix used, and timely delivery, can
intestine, brain, skin, blood vessels, and others). help to deliver a drug at a target site. The suc-
Naturally, the proteins play important roles for cessful outcome of the nanocarrier to help the
traffic between organs and elimination of drugs bioactive compounds show their effect upon
and foreign compounds. Their function some- reaching the target site of action is also deter-
how is beneficial, but they may also display mined by the in vivo behavior of the nanocarrier,
deleterious effects that do not allow drugs to in particular in the phase of biological membrane
enter the target organ to show their effects. passage to reach the systemic circulation, during
In the BBB, drug transporters and drug metabo- traveling in the circulation to reach the target site
lizing enzymes are also present to control the and after reaching the target.
access to the brain and local concentration of Various nanoparticles are being studied for
endobiotics and xenobiotics. delivery of synthetic as well as bioactive drugs.
Efflux pumps demonstrate resistance to cyto- In this section, different drug delivery systems
toxic drugs, hence also act as a barrier for drug explored for bioactive drug delivery are dis-
delivery. By their nature, efflux pumps are trans- cussed (Table 2.1).
port proteins involved in the extrusion of toxic Different types of nanocarrier systems are
substrates from cells into the external environ- developed based on the characteristic of the
ment. These membrane proteins function as a bioactive compounds as well as the aim of their
pump that can decrease the intracellular accu- delivery target. Table 2.2 presents various nano-
mulation of drug, leading to the ineffective systems along with their method of preparation.
drug therapy. For better drug delivery, the key
to understanding how these pumps operate
involves the determination of the structures of 4.1 Lipid-based nanocarrier systems
representative pumps and the elucidation of
Considering the complex in vivo barrier sys-
the conformational changes that accompany
tem in which the drugs are protected to be able
drug translocation.
to survive for therapeutic presentation, various
strategies in the area of formulation and delivery
either to target the drug at specific site or to con-
4. Nanocarrier: a strategy to overcome trol the drug release have recently been reported
biological barriers and described [31e36]. The former focuses more
on the use of the excipients, the composition, and
A primary reason for drug failing to demon- the manufacturing process, while the later em-
strate its effect is the biology underlying the mo- phasizes the drug-carrier constructs. The
lecular-, cellular-, and tissue-level barriers, following discussion reviews the typically used
which makes the delivery process extremely drug delivery systems in bioactive delivery that
complex. Therefore, to bypass the limitations are effective in overcoming the biological bar-
regarding the biology of conventional drug riers, thereby improving the drug therapeutic in-
delivery, it might be best to improve on the dex. In this category, we selected liposomes,
concepts and approaches that are efficient and nanoemulsions, and lipid nanoparticles; other
effective [37,38]. forms of nanoparticles are still under research
One way to overcome barrier challenges and have not yet reached the market like the
could be formation of effective drug delivery. above ones, hence we decided to discuss only
Nanoparticles, due to their smaller size and the relevant ones.
4. Nanocarrier: a strategy to overcome biological barriers 23
TABLE 2.1 Bioactive-loaded nanocarrier systems and the potential medical promise.

Challenges in Added value of

Class Category Compound Desired functionality formulation nanoemulsions

Flavonoid Flavanols EGCG, catechin, Free-radical scavenging, Catechins generally - Increased

epicatechin anticancer, decreasing exhibit high water storage
cholesterol level in solubility. Partition in the stability of
blood, preventing lipophilic core is easily
arterial sclerosis, improved by adding degradable
thrombosis, heart 1-dodecanol catechins
attacks, reducing
fat and sugar uptake
Flavonols Quercetin, Free-radical scavenging, The scarce solubility of - Improved
kaempferol, fighting the effects of most flavonols in oil phase thermo- and
myricetin aging and inflammation, requires the addition of photostability
downregulating or amphiphilic molecules in - Enhanced
suppressing the lipophilic core delivery
inflammatory pathways
and functions

Flavones Apigenin, Antimutagenic, Supersaturated flavones - Improved

luteolin, rutin, antiinvasive, and in oil phases easily form physical
tangeretin antiproliferative agent crystals, requiring the stability
addition of compounds, - Bioaccessibility
such as soy protein
isolates, to slow down the
crystallization process
Flavanones Naringenin, Antiinflammatory, Flavanones exhibit poor - Increased
hesperidin anticarcinogenic, water solubility. Oil and release of
hepatoprotective, and emulsifier are added to compounds
antilipid peroxidation ensure maximum loading - Improved the
and stability in the bioavailability
Isoflavones Daidzein, Protection against Incorporation in oil Improved the
genistein, hormone-related droplets should be permeation
puerarin disorders, menopausal promoted by suitable through epidermal
symptoms, heart disease, emulsifiers (i.e., lecithin) layers
and osteoporosis
Nonflavonoids Hydroxybenzoic Gallic acid, Antiproliferative and Complexation with Increased
acids ellagic acid, antioxidant phospholipids is bioaccessibility,
p-hydroxybenzoic required to increase reduced
acid physical stability in interaction with
nanoemulsions the food matrix
Hydroxycinnamic Cinnamic acid, Free-radical scavenging, The solubility of some Improved
acids coumaric acid, preventing cell damage phenolic acids is very biological activity,
ferulic acid, by ultraviolet light, low in aqueous permeability, the
caffeic acid antiaging, decreasing solutions, but they can absence of
blood glucose easily be adsorbed at cytotoxic effect
oil/water interface of

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