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Road Design Specification

29 March 2023 2023

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Road Design Specification

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1. Things you need to know .....................................................................................1
1.1 About this document .......................................................................................1
1.2 Required deliverables .....................................................................................1
1.3 Terms ..............................................................................................................1

2. Design standards ..................................................................................................2

2.1 Road design key performance indicators ........................................................2
2.2 Precedence of documents ..............................................................................3
2.3 Departures from standards .............................................................................3

3. Defining design stages .........................................................................................4

3.1 Design stages .................................................................................................4
3.2 Design considerations .....................................................................................4
3.3 Design stage deliverables ...............................................................................6
3.3.1 Strategic design deliverables ...............................................................................................6
3.3.2 Concept design deliverables ................................................................................................6
3.3.3 Detail design deliverables ....................................................................................................6

4. Site investigation ...................................................................................................8

4.1 Investigations and inputs ................................................................................8
4.2 Survey .............................................................................................................8
4.3 Site visit...........................................................................................................8
4.4 Geotechnical investigation ..............................................................................8

5. Design functional requirements ...........................................................................9

5.1 Road type........................................................................................................9
5.2 Design speed ..................................................................................................9
5.3 Design vehicle.................................................................................................9
5.4 Application of turning path templates ............................................................ 12
5.4.1 Design vehicle and turning path template references....................................................... 12
5.4.2 Precedence ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.3 Multi lane right turns .......................................................................................................... 12
5.4.4 Single lane right turns ....................................................................................................... 14
5.4.5 Left turns ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.4.6 Left turn lines..................................................................................................................... 15
5.4.7 Clearance to kerbs ............................................................................................................ 15
5.4.8 Overhang .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.4.9 Opposing turn clearances ................................................................................................. 16
5.4.10 Multi-lane turn clearances ................................................................................................. 16
5.4.11 Starting point and shape of turn path ................................................................................ 16
5.5 Horizontal geometry and sight distance ........................................................ 16

5.6 Curves .......................................................................................................... 17
5.7 Lane widening ............................................................................................... 17
5.8 Median crossfall ............................................................................................ 18
5.9 Footway crossfall .......................................................................................... 18
5.10 Vertical alignment ......................................................................................... 18
5.11 Vertical clearances........................................................................................ 18
5.11.1 Clearances over roads ...................................................................................................... 18
5.11.2 Clearances over roads ...................................................................................................... 18
5.11.3 Design vertical clearances ................................................................................................ 19
5.11.4 Permissible vertical clearances for public use .................................................................. 19
5.11.5 Signposting clearances on bridges ................................................................................... 19
5.11.6 Span clearance for overbridges ........................................................................................ 20
5.11.7 Clearances to utilities ........................................................................................................ 20
5.12 Design for buses ........................................................................................... 20
5.12.1 Bus stop requirements ...................................................................................................... 20
5.12.2 Bus route design ............................................................................................................... 20
5.13 Cycleway design ........................................................................................... 20
5.13.1 Cycleway key performance indicators .............................................................................. 20
5.14 Limits of work and transitions to existing ....................................................... 20

6. Traffic signal design............................................................................................ 21

6.1 Traffic signal design key performance indicators .......................................... 21
6.2 Traffic signal design review ........................................................................... 21
6.3 TCS Design In Principle Agreement ............................................................. 24

7. Waterway design ................................................................................................. 26

7.1 Key Performance Indicators .......................................................................... 26
7.2 Flood frequency terminology ......................................................................... 26
7.3 Stormwater and waterway analysis methodology ......................................... 27
7.4 Waterway analysis process........................................................................... 27
7.5 Review of previous investigations ................................................................. 27
7.6 Site visit......................................................................................................... 28
7.7 Survey ........................................................................................................... 28
7.8 Stormwater drainage system design standards ............................................ 28
7.9 Bridge and large culvert design standards .................................................... 28
7.10 Hydrology analysis ........................................................................................ 28
7.11 Hydraulic analysis ......................................................................................... 28
7.12 Reporting hydrology and hydraulic analysis .................................................. 29

8. Stormwater design parameters .......................................................................... 30

8.1 Flood immunity.............................................................................................. 30
8.2 Roughness .................................................................................................... 30
8.3 Flood flow safety ........................................................................................... 31
8.4 Design parameters for culverts ..................................................................... 31
8.5 Design parameters for flood evacuation routes............................................. 32
8.6 Freeboard ..................................................................................................... 33
8.7 Design parameters for minor system pipeline design ................................... 33
8.8 Pipe layout requirements .............................................................................. 34
8.8.1 Minimum pipe size ............................................................................................................ 34
8.8.2 Pit location at pedestrian crossings .................................................................................. 35
8.8.3 Minimum pipe grade ......................................................................................................... 35
8.8.4 Subsurface drainage ......................................................................................................... 35
8.9 Hydraulic design parameters ........................................................................ 35
8.10 Lawful point of discharge .............................................................................. 37
8.11 Sediment control ........................................................................................... 38
8.12 Assessment of blockage ............................................................................... 38
8.12.1 Assessing the impact of blockage..................................................................................... 39
8.12.2 Blockage Assessment Form ............................................................................................. 39
8.12.3 Methodology for assessment of blockage at bridges and large culverts .......................... 40
8.12.4 Methodology for assessment of blockage at smaller culverts .......................................... 40
8.12.5 Culvert debris deflector walls ............................................................................................ 40
8.12.6 Blockage of piped drainage systems ................................................................................ 41
8.13 Drainage structure schedule on drawings ..................................................... 41

9. Pavement design ................................................................................................. 43

9.1 Pavement design detail ................................................................................. 43

10. Landscaping ........................................................................................................ 45

10.1 Landscaping key performance indicators ...................................................... 45
10.2 Soils .............................................................................................................. 45
10.3 Paving ........................................................................................................... 45
10.4 Plant selection............................................................................................... 45
10.5 Distance from kerb ........................................................................................ 47
10.6 Roadside furniture......................................................................................... 48

11. Signposting and delineation .............................................................................. 49

11.1 Signposting and delineation key performance indicators .............................. 49
11.2 Roadside facilities key performance indicators ............................................. 49
11.3 Signposting requirements ............................................................................. 49

12. Design for errant vehicles .................................................................................. 51

12.1 Design for errant vehicles performance indicators ........................................ 51

12.2 Safety barrier location on urban corners ....................................................... 52

13. Ancillary activities ............................................................................................... 53

13.1 Noise wall and screen design key performance indicators ........................... 53
13.2 Structural and retaining wall design .............................................................. 53
13.3 Road Safety Audit Report ............................................................................. 53

14. Property adjustment design ............................................................................... 54

14.1 Property adjustment key performance indicators .......................................... 54
14.2 Types of property adjustment........................................................................ 54
14.3 Property adjustment survey requirements .................................................... 54
14.4 Photographs.................................................................................................. 54
14.5 Property Adjustment Record and Requirement Schedule ............................. 55
14.6 Property adjustment design requirements .................................................... 55
14.7 Driveway design requirements ...................................................................... 55
14.8 Property adjustment drawing requirements .................................................. 56
14.9 Property adjustment notes ............................................................................ 57
14.10 Signature box ................................................................................................ 60
14.11 Negotiating owner approval .......................................................................... 61
14.12 Acquisition plan ............................................................................................. 61
14.12.1 Acquisition plan requirements ........................................................................................... 61
14.12.2 Issue of draft acquisition plans .......................................................................................... 62
14.12.3 Issue of final acquisition plans .......................................................................................... 62

15. Public utility and street lighting design............................................................. 63

15.1 When utility design and street lighting design is required ............................. 63
15.2 Utility adjustment design and approval ......................................................... 63

16. Technical specification for construction........................................................... 64

17. Estimate ............................................................................................................... 65

17.1 Estimate key performance indicators ............................................................ 65
17.2 Estimate deliverables .................................................................................... 65
17.3 Estimate types .............................................................................................. 65
17.4 Estimating methods ...................................................................................... 66
17.5 Estimating stages and accuracy ................................................................... 66
17.6 Quantities requirements ................................................................................ 67
17.7 Project base estimate requirements .............................................................. 67
17.8 Probability estimates requirements ............................................................... 67
17.9 Contingency .................................................................................................. 68

17.10 Estimate report.............................................................................................. 68

18. Documentation .................................................................................................... 69

18.1 Acronyms ...................................................................................................... 69
18.2 Design drawings ........................................................................................... 69
18.3 Design Report ............................................................................................... 69
18.3.1 Project memory ................................................................................................................. 69
18.3.2 Design Report function ..................................................................................................... 69
18.3.3 Design Report content ...................................................................................................... 69

19. Review and finalisation of design ...................................................................... 83

19.1 Handover documents .................................................................................... 83
19.2 Design model ................................................................................................ 83
19.3 Creation of federated design model .............................................................. 83
19.4 Design model verification .............................................................................. 83
19.4.1 Design model verification requirements ............................................................................ 83
19.4.2 Design Model Verification Statement ................................................................................ 84
19.5 Conflict analysis and clash detection ............................................................ 84
19.5.1 Conflict analysis requirements .......................................................................................... 84
19.5.2 Clash analysis summary ................................................................................................... 85

20. Design form and aesthetics................................................................................ 86

20.1 Key performance indicators .......................................................................... 86
20.2 Design for aesthetics .................................................................................... 86
20.3 Urban design principles ................................................................................ 87
20.4 Aesthetic considerations ............................................................................... 87
20.4.1 Scale ................................................................................................................................. 87
20.4.2 Proportion.......................................................................................................................... 87
20.4.3 Colour ................................................................................................................................ 88
20.4.4 Texture .............................................................................................................................. 88
20.4.5 Contrast ............................................................................................................................. 88

21. Duties of designers ............................................................................................. 89

21.1 Legislative reference documents .................................................................. 89
21.2 Compliance with codes, standards and regulations ...................................... 89
21.3 Duties of designers ....................................................................................... 89
21.4 Management of risks ..................................................................................... 89
21.5 What is ‘reasonably practicable’.................................................................... 90
21.6 Duties not transferable, no contracting out ................................................... 90
21.7 Principal’s obligations ................................................................................... 91
21.8 Consultant organisation obligations .............................................................. 91
21.9 Design Manager’s obligations ....................................................................... 91
21.10 Safety Report ................................................................................................ 91
21.11 Not legal advice ............................................................................................ 92

22. Quality assurance ............................................................................................... 93

22.1 Key performance indicators .......................................................................... 93
22.2 Non-transference of responsibility for quality ................................................ 93
22.3 Non-conformance of deliverables ................................................................. 93
22.3.1 Definition of non-conformance .......................................................................................... 93
22.3.2 The significance of a non-conformance ............................................................................ 93
22.3.3 Identification of non-conformances ................................................................................... 93
22.3.4 Non-conformance severity ................................................................................................ 94
22.3.5 Response to non-conformance ......................................................................................... 94
22.4 Audit .............................................................................................................. 94

23. Project process information ............................................................................... 95

23.1 Work Health and Safety ................................................................................ 95
23.1.1 Work Health and Safety documents ................................................................................. 95
23.1.2 Confined spaces ............................................................................................................... 95
23.1.3 Clothing ............................................................................................................................. 95
23.2 Working on roads .......................................................................................... 95
23.3 Authority requirements and approvals .......................................................... 95
23.4 Payment of authority fees and charges ......................................................... 95
23.5 Road opening approvals ............................................................................... 96
23.6 Council fees not waived ................................................................................ 96
23.7 Sub-contractors............................................................................................. 96
23.8 Meaningful email titles .................................................................................. 96
23.9 Protection of trees ......................................................................................... 96
23.10 References.................................................................................................... 97
23.10.1 Reference documents ....................................................................................................... 97
23.10.2 Access to reference documents........................................................................................ 97
23.11 Project process control ................................................................................. 97
23.12 Supplied information ..................................................................................... 97

24. Glossary of terms and definitions ..................................................................... 98

Table 1 Design stages ............................................................................................................... 4
Table 2 Design speed................................................................................................................ 9
Table 3 Design vehicles .......................................................................................................... 10
Table 4 Horizontal geometry and sight distance standards ...................................................... 16
Table 5 Vertical alignment ....................................................................................................... 18
Table 6 Minimum vertical clearances for bridges ..................................................................... 19
Table 7 Traffic Signal design review documentation requirements .......................................... 21
Table 8 Stormwater and waterway flood immunity ................................................................... 30
Table 9 Culvert design parameters .......................................................................................... 32
Table 10 Flood evacuation route culvert design parameters ...................................................... 32
Table 11 Freeboard ................................................................................................................... 33
Table 12 Piped drainage design parameters ............................................................................. 34
Table 13 Hydraulic design parameters ...................................................................................... 35
Table 14 Pit blockage ................................................................................................................ 41
Table 15 Generic pavement designs for estimating only............................................................ 43
Table 16 Street trees ................................................................................................................. 46
Table 17 Estimate types ............................................................................................................ 65
Table 18 Example Clash Analysis Summary ............................................................................. 85

1. Things you need to know
1.1 About this document
This Road Design Specification includes requirements for strategic, concept and
detailed road design and preparation of technical specifications for road construction. It
includes the requirements for design on flood evacuation routes.

1.2 Required deliverables

Deliverables are listed in the Table of Deliverables. The requirements for deliverables
are described in the Scope-of-Work and the specifications.
The deliverables in specifications apply only if required by the Request-for-Quote,
Table-of-Deliverables or contract documents.
Non-conformance with specified deliverable requirements will have a response as
detailed in Section 21.

1.3 Terms
You, your means the consultant or contractor engaged to do the work.
We, our, us means the Principal of the contract engaging the consultant or contractor.
Consultant is a person or company that provides expert technical advice, services,
designs and documents.
Contractor is a person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or
labour to perform a service or do a job.
The requirements for a consultant apply to a contractor. The requirements for a
contractor apply to a consultant.
Must is a mandatory requirement.

2. Design standards
2.1 Road design key performance indicators
Key Performance Indicators for road design are compliance with the following
reference documents:
a) Austroads Guide to Road Design. The Guide to Road Design comprises the
following parts.
Part 1: Objectives of Road Design
Part 2: Network Wide Design
Part 3: Geometric Design
Part 4: Intersections and Crossings - General
Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections
Part 4B: Roundabouts
Part 4C: Interchanges
Part 5: Drainage – General and Hydrology Considerations
Part 5A: Drainage – Road Surface, Networks, Basins and Subsurface
Part 5B: Drainage – Open Channels, Culverts and Floodways
Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers
Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling
Part 6B: Roadside Environment
Part 7: New and Emerging Trends
b) Transport for NSW supplements to the Austroads Guide to Road Design.
c) Transport for NSW standard drawings.
d) Council standard drawings.
e) Council engineering guides.
f) Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002.
g) Australian Human Rights Commission Guideline for Promoting Compliance of
Bus Stops with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002.
h) State Transit Bus Infrastructure Guide.
i) Transport for NSW Guide to signposting.
j) Transport for NSW Traffic control at worksites Technical Manual.
k) NSW Speed Zoning Guidelines.
l) Transport for NSW Technical Information Accepted Road Safety Barrier Systems
and Devices.

2.2 Precedence of documents
If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the design standards, the order of
precedence must be:
1. The project specific Scope-of-Work.
2. This Road Design Specification.
3. Transport for NSW supplements to the Austroads Guide to Road Design.
4. Austroads Guide to Road Design.
5. Transport for NSW standard drawings and Council standard drawings.
6. Council engineering guides.
7. Other reference documents.
If the designer has concerns about a requirement the issue may be raised with us for a
determination. The determination must be confirmed in writing and recorded in the
Issues Log and the Design Report.
The Project Manager may direct conformance to a design standard other than the
precedence order shown.

2.3 Departures from standards

Mitigation measures must be provided and described that will overcome negative
consequences of the departure.
Any ‘departure’ from standards and codes must be described and justified.
Proposed design non-conformances must be submitted for acceptance providing:
a) Description of the non-conformance with standards.
b) Reference to the design standard not being conformed with.
c) Reason and justification for the non-conformance.
d) Mitigation measures proposed to offset the negative consequences of the non-
e) Consequences of the non-conformance not being approved.
Departures from standards must be approved by us before being adopted in the
design. Designers must draw attention to proposed departures from standards in the
documentation presented to Design Reviews.
Inclusion of a departure from standards without approval from us will be regarded as a
non-conformance with specified deliverables.
Departures from standards may have implications for a designer’s responsibility for
safe design under the Work Health and Safety Act. More details are provided in
Section 21.

3. Defining design stages
3.1 Design stages
Designs are delivered in three stages:
a) Strategic design develops options and establishes a preferred design solution.
b) Concept design refines the preferred solution.
c) Detailed design details the design for construction.
Design stages are expanded in Table 1.

Table 1 Design stages

1. Strategic design
Strategic designs define the main features of a proposal in a form sufficient to
produce a budget estimate for inclusion in a construction program.

2. Concept design
Concept designs contain a plan layout, longitudinal sections and typical cross

3. 20% design
20% designs contain the major geometric elements of the design.

4. 50% design
50% designs contain the expand the design with the significant design elements.

5. 80% design
80% designs contain all of the design elements.

6. 100% design
100% designs are a refinement of the 80% drawings after reviews and audits. They
are the draft Accepted-for-Construction drawings.

7. Accepted for Construction

Finalisation includes converting the 100% drawings into Accepted-for-Construction
(AFC) drawings.

8. Construction support
Designers may be called upon to provide advice or change designs during

The stages of design and their relationship to the design process are shown in Figure 1
on page 5.

3.2 Design considerations

The Design Report format in Section 18.1 indicates the issues that must be considered
during the design process.

Figure 1 Road design process

3.3 Design stage deliverables
3.3.1 Strategic design deliverables
A strategic design needs to be shown on an up-to-date aerial photograph of the site
and will include:
a) Horizontal alignment.
b) Vertical alignment (longitudinal section).
c) Typical cross sections.
d) Major structure footprint.

3.3.2 Concept design deliverables

A concept design needs to be shown on an up-to-date aerial photograph of the site and
will include:
a) Geometric layout and intersection layout on an aerial photograph in sufficient
detail to determine the project boundaries.
b) Turning paths.
c) Vertical alignment (longitudinal section).
d) Typical cross sections.
e) Major structure footprint.
f) Indicative land acquisition.
g) Options.

3.3.3 Detail design deliverables

A detail design will include the information defined by sheets in the Design Format

20% road design

A 20% road design includes the following sheet groups:
a) GE General.
b) GA Geometric alignment, intersection layout, longitudinal sections and typical
cross sections.
c) TP Turning paths.

50% road design

A 50% road design includes the 20% content and adds additional sheet groups:
d) CS Cross sections.
e) PV Pavement design and contours.
f) SW Stormwater.
g) UT Existing utilities.

80% road design
An 80% road design includes the 50% content and adds additional sheet groups:
h) BA Barriers
i) SS Safety screens and noise walls.
j) RF Roadside furniture, signposting and delineation.
k) CN Construction staging.
l) ST Structure details.
m) EA Earthworks.
n) GT Geotechnical.
o) SC Site clearing and spoil sites.
p) ER Erosion and sediment control.
q) MS Miscellaneous supplementary.

100% road design

A 100% road design is the same as the 80% design with design review amendments
and resolution of issues raised by design review and Road Safety Audit

Accepted for Construction road design

When the 100% drawings have been accepted as ready for handover by the client, the
Drawing issue and amendment title block is cleared and modified and the drawings
become the Accepted-for-Construction drawings.

4. Site investigation
4.1 Investigations and inputs
Site investigations required by the Scope-of-Work, or provided reports, are an input to
the design process.

4.2 Survey
Survey of a road site shall be carried out in accordance with the Survey and Utility
Location Specification.

4.3 Site visit

If required by the Scope-of-Work, a site visit with our team must be organised by you to
discuss the project.
You are responsible for Safe-Work-Method-Statements for the site meeting.
Attendees must be responsible for providing their own safety equipment. High visibility
vests must be worn by all persons attending the site meeting.
The general details that need to be investigated during a site visit include:
a) General appreciation of the local conditions around the project site.
b) Understanding of the conditions of the existing infrastructure.
c) Locations of any nearby infrastructure (such as bridges, utilities, buildings, dams,
trash racks or creek diversions for example) that may influence the project. These
features may not be picked up in maps or survey.
d) Any obvious environmental constraints in the vicinity of the site.
e) Indications of flooding.
It is often useful to involve other stakeholders including other specialists in the project
such as environmental, survey or geotechnical specialists or Council representatives.
During the site visit, it is important to take notes and photographs so that the local
observations can be interpreted in the office.

4.4 Geotechnical investigation

Reference documents for geotechnical investigations are:
a) Geotechnical and Pavement Specification.

5. Design functional requirements
5.1 Road type
Road type will be defined in the Scope-of-Work.

5.2 Design speed

In accordance with Austroads advice, design speed is set at an operating speed 10
km/h higher than the posted speed limit as this provides for a factor of safety given the
limited information surrounding the estimation of urban operating speeds.
Design speed values in Table 2 will apply unless otherwise specified in the Scope-of-
Work or instructions from us during the design.

Table 2 Design speed

Road type Posted speed Design speed

(km/h) (km/h)
Arterial 80 90

Sub-arterial 70 80

Collector 60 70
Local 50 60

Community title 30 30

5.3 Design vehicle

Design vehicle dimensions and turning paths are based on Austroads Design Vehicles
and Turning Path Templates Guide1. However, there are a limited number of scenarios
in the guide. Design vehicles are shown in Table 3 on page 10. Austroads values are
shown blue.
Heavy vehicle dimensions are in accordance with the New South Wales Heavy
Vehicles Chart. Prescriptive vehicles (maximum length 19 metres) have unrestricted
access to the NSW road system. Restricted Access Vehicles and Performance Based
Standards vehicles (such as B-Doubles) can only travel on prescribed routes.
B-Double design vehicle dimensions to be used in design are as prescribed by the
Transport for NSW Combined Higher Mass Limits (HMS) and Restricted Access
Vehicle (RAV) Map. An example of the map is shown in Figure 2 on page 11.
Austroads Design Vehicles and Turning Path Templates Guide specifies a 25m Semi-
trailer as the check vehicle for some scenarios. However, a 25m Semi-trailer is not
permitted in the NSW Heavy Vehicles Chart. The maximum permitted semi-trailer
length in NSW is 20m. If a 20m Semi-trailer turning template is not available, use the
25m B-double as a check vehicle.

1The Ausroads Design Vehicles and Turning Path Templates Guide is also the basis for the Austroads Guide to Road
Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General Section 5.2.

Table 3 Design vehicles

From To Design vehicle Check vehicle

19m or 23m or 25/26m B-double Same as design vehicle
as prescribed on the Transport for
NSW Combined Higher Mass
B-Double B-Double Limits (HMS) and Restricted
route route Access Vehicle (RAV) Map or as
defined in the Scope-of-Work (eg
for planned future B-double
routes) or as instructed.
Arterial 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
available use 25m B-double)
Sub-arterial 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
available use 25m B-double)
Collector - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Collector - 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
industrial available use 25m B-double)
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Local - 12.5m single unit truck/bus 19m semi-trailer
Arterial 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
available use 25m B-double)
Sub-arterial 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
available use 25m B-double)
Collector - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Sub- residential
arterial Collector - 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
industrial available use 25m B-double)
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Local - 12.5m single unit truck/bus 19m semi-trailer
Arterial 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Sub-arterial 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Collector - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Collector - Collector - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
residential industrial
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 14.5m single unit bus
Local - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Arterial 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
available use 25m B-double)
Sub-arterial 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
Collector - available use 25m B-double)
industrial Collector - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Collector - 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
industrial available use 25m B-double)

From To Design vehicle Check vehicle
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Local - 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
industrial available use 25m B-double)
Arterial 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Sub-arterial 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Collector - 8.8m service vehicle 14.5m single unit bus
Local - Collector - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
residential industrial
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Arterial 12.5m single unit truck/bus 19m semi-trailer
Sub-arterial 12.5m single unit truck/bus 19m semi-trailer
Collector - 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
Local - Collector - 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
industrial industrial available use 25m B-double)
Local - 8.8m service vehicle 12.5m single unit truck/bus
Local - 19m semi-trailer 20m semi-trailer (if template is not
industrial available use 25m B-double)
Bus depot Any class of 14.5m single unit bus 19m semi-trailer
road 19.0m articulated bus 19m B-double
Shopping Any class of 19m semi-trailer 20m Semi-trailer
centre road

Figure 2 B-Double route map

5.4 Application of turning path templates
5.4.1 Design vehicle and turning path template references
Design vehicles and the application of turning path templates have been derived from:
a) Austroads Design Vehicles and Turning Path Template Guide AP-G345-13.
b) Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 4: Intersections and Crossings –
General Section 5.6.3.
c) AS 2890.2 Parking facilities Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities.
d) Transport for NSW (RTA) Guide to Traffic Generating Developments.
e) Transport for NSW Heavy vehicles chart.
f) New South Wales Road Rules 2014.
g) Transport for NSW Heavy Vehicle Driver Handbook.

5.4.2 Precedence
Some of the provisions of Austroads guides conflict with NSW road rules. The
instructions on applying turning paths in this specification refer to New South Wales
Road Rules so instructions in this specification take precedence over the instructions in
the Austroads Design Vehicles and Turning Path Template Guide AP-G345-13 and the
Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General
Section 5.6.3.

5.4.3 Multi lane right turns

Road Rule 32(1)(a) allows vehicles to occupy any lane in a multi lane right turn, as
shown in Figure 3, but does not permit straddling the lane line.

Figure 3 Multi lane right turn

The NSW Government advice to heavy vehicle drivers is to use the far-left lane of
multi-lane right turns.2

2 Transport for NSW, 2022, Heavy Vehicle Driver Handbook p57, Sydney.

Turning paths from multi lane right turn bays must make the turn from wholly within one
of the right turn lanes. Design and check vehicles longer than 7.5 metres in length
turning right from a multi-lane right turn should use the far-left lane as shown in Figure
4. Straddling a lane line is not permitted.

Figure 4 Turning template application3

3 Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General Appendix A.7, Figure A 4

5.4.4 Single lane right turns
Road Rule 32(1) requires that “A driver turning right at an intersection from a multi-lane
road must approach and enter the intersection from within the right lane”, unless Road
Rule 32(2) applies.
Road Rule 32(2)(a) permits vehicles longer than 7.5 metres in length to “approach and
enter the intersection from the marked lane next to the right lane as well as, or instead
of, the right lane”. However, Road Rule 32(2)(d) only allows this if “it is not practicable
for the driver to turn right from within the right lane”.
The road rules do not provide for straddling a lane line for a right turn (as is explicitly
permitted for a left turn).

New design should not create a situation where it is not practical for a design vehicle to
turn right from the right lane, so the turning path for a single lane right turn must start
wholly within the right turn lane for both the design vehicle and check vehicle.
Straddling a lane line is not permitted.

5.4.5 Left turns

Road Rule 28(1) requires that vehicles less than 7.5 metres in length must “approach
and enter the intersection from within the left lane”, unless the vehicle is longer than 7.5
Road Rule 28(2) permits drivers of vehicles longer than 7.5 metres in length to
“approach and enter the intersection from the marked lane next to the left lane as well
as, or instead of, the left lane” as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Heavy vehicle left turn4

The NSW Government advice to heavy vehicle drivers is to position the truck so any
vehicles behind cannot pass on the left5.

4 Accessed 22 March 2023.

5 Transport for NSW, 2022, Heavy Vehicle Driver Handbook p56, Sydney.

A car is the only design vehicle less than 7.5 metres in length. A car design vehicle
must start a left turn from wholly within the left lane. Straddling a lane line is not
Preferably, design and check vehicles should make a left turn from wholly within a left
turn lane. However, if the heavy vehicle turn path needs to turn from the lane adjacent
to the left turn lane, at least one third of the width of the vehicle should be within the left
lane, to comply with government advice to prevent passing by following vehicles.

5.4.6 Left turn lines

Road Rule 29(1) requires drivers to follow a left turn line as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Following a left turn line

However, Road Rule 29(2) exempts vehicles longer than 7.5 metres in length from
following the turn line.

Turn lines should be placed to mimic the tracked path of left turning design and check
vehicles wherever possible to avoid the need for trucks to depart from the turn line.

5.4.7 Clearance to kerbs

The extremity of vehicles (not wheel tracks) must be a minimum of 0.5 metres from
kerbs, pavement edge, safety barrier or centreline.6
This clearance is known as an offset. The offset must be drawn around the turning

6 Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General Section 5.6.3.

5.4.8 Overhang
In accordance with the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and
Crossings – General Section 6.6.1, vehicle swept path analysis must confirm the rear
of turning vehicles do not cross lane lines into adjoining lanes. The long overhang on
the rear of turning buses must not cross into adjoining lanes by even a small amount.7

5.4.9 Opposing turn clearances

Opposing right turns shall meet the clearances prescribed in the Austroads Design
Vehicles and Turning Path Templates Guide and the Austroads Guide to Road Design
Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General Section 5.6.3 and Appendix A.7. Turn
clearances are shown in Figure 4 on page 13.

5.4.10 Multi-lane turn clearances

Where it is necessary to apply two separate turning templates in the same direction of
travel then a clearance of 1.0 m should be provided between the templates, as shown
in the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General
Section 5.6.3 and Appendix A.7. Turn clearances from Appendix A.7 are shown in
Figure 4 on page 13.

5.4.11 Starting point and shape of turn path

Other than slip lanes, turn paths should start the turn at the hold line of the intersection
and follow a single radius as shown in Figure 4 on page 13.
Unusual turn movements such as turns that do not start the turn at the hold line, turns
that require a driver to drive into the intersection before making the turn or turns with
wobbles that a driver would not follow, are not permitted.

5.5 Horizontal geometry and sight distance

The design parameters for horizontal geometry and sight distance are referenced in
Table 4.

Table 4 Horizontal geometry and sight distance standards

Design parameter Standard

Sight distance

Horizontal stopping Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
sight distance Section 5

Horizontal curve
Transverse friction Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Table 7.5

Minimum curve radius Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.6.1

7 Undocumented Transport for NSW requirement.

Design parameter Standard

Minimum horizontal Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
curve length Section 7.6.2
Deflection angle Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.6.2

Shift offset As per the Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric
Superelevation % Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.7.3 and 7.7.4

Length of Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design

superelevation Section 7.7.6 and 7.7.9 and Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11
Rate of rotation Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.7.7

Relative grade Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.7.8

Lane widening Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.9 and Table 7.13 using the design vehicles in this


Normal crossfall 3%

Adverse crossfall Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Section 7.8

5.6 Curves
Compound curves and broken back curves must be avoided. Where compound curves
are unavoidable the design speed criteria must be satisfied.
The minimum length measured between tangent spiral points on adjacent reverse
horizontal curves must be equal to or greater than the design speed expressed as

5.7 Lane widening

Designs must conform to Road Rule 146 – Driving within a single marked lane or line
of traffic that requires that a driver on a multi-lane road must drive so the driver’s
vehicle is completely in a marked lane, unless the driver is undertaking a range of listed
Lane widths must be sufficient to ensure there is no overhang of vehicles into adjoining
lanes. Lane widening must be applied to small radius curves if necessary to ensure
long vehicles can transit the curve with the vehicle wholly within the traffic lane in
conformance with Road Rule 146.

5.8 Median crossfall
Design parameters for median slopes are shown in Austroads Guide to Road Design
2021 Part 3: Geometric Design Section 4.73, Table 4.16.
Urban medians between kerbs shall be designed with a 3.0% crossfall (1:33).

5.9 Footway crossfall

Footway and footpath crossfall shall be 2.5% as specified in the Austroads Guide to
Road Design 2021 Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling Section 5.1.2.

5.10 Vertical alignment

The design parameters for vertical alignment are referenced in Table 5.

Table 5 Vertical alignment

Design parameter Standard

Maximum grade Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design
Table 8.3

K Value Austroads Guide to Road Design 2021 Part 3: Geometric Design

Table 8.7

Where the combination of superelevation transition and longitudinal grade results in

areas of flat pavement, an analysis must be carried out to determine that the resultant
depth of water on the pavement does result in aquaplaning occurring.
Where the longitudinal gradient on a carriageway is less than 1% over a carriageway
length of greater than 500 metres and the cross fall/superelevation is 3%, consideration
must be given to increasing the cross fall/superelevation to 4% to assist with surface
Grades should result in the difference between posted speed and truck operating
speeds being no greater than 20%.

5.11 Vertical clearances

5.11.1 Clearances over roads

5.11.2 Clearances over roads

The minimum vertical clearances in Table 6 on page 19 are derived from Austroads
Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design and Austroads Guide to Road Design
Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling.
For the existing bridges with a height clearance less than in Table 6, the existing
clearance (as measured on site) is to be maintained, unless otherwise specified in the
Scope-of-Work. This includes the provision of additional lanes under these bridges.
Existing bridges with a height clearance less that in Table 6 shall be provided with
protection beams. New bridges with an approved height clearance less that in Table 6
shall have the bridge superstructure designed for additional loads as per AS 5100.2
Table 10.3.

Table 6 Minimum vertical clearances for bridges

Location Minimum clearance (m) to underside of bridge

Road bridges over roads 5.4 (includes 0.1m resurfacing allowance)

6.5 preferred
Road bridges over high clearance routes
6.0 absolute minimum

• At least 0.2 m greater than adjacent bridges, but no

less than 5.4 m
Pedestrian bridges over roads
• 5.5 m where there are no adjacent bridges
• 6.0 m on designated high clearance routes

Bridges over pedestrian footpaths / bicycle


Bridges over railway Confirm with infrastructure owner

5.11.3 Design vertical clearances

The vertical clearance at each traffic lane shall be specified in metres rounded down to
one decimal place.
The controlling clearance for a traffic lane is the minimum clearance available on that
lane under the bridge. It is usually the lower of the clearances at the lane markings,
however there could be a lower clearance in the middle of the lane due to attachments
on the bridge.
Where road shoulders are provided, the clearance to the shoulder shall also be

5.11.4 Permissible vertical clearances for public use

A minimum safety margin of 0.1 metres shall be deducted from the controlling
clearances at each lane to derive the permissible clearances on the lane. These
clearances shall be used for signposting the clearances available under the bridge.
The clearance safety margin provides for tolerances in vehicle height, road surface
variations due to patching and deflections in the overbridge.
For most bridges a safety margin of 0.1 metres is adequate. However, if a combination
of unusual grades and road geometry exists at the site, the safety margin may be
increased if necessary if a higher than usual risk of impact exists.

5.11.5 Signposting clearances on bridges

Vertical clearances on bridges shall be signposted in accordance with AS 1742.2,
a) Bridges with a measured minimum vertical clearance of less than 5.3 metres
shall be signposted for clearances.
b) Vertical clearances displayed on bridges shall be to one decimal place rounded
down to 0.1 metres less than the actual controlling clearance.

5.11.6 Span clearance for overbridges
A bridge spanning a major roadway shall provide full clearance and shoulder widths on
the road beneath. Allowance for the longitudinal drainage, services and maintenance
operations shall be considered and provided where necessary.
Allowance for future widening of the road beneath shall be included if this is planned or
likely in the next 40 years.

5.11.7 Clearances to utilities

Utility authorities must be consulted to determine horizontal and vertical clearances that
must be provided to underground and aerial utility infrastructure.

5.12 Design for buses

5.12.1 Bus stop requirements
The design of bus stops must comply with the Disability Standards for Accessible
Public Transport 2002. This can be achieved by applying the design standards in the
Guideline for Promoting Compliance of Bus Stops with the Disability Standards for
Accessible Public Transport 2002, published by the Australian Human Rights

5.12.2 Bus route design

Design elements on bus routes must comply with:
a) State Transit Bus Infrastructure Guide.
b) Austroads Road Design Guide.
Conflicting requirements must be discussed with us. The agreed resolution must be
confirmed in writing by us and recorded in the Issues Log and the Design Report.

5.13 Cycleway design

5.13.1 Cycleway key performance indicators
Key performance indicators for cycleway design are compliance with:
a) Roads and Traffic Authority NSW bicycle guidelines.
b) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling.

5.14 Limits of work and transitions to existing

The limits of work are to tie back into the existing road network at the limit of work. The
limit of work needs to be where the proposed grade-line meets existing pavement.
Transitions to existing may either:
a) Be located outside the limit of permanent work.
b) Be located within the limit of permanent work, using linemarking to direct traffic
onto existing pavement.

6. Traffic signal design
6.1 Traffic signal design key performance indicators
Traffic signals must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Roads and
Traffic Authority Traffic Signal Design manual published by Transport for NSW.
Pedestrian crossings are to be provided on all legs of intersections unless a specific
exemption applies.

6.2 Traffic signal design review

Traffic signals are to be reviewed by Transport for NSW at the following stages:
a) Feasibility / strategic.
b) Concept.
d) Detailed design (Accepted for Construction).
The package of documents to be submitted to Transport for NSW for a traffic signal
design review are listed in the TCS Design Review Requirements checklist that is to be
submitted with the documents. The checklist is reproduced in Table 7.

Table 7 Traffic Signal design review documentation requirements

Design stage Document required

Feasibility / Concept Detailed

strategic stage design
stage (Accepted for

Optional Mandatory Mandatory Traffic signal (TCS) plan (PDF and CAD)

Optional Optional Mandatory In Principle Agreement

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Turning paths PDF (Design vehicle turning paths
and check vehicle turning paths if there are any
kerb adjustments or changes to traffic

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Civil design drawing PDF

Optional Optional Mandatory Survey / utility drawing PDF

Optional Optional Mandatory Completed Traffic Signal Design Manual

Appendix A checklist

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Response to previous review comments

Optional Optional Optional Approved exemptions / departures, if applicable

Optional Optional Optional Traffic modelling

Optional Optional Optional Design report

The Traffic Signal Design Manual Appendix A checklist is reproduced below. The traffic
signal drawings must comply with the requirements of the checklist.

Figure 7 Traffic Signal Design Manual Appendix A checklist

6.3 TCS Design In Principle Agreement

When Transport for NSW has approved a concept traffic signal design, they will issue a
TCS Design “In Principle Agreement” form. An uncompleted version of the form is
reproduced in Figure 8 on page 25.
The signed TCS Design “In Principle Agreement” form is to be submitted with the detail
design review package.

Figure 8 TCS Design “Agreement in Principle”

7. Waterway design
7.1 Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators for stormwater and waterway design are the following
reference documents:
a) Geoscience Australia Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood
b) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A – Road Surface, Networks, Basins and
c) Operating manuals of computer models used for stormwater and waterway

7.2 Flood frequency terminology

Flood frequency terminology recommended by Australian Rainfall and Runoff is shown
as the blue shading in Figure 9. The equivalent terminology is also shown.

Figure 9 Flood frequency terminology

EY = Exceedances per year.
AEP = Annual Exceedance Probability, the probability of the event being equalled or
exceeded in any year as a percentage or 1 in x or 1:x.
ARI = Average Recurrence Interval expressed as 1 in x. 8

7.3 Stormwater and waterway analysis methodology

Stormwater and waterway analysis shall comply with the requirements of:
a) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A – Road Surface, Networks, Basins and
b) Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation.
Stormwater and waterway analysis shall be designed using a computer model.
Acceptable computer models are:
b) Drains.
The Rational Method must not be used for stormwater and waterway design.

7.4 Waterway analysis process

Waterway analysis is critical for design of bridges that cross water courses. Analysis
shall be undertaken by a suitably prequalified and experienced practitioner.
Waterway analysis involves the following steps:
a) Review of previous investigations.
b) Site visit.
c) Survey.
d) Stormwater drainage system design.
e) Hydrology analysis, the calculation of flood discharges.
f) Hydraulic analysis, the calculation of flow patterns, pipeline performance,
inundation levels and flow velocities.
g) Reporting.

7.5 Review of previous investigations

Previous investigation reports will often contain valuable base data such as flood
observations and stormwater analysis that may be useful for the current project. While
these investigations have been prepared for other purposes, they may be useful for the
current project.

8Ball, J, Babister, M, et al., 2019, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Book 1, Chapter 2, Figure 1.2.1, p9, Geoscience
Australia, Canberra.

7.6 Site visit
The site visit should meet the requirements of Section 4.3.

7.7 Survey
Survey shall comply with the Survey and Utility Location Specification and the Design
Format Specification.

7.8 Stormwater drainage system design standards

Stormwater drainage system design should comply with the principles and procedures
in the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A: Drainage – Road Surface, Networks,
Basins and Subsurface.
Design parameters in Section 8 shall apply to drainage system design. In the event of
any conflict between the parameters in this specification and the Austroads guide, this
specification shall have precedence.

7.9 Bridge and large culvert design standards

Design standards for bridges and bridge size culverts are detailed in the Bridge Design

7.10 Hydrology analysis

Hydrology analysis uses the methodologies in Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide
to Flood Estimation, including:
• Book 2: Rainfall Estimation
• Book 3: Peak Flow Estimation
• Book 4: Catchment Simulation
• Book 5: Flood Hydrograph Estimation
In practice, computer programs listed in Section 7.3 are used to implement these

7.11 Hydraulic analysis

Hydraulic analysis should follow the procedures in Austroads Guide to Road Design
Part 5A: Drainage – Road Surface, Networks, Basins and Subsurface, including:
a) Major / minor drainage concept.
b) Road surface drainage.
c) Aquaplaning.
d) Kerbed drainage.
e) Underground pipe networks.
f) Basins.
g) Subsurface drainage.

7.12 Reporting hydrology and hydraulic analysis
The hydrology and hydraulic background information, base data, assumptions, analysis
procedures, results and conclusions should be included in the Design Report.

8. Stormwater design parameters
8.1 Flood immunity
Flood immunity standards for stormwater and waterway drainage design are shown in
Table 8. As noted in Table 8, bridges may have a higher standard of design flood
immunity than the approach road in order to protect the structure from damage during a
Flood immunity for bridges is also known as the Serviceability Limit State.

Table 8 Stormwater and waterway flood immunity

Flood immunity parameter Value

Local road flood immunity, except bridges 1 in 10 year Annual Exceedance

Probability with 1 in 20 year for
transverse drainage in a sag unless
otherwise specified in the Scope-of-
Work or a Development Control Plan
or Subdivision Guide

Collector road flood immunity, except bridges 1 in 10 year Annual Exceedance

Probability with 1 in 20 year for
transverse drainage in a sag unless
otherwise specified in the Scope-of-
Work or a Development Control Plan
or Subdivision Guide

Sub-arterial road flood immunity, except bridges 1 in 20 year Annual Exceedance

Probability unless otherwise specified
in the Scope-of-Work or a
Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide
Arterial road flood immunity, except bridges 1 in 100 year Annual Exceedance
Probability unless otherwise specified
in the Scope-of-Work or a
Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide
Flood evacuation route, including bridges 1 in 500 year Annual Exceedance
Probability flood must not result in flow
across the outbound traffic lanes of the
flood evacuation route.

Bridges on any class of road, except a flood 1 in 100 year Annual Exceedance
evacuation route Probability unless otherwise specified
in the Scope-of-Work or constrained by
the circumstances of the site and

8.2 Roughness
A significant parameter used for analysis is Manning's 'n', a measure of channel
roughness. Guidelines for selection of Manning's n are included in Austroads Guide to
Road Design Part 5A – Road Surface, Networks, Basins and Subsurface. It is often
useful to consider a sensitivity analysis using Manning's n where there is uncertainty in
selection of an appropriate value.

8.3 Flood flow safety
The maximum vulnerability threshold for flood flows across areas accessed by people
or vehicles is the H1 classification in Figure 109 on page 31.

Figure 10 Flood hazard vulnerability curves

Note: H = Hazard vulnerability classification.

8.4 Design parameters for culverts

The design parameters for bridges and bridge size culverts are detailed in the Bridge
Design Specification. Design parameters for culverts that are not on a flood evacuation
route are shown in Table 9 on page 32. These parameters may be varied by the
Scope-of-Work or approval from us during the design.

9Smith, G, Cox, R, 2019, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Book 6, Chapter 7, Figure 6.7.9 p260, Geoscience Australia,

Table 9 Culvert design parameters

Situation Design parameter

Blockage. Major system blockage on flood evacuation routes

must be derived from the method in Australian
Rainfall and Runoff, Chapter 6, Section 6. See
Section 8.12.2 and Appendix A.
Maximum flood flow safety threshold. The H1 classification in Figure 10 on page 31.

Transverse drainage capacity. In accordance with the flood immunity criteria in

Table 8 on page 30.

Debris at a culvert. Debris deflector walls described in Section 8.12.5

on page 40 shall be installed on culverts crossing a
road. The barriers on the road crossing the culvert
shall be designed to prevent trapped debris from
being washed onto the road carriageway.
Ultimate Limit State Ultimate failure limit state is the 1 in 2000 year
Annual Exceedance Probability flood

8.5 Design parameters for flood evacuation routes

The design parameters for bridges and bridge size culverts that are on a flood
evacuation route are shown in the Bridge Design Specification. The design parameters
for culverts on a flood evacuation route are shown in Table 10 on page 32.

Table 10 Flood evacuation route culvert design parameters

Situation Design parameter

Blockage. Major system blockage on flood evacuation routes

must be derived from the method in Australian
Rainfall and Runoff, Chapter 6, Section 6. See
Section 8.12.2 and Appendix A.

Maximum flood flow safety threshold. Since 1 in 500 year Annual Exceedance Probability
flood flows should not cross a flood evacuation
route, the hazard vulnerability threshold for a flood
evacuation route will be the lower bound of the H1
classification in Figure 10 on page 31.

Transverse drainage capacity across Transverse drainage across the flood evacuation
flood evacuation route. route shall be sufficient capacity to pass the 1 in
500 year Annual Exceedance Probability flood
flows with no floodwater across the road.

Desirable maximum flood immunity level The desirable maximum flood immunity level of a
(Serviceability Limit State) on a flood culvert on a flood evacuation route is the 1 in 500
evacuation route. year Annual Exceedance Probability.
Absolute maximum afflux level at a Afflux at a culvert on a flood evacuation route shall
culvert on a flood evacuation route. not be higher than the kerb lip level of the crossing
roadway. The 1 in 100 year Annual Exceedance
Probability afflux at a culvert shall not compromise
the freeboard levels to surrounding buildings as
defined in Table 11 on page 33.

Situation Design parameter

Debris at a culvert crossing a flood Debris deflector walls described in Section 8.12.5
evacuation route. on page 40 shall be installed on culverts crossing a
flood evacuation route. The barriers on the road
crossing the culvert shall be designed to prevent
trapped debris from being washed onto the road
Ultimate Limit State Ultimate failure limit state is the 1 in 2000 year
Annual Exceedance Probability flood

8.6 Freeboard
Freeboard design parameters are shown in Table 11. Culvert design will need to
consider the impact of afflux on the wider built environment to ensure the parameters
detailed in Table 11 are not exceeded.

Table 11 Freeboard

Situation Value

Residential habitable floor freeboard 0.5 metres unless otherwise specified in the
above channel Scope-of-Work or a Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide
Residential habitable floor freeboard 0.3 metres unless otherwise specified in the
above 1 in 100 year Annual Exceedance Scope-of-Work or a Development Control Plan or
Probability overland flow Subdivision Guide

Residential habitable floor freeboard 0.2 metres unless otherwise specified in the
above on-site detention Scope-of-Work or a Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide

Garage floor level freeboard 0.1 metres unless otherwise specified in the
Scope-of-Work or a Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide

Industrial floors At 1 in 100 Annual Exceedance Probability level

unless otherwise specified in the Scope-of-Work
or a Development Control Plan or Subdivision

Detention basin embankment above 100 0.5 metres unless otherwise specified in the
year storage level Scope-of-Work or a Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide

8.7 Design parameters for minor system pipeline design

Design parameters for the minor system pipeline design are shown in Table 12 on
page 34. The values shown in Table 12 are to be applied if the value has not been
specified in other documents, in order of precedence:
1. Scope-of-Work.
2. Development Control Plans.
3. This Road Design Specification.
4. Council’s Subdivision Guide.

5. Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A – Road Surface, Networks, Basins and
6. Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation.

Table 12 Piped drainage design parameters

Parameter Value

‘Drains’ model parameters

Soil type - normal 3.0

Paved (impervious) area depression storage 1.0mm

Supplementary area depression storage 1.0mm

Grassed (pervious) area depression storage 5.0mm

Antecedent moisture condition (AEP = 5 years) 2.5

Antecedent moisture condition (AEP = 10-20 years) 3.0

Antecedent moisture condition (AEP = 50-100 3.5

Downstream water surface For the design storm event, either:
• Hydraulic grade line level from
downstream calculations including
pit losses at the starting pit
• A level 0.15m below the invert of
the downstream pit when the
hydraulic grade line is unknown
• The top of the outlet pipe where the
outlet is an open channel

Water surface level in pits 0.15m below top of grate in kerb and

Roadway flow width

General roadway flow width in a 1 in 10 year 2.5m

Annual Exceedance Probability design storm
Roadway flow width at bus stops, pedestrian ramps 0.45m
and kerb returns in a 1 in 10 year Annual
Exceedance Probability design storm
Flow across carriageway at median breaks and 0.005m/s to reduce the risk of
superelevation changes in 1 in 1 year Annual aquaplaning
Exceedance Probability design storm

8.8 Pipe layout requirements

8.8.1 Minimum pipe size
Minimum pipe size is 375mm except for transverse drainage in a sag where the
minimum pipe size is 450mm, unless constrained by site conditions.

8.8.2 Pit location at pedestrian crossings
Pits must be located more than 1.0 metres from traffic signal pedestrian crossing line
marking to comply with Transport for NSW requirements.
Pits at unsignalized pedestrian crossings should preferably be located more than 1.0
metres from the pram ramp.

8.8.3 Minimum pipe grade

Minimum pipe grade is 0.5 percent for any pipe size in accordance with the Transport
for NSW Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A Supplement.

8.8.4 Subsurface drainage

Refer to the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 5A: Drainage: Road Surface,
Networks, Basins and Subsurface Section 8.

8.9 Hydraulic design parameters

Hydraulic design parameters are shown in Table 13.

Table 13 Hydraulic design parameters

Parameter Value

Design rainfall intensity

Rainfall intensity-frequency-duration Source from Bureau of Meteorology

2016 Design Rainfall Data System

Australian Rainfall and Runoff Data

River region From ARR Data Hub

ARF (Areal Reduction Factors) Parameters From ARR Data Hub

Storm losses From ARR Data Hub

Temporal Patterns From ARR Data Hub

Areal Temporal Patterns From ARR Data Hub

BOM IFD Depths From ARR Data Hub

Median Preburst Depths and Ratios From ARR Data Hub

Other Preburst Depths and Ratios From ARR Data Hub

Catchment infiltration and antecedent condition (from Australian Representative

Basins Model (ARBM))10
Antecedent rainfall must be used with these parameters

CAPIMP Capacity of impervious area storage 1.5mm

ISC Interception storage capacity 1.0mm

DSC Depression storage capacity 1.0mm

10Lynch, S. 2004, Calibration of the UPRCT Hydrologic Model Notes, Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust,
Parramatta, unpublished.

Parameter Value

USC Capacity – upper soil zone storage 15mm

LSC Capacity – lower soil zone storage 75mm

UH Maximum potential evapotranspiration 10mm/day

from upper soil zone
LH Maximum potential evapotranspiration 10mm/day
from lower soil zone

ER Proportion of evapotranspiration from 0.7

capacity upper soil zone storage
IDS Initial impervious area storage 0.0mm

IS Initial interception storage 0.0mm

DS Initial depression storage (pervious) 0.0mm

US Initial upper soil zone storage 10.0mm

LS Initial lower soil zone storage 34.7mm

GS Initial groundwater storage 0.1mm

GN-C Groundwater recession factor – 0.94mm

constant rate

GN-V Groundwater recession factor – 1.0mm

variable rate
SO Sorptivity of dry soil 15.85mm/min-0.5

Ko Hydraulic conductivity 1.223mm/min

LDF Lower soil drainage factor 0.05

KG Constant rate groundwater recession 0.94


ECOR Rate of potential evaporation from ‘A’ 0.9

class pan
IAR Proportion of rainfall intercepted by 0.9

Percentage Impervious

Rural percentage impervious 5% or measured from aerial

photography unless otherwise
specified in the Scope-of-Work or a
Development Control Plan or
Subdivision Guide
Residential – Medium density housing percentage 80% unless otherwise specified in the
impervious Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Residential – Detached housing percentage 80% unless otherwise specified in the

impervious Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Residential – Tourist villages percentage 80% unless otherwise specified in the

impervious Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Parameter Value

Residential – Residential with environmental 30% unless otherwise specified in the

protection Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Commercial (shops and offices) percentage 100% unless otherwise specified in the
impervious Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide
Industrial (factories, warehouses) percentage 90% unless otherwise specified in the
impervious Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide
Business park percentage impervious 70% unless otherwise specified in the
Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Extractive industry (quarry) 80% unless otherwise specified in the

Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Special uses (schools) 50% unless otherwise specified in the

Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide
Active open space percentage impervious 50% unless otherwise specified in the
Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

Passive open space (reserves) percentage 5% unless otherwise specified in the

impervious Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide

National parks and reserves (bushland) 5% unless otherwise specified in the

Scope-of-Work or a Development
Control Plan or Subdivision Guide
Other percentage impervious Measured from aerial photography


People, vehicle and building stability The H1 classification in Section 8.12.5

on page 40.
Flood affected land

Flood affected land standards See Development Control Plan

8.10 Lawful point of discharge

Roadway drainage systems must discharge onto adjoining property at a lawful point of
discharge. A lawful point of discharge must meet the following two criteria:
1. The location of the discharge must be under the lawful control of Council or other
statutory authority from whose permission to discharge has been received. This
will include drainage reserve, road reserve, or stormwater drainage easements.
2. The discharge must not cause an actionable nuisance (a nuisance which may
lead to a claim for damages arising out of the nuisance). If there is a reasonable
risk of damage to a third-party property, then consider, is the location of the
discharge under the lawful control of the local government or other statutory
authority from whom permission to discharge has been received? This will

include a park, watercourse, drainage or road reserve, stormwater registered
drainage easement, or land held by local government (including freehold land).
A natural watercourse may not be a lawful point of discharge unless the requirements
of the two tests are met.

8.11 Sediment control

Sedimentation problems within a multi-cell culvert can be managed by installing a
stepped invert so low flows pass through only one cell.

8.12 Assessment of blockage

Bridges, especially their abutments and foundations, can be more susceptible to
structural damage than culverts. Severe debris blockage can cause local variations in
flow velocity resulting in significant bed scour, undermining of abutment foundations
and exposure of bridge pier foundations.
Non-floating debris such as silts, sands, gravels and boulders can be deposited under
the bridge in locations where there is a change in bed gradient and sediment tends to
deposit. In some cases, the sedimentation may have a severe impact on the
performance of the bridge. This effect usually builds slowly and may reduce the
waterway area of the bridge over a long period of time.
Floating debris, especially vegetation is a more frequent occurrence and one that may
threaten the safety of the bridge during flood events. Usually, this process begins with
a large floating object such as a tree that has been displaced by bank slumping floats
onto the bridge and becomes wedged under the deck or between piers. This then acts
to collect other smaller pieces of debris and ultimately a large waterway area is lost.11

Figure 11 Blockage

11Weeks. W. Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 11: Blockage of Hydraulic Structures Stage 1 Report,
Engineers Australia Water Engineering, November 2009, Section 2.4.5.

8.12.1 Assessing the impact of blockage
Assessing the impacts of blockages requires consideration of the following issues on a
site-by-site basis:
• Variations in the risk of blockage for different storm probabilities.
• Hydraulic consequences of various degrees of blockage (ie changes in flood
levels and channel discharge due to inter-catchment flow exchange, and/or
changes in flood storage).
• Potential impacts on the catchment, community assets, and public safety.
• Environmental impacts such as interference to fish passage.
• The consequences of blockages in excess of that assumed during the design
• The likelihood and consequences of structural damage resulting from blockages.
• The potential path/s of bypass and overtopping flows (eg overland flows that may
pass through downstream properties before re-entering the waterway channel,
and flows that may exit the waterway and enter an adjacent roadway.
• Potential for floor level flooding, especially flood level flooding that results from
only minor changes in the ‘design’ conditions of the waterway structure.
• Potential adverse effects on both the ‘value’ and ‘use’ of adjacent land.
• Potential, unrepairable property damage (eg damage to historical sites, or severe
erosion that threatens the structural integrity of public and private assets).12

8.12.2 Blockage Assessment Form

The methodology in Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Chapter 6, Section 6 shall be used
to determine the potential for blockage at bridges and culverts. The methodology is
codified in the Blockage Assessment Form in Appendix A.
The following definitions are required to use the Blockage Assessment Form:
L10 = The average length of the longest 10% of the debris reaching the site.
DP = Debris Potential, listed as High, Medium or Low.
BDES = Most likely inlet blockage percentage.
W= Inlet width in metres.
AEP = Annual Exceedance Probability as a percentage (see Figure 9 on page 26).

12Weeks. W. Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 11: Blockage of Hydraulic Structures Stage 1 Report,
Engineers Australia Water Engineering, November 2009, Section 3.1.1.

8.12.3 Methodology for assessment of blockage at bridges and large
Determining the potential for blockage at bridges and bridge size single cell culverts
(diagonal opening more than 6.0 metres) is detailed in the Bridge Design Specification
as using the Blockage Assessment Form in Appendix A with the following L10 values:
L10 = 1.5 metres for urban and rural areas.
L10 = 2.0 metres for dense forested areas.

8.12.4 Methodology for assessment of blockage at smaller culverts

Where the width of a culvert cell is close to the chosen value of L10 the calculations can
flip between low blockage or 100% blockage with a small change in cell size. This is
not representative of reality. To provide graded results for a cell size, calculate the
potential for blockage at smaller or multi-cell culverts twice using upper and lower
bound values for L10 on the Blockage Assessment Form, as follows13:
Step 1. Calculate lower bound values using L10 = 1.2 metres.
Step 2. Calculate upper bound values using L10 = 1.5 metres for urban and rural areas
and 2.0 metres for dense forested areas.
Step 3 Using the inlet width for a culvert cell, interpolate between blockage factors
derived from the lower and upper bound values of L10.

8.12.5 Culvert debris deflector walls

Culverts shall be designed with debris deflector walls as shown in Figure 1214. The
purpose of these walls is to allow the debris that normally collects around the central
leg to rise with the flood, thus maintaining a relatively clear flow path under the debris.
Following the flood peak, the bulk of the debris rests at the top of the deflector wall
allowing easier removal.

Figure 12 Culvert debris deflector walls

13Values consider the sensitivity analysis in the Transport for NSW Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Evacuation Road
Resilience Stormwater / Flood Modelling Specification 2022 which adopted recommendations from the Wollongong City
Council Review of Conduit Blockage Policy–Summary Report 2016.

14Smith, G, Cox, R, 2019, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Book 6, Chapter 7, Figure 6.6.3 p242, Geoscience Australia,

8.12.6 Blockage of piped drainage systems
Design values for pit capacity and blockage are derived from Australian Rainfall and
Runoff and its research papers as shown in Table 14.

Table 14 Pit blockage

Type of structure Pit capacity Pit capacity

(blockage) in minor (blockage) in major
event (%)15 event (%)16

Sag pits
Sag pit with kerb and grate inlet 80% (20% blocked) 80% (20% blocked)

Sag pit with kerb inlet only 80% (20% blocked) 80% (20% blocked)

Sag pit with grate inlet only 50% (50% blocked) 50% (50% blocked)

On-grade pits

On-grade pit with kerb and grate inlet 90% (10% blocked) 90% (10% blocked)

On-grade pit with kerb inlet only 80% (20% blocked) 80% (20% blocked)
On-grade pit with grate inlet only 60% (40% blocked) 60% (40% blocked)

Field inlets17

Flush mounted field inlet pit 20% (80% blocked) 0% (100% blocked)

Elevated field inlet pit 50% (50% blocked) 0% (100% blocked)

Dome screen 50% (50% blocked) 0% (100% blocked)

Headwall style inlet See Section 8.12.4 See Section 8.12.4

8.13 Drainage structure schedule on drawings

Drawings must contain a drainage structure schedule showing:
a) Reference string chainage.
b) Set-out co-ordinates for structure centres.
c) Pit / structure identifiers.
d) Type of pit or structure.
e) Invert levels.
f) Surface levels.
g) Type of pipe.
h) Pipe size.

15Roso. S, Sterren. M, 2019, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Book 9, Chapter 4, Table 9.5.1 p120, Geoscience Australia,

Coombes. P, Roso, S, Babister M, 2019, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Book 9, Chapter 6, Table 9.6.9 p198,
Geoscience Australia, Canberra.

17 Weeks, W et al, 2013, Project 11: Blockage of Hydraulic Structures Stage 2 Report, Table 7.1 p7-23, Fortitude Valley.

i) Strength class.
j) Length of pipe between pit centres.

9. Pavement design
9.1 Pavement design detail
Site specific traffic modelling must be used to determine pavement design criteria for
detail design and Accepted-for-Construction designs. See the Geotechnical and
Pavement Design Specification for details.
Strategic and Concept road designs may use the generic pavement designs shown in
in Table 15 for the purposes of estimating only.

Table 15 Generic pavement designs for estimating only

Wearing Course

AC Intermediate

Total Thickness
Cemented Sub-
Pavement Type

and Base (mm)

Select material
Course (mm)
Base Course

zone (mm)
base (mm)




CBR 3.5% Deep lift Asphaltic Concrete over select 50 190 - - - 300 540
Option 1 material
CBR 3.5% Flexible pavement with thin Asphaltic 50 - 170 - 440 - 660
Option 2 Concrete over granular bases

CBR 3.5% Thick Asphaltic Concrete over 50 150 - 200 - 300 700
Option 3 cemented sub-base

CBR 4.5% Deep lift Asphaltic Concrete over select 50 175 - - - 300 525
Option 1 material

CBR 4.5% Flexible pavement with thin Asphaltic 50 - 170 - 370 - 590
Option 2 Concrete over granular bases

CBR 4.5% Thick Asphaltic Concrete over 50 135 - 200 - 300 685
Option 3 cemented sub-base

Major collector (bus route and inter-precinct traffic)

Option 1 Flexible pavement over granular base 25 100 300 - - - 425

Minor collector

Option 1 Thick Asphaltic Concrete over granular 25 100 - - 200 - 375


Major local

Option 1 Thick Asphaltic Concrete over granular 25 100 - - 200 - 325

Option 2 Flexible pavement with thin Asphaltic 40 - 150 - 150 - 340
Concrete over granular bases

Minor local

Option 1 Thick Asphaltic Concrete over granular 25 100 - - 200 - 325




rolled concrete

Pavement Type
Deep lift Asphaltic Concrete on 5Mpa

Wearing Course

AC Intermediate

and Base (mm)

Base Course

Cemented Sub-

base (mm)

Course (mm)
Select material

zone (mm)
Total Thickness

10. Landscaping
10.1 Landscaping key performance indicators
Key performance indicators for landscape design are compliance with:
a) Development Control Plan requirements.
b) Roads and Traffic Authority Landscape Guideline.
c) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6B: Roadside Environment.

10.2 Soils
The landscape plan must specify the soil type on the site and whether this information
was obtained by investigation or reference to soils maps.

10.3 Paving
Median and footpath paving must comply with the colour and construction
requirements of Council’s Standard Drawings.
Cycleway paving must comply with the colour and construction requirements of
Council’s Standard Drawings.

10.4 Plant selection

Deciduous trees must not be specified, to avoid blockage of street drainage systems
and de-oxygenation of waterways.
Plant selection shall be in accordance with the Development Control Plan that has
coverage of the site. In the absence of other specifications, the street tree selection
shown in Table 16 on page 46 shall apply.
In selecting street trees there are many issues to be considered, including:
a) The placement of street trees must consider the risk threshold for treatment of
roadside hazards determined using the method described in Appendix B –
Detailed Risk Evaluation Procedure of the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part
6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers.
b) Ensure the tree is appropriate for the soil type.
c) Ensure the height and spread of the crown will not come within the exclusion
zone of overhead electrical cables.
d) Ensure the height of the tree chosen considers what it could fall on if the tree is
uprooted in high winds.
e) Ensure high branching types are selected where the crown will overhang the
f) Ensure fallen nuts will not cause a slip hazard on footways and cycleways.
g) Ensure the type chosen can cope with the low water environment associated with
being surrounded by paved areas and road pavements.
h) Ensure root spread will not compromise drainage systems and road pavements.

i) Ensure the root ball will not tear up expensive utilities such as fibre optic cables if
the tree is uprooted in high winds.
j) Ensure the mature trunk width at ground level will not encroach on footpaths or
lift the kerb.

Table 16 Street trees

Scientific name Common name Preferred soils Common


Angophora floribunda Thin-Leaved Alluvial soil 30 m


Backhousia citriodora Lemon Myrtle Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 8m

Clay loam, Poor soil

Backhousia myrtifolia Grey Myrtle Alluvial soil, Clay loam 3m

Banksia integrifolia Coast Banksia Sandy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, 15 m

Saline, Poor soil

Brachychiton Kurrajong Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay 20 m

populneus loam, Poor soil

Callistemon “Kings Weeping Sandy loam 5m

Park Special” Bottlebrush

Callistemon salignus White Bottlebrush Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay 10 m

loam, Poor soil

Callistemon viminalis Weeping Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 8m

Bottlebrush Clay loam, Poor soil

Corymbia eximia Yellow Bloodwood Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, 20 m

Poor soil

Corymbia maculata Spotted Gum Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 60 m

Clay loam, Poor soil

Elaeocarpus Blueberry Ash Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, 15 m

reticulatus Poor soil

Eucalyptus amplifolia Cabbage Gum Sandstone or shale soils, Sandy 30 m


Eucalyptus crebra Narrow-Leaved Sandy loam 35 m

Eucalyptus elata River Peppermint Alluvial soils 40 m

Eucalyptus Thin-leaved Clay loam, Sandstone soils 30 m

eugenioides Stringybark
Eucalyptus fibrosa Broad-Leaved Clay loam, Heavy clay, tolerates 35 m
Stringybark Sandy soil

Eucalyptus Scribbly Gum Sandy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Poor 15 m

haemastoma soil
Eucalyptus Tallowood Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 40 m
microcorys Clay loam, Poor soil

Eucalyptus Grey Box Clay loam 30 m


Scientific name Common name Preferred soils Common

Eucalyptus paniculata Grey Ironbark Heavy clay and transitional soils 50 m

Eucalyptus punctata Grey Gum Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 35 m

Clay loam, Poor soil
Eucalyptus Forest Red Gum Alluvial soil, Sandy loam, Gravel 50 m

Glochidion ferdinandii Cheese Tree Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 30 m

Clay loam, Potting mix, Poor soil
Leptospermum Lemon-scented Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 5m
petersonii Tea Tree Clay loam, Poor soil

Leptospermum Tantoon Tea Tree Sandy loam and clay loam 4m


Lophostemon Brush Box Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, 40 m

confertus Poor soil

Melaleuca bracteate Revolution Gold Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 4m

‘Revolution Gold’ Honey Myrtle Clay loam, Saline, Poor soil
Melaleuca decora Feather Honey Heavy clay 10 m

Melaleuca Broad Leaf Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 20 m

quinquenervia Paperbark Clay loam, Saline, Poor soil

Melaleuca linariifolia Snow in Summer Clay loam 3m

Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine Tree Sandy loam to Heavy clay 25 m

Melaleuca Prickly Paperbark Sandy loam, adaptable to clay loam 20 m

Syzygium luehmannii Riberry Lilly Pilly Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay 15 m
loam, Saline, Poor soil

Syzyhium smithii Lilly Pilly (not Clay loams adaptable to sand 20 m

Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, 15 m
Clay loam, Poor soil

Tristaniopsis laurina Luscious Water Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam 12 m

'Luscious' Gum
Waterhousia Weeping Lilli Pili Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam 30m

10.5 Distance from kerb

The road safety implications of the distance between the kerb and the mature face of
trees must be considered when placing tree planting. The hazard of trees adjacent to
the road are to be assessed in accordance with the evaluation method in the Austroads
Guide to Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers. A Network
Roadside Risk Intervention Threshold (NRRIT) of 2.0 is to be used to determine if the
proposed location of tree planting meets road safety requirements (unless a different
value has been published by Council).

The Network Roadside Risk Intervention Threshold (NRRIT) pre-calculated scenarios
in Appendix A can be used to evaluate the safety risk of various distances between the
kerb and the face of the mature tree. If the distance proposed results in a risk value
above 2.0, the tree should be placed further away from the kerb.
A sample of the pre-calculated scenarios is shown in Figure 13. The line across the top
of the table shows distances to the face of a tree or hazard. The risk values are shown
within the table. Values above 2.0 are highlighted red. A risk value above 2.0 means
the tree would be too close to the kerb.

Figure 13 Risk Intervention Threshold scenario sample

10.6 Roadside furniture

Roadside furniture must be designed to the principles in the Guide to Road Design Part
6B: Roadside Environment.

11. Signposting and delineation
11.1 Signposting and delineation key performance
Delineation must be designed in accordance with the Roads and Traffic Authority
Delineation guideline published by Transport for NSW.
Regulatory sign design must comply with the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management,
AS 1743 Road Sign – Specifications and the Transport for NSW Road Sign Register.
Directional signposting must comply with the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management
Part 10: Traffic Control and Communication Devices and the Transport for NSW
Supplement to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Traffic Control and
Communication Devices.

11.2 Roadside facilities key performance indicators

Parking must be designed to the principles in the Guide to Road Design Part 6B:
Roadside Environment.
Driver facilities must be designed to the principles in the Guide to Road Design Part
6B: Roadside Environment.

11.3 Signposting requirements

The re-use and relocation of existing signposting is to be assessed and clearly
All signposting is to be compatible with the delineation layout and must be appropriate
for the climatic, lighting, design speed, urban design and traffic conditions expected for
the project.
Provide motorists with progressive and consistent information to the road user and
clearly indicate upcoming features (eg roundabouts) and reassurance about the route
selected and trip distances involved.
Where the sign is free standing and situated close to the road, refer to 12 for design
requirements for protection of errant vehicles.
Provide vertical clearances beneath signs which are adequate for the environment in
which the sign is placed. For example, signs near cycleways should be above head
height of cyclists.
Utilise standard signs for standard situations. Innovative measures should only be used
where non-standard conditions exist and the standards do not provide an appropriate
sign. Approval to use any non-standard sign must be sought from the local traffic
The design of sign locations must ensure:
a) Clearance to overhead obstructions and utility services.
b) That the size of the sign is compatible with the available space in which it is to be

c) That the sign itself does not restrict sight distance on curves, intersections,
driveways, other traffic control devices (such as traffic control signal, stop signs
etc.) or other road side furniture such as bus stops.
d) That the lateral and vertical positioning of the sign is appropriate with regard to
the protection of the sign from impact/vandalism.
e) That the height, lateral position and direction of the sign are appropriate to the
intended message.
f) That signs will not be obstructed by urban design features, street lighting/other
street furniture, landscaping and the visual scheme or reflection from street
g) That signs do not obstruct or conflict with each other and are appropriately
spaced to avoid overloading drivers with information.
h) Consideration of maintenance.
i) Appropriate signposting for pedestrians and cyclists and incorporate signs
associated with warnings, speed zones, place names, feature names and
appropriate symbols.
k) Appropriate signposting for tourist routes.
Directional signposting must be provided in accordance with the Transport for NSW
Guide to Signposting and in consultation with Transport for NSW. Directional
signposting must be consistent with the State Road network.
All overbridges and underpasses must have road name signs and be signposted in
accordance with the directional signage scheme. All creeks and rivers must have the
waterway name displayed in accordance with the directional signage scheme.
Temporary delineation and signposting is to be designed to conform with the Transport
for NSW Traffic control at worksites Technical Manual.
Speed limit signs are to be provided in accordance with NSW Speed Zoning Guidelines
and approved by the local Traffic Committee.

12. Design for errant vehicles
12.1 Design for errant vehicles performance indicators
Key performance indicators for design for errant vehicles are compliance with:
a) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers.
c) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6B: Roadside Environment.
d) Transport for NSW Technical Information Accepted Road Safety Barrier Systems
and Devices.
The risk threshold for treating a hazard is known as a Network Roadside Risk
Intervention Threshold (NRRIT) as described in Section 2.4 of the Austroads Guide to
Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers.

A risk value of 2.0 is to be used as the intervention risk threshold for treatment of
roadside hazards (unless a different value has been published by Council).

The warrant for a safety barrier must be determined by using the method in Austroads
Guide to Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers.
Before commencing this time-consuming risk evaluation, the Network Roadside Risk
Intervention Threshold (NRRIT) pre-calculated scenarios in Appendix A can be used to
determine if a site-specific risk evaluation is warranted. A sample of the pre-calculated
scenarios is shown in Figure 14 on page 51.
The barrier chosen for installation must suit the suitability and containment level
specified in the Transport for NSW Technical Information Accepted Road Safety Barrier
Systems and Devices.

Figure 14 Risk Intervention Threshold scenario sample

12.2 Safety barrier location on urban corners
If a safety barrier is required on an urban corner, it must be located on the fence line
rather than over the kerb. This will avoid the problem of shorter than minimum safety
barrier lengths, lack of terminals, locating a terminal on the kerb line and will avoid
problems with pedestrian access across the barrier, as shown in Figure 15.


Terminal on kerbline
may be subjected to

Barrier on property line

nuisance impacts

Barrier on kerbline

Barrier is clear of
pedestrian conflicts
shorter than
minimum safety
barrier length.
Suitable terminals
cannot be provided

on kerblin
Short Unacceptable
gaps in barrier for
Te rminal
pedestrian access

Unacceptable shorter than

minimum safety barrier length.
Suitable terminals cannot be
Barrier on corner.wmf

Figure 15 Safety barrier location on corners

13. Ancillary activities
13.1 Noise wall and screen design key performance
Key performance indicators for noise wall and screen design are compliance with:
a) Transport for NSW Noise Wall Design Guideline: Design guideline to improve the
appearance of noise walls in NSW.
b) Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6B: Roadside Environment.

13.2 Structural and retaining wall design

Structural and retaining wall designs must comply with:
a) Australian Standards.
b) Transport for NSW design guides for structural and retaining wall design.

13.3 Road Safety Audit Report

A Road Safety Audit is required if specified in the Scope-of-Work or Table-of-
Deliverables. The Scope-of-Work will specify if the Road Safety Audit is to be arranged
by you or us.
Road Safety Audits must conform to the Road Safety Audit Specification.
The resolution of issues raised in a Road Safety Audit Report must be documented in
the Issues Log.

14. Property adjustment design
14.1 Property adjustment key performance indicators
Key performance indicators for property adjustment design are compliance with:
a) Residential Vehicle Crossings guidelines.
b) Dividing Fences Act.
c) Roads Act.
d) Local Government Act.
e) Building Code of Australia (BCA).
f) State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021.
g) Transport for NSW QA Specification R204 Property Adjustments.

14.2 Types of property adjustment

There are two types of property adjustment:
a) Property adjustments requiring property acquisition.
b) Property adjustments that only impact levels on the property boundary and don't
require acquisition.

14.3 Property adjustment survey requirements

The survey used for property adjustments must provide:
a) A mark in a location that can be used to set out levels using a string line and spirit
b) Sufficient detail to enable levels along the existing or new boundary to be
c) Location and level of property improvements including, driveways, paths, walls,
d) Location of meters (water, gas and electrical if affected) and underground
e) Outline of garden beds.
f) Location of significant vegetation and trees, including the extent of the crown of
f) Outline of building facades if they are close to the area to be adjusted.

14.4 Photographs
Photographs must be taken of the area to be affected by property adjustments,
including photographs of the driveway and frontage area of the property.

14.5 Property Adjustment Record and Requirement
Before commencing property adjustment, submit to us a Property Adjustment Record
and Requirement Schedule, as shown in Figure 16 on page 55.
The photo record of the site must be in sufficient detail to provide a reference for
design and evidence in the event of a dispute.

Figure 16 Property adjustment record and requirement schedule

14.6 Property adjustment design requirements

The design of property adjustments must comply with Council standards and the key
performance indicators listed in Section 14.1.
Adjustment of residential driveways must comply with the requirements of residential
vehicle crossings guidelines.
Fences may not need approval if they can meet the development standards for exempt
development. If the fence is a dividing fence (separating the lot from an adjoining
owner’s lot), the Dividing Fences Act applies.
All works must be structurally adequate, and designed in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications and comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
Proposals to remove or prune any existing trees or vegetation must comply with State
Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021 and the Council
Development Control Plan.
Any structures that would be located on public land or on or over a public road
(including temporary structures) require separate approval from Council or Transport
for NSW under the Roads Act and the Local Government Act.
Property adjustments must comply with any heritage conservation requirements.

14.7 Driveway design requirements

Construction crews working on property adjustments may not have access to a level.
The design information on the property adjustment plan must be presented in a form
that can be set out using a string line, tape measure and spirit level.
The levels of driveway design must comply with Council driveway design requirements
and standard drawings.

Driveway design must include:
a) A dimensioned plan view of the driveway.
b) A longitudinal section of the centre of the driveway, including levels at the
boundary and change of grade.
c) A cross section of driveway pavement construction showing materials and depths
of pavement materials.
d) Description notes that must include:
Driveway construction must comply with Council’s standard drawings.
Driveway levels at the boundary must be Xmm above the edge of the gutter
crossing closest to the boundary. The side slope of the driveway at the boundary
must be the same as the slope of the kerb.

14.8 Property adjustment drawing requirements

The property adjustment drawings must show as a minimum:
a) Plan view of site with cadastral boundaries.
b) Existing building façade location with floor level, if near the proposed work.
c) Plan view of improvements such as driveways, fences, paths, stairs and any
other features affected by the adjustment.
d) Plan view of utilities such as water service lines, water meters, gas service lines,
gas metres, telephone service conduits, electricity service conduits and overhead
power and telephone lines.
e) A plan of the proposed work with set-out details.
f) Longitudinal section of the boundary showing existing and proposed levels.
g) Longitudinal section of driveway adjustments.
h) A note describing the levels of the driveways. Levels may be shown on the edge
of the driveway at the boundary.
i) Longitudinal section of retaining walls showing existing and proposed levels.
j) Cross section and construction details of proposed retaining walls.
k) Warning notes such as clearances to overhead power lines.
l) Details of proposed work such as paths, driveways (including long sections and
pavement type), fences, gates, retaining walls, drainage and landscaping.
• The notes describing the proposed work must be arrowed to the location.

• Fences that are not proprietary products must be detailed in a dimensioned

sketch in sufficient detail to enable construction.
• Front boundary fences and retaining walls must be fully contained within the
property, not on the road reserve.
j) Construction notes, listing the scope of work to be undertaken.
k) Legend.
l) Scale.

a) The address of the property, property description (lot/DP) and owner's name.
Note: the address of the property owner must also be included if the property is
not occupied by the owner.
m) Signature box for property owner's acceptance of the proposed work.

14.9 Property adjustment notes

Notes describing property adjustment work must be shown, as appropriate.

Setting out
The property boundary location and level must be marked by survey before work

Utility services locations must be marked before work commences.
Utility adjustment must be carried out by persons qualified to adjust the service.

Site clearing
Cleared material is to be removed from site.
Preserve existing fences, structures, landscape or other site features, trees and other
vegetation not requiring adjustments.

Demolition, minor with no hazardous materials, no licence required

Remove completely any structures specified to be demolished, including the footings.
Backfill any depression created as a result of the demolition up to the level of the
adjacent ground. Place the backfill in layers of 150 mm deep and compact to the
relative compaction of the material in the surrounding ground, unless specified
Dispose of demolition materials legally in accordance with Environment Protection
Authority Waste Classification Guidelines.

Demolition, moderate with no hazardous materials, no licence required

Demolition of structures must comply with AS 2601.
Remove completely any structures specified to be demolished, including the footings.
Backfill any depression created as a result of the demolition up to the level of the
adjacent ground. Place the backfill in layers of 150 mm deep and compact to the
relative compaction of the material in the surrounding ground, unless specified
Submit a Work Method Statement to the Principal before commencing work.
Dispose of demolition materials legally in accordance with Environment Protection
Authority Waste Classification Guidelines.

Demolition, hazardous materials present, demolition licence required

Demolish structures specified to be demolished in accordance with Transport for NSW
QA Specification B341 Demolition of Existing Structure.

Earthworks - topsoil
Strip topsoil from all areas of cut and fill. Stockpile sufficient topsoil for reuse on the
property and dispose of the remainder.

Earthworks - excavation
Ensure excavation is adequately drained, where necessary install a sump and a pump
to keep the excavation dry.
Excavate footings to the levels shown on the drawings. Use excavation methods which
will not cause damage to adjacent property. Remove any loose material and clean the
floor. Fill the space of any over-excavation with concrete of the same strength as that
specified for the footing.
Where possible, reuse excavated materials as fill within the property or dispose of them
legally in accordance with Environment Protection Authority Waste Classification
Excavate batters to the gradients shown on the drawings. Neatly round the tops of the

Before placing any fill, remove any unsuitable material from the foundation area.
Fill must be uncontaminated earth, free from vegetation.

Place and compact in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness..

The minimum relative compaction, tested in accordance with Transport for NSW Test
method T166, must be.
• Residential Lots, except under driveways 95.0%

• Commercial Lots 98.0%

• Driveways for light traffic 98.0%

Trim the surface of the designed finished earthworks levels to a tolerance of + 10 mm

or – 30 mm. Trim the extremities of the fill to blend smoothly with the adjacent areas.

Stormwater drainage
Pipes to kerb outlet under footway – steel pipe, minimum thickness 5 mm, galvanized
inside and out.
Covers and grates – traffic load standard in driveways and traffic areas. Pedestrian
load standard in non-traffic areas.

Concrete must comply with Transport for NSW Specification R53 Concrete for General
Works. Concrete must be of strength grade S32 with 20 mm aggregate.

Carry out block laying in accordance with AS 3700. Install steel reinforcement as
shown on the drawings.

Use stretcher bond construction. Perpends must be vertically aligned in alternate
Provide straight joints between new masonry and existing structures. Do not tooth new
masonry into existing structures.

Retaining walls
Construct retaining wall footings, reinforcement and drainage as shown on the retaining
wall cross section.

Concrete driveways, footpaths, ramps and stairs

Concrete must be of strength grade N32 with 20 mm aggregate.

Segmental paving
Lay, trim and compact the subbase before placing pavers.
Provide a compacted sand bed of a well-graded sand with a maximum grain size of
4.75 mm and with less than 10% passing a 75 micron sieve. Fill the joints with sand,
with a maximum grain size of 2.36 mm and less than 10% passing a 75 micron sieve.
Repeat compaction and joint filling until all joints are filled. Remove excess sand by
Pavers must comply with AS/NZS 4455.

Asphalt driveways and carparks

Supply, lay and compact asphalt in accordance with Transport for NSW Specification
R117 Light Duty Dense Graded Asphalt.
Construct the subbase and base courses in accordance with Transport for NSW
Specification R71 Construction of Unbound and Modified Pavement Course.

All timber to be seasoned durable timber. Do not use of pine or preservative treated
Fasteners, fittings, screws and nails to be hot dipped galvanised in accordance with AS
All timber to be painted must be primed on all surfaces on completion of preparatory
work and before installation. After treatment, do not re-saw, dress, plane or otherwise
alter the dimensions of the timber.

After fabrication, all steel components must be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with
Transport for NSW Specification B201 Steelwork for Bridges.

Steel joints welded on site must be coated with zinc rich paint.
Prepare building surfaces by filling to all holes and other depressions and sanding to
provide smooth surfaces.
Prepare materials as recommended by the paint manufacturer. Apply sealers, primers
and undercoats in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The number of finishing coats must be as recommended by the manufacturer, unless
further coats are required to provide a satisfactory finish.
Avoid any overpainting or spillages on adjacent surfaces.

Fabricate and install handrails in accordance with AS 1657.

Supply and install fencing in accordance with Transport for NSW Specification R201

Imported topsoil must be a soil mix that conforms to AS 4419 and:
a) Be friable and porous.
b) Contain no refuse or materials toxic to plant growth.
c) Contain no stumps, roots, clay lump or stones larger than 25 mm in size.
d) Have an organic content of at least 15% to 20% by mass as determined by the
method specified in AS 1289 D1.1 Part D.
e) Have a pH in the range of 5 to 6.5.
f) Have a soluble salt content not exceeding 0.06% by mass.
g) Be suitable for phosphorus sensitive plants.
h) Be free of weed and weed refuse material.
Spread topsoil to a minimum depth of 50 mm under turf and 150 mm in garden beds.
The surface of the topsoil must smoothly follow the contours of the ground.
Turf must be of the same species as that of adjacent lawns on the property. Lay to
provide a smooth transition to adjacent lawns or paved areas and an even surface free
of areas where water could pond. Water the turf immediately after laying. Ongoing
watering will be the responsibility of the property owner.
Supply all plants in tubes, unless shown otherwise on the drawings. Use appropriate
fertilisers and mulch around the plants with similar mulch to that used elsewhere in the
garden. Water immediately after planting. Ongoing watering will be the responsibility of
the property owner.

Remove and legally dispose of all surplus material.

Addition works
Additional work not described on the drawing is not to be carried out.

14.10 Signature box

The property works shown on this drawing is accepted for construction and I grant
entry to the property for construction. Maintenance of the completed work, including
watering of planting, will be my responsibility.

Property owner name: ___________________
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ______________

14.11 Negotiating owner approval

You need to price for one visit to the property in the company of a Council Property
Officer to negotiate adjustment requirements. The Council Property Officer will be
responsible for subsequent visits and will be responsible for obtaining the property
owner approval signature on the property adjustment drawing.

14.12 Acquisition plan

14.12.1 Acquisition plan requirements
If required by the Table-of-Deliverables, a separate acquisition plan if required for each
property affected by proposed boundary change as shown in Figure 17 on page 61.

Figure 17 Example acquisition plan

The acquisition plan must show the layout and dimensions of proposed acquisitions in
sufficient detail to enable a draft Deposited Plan to be produced.
Acquisition plans shall contain the following:
a) A scale drawing of the lot subject to ownership change.
b) Existing boundaries in one colour, proposed boundaries in a different colour.
c) Colouring of the area subject to proposed ownership change.

d) Lot and deposited plan numbers.
e) Area of the original lot, in square metres.
f) Bearing and distance of each section of the proposed boundary.
g) Area of the area subject to ownership change, in square metres.
h) Street names.
i) North point.
j) Scale.
k) Title describing the drawing.
If addition of zoning information on the acquisition plans is requested, a CAD file
containing zoning information will be supplied.

14.12.2 Issue of draft acquisition plans

Any acquisition plans that are issued before the 100% design has been accepted must
be marked with a DRAFT watermark.

14.12.3 Issue of final acquisition plans

Once the 100% design has been accepted there should be no further changes to
proposed boundaries so the DRAFT watermark can be removed from the final
acquisition plans.

15. Public utility and street lighting design
15.1 When utility design and street lighting design is
Utility adjustment designs and street lighting designs are required if specified in the
Refer to the Table of Deliverables and the Utility Design Specification for utility design

15.2 Utility adjustment design and approval

Where the proposed works affect utility services, you must arrange quotations for all
necessary adjustment designs and approvals. Quotes for design of utility service
adjustments must be approved by us before design work commences.
Following approval of a quote, you must manage the utility adjustment design and
production of drawings and utility provider approvals.
Utility adjustment designs must meet the requirements of the service provider / owner
of the public utility asset.
You must provide us with the approval certificates that will enable construction of the
works associated with construction.

16. Technical specification for construction
The Technical specification for construction must include:
a) Construction specifications.
b) Construction sequence instructions.
The Technical Specification for construction shall reference Transport for NSW
construction specifications and Council engineering guides and standards as
The Technical Specification for landscape construction shall reference Transport for
NSW Specification R179 Landscape Planting.

17. Estimate
17.1 Estimate key performance indicators
Key Performance Indicators for estimating are the following reference documents:
a) Transport for NSW Project estimating manual 2020.
b) Transport for NSW Standard estimating summary spreadsheet.
c) The supplied version of the Transport for NSW Basis of Estimate Report.

17.2 Estimate deliverables

Estimate deliverables may include:
a) Standard estimate summary spreadsheet including project base estimate and
P50 and P90 probability estimates.
b) Basis of Estimate Report.

17.3 Estimate types

Three types of estimates are used. The description of each estimate type and its
purpose are shown in Table 17:

Table 17 Estimate types

Estimate type Description

Project base estimate • The project base estimate is the best prediction cost of a project
in current dollars.
• The project base estimate excludes cost escalation and
contingency associated with project risk.
• The project base estimate is used as the basis for calculating
the P50 and P90 probability estimates.

P50 probability • P50 probability estimates are used for the purpose of obtaining
estimate funding and managing projects.
• The objective of a P50 estimate is to ensure the actual cost has
a 50% probability of not being exceeded (as shown in Figure
19 on page 67).
P90 probability  P90 probability estimate value is the publicly
estimate announced project cost.

• The objective of a P50 estimate is to ensure the actual cost has

a 90% probability of not being exceeded (as shown in Figure 19
on page 67).

The difference between the project base estimate and the probability estimates is the
amount of contingency applied. The concept is shown in Figure 18 on page 66.

Figure 18 Application of contingency

17.4 Estimating methods

There are five different methods commonly used in the preparation of base estimates.
Only the following methods are required:
a) Global (order of magnitude) estimating – for strategic estimates.
b) Unit rates estimating – for detailed design estimates.
Global estimates are a coarse or low-order method of estimating involving the use of
global composite rates such as road cost per kilometre and bridge cost per square
metre of deck area.
Unit rates estimates makes use of historical rates and calculated quantities to derive
costs for each element of the infrastructure delivery process.

17.5 Estimating stages and accuracy

The Scope-of-Work will specify the stages of design where quantities and an estimate
are required. The potential stages of design where an estimate will be required and
anticipated accuracy are:
a) Strategic design (strategic estimate) – accuracy ± 30%.
b) Concept design (concept estimate) – accuracy ± 20%.
c) 100% design (detailed estimate) – accuracy ± 10%.
The stages of estimates and the anticipated accuracy of each stage is depicted in
Figure 19 on page 67.18

18 Transport for NSW, 2020, Project estimating manual, Sydney, p9.

Figure 19 Estimating stages and accuracy

17.6 Quantities requirements

The Schedule of Rates items used for quantities shall be those listed on the Transport
for NSW Standard estimating summary spreadsheet.
Design model output data is to be provided for all model data used to determine
quantities. The schedule of quantities is to contain the details of design model data
The same version of the design models used to prepare the construction drawings
must also be used to determine the construction quantities.
Design model verification should be carried out before calculating quantities. The
model data to be used to determine quantities, and level of detail required, depends on
the design phase.

17.7 Project base estimate requirements

The project base estimate must be prepared in accordance with the Transport for NSW
Project estimating manual 2020.
The Schedule of Rates items used for design quantities must be those listed on the
Transport for NSW Standard estimating summary spreadsheet.
Estimate rates must be based on reliable comprehensive sources that have been
evaluated against recent actual construction costs for similar types of work.

17.8 Probability estimates requirements

The Standard estimating summary spreadsheet shall be used for calculating P50 and
P90 probability estimates.

17.9 Contingency
For strategic estimates, where there is often insufficient information to undertake a
meaningful probabilistic estimate, the deterministic method can be used. Strategic
estimates may use the deterministic contingency calculation method shown in
Appendix D of the Transport for NSW Project estimating manual 2020.
Contingency percentages for probability estimates should be based on the level of
uncertainty with the information used to prepare the estimate. Contingency
percentages shall be in accordance with Section 3 of the Transport for NSW Project
estimating manual 2020.

17.10 Estimate report

If required by the Scope-of-Work, a completed Council version of the Transport for
NSW Basis of Estimate Report must be submitted with the estimate.
You must detail the source of rates used in the estimate in the Basis of Estimate

18. Documentation
18.1 Acronyms
Do not use acronyms in documents, apart from those in common use in the community
such as NSW, or when they are in the same paragraph group adjacent to the text
spelled out in full.
Reports are written with a word processor, not a quill pen, so there is no modern
reason to use acronyms. Excessive acronyms will be treated as a non-conformance.
Specifications should avoid acronyms (except where space is limited in a table) by
spelling out in full the item followed by the commonly used acronym eg Annual
Exceedance Probability (AEP).

18.2 Design drawings

Design drawings must conform to the Design Format Specification.

18.3 Design Report

18.3.1 Project memory

18.3.2 Design Report function

The Design Report provides a memory of the project. Importantly the report should
provide the answer to “WHY” questions. As time passes and the project team move on,
the Design Report provides the only record of why things were done.
The Design Report must:
a) Demonstrate achievement of the objectives of the project Scope-of-Work.
b) Explain the reasons for design decisions, that is, why things were done.

18.3.3 Design Report content

A Design Report template in the format shown below can be supplied as an MS-WORD
We prefer few words with the key information rather than volumes of text.
Although adherence to the format of the Design Report shown below is not mandatory,
a Design Report that lacks the comprehensive nature of the report format shown below
will be treated as a non-conformance in accordance with the quality assurance
provisions of Section 21.

1.1.1 About this document

• About this document.

1.1.2 Project identification

• Project title.
• File number.

• Council and consultant project number / contract number.
1.1.3 Design team

• Details of the company producing the design and contact details.

• Names and job titles of the Project Managers, design team and checking team
and Council team.


1.2.1 Description

• Locality.
• Brief description of the project.
• Background of the project from the Scope-of-Work.
1.2.2 Objectives

• Objectives of project listed in the Scope-of-Work.

1.2.3 Constraints

• Constraints listed in the Scope-of-Work.

1.2.4 Statutory and planning consent requirements

• Statutory and planning consent requirements from the Scope-of-Work.

• Subdivision approvals that impacted on the design.

2.1.1 Road classification and access

• Road classification and function.

• Relationship to the wider network, access and connections.
2.1.2 Existing road documentation

• Work-as-Executed drawing references (if available and used in the design).

2.1.3 Existing road description

• Minimum through road curve radius.

• Number of lanes and widths.
• Median width.
• Shoulder width.
• Verge width.
• Formation width.
• Number of footways / share paths / cycleways.
• Width of footways / share paths / cycleways.
• Details of crossing roads.
• Type and description of the existing road wearing surface.
2.1.4 Site features

• Operating speed data (if available).

• Conclusions from Road Safety Audit Reports on the existing road (if any).
• Issues from previous Design Reports (if any).
• Structures and structural information (if available).

• Adjoining property, building and infrastructure.
• Issues posed by property boundaries and land titles.
• Parking arrangements.

3.1.1 Survey

• Provide a reference to the survey files.

3.1.2 Utility investigations

• Provide a reference to the utility location files.


3.2.1 Traffic data collection

• Refer to the Traffic Data Report. If appropriate, summarise any findings that
had a significant influence on the design.
3.2.2 Traffic and transport modelling

• Refer to the Traffic Modelling Report and summarise the information used in
the design.


3.3.1 Review of Environmental Factors
• Refer to the Review of Environmental Factors and summarise the main
findings from the Executive Summary.
3.3.2 Construction Environmental Management Plan

• Refer to the Construction Environmental Management Plan (if available) and

summarise the main findings from the Executive Summary.


3.4.1 Geotechnical investigation

• Refer to the Geotechnical Investigation Report and summarise the main

findings from the Executive Summary.


3.5.1 Pavement design

• Refer to the Pavement Design Report and summarise the main findings.

4.1.1 Design parameters and values

• Design Speed.
• Design vehicles.
• Alignment constraints (minimum curve radius, speed, widths, sight distance,
superelevation and risk).
• Stormwater drainage design pipeline capacity and flood immunity values.
4.1.2 Design assumptions

• Assumptions that influence the design.

4.1.3 Implementation assumptions

• Assumptions that influence the construction or temporary works.


4.2.1 Road user considerations

• Human Factors and performance.

• School Zones.
• Special user considerations (eg adjacent elderly person accommodation).
• Pedestrian facility requirements.


4.3.1 Heritage requirements

• Heritage requirements from environmental investigations, the Review of

Environmental Factors and permit requirements.
4.3.2 Fisheries requirements

• Fisheries requirements.


4.4.1 Transport facilities

• Bus facilities and priority requirements.

• Bicycle facility requirements.
• Intelligent Transport System requirements.

4.5.1 Crash risk

• Crash history.
• Mitigation measures to rectify crash history.
4.5.2 Other risks

• Risk issues.


4.6.1 Level-of-Service requirements.

• Design features to achieve mid-block Level-of-Service requirements.


4.7.1 Road space allocation

• Number of lanes and widths.

• Median width.
• Shoulder width.
• Verge width.
• Formation width.
• Number of footways / share paths / cycleways.
• Width of footways / share paths / cycleways.
• Kerb types.
• Typical cross sections for road sections.

• Sign-off of cross section reference.


4.8.1 Design for aesthetics

• Describe the design form of the project and the setting.

• Describe how the project meets the objectives of aesthetics guidelines.

5.1.1 Horizontal design parameters

• Roadway alignment and compatibility with Design Speed.

• Carriageway and kerb-line layout.
• Location, alignment, profile and crossfall of pedestrian facilities.
• Location, alignment, profile and crossfall of cycleway, share path.
• Alignment of bridges.
5.1.2 Provision for servicing

• Maintenance bays.
• Provision for garbage collection.
• Provision for emergency vehicles.


5.2.1 Grading

• Maximum grade and influence on traffic volumes.

• Minimum grades and influence on pavement drainage.
• Gradient at intersecting roads.
• Length of crest vertical curves.
• Riding comfort, appearance of sag vertical curves.
• Integration of horizontal and vertical alignment.
5.2.2 Transition design

• Transition design.
• Checks undertaken to prevent long flow paths at transitions.
5.2.3 Sight

• Stopping Sight Distance.

• Sight to intersection pavement markings.

5.3.1 Options considered

• Describe options considered.

5.3.2 Preferred option

• Reasons for the choice of the preferred option.


5.4.1 Matching levels

• Issues, problems with matching levels at property boundaries.

5.4.2 Crossfalls

• Plan and superelevation transitions, rate of change of crossfall.

• Crossfall, adverse crossfall, superelevation.


5.5.1 Provision for utilities

• Summary description of significant public utilities in the existing road, size and
• Utility services to be located in the new roadway.
• Influence of utilities on the design.
• The extent, estimated cost and the time required to relocate any affected
• The extent and cost of any temporary protection, disconnection or stabilisation
of affected infrastructure that must be provided by the utility provider.

5.6.1 Vertical clearances

• Vertical clearances required.

• Vertical clearances achieved.
5.6.2 Horizontal clearances

• Horizontal clearances required.

• Horizontal clearances achieved.
5.6.3 Clearance to utilities

• Horizontal and vertical clearances required to utilities.


5.7.1 Intersection sight distance

• Sight Distance - Approach Sight Distance.

• Sight Distance - clear lines of sight.
5.7.2 Design parameters and values

• Design vehicle.
• Provision for large vehicles.
• Swept paths.
• Location of median noses.
• Pedestrian crossings.
• Speed control.
• Vulnerable road users - pedestrians, cyclists.


5.8.1 Intersection sight distance

• Sight Distance - Approach Sight Distance.

• Sight Distance - clear lines of sight.
5.8.2 Roundabout design parameters and values

• Design vehicle.

• Swept paths.
• Number of entries, circulating and exit lanes, widths and geometry.
• Entry speed control.
• Vulnerable road users - pedestrians, cyclists.


5.9.1 Cycleway design requirements

• Path user requirements.

• Intersection of paths with roads.
• Path terminal treatments.
• Provision for cyclists and pedestrians at structures.
5.9.2 Cycleway design parameters and values

• Design criteria for pedestrian paths.

• Design criteria for cycle paths.


5.10.1 Flood evacuation routes

• Detail special provisions made for flood evacuation routes.

5.10.2 Catchment

• Describe the catchment.

5.10.3 Waterway investigations

• Refer to the Waterway Investigation Report. If appropriate, summarise any

findings that had a significant influence on the design.
5.10.4 Hydrology

• Describe the results of the flood modelling and the impact of flooding.
• Methodology and computer programs used to model hydrology.
• Calculated discharge for the range of flood recurrence intervals.
• Calculated flow velocity for the range of flood recurrence intervals.
• Calculated High Flood Levels for the range of flood recurrence intervals.
• Discussion of submergence.
• Normal water level.
• Observed flood levels with date.
• Calibration of hydrology.
• Proposed clearance above the calculated 1% Annual Exceedance Probability
Flood Level.
5.10.5 Hydraulics

• Methodology and computer programs used to model hydraulics.

5.10.6 Scour

• Methodology used to determine the impact of scour.

• Details of the effect of scour.
5.10.7 Blockage factors

• Detail of blockage factors used for piped drainage.

• Detail of blockage factors used for large cross drainage culverts.

• Detail of blockage factors used for large cross drainage culverts on flood
evacuation routes.
5.10.8 Drainage structures

• Describe pit and pipe material, types and other drainage structures.
• Pit and pipe network layout.
• Curved pipes.
• Pit locations, sag locations, trapped low points, ponding on road, ponding on
lots, clash.
• Hydraulic Grade Line.
5.10.9 Pavement drainage

• Pavement contours.
• Flow paths.
• Aquaplaning.
• Width of flow.
• Risk of pedestrian splashing.
5.10.10 Cross drainage

• Culverts.
• Protection against "piping" failure, bulkheads.
• Channels.
• Lead-in, tail-out drains.
• Connection to trunk drainage.
5.10.11 Public safety

• Stormwater management.
• Public safety in dual use floodways and flows in public reserves.
• Public safety in dammed water, fall prevention.
• Dams Safety Committee requirements.
• Flood warning signs.
5.10.12 Detention basins

• On-site detention requirements.

5.10.13 Water quality

• Water quality management.

• Water quality structures.
• Water Sensitive Urban Design.
5.10.14 Property drainage

• Inter-allotment drainage.
• Provision for medium density and industrial lots.
5.10.15 Sub-soil and pavement drainage

• Provisions for pavement and sub-soil drainage.

5.11.1 Pavement design

• Pavement layers.


5.12.2 Traffic barriers

• Traffic barrier and crash cushion types.

• Barrier performance level.
5.12.3 Pedestrian barriers

• Details of pedestrian barriers.

5.12.4 Median barriers

• Details of median barriers.

5.12.5 Barriers between carriageway and footway

• Details of barriers between carriageway and footway.

5.12.6 Temporary barriers

• Temporary barrier type and performance level specified for use in construction.
5.12.7 Impact protection

• Details of impact protection arrangements and performance level.


5.13.1 Safety screens

• Details of safety screens.

5.13.2 Noise walls

• Details of noise walls.

5.14.1 Driver guidance

• Delineation, line marking.

• Regulatory signs.
• Directional signposting.


5.15.1 Durability criteria

• Durability requirements.
• Soil and water aggressivity.
5.15.2 Provision for durability

• Aspects of detail that require special attention.

• Specification of materials to be used in construction and the construction
practices that will affect durability.
5.15.3 Construction constraints

• Describe any constructability constraints and mitigation measures.

5.15.4 Construction methodology

• Sequence of construction.
• Construction methodology.
• Traffic management and staging plan.
5.15.5 Constructability issues resolution

• Describe how construction issues raised at the Constructability Review have

been resolved.
5.15.6 Site accessibility

• Pavement condition and load limitations on access roads to the site.

• Access arrangements to the site, including discussion of access road design
and grade of access tracks.
• Arrangements for crane access and platforms, if required.
• Limitations imposed by overhead or underground utilities.
5.15.7 Maintenance requirements

• Special maintenance requirements.

5.15.8 Erosion and sediment control

• Erosion and sediment control.

• Reference Erosion and sediment control drawings.
5.15.9 Staging

• Reference staging drawings.

5.15.10 Roadside facilities

• Roadside furniture.
• Parking.
• Driver facilities, rest areas.

5.16.1 Landscaping objectives

• Landscaping form and function.

5.16.2 Landscaping considerations

• Landscaping constraints.
• Water availability and requirements.
• Soil requirements.
5.16.3 Landscaping specification

• Species selection.
• Planting specification.
• Landscaping maintenance requirements.
5.16.4 Paving

• Details of footway, cycleway and median paving.

5.16.5 Landscape drawings

• Reference to landscape drawings.

5.17.1 Acquisition

• Property acquisition.
• Easements.
5.17.2 Property boundary drawings

• Reference property boundary drawings.

5.17.3 Property adjustments

• Details of property adjustments.

5.17.4 Property adjustment drawings

• Reference to property adjustment drawings.


5.10.1 Intersection sight distance

• Sight Distance - Approach Sight Distance.

• Sight Distance - clear lines of sight.
5.18.2 Design parameters and values

• Design vehicle.
• Swept paths.
• Location of median noses.
• Pedestrian crossings.
• Speed control.
• Vulnerable road users - pedestrians, cyclists.


5.19.1 Drainage structure design

• Details of drainage structure structural design.

5.19.2 Retaining wall design

• Cross reference retaining wall design.

5.19.3 Bridge design

• Cross reference bridge design.


5.19.1 Lighting design

• Cross reference street lighting design.

• Details of lighting design and compliance with standards.
• Details of lighting structures, including locations and integration into aesthetic
• Details of electrical isolation and fail-safe provisions for electrical equipment in
the event of flooding.

5.21.1 Utility contact

• List contact details of persons who were the utility authority contact during
design negotiations.
5.21.2 Utility follow-up before construction

• Insert utility requirements for notification and contact before construction.

5.21.1 Water, gas, electricity, telecommunications and other design

• Summarise requirements of water, gas, electricity, telecommunications and

other utilities design.

6.1.1 Road Safety Audit response

• Describe how the issues raised in the Road Safety Audit have been resolved.


6.2.1 Construction documentation

• Reference construction documentation.


6.3.1 Quantities and estimate

• Schedule of quantities and an estimate of cost.

• Allowances for cost variations.
6.3.2 Whole of life cost

• Describe how the design optimises whole-of-life costs.


6.4.1 Future proofing

• Opportunities or limitations on future upgrades or modifications.

6.5.1 Results of consultation

• List Authorities consulted and the outcomes.

• Constraints related to third parties.
• Risks and hazards which affect the design because of other parties’
requirements, identified, assessed and described.


6.6.1 Approvals and permits necessary for construction

• Detail requirements of Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP).

• Detail utility provider approvals and permits.
• Detail other approvals and permits.

7.1.1 Road design standards

• Design standards used with the date of publication.

7.1.2 Design criteria imposed by authorities

• Design criteria required by other stakeholders or authorities.

7.2.1 Reference documents

• Referenced documents.

8.1.1 Quality system processes

• Describe the quality system used during the design.

• Describe the outcomes of quality processes.


8.2.1 Compliance with Design Format Specification

• Design model.
• Details of setup of design model.
• Drawing compliance with Design Format Specification.

9.1.1 Model integrity

• Design Model Verification statement confirming model integrity checks have

been made.


9.2.1 Departures from standards

• Detail ‘departures’ from standards and codes.

• Justification for the departure.
• Mitigation measures used to overcome negative consequences of the

• Outcomes of the Safety-in-Design Workshop.

• Methodology for identifying and resolving work health and safety issues.
• Safety-in-Design considerations for construction, inspection, maintenance and
• Details of design features that remove potential safety issues.

• Photographs of site.
• Aerial or oblique photographs of site.

If any of the following reports are available, separately package them with the
Design Report.
• Traffic data report.
• Traffic and Transport Modelling Report.
• Review of Environmental Factors document with:
o Flora and Fauna Report.
o Archaeological Survey Report.
o Salvage Excavation Report.
o Heritage Impact Report.
o Soils, Geology and Topography Investigation Report.
o Contamination Reports and Site Audit Statement.
o Append the Noise Analysis Report.
• Construction Environmental Management Plan.
• Geotechnical Investigation Report.
• Pavement Design Report.

• Separately package, or include as an appendix, the Safety Report that
provides sufficient information to fulfil the obligations of Work Health and
Safety Regulation 296 that requires provision of information in relation to
hazards or risks at, or in the vicinity, of the workplace where the construction
work is being carried out.


• Separately package, or include as an appendix, the Road Safety Audit Report.


• Separately package, or include as an appendix, the Estimate Report.

• Separately package, or include as an appendix, the Issues Log.

• Separately package, or include as an appendix, the clash analysis as shown in
Table 18 on page 85.

19. Review and finalisation of design
Review and finalisation of design models and drawings includes:
a) Creation of federated design model.
b) Design model verification.
c) Conflict analysis and clash detection.
d) Design drawing preparation.
e) Drawing presentation review.
f) 3D visualisation (if specified)

19.1 Handover documents

Handover documents must include:
a) Items specified in the Scope-of-Work.
b) Items specified in the Design Format Specification.

19.2 Design model

The design model must comply with the requirements of the Design Format

19.3 Creation of federated design model

Separate models used to create the design are to be collated into a federated model
before commencement of integration review and conflict analysis.

19.4 Design model verification

19.4.1 Design model verification requirements
Design model verification shall include:
a) All strings are to be in accordance with the String Naming Convention.
b) All model names are to be in accordance with the Model Naming Convention.
c) Check for null levels.
d) Check for zero levels.
e) Check for single point strings.
f) Check for coincident points.
g) Check for intersection points.
h) Remove all duplicate and identical points.
i) Remove all unnecessary strings.
j) There must be no crossing feature design strings when separate design
components are combined into a single model.
k) Check for string discontinuities, especially interface strings and critical shape
control strings such as road crown, hinge points etc.

l) Strings that should join or meet must not have gaps or extensions.
m) A single triangulation of the complete design surface (including bridge spill-
throughs or tunnel faces if present) is required for viewing and rendering.
n) Road feature design strings must not continue across bridge structures or
through tunnels. Bridge spill-through strings (if present) must be duplicated in
both the bridge and design models.
o) If provided, subgrade layer models should include strings that interface to the
batter and allow triangulation of the surface. Pavement layer models should
include strings that interface to the batter and allow triangulation of each surface.
p) If provided, strings defining the stepping and remaining stripping must be
included in the stepping model.
q) Contour the design triangulation at closely spaced (e.g. 0.2 metre) intervals and
thoroughly check the results for discrepancies especially at merging roadways.
r) Check contours for correct drainage flows and length of flows.
s) Run sight distance and check all situations.
t) In a perspective view, run drive throughs along strings at the correct driver height
and position along each roadway in all directions. Check for alignment
discrepancies, sight distance problems and abnormalities in the triangulation
especially at merging roadways.
All corrections should be done to the original input data and not by post manipulation of
the feature design strings. This can be checked by re-running the complete job and
looking at the results.
A design model verification check is to be carried out before any design model data is
released for survey use.
An electronic copy of the complete project model, including survey, geometric design
data, and Geographic Information System data is to be supplied at the stages specified
in the Scope-of-Work and associated design specifications.
The design model must conform to the requirements of this Design Format
Specification. Models that conform to Transport for NSW requirements are deemed to

19.4.2 Design Model Verification Statement

The Design Report must include a Design Model Verification Statement confirming that
all model verification checks have been made.

19.5 Conflict analysis and clash detection

19.5.1 Conflict analysis requirements
A 3D model review of design components is required to check the interface between all
disciplines associated with the design.
Design elements to be checked for conflict analysis must include at least the following:
a) Pavement and kerb.

b) Elements of bridges, retaining walls and other structures that interact with road
design elements including foundation.
c) Longitudinal and cross drainage earthworks and structures including foundation.
d) Subsurface drainage pipes, systems and structures.
e) Utility service assets.
f) Road lighting and Intelligent Transport System conduits and structures including
g) Sign and sign support structures including foundation.
h) Safety barrier systems including terminal foundation envelopes and post footing.
For 3D conflict analysis the project 3D drawing models can be examined visually on-
screen or analysed using CAD software clash detection tools.

19.5.2 Clash analysis summary

A clash analysis summary must be included in the Design Report. An example clash
analysis summary is shown in Table 18.
The purpose of the clash analysis summary is to document the locations where clash
analysis has been done, rather than document the detail of the outcomes of the clash

Table 18 Example Clash Analysis Summary

Location Elements checked for clash

Stormwater pipe at chainage 210








Existing position retained NA Yes Yes NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Design position retained Yes NA NA No No No No NA NA NA

Design moved up No No No No No No No NA NA NA

Design moved down No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes NA NA NA

Design relocated No No No No No No No NA NA NA

Relocate during construction No No No No No No No NA NA NA

Investigate during construction No No No No No No No NA NA NA

Notes Existing water main and sewer retained in existing position.

Note: NA = Not applicable.

20. Design form and aesthetics
20.1 Key performance indicators
Key Performance Indicators for design form and aesthetics are the principles in the
following reference documents:
a) Transport for NSW Beyond the Pavement: Urban Design Policy Procedures and
Design Principles.
b) Transport for NSW Landscape Guideline: Landscape design and maintenance
guidelines to improve the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of road corridor
planting and seeding.
c) Transport for NSW Noise Wall Design Guideline: Design guideline to improve the
appearance of noise walls in NSW.
d) Transport for NSW Shotcrete Design Guidelines; Design guideline to improve the
appearance of shotcrete in NSW.

20.2 Design for aesthetics

Ugly roads despoil the living environment, forcibly removing the attractiveness of an
area. If repeated the ugliness can despoil a city.

Image: Google Streetview

Figure 20 Road with poor aesthetics

20.3 Urban design principles
To avoid ugly roads, the designer must consider nine urban design principles:
a) Principle one – contributing to urban structure and revitalisation.
b) Principle two – fitting with the constructed environment and architecture.
c) Principle three – connecting transport modes and communities.
d) Principle four – fitting with the landform.
e) Principle five – responding to natural patterns in the landscape.
f) Principle six – incorporating heritage and cultural items.
g) Principle seven – designing to provide visual interest.
h) Principle eight – creating self-explaining road environments.
i) Principle nine – use robust, durable materials for minimal maintenance.

20.4 Aesthetic considerations

The design, including any ancillary structures such as retaining walls, furnishings,
lighting and fixtures, must be part of an overall aesthetic scheme for the precinct.
Aesthetic outcomes within a design require consideration of:
a) Scale.
b) Proportion.
c) Colour.
d) Texture.
e) Contrast.

20.4.1 Scale
The physical relationship between design components needs to be of similar scale. A
large element next to a small one looks out of place.
The perception of scale is dependent on the landscape context and angle of view.

20.4.2 Proportion
Proportion is the relationship between components of a design, such as the ratio
between height and width or the relative size of a part in relation to the whole.
Components are in proportion to one another when they are visually balanced. Objects
not in proportion do not appear to be compatible.
Mathematical ratios have been developed which have been derived from proportions
existing in nature. These ratios create a visually pleasing, balanced composition. For
example, the ideal rectangle is regarded as having a ratio of 3:5 along its sides. These
relationships become a standard unit known as a "module".
For example, a standard rectangular module can be used in designing the relationship
between the width of a landscape strip and the height of the vegetation within the strip.

20.4.3 Colour
Colour creates visual impact. It is significant in defining the character and quality of
design components. Colours may be used to compliment or create contrast to other
parts of the road landscape.
Plain concrete can be an appropriate colour if integrated into the landscape and
protected from weather staining.

20.4.4 Texture
Texture is achieved by incorporating variations in surface finishes.
Texture helps to define form and add visual interest. Textural treatments to design
components can either be subtle or dominant depending on functional requirements
and design intent. Shadows also affect the appearance of texture. Developing patterns
in design components are simple measures in achieving texture.

20.4.5 Contrast
Contrast relieves monotony and provides a stimulating experience. Contrast can be
achieved by varying forms, shapes, colours, light and shadow.
Design components are often designed to be clearly distinguishable from the
surrounding landscape setting. This contrast makes the component dominant. A strong
feature and commands visual attention by users. A design that commands attention
should be worthy of attention.
Contrast can also be quite subtle by using tonal colouring or slight texture relief to
generate visual change.

21. Duties of designers
21.1 Legislative reference documents
Designer’s obligations for information transfer are defined in:
a) Work Health and Safety Act.
b) Work Health and Safety Regulation.
c) SafeWork NSW, Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice 2019.

21.2 Compliance with codes, standards and regulations

You must comply with all design and drawing codes, standards, and regulation
requirements, whether or not described in this specification.

21.3 Duties of designers

The designer’s Duty-of-Care is defined by the Work Health and Safety Act and Safe
Work Australia Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice.
Duties of designers are defined under Section 22 of the Work Health and Safety Act.
The designer must ensure structures are designed to be safe when used as a
workplace during its lifecycle. This includes during the construction of the structure, the
use of the structure for a purpose for which it was designed, the maintenance, cleaning
or repair of the structure and the eventual demolition at end of life. Designers must also
consider the safety of people in the vicinity of the structure.
Work Health and Safety Act Part 2 > Division 3 > Section 22, (2) (a) – (f).
Under Section 22(4) and 22(5) of the Work Health and Safety Act, the designer must
provide information to anyone who is issued with the design, indicating the purpose for
which the structure is designed, the results of any testing and analysis undertaken and
any conditions necessary to ensure that the designer has designed the structure to be
without risk to health and safety when it is used as a workplace during its lifecycle.
Current relevant information must also be provided to people who use, construct,
maintain or demolish the structure.
Work Health and Safety Act Part 2 > Division 3 > Section 22
Work Health and Safety Regulation 295 requires the designer to provide the Principal’s
Representative with a Safety Report outlining potential hazards unique to that design
that may pose a hazard to people carrying out construction or demolition work.
Work Health and Safety Regulation 295.

21.4 Management of risks

A designer has a duty to manage risks. The Work Health and Safety Act requires that:
A duty imposed on a person to ensure health and safety requires the person to
eliminate risks to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Part 2 > Division 1 > Subdivision 1 > Section 17

21.5 What is ‘reasonably practicable’
The Work Health and Safety Act states that the designer should weigh up all relevant
matters to ensure health and safety. The matters to be considered include the
likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring, and the degree of harm that
might result.
To ensure reasonably practicable health and safety the Act says the person should
know of the availability and suitability of ways to minimise the risk.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Part 2 > Division 1 > Subdivision 2 > Section 18
A reasonably practical way of ensuring health and safety is to follow design standards.
The Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice states: ‘In deciding what is reasonably
practicable, consideration will be given to the prevailing standards of design’.
WorkCover Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice Section 1.3

21.6 Duties not transferable, no contracting out

A designer’s Duty-of-Care cannot be transferred to another person or organisation. The
Work Health and Safety Act states: ‘A duty cannot be transferred to another person’.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Part 2 > Division 1 > Subdivision 1 > Section 14

The duties of a designer cannot be circumvented by a non-designer altering a design.

The Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice states that: ‘Any person … who alters
or modifies a design without consulting the original or subsequent designer will assume
the duties of a designer’.
Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice Section 1.2
A designer’s Duty-of-Care cannot be limited or transferred. The Work Health and
Safety Act, Section 272 states: ‘A term of any agreement or contract that purports to
exclude, limit or modify the operation of this Act or any duty owed under this Act or to
transfer to another person any duty under this Act is void’.
Work Health and Safety Action 2011 Part 14 > Division 1 > Section 272

Industrial Magistrate Lieschke, raised questions on the operation of Section 272 of the
Act. He said: ‘Section 272 of the new Work Health and Safety Act 2012 states that any
term of a contract which seeks to modify the operation of the Act is void, but it does not
specifically prohibit insurance of penalties, and it does not make it an offence for an
insurer to provide an indemnity. Whilst the full scope of s 272 is unclear, it will still be
possible for an insurer to sell such policies and to grant indemnity for perceived
commercial benefit’.
Hillman v Ferro Con (SA) Pty Ltd (in liquidation) and Anor [2013] SAIRC 22.

A decision examining a court’s power to prevent an employer from indemnifying an

employee against penalties was made by the High Court in Australian Building and
Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. The
decision confirmed that a penalty order made against an individual can include a
requirement for the individual to pay the penalty personally.
Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
[2018] HCA 3 at [116]

21.7 Principal’s obligations
Work Health and Safety Regulation 294 places obligations on the Principal to consult
with the designer on how risks to health and safety can be eliminated or minimised.
Work Health and Safety Regulation 296 requires that the Principal provide the Principal
Consultant with any information that they have in relation to the hazards or risks at, or
in the vicinity, of the workplace where the construction work is being carried out. The
Safety Report prepared by the design Consultant must contain sufficient information to
fulfil these obligations for the Principal.

21.8 Consultant organisation obligations

Design organisations have a Primary Duty of Care under Section 19 of the Work Health
and Safety Act. Further duties are listed under Section 22 of the Act. In practice this
means that a design organisation should:
a) Identify and document safe design requirements.
b) Analyse safe design requirements and produce a safe design specification.
c) Develop safe designs.
d) Evaluate safe design.
e) Certify safe design.

21.9 Design Manager’s obligations

In the case of Safe Work New South Wales v Austral Hydroponics Pty Ltd and Eang
Lam, the Judge noted that the manager ‘failed to exercise due diligence by taking
reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the Code of Practice’. This case may be
precedent for a Design Manager being responsible for ensuring that designers comply
with the Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice.
Safe Work NSW v Austral Hydroponics Pty Limited and Eang Lam [2015] NSWDC 295, paragraph 13.
The judgement in the case of WorkCover Authority (New South Wales) (Inspector
Mansell) v Daly Smith Corporation (Aust) Pty Ltd and Smith, observed that due
diligence ‘is not done by merely hoping others would or could do what they were told,
but also ensuring they have the skills to execute the job they are required to do and
then ensuring compliance with that in accordance with the safe standards established.
Compliance requires a process of review and auditing, both formal and random, in
order to ensure that the safe standards established are in fact being adhered to and
under ongoing review’. Ensuring that designers comply with Safety-in-Design and Work
Health and Safety obligations can be seen as required due diligence for managers.
WorkCover Authority (New South Wales) (Inspector Mansell) v Daly Smith Corporation (Aust) Pty Ltd and
Smith [2004] NSWIRComm 349, paragraph 134.

21.10 Safety Report

Work Health and Safety Regulation Clause 295 requires that the Designer must give
the person who commissioned the design a written report that specifies the hazards
relating to the design of the structure that create a risk to persons carrying out
construction and are associated with the project, not with other similar designs.

The Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice notes that:
The safety report applies to designs of structures that have unusual or atypical
features which present hazards and risks during the construction phase that are
unique to the particular design.
The Safety Report will enable the person who commissions a project to comply with
their Clause 296 obligation to give us contractor any information the person has in
relation to hazards and risks where the construction work is to be carried out.
The Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice requires that the Safety Report should
include information about:
a) Any hazardous materials or structural features and the designer’s assessment of
the risk of injury or illness to construction workers arising from those hazards.
b) The action the designer has taken to control those risks, for example changes to
the design.

21.11 Not legal advice

This specification only provides general guidance and does not contain legal advice.
Seek advice if you are unsure about exercising a function or meeting your obligations
and responsibilities generally or in a particular case.

22. Quality assurance
22.1 Key performance indicators
Key performance indicators for quality assurance are the following reference
a) AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality management systems - Requirements.
b) AS 4122-2010 General Conditions of Contract for Consultants (incorporates
Amendment 1).

22.2 Non-transference of responsibility for quality

The sign-off of a deliverable by us does not relieve you of responsibility for the validity
and arithmetical correctness of the calculations and observations.

22.3 Non-conformance of deliverables

22.3.1 Definition of non-conformance
A non-conformance is a departure from an agreed arrangement between a client and
an individual or organisation performing work. An arrangement is an agreement to
conform to:
a) A work product specification.
b) A work product standard.
c) Reporting requirements.
d) A pre-defined procedure.
e) A documented plan.
f) A standard for best practice.

22.3.2 The significance of a non-conformance

The existence of a non-conformance means that some aspect of the organisation’s
quality management system operating procedures is not being followed.

22.3.3 Identification of non-conformances

Non-conformances may be identified by:
a) An audit of the organisation’s quality management system.
b) Presentation of deliverables that:
• Do not conform to the Specification.
• Do not conform to reporting requirements.
• Do not conform to the contract schedule.
• Do not include all components specified for delivery.
• Do not conform to standards and codes.
• Do not meet expectations for comprehensive quality that are normal for the

22.3.4 Non-conformance severity
The response to a non-conformance will depend on its severity, defined as:
a) Critical: deliverable is not provided at the specified step in the process or there is
a significant absence of conformance with designated criteria or reporting
requirements as defined by the specification, standards or commonly accepted
industry expectations. This indicates a lack of Design and Development Controls
as required by Section 8.3.4 of the quality standard AS/NZS ISO 9001 and/or
there is no documented evidence of quality review in accordance with Section
9.1.3 of quality standard AS/NZS ISO 9001.
b) Major: deliverable is provided at the specified step in the process but has
inadequate conformance with designated criteria or reporting requirements as
defined by the specification, standards or commonly accepted industry
expectations. This indicates a lack of Design and Development Controls as
required by Section 8.3.4 of the quality standard AS/NZS ISO 9001 and/or there
is a failure of quality review in accordance with Section 9.1.3 of quality standard
AS/NZS ISO 9001.
c) Minor: an isolated deviation from planned process or deliverable conformance or
quality system processes.

22.3.5 Response to non-conformance

The response to non-conformances will be in response to the Standard of Care
requirements of Section 4 of AS 4122-2010 General Conditions of Contract for
The response to non-conformance will depend on the severity of the non-conformance:
a) Critical: We may suspend the performance of the services in accordance with
Section 24 of AS 4122-2010 General Conditions of Contract for Consultants. We
may direct recommencement of services when you have provided documentation
showing the corrective actions taken, in accordance with Section 10.2.2 of
AS/NZS ISO 9001.
If the critical non-conformance is not corrected the services may be terminated in
accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of AS 4122-2010.
b) Major: You will be requested to provide documentation showing the corrective
actions taken, in accordance with Section 10.2.2 of AS/NZS ISO 9001.
c) Minor: An observation for improvement will be issued.

22.4 Audit
We may arrange an audit of the project quality system at any time.

23. Project process information
23.1 Work Health and Safety
23.1.1 Work Health and Safety documents
You must comply with, and cover the costs of meeting, the requirements of:
a) Work Health and Safety Act.
b) Work Health and Safety Regulation.
c) Work Health and Safety (Confined Spaces) Code of Practice 2015.
d) Safe design of structures code of practice 2019.
e) Traffic control at work sites Technical Manual.
f) Council’s Work Health and Safety requirements.

23.1.2 Confined spaces

If confined space entry is required you must comply with:
a) Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 Part 4.3 Confined spaces.
b) Work Health and Safety (Confined Spaces) Code of Practice 2015.

23.1.3 Clothing
High visibility clothing suitable for day and night work and enclosed footwear must be
worn on site.

23.2 Working on roads

Prepare Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) for all site work. If a Traffic Control
Plan is required it must comply with the Traffic control at work sites Technical Manual.
An internet search can obtain a copy of the manual.
Traffic Control Plans must contain provisions for control of vehicles and protection of
Use only trained and qualified personnel to carry out any traffic control activity, as
required by the Traffic control at work sites Technical Manual.

23.3 Authority requirements and approvals

You must consult with other stakeholders or authorities to determine their
You must obtain necessary approvals from authorities or their authorised agents.

23.4 Payment of authority fees and charges

You are responsible for arranging invoices for authority fees and charges to be issued
to us.
We will pay authority fees and charges direct to the authority.

23.5 Road opening approvals
You are responsible for obtaining approval if road opening is required and complying
with approval conditions.
Application procedure, forms relating to road openings, access to our reserves, footway
works, footway closure and occupation permits and driveway construction are available
from Council’s web-site.
Fees for each application are separately listed on the Council web-site.

23.6 Council fees not waived

Council fees will not be waived because this is a Council project (to comply with cost
auditing requirements). Allowance for fees must be included in pricing.
You must arrange payment of Council fees. We will not be paying ourselves.
Fees are available on the Council web-site.

23.7 Sub-contractors
Sub-contractors must be declared in the quote. The sub-contractors nominated in the
quote must not be changed without written approval from us.
If sub-contractors are used, you are responsible for selection, engagement, payment,
and quality management of the sub-contracted work.
We will not separately pay sub-contractors and will not pay an administration charge for
managing sub-contractors.
Sub-contractors must hold insurance that meets the requirements of us contract.

23.8 Meaningful email titles

Project emails must have a title that describes the content of the email. This will enable
a specific email to be found when searching through the many emails in an electronic
records system.
Do not add unrelated content to a chain email.
A series of emails about the same subject needs to have additional information specific
to the email. For example:
Road name 80% design – submission for design review
Road name 80% design – request for review of landscaping
Road name 80% design – draft Review of Environmental Factors

23.9 Protection of trees

Trees on investigation sites must not be removed, pruned or lopped without permission
of the landowner and written permission from Council under State Environmental
Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021.
Tree protection adjacent to the work must be maintained in accordance with AS 4970
Protection of Trees on Development Sites.

23.10 References
23.10.1 Reference documents
References that may need to be consulted during the work are shown in the
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references the latest
edition available on the internet (including any amendments) applies.

23.10.2 Access to reference documents

It is your responsibility to access and obtain reference documents other than those
supplied by us.
A copy of legislative and regulation requirements is available through an internet
You are not entitled to claim for costs or lodge a variation associated with accessing
and obtaining reference documents.

23.11 Project process control

See the Scope-of-Work for project process control requirements, including procedures
for the Issues Log.

23.12 Supplied information

We will provide the information listed in the Request-for-Quote.

24. Glossary of terms and definitions

Term Definition
AEP (Annual The probability that a given rainfall total accumulated over a
Exceedance given duration will be exceeded in any one year.
AFC drawing set Drawing set that is ‘Accepted for Construction’.
AFC model Design model used to prepare the ‘Accepted-for-Construction’
drawing set.
AHD Australian Height Datum.
Approved The person who certifies that design outputs have been
verified as meeting design input specifications and
requirements and that the design has been completed in
accordance with regulations and standards.
AS Australian Standard.
BIM – (Building A design model that has asset codes attached to the surfaces
Information and features in the design.
CAD Computer Aided Design.
CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting.
Chainage Distance of a point along a control line, measured from a
datum point.
Consultant A person or company who provides expert advice
professionally. The requirements for a Contractor apply to a
Contractor A person or company that undertakes a contract to provide
materials or labour to perform a service or do a job. The
requirements for a Consultant apply to a Contractor.
Design Stage Design development process:
• Strategic Design stage defines a budget for a works
• Concept Design phase refines the preferred solution.
• Detailed Design phase details the design for construction.
The stages of detail design are 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%
Designer The person responsible for design of new structures or
assessment of existing structures.
Design team The group of designers responsible for the design of new
infrastructure. It may comprise an appropriate mix of
specialists under the direction of a team leader.
Drawing Diagrams that represent or define a physical object. Distinct
from a Plan, which is a detailed proposal or scheme for doing
or achieving something.

Term Definition
Drawing Set A collection of drawings that represent or define a physical
Model (design A computer simulation of an object, such as a road, drainage
model) basin or bridge.
Model (in a Also known as a ‘level’ or ‘layer’. A group of elements in a
design model) design model. Models are named according to content, for
example ‘survey’, ‘kerb’, ‘drainage’.
Plan A detailed proposal or scheme for doing or achieving
something, such as a Management Plan or Strategic Plan.
Plan (in a A vertical view diagram that represents or defines a physical
drawing) object, such as a road or drainage basin.
Principal A person, or corporate entity, nominated in a contract that
engages another party to do work for gain or reward, other
than as an employee.
Scope-of-Work The document used to specify the requirements for a project.
RMS - Roads and A former New South Wales government agency responsible for
Maritime Services road transport which has been replaced by Transport for New
South Wales.
RTA – Roads and A former New South Wales government agency responsible for
Traffic Authority road transport which was replaced by Roads and Maritime
Services, which has been replaced by Transport for New South
TfNSW - A New South Wales government agency responsible for
Transport for New transport delivery and coordination, replacing Roads and
South Wales Maritime Services (RMS), which replaced the Roads and
Traffic Authority (RTA).
Verification Checking the technical content of the drawing including
conformance to technical standards; safety-in-design,
resolution of construction and operation issues and design
interface with other disciplines.
Work-as- Drawings that have been annotated in red to show variations
Executed (WAE) from the design that were made during construction.

Appendix A – Risk intervention scenarios

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