Agar - Drugmart - Heroin Epidemics As Complex Adaptative Systems

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Drugmart: Heroin Epidemics as Complex

Adaptive Systems

Friends Social Research Center and Ethknoworks, PO Box 5804, Takoma Park MD 20913; e-mail:

Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, and D. S. Wilson Consulting, 2221 St. Paul
Street, Baltimore, MD 21218; e-mail:

Received April 15, 2002; accepted June 12, 2002

Illicit drug epidemics are infamous for their unexpected arrival and their speed of onset. Based on ethnographic
work with youthful heroin experimenters in the Baltimore metropolitan area, an explanation was constructed
based on circulating stories of drug reputation. An agent-based model was built in SWARM to evaluate the
explanation with good and bad stories about the drug passed among agents, which changed their initial
attitudes. On repeated runs with different initial attitudes the model shows wide variation in outcomes and a
dampening effect of increased social connections, contrary to epidemiologic expectations. The conclusion spells
out implications for drug intervention and social research that relies on single case studies. 䉷 2002 Wiley
Periodicals, Inc.

Key Words: social research; epidemiology; illicit drug use; artificial societies; complex adaptive systems

omplex worlds have been the object of social research Here is the case study we mean to use for the test: Agar
since social research began. In the case of illicit drug has been working in substance abuse research, off and on,
epidemics, no one has yet explained why they appear for decades. One thing is clear: Illicit drug epidemics always
so unexpectedly and generate steeply rising incidence cluster in a population. Yet no one has figured out an an-
curves. Based on ethnographic research with youthful ex- swer to the fundamental epidemiologic question: why these
perimenters, an explanation was constructed: epidemics are people in this place at this time? Currently he works on an
driven by rapidly circulating stories—both good and bad— NIH/NIDA funded project to look at different cases of illicit
about a drug and its effects. In this article, we build and run drug epidemics—“epidemic” in the sense of a steeply rising
an adaptive agent model to evaluate this explanation. incidence curve—to try and answer that question.

44 COMPLEXITY © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Vol. 7, No. 5

One case, researched with his associate Heather Schacht This dynamic of good and bad stories at the local level was,
Reisinger, involved an upsurge in heroin use among white in fact, the key to understanding how a heroin epidemic
suburban youth in the late 1990s [1]. The full analysis of this curve first takes off and then flattens out.
and other cases led to what is called “trend theory” [2]. We The question is, if we build a world of adaptive agents
will not go into the details of the theory here. At the moment who circulate good and bad stories about an illicit drug,
we just want to point out that full trend theory requires an what sorts of incidence curves will that world produce? Will
analysis of production and distribution systems and their circulation of good and bad stories produce an emergent
interactions with a population under certain historical con- incidence curve at the system level? And if so, can the way
ditions. The work we report here only involves populations the model works teach us anything new about how epidem-
who are more or less disposed to try illicit drugs, with no ics work? Or what we might do about them?
explanation of why those differences in disposition might We want to report on the current state of the model we
exist. have built that takes these questions seriously. We call the
Ethnographic research with the 1990s youth revealed a model Drugmart. To foreshadow what is to come, we want
most interesting result. According to the youth, the primary to show three results in this article.
engine that drove the heroin epidemic curve—both its ac- The first result is obvious—raising or lowering the initial
celeration and its flattening out—was the local reputation of attitude of the agents toward illicit drugs affects the curve in
the drug. Reputation was conveyed from person to person predictable ways. If Drugmart begins with antidrug agents,
in the form of stories, advice, observations, etc. The “buzz” then fewer of those agents will use in the end. Less obvious,
around the drug, good and bad, was mostly learned from though, is that the simple circulation of stories is, in fact,
experience, either of the person doing the talking or of an- sufficient to produce curves of the sort we see in real
other youth that the person doing the talking knew or had epidemics.
heard about. The second result is not so obvious—when we run the
The importance of reputation in spread of illicit drug program numerous times under the same parameters, with
use, based on one’s own experience or the experiences of only the random seed varying, it produces a wide variety of
others, is not a novel argument. In fact, it is compatible with incidence curves. Sensitivity to initial conditions is of course
other kinds of studies. A model developed by RAND makes to be expected, but given the general image of heroin—once
the same basic claim, and epidemiological work during the it lands, massive use ensues—the range of outcomes is strik-
1960s/70s heroin epidemic showed that first use typically ing. In other words, the phase space of Drugmart epidemics
occurred when a peer who had recently experimented ini- is larger than we imagined.
tiated another in the same social network [3–5]. One robust The third result, however, is less obvious still: more
finding of the national U.S. survey of adolescents, called densely connected social networks result in less use, in con-
“Monitoring the Future,” is that frequency of use of illicit trast to the epidemiologic expectation that denser networks
drugs varies monotonically with peer attitudes toward would produce more, and more rapid, “infection.” The rea-
them [6]. son, as we will see, lies in the circulation of both positive
Drug education programs and media coverage also con- and negative stories, together with the higher credibility of
vey drug reputation. They clearly can have an effect as well, stories from “friends,” i.e., those with whom an agent has a
though typically not until after the corner has already been social connection.
turned on the rising incidence curve. By the time the media We had no idea, before the fact, what kind of curve the
and the educators notice, things are already well underway. shifting balance of stories would produce. In the end, what
Besides, media and education often feature only the bad the youth taught us did, more or less, produce just what
news; when they do that, then they lose credibility, because they said it would. The stories turned the curve upward, and
positive as well as negative stories are circulating through then, with time, flattened it out.
the networks.
The local story, in other words, looks like it is more im- ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES
portant than adult-provided drug education, media, or any At a general level, complexity theory is already useful to
other outsider messages. And the local story is never con- social research as a metaphor, because its nonlinear dy-
sistently good or consistently bad, at least not for heroin. namic assumptions provide a better intuitive fit with the
Both positive and negative stories circulate. On the one kinds of problems most social researchers study. Several
hand, you hear that heroin is the best high, ever. On the social researchers have discovered this intuitive fit. In fact,
other, you hear that it turns you into a zombie and makes applications are a varied and interesting lot. Complexity and
you throw up. The youth taught us that at first the stories chaos are clearly growth industries. Sometimes reading the
are more likely to be positive than negative, but with time literature gets downright disorienting. For example, com-
the balance changes and negative stories predominate, es- plexity is offered as a solution to both “quantitative” and
pecially when addicts appear and are observed first hand. “postmodern” social research. Byrne [7] argues that com-

© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. COMPLEXITY 45

plexity reframes the quantitative sociological paradigm; for It is worth remembering that the purpose is not to create
example, he thinks of statistical clusters as system “attrac- a “simulation” of a world in the sense, say, of a flight simu-
tors” that then need to be explained. Cilliers [8], on the lator or computer game. Axelrod, a political scientist who
other hand, shows how neural nets clarify and make more has also used agent-based models, talks about a program as
precise the postmodern program, with shifting patterns of a way to conduct thought experiments, to tinker with intui-
distributed knowledge and power that adapt to changing tions. One shears away the detail of particular instances to
circumstance. “enrich our understanding of fundamental processes that
Drugmart fits into the more specific category of “artificial may appear in a variety of applications” [10, p. 5]. Artificial
societies.” This application of complexity to social research societies are meant to test explanations, not provide lifelike
goes beyond the general idea of introducing complexity replicas.
ideas at a metaphorical level. Most useful for the problem at Axelrod uses the prisoner’s dilemma game as one ex-
hand is Epstein and Axtell’s work on “artificial societies” [9]. ample. He conducted a tournament among models for
They developed a model called “Sugarscape” consisting of a game strategy. Anatol Rappaport’s simple “tit-for-tat” won,
world of sugar resources and agents who want to eat it. a strategy where the player first cooperates and then does
Epstein and Axtell build their model in layers, chapter by whatever the other player did on its last move [11]. Axelrod
chapter. Initially there are just agents and sugar, agents then used Holland’s “genetic algorithm” [12] to see if agents
who, by the way, rapidly generate inequitable distributions would figure this out for themselves. With a couple of im-
of “wealth.” Then complications are added, bit by bit: re- portant exceptions that are neglected here, they in fact did.
The model helped understand both “foraging fish and di-
production and death, ethnic groups, trade, new commodi-
vorcing,” not because it “represented” either, but because it
ties, conflict, and so on.
captured a feature of many situations, the conflict between
Here we are less interested in the details of Sugarscape
“the advantages of selfishness in the short run versus the
and more in their comments on the general nature of “ar-
need to elicit cooperation from the other player to be suc-
tificial societies.”
cessful in the longer run” [10, p. 6].
Epstein and Axtell, and Axelrod, talk about how agent-
Indeed, the defining feature of an artificial society
based modeling requires a “transdisciplinary” approach to
model is precisely that fundamental social structures
social research, an issue that recalls the writings of the an-
and group behaviors emerge from the interaction of
thropologist Eric Wolf, though he was more of a “top down”
individual agents operating on artificial environments
under rules that place only bounded demands on each
When such multifaceted agents are released into an en-
agent’s information and computational capacity. The
vironment in which (and with which) they interact, the re-
shorthand for this is that we “grow” the collective
sulting society will—unavoidably—couple demography,
structures “from the bottom up” [9, p. 6].
economics, cultural change, conflict, and public health. All
these spheres of social life will emerge—and merge—
In a nutshell, agents—who know some things and can do
naturally and without top-down specification, from the
other things—interact with an environment—which also purely local interactions of the individual agents. Because
knows some things and can do other things. Agents and the individual is multifaceted, so is the society” [9, p. 158].
environments will both change as a result of these interac- Epstein and Axtell present a “gedanken experiment” to
tions. The “macrostructures” that these local interactions show how artificial it is to isolate phenomena. Consider
produce over time—maybe they’re surprising, certainly population: as one turns various rules on or off that have to
they’re variable from time to time—are the phenomena that do with movement, sex, culture, trade, disease, etc., the
we are trying to explain. The program, then, represents a curve moves. Treating the curve in isolation would be ri-
candidate explanation for the phenomenon. diculous.” …is it sensible to study long-range population
dynamics as though economic structure were irrelevant?”
Clearly, agent-based social science does not seem to [9, p. 159].
be either deductive or inductive in the usual senses. So, one casts aside disciplinary boundaries and zeroes in
But then what is it? We think generative is an appro- on a “macrostructure” of interest, in our case a wave of
priate term. The aim is to provide initial microspeci- heroin experimentation. Why does it happen in different
fications (initial agents, environments, and rules) that ways among different people at different times? Can we dig
are sufficient to generate the macrostructures of inter- into the case studies and come up with a few simple char-
est. We consider a given macrostructure to be “ex- acteristics of agents and their worlds and build an agent-
plained” by a given microspecification when the based model? Will that model run on repeated occasions
latter’s generative sufficiency has been established and produce an epidemic S-curve? What else might it
[9, p. 177]. produce?

46 COMPLEXITY © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

DRUGMART user. A user also carries heroin, and uses at intervals
Drugmart, implemented in SWARM, is very much a work in ranging from n1 to n2, those numbers being set as
progress. It creates 500 randomly placed agents in a simple parameters.
world defined by an 80 ⳯ 80 grid. One cell is randomly 4. An addict is a user who has used to a certain threshold
selected, and heroin is placed there. Each agent is assigned value, a value also set as a parameter. The threshold
a risk value between 0 and 1, based on a random-normal value decays by a certain proportion each time heroin is
distribution. The use of this distribution is justified by the not used, a proportion that is also set as a parameter. An
many decades of research in “diffusion of innovation” [13] addict, like a user, carries heroin.
that shows that willingness to try something new is distrib- 5. An exaddict is an addict who has stopped using, though
uted in just that way in numerous populations for numer- there is a possibility of relapsing into heroin use. This is
ous kinds of innovations. an aspect of Drugmart that we have not worked with yet,
An attitude value, also varying between 0 and 1, is set as so it is neglected here.
a parameter. That value is assigned to all 500 agents. This
parameter allows us to experiment with different orienta- So, for example, if a clean agent tries heroin, it has a
tions to illicit drug use when heroin first appears. Agent probability of a good experience, and it has a probability of
worlds, in other words, can range from strongly anti- to a bad experience. If the experience is good, attitude will
strongly pro-illicit drug use. increase by a certain amount. If the experience is bad, atti-
The first basic mechanism of the model is this: If an tude will decrease. The same is true for experimenters, us-
agent lands on the cell where heroin is located or on a cell ers, addicts, and exaddicts, although for those other types of
where another agent has heroin (more on this in a mo- agents, probabilities and amounts of change will be differ-
ment), then the agent checks the current value of its atti- ent. But the same mechanism operates: If an agent uses,
tude. If its attitude is greater than one minus its risk, it takes there are probabilities of good and bad experiences, and
heroin. If its attitude is less than one minus its risk, it does depending on whether the experiences are good or bad, the
not. value of their attitudes will change.
But an agent’s attitude changes as the program ticks Table 1 shows the numbers we actually used in the runs
along. Therein lies a long story. Before embarking on the reported here. The left-hand side represents the probabili-
story, though, let us outline the basics. Agents change their ties that the experience of using heroin is good or bad, that
attitudes for two good reasons. The first reason is, the way is, whether or not it will increase or decrease the agent’s
attitude changes depends on whether an agent has a good attitude. The right-hand side represents how much the at-
or bad experience with a drug. Agents also change their titude will increase or decrease as a proportion on a scale
attitudes depending on the “buzz,” what they hear from between 0 and 1.
other agents as they move through the world. Walking the reader through every number here, never
Those are the basics; now for the longer story. First, what mind the matrices to come, is beyond the scope of an ar-
determines whether an agent has a good or bad experience? ticle. Notice, as one quick example, how probability of a
The answer is simple, on first glance. We define a table of
probabilities for good or bad experiences and an associated TABLE 1
amount by which the value of the attitude increases or
decreases. Look-up table for agents
But the answer is more complicated, on second glance:
The probability of a good or bad experience depends, in Experience probability Experience amount
turn, on what kinds of prior experiences an agent has had increase increase
with the drug. All agents are “clean” at the beginning of the 0, 75, 0, 80, 50, 10, 0, 20, 0, 10, 10, 5,
10, 75 5, 20
program, “clean” being the usual informal term for one who
does not use illicit drugs. But with time, the experience of Experience probability Experience amount
different agents will have varied. So we will find users, or decrease decrease
nonusers, of several different types: 0, 15, 75, 15, 15, 0, 20, 20, 10, 10, 5,
10, 10, 5 5, 0
1. A clean agent has never tried heroin.
2. An experimenter has tried heroin at least once. Values are the probability that attitude toward heroin will increase
or decrease based on first-hand experience and amount of that
3. A user uses “regularly.” A random number is generated
increase or decrease. The eight values are, respectively, for clean
for each agent, between 0 and its risk value. This is its agents, experimenters, experimenters with a bad experience, us-
“user threshold.” If attitude becomes higher than one ers, users with a bad experience, addicts, addicts with a bad expe-
minus the user threshold, then the agent becomes a user. rience, and former addicts. The types are defined in the article.
If the number drops below that value, it stops being a

© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. COMPLEXITY 47

good experience is quite high for an experimenter—the sec- negative direction. On the other hand, there is a strong like-
ond figure, 0.75, in the top-left quadrant. This corresponds lihood that an addict will influence experimenters or users
to what we learned in ethnographic interviews. But once an in a negative direction.
experimenter has had a bad experience with the drug, the So, to guide how the “buzz” influences agents, the model
probability of an increase goes to zero—the third figure in relies on an N ⳯ N matrix, with kind of user in the rows
the top-left quadrant. Again, this is the story we frequently influencing kind of user in the columns. And, as we said
heard, “I tried it, bad things happened, and that was the end earlier about Table 1, going over each individual matrix en-
of that.” try is beyond the scope of this article, so we neglect that
To offer one more example, note that probabilities of exercise here. The general idea remains the same—an agent
both increase and decrease are low for an addict, with or looks up the probability of good or bad news about the drug,
without bad experiences. Values of 0.10 are placed in the depending on its own category and the category of the agent
seventh and eighth positions on the left-hand side of the that is in a position to influence it. If the influence occurs, it
Table 1. By the time one is an addict, heroin is primarily looks up the amount of attitude change that corresponds to
keeping one from getting sick, because one is physically that agent/agent pairing.
dependent on the drug. Good/bad experiences will happen, The second thing that guides how buzz flows through
but by then they are beside the point. Drugmart—Some agents are connected by a social link, and
And finally, notice how the amount of attitude change others are not. We will call those that are connected
(Table 1, right-hand side) is higher at the less-experienced “friends” and those that are not “strangers.” The number of
end. The further one moves along the clean-to-addicted connections is set as a parameter, and this parameter will be
scale—the more one physically needs the drug—the less important in the next section when we report results. For
relevant the rational risk/attitude comparison. Again, this this article, we ran Drugmart under three conditions. In the
corresponds to what we know about heroin addiction, but first, there are no connections among agents; Drugmart is a
notice the last column, the “exaddict” position, where prob- world of strangers. In the second, we specify 200 connec-
ability of a good experience and amount of attitude change tions. The program draws two agents at random, checks to
is once again high. Once one has been addicted and then see if there is already a connection, and if not, puts one in
cleans up, it is very difficult to stay clean, because one place. It does this until it has successfully connected 200
knows how positive the experience can be and knows that agents. In the third condition, the parameter is increased to
in the “clean” state effects will be strong. 400 connections.
The probabilities and amounts we have just discussed in If two agents land in a position where influence on atti-
Table 1 tell us what an agent does when the agent itself uses tude is possible and those two are socially connected, then
heroin, which is a guide for the direct experience of the a different matrix comes into play. If two agents are adjacent
agent. However, direct encounters with the drug are not the and the two are “friends,” then the agent who is looking up
only way the agent changes its attitude. It also hears about the chances of being influenced has to use different matri-
the drug—the good, the bad, and the ugly—from other ces. Friend have more influence than strangers in both posi-
agents it encounters as it wanders around its world. tive and negative directions.
To model how an agent picks up on “the buzz” around
the drug, we have each agent check with all other agents COSMIC NUMBERS
immediately adjacent to it or with other agents that share The heart of Drugmart is now in place. Before we show
the cell where it lands, after each tick of the program. Those preliminary results, though, some discussion of an issue we
other agents might or might not influence its attitude. The have mentioned and then avoided is in order, particularly
chance that those other agents will or will not influence it? for those who, like the authors, view numerical representa-
It depends on two things. tions of the human situation with a healthy skepticism.
First of all, both agents, the one who is checking for How in the world do we assign numbers to probabilities
influence and the one who is doing the influencing, are and attitude changes? Consider a simple case from Table 1
classified as a certain type of user. The categories were de- discussed earlier. The table shows that, for an experimenter,
scribed earlier: experimenter (with or without a bad expe- the probability of a good experience is 0.75, of a bad expe-
rience), user (with or without a bad experience), and so on. rience, 0.15. However, if an experimenter has already had a
The probability of influence and the amount of attitude bad experience with the drug, the probability of a good ex-
change will depend on what kind of agent is trying to influ- perience goes to 0 and of a bad experience, to 0.75.
ence what other kind of agent. For example, two experi- These numbers are not complete fabrications. On the
menters neither of whom have had a bad experience will be basis of everything we know from the drug field, we can say
likely to influence in a positive direction. If the influencing that an initial experience with heroin does tend to be pow-
agent has had a bad experience, then there is a strong like- erful and pleasant—not always, but more often than not. So
lihood that it will influence the other experimenter in a 0.75 as “sort of a lot” and 0.15 as “not all the time” are at

48 COMPLEXITY © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

least in the range of plausible translations. And, if an ex-
perimenter has already had a bad experience and tries again
anyway, probably the same reasons it was a bad experience
Ranking of English quantifiers on a scale of 100
the first time will work again, whatever those reasons might
have been. Even if an experimenter tries again and does not
Always 99 100
have a bad experience, he/she probably will not improve Very often 88 87
their attitude. Perhaps there should be a slight chance of an Usually 85 79
increase in attitude here, but the number is set to 0 because Often 78 74
one so often hears or reads about the “I tried it once and Generally 78 72
Frequently 73 74
didn’t like it” story when a new illicit drug sweeps through Rather often 65 74
a population. Often as not 50 50
The numbers are related to reasonable assumptions Now/then 20 34
about how the world works, but clearly they are guesses at Sometimes 20 29
Occasionally 20 28
best. To pin them down a little more, we used results of two
Once awhile 15 22
studies as guidelines, as reported in an overview of fuzzy Not often 13 16
logic [14]. The researchers drew the usual academic sample Usually not 10 16
of college students, who were asked to listen to ordinary Seldom 10 9
Hardly ever 7 8
language terms that represented frequency. They then
Very seldom 6 7
placed each term on a scale of 0 to 100. Numbers represent Rarely 5 5
the median scores from both studies [15,16]. Almost never 3 2
Does using such results improve the situation any? It is Never 0 0
reassuring to see that the figure used in Table 1, 0.75, is in
the “often” and “generally” range, whereas 0.15 translates as
“not often” and “usually not.” At least the numbers sound
like a reasonable estimate.
To summarize, then, we have described the heart of
For present purposes, we will assume that the numbers
Drugmart. Five hundred agents begin with normal, ran-
we put in the matrices are at the right “order of magnitude,”
domly distributed risk and a shared attitude set to some
but it bothers us that the production of these numbers
number with a parameter. The agents move around and, if
raises so many critical questions from both qualitative and
they encounter heroin, they compare attitude to risk. If at-
quantitative points of view, critical questions that we ne-
titude is higher than T-risk, they try the heroin. And, if they
glect here. Can we derive any reasonable summary of how a
try it, they have good or bad experiences, with some prob-
moment of influence, one agent to another, will always go? ability, and those experiences, should they occur, change
And if we can do that, can we represent the force of that their attitude by some amount.
general influence in a numerically sensible way, in a field Agents also change their attitude, depending on the
where numbers on that same scale represent other kinds of “buzz” around the drug that they pick up as they move
influence that may be qualitatively different as well? Re- around the world. After a tick of the model, any adjacent
search aimed at obtaining these numbers, should they turn agent might influence their attitude. The chances they do
out to be reasonable snapshots of complex interactions at so, and the amount of the influence, will depend on the
all, would take a long time to do. We would never get to the combined effect of both agents’ experiences. Chances and
model. amount also depend on whether the two agents are “strang-
This is, and will continue to be, such a recurrent problem ers” or “friends.”
in adaptive agent model-building for social research that we So what, in the end, do we get for all this trouble?
should name it something—like the complexity conundrum. We decided, for this first exploration, to look at the “at-
Any complex model involving human agents will require tractor space” of Drugmart under varying conditions. Such
translations of contingent and socially constructed “quali- exploration is, of course, a major attraction of complex
ties” of life into static numerical form. Usually (which trans- models for those who begin their research with detail in a
lates to 0.85 to 0.79 in the list of terms in Table 2), the single case study. Such researchers can model the explana-
translation will be problematic, in that neither data nor tion of that single case and run it several times to see what
guidelines will exist for accomplishing it. More problematic kinds of variations on the theme might also occur, thus
still, the translation will be buried in program details, likely achieving a kind of “generalization” that otherwise would
to be passed over as the general operation of the model is not be possible. Sampling in silico we might call it.
viewed and evaluated. We ran Drugmart under three conditions, corresponding
This is not a good thing, and yet we proceed. to the way we set the attitude parameter: a strong antidrug

© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. COMPLEXITY 49

attitude, a strong prodrug attitude, and an attitude midway 20% of a population become addicted during a heroin epi-
between the two. For each of these conditions, we ran the demic [17–19]. However, although the numbers are differ-
program with no social connections, with 200 social con- ent, the general pattern seen in the first graph holds up here
nections, and with 400 social connections. as well: striking variation in ever-used and addict numbers,
Under each set of conditions, the program was run 100 general increase in addiction with ever-used but not linear,
times. Each run ended when no significant changes were and dampening effect of increasing social connections.
occurring or after 500 ticks, whichever came first. The first Now let’s turn the attitude up to strongly prodrug with a
results are shown in Figure 1. value of 0.8 on a 0 to 1 scale.
For all runs shown in Figure 1, attitude was initially set to All hell broke loose, with maximums of ever used above
strongly antidrug, or 0.2 on a scale of 0 to 1, and three sets 400 of 500 agents and addiction upwards of 250, or fully half
of runs are shown. For the first set the social connection the agents (Figure 3). Notice at this extreme attitude level
parameter is set to 0; for the second set, to 200; and for the that variation is less when compared to the first two graphs
third set, to 400. (Figures 1 and 2) and that the dampening effect of social
The graph shows the end results of each of the 100 runs: connections does not have much influence on ever-used
first for the no social connection runs, then for the 200 numbers. At the same time, connection still reduces the
social connections runs, and finally for the 400 social con- numbers of addicted.
nections runs. The red line indicates the total number of
agents, out of 500, who tried heroin at least once, the so-
called “lifetime prevalence.” The green line shows the total In the end, what do we have? Many things, and many things
number of agents who used heroin frequently and repeat-
to do. First, by Epstein and Axell’s argument, described ear-
edly enough to cross the threshold and become addicts.
lier, we have established that circulating stories and expe-
The results of the 100 runs, under each set of conditions
riences of heroin are sufficient to generate epidemic inci-
of social connectedness, were sorted by total number of
dence curves. As they note, this establishes a candidate ex-
agents who had used heroin at least once. Thus, the red line
planation, though it does not rule others out.
always increases in Figure 1 and in subsequent figures. Then
The dynamics of Drugmart depend on the numbers as-
the results were plotted on a simple line graph, with total
signed to the matrices of good/bad experiences and influ-
number of agents on the y-axis and the three sets of 100
ence by “strangers” and “friends.” We already discussed our
runs representing different degrees of social connection on
concerns about those numbers, though we believe they are
the x-axis.
at least the right order of magnitude. In future work, we
A first impression from Figure 1 is that a complex model
want to design two other separate systems of matrices and
based on circulation of stories that convey heroin reputa-
run the model again. The two systems would represent a
tion is sufficient to generate epidemiologic curves of the sort
“benign drug” and a “disaster drug.” Though not without its
we find in actual illicit drug epidemics. A second impression
problematic aspects, marijuana, for example, would be
is that the variation in outcomes is striking under the same
initial conditions or at least striking given the usual stereo- closer to the “benign drug” end of the scale, whereas some-
type of heroin epidemics. A third impression is that, al- thing like PCP would be closer to the “disaster drug” end.
though the number of addicts increases with number who Drugmart should generate the appropriate different inci-
have ever used, it is not a simple linear relationship, and a dence curves.
final impression is that an increase in the number of social If reputation does explain the incidence curve, then
connections has a dampening effect on both ever used and there are several implications for policy and prevention.
addiction, contrary to what infectious disease models from
epidemiology would lead us to expect. 1. Illicit drug epidemics may be self-limiting, if the dynamic
Before discussing these results let’s examine some oth- of increasing negative “buzz” holds. By the time policy
ers. The first graph (Figure 1), with its strong antidrug atti- changes and prevention efforts begin, the epidemic may
tude, did not produce many agents who had ever used or already have peaked. In one case study, it was shown that
who became addicts. The maximum ever used was less than by the time President Nixon’s “war on drugs” began, the
30 of 500. The story changes when the attitude parameter 1960s wave of heroin had already peaked [20].
increases to 0.5, midway between the possible values of 0 2. Early appearance of negative buzz suggests that preven-
and 1. tion material is available in the world of users. If inter-
Numbers rose dramatically in the second graph (Figure veners know what is happening as it happens, simply
2). Now the maximum number of experimenters is around making space available for experimenters and early users
150 of 500, and the maximum number of addicts is just to talk about the experience among themselves, using
under 100. In fact, looking across all three sets, it is worth their own stories, might accelerate the braking effect of
noting that research usually shows that between 10% and negative stories.

50 COMPLEXITY © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Drugmart runs with attitude set at 0 2. Drugmart runs with attitude set at 0.8.

3. This strategy is limited by U.S. “war on drugs ideology,” to wildly different outcomes: more appropriate, if
which in its stereotypic form holds that any use of an Drugmart’s lessons are correct, would be leading rather
illicit drug is “abuse,” and that no positive effects can than lagging indicators (currently the norm) that enable
result from illicit drug use. The reasonable argument be- early and rapid interventions of the type outlined in no.
hind this premise is that interveners should send consis- 3 above.
tently negative messages to youth about illicit drug use. 5. Initial attitude is obviously critical, as many studies dis-
The problem here is that positive stories are part of the cussed earlier have shown. Drugmart is neutral on this
dynamic as well and that experimentation does not nec- issue, simply taking attitude as an initial parameter to be
essarily lead to problem use. set. This area is a topic for another article. We just note
4. The preoccupation with “forecasting” drug epidemics two things here. First, attempts to influence attitude only
may be misplaced. The same initial conditions can lead in a negative direction will, for many illicit drugs, be con-
tradicted by those stories that circulate that are positive.
FIGURE 2 Credibility of the source of the exclusively negative mes-
sages will be damaged early on. Second, much of our
work on trend theory, alluded to earlier, looks at histori-
cal conditions around using populations that increases
the value of the subjective effects of a particular illicit
drug. Attitude is an extremely complicated issue, but
Drugmart does not contribute in this area.

Drugmart also has some implications for those who con-

duct social research that involves a quest to learn complex
local historical patterns among some group of people, wheth-
er ethnographers, community psychologists, investigative
journalists, or intelligence analysts. This kind of research
involves an approach quite different from positivist scien-
tific traditions, as recent and abundant debates in the lit-
erature illustrate. The limitation here is that research of ne-
cessity focuses on the rich details in a particular case study.
Critical reactions of such researchers to earlier presen-
tations of Drugmart hold that the very richness of detail that
Drugmart runs with attitude set at 0.5. results from such studies is not fully represented in a com-
plexity model of this type. The criticism is of course correct.

© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. COMPLEXITY 51

The counterargument is this: When ethnographers, for ex- may, in the end, set limits on the value of adaptive agent
ample, present research results, they typically abstract from models for this type of research. At a minimum, though, the
that rich detail and offer a core problem and describe a problem casts the eternal and often fruitless “quantitative/
basic process that explains it. The identification of that qualitative” debate in a more interesting light. It is no longer
problem and the construction of that explanation presup- a question of what a Pearson’s R between two experience-
pose a prior investigation of those details to correctly iden- distant decontextualized variables tells us about how the
tify and represent them. world works. Rather, it is a more interesting question—
So we add a caveat: A good complexity model requires a namely, is it possible to translate an explanatory proposi-
prior detailed study of the world to be modeled. This is tion about how the social world works into a mathematical
hardly a radical proposal, because it harks back to Bacon’s representation?
emphasis on extensive observation before any experimen- We end on an optimistic note. Adaptive agent models
tation. With that caveat, though, a model like Drugmart can promise to help social research in their quest for theories
help test a bottom-up explanation characteristic of ethnog- about how the world works, but it is a tempered optimism,
raphy, by running it repeatedly to examine its attractor born of the historical waxing and waning of formal models
space and by changing conditions basic to the explanation that ultimately proved inadequate to the task. Rather than
to see if properties emerge that follow expectations. The rounding up all the usual clichés about the future, we’ll just
potential research strategy is a powerful one. end it with that and get back to work.
At the same time, problems remain when numbers must
be assigned to qualitative propositions that constitute the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
problem description and the explanatory system. We have Support by NIDA grant RO1 10735 is gratefully acknowl-
discussed this here in several different places. This problem edged.

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52 COMPLEXITY © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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