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7 Steps of Intentional Modeling

1. Asking permission.
2. Give the coachee something specific to observe or do.
a. Ex: “Observe how long I wait before I repeat the choices to him”.
3. Model while coachee observes.
4. Prompt the coachee to reflect on what happened.
a. Ex: What worked, what did not work, what the coach could have done differently,
how the scenario may look if the coachee were to do it, etc.
5. Invite the coachee to try what the coach modeled.
6. Invite coachee to reflect on what happened.
a. Ex: what worked, what did not work, what might work,
7. Develop a plan for how the coachee will engage in the strategy or activity when the coach
is not present. Determine very specifically when, what, where and how the coachee can
use what they observed (JPS).

Types of Reflective Questions Types of Feedback

1) Awareness Questions – 1) Informative Feedback –
Promote the coachee’s understanding of what Sharing knowledge and information with
he or she already knows or is doing. the coachee that is directly related to an
Ex: What have you tried? observation, action, reflection, or direct
question from the coachee.
2) Analysis Questions –
Support the coachee’s comparison of the 2) Affirmative Feedback –
current state vs. the desired future state. These Acknowledges that the coach hears and
can also support the coachee in making a understands the coachee (non-committal).
determination or presumption. EX: “I hear you”, “I understand”
Ex: Why do you think that happened?
How does what just happened compare to wat 3) Evaluative Feedback –
you would like to happen? Includes a judgement of what the coach
sees the coachee doing or what the coach
3) Alternatives Questions – hears the coachee report.
Provide the coachee with possible options to EX: “Good job”, “That worked well”
obtain desired results.
Ex: What else could you try? 4) Directive Feedback –
What are possible ideas to consider? Coach tells the coachee what to do.
Should be used only in incidences where
4) Action Questions – there is a clear and present danger.
What the coachee is going to do as a result of
the current conversation (joint plan).

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